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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY . EVENING, JUNE 7, 1C07. QUITS BLUFFKIB REAL GRIFF UUG V FOR DUILOIHG COLIES TO CLAir.? ' :i,.rrr v; :;-M'7;;,,. ,.,.. ....... 'f- - Hill Expected to Itesume on Suits to Settle Singular Chehalis-Winlock Cut- Off at Once. Complication in Con Sul H van Estate. -i TO PAE ALLELE AS Yi v UNION PACIFIC GRADE Aapavlne BUH'g v Oke-and-a-Quarter Grade to Be Cat Oni for a Six (Speeial pupates to 111 Joereal.) Albany, Or.,' June J. Maggie Julli van, adminletratrlx of the estate .of Cob Sullivan, deceased, baa filed pe tition la the probata court alleging that during . hi lifatlma , her fauaband bad acquired and purcbaaed land altuated w . I in usn. Lincoln ana Marion counues Tenth Grade V Stearns Creek n tn nam of. Grill King. Thla waa count of the faot that the decedent waa then auperlntendent of the Corvallis A Eastern railroad, a corporation. , The netltloner alleges that he tmr- chaaed the atone quarry altuated In History of Interesting Fight (Sverid Dispatch Tie tarsal.)' ; ; i Chehalla, Wash, June 7.-It la learned on very reliable authority that at an early date, probably inside of 10 daya, the Portland A Seattle Railway com pany, will resuma construction work In thla ajjlfhborhood on the Chehalls-Wln-lock outoff, a distance of a little over 14 miles, '.. ; i, ;- .- - It will be remembered by those fa miliar j with the railroad situation In southwestern Washington that about Lincoln county generally known aa the Pioneer stone ouarry. and had It deeded to him In the name of Orlff King; that ha bad full control and possession of the quarry aa his own during nis life time, paying all ezpensea of operation and receiving the profits .without any adverse claim. ." ? - . mow Cornea OrUT Xlnr of Klagttocu "Since his death one . Grift King of Kingston comes to the front and al leges that ha la part owner of all the properties so purchased by Sullivan and claims a half interest In all these landa a nd of June last year the Hill In-1 and property so held by Sullivan King areata announced .. their intention of obstructing an' electric' Una from Fort- land to Tacoma and Seattle. The Union Pacific bad been quite active in thla vicinity, and aa thla immediate neigh borhood waa tha only one into which the Bortland ar Seattle company threw lta forces it waa the general impression that tha work thus beaun waa Intended merely to hamper the Oregon ft Waeh-1 alleges, ha owns no haa entered a formal claim to the landa located in tha three countlea . above named and the-,admlnietratris dlaputea bis claim to any portion or mem. , The petitioner baa naked ' King to make a oult-clalm deed to the properties held by Sullivan in tha name of King and thla ha positively, refuses to do, claiming to be absolute owner of an GLilLl GAS FOR ORCHARD'S DEED Fred Bradley , Says Blowing Up of Flat Was Laid to i 'I -r - eVVfWU IV 4. J-rw i ' a easBBSBsssjsaanSBBBaaaaasessasnaa ; f- DAMAGE SUIT FILED BY ANGEY LANDLOBD Attempt to Kill the Former Manager of the Banker Hill and Solllran .Mine liesnlta In Long Drawn Out litigation. . " ' (Josrnl Special Berries.) San ' Francisoo, . June 7-Harry , Or ohard'a testimony at Boise in reference to his attempta In San Franclaco to murder Fred W. Bradley, former mana ger of tha Bunker Hill and Sullivan mines la con firm ad 'by Bradley who ia now a resident, oi mis city. ean at nis place' of business, 111 Franklin street, Bradley, who la now a mining engineer, aald that Orchard'a etatement fit with him axDeriance. - - The attempt to poison ma witn oi way through stearna Creek valley, ' pout. - wir xaagiea or uugaon ' Thousands of dollar a waa spent at Chehalla and up Stearna Creek valley by tha Hill company. Ties were strung, ' bridge timber waa purchased and atored . bare, and a half mile or more of ateel waa laid north of Chehalla. A fran chise was aaked by tha Portland A Be at tie of the Chehalla city council, but ins gramme; or it waa never presseo. undivided one half, when, In fact, aha portion or tna ia nor haa any valid right to them. ington in the work of locating ita right f way through Stearna Creek valley. etrong strategic I cult courts of Linn, Marion and Lln- . M coin countlea to determine tha rights of Actions will be instituted in the clr- Division Engineer Cook appeared before the Chehalla council and took up the Klna- and the court has granted tha ad miniatratrix tha right to Institute auch action at tha expense of the etateto be prosecuted on a contingent fee. For the protection of the aetata tha matter will bo immediately carried into the courts. The outcome will bo watched with Interest, aa tha partiea are wall known throughout thla section. strychnine in milk," he said, "waa f rue- ted by m: custom beln my habit of early rising, my ung to Dreaarast Dei ore an one In tha house. On thla. morning 1 noucea Diner laaie in ma mux. epat It out and had the rest put out of the war. Several , Innocent Uvea war aeved." t A ahort time later tke flats on Waah ington street where Bradley lived were blown up and Bradley was terribly in lured. At the time it wee thought that area wilV see that her baby la properly eared for to do thia a good purgative la nec essary. Many babies suffer from worms and v their mothers don't know ItIf yoursbaby ia feverish and .doesn't aleep at nights, it is troubled with worms. WhlteV Cream Vermifuge will clean out tbeee worms In a mild, pleaaant way. Once tried always used, . Give it a trial. Price ti cents. Sold by all druggiata. Perfect ; Womanhood - Tha greatest menaea to woman's permanent happineaa ia Ufa la tha suffering that oomea from soma de rangement of tha t eminlna organs. ' Many thousatfda of , women hava raalited this too lata to save their health, barely in time to save thair lives., . r.yy'-;--, : ' To bo a snocesaf ul wife, to retain ' tha love and admiration of her hus band, should ha woman's constant stndv. v'.- r?':-1' ',.' ' : ., " If a woman finds that her aner -giesare flagging, that she gets easily , tired, dark shadows appear nnder her eyas, she haa backache, head ache, bearing-down sensations, ner vousness. Irregularities or tha: "blues," she should start at ones to build up her system by a tonia with specifle powers, such as 'i h LydiaE; PMham's Vegetable Compound It cures Female Complaints, such aa Dragging Sensations, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulceration, and all Organic Diseases, and is in valuable in the Chancre of Life. It dissolves ana Expela Tumors at an early stage.' Subdues Falntnaaa, Nervous Prostration, Exhaustion, and strengthens and tones tha Stomaoh. Cures Headache, Oeneral Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the whole female sysem. It is an excellent remedy for derangements of tha Kidneys in either sex. '., ; ;. ' -. . --"V i caused the explosion and the owner of the flata secured Judgment agalnat the many for no. sou damaaea. An neal la thla caaa ia now pending. - FLOATING COFFIN IS FOUND AT OCEAN PAUK '' ' (Jonnal Bseelal Berries.) Los i' Angeles, una T. Mystery and grewsoma possibilities cling to a coffin found floating at the and of the pier at Ocean Park. It la a massive and costly chest, sine lined and sine covered. and thourh it appears perfectly new. tne aiiican oea puiow are crumpled aa though a body bad rested on them. When found and drawn out of the water it was Imperfectly closed aa though this had been hastily dona. There is nothing to Indicate whence it came, or why it' waa east into the sea, But it is believed - not to have floated far. Murder and varioua other theories are advanced, and watchers on the beach will keep a aharp lookout for a corpse. Harsh physics react, weaken the bowela, causa chronic constipation, Doan's Regulate operate easily, tone the stomach, cur constipation, ita. Ask your druggist for them. Monday positively last day of count of wast aide gas bills. die- ' ' i i r . ' i fV: y 'I Fine Shirts, All MaKcs Men's Summer UndciVr ' The largest assortment of smart nov elties shown in the city $1 to $3 ; i'--' i . t V.,'- ' ' .' '. '....- , ,':' r -'' - All high-grade makes in Fine Underwear Textures are represented in our Furnishing Goods Department Per garment $1 to $5 .' subject of the franchise, going over the ; , whole local situation at the time. The cOBncli stated what would be expected of the company, but the matter waa never finally closed. . . . . -'Bitter legal controversies between the Portland at Seattle over dlaputad parte " of the old Union Pacific light of way, .i originally located when the Portland 6 yJPuget Sound started to buUd in 1111, were taken into the Lewia county au- - - perlor court and the highest legal talent . of the Hill and Harriman interests, re spectively, in the northwest waa aent - to Chehalla to try tha matter out. Tbeae i msttersjnye now pending in tne higher V.. COltftS.'. .v j t a , Xasy Tflaloa Vaclflo Orade Paralleled. Meantime the light of way andferml ... nal disputsa between the two big cor- r orations aa arrectina; tneir intereats in : he cities of Portland -and Seattle have J is pesos ao zar aa tne old right ot way is concerned through this section. The Union Paclflo baa made a location through Stearna creek and has aeoured a a-io per cent grade there, whereas the present route of the Northern Pa cific over he -Napavlne hill, located when the Hoe waa built many years ago, KZSS5SSSSSSS2S2SXS2SSSSS3 KSXZSSSSZ: rsraKsssizssiizsszzzrzisrsizzssrcri:zszzzzzizsir:rz: I has a- l.tB ner cent arada. rV The altuaUon aa It now preeents Itself enmpiy is tnat the win interests, naving . quit tneir campaign here or obstruct , Ing the union pacific in thla neighbor . hood,avenow concluded to build. the cutofX from Chehalla to Win lock, purely i MM A ri fl mm Mr n , w-a vB v"uia vw vvaaaawa V rSL sk mmttstaa nf kitsilnslBialv 1t AMati I ai ' ' save money, it will praoticaiiy paral- i " j lei the Oregon & Waahlngtonsjurveya ii 4 that Jiavs been made.. Because of the j k ; Napavine.bllk with lta heavy grade, the U m , . iN or t nam racino ' company ia oDiigea i H continually to Keep one, ana aomeumee two, extra engines in the aervlce to y'vboost the heavier trains over this grade. S By building aroUnd tha Stearna creek , route, where a (-10 per cent grade baa '. ' .been found, thla great expense will be .- wholly obviated. The dlatanca la ap- :. proximately tne same, i muea, t :. r . sTapaylna Mill a Morgue. , , , Xt is also likely that the fact 'that the Northern Paclflo haa bad more earl-J - oua wrecks of Its tralna while .coming ? . down the Napaviae bill than at any other point on its line between Portland ."end the Sound may have conatderable ? -to do with tha proposition. There have been numerous freight wrecks on that v; vgrde; . and these have oost a lot of .niwiey,. while It ia well known that thol ',: wreoli of . the Elks' excursion at the I .'..gotbf Napavihe hill at Newaukunr ota J Pacific smalt fortune.--:'-- . -' -y If the Bill interesU-come before the r. : Chehirtls city council with a bona fide ; V proposition to . build thla cutoff with the Intention of bettering their aervlceV- . .-and. not for the purpose of hindering 1 ;. r- union, r acuio. intereata in cringing an ; . other -Jransoontlnental road into the .. state, ft U unlikely that there Will be any very-serious objection araised to a tne . v Tn top -.iLMimce :To obtain the Great Anti-Trust Sewing Machine on the special introductory terms. You know the "prices demanded by the Sewing Machine Trust for the old-time, highly advertised sewing machines prices ranging from $60 to $75. You also know of the high commissions the Trust pays its -V agentsa factor which enters largely into the price question. -Now, Gevurtz claims to sell, you a 0 oily $1.00 Down v.", reasonable franchise being granted tl ''. company, to go through tha city, As -' : metier of fact, however, auch a conce H .r:f--: -J-.;v-;S.' "-. -, 1 V aion on: tne part oi tne peopia wui worn g r , , f j .,7- ,. , i": a'very, grsat hardship on many real- H , VV eX '''V A , ftk lflmt&1u this road and tha Union Pa- H T fl R (7t fl LJl i?Hlcmd Northern Pacific tracks prac- "4 A) I 1 111? II 'II fl I I tldklly. out the east and weat aides of jl 4. Jf I LVL U, tl iiil . theejown in two for a distance of fully !f I : I a block and a half with. a network of !!., U . ' ill u There will be many Interesting 1 1 tne city council ana tne rati- ; road interests to take up, but as Che- . traoka. points for ' balls, and" other Washington citlea that - -are growing want more and better rail road facilities these matters can prob ably be very satisfactorily adjusted , r whenever the companies wish to. take them op for final consideration. bMlIEXCEMENT AT v ; WESTON N0B3IAL v , (Special Dispatch to, Ibe Jearaal.) x ? Weston, Or., June 7-The commence ' inent' exercises of the Eastern Oregon .. normal school at Weston will open Sun- day morning, . June 9. The address will ;: . te given by Henry W. Stone, general aeoretary or tne jroruana x.'M. u. A cloas Of 18 will be graduated. . . The clas day exercises will be ." Monday afternoon. . The alumni aaso- 'elation will bold Its banquet Monday, wsiung as M lyuniMiuiu, nuu un cuin- ies are announcea , with en address ' leral M -A., H held I laso- Jl ndav II Qolden Oak ffy ROCKERS QaarteMawed and Polished for 75 of these beautiful Golden Oak and Mahogany Rockers at NEARLY HALF PRICE Seven Styles to. Choose From menoement exercises are announced for I J! vn II! Taepdjr vening, with an address " rr--r.iT Ctata CimaawlvVraknakn ITAeKerman. Charles N. Longbridge jias ma aatuiatorr, "iiju xnumpna oi if- KducnSlon and Ella J. Haya the vale- J! dlotory. "The Opportunities of a Teach- J! er." "An Eduoatlonal Demand" la the 13 subject of an address ty j. B. rotter. Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton of Pendleton E and Guy Allen Turner have been en- EJ .WAPBR CASES '.' -'!" V ' eaBBSaaaaslBlBBSaasSBW -f-:. i. j,-, ,iif,-n'. ' '(Special Dlspatck te The Jecrost)" ' ; Pendleton," Or., June 7. After a brief hearing in the XJttle Walla Walla water Suit case before the circuit court, It waa set for further hearing on June '14, at ither Freewater OT Milton. - It - is thought a week will be consumed In the bearing. Judge Thomas Hailey baa been ' in tha city for thia case. , - -j The Mabel Warner case, Wherein Mr Warner waa ehkrged with forging a will In Hhe Turner estate, valued at $40,000, mostly in her own favor, has been set tor June 17. fSpiBfcflal lockelr SaDe 8- - ; 1 18999SS tf; . .: .. , - v milt- .. . aa . a Sv ST as . m m . y , . ei - & .us?-. ..... . ..'vt .":-;V I ""jl-i-m i .1 -1 . I' ' I H 1 II III Wlv .0(1 I '. . . . . . Ii I Li . '.. .' .: ,f- -..:::: . , :.. I -.:..;:. -. ' ' .J.".,,-.. t :". i,'-: ..:,kiIi.:-,.a 'I ii sewing machine equal to any Trust machine made, and instpad of asking $60 and $75 for it, the price is All of these Rockers have quarter-sawed golden oak backs and seats, and they are all handsomer than the cut shows them to be. See our . window dis play. Examine these rockers and youll Acknowledge that here is "another Gevurtz Bargain." Sold on easy terms, too, Si DdwnS6c a Week Satu rday Special in Rugs ' - , J 1 . 100 ALL WOOL WILTON VELVET RUGS On Sale Tomorrow One to a Customer ' $6 .50 Rugs, 36x72 inches, . rfZ. Saturday V. poO 0 $3.50 Rugs, 27x54 inches, Ct CT , Saturday... , ,;.;ipIiOt5 - On Sale Saturday One to 'a Customer Best Carpet and Rug Values in the City IONS ' . - , , - '- ' 1 ' ' - i j v .. , I .. , , i'-r'-.''- V .'(' .'.' ( - - ' ' - 1 Cor. First and Ycnilill! 1' 1 i 1 ', ., , -ii i ; 1 t rr-:- Cor.SijcondcndYcn:!::'' IS . I I i 1 1