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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
13 THE OREGON .DAILY. JOURKAC; PORTLAND.: FRIDAY EVENING, JUIJE 7. 1S07. siiisawrjiiis FOR PORTLAND Allows Seals to; Hit Safely Jbut Three Times in Nine . , Long Innings. " , ERROR BY CARSON , . , . PEE VENTS SHUTOUT Donahue Seen in New Position, Center Field, Does Star Batting of 1 Day and Rings the Bell Twlce-- .'. 4 Notes of Game. , . , . J i . TEBTERPAT'8 RESULTS. .' Portland 4. San Francisco I. -Los Angeles 4, Oakland 3, . ., ...... . i . , STANDING OF THE ClUBS. -.-..,'. Won. . Lost . P.C 1,0 Angele 15 .10 , .63 Pan Francisco . ..34 IS .,.;- .87S. nnklanit ...... ft.-! SO ! .492 Portland ....17 - 40 ' ' ,S . As previously remarked, Portland has on rood pitcher, Klnsella, tha youth ful Importation from th "Thr I" league. - Sine the Beavers' arrival . on th home grounds Calif f has twirled one good fame,, on or . two Indifferent games and several very bad ones. Groom has been sometimes on and sometimes off; Oum" has been , off all th and Bchlmpff-well, tha : only " time Schimpff ever graced the mountain lor a full nine Innings he was hammered down to the condition of a Jelly fish. , Klnsella pitched his fourth game on tha home , grounds yesterday. Two times In the four ha pitched his club to victory. The third, time It was the .worst of support that brought defeat and the fourth time laat Sunday the youth waa atck and waa as aaay a mark a tha other members - of McCredle' strong arm staff have usually been. ' Vr.Tlaltors Make'.. 9non,'f-.1 The visitors played ,, an errorless game yesterday, but in spit of : that the locale bore away the vtctorywith the comfortable score of 4 to 1. Willis, chief hatehetman for tha Seals, waa hit hard, but not particularly often, and a number of times he pulled him .self out of a bad bos. One of the two errors of the Beavera had to be paid for In the ringing of tha bell. Otherwise Klnsella would have aeored a nnut-out. Both aggregations played a nice arti cle of baseball, the secret of Portland's victory lying in the masterful work of Klnsella, who allowed but three scat tered hits and at the same time fielded hie position brilliantly. .-.. The first Beaver to cross the nan waa Baaaey. who walked to first, took an other station on Manager Mac s sacrt rice ana cam noma in a trot on Moore' two-bagger. Donahue Slags Ball. - Donahue rang the bell In the third, lie started with a great two-base hit to the center flrld fence. Bobby Qroom ran for him after that, getting on a double steal cleverly executed by him self and Casey. A single by McCredla and a two-bagger by Slntt scored the former In ' the sixth. The final run came In the eighth, Donahue starting the fun with his second two-swat, tak ing third on Caaey's sacrifice and scor ing on Bassey'a high fly to center, Bsn Francisco' lone run cam In the fifth.' Spencer got to first on a safe bingle over the third sack, took second on Shaughnessey's ...sacrifice, . third on Carson's muffed thrown ball and home on Willis's high fly. ; The official score: PORTLAND. . AB. R. Hf.B. P.O. A. E. lay. ss ........ ,s . o o I o Donahue, C. f. ,.S 0 14 Casey, 2b. ...... 3 Bassey, 1. f. .... S McCredle, r. f. . , 2 Mott. th. ,.,... Moore, c. 4 Carson, lb. .... I Klnsella, p. . ... I a J7 Totals .7 SAN FRANCISCO. . , AB. R. H.B. P.O. A. E. Mohler, Zh. .... 4 6 0 t Street lb, 4 - 0 0 11 Moriarty, ss .... S ' 0 0 0 Irwin. 3b .40 1 1 Williams, U .. 4 0 1 1, Spencer, c f. ... 3 1 ' 1 1 Shaughnessy, r.f. ' 0 O ; 1 Ksola, c ., 2 0 " 0 , 4 Willie, p. ...... 3 .0.-0-1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 , 0 Totals 23 1 3 24 SCORE BT INNINGS. 14 San Francisco,.. .0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 "Hits 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 Portland 0 1 10 0 10 1 4 Hits 0 12 112 0 1 SUMMARY. Struck out By Klnsella, 8; by Willis, 2. Bases on balls Off Klnsella, 3; off Willis. 4. Two-baae bits Moore, Dona hue if), Carson, Mott. Double play, j i win w oirwv to xuomer. , ., etacruice hits McCredle, Shaughnessy, Casey. Stolen bases Spencer, Donahue. Mc Credle (2). Casey. Hit by pitched ball Esola. Passed balls Moore, Ksola. irst case on errors Ban Francisco, 3. ,Lerc on oases Portland, et San Fran cisco I. Time of game tl hour and 38 minutes. , umpire ferrine.- , NOTES OP THE GAME Moore did a piece of dummv base running in tne fourth, McCredle was perched- on second when- Moore hit . a hot one which Willis cathered In ana iiung to irwin. jucureaie was nixing to tnira, out seeing inai ne was caugnt, he turned tall and yelled to Moore to go to aecond. Instead of doing so. - Moore ran half way between first and second stations ' and stood there until S attS&f&SS S& S McCredie was caught and the sphere .rt toM ..t tuiv. t,m n h. liu. i , I Kid llrvln. Who , Will Fight Spike ' ; i - K;:!1v of Ins'Anirplyw Four RrtnndaiNew York l 1110 AUUHUI1UU1 KHtlUIUS urcu lag. - " , jsro' X 11 t , . ',', V,;'-, ' ( Miss Hahn and Mr.' Nicholson, Competitors in 8aturday Hunt Club Races,; Out, fpr;. warmlni-Up Jog on ! LOVERS OF AMATEUR RACING; ARE PRAYING FOR A FAIR DAY Members of the Portland Hunt club, their friends and all local; lovers of unateur horse racing are praying for fair weather for tomorrow,'" for It is tha day of the annual aprlng field meet of the local chib of riding -experta i j ' Everything la in readiness for " the race and the affair promises to be aa successrui-a one, as nas ever taxen place on ne Irvlngton track. Portland's four hundred will be there and taste fully dressed girls will flit back and forth in the grandstand vending lemon ade and r.freshments. r - v.-:-The event will begin with a parade of all the horses and their riders in uni form. - This will take . place promptly at 1:J0 o'clock, and immediately fol lowing will come th races. The pony race, for which ths entries will not close until the hour of , the run, promises to be one- of the best features of the day's sport The race Is LARGE HEADED DWARF SITS IN -:. AUTO AND Automobile horns are now., being made In all sorts Of fanta st Jo , shapes. Portland will probably be flooded with tha new idea in ' horns soon, as they have been put on tha "aatern market and Will reach ' the west before many months have passed. The evolution of the auto horn seems to resemble that of the electrolier. In tha beginning the- electrolier waa simply a glass bulb at the end of a cord, but now it is a eautiful girl holding a radiant lily, or a winged boy with a shining star In his hand. So the automobile horn, at flrat a plain horn of brass, is now developing from -that into . something more artlitio and beautlfuL One of the new home la in the shape of a frog a great brass frog, squat- ! such base running as he did waa simply mexcusaDie, , . , Donahue's , right kne - is bad and he cannot run. i but it was a wise move McCredle made to send' the -Irishman to the middle garden. "Uonny"-has i been hitting a great streak lately and is too vaiuahl a man to oe icit on tne 'bench as long as he can-hobble. .Each or nis great iwo-Dase nits waa respon slble for a run and ir the man's legs had been all . right he could ' have stretched one and probably both of those bingies into inree-Daggers. v , w , a, e 'r . . The grandstand play or the day was made by Casey, who; Jumped high into the air, caught a wild throw of Moore's with one hand and put it on Street as the latter slid , for the . bag. Mohler tried the same kind of a trick soon afterward, but be didn't com .through with it. , - .,,...,:. Casey's maff of Irwin's easy fly In tha fourth was due. to poor team, work, Casey Is very sure of high, flies and he usually takes everything of the kind that drops anywhere near tha keystone sack. But at this particular ttme Kay, Donahue and Casey all ran for it Fay bumping into? the second baseman Just as he caught, the .ball. ,.. -,J V . t , McCredle batted 1.000 per cent yester- d"y" .-a..."'- 1 ' "The msn that grips hla bat by the end and swings hard on the 'spitball' has scarcely a chance on earth,' says Fielder Jones. .' -,. "it is the. natters mat tax a snosx. auirk chop that connect ' I "When I'; aee a slugger dig his toes In to take an awful swing, I7 feel safe, but when he grips his bat up high' and takes a quick poke, then I know, there is a chance. for trouble."1 A . , HttLSBOEO AMATEUKS;: BEAT WHlIAlHETTE? (Special. Otapatrb to The Joarpal.) Hillsboro. Or., June 7. In one of tha best-played games on th local diamond, Hillsboro yesterday defeated the Wil lamette team of Portland by- a' score of 2 to 1.- The feature of the game was the v Dltchlnc of Wiesendanarer of the wlllamettes. - Wlesendanger r was form erly with St. Johns and won Ave of their games. 'This game should have been his bad it, not been for Winson's wild throw, which went under the first base bleachers, allowing Douglasa to score, the .winning run. .j The uneut or .the two teams: ; Hillsboro Wilson, center field: Blab. catcher; Carter,, pitcher; Douglass, first base; Hlnkle, shortstop ' Camp.v second case; jonnson, center - neidf A. flalU left field;' R." Plait third base. - - j Willamette Smith,, third base;:' Mor rison, jeit neia; xear rignt neia; Myer, second base; Bcnarner, snortston; Fur- gison, center field; Miller, first base; Btuarv caicner; wiesenaanger, .pitcher, , American league., s-St Louis 6, Washington 2. ' Philadelphia 8, Chicago 0. . ' . . Cleveland 6. New York 0. . - ; Detroit 6, Boston 2. ' CLL'B STANDING. h Chicago .luc-ago . ..,,-,.,,1 Cleveland , , .693 .62S .67 .600 .600 .429 St. Ijouls uoston 341 Washington , . , . , . . ; ' ,31 ( limited n nnnles under 14. hands high. which must be ridden by boys under 18 years or age. More entries ara prom' IsmI for thla race than for any other. vThe steeplechase -will undoubtedly be a risky undertaking. ' The track is rouah in some places and' brushy in othera and a number of intending rid' era decided, after going over the course, to withdraw. ' J-our bold horsemen, how ever, refuse to. be daunted and the dan ger of the run will doubtleBS add spice to th entertainment . r Two prise previously unannounced are a special cup for the two-mile race, donated by Harry Corbett,- and a special Hunt club cup for the three eighths of a mile. , Every race nas excuea mucn interest, but none of them more than the ladles' trot, which Is somewhat of a novelty in track events. . . . In addition to the special -cups given by the club and Its friends for each v.nt there will be other prises. such as bridles, bits, eta. - YELLS "LOOK OUT" , t" " " " '-- ting, with open- mouth.' The frog idea l earrted out even to the note of the horn itself,- the note being deep, me tallic, short a - frog-like sound. This frog has two big green eyes and a lit tle lamp lighted behind' them- at night makes . them i ah I ne splendidly, .- There is another bora- in- the, like ness of a -serpent Abov -the "-open mouth is a little cornet-shaped ' light and in graceful colls the body.' over a yard long, runs 'back to the bulb 'be side the chauffeur's hands. An "ultra" horn,! for those, who -wish something extravagant' and' bizarre, has a phonograpn attachment This .norn, shaped Tike a dwarf ev creature all head, with mouth' open emits a 'hoarse "Look out'" a---,- -fcJ - These LSTnroyed . ar com tr4sW Frice ssf. 8lV - " ' fT , , -i i ' ,' ., ' - m i - i AMATEUR LEAGUE , - : ; in coos county . 4 ' jr i . ' . -. ft Ball Players of Southern Oregon Unite for Extension of Na- ' ,v ;,". v. "'. , ,- "ij'.'j. :-,i.-' .'..., k . tlonal Game. - (Special Dtsoateh t Tbe JowraaL) '.. ' North Bend, Or., June 7 The .North Bend team defeated the Marghf laid team' last Sunday by a scor of, 8 to. 3. It was ' a fine - exhibition of baseball and th crowd all went away satisfied that xney naa got tjneir-money s "worth. , : The game waa repbte with-brilliant piays ana nne , ueiaipg. ; m - the third and sixth innings the North Bend boys got their .batting, clothes on, aiidmade ui meir runs. '. t, . .. i The Coos County league Is now organ isea, ana -is composed or teams from ,Myrue roint The teams mil. be. com posed or local mavers. i.' v : , . -The North Bend lipeup "Sunday : was as follows; Battery Graham and Lyons;- uafTney. 'shortstop; Wells, first oase; .'; uaie,- second base; Keene, -third Dae ana raui, ' Aicueoa ana if'eiter. out fielders. t, - , . , , XACHT EACET0 BEK V : ; SAILED T0E0ER0W Four Vessels -Will Compete In H an , ; dicap Run on Willamette , , "River.. Th Oregon Yacht club race, which was to have been- sailed on Decoration day,' but which was postponed on ac count, of a scarcity ,,'of wind, . will-be sailed tomorrow. z? The race will be rim from the clubhouse at the Oaks to the Madison bridge end return. - Ths-open-ing gun will be fired at 2:30 o'clock.' . Four yachts will compete., the Lakota, skipper, A. Cormack; the Anona, skip per,.; Francis D'Arcy;1 the, Owyhee, skip per Floyd - Everts; the Tyhee, skipper. F. C. Barbour. The: race will be a handi cap, with the Ty hee. carrying the hea vi est time 'odds. The-Lakota -wilt start at 2:38, the Anona af 2:35, the Owyhee at 2:36 an the Tyhe at 2:38. - ' '. COACH BEZDEK-XEAVES OREGON PERMANENTLY v , ' Special Dispatch to The Joans!) . University of Oregon, Eugene, June-7. Hugo Bexdek, who ha held the posi tion of physical director her for the last year, and coached the football, base ball and basketball teams, will leave Pacific coast athletics next Saturdavi and either Studv medicine or embark on Jthe sea of sport in the middle west as a director of athletics at soma Instttu- tifm there. - H linn BAvuril AffH nnil.. consideration. - . : r Besdekt goes f to Corvallls , Saturday, N wner me, oaseoau xeam . piays, and win go on east from -there. . ' , , , -, Oordon B, Frost will coach the fooU ball team next fall. - He put out the champion team of high schools in Amer ica last autumn. , . . r (l. e , , , 1 DOUBLE HEADER. A! ST. JOHNS Four Nines of; the. Tri-City . League Will Play . bh Sub urban Diamond Sunday There will be "great flolns' " at the St. Johns baseball park next - Sunday afternoon., Th Trl-City league . will Inaugurate ' their ' double-header series by matching tha four Portland teams in n sr ,nin v., uiiv wi.u . V , .WW uw . u other for 3 o'clock. in the nrst game tne Trunamaaers nd.t1B1Jl wln'b. P,ud. against each other. These two teams have not met -this season , and . are aa evenly matched as two teams could be and are tied in the percentage column for fourth dace..- Manaaer Portlow of the Trunka has been rustling around and haa an entirely- new team. .. The second arama will be between tha leaders in the pennant race and the tall enders, the Frakes and tha Cubs. When these two teams met before the Frakes won by a ' little luck, for thev secured only one hit-off the Cub pitcher. The Cubs have been unlucky all through the season, out put up ngnts against their iODnonents. Inslnor hv one rnr In I fast games. They will try to win over! tne Milliners ana com up out or tne cellar. Lineup of the four teams an-1 nouncea tomorrow, EASTERN LEAGUE NOTES If. the Detroit team can keep ii n the Mod work Manaaer -Jenninaa will he able to dream of a pretty pennant, beau tiful music and the happy life. " The St Loula Americana nlav a 'much stronger game with Yesger on., third and Delahanty in right neid. - ,: -- - Several Brooklyn players held out for more this snrlna and President Khhetta made a mistake when he '"coughed." He should have waited a few weeks. ." -v iaguea car Owner George Tebeau doesn't care whether his Kansas City -team wins or not when they .play , Louisville, the Louisville team also.. e owns Johnny Evers of the- Cubs Is called the "'waiting kid" In Chicago. - He will miss his supper any day waiting for the pitcher-to put It. over the plate. The ' Clinton' team of ; the Three-I league has a player named Lemon, but tney, won IQ or tne nrst la games at that. - 1 ' ' - . - Pitching two games hand running and striking out 4 batsmen-in the two days is the remarkable- record- recently 'made by Max Clay of tbe Stone school in Bos ton. . ,- A i baseball scribe recently said '"the homeliest players . are the best for wear, the Adonises don't last- very long in- fasti company." - But : he is wrong. Look at Jim ,McQuir and. "Kid" Olea- son.; . National ' iteague.' 'Cincinnati 4, Brooklyn 4.-', , J Chicago 3, New-York 2. -" Pittsburg 3, Boston 0. ""Philadelphia 4, St.Xouls"i. " CLUB STA'NDINa. V, . Chfcaao: '.788 New York j .683 .625 Philadelphia . , ,, .'. PiHsburr . . .. . .'. ...... .-. .". . .641 .390 .590 .326 ' .378 Cincinnati ....,....,..........". Boston . . Brooklyn .' . fw ... .... St. Louis i Don't "let your .child suffer with-that oougn when you can cura it with Bal lard's Horehound Syrup, a sure cure for coughs, Bronchitis, lnnuenaa, croup and i'uimonary-xiseases. 'V wuy a Dotue ana tryfit . i. .---- . i. taugner, wynana, miss, writes: I have -two children who had crouty.- T tried many different , remedies, but I must aay your Horehound Syrup is the best Croup- and Cough medioine I ever used. ' Sold by -all druggists. r Such1 tea thaLyour deal- cr returns your ; money, if you:dont lijce itf money- , back tea. f'-x. Tear srocer rehiras year money If ye don't like Schmisr Betf: we pay hla ' . ' . ' j ? Always Boy jC' ArGollars I 0j ii 1 1 sg-r g)irutljl' 1 I mthsv msft eaaoK ao quick" . I I Have 'lineaenr eyelet bqttonholea, IA Kaiy to button. Strong te bold. U !; ese. r. ids co : , 'Jf i 2a ' - I FIDE CmiDIBilIES FOR JAHESTOt'jn : McKinney, Zacharias, .Hug, - Moores and Kelly to Try for Northwest Team. ' (Special Dlspateh te The Joarnal.) University of Oregon, Eugene, June T. The University of . Oregon ' track team has five candidates for tha team which will go t the Jamestown expo sition, and these men will make any on also go soma to beat them out' of their positions. They, are McKlnney, the? big shot- putter, y discus-thrower and hammer man; Zacharlas, the crack hammer man, who Is aecond onlr to McKlnnev in dli cus ana snot, and Hug. who threw so oioae to. zacn.ara In the hammer and usually beats him In the shot Tha next man Is Moores. the crack hurdler and sprinter. . If a team of any icomplete- ness ji taaen ne Knouia oe inciuaea. Kelly of course Is the fifth and around nim as a necieus the team wiu be bunt. v Whether alt of these men go will no- nana UDon tn number . taken.- Tor if a complete team Is taken they can hardly be left out The moat doubt aeems to hang around Moores and Hug. ' Moores, however, tied tha world's, record in the low hurdles on a curved track and that wiu neip nis cnanoes materially. i L .'J I. I--, IUNDICAP FIELD DAY lAAi.laAt7l.X X' XXJXJXJ XfiX. X 'ENTRIES WILL CLOSE Meet Is Open to All Amatenrs -Tcn i nls, Entries WiU Also'; . , Close Saturday. Entries for the handicap field day to 'be held at tha Multnomah club June it will .close tomorrow might ; The games A An,n lA ftll a m . f.itr. whAthM (haw belong to th club or not' Indications pet m. tn: various events. . Besides auim- m. nunnn nr vrwut m.n fnm Mill.. neman ciuo aione. practically an 01 the 1 wuo onjy oy ne oierang Kemeay 00m local interscholastlc stars will com-1 . --j ''..,.. - note. Dan KeUv and other University i v.Su, i. ru uy. prornuni , com" and there will be several entries from I tne ruarkt x. 11 :c A. v." j Entries for th Ladd tennis tourna ment will also , close Saturday .night. xnis tournament is open only to mem bers of th Multnomah ciub. Holladays Accept Challenge. ' TjAM T . A. At 1 challenge mad by th St Johns team in your paper we, tne Hoiiaday team ofl roriiana, wouia iut to piay tnem Hun- day, the ninth, on any field In Portland. Arrangements can be made by calling un East 3237 this avenlnr ftrrMavl. n3 assing zor won. . , . ii tne isortn uentrais want a gamel for Sunday afternoon or any other date tney win t accommodated if thev-will call Fast 3187 after S o'clock.- Any I oiner inmi winning games Wltn Hoi iaday please call up before the first. UAHHiBAL-L. TEAM. ' ." Northwest League. Taeoma 13, Spokane 0.. Aberdeen B, Seattle 4. '. Butte 3, Vancouver 1, ' ; - ' ' CLUB STANDING. Aberdeen .... ..: . . .713 .610 .COS .500 Tacoma . Seattle . . Spokane . . ..................... I Butte I Vancouver . .438 .105 , Eleven-Inning Game. ' ' ' (Journal Special Berrlce.t San Francisco. June 7. Los Anrnles won an. ll-innlng game here yesterday, after Oakland had sained a lenrt ni J-;,sWBrfh: uii Aiiitiei , vniginoi 14 9 Oakland . . . .0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o s a Batteries Carnes and Hogan; Cates ana miss. ; umpire -jjernca. i . . Interscholastlc Baseball. Fortland high school and Portland academy will cross bats on Multnomah diamond tomorrow afternoon In the the interaoholastlo league baseball cham pionship series.' The final gam of th series will be played next week be tween Portland high school and Co lumbia university.- ( . CASTLER0CK WATER COMPANY RESUMES (Special Dhpatch to Tbf Joaraal.) ', - Cutis Bock...Waih... Jnna T Th. r..ti- ti. Water company has orerbaaled Um tint. nM station, built a sew coal abed and made numer ous other minor improrements In Its property, and te bow a applying tbe elty with water from Its owa pnmpa. Since last November tbe Bobia Hbingi uanutacturing .company's -pomps have been used for this purpose, on account of the damage done by the flood to the water com pany's plant. , 5 SPECIAL SATURDAY 1 VALUES IDENTI CALLY THE SAME AS OTHER v STORES Charge You $5anci$6For ' ' sMSrasBjeiaM l'l3aajjffOTSaBaassM. Horseshoes ' Over ; the Doors Satisfaction Yccr Rlcney Ksck How to fool a lazy Liver with Artificial 'Excrcisa TTFeVEIY serious Sickness has ' t- -; small peginnmg. , en"-, mv vauwa vu vi ten, that beginning Is made in the Bowels,' " ' - Constipation Is the beginning of most diseases. It paves the way for all others. - Lack of exorcise, hasty eating, Im proper food, are Its first causes, , ' , : Laziness, and postponement, permit It to grow Into Chronlo Constipation, which means life-long; Discomfort. , ' , It Isn't nacassary to be slck-a-bed. you know, In order to be mighty uncomfort able. , '. ' Even a slight Indigestion affects the' nerves, dulls the mind, and obscures the merry sunshine of Life. ' , i ,f i . ., . ..:-. ' , The time to adjust the Bowels Is tha very minute you suspect they need ad-; Justment., 7., .' ' If your tongue Is slightly coated, ' W your breath Is under suspicion, . If your head feels a trifle heavy or jduOi , "i , , : t : If digestion seemj even a little slow, If Heartburn, . Belching, Collo or Restlessness begin to jihow themselves, That's the lime to eat a Cascaret. It acts as pleasantly as It faslcs. It la as congenial to your Bowels as It is to your Palate. .-:. ' It stimulates the musouiar lining of the Bowels j and Intestines, so ' that they mechatilcalty exbract uourishmenl from the food and drive out the waste,' . The only way, to have Ccsxets ready to use precisely when you 'need them Is" to carry' them constantly In your pocket, as you do a Watch or a Lead pencIL , .The ten cent box of Cascarets Is made Ihjn, at, round-edged, and small, for r , Be very, careful .to' ret tha swnulna,- - . r IT "novor sow m ouuti every.' ISDiei Siampea ' UU 'All VUPtrtStB. 1 r. -,v G The aAgcnts of the Mutual Life in more than seents. They deerve unusual con- sideration.- They should b welwmt ejywhftrt, 1 because they represent a great Cbmpany,' doing a great business, meeting a great need. They stand well in thg community', and khow whom they are talking to; they have studied - the subject of insurance , and, know what they are talking about. The The Mutual ; Life Insurance ; , have something good - deserve tne attention realize that their death would cause embarrassmeita.or worse to their dear ones andTwho are willing to ,do longer with- ' , . . . .i : . . i i t -.t ... . .t it.- .. out some inings ana ao longer wun some oiner imngs in 7 order to make "the home folks" safe. -v The Time to Act is NOW. For the new forms of policies consuls our nearest agent, or write direct to Tht Mutual Life Insurance , " . tympany ot ; ' " iff' o PI 1 w v .11 Com at once tnd h.u. ... - tlon. w .-.....,.. ' , " ryrF. EXTRACT TEETH FRE15; SIt INOS, 76e UP; SET OF TEETH. 14 00: ? WJW'00- WHITE C110WN3. 33 60 I tin wum iruaranieea ror ten year Lady sttendant always present All work don absolutely without pain by specialists of from ft to JO years' s . perlence., , ; . i 1 , Boston Danfisls Phos Mala Q03a ' " . 891'. Morrison gf, Opp JPostoffle. YUR, EYES- Muscular insufficiencies, which are usually Ignored by most optometrists, ' ar especially and carefully considered -by us, ' 0 Our system of optical muscular, treat- -ment Insures your perfect comfort ' If does not follow, necessarily,' that you will have to wear classes. - It will require but a very few mlnuteW! of your tlm toVcall and talk th matter ovr,with us. . , ... Munsell . Optical Co. a Sessa MnasrX Befraotlonlsi, ' Xaclsay BuUdlaff. oniaad, Orgon,v WOrJAN ' A SPECIALTY MRS. O. K. CHAN . Tb nply Cblnea weaaa Bedinl doeor la thla elty. Kb ha enrad ImnT affllctid sufferers, Cored' prlrate sad female Sle eaMS, alM aatbna. taroet and lung troubles stomach, bladder and Sidney and dlitMea of all kinds tnat the hntnia fleaa is blr to. Cared by Cblnme berbe and roots. Eemedlw bannlsM. Mo eneratlnnt. Honeit treatmeat. ExamMaiiOMS teib. t SS3 Jy StiMt Comr Tbmi i Agent of ' -3 1 to offer. They or an tnose who New TorlL, v. f - ' ' jr" ' "il inn. i i : f - j 6 STYLES ON , SALE TO MORROW iAyy-'f A Not la the Elsh Prlce Cliqae "Cofoi ' -the High-v- y- Renl . ' District"