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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1907)
V n . -.Li' - ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, MONDAY. EVENING, JUNE 24, 1907. , II Olt SALK R-gAt ESTATE! - FOR BALEREAL ESTATIV j FOR SAIJ&---LIVESTOCIC. 1 "' ''-PERSONAL ' . TOAiANlVOOD . 777? 77"T . nim .r' " " pO YOU WORK ON A SALARY! ARE "u..f'nKto work; on a salary all T 1 - your Hf? What ghall you doT Come to oi-.;ffeftWi na wo wm snow;,.you where you can put It and a, little mora each , . month for a few moiBtfla without miss in; It. and bejp-,u know It you will own somefcteft tfiat while you art pay ---.-"$-fi"rU has Increased 100 cer cent. That' the way to make money, -Don't - put it off, come today. .Columbia Trust - company. Conch bldg. ii.6o"BUif8 nice modern" 6-roOm" house, large reception hall, bbb, cor ner lot, 82x100; by .owner, 637 E. 26th . at, corner Tapper t. Vf, W. or W. R. car.' Phone Sellwood 862. ' . -NEW ; HOUSE, EAST "27TH. " AND . .. Alder, $3,400; Installments. , Charle- son & Co., 411 Commercial. --, ,HBDON'T WANTtTIE EAktli ' Howse. the real estate man. at flth ; t.. therefore can furnish you nrODerty 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS ' AND lots: hnrcriilna nn D. W P. alaptrtn Una i you ao. your rauiuixi - i COW FOR BALE 4-OALLON DUR-..ham-Jersey; cuay of m,llk hard ta MANICURING. FACE MASSAGE AND . acaln. treatment,,, Tr tmm Miiwrt Mr", 'Be. 11 FOR SALE -FARMS , VancoaTer.; Wash, Laid ' . , Bargains -- 157 acres, 8 miles from Vancouver ana I miles to country town, on a Rood road; 20 acres cleared; fair 6-room house, 2-story ; barn and all outbuild ing; good family orchard of assorted fruits, 1,600,000 feet of good saw tim ber: close to church and school and In a good neighborhood; only 8,(002 terms if desired. of all kinds in all parts of the city and 1H miles to R. R. towns; 10 acres un at nrlces to defv, cnmnetlMnn. . ..Alan ihu ... . . ...... i , Tew nhoic railroad tlmr.. claim, crul.. 1 . i . j 'nPv'f8 rnSi 1a in?fi5r ii&tJ5' outbuildings; fine? family orchard of as- ' U and locating, combined, sorted fruits, 8 acres in bearing straw- , ' u. iff ivAnrt berries, good well of water, cow, chick. 40x120 WITH SMALL. HOUSE, S600 en and all farming Implements. Prioe,j ', 4 -room plastered house on good car-I -18 acres, T mUes from Vancouver and I,ni.!r,X)' 1 . ' . mil t0 country town, all cleared and . a uZ. . . Jr " W4l e-rwra pia- in crop; rencea and cross-fenced; 8-room ,.ter"d house; I960. house, fair barn and all nthi- mithntM. Modern -room house, full else base tars: younsr orchard of different vri- NJ-JW M01EHN 6-ROOM COTTAGIfi. i 107S E. Washington fiunnyside. In st aiiinentpiBn!j XrrhVr plane." Mt floott carline. TWO VKIIY ' CHOICE 1 FAMILY iEU PORTLAND SAWDUST & SLABWOOD ey cmrti freiih: verv ventle. Belmont et., Bunnyside' car. 817 ; MCSICAL IXSTRU3IEXT3 VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records: Stelnwav (and other) nlanos. Shemran, Cloy A Co., 6th and Morrison bi opp. poeiorrioe. FOR SALE .AnSCULLAXEOrS Milt w J ft mnf in unnmiaM. 1 k n n . iiaa Jt . . I v.. i .. .( f ' 1?'VL1 i m wvw"' 1 "es; auu yaras irom a good ; graded 7 Odd Fel& hfar feii7!rnTiSff,,h00,-luld P a flM nlhboVhood; good 7j. V1 Fglloy bid g. 1st and Alder. team, 8 and 4 years old. , set of aood H,iiou--(i-KUOM COTTAGE. 8 LOTS. 13 work harness, single harness, cow, rub- park. H. k Thompson, Kern Park, Mt. vetor. harrow, aaws, axes, chickens, eta Bcott line. . . . For 2,800'. .V'-r-' " ' , HOME6EEKER8 VVRIYE TO film U good rich land, 22 acres Wlllemetta Vallav Sul !T.t IT.-.. I Under fine Stat of cultivation ant In change, Woodburn. Or., top a large list I 0f0P. 11 acre slashed and Quite easily in lormn. tiBuwi foro iimuT orcnara or , -change your property, call on or ad- ':r01m t0.B. barn 82x86 with 24-foot dress George W. Turner, 808ft Wash- larare cmcxen-nouses. woven tt1 tfittirft ""ttVffa-" nous,'larg woodshed, hCghouses, ta r saia i Dr Fehfent ?od wt 1 P'-n1'n outfit; also a r; "wT t "v :n nte spring brook across place; fenced saienmens headquarters; ' eastern from Vancouver on good. . manufacturing firms represented; real eludes the following: ' ffiiC:l';Z 5? 0tfete.,,i ,ViM m're"' 8 ' harness, clrcu ated. 88 6th St. Main 8188, light and on heavy), 8 i Ington st, Portland ' Or. 1 TO 16 ACRES? aide, Co fare, for L b. faoLiiTbRfi, AUfl lUtSS" cSntry town and' iTSSS saienmens neadauarters: eastern from Vancouver nn mnd. n mA, i uooa team or s wagons (one A BARGAIN. . . I VaiOra and. One. inrlnr.tnnth ktrrAa A modern 9 -room house In the best cutter, older mill and spraying out- , resldenoe section on the west side; ce- At, all small tools, 8 mlloh cow. 4 hogs, went basement and walks.-furnace and (bout 300 chicken and all household alr modern Improvements; lot 80x100, furniture, etc, for only 33.000; term. ... ...n black from carllne: house practloally 880 acres, 100 acres tinder cultiva- r8." "n;wil) handi, lt: tnl, Uon, 100 acre, m meadowO aire in ' !? nP and th first person who sees nice green standing saw. timber,' some ih. thS'tilt " p" "nt mor JhM8:h land, comfortable farm build- ' , CVji 4TkrenwAr:'; iBt? ' mUy orchard of assorted ' COL" rn,,hR,iM!iMPA' i-ultr land fenced and cross-fenced; ., . ,eh Pu'ding. .- convenient to school,' church, R. F. 10. f i CHOICE . 8-ACRB PLACE rout and (M. mile from Vancouver: a un kkeultlv,tion partly in berries, rest An dairy ranch and dirt cheap at 2t ii ,u f nisui uu iuuq inraniT vir serf. V""- '.'?--. v'.'.,v.. rd H to Oregon City carl 810 acre, beat of land. ISO acres ILL , Br isjust as i under cultivation ana m crop, new 7- w "ay, f0,0H.;a"Thx .v, J room house, fine large new barn, all M ' ,- iM- cAMERON cq., ; j necessary outbuildings; ' orchard, well, Room 411 Commercial f)M I llvlna- itrum ihmn.i. ttll B WANT TOTTO TRADE , Lookl If vnu want tn furnish VAur home in new or good at new ao to the uouar witn your list. xm our mia summer clearance sale we will sell all week .at .auction, price s.. Our seconds nnttiV . eAAi"a anli ' namlahAH A su 8vvuv vx v w nouovei f i iuduu. , a vj- painted and refinlshed. Nothing like It In Portland; v prices are cheap and we aeuveri stoves ana ranres irom mm 10 260 and guaranteed.. 232 1st at. Phone Main 6874, A-28I7. - - WILL GET TOUR TRADE. Mill Ml v To Housekeepers The Ohio Bteam Cooker cook vervthlna- to nerfectlon and pay for Itself from on to three montn by saving 2 per cent in gro ceries, meat and fuel bills; nothing to burn, dry up or bolt over; for canning fruits it reduces the work to on half; no stirring;, no burning, and the fruit cannea Dy me cooner i aimoiy aeit clousi fits aas. oil. wood or coal stove all over one burner: If you want It you can buy on with 81 down and ii a wees. , liu at e j St si., or ring up Paclflo 3564. W will brinir you one. H6LDEM RtitiUtikm CliRSBVm cure ror rheumatism, bold ty an arurnsts. feXLLURD XKb P60L fABLEa 'F6ft rent or for sale on easy payment. THE BRUNSWlCK-BALKE-CULLlCiN f)TTH OA ! A PnrlUni . SHOW CASES ANb FlXfUftES,;EW and second-hand. Carlson 4s Kail atrom. 288 Couch st. FREE' FOR KVERtB6DY--Ra VP Main 42o or call zisu Front st. w buy and sell furniture, clothing or any oia tnin-. TWO STEAM WOOD SAWS; WiLL ell cnean. inauire Lrtwenaarat. 33 Park."-". FOR SALE - DVClt EOOfl FOR hatchin: some . . Srnhar Incubator. Call un East 1362." . ' . , sacrifice FULL . Line m6derM grocery fixture, refrigerator, scales, M&DERN " 6-ROOM" HOUSE; w0of2 and country town and 13 mUM M"' min'-). "hwcae"i t0-.r cu on . flbr plasterjBoneret basement; lot lrom - Vancouver on nie level road. A ST, addresa Stumberg 4V Son, Vancouver, &swanv f6r SALfc-lNffiW LitlvcL ii POT 0& 1st st. 82 Fremont st Price 21.600. FOR SALE 6-room nOT'TAdri' " ' ViAii nUl long, S horsepower. Call at 20 . . 60x100, choice location; good term. Cltlien' Bank Bldg., Vancouvtr, Wash. SMALL"- WOOD -"wORKINfii PLAN x-ine wain -, yi , ACRES CROP, COWS, TEAM I. for sale. Telepnone Main 838. ;'FOR SALE -CHriAPfi-feOOM G6f- i.yltrZ'fMt0Ci house, barns, creek; CASH REOiSTER FOR SALE CH&aP, 1 ments if oesirea. can zu APington fciag. ave. Call evenlng-s. Oeorae A. Thomas. I 804 Goldsmith wt. Albina, THE GREAT SALE IN LOTS. HOMESEEKERS. , ATTENTION I FOR SALa-ONE WATER HEAtEJC i, I : one 600-gallon tank, separate or to- , r : w iiio. ,.( I .oner ror anorc tim so-acre ranch, on 600-gallon tank, sepai 35 down. IS ner month, lot 40s11R. 140 aore clear and in cron. iRn h.rin. eothr Anntv at T1 1nt at JO-foot alleys; nothing like them for fruit trees, berries; new 8-room house, tU ALL' ' nitltk ' ' faxN'cij COW the. money r look these" up before they large barn; small tam, wagon, 6 beaj behlckenT chaoa twrna. . 813 ar all jold; car every IB minutes, cat!., nower. rake, plows, harrow, oul" CommerclaJ fcloSVl m Sit tell . jr.- J. Oeder, corner CJrand av. and E. tlvator, 6 doxen fowl, other property; I . L- J "T A ; uw 1 M Ankeny. - . near church, graded achool, ftt mllia FOR .8ALE.MODEL F CADILLAC ! bo'VOil Hva'kt a i.M irom Columbia river. Fdr particulars - toUHng car. . Apply RotChchlld Brofc, " 66x100 feett . 7 "- ' call on or writ J. i ft' Wnnttngtnn, Kmo .1 " .na ""rnB'a- Directs ea-reet wipes narirea. raiei i t nr unr rm Water nined to every lot ,' , - A low as 3210. ' ; ' 15 down, 36 per month. -v" . . .In choice resldenc district: . Take WW. oar a M 8d and Tamhtll at.' - - And ge-to Lorrinton.- -" ' l. . MOORE REALfT CO, . if. ' i 268 Stark St . Agent alway on th ground. At Lorrlnton. , . ; C. R; Dounell & Co. ' REAL ESTATE. Room 12, 368 , house, built 3 years, pf MaeEly Junotlon. Inquire 1818 Exe- i irr .,. Tirtemoutn. . 8-room bouse, corner 60x100. well Im proved, near sutton: $260 cash, balance am a rent Choice lot fronting on car, ana otner joih; terms. for' sale. pointer pups, five hnMi-ipfifiTDfl 11 " " I montns oia. , Address B. B. urewing, W locate homeataada Ammmft pcaverton, or., Route 1. TUKKISI t m BATHS, s 60 ."" 0rEGONAN , i.-,n,laie" oaya'.gentimn,. night. ... 1 1 ii tvnti. ' .i.,k iiA.CK DATES OF MAGAZINES AT cents. Jones Book store. 291 Alder. MISS GIBSON UVES SCALP TRlAT" ment; dandruff, 26 V4 Morrison st, room D. , MlSS.'RAYlM'ANDl.MASSEtE,' Morrison. Room H. 2T Phone M. 481 Hypatla ' THE "WORLD'S WONDER.' . Dr. Stahl's 'Key to Man." Descrlp tion chart free with each reading., N. 8d st. Vapor baths and massage, him 6th St.. room 26 ASTRANGER In1 CiTV" WISHES' THE- aoquafntanoe of respectable young any; oojeot company. N-01, Journal, XOUNG - SGIENTIFIC - MASSEUSE Rlvea electrical. 1 alcoholla ' and mdl cated treatments, also tnh hatha. : Ralelyh hldg., 8th and Washington ts, FOR . SALE OR EXCHANGE FOUR cylinder 'Franklin automobile. In good condition; will sell or. trade for launcn. rnone racino i6Z, or m. zits, CHRISTIAN GENTLEMAN. PROHIBI tionist. Ma means, desires acauaint anc of refined lady, object matrimony, AnareFB k-bvz, journal klSS ETHEL WARD. mAnIcUrIS and Chiropodist, formerly of 880 Pine st., is now tocatea at noli Morrison st., room is. 1 .- - WANDA, Ttfl3 FAMOUS PALMIS clairvoyant, cryttal gaier, card reader. Z2W etn st. . .. "'W" W Am ' ffl7 JTk XJS IU A U A suite 4, aolentlflo massage. Lady as sistant. bR. tf. J'piERCE: sPE6ULtst: bis eases or women: ail lrretruianue cnr. rected: no exnosure: medicine hv mall. Office J 81 1st at, corner Yamhill, Port- GENTLEMAN. STRANGER IN THBl city, desires the acaualntanne of i lady under 86; object company. Ad dree A-400, Journal. ' ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT, FINCH BIGGER, ATTOR- neys at law. 4 Mulkey bid., corner Id and Morrison ts. . ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOME DESIGNING IN ' latest Swiss, Craftsman and other tyie. ", ' ' ' . HUME DK91UN1NG " CO., .-.! Healy bldg. Architect. Cor. E.-Morrlaon and Grand av. ERNST.- KRONER. ARCHITECT Plana and specifications; also building suparimenaence. , : AUTOMOBILES HOWARD M. COVET. A rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobile, Cadillac and Knox. Temporary location ciud uarage, ntn and Aiaer ts. AS3AYER3 OARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. nd Montana Assay Office. 186 Mor rison st ' " . ART FRJE LESSONS IN Embi jldery Every" Day. ' . THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, 282 Washington St. H. MOORElflOuSExA CO. ARTtSTS' materials.' picture moldln. nictura framing.; ctereoptlcona, lantern , alldea Aiur at. ,:' . - ACCORDION DRESS PLEATEVQ MISS bid? covered. a GOULD, 617 0 WETLAND -Accoraion pleating ana buttons BATHS-MASSAGE 220 acwss m f tTttorrVTi land In th FOR SALE 5-WEBKfl-6Lb FOjg ER wona. --' A.aares AUten v. Barnes. Lake-1 rier pupa, isi ivi xetn St.- .view.- Or. -v.. " 1 FtV fefttioNb-ttANn1 I 80 ACRES.- 40 CULTIVAtKn. RArrlSewlnit machines at your own uric, all UM ID M nutim ill -k I itmVu. at lha Whit. Rivlnlr MrBthlna IV(nMW-8 teM.Mti ' V : MANICUHINU, FACE ANZ7 SCALP all farmlna- Implement. ,n wuh 7 i ZZ I r v - ak rw.'Hr wjmihw treatment; oatn ana massag. lion nr.. mil. - eMm'-. "j"" '.".'J. "K1. umn.liojuui . nioniwu lin BI. iT. .75r nrsi-cias transportation to cmcaso iuuvi ,ruiu ureron ' L.1IV mnn 11 mu.a I am t . v.iai . ... . -1 . . -... from Portland; Sriee xsTnoo , I r:ri'.T r Vf . ? ' "-"V "Ur"" .m JJWXVJBHi.a' BUfl-iiltH anc In naiturer 2 mn frnm ooiues, siignwy sea; osu xo BUTCHERS': DUPPUES-8. BIRKEN- t a . - . - - w w - . m . mim mr naa avin . -i-. v , 1 w n a .ana T7A.aA a . a I "., - - I i . TV a IU WWaa ,V1f H -MU f GIBIk BL.i 1HI IIPII in coast iWOODjTN NITED STATES. NATIONAL. B ANKfigEQaTLANP. . QRmQ& . . , "VT - ki J ll 1 1 1 1 K iiuVHIOBDi UfVAJ! lO.' 1. 1-' ' - ' .. "o ins unjtea states ana Europe, llonjkong and Manila. wimu.'- L(l?on F,vorWe Terms. . - , Prealdent.j j, C. A INS WORTH I Cashier It W. SriTV' i Vice-President.,. i..R. lJEA BARNES Assistant cashier W. A. lu-i-i' Assistant Cashier .v,.... ...... A. if wntHHT .... Ttl g Business. tow w ihw tjo1.-" ny " oaaiTMauwOoi tbl wain iviw, - '- JrOR" PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 4875., Oak, ash, fir and coal. Portland Wood - & Coal Co, 18th and Savior sts. I . TTVESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. '.House and blacksmith coals, coke. cnarcoai, Kinoimg. rnone main ioib. TELEPHONE EAST 7. IF. B. JONKS A CO.. Wood and Coal. 181 East Water st. ' FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregron Fuel Cn.i 834 Alder. TW-PORTLAND FUEL " TC0MPAWf , Transact, a General Banking BuslVeasDrCAs'.nd Le'tterV of Credit Issued wood yard. Pioneer and C. R. Davis Fuel Co.'s fir, ash and oak cordwood CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF- flee and store fixtures built and r- modalert ; . - showoases ' and - - counter. Phone Main 1787. J E. ilELVONOFFldE. 6T0HE " tures: general jobbing. v7 1st at Phone Main 810. .T SPIOUlD a a A m I VT At r-IVK.1 . era! lobbing; office and store fixtures. l-none I'aeinc (. L DD .TI1-tPnjl BANKERS Portland, Oregon. Ettahlli-h l 1858. .WtM- LADD.; a E. LADD. 3". W. LAD1 . UaviUV."-8 General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK' DKPARTMFNT. pavings book Issued on savings deposits. Interest paid on time dT"""- HEIiCIi4iT?' NATIONAL BANK Portland. Oregon, m . : . . J- ANK; WATSON,. President I R. L DURflAM. ...... ,Vlce-Presldnt - , ut i,....,.,. , cashier I GEORGE W. HOYT. .Assistant uaauier B. U. CATCHING... .Second Assistant Cashier enarnl Tnnlrlnv HilU... : n,aftfl tt ' V .h.m i Available to All Parts of the World. Collections a Specialty. THBBANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1884. Head Office. San Franolaoo . capital paid up, .... 84,000,000 1 Surplus and undivided proflte 80.15S. 878 n-S!"! "PHf and Exchange Business Transacted. k Interest on' Time Deposit. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Aooount may b opened of 310 and up- WJM. . R, MACRRA .a . , Ufan cr a v I T - TJTTTJTr'tJ A Wt T . i.a' iTnTlMirOV g . . T r eat .MP)W . . t --AmA-A-e w----r' - FIRST NATIONALBANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on Poclflo Coaat - CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 11,800,000.00. , DEPOSITS, 114,000,000.00 MILLS. . . . . .v : i : . PrMMn( I W r - w.Vnun -t - Aaaiattmt Taahley . .Cashier B. F. STEVENS, Second Ass't Csshier J. W. NEWKinir." '...! TRUST COMPANIES. CHIROPODISTS PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORBGON-i-Th Oldest Trust Company la Oregon. RESOURCES OVER 33,000.000. General Banking. Two per cent . r oncnecK accounts even hundreds) on daily balances or leou or CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING over, f tJL""cYunl", nurartai; on oa r Da..ancvw m tvy : .. n rv. Win rtnnm 9xn irilrtni i,. " "rnuit ana excnanKB on an part 01 i tn 'wona. y oavmae bldV th nhonia. JTleldnar I oountai. . ximi certificate. S to 4 per cent; short-call special eeriiflcate. 3500 yJt3.Kx jiJ'i 0ll J.A" JPcnt Call for Book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS.", . . ouu intrant ;ornr Third anri cmr utm T -vr... ------- w n - ? Alleky bldg. Phone Paclflo 2282 andBENJ.J. COHEN -i , -i . i - ... . . - "U6i.i... ... ... .secretary J. o- GOLTRA . phone Private Exchange 72. ....... Vice-nre . .Assistant Secretary DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL lor norse and dog. 283 Gllsan at CECURITY SAVINGS A TRUST CO.- J ... General Banking Business." 266 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. lliVIVill riffDlDTUITMl' Tnta. est allowed on Tim and Saving Account. Acts a Trustee for Estate. Draft AM . rtHMt i...n.ku . 1 1 -r . - 4,.. 1 A Fhone Main 1484. v ' 1 T 'f 7it t a' ' ii" resiaent I l a. AKWjB.,,.irsi vce-rrasian nRa n v. wnnwul Ak' iitf . vice-rresiaent I li. V. jubitz. ............. .eecreuwy iinr infl hatm tinttniffti. idi rv nrh - - . ...... .... - flTLE GUARANTEE TRT7ST fnliPivv tu ntr.. 1 - - MORTGAGE LOANS ON Tortland Real Estate at Lowest Rate. . DENTISTS ... ' I . .. 11141 V m . . i . . r . i ii aaa-v aaw uUI fUi - MUD LI AtJLBl C LA r II 1 n 1 1 CU. Jt' DR. W. B. KNAPP HAS RETURNED f ivT"25Br.N ROSS.,... ..President 1 JNO. E. AITCHI90N...... .Secretary from east Offlc 10 Hamilton bldg. , QEORGB H. HILL. . . .Vice-President T. T. BURKHART. .Treasurer DANCING WALTZ, TWO-STEP, THREE-STEP and stage dancing; lessons 2oo during summer months. Prof. Wal Willson Danclna? Bcaool. 804 Allskv bids-.. 8d and Morrison srs. ' - BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. ffl munuiym, nnroa ana ruono pprvice tjorporstion Bono. DOWN1NG-HOPKINS . COMPANY Established 1883 BROKERS: STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and "Sold for Cash and on Margin. --, Prlvat Wire. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ' , Phon Main' IT. gSaSfiSA Blfi Oycrbcck, Starr & Cwle Co. f &rB,?4Wt W J5S&' th ' ' " . . GRAIN, PROVISIONS,' COTTON, ' STOCKS ANDONDSL DRESSMAKING MADAME ANGELES 241 FIFTH. PA cine 882. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION ntTsiMfrca I Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. . EDUCATIONAL BIONEY TO LOAN. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Washington and 10th at. Fliedner bid. juooKkeeping, Hnortnana, Typewriting and all Emrllsh branches tauabt both uay ana nignv - 1 FINANCIAL' Alb TO Six WORTlttf youna ladle who . wish to take a Shorthand course. . Anoly at one at office. 17 Commonwealth, bldg., 6th ana uurneiae ts. - OREGON EXPERT CbLLEGEl CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON 8AL- arle. insurance oollcles. elanos. fur nltur. warehouse receiots etc.! anv de serving person rosy secure a liberal ad vance, repaying by : sy weekly or montniy installments. - .1' NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE COM ,. PANY,. ' . , 208 Ablna-ton Bldg. MONKEY. ADVANCED SALARIED PEO-1 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and .Ankeny J without security; cheapest rates, easiest sts. Phones Main 8001, A-8001. Teleg- j payments; offices in 60 principal cities; raphy, - typewriting, penmanship, Span-lsav yourself money by getting our isn lanruaae. inaiviauai instruction. 1 terms nrst. GERMAN LESSONS TO BEGINNERS' TOLMAN, 222 AblngtOB Bldg. mt iK9 Mnrr inn; rumiuhlt! class or I l"71 u .. Id St.. near Alder. 8tabllshed 1870: old and reliable; any amount loaned on watcnea, aiamonas, jeweiry ana eai sKins. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS F. E. BEACH A CO., THE PIONEER ..f.1". Co. Vindow glass and glasing. 188 1st St.- Phone 1334. . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO.. 311 STARK ST.. Electric end Gas Fixture and Supplies, Mantels. Tiling. Grate ana uogirons. PAC.IFld ELECTRIC CO. ENGt neers.- contractors, repairers, eiectrio wirlnr. supplies. 4 1st cor., Btark. Main 689, RHTSte, Mgr. . . Western' n bON T feORROW MONElf 'ON SALARf . until you 613 Dekum bldg. 6th at Contractors, electric supplies. we insuiii iint REAL ESTATE PARRISIL WATKINS CO., 260 AL- der st Real estate, rentals. loan fnd Insurance. W make a specialty of handling rental and property for real dent and ' non-restdent. Established 1872. Phone Main 1644. 1, W. OOrLBEE. REiAL ESxATfl ANO loans: cstaousned las), 14H 1st. iwnr ill SPHINX AGENCY". - DEALERS Y3 real estate and j-entals. 205 ft StarK st Main 6164. . 1 - - FOR FARMS. OF ' kVERY" DESIOrIp .,tion. W. W, Espey, 818 Commercial Mag. -- - --- - - RUBBER STAMPS I Stark st hous at Oregon City; fine soil; on good n' 't 7, 1 .7 aa ?m wa . 7$&JxZ&ErmV AWvitt fi'gW.vl oountyrroad; price 365 per acre. FOR SALE CHEAP COMPLETE MO-l'-ober aupply hou on OWNF.R 8-ROOM " B. DlMlCK. tlon picture machine outfit 'Including Write for oatalogu. K?nJ,P2?Jia Oreaon City. Or. flni-145 6th W room 1, . -J BATCHERS' SUPPLIES-. Oregon City, , Or. BARGAIN If taken t one 160 acre of land one mil from town; 100 acre wheat land, 60 acre fruit and alfalfa: la mil nm nr.ii. n . guaranteed over 32,000 fruit crop j FOR SALE BLACKSMITH CRANK COMPLETE OFFICE OUTFIT, ROLL. top aesa, swivpt cnaira, oino cnairs. table,- maps, card indexes,- etc 8ee Cha. M. Hemphill, at TiU Guarantee a Trust co. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dektm, 181-188 lat t, carries a full line and ct ..lplete assortment at lowest marxet prioee. .vv BLANK-BOOK MAKERS motors and dynamo ana power plants. MORRISON EtftCYRlC CO.-28i CRESCENT LOAMt CO., 422 ' MOHAWK bid. Money to loan on easv-oav- ment plan to wag earner ; atrlctly oon- naentiai.--- - : re-1 MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEO- pie just on your own name; aon t, P. C. STAMP WORKS. 343 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamp, seals, stencils; Baggage, trad .check; brass signs and plate. ROOFING Morrison t Fixtures . wiring. natrln. S!t 8188 - FAiRBAkKS,,.MORSB-W6T0R AND bt" foaH.?1' 'rrt? dynamo. - A. C and D. C. lat and Lhvt .iJ Stark ts. bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes) business strictly confidential. F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bid.. 236 ! wasnmRTon, TIN ROOFING, 1 GUTTERING, RE-pairing- and general Jobbing. J. LoalL 812 Jefferson st. Pacific 1424. h . ? RESTAURANTS v GO TO THE BUST BEB FOR DELI cateaeena. Horn cooking. 434 Wash ington st. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS" 'WIRE VtRON "WORKS MORTGAGE LOANS AT CURRENT RICHELIEti ftES'rAURAWl'. 83 M. 6TI Phon, Ma (21 meal.),. Ut t PORTLAND 2d and Everett GASOLINE ENGINES Trust compan MONEY ' TO cellent cook. of security. Washington tIdg. F"ine new. modern 6-room house with I Jennie Williams, Free w tor, Or. this year: Water rlsrht first claas: title forge, copper bearlnrs.. cheaaY 616 1 HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM. 108-111 ID kt.i'w i.jfva t.i,mf-fa .ltw perfect Pric. $167000. Addre' Mr. The Dekum. I t-Bliink book manufactured ; aKent 'tulr Faka MoT.. Co. . , uirttt a a f TirtHm m i tTW Ttr i mr jonBfr imnrovfta i jnnuvi art lAri crAr i '-r-.-' . , vat. vjxm ' aja rvuria rAWiLii I " ivi: inretlr. 1.rw7 C.r AU! I lt AlKl BIBTK Bt. Stationary anrt marine: electric eoulo-1 TO LOAN SUMS TO SUIT ON CHAT ments: launches; accessories: wholesaler. tW curlty, tB, A. Fram, 41S the and retail: en sine reoairinit. iteierson I M arquam. Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Morrison at AN UN ALL KINDSIfinSlT riT? ifaiV'Diir . William HolJ. room M white Kin .mi 882 Morrison st. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS - ; three lots, corner; 3600 cash, balance BUY YOUR FARM, NEAR PORf LAND; I frigerator, nearly new, good order, iriB rent, aiso cnoio acre tracts. I ncn soli; prices advanclna: aend for cneap. bib j no iKim, uav ur fouos. vuuiu on i my Dig aescriptlv list Or call. QUICK LOANS ON AtL'SECKRlTttS. b. w. King, 4B , Washington . bldg. mum tjvv. see th new Eureka leaf, th best on th maraei. . tract. i W. Tt RUST. ' Arbor Lodge station. Phone Wtood- " - lawn 126. jVEW ADDITION FINE L6s "eOxiii," v streets 60 feet near car station at Lents, 60 car far; only $116: term, I Dixon, Canby, Or. a. w.l HARDWARE FOSTER A KLEISER flIONSl. ... W have built un th lirm Im business In th city bv flrst-claa. woru- paper only. Ward, lawyer, Allsky I '' Psht" .Stn nd Kverett ata. phone bldg. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS TDlCEit GROCERY TO EXCHANGE ON HOUSE and lots. Good location and business. 838 union avenue m. EXCHANGE 260- - - linETNQ for TiMnmnf We offer you every advantage throue-h FOR SALE OR Srtl r J. v"x tr" .VT'r,m' our .ytem or expert examination acre wneat rancn m tsnerman county, Take Mount Scott car. O. R. Additinn. I hlh .ku niiMA.t.n.i. ii.. .i.Ji mil.. m.m.i a.,i. nun. .k.. -Lenta, Or., 60 fare. lability of a tract without spendlna Umelhave you to offer! Owner. 81 H 6th et. $10 DOWN; $5 A MONTH. or. money. If our general report Indl- I 48 ACRES.', " DOUOLAS " cOtiNf Y'J nmt vrhf THE RENOWNED CLAIRVOYANT SPIRITUAL ADVISER. ' SPECIAL THIS WEEK. LOW FEE. . COLTJMRIA HARDWARE CO.. 2D AND Morrison su. JKverytnin , in in km, Ii . i. - - . I -" naroware una 1 , 1 - 1 Portland Hardware. CO. S0- llclts opportunity to quote prioea. . 74 1LoAM fOr The AfekWa-flALAftY or cnatteL i h Loan jo, 410 Dekum Exchange 85 I 6th St. Paclflo 466. HOTELS Fine-building lot. .3376 to 840 on "ASw,.n.v" ,In".jr?" WMt Whlngton. Wheat land to exchamre. do v. terms; n minute rrom business r"Vi tri.S? " uu nan, acre ar What have youT No commission charged. Alexander Land Co., 6SH 6th JAMES D. LACTCT A ?( . 1 121 Chamber of Commeroe, Portland. - 607 Lumber Exchange, Seattle. TIMBER. CLAIMS. 80c. COc tOc 60c. tOo. center; three carllne; now do not aay air2E?5 S jTSh vou cannot' own a home. I TRY 'THB LACET WAY.' ... i , MOULTON & 6COBEY, 601 Columbia bldg. 366 Washington t THE BELLEVUE, EUROPEAN PLAN, - 4tn ana Baimon. HOTEL' Portland, Am. plan. 33. 86 dayl MONEY TO LOAN 'lU"tU6 6 HMS'A 1 Charleson A Co.. Commercial. Phon. mciric use. . - ... MbNEY TO Loan OH RtJAL cnattei monaaae ; or personal a. curityi notes bought & W. Pallett. Si)4 r ontm ""'it. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" tOR "fZ land Sign Co., 287 Stark. Paclflo 1896. SAFES near Pine.: ; HAVE -YOU BEEN OUT TO WIBERO AieiKnir 'la kos city Park line WANTED TO EXCHANGE THE FUR- lnauirea into the future, settle for lot on ast side;, house for tent IPS?" th0f paratr rempvee evil th.Tmy. iJAgJ! European; 4th a Aider INSURANCE PORTLAND SAFE CO., SOLE AGENTS for Herring-Hall-Marvin safe and Manfcanese Steel Saf Co.' bank safes; 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap. See them or write . .. -".i 1' mi 1 ' ji M ... i , i, i us. vn nn st. vjlli lja to.uwu un Lja.aa, e veh i pjeboLIJ a, out isanay roaa ana get off at WlberK.-""rJow preparea to tax appuca- w . v.- Hi-Ai,nPi, health to th aiclc. happiness to th un Lane. Agent on the ground. , .on" yregon ana uanrornia railroad i "l"'. j?"JAxi"'i,"".,-."l11,y? happy, If you wish to know the re WULLWiHA TKUBT COMPANT, vuuen puuqiny, land. We have secured the eervice off 1 furnitur and lea of hotel. Ad- ,-cVet and' mnt.; e- an ahfh .I., am..!-. w - . . ........ . ... I Mraa. .ini 1 mi vn . 1 i .v I . i. . , ISAAC L. -WHITE, FIRE INSURANCE, i works. 844 Sherlock biag. cent Interest on real estate. Farrinar ton. 813 Fenton bldsr. " MONPMENTSi .-; . . NEU A KINGSLEY. 266 1ST. HT- Portland' leading marble and granite I success which you deserve oonult this W. L. PAGE. INSURANCE; EMPLOY MUSICAL Ii ! L-ZI i.. .... ..., .... I l. 111 I V..J. 1 Jkl 1 . .11 " Mja" I BUILDING SITE, BLOCK 22 tOLmanF IX ii . X na cn ,v I iu n,A.vAJNUi!i lo v eoxioo, UK-1 entea psyenic; guarantee to etart you err ltabiiity su addition, near naw aohnni- i.i.i ..i 1 " -"".. v.u- i.. wr uurnif. i ment waia, xvorinrup St., near ira riant roaa to success; no matter ana accident insura Antie witV T .".lng.ana cruiser combined are 626. At In th finest residence district: elon a- what your opinions are. Investigate and 328. 204 Falllna blcig river view: 1. minute1 .rid. i. w. nave ivg cnoic ciaim. ' ii aide or a 315.000 .residence and other. you wuj pe richiy, rewarded., jas Mol. WOOD .n,A1ie.Ltn, !5.rally aometbing alee. NtCE LITTLE SUBURBAN HOME,' f 5 full lot 250x100, all under fence and ;uI"W.n' W"iF oa located uoon'landr wlth'heaVv" tlmW you want one. call early. M. l. HOWBE, - (6 6th at Phone Main 6188. TIMBER LANDS. -1 fine buildings; cash value $2,760, for a moaern nous ana lot; win giv or take caen aiaerenoe, east or west side. X a. 1'atterson. zes Htarx at., room it Intending purchasers desiring to be GROCER Y to rwin jiuubO' nmnr uaw. nun. naranr i i.. . .' ." : ii .. " - closet, fruit. roses.-lawn. cement -ViV- a.frTnlaIm .Ta.i i.'i urffn1:.',f ',!dr"" J-290, Journal. 1 block-Of Mt. Scott car at, Flrland ata- T&r "uih,"B WAN.TED-TO EXCHANGE Locatlc- foe Including all necessary at torney's fee are reasonable. Addres MELVIN. SAME FLOOR AS BOSTON DENTISTS. . ...THE BENSON BUILDING. $31 i MORRISON ST., COR. 6TH. PHONE MAIN 7246. rety bonds, burglar PIANO LESSONS AT THE STUDIO. nee. . i-none jtiam i o juorrison, st reaucea rate aurina vacation; term reasonable. PIANO, VIOLIN, C0RN MTtYirRnnrx: bllitv and Individual accident seourlty bonds of all kind. Fhone 47, 303 Mo Kay bldg. j MANGANESE BAi'E.i Lara line carried. Lock-out onannd. Jack. Jails, metal furniture. Both phone. J. E. Davis, 66 3d. ' ' STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings- 314 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO of Portland. Office 656 Worcester blk. ', SEWING J1ACHINES. LEATHER AND FINDINGS tion; for few day only at $2,660, T xr n I ILTTTOI-IXT rv Room 412 Commercial Bldg. J.'E. exciiAnge: mm real estate. What have vou J - Ownar address J-290, Journal. , AJways Consult the Best . CHARLES L. MASTICK & CO., FRONT ana jsk sts., . leatner ana. Kin or bulldlna- with flat ahnv. tar Wi ."li'.'a --rance ciajr- every oescription tor an purposes, soie -- w we i vuviuiE ni ir a ai area - uriviiav nn Finainaavi aiit eon anttanai nmiin as house between Madison and. Lin. and all affairs of' life: t.U. vn,.;"eT,ti -room 'jxjstn e-ijvm. iwudu, dakn, CUlUK- I wmi ,f on iniuoo muu ainrunil. ' ai, V. i Car, I 'rnm windmill station. 138S.E. Irvlngton t. Quarter can also show timber land for al at nargain price. . Addres JB. E. Morgan, A STORfl Greteat living astral dead-tranc elalr- n and XArZ ZZh IKt.B ,"ef,,ott ?.u-ta" epln st... P. C La.en A Co, 876 lit nam. Tand whatoul eWi 0yU St., i'oriiana. . vn win n.rrv hi .. locate cartle on land cruTalna' OK baud OK EXCHANGE 87 FUR- yotr love, even inougn mile away; re- ,006 1000 to 12 000 000 feet oer . n,Bne( room' ,ul1 n1 PKl long unltea th .eparated; give secret pnw. ection- location fee T 8300 lease. Phone Paclflo 1686. ' " er to controfrdoe all other Advirtlse tefvou' S? iSti2! Vni: 99- Hour. 10 to daily and Sunday. Verdin, Grant Pass, Or, LANDS RESTORED TO ENTRY. PERSONAL - Corner 23d and Belmont, 60x70, dou ble, house, 14 rooms; modern, conven ience. . Price, 36,600. Addre H. W. BAILEY. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE MTT.r.fOM rtinita .h' WriiJ weimont - Phon Gold Beach, Or. $0 tream. . tributary to Wlllamatta,. ti Portland: 85 cent ner M If taken at 8iELWashinon, Phone East 4464. nrln" .VvKS? UOnJ ELEGANT OUEEN ANNS nnnn mi-Tmr. c. n.. lfj) ..t-ji I Aries .lVil -. iri.. -'r t V" PAIM. " 7.-JU1L11I 1 D.hwi.l. 4A VI... .4. hsth. toilet wash hand haaln. .11 nAr f 'i-i000" L"Iro.;.tatl0P.' . S00d lbr-fro tobiiiegh mrxjTV ri 'Vr, A tt- Hson, corner Tth l.l.'.l.trtn lihf. nA wmill. fMO Agent. 1 1 "S?".".', .V"if Untu".,.,- 'l,.' 'JUH J I Hit jaaiea .Kirt pressaa. OVC. Ull w'0" inunai wo iaku KHiAtV I i i to uoeu. oc. j em st., corner Main.'H".. els. etcj German, English, Frenoh, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction- xoreign dook - or ail 862U Washina-ton et. Phone Main li7 CONSULT THE BEST 'if WILT rwva tiiKArnai im the knd. FREE TEST I - FREE TEST! Take this advertisement to . PROF. D. NIRIjO. , 308 Washington etreet LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR BALE ALL kinds, including . approved .forest re erv acrin for aunveved. unsurveved. timber and pralrl government land.' H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland, bone, clarinet Professor E. A. Smith THE SEWING MACHINE REPAIR CO.. 264 12th st Main 4703. I S?' First t. formerly machinist for RACHEL PAULSON. MAnO aviS Vi? ?21 ? -f eLn-T er-nr. TUhT0niU Tn7oWrtJmT rtei th on,r tolfne engine lawn 4i d ' Pnonyirood- erpert on the Paclflo coast Home I Phone A 8820. MONEY TO LOAN lain: eiectrre Hants ana rtxturee: a bund-1 ft,,. rriKi- -; - .n. , nce of closets, room tinted, concrete TTM'Ttirfvn'fcpTP axt-b- 6r-fai VAwtbert 106 Sixth at. next ibasement, beautiful lawn, streets 1m- CH.Tt?75? BRIJ' ,A??.,F5a iiow- Phone Main 2088 ... ... -v,.,, tt W... WW VU.1U1 ber of Commerce. roved. A bargain, $2,650.. ",; Strictly 'modem 6-room cottage, built in same substantial manner a above, In : same locution, .verytning compiet IOr a home.. A snap, $2,100. HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR JRENT HOLDEN'S ; RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cur for rheumatism. Sold by ail oroitaiBt.. .--' -:- . MANLY VIGOR. RESTORED BY felt Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month' $$$$33$$38;$$t$8$3$$3$$$3333$3$333$$$ $33$33$$$$t$$$$3$!3 3$t$33$3$$$33$3$$$3 IXIIIIISIIIISSIIIIISIIIIISSISIIIXSSSII PROFESSOR WATif.AfF. ' 33113383 SALARY LOANS 233831112 kind. -Portland favorite clairvoyant palmist $!$ ON PLAIN NOTES. $33333$ ana meutum; reaaing 20C 341 hi Mor- I iu, ifi, 30, 40, oU, ?, lil. 6U. iU. 1UU. IX Cheapest and best place to . 133 enntxtw tnxnv - r r tww V .rrt mnnrmfMrVil Z Ptita TrOTI Ttw TTF-t V1 I 1 "VUUOil, ..v wiavv... . bV dav. Week .nd month- 1 .,.. Itp.tman t S? month', i IP.. .n wear new reiepnone building and i? I'"ne"" MU,e "tn d Alawthorne. I cureiy eeaied by malt Agent, Wood Piedmont carbarns, corner . Ja.Min . and t East 72. Missouri, orth Albina. . 5 BEST . WORK AND LlGHT HARNESS. MRd. OBROCK. ' GRADUATE -t...- cf-vt.::,V.r.' a, .... .. I Pce joweei; we take your old har- aeusei cabinet bi . .....y .x., - IM1...H..II nn, , nep n exenan lor new. neiier Har- NEW MODERN COtTAGES. WITli ess Co.7 49 North 6th et. large lots, $260 cash, balance Install- GOOD COVERED WAGON AiD HAR- ments: fin. acreage homes, any else; ness, $76. 116 N. 14th st - &' etenaSdnCwh.es8t . de.'" VaJmeV. lrS Land Co., 208 3d St. , - iaxmr neea ; MPjess wagon; n or part S. .ACRES NEAR VERNON CULTIVA: 678: Portland Heia-hts ra;. Pn.f" 1,0 ard. Clarke & Co., Portland, Or. GRADUATE MAS! at h. salt alow; alcohol rub. cream massage: reference; 183 8ew-nth st Main 4868. DON't BE" DULL ANt) ABSOLUTELY NO SECimlTY." ' Lowest rates: easiest navmant. REBATE given if paid before die. $ ... REMEMBER, 'IF YOU WORK WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY. $ Everything Strictly Confidential. 333WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK 7 3$8 $333 Hour, 8 a. m. to 6 p. ro. 8333 llllf H.ln.i... , 11 II . m CITHESCLEANED AND- PRESSED, 3333$ STATE S ECURIT Y CO., $3$33i CONSULT PRflVFT rHF A PT"fJT tM Ttll? wwr. xe.TI XHUbi TESTl . 8J Talr. thi. dv.rtm.n ' . . PROF. D. NIBLO. tom Washington street " CLEANING AND DYEING 31 per month. 808 fltark st H. W. TURNEiR, bYER' Unlau Tailoring Co 323333$ 704 Dekum Bldg. dyed a SDeclaltv. Mam Z&13. A ti . . 1 1 .i.A- n . a , I " ' - k:;A" "rVT HORSES. WAGON AND ' Vnn wi,h ;iV ..V .vr5l vi ; urnw r saie; a oargain, a owner tVVl block ity 4th et PORTLAND'8 BKST" ADMT"iOi.' '" ' Hanconk Street addition adjoins Holla day park and ha the earn improve- Li,tiOM iaoi"RSi ioox harnee for sale; a bargain, a owner 00, with fruit and shade trees, one la leaving the city; very ,roid drlvtn Rk.r2? -cJ.r L"8' bmt V lr hbrses. Also 1 young horse, yeari? r, -$3,300. t Hatfield jSmithXes old, gentle, city broke," fit for any lady INACTIVE: Cvln. VH11 . riiir. .11 wnlrna ti . box. 6 for $5: full guarantee. Addresa FEATHERS or call J. G. Clemenson, druggist, Port- land,- Or. if ': y-V- .yr;'-""- dr. binO choong. importer chi- nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea. certain cure ror an aiseases. xvi za St., Between ismniii ana layior. OHRONid. NERVOUS AND SPEOIaL" aiseasea or men ana ' women curea CARPETS i 60S, Jefferson tj 838838 33328$$3 13333333 - Take Elevator. 1333333333333333318 333333333 331333333333333333 3333333333833333383 3333333'3$$$3$t$333 333333333333333333$ AND FEathkb nr. a d I MONEY TO LOAN cleaned, curled, dved: work- o.n.d en I On Improved city property or for build- . n r4 .11 wa.arl Vf .In orr r j T- . . I In mirnn fri tnim ft fA In ... rm' tuna, wiia pnviieM 10 repaj iu or part CARPET CLEANING K--AesliBaiii STANDARD CARPET CLEANnl r.n. lAtrX.St Dlant On Oaat: Ijirtna- nd Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpat of, loan after two years.. - Loan ap- orovea rrom mans ana money aavancea a building progresses; mortgage taken up and, replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent !:,-. !' Htarlr at lowest Beck, .LIVE ONf PWFT.L HANCOCK STREET THOMPSON A OODF.N. " Sandy Iio-ft and O. R. At N. It, R. . 1 .Wuoaiawa 202. or any cnuq to drive, will also go at I by modern scientific methods; eiectrio I cleaned, refltted, sewed and laid: team Utrixv "tiS t-hAlsf- r.ihii"1jfmMiiS rnf. nil arcrv mmA ft., wan I Mk.4MK 4 - .a i . ns u. kAA.i.. and AAmnpA4vl All nawMAAB(-i...M.AiMa 1 "v''.: w . V".V . Mwa-. .wo i ti C48iFi83viih vi uiavantifi va iu v I ui in. 3 . j . Ariweaa, iuuthub l i TMtClK,ItY! AlArt hllllrltrtflr Inn n 81 Office or addres. bo, 14. MontavinaT Or. 1 Commonwealth bldg" -bOTCT, RROa" PRpr tnrS?gffna 1 81 i Falla hldg . WU"M van RAf.Kif.rtrra'tv: r a.- keinu.h. pkactical furrier; "1 work: r earpet CASH, ONT1IAND POR PURtfHAsii . , . .eaiBKin rarmnt reayea and re-1 cieanea ma uia, Dom drr iM aini.l tn,v mnrt...., . eltherJ Noble, TWO GOOD FRESH COWS is iii. itn, umauua yiTrt S' fnod.el.ed: ?xp6rtteT "tlrnate given; gassed eir cleaning: carpet renttlng our Contract of sale on real estate, e VS FOB SALE. I lowest Price. ,6 WMhlJigtoa Phone I specialty; work guaranteed. Phon Main country or city property. H E. N - , ,v iiiajia A-aei. jto. urant at, Commercial bikv 24. ac4 .W.aahlnston, MACHINERY THE H. C ALBEE CO. 8ECOND hand machinery, sawmills, etc. 248 1 oranq ave. t A. J PAUL. ' 100 1ST ST. A COM- piete , line sawmill machinery: also i engine and oonera. SPIRITUALISSL M. BARDB SONS. 868 GLISAN ST. All else pipe, both black and gal vanised, from M to 12-lnch; also ma- enmery ana scran metais.' OSTEOPATHIC PHySICIANtl MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, RELIABLE) -spiritual reading aany al.joa Allskv bldg.; circles Tuesdays and Friday at 8 p. m.; 86c. Phone Paclflo 2835. MRS. STEVENS, PORTLAND'S "p.F?t liable palmist and , spiritual . . life reader; readlnga dally. 848 Yamhill. MRS. SHAVER, SPIRITUAL READElC 426 Burnslde st, corner 10th. STENOGRAPHERS ? DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, SPE- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE- cialiat on nervous, acute and chronic writer. Main 1271. 8l Dekum bid. disease. Offlc 217 Fenton bids'. Phnna, '" ' " 1 "' ViTWrgJ Paoiflc 1190. 1 TYPEWRITERS OR. R. B: NORTHRUP, 418-14-1? de: kum bid.. 2d and Washlnatnn ata. I HEADOTTARTERS FOIt VKW A m r v.. Phone Main 848. Examination free. built typewritere of all makes; so V.,, - trur window; If you are going to buy a rAjuiAUiu . Aiu r ATAilunu. ' ) typewriter . see u before buylnr; w can save you money; we have part P. A. DOANB GIVES BEST ESTIMATE 1 'or repairing all machine; stats agents for satisfactory work: 288 Yamhill. Papering, paLnting, decora f- lng; best work; best price.: Ivor Wil liams.' 188 4th st. PRINTING THE MODERN PRINTERY ARTIS tlc nrlntins'. 28 RushaI hldir..: ith ami Morrison sta, Phone Pacific 1626. ooilbee brOs printerscards; billhead. .. .to. 146H lat at Phon Main 1858. PLUMBERS FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS.! is l an. Dei. mam ana salmon, tiraenn phone Main 2001. bONN'ERBERG & RAPEMACllEft'TftiP moTea , rturnsicte St. ! SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP- tlon: bank, bar and atore fix mad to order. The Lutke .Manufao turing Co.. Portland. Ii. H. BIKX'oALI DEililX.-Il; A(. ;r. m. JV'lutex Lumber i lu.'.:u ilij for the Visible Fox: we buv all kin.i. .,e typewriter. Th Typewriter Exchanno. j-iio, t a:.iiiwin, n...myr. a git at. BLICKENSDERFER T YPE VWtlTMt Aarencv SuDollea: renal r.. .iui.i..;. bldg, 6th .nd Waehtnrtton sts. yUtfLltJ Bl l!.WCHiHAPH ! . TRANSFER: ;AND;IMUxitXO C a PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST., I tween Stark and Oak at..; phon i riasoa ana xurniture moved snd p.. for shipping; commodious briclt v house with separate Iron room. 1 : and Clay -'sts. . ,. . OLS EN-ROE TRANS It " Henry Roe, W. a. . t. F P. Sheaecren. General transfer rnd st'ir"' pianos and furniture mnv.- !, r shipped., ?o Oitk st. iot . t PFNINSI LA It t.Xl i i f Transfer. 247 a1!t it. i : 2172. d'KK:iu:s' ,' "'7, ; . Main n v i.... Us, tV.- -. . . v