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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
0. , THE' OREGON DAILY JOU'. 'NAL, PORTLAND. - FRIDAY EVENING, : JUNE 7, 1C07. HARRY ORCHARD JEALOUS PlilllS 10 II11EII PEACE IIGIIS - OBly ClliGES ,1 . Il'JO GOOD SALES 'mm deb'' "1 . , . . . ... v o .. ... ):' Southwest Corner of Union Avenue and East ' Alder ' Street Brought $35,000. . OF TRAIN WRECKERS' JOB ; JIIITI-TiST UB DDI J1P1ESE ilfiJllllSrCOPPER" V;, Murderer Squealed on Pals Because He Wanted Hand in Sherman Act Is Not Satis- A f Mid frt Aid.fn R OWlnC I n Of Aawwuj w iicmwu-wv Vindicator Mine. . , . . velt in All Particulars. . Wife of Confessed Assassin Agreement Is Reached Be- Dissolute -Female Compan- tween State Department ion' Charges Recent Police,. and Mikado. : ? ! Appointee With Abuse. v, . (Journal Special feTTlee.) . . Boise, Idaho, June 7. Th xtrem - ; tension under whloh the isourt attachea r working wa Indicated this, after ." hOon when the deputlea made the epecta- " tore carrying umbrellaa open them to , ahow that no concealed weapons were being carried Into the courtroom.. A ' number of minor flat fights also took place between the deputlea and too eager . apecta tors, but no materia, damage was reached- v Richardson at once continued hl In terrogation or urcnara a to tne rewun or bla activities at Cripple Creek.. It waa plain that he waa anxious to ahow the Jury that th. witness went Jnto moat of the crimes be clalma he com- . mil tad because oz nia own aesires not because any one asked him to. - - ' Orchard again Inslated the reaaon he ? squealed on the attempta to wreck the tram witn me non-unionisia w becauao Parker and Davie had cone over hia head and ot two other men to try to wreck the train when he wanted to do It Orchard declared he told Davie that . a carload of powder waa hid In the Vin dicator, he havlnr atolen a portion of it and sold It to prospectr-e. , lowdet Tbtaf. Too. ' 1 "Well, not only are you an ore thief, but alao a powder thief r asked Hie U- . , aranon. ' " Before the quaatlon could Te fully answered. Hawley Interrupted with an biectlon, which waa Immediately sus tained. Turning surprised to the oench, Richardson demanded: "Your honor, will you pleaae tell me why I cannot put thla queationT Thla la a hostile witness and the state's ohlef reliance against my client. The question seems, to me to be eminently proper. . "Ha has elreadv admitted he la a powder thief and there la nothing to be rained Dy pursuing me mauer runner. Proceed with the examination," de clared the judge. The defence took an exception, l The witness, continuing-, eald .ie alone . knew of the powder In the mine, and went to Davis In the hope that be would blow tin the mine. He eald he thought a repyitlon of the Wardner incident . :. wouldT beneficial. Davie, he aald. fell in with the propo sition and told him he would gladly pay 1200 if the job were dona He expected . that the explosion would kill eome non union men and hoped It would kill all who wera working, although there were (0 or more In the shift. . "And you proposed to Kill BP or mora men ror zoo, 014 your- - "I Intended to touch off the powder and mimp mem orr. - "And yon proposed to kill these men for 4 a headr "I object," aald Hawley. He waa aua- tained by the court The defense ex cepted. 1 r 4 . ' ' When asked if he gave any consldera tlon to the amount Der head, the wit- nens aald no and stated , that Moyer addressing a meeting or miners coun elled all miners In the atrongest terms that they muat refrain from violence. ay wood also maae a apeecn warning tha miners .that thev must keen out el eaioona and refrain from drinking and eambling. as any violence wouia d . blamed on tha federation and troop be called. - He got' into the mine to 'attempt an explosion, but waa discovered byCager, who anot at turn, ana ne nea. Made Two Attempt. He made the first attempt to blow up the mine in September and the aeoond in Koveraber. He talked it over with the strike oommittee first- He awore Sherman Parker gave him the idea of attaching a pistol to-tne auiara ran ana discharging It Into giant cape,- thus causing an explosion. . . He alao talked it over with William Easterly, he awore. At thla point Rich ' ardson called Easterly, who will be a wltnesa for the defense, its naa Aim identified by the witness. . . "That'a him," declared Orchard for the first time displaying agitation of . temper., "- . ; when Orchard planted a trap in tha mine Eae.-rly waa not with him, as, being an officer In the union, ha wanted to be in a position to prove an aum, He planted the . Domo ana couian exDlaln how he made the mistake o fastening it on the sixth level, which - was unuaed, and not in the aeventh. . which be had Intended to do. He did . not know of his own knowledge if the bomb he placed actually killed McCor- micit ana secit . Xaniea Ida Toney, After the explosion he married Ida ' Toney, a widow with three children, un der tne name or Harry urcnara. tie went to live at her house, which waa too yards from the shaft of the Vindl-,v- cator. Ha lived with her during the time he stayed in tha district t He waa broke , when the two men. were killed, ao he went to aee Davis and Parker and asked them for money. They put mm on ana ne oecame angry. Before 'this, however, he said, he had gone to Detective Scott and told him an attempt waa to be made to wreck a train. The reason he did this waa be , cause tie hadn't been paid for the first Vindicator attempt - He didn't think he waa used right by being sent into the mine to try to blow it up and tak- v ing a great risk while the others were given the comparatively easy tak of wrecking a train, which carried with it no risk. ' ... . . "Were yori angry because you were . not told to wreck the train r waa asked. - "Well, I suppose I was a little Jeal- " ova," waa the reply. Thla brought out - another wrangle between the oouneel. ; , Stole SToat Boommate, . ' Orchard admitted that while rooming - with John Thompson he stole 110 worth Of ore from the latter'a trunk. He aald as Thompson high-graded the ore, he saw no reason why he could not use it, as he waa broke. , p - After the arrest of Parker,' Davis and Easterly, he stayed In ; towh a while, and left in December for Denver, trans- Sortation beina- furnished by D. C. oott Scott eald Orchard was work , ing with K. C. -Sterling, chief detective . of the Mine Owners' assoclati3n. -He aald he told Scott and Sterling he would go to Denver and find out all he could about Eaaterly, Moyer and Haywood, vand report aa to their movements. He declared he reported to Scott et the lat ter'a office at the Crlppre Creek depot ' tni waa adven nass to Denver and tt In moneW ' Scott went with him to Denver, but, they separated when-they got there In order that Orchard should not do seen wi in ucuiu -;'.'..-v :U'to Soott. He aaid he was lying to Scott when he aald he would tell him all about Easterly, Moyer and Haywood He did ot find Eaaterly but went to the Fed eration offices and Introduced himself to Moyer and Haywooa. inis was me first time he. had ever met them but they aald they had heard of him through jasteny. . . , Another clash occurred between the lawyers, Richardson declaring he knew " the lid had been fixed for him and knew what waa under It. He proposed to conduct the examination aa he pleased. Hawley - accused Richardson of making a false statement and the court interfered. Orchard aald only the pereona present at the initial inter view were Moyer and Haywood and that It waa held behind cloeed doors. ; - He declared he told them all about the alrlke and they told him he had done a fine Job in the MoCormick and t beck killing. ; : Coyer Oave Elm Koaey. . Moyer, he eald. told him if he wanted motif r he could have It He aald he .1 unt take any at that time. Later, vvr, tie aald, before he left aioyer (Joemal gpedal gervke.) t ' fused for a time and finally aald ha did Washington, June 7 -Lawyers of the not know when he got the money but cabinet and several membera of the "n knew he arot 120 at that time and aald terstata commerce oomrolaaion-, aseen- ha had a few dollars of Scott'a money bled at tha Whit House today for a left ' v conference with the, president mat wui Pressed as to dates Orchard waa hava the most Important Influenoa 0j fenced and finally admitting It was be- the future policy of the administration fore Christmas, aa he went back home toward the trusts. There may be a tnr thmt hnllilav. . . decided modification of the presidents 1 - ... .... I U LCE 1. Ill B L'UIU.I.HUK Orchard saw Scott dally during his 1 a h... rih. uuhI stay in Denver.. He aaid that he did developed in the , knowledge that mo :: .- (Joernal Special servlee.) . i ' I Aa tha result of written charges died Washington. June T. It la believed I against C. C. Glosa, on of the recently her that an understanding has been appointed patrolmen, by Annie Gordon, PinkertonS ETer Since HiS r6B0h twen tha iut department Chl.f Grltsmachei yeaterday afternoon ana japan regaraing me recent incident euspanuea in. 'iviiuinKn irvui m. In Ban JTranclaco and that the mikado' paitmant and it will now only require mnram.i tu ..n,. .w- ... tn rattticauon of the ponce official a ac- government haa accepted the assuranoe Uon by tJj, Xeoutve board to make of Secretary Root that the attack on Qloxa' auspenalon permanent : tha Japanese, waa the outcoma of gen- . Tha -Gordon woman who wa 0. (,.,1I.. .(ti- i nZ.- dared out of town some time ago by .2JTnfJ?tJLt?Ar??nl Ju Cameron for habitual Intemper Cisco and. Is not to be considered as a -.llrn e thla clt from Astoria Will Swear That He Has Been Connected With the Marriage and Before.' testified that uor and r.. .I7. -.i.i w.7. .w. oviw "hi"uw.s? , tlnV.,An - . -.m .r rr.-- .l. wt city prison on a cJar uiuiiiv- ii v .vjumt r"" y ,r J president .wanta to amend tn unerman v. ... yvw. m inn awmranim inm. m enneii, Haywood interview, but later aot tS 1 ...... i. .- 1... k.. I rwl. th : .Mk. I affair la aettlad. hnwav.r la tha attl. I ...... . .u. : ... J oil!. r?iiltl wlth coplea of the propoaed amend- trouble in lMi atid at other Umea. I JJ J!0,UoB ?,f tn. JP"nV P"?" Gloea vhad piled her with llq yifJ1 "V...S'itft menta to that atatute drawn up by John u'.f .a;" aentiment hostile to the Mpon thla testimony an lnvei he aald no. Asked If he had been told I a r. ..... . .n 1..--.- v.. t..w I ill naa 1 been associated with ona alT7nlted states. Thar. . nanieinn t m.. wn.a v . . . j . . . . . , I tvm ....... nviiivwu..iwv.mi i - .. . . r . i ry mm ui uoi nh . a u . . j 7 jrix ma nm nau corporation and conatitutlonal lawyer, i tectlv agency or another moat of IB cn agitation is eountenancea Dy flld written charge 1 il!?-. v. "vf .wh,n.h -f4 fM It ia apparent that tha crisis haa been I time ainoa I have known htm " ' 1 rPnM' government, whioh la Irrlng that she was !"o. h Vindicator mine through tha reached in the admlnlatratlon'a crusade " T " ... .n .." ?ow . . "' J . I thought by some to be willing that hoe- afoaa and It was at hi ".J"? ithj1 Ate! 11 " againat the truata Thera have been Tnl" w,u bombaneu tn coio- tile feeling shall be fermented. , .he returned to Portland. . The woman Waan t a fact that he had been told that I .r.-. 1... .1... .v. I - 1. .. v.... t. ,v. ..!.. . I That Jananena lndlrnatlnit nvar , tha I .1.. k. k Mn.nn.t had ni .h.f??nuiiSinA proceed with more deliberation the proaeeutlon at the Haywood trial I fi!55el?Lrl,rJrttl.c:, V! t-e. Immlarravnt I -siv her liquor and had administered hi !aJlJ vrVSVt.A!XUi.inX "ulon than have been obaerved -n In Bolee, Orchard a wlf is knowti as w ",kii h tlon Jote. 1 J taatlng to her last weelf following a itaVtYva vT.."t,..t P"1 ,n dealing with tn unpopular Mra Ida Toney orchard, one uvea at '"",,-- :; : '..r 7 JU"1" V-Iquiur1'- 1Da rvr ... " .-vi -k- ni Jlt nrB.?B.'?-Uu,t trusfa. Evidence that formerlyTwould Cripple Creek, near the Vindicator mine, f ,r"ng L" v"ln t those tawi br at. produced a letter written to her by iiK1" .S-.lJ'Iffiv'. have brought Immediate action n the anf la thoroughly famUiar with moat ih 4f"n:; ? AhA Glosa n which the writer, atated that ardaon, in which both displayed bitter feelings, waa checked by the court, - Before leaving : for Cripple . Creek, Haywood gave him $210, making a total 01 i3ur na received on tne trip, when Two aaies aggregating f 80,000 hava been mad this week in the heart of the east v aid business district The southwest corner of Union avenue and East Alder atreet waa purchaaed yes terday by Otto Burckhardt and H. W. Lemcke from M. G. Thorsen and C. 3, Schnabel for 188,000, ;y' " . Lacal Cacltallsts ' nurchased the ouar- ' ter ' block at the ' southeast corner of East Third, and East Morrison street : for' $i,000. . . Mrs. Helen F. Grlebel ha purchaaeft from Arthur C. BDencer a lot on Twin.:' ty-aecond, between Northrup and Over ton streets, for 16,500. A a nouse ana lot on' Thurman and T.TtW.M.f X Height.' h-a bea purchaaed by a th mlstSaSi of Hl1' 'rom V Fidelity Trust hllffloVthaf Jor !. court naa oeen permitted to Bleep of tha sensation that have been re- T"- , " y.Tt m puuuu ."Vv. tSSSS. rnth.thr'dVyV UMm0U' Ur J oMfa?Unkro7f Mff. &$?t '"oula'V. V" rneiS commls."n?. appe'to be Mfa Orchard haa left Crtpple Creek JP-omlng Into this country since JsS mide to the Cck" being used by xunis biiu vwivr annwa, luinnir will I She haa been -aummonea as a wiinesa Th. ,j.n7rtment of eommei-M and la. I ..r.;,i t, : nMit fi-ifamanha .Lm' taltfv .n bor ' putting, on mora men ill th Zni 1 the t To i ! Ut. i. waa Imme- Orchard WiU . testify to is tlma ta ,ct .. ln.nantora hut there ara -V- .r..t,..nHrf Aa all 'natrolman declared that h pot no money at any ,0:-th, tlma it l,tM. 7i.a iaL nV employe i vn. thousand of mllee of border to be pa. Va on probation for alx month th tlm. afterward. From either Scott or Mnsltlvenw! ,ro,!,d, th have llftla Suspension la UnUmount to a dlshon- Sterllng. - , th2 diatn2t tt getting In. Plana are be- orabla dismissal. Glosa declares that , sJtoi rowaer fov Bomb. . large Vorpo capacity ever since. - ing worked out for meeting oondttlon k i th victim of circumstance ana He atd that he met Mover in Victor in Vhi fhit. HnU.T' mom aTTf MmMI, f a they exist and when they are- per- ha not been given an opportunity to on.iH; Kr.ewt- ThatJ.n "' hlm The administration desire to avoid She will tell how during the big trik Jgwj " " ta" "uauon will defend ..t.Vi.yaS a 100 bill because he aaked him for it anything afcoroachlna- a nanl Ult .in Ui. Orchard home at Altman was never beS?m.,..HJi .. .. .-. . claimed, by fce patrolmen to have piayea Moyer in nencerorth think long and carefully be. aearohed by the mllltla or th authorl- I r. ' . .1 . . . r i .11 IVT. . " I prvm.u-w v-' ... . ne rajmiiur. gving into in court againat ti.eltlee f tk I comeMJ Ie.1 Later he got 160 more from Moyer In henceforth union niu in urippie ureex, two bom be to nut In tha .Vindicator truata. ounaers ana was neipea in tne joo by Oney Barnes, who an expert at bomb making. He did tha work at Barnes' cabin- at Independence and atole 10 pounds of powder from -a leaaeholder named Charles Perkins and took it to his cabin... He kept the powder in his house for a while. Hera Barnes, who was In th audience Stood UD. and waa identified hv Or. chard. On of th bomb he save, was r;tven a man named Dempsey who threw t into the Vindicator bunkera He took the other to Eaaterly and never heard anything mora about It Aaxea lr it was not generally known among miners at that time that ha was working for Scott and Sterling, ha aald ha didn't think so, ..s v - . ASKS 820.000 FOR BROKEN BACK (.,..". ;', wMwa - " : .......... ", .' , Tthougro a. 'au-pp-osed MVJUL. tnan? SZlVl MrfkeV. in tha n.! tKa 'tu',n -rV VaTttlng wor."e that tha horn of atrlkera in the neign-i - tn t ... .h ' I ??I?iJZ? Ifr.??- . .iM.n.a .d "ne In large numbers. He hia been aent un. ur UiV wm.. ..... Haattla. with m v t searched. -'.ln .k., n.. Vancouver, Victoria and other Canadian .Mr;- .nK,iiiriJi-1!? vitihSJI c,tle" nd make a thorough InvesUga. trio to tha bull nen at Vlotor, where I,.tix. v.... .... i..,,..',. her brother, a miner, waa nr" th United SUtea attorney at Honolulu fflL,, poastblv who I issuing, waa in eimmwd. a.emed V Vnn, , h., r.uaui.nt passport, at tnat port wail, ana treatea ner witn in greatest 601 LEFT HI' HOOD ennrtaav and eonaidaration. "Verdeckberg knew r- husband wmk a Plnkerton." Mrs. Orchard told a friend, "'and that la why he treated me Attended Wreckers' Trial. ,' Orchard aald he want t Ttanva ttia latter Part of Januarv ta attand tha State Federation of Labor. Ha, wa - -4 k : sura or tn tim. but later when told rherrin . a t a. r v that the convention wa held on Janu- L Cnff,n t0" ' R N' C arv , i and 4 he admitted that h B'Ie""nc responsible for th migni nave oeen mistaken. He went wrecg at Cayus on April 10 in which II T? Xr T PmiMTiTT Iso nlca and would not 1st -to oldira v wiuuuj jwwcuu- annoy ua at home." ';" Spy tor Mine Owaers, Still another point that Mrs. Orchard FLUME OPERATOR ant In Heavy Damage Suit Brought by Chinaman. may tell about waa that 'her husbanu waa in the habit of making secret visits to k. u, Bterung, tne mine ownerr detectlve, during the Lig strike in Crip- nla fraeV A ahnrt tlma hafnra tha In. dependence denot exploalon. Orchard be- J,ftffl t Penftfi RflVa TTa 'N'pPils ASKS MORE ID Rohert a Wright of.Port- Jand Says 0. B. & N. Serrice Is Bad., a a i ! av Vi A i ii.t.rd- Twenty - ninth ,) treets, , Willamett E. M. cpm. - Two east side residences were sold '' yesterday, one at Knott and Borthwlck street waa purchased by Rosco R. . Morrill for $5,000, and a quarter block at East Seventeenth and Schuyler wa ' sold to C. B. Woodworth by John 8. -Morgan for l,600. nana are maturing ror the erection oi tne central passenger station of tl Portland Hallway, Light A Power pany, on Second and Pine streets. likely that actual construction work will begin on the building late tn th summer, although the railway official ' ara not prepared to make any definite announcement as to the tlma The ten. . ants occupying the buildings , on tb depot site hold lease requring them 19 vacate on bo aayr notice, ' F. A. Krlbs haa taken out a permit ta build a residence on Lo ve Joy, bej ween Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, at 'a cost of $17,000. . A permit waa issued yesterday to Jay Cooke to make alterations in hi four. ' story brick, on Front street, between Ash and Anken'y.. Th proposed altera tions wlll.coat ahout $10,000. Russell St Blyth sold yesterday to th ' Columtla Investment company 10iore ' in the Balch gulch for $1S,00.' Tb property, will be filled and brought to street grade with the earth from tha Goldsmith tract, whloh 1 ta be graded down and mad aultab) for building purposes. r . . TEBEOR OF SUISLAW ' . ABRESTED AT EUGENE RIVER ran drinking heavily and a day before I tna . (Bpedar Dispatch t Tb JeeroaL) Salem. Or- June 7 Indignant at tha manner In which ha waa treated by th railway agent at Hood River and nnr sa sasj 11 flFirna wv si si nnminiTran - Baa vas -w J v a mww w - a m t . . . . . . to tha headquarters and saw Moyer; four lives were lost and numb-Tor Orchard has T statd tha T be Wsband. JiXteUSlOn 10 WaSn HeigUtS J lnrm-n train eonauctor aoma time ago, Haywood. Pettleone, ONell and othera l'i. '!!.,W,t? t !S4 number of iid hia aoVcharlle Ia- w a ' . " i Rftbart C. Wright, a Portland attorney, They told him tha? they did not wnt f W Hln appeared Tnfi packed la wafon and that he told .. . Land AWRY. nM eomplalnt with th railway sn. violence in Cripple Creek untU ln the circuit court this morning - to her that he waa going away and nrob- . - (commission againat the O. R. A N. com aker the union offlcers then under ar- damages from tb company ably would be gone for a year or two. ' V ' " ', - pany.- He atatee' that ha waa moon- reat were liberated. .He aald that th t0' auetalned In the wreck, i Shs aald that when tha leasees wer -1... ' 1 yenfnced by the failure of th agent at men charged .with train wrecking wer T"? rlal th ault was begun before called out by the strike Orchard pre- ' Pne. redoubtobl and resource, that plac to sell hint a ticket so as later acquitted, he being at the trial, fufge Sear and Jury, waa drawn to tended to get indignant and that he fal, appeared before th park board this tor tra In for Portland. He further Ha heard that a detective had " con- hff ,lh faa . 4V ' .u t claimed to have gon to Denver and mornina and asked for an extension of verthat th O. R. N. has failed to f eased to bavin g done the job and triad - charged that tha roadbed at joined th Mine Owners' association, af- ,r,una o or an extension or provj,j adequate aervlce at Hood River to Ox tha blame upon tha FederaTloa train plunged into tir which wtOTel W itlll Atpt Mm to operate his flum aoroaa Mao- To accommodate the ahlpment o-fruit He aaw Scott and Sterling at'th triali .L"1? XT','.,? f'0 an2 " relaUona with tha members of lr Prk, o that he might be abl to nd P?.ri!jbi ,!?fffi.!Si Ji"wT2 SdW?htncoJrn;VThi tSS SaTguVs'e0 "? cmi0- . TTt P ?fKrf WnV r- SJcrstoerabten with thftniiiHa ,.'a ?h. 2.57: .nd broken, and that the flanges on '.J. . tlon of Willametta HelghU into tha lowv matter and baggage and. do tha nece. land surrounding Guild's lake, Every aary ticket selling within the short tlm paction .tn th pr..encl9f tha flam. gJg lUWCTi'pr.n't S8SSS. on the park property was met with a that the conductor failed to exercise seemingly piausioia excuse, and tha rood judgment, witn tne train on um, which will .give lta decision , to , Mr. p9 at the sutl-m to ge their tjeketa. r ' t T STL . .1. I- xna caiapooia wmDtr company naa . w a" ? ot th"",lnsber of th a complaint with th railway com ml s- ;-t . '"y". sion aaaing xor oenea swuenmg racii- Cleay nark had been almost irranarahlvi 1.1.. . t c..k nT T M damaged by the flume and by tha debris I Robinson of Tualatin, aa a complaint that had been washed down from the on the efficiency of .the freight ser- with the militia, ao that hVn,.id .i. f J? " xne iianges on and at will ----- ina wneeia or tne cars ana engine were ana go at win. , h I worn and unlit for naa. Thaaa SJL ?,f,--r ,r to prov that the negUgenc He met Mover at the trials and he- of the railroad eomnan waa tha nrim. came Intimate with him, but ewofe he ary cause of the wreck. Waa not trvinS to ret avldanM inln.t . W Hln a rhla.m.a wK ,a him. Regarding the using of Greek on the train, alleges that h sustained Are, Moyer told7 Jiltn how. it could be a broken back when the tram went Into Used, but told him v not tn naa lr In I tha rival, dlaahllti klm m. Htm , U. Crlppit Creek. He got a eupply while asks $20,000 dam area for his injuries, at the -convention in January. Petti- The company alleges that the accl- bone took him over to his house and dent was caused by the formation of a ehowed him how to make It, and ex- spring under tha roadbed by tha heavy HIRED RUEF 10 GET PROSECOTIOII Frank Van Valkenberg, Alleged to He Insane, Quietlr Yields to Sheriff. . tlA.lllr1 thm hmt mrhW t Helnai I Ua jlA-.aAi.. a le. m.-.w .sa..1! I - c .j z . ' ' 7i : m , v r:,r f" ruwrrur. ,ov!. u i - . . l " wo'iwwwnw a own irom int I on i tandaov "& 'u.m UWW. K ".US l2L EJIV JA "If"" H TCnCn IteStaUranteUrS TeU winter. Tlo between Tualatin and Portland. . - - w ww ntiMiJ r aewa auui uou evHaviiio m aim ill ev tt a lubcs i I j"s"nfTSB r 1 1 set i inni t n sa a si m -WaTSi si nnr waa-. had to bury It .- ..... I called this morning was David Hlrstel, When asked If It waa not a faot Inarr wltnaaa raa-ardina tna nnnAiHnn. nt Moyer, when he went up to Denver a the grade at the point where the wrecx third time, asked him to aro with him I occurred. . Additional evidence la bain to Ouray to protect him. which ha did (heard this afternoon. he aald not exactly. He declared he It is said that a number of damage of . Paying Political Boss SSSTS22S MEMORIAL EXERCISES for Securing: Licenses. .-" ' (Journal Special Service.) San Francisco, June. T. went along because ha was willing to I ults against tha O. R. A N. will fol nrotect Mover. - flow If Lew Wr Hln ts successful ln He ; had two .revolvers whlcli he ' had I eecurlng a verdict. Othera who were r T . borrowed? He JaSMotold him nJ-r-d' in tha wreck at ; Cayusa are "V rUwtor. waa ".""ui?ufwe?"noWna th fi'"- board and coin ted to the Imnrovementa "rm. " lne rniaaie or tne car ;"... .. .5. i . - vv nen ne lauea to get a ucense nesa1a that had alreadv been mada and nutlinad dam and that, anyhow, a freak of na ture the .silver thaw waa tha cause of it all. Pence said that tha flume had been fitted un with a board walk An Inn h.m.j4. A n.nnl . ... dan and wera thankful nr Mm nm. I Multnomah CimD TSo. 77. Woodmen wu Aur, anoe. .. tie saia mere naa seen no leak age reported from the flume. . . penoe made a long speech to tha WILL BE HELP SUNDAY of the World, Arrange Ex 0 URiMII and if anybody came Jo attack them -he trlal u,t oouia get tne grips open before they reached them and ret tin . mm itit action. . -. .. .. , v - When asked If th. object of th sawed-off shotgun wa simply to' put titui ... .u a11, aaiu yea. . Whan aaked If ha fi.M n ..l .i.. stand yesterday that the aawed off ahot guna were ao they could ha atrann.d around the neck and carried In a holster under the coat unobserved, he said he did not think so.. Later he said ha did. but aald nothing of this kind about the guna provided in the federation bulld- s uiui uv aim muyor cajTiea. . e ni . attorney. aayisea- mm to aee Kuef. .,.--... A, tha ..tra . Then he told of the meeting of other lul, "ZL ZZZnZ' f Vnii. r 7.m1 tended Program. - - . . I . . M .... . . . . I restauranteura and of the arrangement 5""."""?." ?l r.,--,.n Nn TT Wndmn nf tn al va Ru.f ci nnn , properly wuuia ua aauea io xna weaitn I . ' 0lfiV.ald he nild hi. ".hara becaus he gr. and "7 tt th World, will hold inemorlal knew if he did not do ao ha would hav bla pwnxompany had tnt about $160,- and unvllln crmonie Jp their hall, to close un. He looked udoh the ur- 008 Jin putting it. holding, m market-I ,Th wat Alder atreta. Bun- .. . ... . . . . ..i - i .hi. ah.Ml Ha a. in rn.r tha wnrlr luln I " in e i i i, dum ma aviurney ice, out aa I .7 .' protection. He eald Ruef never threat- earned on arouna tne para wouia vi fened him and admitted ha had not nald I increase the value of thla piece of his second installment I property. Private owners, he said, r J .1 I . . . . . I . kin. .A hh th. f1..M. . . monv. Ha aald ha and nth.r raatau. I their nronertv without charra and thai1'! ODjects PRAY FOR MERCY raniaurw new inev ware going xo oa only P--' IP 1 aarvlnaa 1 TiV carnn offlcersr roll call. ri , t" '2? SEE i.!wu" 01 ),,"' IW ,n wo""n Clerk J. M7Woodworth ; solo. "0 Eyes testi-1 eager to get him to put the flume across I !? (stau-1 their property without charge, and the J' to b only protest mad wa. by th city forJl0tPV I . I .. a .'.iMb TV . ..1U.I,,- oitv program will b rendered; were Piano selection. Professor 3. F. Bam- ouariei. - tsun oi mv ooui . ioui- George ( E- of Woodcraft - Hon. Chamberlain; ritualistic and arrange with him to get tfteir I park. Hasten to Disclaim 3Ife2& Journment for the day waa taken, LlEtlDf f,ll MEET m TALK Connection With Trust and Promise to Be Good. , I rency and would give no receipts. DISTRICT ATTORNEY WILL KEEP AT WORK SCHOOL CHILDREN ARE That Ara Weary" . (Brackett). -, Miss Petronella Connolly poem, - "Oh why ChAi.U ih. Snlrlt nf Hfni-tal Da Pmililf' W. W. Lumeden; unveiling monuments. (Special Dlsiajtck ta Tb Jearoal) ... ,; t Eugene, 'Or., una TrtanTt : Va Valkenberg, an alleged Insane man, who had threatened ta aboot hi wife and had . driven his neighbors -Sway from his place on the flower Bulslaw "river with a. rifle becaus they oame to re. monstrat with him on account of 'tb way. ha wa treating his wife, wa taken Into custody by Sheriff Flsk last evening aa the stag from the Sulslaw ' country arrived hare last nlrht. -Van Valkenberg came out to town , tb do aoma business, he said, boarding tha stare so or tu miiM west 01 iLurene. None of tha pa.sengers nor ths drIvef..M H. . .1.1.,, vu. ... 1 1 1 V VI.U i , VJB route recognised . him and "telenhoned the aherlff that ha was coming to town, Accordinai that official and Chief of Police Farrtngton met himas the sue, . v liuii.u ,1. nuu iiv 141.J.VI f uuiimrau sjrrest. : He had on hia person a re. vol ver, 1 which he displayed at various tlmea on the way- out, frightening tb passengers badly. It is said he ha threatened during tha nast few davs ta kill several of Bis neighbors and haa terrorised tne wnoie , community in wnicn na tivea. MINNEHAHA TRIBE IN INDEPENDENCE PARAPH At regular meeting of Minnehaha ' tribe, No.. 3, Improved Order. Redman, i held at the Wigwam, In the SelUag. Hlrsch buildlnr. It waa decided to take part in the, Fourth of July parade.' A.-; meeting oi .aii tne iriDea- iapnnnea w ,(B June. 14, in mu.rn.rn una, arrajigomenia.. . The semi-annual election resulted- v. follows: J. H. Jones, vachera; :V,C.V, i Wells, senior sagamore;. Dr. Theo.Tey ? ler. Junior sagamore; B.. T. Fruee. . prophet. j-' . FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONDED PROMPTLTl - fWT mTjrw TTCrrrDUl A OW decoration of graves with flowers, of VII XSXilt JU.1 Ji)lJxX.ajJ t fleer and company No. 77. W. O. W. "The Kaaiant t Morn' twooa. his office today in the persons of men who were indicted by the federal grand jury In connection with the furniture trust. ..Tha callers not, only came ln nanann stv enaMtr' waf aa vaa aaveaiaai m9 Kw Seventy-five strong, lusty-voiced. ... ... -iv.,. . . .. . . . ' I iivimv7 wiuie win. vmiiv .1. wmyMi ..c.u-.ou men vama jhvu romana to- with their attorneya day as delegates to the annual conven-l AH were anxious to disclaim cdnnec Jta. . Aasistant United .States Attorney - ! - . ... T James Cole waa deluged with callers at I Discharge of Grand Jury WW Cans No Cessation In Official DntleeJ. . There will b no cassation of work ln tha United States .attorney's offlca tlon of th ; Oregon Rural Lttrcar. I t,on w,th tn.e rut .wnJ1 pany. were on because of the adjournment of th fed rWtYH. V 7L.7JSi!'Jll. "4 Jury. and: Mr. Bristol stated w'wmuoB, fieBaquariere were bla oonvintlon for eomblnlna- to ferulata h. I. . n..n..itt. n.w ...u. established at the Imperial hotel, and and maintain prices in the furniture In- in which railroads will be the defend the delegates will meet lnfomally to- dustry. Many knew that" the govern- ant."i n:-sr;itH-i,:: night to become acquainted and discuss ment has a strong case against them On of th suits will fcs in the nature tne program ror tomorrow's session. and were teaay to maae almost any i 0f 'a teat case for violation of protect The real work of tha convention will I kind of a.' stimulation that would tend U) i.. .h f ..,,. rir.a Tha be done at the Commercial club tomor- mitigate the penalty they stand in fear name of the company waa not divulged row, and the main subject fo discus of. ; , . ' .. - but it haa been careless in protecting sion will be on the rood roads move. With the exception of tha small fry. n,nn..t. .nn, ..,la. f,. "IXhJ511 bJocts arranged for the however, it is doubtful If anylenlency from locomotives and Mr. Bristol is profram are: 'An Adequate Salary," is shown the indicted parties. Many preparing the complaint in the caae. 'Equalisation of Pay," "Chrlatmaa as a men who bad an opportunity Of appear- other suits will be brought by Mr. Holiday' -Stopping the Penny Nuls- ing before the grand Jury and receiving Bristol before the next term baaln ' on VJiVrW Prcel p08t VufsJ u mmunity bath, now find them.elve. $e?mS& th2 &?lv,KL t.. Bfc..toJ&.?" W-JS&WJiStl cancellation the old Oregon and CaU- PHilton. Pnatmaatar Jnhn W. VTIn.n' I un information. A number of theaa "iP1-.11!?.. T8?"; . niiartat a m ... ... a. I ward); dedication -of monuments, camp Portland today has MU more officers; soioT "Th Ninety and Nine,'1 school children than a. year ago, I J. Claire Monteiyi; aaqress, itev. ueorge a. van waters; soio, - t-eace i.jeave With JTou" (Tenny). Mrs; May Dear born Schwab; closing ceremonies, camp offlcers; quartet, "God Shall Wipe Away All Tears ' (Combs): camp honors; clos ing ode; quartet, Mrs. May-ueawiorn Schwab, Miss Petronella Connolly W. O.; Hodson, J. Claire Montelth. Muslo under the direction of Miss Petronella Connolly. Accompanist, professor J., . uemiora. 1 -. " - - Camp Offlcers-Consul commander, A, M. Cox, adviser, B. I Mlnar; clerk, J. M. Woodworth; banker. W. W. Mlnar: escort, J. H. MQBrlde; watchman, H, A. emeios; sentry, jrrana x rotter, , DEATH COMES AFTER EATING HEARTY LUNCH according: to th school census completed this afternoon and a which wiQ be presented to the 4 board for approval next Monday. ' Tha growth is the largest in th history of the city's schools. e Last ' year tha enumeration e showed a total of t.8. ohll- e dren between tha ages of 4 and 20 years." This year there ar J9.1J9. Of this number 18,181 v are girls and 18,968 boya Th a proportion laat year between the . saxes was about th same. 4 With the completion of ' th : a school census th apportionment for each child has-been fixed- at a $10.16, tha total, amounting to a e sum in excess of 1801,000. ' - - T rPaaaaa.. . aw. la aV ' Va1 : Kaaai a. aa iTv ,tEt&JP SSSTAew iTnndJ? "wh PVrtland to aid 'intBaTSvaSl. Hawley and Ellis have been Invited to I plead guilty Monday when they are t inn tha Rnntharn Paoifin rail. Senator Fulton will formally arraigned. . - , land rrant, will arrive Monday to speak, and all save probably be present Other matters to com up tomorrow will be the election of officers to suc ceed President K. P. Loop of McMlnn vllle and John H. Coins, secretary treasurer, of Albany; ' Tomorrow even ing all city carriers or Portland will be the guests of the rua! carriers and a geeral good time has been planned for tnose wno attend. SMELTER WORKERS DEMAND INCREASE commence his work. Mr. Townsend la the aasistant United States attorney for j Norm Jjaitoia. Oeorge H. Peters, a carpenter, aged 48, of ' SSI Bast Twenty-first1" street, died suddenly; yesterday: afternoon un-" der most peculiar circumstances.. Peters was at work on a building at 6 8 Union avenue, and bad just partaken of lunch eon when .overtaken by death.' -Owing mr Trrrm Ttn-nnm-mTrm I to u raci inav urn man naa apparnnuy TO VICE-PRESIDENCY j been in the best of health, the sudden- lice ui uib u.iinwn, i.wu.u wjr biiw police aa mysterious. ; , . ,:i . . rflaeelal DitDateh te Tbe Joaraal.t . An investigation was maae, ana in SUMNER IS ELECTED (Special Dispatch to Tbe JocraaL) Helena. Mont, June T. The recently Out of 180 rural carriers in Oreron. 1 formed union at. Eaat Helena haa made tne association nas too on xne memDer- hin rolL it is expected that 26 more will be admitted tomorrow, which . will place the Oregon association ahead of in otner states in tne country in point Of percentage of enrollment ELECTION BETS PAID , SO NO INJUNCTION T..-. i ri...i.. c.... . officers detailed on the caae rave it aa Por lanS'w.. elected - rlce-nrasldan t IEl?1?!! Jwif--JJiSf- PAPAMTCT? TlTCT.TTnVTCfl UfAV of th International Telephone aasocia- clares that heart fallur was undoubted- Vwvax. jjw jiw, Uoa ... iv the cause of death. Peters is sur- 'I'll! IK H IN II W IM I , I H h: I .... iw j ii.,m...iiiM y'"''i vvj.1 j.aa.ij v 1 1 ii u i cnaries oumnor ia proaiaeni ti me I children. -r ..- r.i ..' , i.;,t,o,h i. i -.i I. j Home Telephone company of this city. .b ,- n-ln, the f .lnra a th. nnrnn.r ""A1 fft,tfiVfi5??.0P,,25? IfTTT TT? VHAPQ XTAT , . demands upon the management of the " " -i.7 .VTI " ?5S?-' :SZ..F,a M-V avxjo aw , American SmelUng and Refining com- -nntantas of tha stomach of Oeorre 8. dependent - Telephone, ae-ociatton is an I MISS T HEt CL A NSICS There will be no lnlunctlon arainat Schiller & Co. preventing them from paying tha election bets posted at their piace at aiztn ana waamngton atreets. Vesterdav the last dollar waa nald. one day ahead of schedule time, and it would therefore be impossible to snjolo pany for a wage advance' of 60 cents Williams, who died under mysterious organization having for lta purpose th? a day to all employes, numbering about circumstances Wednesday afternoon In I Protection,, of - the independents in all 400. The plant Is the largest operated tha Graham hotel. 14 Washington street Prts oz toe worm. by tne company in me west, xne com- it will never he definitely established fSsaelal DUottca te The Joornsl.) University of Oregon, Eugene, Juno f. KFJtSZ& 10 day, W-decld. on whether th. nnfortunat. n,an anded hi. FLEDGLING ATTORNEYS Ex-Senator F; W. Mulkey said in his The company has made public the Dr. Fred COiliett. 'performed an - ... xr& A "D ' 1?TV A T mvoma "pMCB . , un,ve,r.:T tB J,c.u! announcement, that effective June 1, It autopsy on the body yesterday, but : JDAle liAi IXibTo failure In taitln and Greek ia had adopted- the eo-called Colorado could find no trace of poisoning. All of - .. i no reaaon why he should be a failure bonus system, under 'which, employe the vital organs were . found In good .' i, . v V'l ' . In life, and pointed ut that many men working 80 daya or more each three condition and there waa nothing tan- . Judge Gantenbln haa been Instructed who have atopped their Greek and Latin month ar. riven-S per cent bonus on gible to indicate the causa of death. by the clerk of the supreme court that studies by compulsion have gone Into their wage aoale. From the note left b Williams, ;". the examination of applicants for ad- the world and made a mark. He pointed The men do not look with favor on queathlng all of hi, personal property mlaslon to the Oregon, bar will begin out that he himself had been compeUed this plan, declaring the nature Of their to Mrs. Anna Spang, snd ether circum- at the capitol building at Salem next by his professors to forego the doubtful work IS such that men cannot stand It stances surrounding the case. Coroner Wednesday morning. - , A large elase pleasures of studying Latin and Greek, before the furnace fffl m&aUE XJI aP Flnley believes mat WttUamJ commit- from the University of Oregoa 4Ar yet had found hlmaeif fairly proficient thraa months. - .mmmmmt ,wr-am Am A aflrlrt. .Tl aohool Will taka tha aramlnatlnn. . , ; In Other Ibinra, i , . ,w .. , Fire broke out in th one-st'or'fraa " eottare at '4i7 -Northrun street at 11 o'clock thla mornlnr. damarlnlr that and' .... the adjoining house to the extent' of y,' aoont ou.. ,xne property De ion sea to ; J. J, Murphy and was partially-insured. !H The origin of the blase Is not known.r 5 .... v .... " . ' un, at the time the fire was discovered. ?W Th prompt arrival or the nre paa ' ratus prevented a much larger fire, as " the neighborhood . Is closely built -up -with cheap frame housea.-'.t,' ORATORY GRADUATES : f RECEIYE DIPLOMAS : : 'Special DUpateh te Tbe Jooraat.) ' M V Salem, Or., June 7. Th commence.' ment exerciae of tb College of Ora. tory of Willamett university were held v last evening at the First Methodist Episcopal church. Th graduates wer Miss Vera Mary Byare of Salem and , Mlts OUva Rigby ; of Pendleton.-, Th diplomas were presented by President -' J..H. Coleman -of tb Ittntverslty; yM iif -f ' Building Permltv 'A Mil t7 wnj UI1 ni-nvi a niiBj. i' East Taylor between East Twenty-third - and East Twenty-fifth,. 88,000; F.-8im-; i. mons. East Fourteenth netween Bhaver i and Mason, 8100: J. T. Tindall, repairs, i dwelling,. fan - flouten between Syra V' ouse and De pauw, zoo; Mrs. Ha trie. , ing, Horatio and Fremont streets; 81,800; r. m. i teming, two two-story iram. dwellinrs. East Couch and EaetfiAveh'. teenth streets. 84.000 each: J. HaaffMaa. . j . - . a j : . - a A repairs, . aweinng, u - uenion ' street,awJ 8250: John Dollar, repeirs, store-. Flrat Yamhill streets, J. Martin. I nna.atnrv .. fm. ; dwallino. v' ITInrana "I street, between East Seventh and East Elrhth streets, $1,600; John Travis, re. nalrs. dwelllnr. East Sixteenth - street. hear East Washington street; 8226 iF. A. Krlbs, two-story frame dwelling, Loveloy street between Twenty-fifth, nuu Jl. iuww, fii.uuvi I . .va . Ward, one-story frame d welling,. 'fflb betts , street, between East . Twentv third and East Twenty-fourth streets, 81,600; O'Malley & Newberger, repair . brick ator. Washington street between Sixth and Seventh streets. 81.000: C. B. Dalrymple, one-story frame dwelling, Borthwfck street, between AJnswortn and Jarrett, $600; Jay Cook, repairs, four-story brick warehouse. Front street between Ankeny and Ash streets, 810,. , 000: Noon Bar comoany. renal, four. - store brick store. First street bet waan - Couch and Burnalde streets, $1,000; C. Y. oooawin, one-story tram dwelling, East Thirty-first street, between wv. . rant' and - Alberta streets, 4600; Sara Wele one-story frame barn, Macadnm. v and Pennoyer streets, $800; Joe Eddy, ',' one and one half-story frame dwelline-. Idaho and .Virginia streets, $2,400, . . ' , .