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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
niE OREGON . : DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, 1S07. ALL FURNITURE; PUT Of) SIDEWALK Crippled East Side .Woman .Tells Pathetic Talo, to; County Belief Board. , ',... Confined to her. tx-d .with, four broken ribs a the rsult of being ran over, by e team, ' with a crippled daughter, to .support. M. C. Carroll,, aged M, years, 46S Eaet Madison Street, complafned to s the county board of relief thla morning that all her furniture had been moved out the aide walk by a constable et the order of the owner of the Kouit becauae-th rent was not, promptly According to ths' story told by Mrs. Carroll to the county board of relief, April X, aha wn given 10 daya' notice io move May J. While looking for a r houae ahe was Injured, and haa since .been confined to bed. She haa , viw'w uBJner, cusaDein,. aged Si yeara, who la unable to help herself, and baa to ba moved In a wheeled ehaliv vk . Jrroii aaya ana supported hr '? V dughter br milking threa cowa end keeping a few chlckena. She waa IT ,"."L" Pd s.on May whlsh would have paid the rent io July l, but Sw.ln.C ta her WW aha waa unable . ; i-get tha money -. v ,., , - . ,,7 " Carroll aald that while sho'was ' 11 f ln Dd ner "'ujhter sitting , helplese In her chair, the-constable of the east side Justice court mm mil .eaoved all , their furniture out of the .Wliouno upon the sidewalk, where it now la. . Secretary Buohtel- of tha board of relief, saya he la looking for a four or 1 nou mr me two women.' ' t There muat be a, barn, and the. rent muat ba reaaonable. If euch a house can, ba -found the board will aea that the women in mn4 ut. . - 2I!iUin.tjr W,U PJT'tn fnt until kre. Car- I iraitr, irvm nor injury. , . - , i , Mra. Ia. Lesourd ot I3S Ivy atreet. who owns tha house In which Mra. Car El " Iving. tella a very differ nt atory. Mra. Leaourd aaya aha. la an Sir T,.Dla.n' f M Penda 'on tha rent of the Ninth atreet hmn. f. h.. n..7- y." ht Mra. Carroll keeps board- ZVL'-r . J1"' "n iojo -mat ana owna property In Portland aa well aa a farm (E)pDglI)DlD!Eg)g)KDil'D . And IVhcn lVe, Say $10.00, $12.00 J , It'i a Skirt bargain that' positively unequaled and uhapproached. Only $4.08, and you pick from' Skirts worth V suaigni up io jiio.w. .veryDoay tmows ine Dacurwara season. nas overstocxea maKers as never Detore, and this great purchase of 800 Skirts at 40c on the dollar is one of the results. Over 80 different styles to pick from.' . New spring and summer models, made of all wool and silk mixed materials, including Chiffon Panama, Broadcloth, Cheviot, Silk warp bicilians, Fancy Plaids, Mixtures and Novelty Goods, in au colors and black. All trimmed and tailored in the best styles, and each one a high-class model, for these are all from New York's finest maker. All $10.00 to $15.00 values, and there s not a single, solitary one worth less than $10.00. : Choice m - Choice of 200 Ladles' Finest $9.00 and pi O Wash ; Dr esse s Makers' sample lota, made of lawns, batiste, linena and organdies, lace, braid and embroidery trimmed; white and all colors; every one worta sv.oo to no.oo. cnoice $3.98 P0RTIAIID5 IIE17 DEPMIEI1T JTOHE no J For women's Lawn Shirtwaist Suits, UoC worth $3. V; tfQ OQ or women's allover lace Waists, P0O all fancy- styles; regular $10 vals. mFor women 25c white Xawn Aprons, all lace trimmed.'::'.: r':--::, vi;' (I AO For . women's plain and fancy P'fWO Coats and Jackets, worth $15. . Jut 50 In the Lot Ladles' $2.30 and H $3 Wash Skirts a "' M ' 1 ' -f . Jtiat 50 in all, so hurry if you want one, made of duck, linen and Indian Head; new pleated styles; gC trap and fancy trimmed; white and all col-XlikC ors; all $2.50 and $3.00 Skirts ... ; , Uv intn atreet bouae for her llvlni m m . I one In Idaho. Mna . Leaourd aaya also that Mra. Car, roll aa not nick In bed when, her , fur hlture waa moved out, but that aha waa walking- about the houae. and when aha aw the 'constable earning she ran and lumped Into bed and pretended to be 111. Mra. Carroll haa lived In tha houae : for ,alht montha. . aaya Mrat Loaourd, and Muring that time haa never paid her . rent nor any other bill, except under ex treme preasure. Mra Leaourd aaya alao that Mra. Carroll drlnka. and haa bMii o drunk n Mrs. V Leaourd a i prtaence t that ahe. haa., had to. o. to- bed. v i DRUNKS NDMINOBS'S . MUST K0T GET BOOSE" ' ) "1 Sati Pllea .Qrttamachar a Chief of hos iHBued treumen calling the-attention or a bluecoata Jo the failure of, aa. T -loonkeeperd to observe tha ordl- 4 BanoartlaO ve . to tha - sale of r'a , liquors to persons already. In- ? loxicatea The.' police , of flclkl e also takei . occasion to cajl tha ,', attention of the men, of hla eom- a mand to their apparent laxity In ,; enforcing the "law governing the ' sale of' v lntoxlcanta to minora. "From the' facf .'aaya tfia'ehAjf ' a in ills order.' "that "a great many4 minora are ' brought to the city e jan m a state-or- mtoxioation U a noticeable ' that ,tha . offlcari are' not Aolng their duty ln this reapect" .,.,.'.- .... -,i ., r I T' VTIT ' A Another Great Bartam Jensatlon-anl ttt One XiiV X IVvs Tlut Sboald Create M Kinds ol titttement. , . Vomcn's $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 H H While They Last choice; Only SI of them, an t&e saakae had, ao harry if yoa want eae made ef faaor oy trunmeo, iui wiaa atari, u eolora and aU alaea. AU guaraaSaed $18.00, $18.00 aad 3( eheok, atrlpe and aolid eolor Taffeta B)Uk, faao ralaas. While they last, eholoe . fnU wide eldrt. 0.00 O lay 0tJ Five Hundred Women's Best 69c and ",'T w rappe rs 50 doren Women'a 39c and 50c fancy Lawn Ki monos 19cl 'One lot of Women'g Pet 5 ticoata, ; all colors, worth, up to $1.25 ...... ... . . . 49c Rousing Saturday ; Clean-Up of Odds and E I Qnndreds & Hundreds o! Pairs to G6Evcry KInd, Every Style, Every SizeCome Tomorrow and Buy Up to $4 Shoes at $1,98 for Choice ; - PERSONAL . t v.- .Mlases J. M. and H. M. Crooks of 8L Paul are at the Imperial -lotel. They are daughtera . of Colonal - Will tarn Crook and are in attendance upon their father who haa been erloualy ill for Srvnmi weeica at Bt Vincent's hospital, 'oionei ; Crooks la reported Improved and is expected to be out In aeveral sa-a. - ; ... . L' Mr. and .Mra. Harry A.? Byrnes " of Ban. IVanciaco are at the Portland ho tel. , Mr-Byrnea la traffic manager ot the I'nlon. Oil company. . ' And.-ew Dyo, representing Life, of New Vork, la at the Portland botL Mr. Deyo la well' known' in Portland wrier ho haa made a hoat of friend on bl" tripe to the coast for hla periodical. .' William S. Crane of Chicago la at tha Po.-lliind hotel.- Mr. Crane, is a mem ber of the Crane company, one- of the laroat manufacturers os metals in the World. r1"?.- . " ' V ; Gordon Craig,-aon Of A. Li Craig, fori mer at-neral , ottasenger agent of. the O. U. N haa. been Appointed gener-it .98 Pair 98c V . :,It' the final clean sweep of all broken lines remaining from our many great purchases. Over 600 ' pairs in all, and most every sort ot good leather is included, fine yicis, gunmetal and box calf, anti- ' crack patents etci High Shoes and Low Shoes, lace and blucher cut, medium and heavy soles, new toes, latest heels, r Shoes for work arid dress, and including hundreds of pairs of trade mark footwear that you and every one else knows sells at 3.00 to $4.00. All sizes and widths, and plenty of them. CAOict $1.90. ITeinen's $2i0 JcIIels - Fine id Iddv witb elastic sldes flexible soles, all alxea. Every pair worth $1.75 and '$2.00; now 98f, i Boys' f Famous Walton 3hoo i r.Buy- GHildreh's Th best Shoe bargain youVe heard of in many a day. Misses' and children's school and dreaa Shoes, made of tint vlcl kid. blucher cut, new cap toe and genuine oak extension soles. No better ahoe made for wear, and arery pair at a aavint; of a full third. :,A 1 . ' ' Sites S to 8. DO .1 Sizes BV, to 11.' AO t Sixes to 2t Ort I lses M to . worth $1.30 ...... OOC I worth $1.75 .... vOC worth $2.00 .apleaW worth 2M Ton kaow them, beat oa eartk for wear. Wita aoa-oreoklag eaif akla nppera, aU seams: silk aUtched aad solid axtenaloa eolaai f oaea, alaa t to 13, pair sis onaa. a lie ism io a. pa $4.00 oaea, sis SH to S4. pair r;.H.i, 98c Odds and Ends Hundreds of pairs of Women's Shoes thrown In the great pile tomorrow, i This lot includes patent leathers, vici kid and runmetal. lace or blucher oxfords and one and two-strap aandals, Juliets with elastic, sidea, light hand-turn or medium weight aoles, cap or plain toe. We also includo hundreds of pairs of white canvas oxfords. . Every aixe, in every width, so you will be sure to be fitted. Every pair a , $1.75 to $2JS0 value. All in one lot and not over two pairs to a 'customer,' choice '.'.'i; .... i :.; i'i 98c M MO Women's Whito Canvas Oxfords Three great bargain lota,' laoa aad blv ober atylaa, large eyelets, wide ribbon ties, an alaea aad widths, aad every pair worth S3.00 to S3JO. J.Q Choloe, pair , ptV oeeV,,;,,VC I ones ....... V- ussenftrr .agent of the Erie llnea with piidouurtei. at Seattle. Wl vvAX known. In railroad circles .In Mr. Craig li ole-1n .Port land, havma been in the Southern -Pa. rlno an J O. R. & N... ticket' Af flee at llilrdT .nd, Washington atreeta for sev-s.-al years. : He was transferred , to Se attle and hla advancement to hia. pre tnt pcoi'lon will be good hewst.o,hl8 fVRANT'S ST. LOUIS liOMK i t(l,taf9 III VIA JltU vwuvAt eua . vv v curled and Traded for m Farm."M V "While 'moderrt tbrickdwelii - Sprung1 ilp on all aides In the vicinity of Tenth sttoT Barton streets, there re i mains standing two doors weat of the eorner aw, antiquated llttlei wooden cot tage. The humble structure. saysthe St. Louis -Times, waa. tho-abode of uen-f " ral I'lyeaea S. ! .Orant, soldier." atatea . tnan and president of the United States, ..-and it 1s believed waa the, birthplace . ot oenerar reaerica urnnt. :;.r. -"'. The little.: atructuro .haa, a ground floor containing four small . rooms. : An Sttlc room: la reached by s nsrrow.fllght of rickety wooden' stairs. . Tho two front -WinaOWB Or toe ailicarq pni;ru vj irun roda;Juat why. no- one has been sole to-flgure -out,, unless Jt was -intended to be. used as .lhe. repository , for .- family , wealth. - r,;; v-t'V V ' Three of the rooms were used by the Oranta as sleeping apartments and the. , fourth, on the ground .floor,' Is. a . tiny kltohen. . - . "'.'' 1 The house was occupied by the'lloll weg family for many year" after they acquired it In 1865 for 13.026 from. the late Mja; and Mra. Joseph W. White. : sefifta nhmlnorl th hoimn from fJritnf. Ki?cording to the tradition,; in exchange txt . the farm in the county n which' Grant built in W- ine , jamoue log cabin. .. : .' .. Mra.- HOllweg aayw no inipnan , ta Communicate withv Congreaama.n,. Bsrr tholdt, who Is president of . the Ofipt Cabin aaaociation, and .Inform ' him of the history of. the cottage and the. fact ttiat 11 IB aUDjeci io icnumnun. uy. un association, . . r . !."'f'' lr t ' T . ...... . '..:(i Smokexl to Avoid Infection Tr"m the United States Tobacco Journal, ". "' ' V1 -4. Graat Saturday Sale of Whitewash Bells ' Beet Baxg ala of the Tear. - Pay.-Us -15c -for. 25c Wash Bolts Made la the newest styles. t anoy v embroidered, gtlt and liver hackles, all alaea. Vosl tlvely host S5e Belts, , f g. for ens day . ; : - 19c Worth 35c lnk wash Its, t anoy . ..19c ii ii o oap Women's bine aad Belts, aU piped m t bnokleai fateat SBe novelty. Special ' Saturday's Great Svvcpp-Out Sale MILLINERY MUST G .v' Even if we don't get 10 cents on the dollar for what's left V Women's $4, $5 and $6 4,' Trimmed Street flats $ ,49 REMKMBKR, ALL $4.00, $5.00 , S6.00 VALUES Zti the enrplae and elaaaap lots of ens ef the most noted stew Tork milliners and eoaslete of one ef the best and handsomsst llnea of street hate ever shown in thla city. 1 , 2 and 3 f a Kind AU oolors and hlaek, eaoh one rlehly trimmed, neweat ahapea, flneat strawei nowhera la this great elty has snoh a bargain been offered be fore. Be on hand early and plek out 0t in a SO.00 ha If yon wish. Choloe, eaoh i..7l47 SLA. v . t t . ' m W . .- T Get Your Share of These RJeffiwear A special purchase of thousands of pieces at almost half price. "All new this season's styles, and the same you pay double these prices for at Other Stores. ; '.., - ,'.... The new stiff ' eoUars la turnover style, laoe and embroidery in edges, regular SSo values raney dreaa oollara, ta blaok, eolora. aad also Bsrsiaa effeots, maae of combination or c Huron, velvet ribbon, also beaded ejf eoU, aWk w.l n a . rihnie ..... Battanberg laoe oollars, la ecrd eream, long taba, SOo M Og-1 at Just hal prloe ........... Women's Unea collar and cuff seta, laoe and embroidery trimmed and faaoy braided. Aotoal kM no. valnas. Choloe ...,vOC 24c SO Bosaa badlee Tlnest IOccSc 15c Fancy Embroidered i Turnovers Soseas of pretty vat- ' lOo aad 15o U eJt tw NM 1M - kinds. Clioloe .............. 100 Pieces Full 27-Inch ' 35c SILK M ALINES . 1 AU New Colors Special .... Women's 35c SariipI&White Hosiery The Kind You Want at Leas Than Half Price Every pair is a sample, but the lot is a email one, only 800 pairs in all. ao hurry la the watchword. ' All the finest and best of this season's novelties in white Hosiery is represented in this great purchase. Sheer, thin white gauze inc one lisle and maoo, plain, allover lace, boot lace, striped and lace open work effecta, seam-. less, full regular made, ana all sixes. Hose wortn in a regular way 33c to oac, ana re member you positively cannot get a pair worth leas than 35c All in two great lota.,. unoice . . , t .... Worth 62c Womens 25c Black Hose 19c Fast black and seamless, p: tops, all sizes: best 25c ft special...... lain and ribbed lose in the . city; Children's 20c Black Hose And every pair a guaranteed 20c grade, fine heavy ribbed, aeamlesa, toe. For one day, pair double heel and 12Kc 48c for Women's 75c iT- LcatherHand Bads A aew lot of 800 Juat arrived, styllah aad handsome, and aa good aa 7 so buys at other stores. , f . ; All Full Siro Za blaok only, well made and lined. ruuanw iiuu ana zmea with pnrae.. Always sold at 7 So. An to a customer - QQc For $2 & $2.50 Sarsplt Hand UO Atl one and two of a kind, full alaes none worth less . afL m a af A n ! i a . . tv ar : and Toilet Articles Oreeit etturday Sale of 25c Graves' Tooth Powders 9c Bx. 100 dosen ' Antiseptle Diapers, nerfeotly eaaitaryi beat kind for baby I sold, Kr all over at l&o.. Special ISo Jar XianoUna jsUy , Oe SSo Bottle Eastmaa's Croshed , ' lar-. Xoss laloum. ...-. : ., . . v. v. .3V loo Cake Jap Boss, Olycarine . 3c Soap ,uit 4 . c v ' 9$ Bottu Mtroutvm aTffUrt ' n lc .Vrltlag Tafclels lc Each Finest 75c Fancy Ribbons:3 9c Yard A Ribbon Bargain That Should Bring Thousands Worth A Vl 'viiJ Jj: f IfJJljL ; And all pure silk, in the handsomest and richest of color combinations, In the newest plaii Is inrRPS IvIliP Every wanted shade and style, pure silk. and full 6 inches wide, for eashea, hat trimmings U 111 way 1 1 u v M bags, etc.' A Ribbon: worth every penny of 75c, and that's what we would have to sell i bought in a regular way. Special, 30e yard. . ,.'.;.' , . Great Sale oi Odds and Ends and Ribbon Remnants Half Price 39 5.009 yards ' best Sc Corset Cover RibbGtia, broken lot of colors, - ton one day, 3 yards for : . St Odd lots 3 to 6-inch Ribbons, worth 25c to 35c, plaids, checks and figures, yarq v.... C Fancy 15c Family Liquor (Department Special-500 Bottles Extra Fine WHITE PORT . WINE Beet guaranteed SOo klndj novuo 26c WearweU Whiskey, the rreateat (us whiakey oa the market, rye or n hoarbon, bottle ;. ...... , ,.;...OIC Zrre fuU auart bottle AQ eerry Brandy, bottle ....... ... .fv C ATXBBTOV, bottled ta bond aad sold bSttS0! ?7" .. "f!. , .. . ... .-06 C 32.93 for Women's Finest $4 Long Kid Gloves uvorn uoi" lar Saved on Every: Pre You Buy It's another new shipment, and they are even finer than the. last lot, which sold fa) .a, Single day. Made of fine aoft kid.' " 1 Full Elbow Length !) ltK,itort Marlr 1 tan mil hrawn.' Evcrv pair fitted to' you' hand, and aU real' 5.oo, vaiues $2.98 Women's' Double-Tip Silk Gloves , In black and white, all aisea. ' One, of ' iZiCk Dp the most famous of SL00 Gloves. S ! Mr. Man, Save, on Your Furnishings 1 Trade a4 the Big Bargain Store, where no extravagant prices are charged, and where $1 goes as far as $1.50 to sz does at otner stores. - t MEN'S BEST 10c ' , Canvas -' Gloves Go" at, pair '5. .'..'. 5' r hrxwa rarET 8o. Neliee Shirts. J Fancy patterns,,, 25c and 35c Silk Windsors In light and' dark 'Colore, plaids, checks, dota "f and plaids, all silk, and all regular 25c and I ase kinds....... i .v. . ,.v.i .. tW 2c MEN'S REGULAR 35c Dress JAa : Suspenders I Jf V Ball bearing, pai" MEN'S FANCY, , tAU ra. mm Socks ' For one day,, pair for rag. Bo red and blue Ban dana "' handkerchief,- lar re slse. Hen's $2.50-$3 Wash Vests $1.19 A purchase of hundreds just in, plain white, dota and fancy figures; best $2.50 and $3 values Another Day of the Big Sal of BOYS' WASH SUITS 59cS.79ciSS $1:79 for mtn'i 82.00 and Sa.SOBiuffle and double breasted .bine flannel ovezw shirts. " ' The , Larg'est Teddy Ort the Whole Pacific Coast To Be, Given Away mm To some one of our numerous boy and girl . ; friends. , ; " Ask Us About It Come down and see the bear on exhibition to morrow, y It's so big that it's almost life dze, and it's to be given away free. . f DON'T YOU WANT IT? That smoklne;: has a ralue beyond m party Aiere soUce was illustrated recently .tjqiian ojrai on the trip or . a The party consisted of the. Uuk and Puchea of Cbnnauirht and-their tlanirh tr. the . Prlneejia Patricia. '. .While In . China they, vlalted Canton:, here,tnail. nnr via fnlil'imlc nd to avoid 1nfeo ... tloti hldlf, amoked cijrarettea In", eeBaanlly; while the duite aepi a oisnn In his niotith coflstantly throughout hla star lnthe city.. The danger waa a very real one. as infected pereona were allowed to mingle . freely wlUf - t?.e crowd. ' ' - . - - -.' , ,! -1 , . AUTOIST MISTOOK RELATIVE : FOR MURDEROUS HIGHWAYMAN Residents .ft the vicinity ef Twenty, sixth - and Savior, streets: are, having a quiet - laugh - oyer.; lhe published' story of how 'Dsn VMant' had. cleverly, eluded a gang- of bold highwaymen who atopped the automobile of the pawnbroker while drlvin In that aeotton of the city -Wednesday nights' According to the atory. Mr. Mar' was -stopped by 'one of the highwaymen, who waved ihle hat - to aummon hla -eonrefltrates - irom me brush, when Mr.. Wafx. turned-on full steam ahead: and shot but of revolyer range before 'he could be held up. s v . One. of the , robbers, In., the person of Amos Fieldat called up The Jtournal to dav and stated that the 'man who stopped Mr. . Marx wsS Fields' brother In-law. Dpi! Barber, a atreetcar motor man, who wanted to Inquire - Whether Marx 'had aeen Mtas Minnie Burgett, a young woman -who had wandered away from home while 11L- Mr. - Fields said that before Barber could make . Mr. Marx understand-the question, he" grew alarmed and' scooted away. Mr. Barber waa In hia carmen's uniform, which accounts Tor me -description furniahed by Mr. Marx of the bold. ln the, dead of night to. .commit, rpb bad road agent, who stood In his path hurv. .. Miss Burgett waa afterwards found at the Young Woman's Christian aaao ciation. - ' . '- Monday positively the last day. of dis count of west side gaa -bills.-v t V -,' ..j, ...i i ( .in. ii i'i v .: Royal Dowry for Maids ff Honor. ' 'i From T. P. O.- - A tradition attached to maids of honor la that they Invariably marry-welL -Their poaltlon at court-bringa. tham Into contact with hlfhl eligible parties and an old euatom dating back for cen turtea ordains their royat mlatreaa - to provide -a dowry of .11,000 on their wedding day, ;r-;"-f -. D'URBANO SECURES CONTRACT? TO RENDER PARK CONCERTS i Deciding that the annual, wrangle of the mualclans to supply the music for the city park during the aummer eea aon should be fought out In the union and ' not before - the park board. - that body tltl's morning awarded the contract for J the ti or .more ".concerts to , he lyt'rbanof band. John Everest, a rival leader, agreed to furnish one more man than' the contract named as the mini mum, but who charged for the printed program, made a protest sgalnat award-. ing the contract, to the Italian leader. D'Urbano offered the city 10 musicians and agreed to furnish the programs free of charge. ; -s ..,.- ..- ---i - For- awhile the board threatened to reject all bids and talked ot hiring the musicians Itne'f for, the summer, in taking the contract 'D'Trbano.. sland.t liable to ' er fine from the musician' union, but hla manager. L. Ruszl, auya the successful loader la prepared for alt fine. - It was also explained that If, who at present.-is In New York, could11 not assemble a band from among , the local musicians, be would Import one from New York. The schedule of summer concerta waa referred to a committee with power to act. but. tha feeling during the mtln seemed to place the first Sundsy In Juluy aa the eai date for the opening. ; Adders Aided in Work. ' v Through the ktndoesa of the Bnrouglis Adding Machine company The Journal was 'able on the night of the election to furnish Ihe people of Portland wl!h c-r-rect calcuUUona of the votes rtmi t r the eanrlldaUs for the tlifffrn.t imuii pal off leua. ' ; y Olnwtcd Files IVtltl.Hi. C. L. Olmstea'd rt PortUnd f-:- " petition in bunlmir 'f-v - tu ! court to.lav. ti.-,i,:ii- i,r, at M.J- "'! f iints aU l.