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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, 1907. . Oilier Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp. 22-23. f " " " . .ii m a n WEATHER REPORT. The barometer fat relatively low between the ; Rock? movntatfle . and tba Miealaalppt rlrer. and ehallow krw preaaure areas are rentral oeer Kanaaa and Montana reepectlTely. Tha barome . tar la rlelrif Id tha north (rlM etatee, and weak blyh praaaur area extenrfe frota ih . laka reclon aooih to riorlda. Light ralna nave eturred at eca tiered places la all tha northern ----- " r l' riiu aipu. rain aae aiao tailed in flaw York and New Eu land.' Nearly normal temperature prevail no tha Pacific ilope, and except In Nevada, where tt la much cooler, tb chancea alnea yesterday Bare been amall and anlmpurtant. , Tha Indlcatkma are for fair - aad warmer weather In tbla dlatrlct Saturday. . Tj , r-f... - .'- TeinD.- ' -: Faker City, Oregon tH '44 -. .04 itiamarcK, norm Dakota... us, Hnlee.- Idaho ... n 64 lloatnn, Maeaacnuaetts ... tit Cabjarr, Alberta TO - Cblcaco, JlUnola . 60 Ifeneer, Colorado-,. 14 Kareka, CalltornU ....... 60 . flarre, Montana .......... 76 " Helena. Montana , TO Kaaaaa City, MlseoorJ..... 76 Lewletoo, Idaho Tl Loa Anielee, California... TO fcew Vork, New Xork..... 66 .' Pocatello, Idaho 69 Portland, Oregon ......... 68 Reno, Narada ............ 64 FOR KENT HOUSK3 BT OWNER 8-room houae In beat of oondl. . tlon, modern; la e-ooa neighborhood; terma, riiooe Woodlawn OtfZ. BROOM houae. Kaat Third and Couch eta., Dearly papered and painted lnalde, 2ZM. K. M. Wtlbur, 110 Second at. FOR RENT Ona new 8-rooni boaee oa Kaat Slat and Powell at. ' FURNISHED 1TOUSES.. - -ROOM fnmlatied honae for rent 42S Meet- (ornery at. Inquire Sunday - mornlnf . aasanKHBiaanBKaanKcaBl - v '; ROOMS ASP BOARD. fCBNIgJIED ' rooma with beard: table board , 14 per waeki seatlemea preferred. 443 Jef- feraoa at. ' piiEsiDEiir w - itnox Moaennrc. Oregoa 64 F Paul. Mlnnaaota.. fie a rraaclano, California epoaane, waahlngtoa Tacooia, Waablng ton v Ktona, a. . v 6 69 ... 00 66 THB RIVER. 62 ' 4 40 : 60 "-. . : sa 46 ," -:: 60 ' : "6 ': " M ' 66 . ;. M ,V w ! i ') " i o : , v M ' .' 64.''" DV 1 - 48 1 a4 .0 .0 .11 .01 n .01 M ,T. .0 . .0 FOR EALE REAL ESTATE. iVacaiit -Property ' 300 to $3S0 each, according td aha and location, for lota In Bare lock; piedmont car men meeatigata. I (MO for ale lot la Waet Piedmont. 63M XOxlOO feat aa Mlaalaalppl are. 100 fa larea lot oa ' Borthwlck at I atraat araded. aewer la atraat. all aaaeeamenta aald. -ahetraf allowing good title; terma, M eaak I Senator's Boom lias; Hay Marks of Executive Favor and Is to Be Counted. : WON FIIlST POINT IN ANTI-TEUST CAMPAIGN Six Live Candidate for IligbMt Of flee In United States Are In Field and Situation In Republican Poll tics It Becoming Badlr Mixed. anil kin Me nunC 1850 for fine aatt front lot la Central AJ- V .0 Mil T. T. .0 I. .0 (Waablngtoa Korean of Tba losrnal.. Waahlngton, m June 1. Philander C Knos'a praaldantlal boom which tha Pannaylvanta atata Bapubllean convon tlon, has .launched mark tha entranca Into tha national oamcalgn of a factor II.BOO fne Blre home M nn jni'R, vl,lh mn.t K. ..kimut !! Ienrlne . mmthi .ma . aVtA Mah. tlalaMe B20 Bee J . . . . ." , ' lan tha noaalhla nutnnmaa. Jtlthouarh It tuo for 101(11 honea and fnll-alaad lot aa I wan announced a few weaka aaro that Coramerdal at ' .va ....ij,.) -.,.1. n anv VAr. at snn rve kimaa. wnaa ninmninv. 1 -.v. Multnomah: terma, 1100 eaab, balance 20lte.non fcooma excaptlna; that of Socre- Pl. . ,, - ' -. i . tary Taft in Ohio, It baa tranaplred that Senator Knox'e boom now haa tha II.60O 6-rooai hooaa en Minaaeata aea.l terma, 1300 eaah, balance f ID per nontn. lie rlrar will fall aUchtlr Batnrdae and lon flar. and remain nearly atatlonary Monday. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' ; A eaa.ii, 1. iw . w.e Robert Kerala ka, Troatdale, Oregon, 81. and Grace Bursa, .82. . uEageae K. Ramlg, rllnrton, Waahlngtoa. - 17. and EAna L. Maclnnea. 81. B. B. Martin, 106 Unrnadale ttreet, M, and lima 0. flora, za. - - Ueorca 0. Bnlrter. 110 Oroaby ttreet, SI, and Anna O, WaUer, 1. Ike Nagal, 400 Beoood etreet, , and Mary e tiamnener, x. - : a?!iJ21e-,2i .SB..Ti ia-ea. ' ' preaidential favor on It, .'SSrEi S efi "f, u"1?! and oea forth into tha oountry to taka 'tfi60a!rwlDfe.t. l-room ho ' I at amon tha .ubatantlalltlea. : Xbto y . tk, b m.- noto o.uP- tnayn. r. I7iv-6man hooaa and fntl eUed lot oa I man without aqraa etruggllng- with im- Nlntk et. north: Urma. 1250 caah. balance fzo per mnnui. -1,800 Fine 6-roftm booae on nice corner lot. . TH0MP80M OQDEN, ' Phone WoodUwn 802. 48 Mlaalaaippl are. menoelr powerful opponenta, for they wiu aavanea tna tnoory mat na naa BIRTHS IVlCHAETJION-Jane S. to Mr. end Mre. Otto Mlchaelaon, 8)4 Oarfleld arenne, a eon. BARNES May II, to Mr. and Mre. Arthar Knrene Barnea, 448 Hood atraat, a daughter. fiEBERT Jnne 1, to Mr. and Mre.- William Uenert, Km unllee arenoe, a eon. rr,Vnt're.W 1-2 Acre at Aiiabel 1 Station 200 foot from been employed by truat corporation a, and la too- clone to the ateel truat In nia political reuuona , - Znox Von Voiht. 1ft will be difficult on the other hand for the ultra-antl-Knox people to main" tain tneir ground in uie inoe 01 101 con tention that senator Knox aa attorney' aeneral, won the Northern Seouritlea meraer caae. thua raining tha ftrat point for the prealdent In tola antl-corpo- ration campaign. fititl further to mlxha altuatlon. tha 78T BELt, mr Broom koaae and t lota at ?ifLrff?l?? it"" r."-" -r-T into tne comma- national convention aa a candidate. . The LaFollet aupportera will advance the theory that ha waa the . , Another Bartraln 81.500100x100, ( room eotuura, avodara ta erery reaped) fall baeement) 20 frnlt traaa. email barn, eblcken park, garden, roaaa, etc, on ra at.) eaay terma. ,.,.t - (X R. Hctcbkiss & Co. , 808 Chamber of Oommerca. t MV 1466 rrnlt treee. 100 roeebnahea! berrlaa of klnda. Charloe B. Bbort, 2u renton bldg. DEATHS .CHENET Jnne 1, Irene Prancae Chancy, aged 1 montn ana zi aaya, hi niaweu arennei Inanition. V - 1 EH W KUAN Wane 6, Lena Bhweganv aged T . reare, 10 moo tha and IB day. t Oood ' Rameritan boanltnlt eonenaakm. HAKa-NEB June 1, Baby Shaffner, aged - daye, at 888 yifteenth atreat, north) moo- - etraatty. . ? " ' TALTICR Jnne 6, Jacob Btalter, aged 88 ; reare, 8 moutha and 10 dare, 184 Llnooln 1 a freer: oraanlc heart dlaeaaa. PETTITWane 9, ilaaal Pettlt. , red dara, 1420 Madrona a tree 1 1 antaown, probably aoa-j . : aenltal heart dlaeaaa. ' PIPER In thle city. Jane t, 1B0T, at .tba . - family realdence, 488 Mala at., Katberioe . Kllaaheth finer, a led 88 yean and 22 dara. beloved wife of Krneat Piper. Funeral an- nonncemant- later. ... ... 4. . . 84TB 40 feat from earllne. the etatfcm. IT our ewa torma. C Ri Hctcbkiss Sc Co. v;'. v: 808 Chamber ef Oommeree. . BT OWNER 6 mom honae ta beat ef eondV- tktn, modern 1 in good neighborhood! terma. Phma Woodlawn 62. le aow PDVMiwu 1 wu. w wwimi ' Morrlaon at. . v 1 '. MODERN 8-room honae, let 60(100, one block to earllaa price 82.800; $300 down, balance 111 par month. Mil 1 riraiei. SIGIL ..BDAC.IE A.nrrrno J ' notices.' Vf; KOTim-la herebv rlren that tba nOdaralgned , - haa - been appointed admlnhtratrlx - of tno eatata. of John Pederaen, deeeaeed, by the 'county court -of tue atata of Oregon, for . Multnomah connty. and haa duly qualified. ;iu naiwM ha.ln elalma aaalnat aald aetata -are hereby notlUed to preaent the aame to ma 1 at 702 Oiweao at.. St. Johna, Multnomah 'county,' within -alx month from the date .hereof." f - , bated Jnne 190T. . inm' .. ' AN NIB PEDERSElf, i Admlnmtratrlx of the Eatata of , Joha Pederaen, Daceaaed. " LOST AND FOUND. istttr Br worktna clrL email purae contaln- ina t!M) In bills on waat-bound Waablngton at. car. Liberal reward by . returning to I Bmitb-Premler Typewriter Co. - - , ' 1 1 LOST In 1 Upper Alhlna, gray Shepherd pup. Return to 800 Oarfleld arenae, or call Main 8H0, . Reward. ' . FOR 8aLE 1AR513. HFor sale orTraite'rj . .: 11900 " v .' ' '-" ' - nM tnllea rm Vaneoneer. 19 mile from Portland. Al chicken ranch; 8 acres; 4 errea In CulUratlon, I acre elaabed and aeed d. Btory and half house; barn, chicken houae, parka and cblckane; farming lmple- fienta; 80 fruit trees. , Bee owner Saturday nd Bundar between 10 and 1 o'clock at 79 Korth Mlnth street. - ; . .y 0. A. BEROSTRAKD, -i ' B. P. D. Ne. 1, Vaneooyer, Waah. ertaaaaMaaaiaaaaa3iiiTi, 1 S BARTER AND EXCHANGE, t Poaltlvelrenred Vy taeae AUtiic auia. They alao rellera Wb troea frorn Oysijepila, In digettion aad Too Hoarty laOne,' A pertect rsn edy for Dlaaneat, Kassea, Drowslaeaa, Bad Taata ta the Xonta. Coated Tongoo, Pain In tba Bide, TORPID UTXB. Theor Tegmlata tha BowoiB. Purely Vegotahlo. , I SlULL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL FhlCL IVER PILLS. CARTERS imrtf IVER PILLS. Gemiina Must Bear : Facsimile Signaturt REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. originator of Prealdent Rooaevelt'a prea ent doctrine on railroad capitalisation, as enunciated at Indianapolis, and that he la the logical candidate for the Boon evelt forcos to take up. Tli ere will be an element Of antagon ism for the Taft candidacy Inasmuch aa the LaKollette aupportera will allege that Secretary Taft etsnda for no die tlnctlvo theory of eoonomtca, and haa not been sponsor for any particular measure, ao that tha country muat take him on truat from hla chief manager, the president. - - . Just how potent this argument will be the Washington BoLltlclana are now trv. lng to ascertain in advance, and there la at least division of sentiment on the question. ( , - That Secretary Taft today Is the strongest candidate berore the people by reason of the president's support, all concede; but aome question his ability to hold hla- present strength, when the favorite son booms ret into full awing in Wlaconaln for LaVollette, Mew York tor nugnea, Illinois lor . Cannon , and Indiana, for Fairbanks. But that both Knox and LaFolIette will be in the fame, aeema now to be aaaurea, giving six real candid a tea for the Republican nomination before the people, . ..... , . Experienced guessers here ara berln nlnx to crow reticent on the alt tint Inn They ara not disposed to do much fusee- w 4uai auw, ... KESTER ON STAND IN ' HIS OWN DEFENSE Ilia TeBtlmonjr Is Beriee' of Dentali " o Any Sort of Wrong doing Whaterer. - : . ' ' . (Seedal Sttneteh ta The JearaaLl ' Moaoow. Idaho, June T. Testifying la tha -land fraud cases. Jay Wood worth, an abatraetor of Lewlston. testified that ha prepared a dead, at Mrs. Justice's re. quest, to her timber claim, conveying- It to Mra Dwyer, wife of one of tha de fendants in the preaent oonapiracy trial. Tha effort of the defenae to show whv J. M. Molloy was dlsmlaaed from tha Lewlston land office waa defeated by the courts sustaining tha ' dlatrlct at torney's objection. Rulck threatened to show why Molloy waa dlamlaaed, and tha defense dealsted. The effort of the defenae to ahow that the IS contests Initiated by Dwyer wera not against bona flda na tilers waa also ruled out. , '. Mra. Dwyer testified for her huaband, ueorge 11. Keater, one, or tna aerenu anta, flatly denied anything incrlmlnat inx. On.crosa-examlnatlon It was ellc lted from him that the fact of Dwyer' not holding any landa, of which the de fense naa unoerinxen to maxe mucn, waa explainable from uwyer'a being la solvent, ne aoing Duemesn in nis wue 1 name, Keater denied ownershlo Of ttm W.M I. . .1. . . .1.1 .MM-. - IflllUR, WTVII V& I 111 Vi.llllh f era of which were recorded in hia name In Shoshone county. He denied havln asked any en try man to taka land to tranafer It to him, but In nearly all casea aa to which entrvmen hava testl fled against blm It haa been ahown that tha claima eventually came to Keater. If You Carry Large , Responsibilities - ' - . , acavai aii uia : Tou'll find buying here removea a load from your ahoulderg and provides au- m.Iaw i.l.ttf mtf mUmf ,4 ware at least cost - . Avery Co. fa LOW RATES ..'Tem eta bow tnaka you arraafemaats rlait the 1 JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Of any other point In the east, this summer, and take advantage of the very low ROUND TRIP rates that have just been fixed upon by THE OREGON RAILROAD A NAVIGATION COMPANY. . I From PORTLAND to . "V ';', ; A B j ; . A B Chicago.. S71JS0 $35.00 I Omaha............ 160.00 $73J0 St Louisf. $67.50 $81JM Sioux City $60.00. $73.50 St Pad ..........$63.15 -$81.40 I Kansas-City...... $60.00 $73 JO . A D'rect routes boti waya B One-way through CaUfornla. ' Tern days allowed fot going trip, M days foe return. BTtopovera at pleaanra wlthla llaalta, TIcksU will be on ale Jun 6. 7, 6; Jnly S, 4, 5; , , Ausatt8.9a 10; September 1I( 12, 13 . . Oorrespondlna reductioa la ratea from the eitfas aamed te Jamaatowa , aad return. Tor fall paetloalara laa,olre ef , . WM. McMURRAY, C W. STINGER, i oeaanu rassenges Afwu . , city Ticket Arena, ,, ... m. .. j ,,; .,.Yalr4 and VashUgtoa ttaaa,ss EaLLINGSWORS AUTO MM was published during the Lewis ft Clark Exposition, 1905, showing the doom of the "calamity howlers," ss the wheels of progress passed over their bodies, crushing them to NOTHINGNESS. A : number of these SUPPOSED wise men prophesied stoppage In the growth of Portland that a BOOM was. on, tnat values were bound to recede. , . ; -J: Y", . ' " This class of men have always had my sympathy, from the fact of their impaired mental vision. This class does not only live in ' Portland. You will find them in New York, Chicago, and all large commercial center and so it will ever be. , They are a class of men to be greatly pitied; especially la it true In regard to those locsted in Portland, for they fail to grasp the FACT of Portland's matchless location, where fresh water, ocean and rail meet where three states deposit all their wealth at her docks. Seemingly they were afraid to allow the thinking world to visit us and to enjoy for a short per iod our magnificent climate, our scenery, for grandeur and beauty unsurpassed on EARTH, little dreaming that this attractive dry with ' its roses, hidden as well as revealed treasures, would not Induce them to build their homes here, as well as to populate the entire State of - Oregon. , -,v:1. f"'-: -r," J"'?, '-':'' v-.. I never had a doubt but that the Lewis ft Clark fair would be "the dawn of the beginning of development. For nowhere on Earth '' do the stars shine brighter, or the sun shine lovelier, or the rainbow of promise with greater brilliancy than it does on Portland, Oregon, the coming New York of the Pacific,,; r v p' , j.. . - And it affords me pleasure at this time, after more than 20 years a resident of Portland, that I can now offer the public the best investment that I have ever offered in my 20 years' experience. Speculators, Attention I we50r tween the rivers adjoining the O. R. ft N. Co.'s terminal and Swift ft Co.'s property. Become wise by carefully investigating this ex-, traordinary bargain. - Only a few acrea left . Each acre a fortune. Price, f l.OOO. " By the way, if von are looking for the best homesite in Port land, most beautiful beyond description, visit WALNUT PARK. Office, corner Killingsworth and Williams avenues. .: Take any U car going north. Phone Woodlawn 1115. ' Call today oa . J 4-.W5:: WM.ldLLINGSWOR.TH SUBURBAN OFFICE 323 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ;:'1.l'-VMn:::v PHONE MAIN 4557. HOUSES aad lots,, sale or exehanre. I want team and wason. Firat arada piano) alao , want (ood carpenter ana painter; maxe your orrera, at aome swum?, veaua aw, awt ma. FOn NTrHorsKKKia'iyQ. rCBMSHED nonaekeeplnf -rooma S28 Blfhth saaaaBgaaaaaaaawBaMaaaaagBi in m iuil i w u ,-7 BUSINESS CHANCES. BOTBIi of U rooma; rent 825; price S880 If 4akea at once, atx aiaoiaon. . ? . onnn rnenltnra of an ia-rooa nonsa near elt v ball I stwo eaan, naunee moauiy. w Uadlaon. . 1 i BOTKL. 85 rooma, ferntehed, barrooaij cheap . rent; worth SJOOi, for 827S eaab. , CaU ti Flrat at. FOB BALB CUrar auad; good location, cheap real, vr sia. eara journal HELP WANTED MALE. .WANTED Twe aaleamen tor men'a forntah Inira. two clothing aaleamen. onaiahoe aalea men and errand boy. Apply at, the Bab, ' Third and Burnalde eta. . .;; , . . . ' i '. BOYS, IT . to 18 years of ate, who want a permanent poaltloa with a food opportnnlty for advancement apply at once to uida, Wort- -man at Kim. ' ' '- " ' EANTID An eiparlenced collector; aone ether ieed apply. ,;TUU. m-UlPOS.' -.yy iv,-j,-v. If AN to make frames by machinery; qnlrk worker requfred; none other need apply. 31 Williams ave. ' ? i KElf and boy. to work ta cracker andandy OLD WILLAMETTE'S A . . . . mmnA warn far Bltaaeirlv. Pstnlfirl I .t l - n it n-a a-. ru-a, Coaet Biscuit Compnr, 12th "d Darlki. :'flTYTV-TTTTT?TI VPi AT? ,- KJJLA, .aV .Jfc-aVW-' .. dS .MVJk.w PAnmxa and papering. PAFKRHANGINO and natntlnf la all Its branches at moderate price. Irer Wllllama, Fourth, near Yamhill. - WANTED Dlahwaaherr Apply CaatlUiaa Kltch ' en, 31 Waablngton it. . . INDCSTBIOCS boy to make himself generally neefol In the store; good chance for adTance- . ment. Apply mornlnga. Baatera Outfitting Co., Washington and 10th ate. . y . '"i 11 i n H i iii ANTED Man and wife for roomlng-hoaael 870 and lodging. Dewey Honae, 38 Vk North Third et, near Bornaide. ; WANTED Boy to run machine , In - factory; " $7.60 par week at atari; chance for adrance- menv. w varia at., near m rent. , HELP WANT1H) FER1ALB ' WS PBACTICB in all eenrts ia Oregon. Dl mvv caawe mywimtij ' .u mmm v -v ' enta need not appear In court Moderate C ? f ees. 3 Addraae S. 813 JoornU office. ,. . i ii ,i i i ii i i . . in.-.nlNDT-,'faetory'.waata gl'le; ateady employ. - - ment,- i work i. light, ' good wagea. Pacific Coast Btacult Company. 18th and Davla. f -.' GIRLS to , work : ta eracker factory: abort ', hours, best wagea, work clean and light Paclfie Coast . Blaeoit Company, 12th aad COOK wanted.- hlgh-claaa, for anmmer reaort; 8 months. Anatin, Chicago Dentiata. s . ' WANTED Dlahwaeher: wages $28 per month. ' Apply The Colonial, 10th and Morrlaon ata. WANTED Oirl . for general i bonaawork; good wages. Inquire 888 Sacramento st SHTTATIONS WANTEP-"-FE5fALE. A OAAwlBLB lady wishes a' place aa aaalatant m a real estate ernce; neat rarereneea given. aaareas a vis, rare joornat. 1 Next Few Days Win Be Filled With ',- fht Programs of Various - Colleges. , WANTEImSCELLANEOTJS. . WANTED Men'a cut-off clothing and ahoea; ' we alao bar boneebold ' furnlahlnga, higheat price paid. CaU at tha "Fair Deal." 63 . North Sd. Phone Pacific 1723. - , TJMBER. WANTED Sawmill. 10.000 to 20.000 feet cans. elty, or ehlngle mill, near railroad or rlrer - uanaportation. aaareaa v as, care journal, FOB 8ALE-liYE8TOK. a0UND Oow. Owner can have aame by paying cnargea. poa jefreraon at. - ' WANTED-e-TO RENf, WANTED by young .married couple, for from. . three to five montlia, d or e-room furnlabed bouee. Phone Beat 1408, or adores i-oetornce i (Special Dlapatch to The Journal.) Salem, Or June 7. The lone series. comprising; tea oocaalons of commence ment events at V Willamette-.', university, wMnhv nnened Mav 1 with tha srradU atlnar of tha medical atudenta. will close June It with the class from the col lege or lioerar ana inm aaya inier-venlng- will ha 'f uU of aoUvlty at Wil lamette, v The . program by days la aa follows: .. .':'' .i r ; June 7, p. m., Annual reunion of literary aooietlea and lnteraoclety ora torical Contest. June 9, 10:30 a. m., baccalaureate ser mon: oy Kev. jonn . voieman, v. v., oreaident: i D. m.. farewell meeting ol Christian associations. . President Cole man leading; 8 p. m., annlvef aary'pf Christian aasoclaflons, sermon by Rev, Clarence True wnson.u. v. June 10, 8 p, m., commencement col lea-e of music. V - June 11, 8 p. m., commencement Ore ron Institute and normal achool, addreas pgr nev, vv autuii x. caipwviui. ,. - - ' June -12, alumni day: p. m., address Dy juage wiuiam uaiioway, -es. June IS. claas day exercises, art ex aiblt 8 p. m, commencement college of liberal arts, addresa by Honorable Ed gar B. Piper, '84. v. -v- A.., .-v-r - Preceding commencement events hava n a n - rnlaM Af mulljiln. Uaw 1. Mil. lege of law, May 18; presidents recep tion, June 6: college of oratory, June 8. . Collectively, all these constitute the sixty-third annual commencement of Willamette university. , UMATILLA PIONEERS - PICNICKING TWO DAYS Weston, Or June 1? The annual Umatilla pioneer, picnic opened in -this city this morning, and will - continue over' Sunday.- Many- visitors are -here from all parte of Umatilla county and eastern Oregon. Mualc is being fur hfshed by the Eaglee' band of Pendle ton.' Mayor L. A. Baker delivered the addreas of welcoma . Addresses will be made by ex-Governor T. T. Oeer, Walter M. Fierce ana other prominent eastern Oregon men. ... ' " .. . . . . ,. .v Mondav eoalttvely tskt last dav of dis. CHILDREN'S ATROS E CITY -PA JKJx r Tomorrow Afternoon NOTICE TO ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN Instruptions for taking the PRIVATE x . , SPECIAL CARS that will be provided lor tomorrow ' ' . , FOUR DIFFERENT CARS will leave from four different places at the same time These cars have been so ; , arranged as to cover almost the entire city. ' Following is the schedule. Please note time and place as well , - as the course of the car, so that no one will get left. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY YOUR FARE: ' 1 ' SOyTH PORTLAND CAR leaves Hamilton avenue and Corbett street at 1 :30 p. m.', taking the regular course to Third and Yamhill streets. Stops anywhere for Rose City Park passengers. " ' ! MOUNTTABOR CAR leaves the end of the line at Mount Tabor at 1 :30 p. m.taking its regular course to ,Third and Morrison and from there to Third and Yamhill. Stops anywhere for Rose City Park passengers. .WOODLAWN CAR leaves the end of that line at 1:30 p. m., down Union avenue, crossing the; Burnside bridge'and from' there to Third and Yamhill. Stops anywhere for Rose City Park passengers. , ' ' 1 'J " FAIR. GROUNDS CAR leaves Twenty-eighth and Thurman streets, down Thurman to Twenty-third, Twenty-third to Washington,; Washington to Third and then to Third and Yamhill. Car leaves at 1:30 a .p. m. Stops for Rose City Park passengers. The band will be aboard this car. ' ' ' ' , AIL Cars. Will Bp Decorated With, Huge Rose City Park Banners HARTMAN BANKERS Chamber of Commerce Ground Floor THOMPSON S i la " oount of west side gas bills.