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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. FRIDAY, EVENING, JUNE 7. 1CC7. ... . Men's Furnish SATISFACTION OUARANTEGD OR YOUR MONBY RUPUNDCD Boys' Qiothins . 50 cases of boy' firie'clothing, comprising entire surplus stock of J. L. Oreenbaum & Co., New York, at prices that cannot be equaled. Boys' $2.50 sere Suits, Jblack or blue.' j ,Y..'. ........ .75 Boys' $J fancy worsted' and "cheviot Suits, all colors. ...i..i.08 Boys' fine Worsted and melton Suit,$j.50 values, every one of them: all sizes. .. . .... . .. . v ............. ,'. 91.45 Boys $4 fancy worsted Suits in light sp.ring shades,' all wool, fl.95 Boys' $4.50 Suits in wool, serge and worsted.. ............. f 2.45 Boys' fine $5 Suit s,; all 'sizes.;... t.fa.95 Boys' odd Coats, in all kinds of wool goods; in all colors. . .. ...50 Boys' wool Vests, in dark colors; all sizes... .i. ... .,-. 18? Boy's 35c knee Pants, all sizes--100 patterns td choose from, 10y Youths' odd- Coats, $1.50 to $5. values . ............. 881 Ml" CtttftPtSl STORE IU $T Undei Wear, . , . . .'.. t ... M ' .v., .fiO This lot consists of fine mercerized fancy mixed Underwear CA' in a full line of sizea, shirts and drawers, for. .,.,....'.....-',. QUC 1 Men's heavy derby ribbed Underwear, in two colors, -shirts and drawers, each,,. ................ ..i. ......... 3 for men's 10c white Handkerchiefs 3e for men's 10c Rockford Hose. ,15 for men's 25c Suspenders. . 8 for Wilson Bros, fancy Hose; worth 25c ; V . ; '-...-..V foramen's fine lace Hose; worth ZScyv-if-,..' .nv, 251 for men's fine silk Hosa,. in dozens of patterns and colors; worth 50c and 75c ' . ; ifv;;' ','.''.- ' 12tf4 for men's wool Socks, In all colors; 25c vaTues. ,V ' 1 5f for men's 25c four-in-hand Ties.;, v,- . .' v ; ' , ! ..-V UoTrrHWtsr Ccpsnx FdsT :. Co 2auac;4 Sts. MUST MAKE A MIOHTY, EFFORT AT STOCK REDUCIiNQ. IT IS PL,AINNBD IN E.AT - JUNE 4 J I r A l "V I as it a . mm R Which as the prices below denote will be the biggest event of the summer months, MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WEARING APPAREL OF ALL KINDS. All new and sea- jsonable stock direct from the'mills and factories of reUablc'inanufactiver8.-j Th6.stocks; were' secured ' at;from.;TEN'.TO--TWENTy-FIVE.'CENTS; ON:THE;pOLIR,v which. makes' easily possible BAD WEATHER V , GOOD CLOTHING CDEAP HERE IS A CASE IN POINT. . A certain city concern that sells the really Rood makes of $12, $15, $18. $20 and $25 suits for men felt that it was heavily overstocked, and suddenly can celled an order that had , been placed with maker of high-grade clothing for several thousand suits to tell at the above prices.';;: V" "--v,'" ;' ;;.'! The maker was plunged deep in the slough of despair. Wt came to hit res ' cue with an immediate cash offer for the whole lot. . Did he take it -instanter. . . We have divided the goods in four lots, whichever you choose to take will bring , you the greatest bargain you ever saw in high-grade clothing. : Lot 1, your choice of $12 Suits in fancy ' worsteds and tweeds, double AC or single breasted, at..;....... $0JD Lot 2 consists of very rood grade of fine tweeds in medium dark QC colors, in $15 valuesrH sizes,.. py. Lot 3." choice of $18 fancy worsted and light spring novelties in double fl CC or single breasted, at... ,....;.. P7UJ , Lot 4 consists of the choice $25 Serges, melton, thibet velour and, other hiirh-. grade up-to-date clothing; anjj O PA ; size ......... . , '. . . . .. . . .y X v J Men 's Odd Vests f $1.50 lo. $150" valued ..".'.' .7. . 1 ..'f& Men's $3 fancy light coloted. vests; all t sizes and hundreds of patterns to choose from . . ... ; . . '. . , '. f 1.00 Men's light linen Suits; $5 values; small sizes ' ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . &&t Men's ' light linen , Coats; " 4 colors to . choose from 10 Men's Bib Overalls; union made... 39 1 : Greatcslucs iri Wom Saturday s Sale Will Be the Most Sensational Bargain-Event of the Season. V Low Pnces Beyond Compare. - Styles, up-to-Dateness tuiu vv vi sjiimiamp i uai yv ui ascuuhu . inc. musi jrcurucuiar , Sale of Handsome New 05 Skirts Tomorrow at $ 1 .98 Made of all-wool handsome mixtures in ll-gored style skirt, of fine quality Faoamas in 23-plaits style. Both' have folds around - bottom. Strictly . man- f flQ tailored. Good value at $5 exceptional vaL at ylIO , ilOOO New Sidrts at, $1.90 , , - ; ? EACH SKIRT WORTH $5.0a . Made from Madrasette, a new and snappy 'material,' or Unon. tit white, cream, blue, linen, and tan shades; made with 23 plaits; a fine $5.00 skirt at ICS f $1.98 Stunning White Linon Suits Handsome Prince Chap Models, Excellently Made. Coats have newnotch collars, 3 pockets, mannish back; ' long sleeves with cuff. ' Skirts are made with 23 plaits 4and folds around bottom. , Suits are strictly man-tailored and are offered (tomorrow, only) at positively less ; than cost of the material and, making;. Later, on, these suits will bring $5 and $6. Sale price, a aa while they last T, W.''.'. v, y&AJo Womsn's VSmart Tourist Values Up to $7 Each. None C. O. Dnd No Mail' !?WA)- Orderg ' Mtl'WW . ' These beautiful Tourist Coats in this sale at positively less than cost of material An unloading of a ,m?ln- '.ufacturer's entire stock at an almost.absttrd underprice' figure. They are made from finest grade strictly all wool materials, in the popular Prince Chap or -box styles; notch collars or collarless; two ..patch pockets" and new style sleeves with cuff. All, sues, CO QQ and the greatest value ever offered. Sale price . jyJ7u ; 4 , HANDSOME 2-PiECE ! JumperDresses and Shirtwaist Suit This is posi- ' ym ( Hats! Hats! ( Saturday we place on sale 1500 fine felt Hats of selected stock; all new 1907 styles: $3 to $S values , v t $3 Hats, 10 styles, 6 colors, to choose from . f 1.35 $4 Hats, 15 styles, 6 colors, to choose from ............ . . f 1.85 $5 Hats, 6 colors, 25 style! to choose from ...v.... ...... ..92.50- Men's "canvts. Gbves......;.....'.:5 $3 Suit Cases.i. .....'...,.;.. ..,.91.49 $10 uit Cases ... i ............. . . 93.50 $13 Suit Cases..;........ ....... 95.0Q 5 cars of youths' Long Pants Suits,' $5 to' $15 values? 50 pat- 0 QC terns to choose from....... $dVO Men's Odd Coats $4 to $10 values, all sizes and rtf QC , colors.........i.i;....M. . : The Boston Store Shoe Department sold ' -from higher, Has , the 1 argest - stock of shoes that has ' ever come to Portland. If you are in need of shoes visit the little Bee ("Hive Shoe Department , and una wnai you want at less than your own , price. We have just received 89 cases of Edward B. Grossman fine Shoes.' We have a small dis-i play of these fine shoes in pur window. There are 2400 t t f GA A iff mt v1 rf ties from $2.50 to $5. ,To be 69 to 9B : Nothing- LADIES' SHOES. ' ' A complete line of ladies', 1, 2 and 3-strap patent and vici Sandals, Cuban heel; $3.50 i values ' .. .. 9 1.05 Ladies' 1 hand-turned, Cuban heel, vici and patent, $4 and $5 Shoes..... 92.35 500 pairs of ladies' Dress Shoes, 46 dif ferent styles, $3.50 and $3 values, .fl.10 NoticeWe do not fit these shoes, but will exchange, or refund pour money if you wish. LADIES', MISSES ft CHILDREN'S WHITE CANVAS SHOES. Ladies'...... 89, 98, fl.10, fl.35 Misses', . . . ; .69e, 85ef 9100, 91.35 Children's. . . . .; ..... . . .45V 60f , 75 25 different styles men's Dress Shoes, patent and . vici . . . , . . . . . . . .91.99 Men's oil grain Work Shoes, bellows tongue, ' waterproof, ' per pair-. . .91.85 , Men's 10-inch ,'high top Cruisers, oil tanned, viscolized; $6 values pr. 3.39 Men's $3 Oxfords, jer pair...... 91.85 Ladies' $2 vici kid Shoes, al! sizes. .99 Boys' $2 Shoes, per pair......... 9119 Boys $2.50 Shoes, per pair...... 91.39 Boys' $3 Shoes,, per pair 91.49 Misses. $1.50 Shoes, per pair 99 Misses' $2 Shoes, per pair. ......9129 Misses' patent leather Oxfords. $3 value .81.45 Men's $2 heavy Work Shoes, pair. . .99e Genuine $1.50 Linen Mesh'tTnderwear Special! :B Bed Sheets, in jjood cotton;;"... .Y.25eV $1.50 Bed Spreads':... ?.V.Z&:VX T9, f 10c Turkish Towels ;;Vi Ti &4 1 15c Huck Towels.. sf aj 25c Huck Towelv very lafge: $3 Napkbs...... ,91.45 $5 Lace Curtains, 3x1 K yrds.'. 92.25; $3 linen Table Cloths. . . . T. . 945 Childs' 15c Hose, guaranteed .ast black.4, per - pair. ....... ...-., ; .... ... . .:.5e' Ladies' fast black 15c Hose, all sizes 5e Ladies' , $1 white India jinon - Shirt Waists, all nicely trimmed witlf lace and embroidery i ............ f .... j , ; . . 69 tively the low est price ever quoted for garments such as these' are. YouH be sur prised and ' ' amazed to the extreme, v They're i made . of fine quality batiste," in -tan, linen, pink and blue; also an immense, assortment of black and " " - - white checks. Waists and , jumpers are befutifully tucked and - ' 'piped... Skirts ' . are ' plaited "models. cu Yvery- full., ' ALL SIZES. -We reserve ; right 'limit quantities. None bv mail and none C O. D. Tomorrow. 1 AO Uniy, j : ,r. ........;......;.. 91 .U O Men's Pants k A good heavy work Pants in dark col ors; tne kind you always pay ilSO for at all atores . ! . . . 674 v Men's fine all wool $2.50 Pants in dark s gray stripe Vnd checks: they come in , 32 to 59 in size; all you ? v Cl AC want. i . .:. . . pl.iD tdr X.f valiif rf enm rf I..m.' . , " , . J - W. .llVIil, any aize for.. ............. ......92.45 ; a J 'MM ... . 1 ' ' " J '"' 11 1 1111 ''''''twaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaiaBai IIEl'J IfJE IIIIER SEIIDS fKAGE DOG CAUSES TROUBLE the Harrlman arfltem. will be similarly I a better half. Captain Mitchell kept the quipped when the tern has been! affairs of hie heart secret and many of adopted elee where., , . , .. i I his friends here will be aurprteed to 1 learn or mm munan ounni me t Hul'a kav -t nnm , nf fh mill. lower Columbia. Caotatn Mltohell's eomnanlon for life Knocks Man Into Blver to Trying to m.P.Jkt"PVm.ii"!i ! ' ' trr sill , imlniilllull. h. . kvlaf Ana A bewildered do caused a treat com-1 motion down at the foot of Stark street the northwest and It will not take the , v. yesterday afternoon and at the .same gWft-saillng- Irene many days . to bowl m Wfll nn "Rnirrl Rfmrnor Um KILV Captain Amos of the launch .nto San Francisco fo which port she Well UH liOdrU OlCdmeriEvs an opportunity to prove himself ah, bound with carro of lumber. . President Off Capo Flattery. WIRELESS REACHES SEATTLE ALL RIGHT true blue hero. The dog tried to walk I la lot and in dolnv so knocked Frank! u tinea a boat . builder, into tne river. O'Brien and the dor were struggling I in tne water wnen captain Amos spot ted them from the pert window of his I caDin ana witnoui a moment s nesita- MARIXE INTEIXIGEXCB Xerula XJaers pne to Arrive. Costa Rica. Ban Francisco ....... June 7 tlon he leaped Into the river and saved I Alliance, Coos Bay...... June 10 I n'Hrl.n. fh Hnr km hov tn awitn O. W. Elder. Ban Pedro and way.June 1 1 and was maklntr foreshore at a rapid Columbia. Ban Franelaco.. ......June 13 I --j.- . - I TT A Vllhuvn Bs.m EVanitlaAA TaA IT The boat builder waa workina- on a Koanoke, Ban Pedro and way. .June 18 float when without, warning the dog Arabia,, orient........ ,., June 26 made a rush for the loar unon. whloh helAlesia, orient j ............ July 16 Pacific CoMt 'Steamship Company's I "A" standing. Not being equipped wlu I Nlcomedla, orient. ............. .July 27 rassenger Carrier JEqulpped With 1 the river. The sup sent the log on ual : XegnUr ZJners to Depart, . ffSrW ioV hi, lVveT-head'edne.rforT "'t Well-Working Apparatus and Of ficials Expect Daily Reports. The - first . wireless - message from Alaskan waters was received yesterday afternoon at Seattle. It was sent from the Pacific Coast Steamship company's steamer President , which ' left v Seattle went overboard with TSSSTt Yelp! Si T'00' ' ' ' " Jo Then CapUin , Amos ; appeared and SSSe o?s Bav June 11 plunged into the yawning river. lie mi.?5r,:,.':',t I l graDDea irurien by tne nape or the neck 1"'" b' " ..-!? and held him upright and above water E'8 &a" until Engineer Crocker of the Eva 'J ?fJ? Pedr0 and wajr,,,i?2! threw him a live buov 'ttanht tn - Arabia, orient, . . . . June 21 -.-, , - i a vriAtir . . . . - : . . . . . . Jul. it Nlcomedia, orient. . ........ 4 August 20 rope; AAfONG THE SHIPWRECKS , ;yk'--''.-::- Teasels la lort, Tola. Br. h... .. ........Elevator dock June . 4 for Noma with 617 passengers. I " ' I Jordanhiu, Br. bk.. A W. Mills 25 of whom were from Portland. Othe BritlB Kllburn PJlet Up on anltj Br bk...,. ........ Fin. message, will ; be received until the Arabian Coast. . Washing steamer reaches Nome unless something I The British steamer Kllburn which ' ' Ellsworth, 6 miles above Vancouver Interferes with the working of tha aya-1 sailed hence about a year with ffnrHo, Chinese Junk...... The Oaks tem. . I cargo of lumber for Europe went ashore I John Palmer, Am. bktn,.,.....Kalama The message was immedlatelv fniv I on the coast of Arabia a few days aro I William uisen, Am. sen, ...... .Astoria warded from Seattle to Charles H. I and Captain Le Templler and his crew I Maka well, -Am. bktn. .......... Astoria Gleim. agent for the com Dan v in. thlalhad a narrow escape from belna mur- I viamond Head, Am. bk........ Astoria city, and it roitds: I dered by savage . Bedouins when they I Emily Reed. Am. sh.. .Portland L,. Co. "On Board Steamship President, June) tried to reach shore In the- lifeboats. Strathyre, Br. str.,........,..lJlnnton 6.W. E. Pierce. Manager P. C. 8. B. I The natives tried to murder the shin-1 Northland, , Am. str, drydock Co., Seattle Three hundred miles off wrecked tars and they had to seek safe-I Sark, Nor. tr...v... Oceania dock Flattery. All well. jty on the open sea. The boats were Hyndford, Br. str...,,,.,.,. Astoria "WHAVJSH, captain." eventually picked up by a Perlm salvage I Virginia, Am.; sen. .. ....inman-pouisen iin recetoi or ine messas-a merits tur iaiiiciuuo. aih, un........ Aiinna new era In North Pacific shipping, be-1 The Kllburn 1 waa loii her war from I Lillebonne, Am. sen. ......... ..drydock caurm it lijusiraies , tne possibility ori waies to japan wit n a general cargo! wumai", uor. air. ........ .riour mms Keeping In close touch with vessels ply-I when she encountered stormy weather! J'm Butler, Am.' str...,......Linnton ing out of pacific northwest and Alas- J shortly after having passed out of the & F. Whitney, Am. bk......,.8t, Johns kan porta. ShiDtiers will be a-raa.ll v I fiu Aa rind, v ftha iinnil . . I Wm. Renton. Am. sch. ......... .Onbln benefited by knowing the exact arrival land corral beach and tore several holes Waanucts, Am. barge. .University Mill o' the carriers, and friends of passengerf I in her bottom. Captain I Templler I Berwick, Am. str........ Greenwich will be in position to follow their move-J in his last message to 3 his owners! Nome City, Am. str....,...,..Tr.Kinler ments at every staga of a vovaare. Thalaaamarf n thi ervice will be of particular value In J sel could be saved if given Immediate I African Monarch., Br. aa. .Tongue Point case of . mishap when assistance can do sieni jor, snouid tne occasion , do The president is a new boat, on her maiaen voyage to tne north." She was brought out from the Atlantio shore a few weeks ago, and on that voyage camea uinuuciiun oy : tranemittine a attention. ; i :.-v.-j".yj..ks4..a..', M-ty.l cascade..-Am. ss. Rainier The Kllburn Is one of several vesaala I coeta Rica, Am. ss......Alnsworth dock well known here to have met dlaaaterl I-nmber Carriers Za jaonta. within the oast few davs. - Amons- tha I pi .it . - .u -...l ffif ' veS5?J' a thaK?.Llu.h",2a tucfiiX Am. : : : : : :i,KmSS Roux. bound for this nort frnm Hm.l mV.,Tr uu.B. 1! , . wui lrvr I Aurora, Am. bktn.. Ville da Mulhouse, Fr. bk.,..., Antwerp Ouethary, Fr. bk '. I.Antwerp Plerrl LotL Fr. bk.. ........ ...Antwerp Walden Abbey, Br. ah. ....... .Antwerp Gienesslln, Br. sh.... ....... ..Antwerp Versailles. Fr. bk Leith General oe Boisderrre, ft. bk..ilondon General de Negrier, Fr. bk..... .London Bayard, Fr. bk. . . . , . ...(...... .Antwerp coal chip 2a; Beat. Belen, Fr. bk ......Newcastle, A. CoL de VUleboia Marenil.Fr. bk....?. ..Newcastle. A. jiaveraon, nr. sn. .. . , .Newcastle, A. Wlllscott, Am. bk...... Newcastle, A. Port Patrick, Br. sh Newcastle. A, Bt Mlrren. Br. sh....,....NewcaaUe, A. Tramp aneamers aa Boat. Ascot, Br. str. ...........Buenos Ayres I Teuus, Nor. srr..........San Francisco Maori King. Br. Str...... Rhanrhal Henrik Ibsen, Nor. str... San Francisco) Sueen Alexandra, sr. str. ... . , .Madras allbia. Br. str... ...... .San Francisco Manshu Maru. JaD. str Sallnaa AiacKinaw. Am. str ............. . Seattle San Mateo. Am. Str... ...San Frannlann Gymerlo, Br. str. i ..... . . .Manaanllo '; Oil Carrier la ami. Asuncion, Am. str. . . . . .V.San Francisco .ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tna NOrwerlan taa.tnav HarV will clear this afternoon for the orient with 1,000 tons of wheat. The steamer Alllanoe aatled for rvina nay jasi nignt. witn a Tun ust or pas sengers and all the freight she could carry. ' t---:: , x,-,:-... ........ ,, t The cruiser Charleston and a tinmSar of smaller war vessels are expected to I arrive nere on tne istn instant." Cap tain Patterson- has been communicatad with concerning the depth of the chan-j nel here, and since there is ample water I w accommoaaie any or tne rieet. It 18 supposed that . the Charleston and the flotilla will be ordered here. ' District Forecaster Reals - nredlrta mat ine w uiamette will rail slightly tomorrow and come to a stand on Mnn. day. The upper Columbia and Snake rivers rose slightly during the past 24 MARINE NOTES San Francisco .San Francisco Han Francisco distance .;aver covered sucie.sfullv b inT'ri'iSriK BTO.nd ffi.'SSS; "m wh.. San Pedro the wireless system. In view of this was badlv strained Tha VaaaaT'''7.. Si. f' u.,lB?n' -fact it Is believed that the steamer il l i'.aln; Churchill, Am. sch.. . . . . ... . - 1 1 cuauDu . . w iiiiuuL v rtaiuuviiiBT . an . or i d aoifl m curnraunicai witn ner home I the carffO. A- - : " . '! in 1 irsi 1 1 11 1 11 nar nrnvii ar rjnsA 1 atr. Wireless stations are nnw h.inr in stalled at the various capes along the iht ram w imi in a tew months TO BE REPAIRED HERE 1 San Francisco Han IrranRlann E.' F. Sanders. Am.' sch. . . . . .Ran Pedra Chehalls, Am. bktn. . ..... ... San Pedro Nokomis, Am. sch. ....Ban Pedro Aiumns, Am. sen. ..Ban Francisco Walacot; Am. barge. . , .San Francisco it will be possible to receive word from c. ' o m. " , ' I Qulnault, Am. str. ...... .San Francisco vessels anywhere off the coast if equip-1 teara Schooner Daisy Freeman Will I Sehome, Am. sch, 1. ......San Francisco rien wiin mnsmitters. :a f ni. - 1 euuia bit. Am, sir. . . . .nan Frncicn olflc Coast Steamship company's pas-1 auntcr Awyaoca, , Jj. H. Lunsmah. Am. sch.San Francisco ttentrer liners will be equipped bo that! (Speelal Dltpateh to The JMrnal) ' I Tiverton, Am. ss San Francisco even those plying between Knutti. 1 " Astoria - dr.. Jnn 7 Th a.t...lEcho. Am. bktn..:.......Riin Pmnolun .San Fianclsop can record their daily I logged steam schooner Daisy Freeman I Johan Poulsen. Am. ss. . . San Francisco proKrss. It Is supposed that the Port-1 wa ahlf ted from the railroad wharf I Sailor Boy, Am. , sch . , San Francisco land-San Francisco liners, operated by "' morning to the O. 'R. A N. dock Sa Boat With Cement and General.' wiicre mo dock- una. win m aiMnirnii. 1 . . ..... after which she will betaken to Port-ISSSf--...-.aBijir I landed placed on the dry dock for gEwV&.Ue SKIPPER WINS A MATE OAST Tor Isiaats and Children. Kfci Yea E2T3 thin Bcurt! M,tehe-- o hk . 1 if T - . . . .Antwerp Beam tba -Cignatarapf S7 Dalgonar, Br. ah Europe. Fr. bk. .1 Genevieve Molinoa, Fr. bk..... .London Rene Kerviler, Fr h...,i,... Hamburg Laenhec. Fr. sh. ,-. . .......... .Swansea La PlUer, Fr, bk . . .. si .". , .... London Martha Roux. Fr. bk...... Hambura- Mosamblque, Br. sh. .... .Newcastle.- E. Samoa, Br.- bk. ,.,,...,.. .Shields Slam, Ger. sh..,............. .London Captain! Mitchell is entlMaji. t .m gratulatlons when he brings the schooner hafn?a'-lttin-.nPcL'?!0 bcu Just Socoa, Fr. ah. Newcastle. E. thi ltVVrf "f" , southern port Vlncennes, Fr. bk... ......... .Glasgow r .wa, uuiw uuaseu 1 uarecaaei xurrene,-jrr. bk. ...iiamburg Astoria, June 7.- Arriyed down at SO and sailed at 6:18 a ' m. ' stnamar Excelsior, for San Francisco. . Arrlvad at. 4:30 and left up at 8 a. m., steamer vasoaae, , irom ean rancisco. Arrived I down at 4 and sailed at 10:16 a. m., I steamer Alliance, for Coos bav. . Arrived down last night and sailed at S:60 a, m.. I steamer c-aaco, tor Ban ifTanciscov- Ar rived at 6:80 a. m.. tua- Vosbura with schooner Antelope in tow. Arrived down at S a. in.. . bark Diamond Head. Sailed si jo:i6 a. m., schooner -Churchill, fori Dan rflaro. Arrivecr ac 11 .01 tn.. 1 steamer ..uosta itica. irom Ban Fran cisco. ,-.'' .vj -. :A . , San. Francisco. ' June 7. Arrived. steamers Columbia and J.- Marhoffep. from , Portland, and schooner Glendale, from Astoria. -tv. .j Astoria, June . Bulled at 8:111 p. m:, oriuan steamer iiynarora, tor KnanghAI ana way ports, ea'iea at s:iu p. m.i sohooner Irene, for Ran Pedro. : San Francisco. June S. Sailed at 1:30 1 . m., steamer Asuncion, -for Portland, ailed at 7:30 p. m., steamer -Johan rouisen, ror Portland. Falmouth, June 7. Arrived June , French bark Noeral. from Portland. Sailed. British shin - Olenerinht. tnrl XiaillUUIB. T ,r. -i .1 . . I Hamburg, June 7. Balled. June 4, 1 French bark . Rene Kerviler, for Port- Astoria June 7. TnnrtlMnn nf thm K. I at o a. m., smootn; wma , nortnwest, eight miles; weather cloudy. Tides at ;lr . ""I--n'KB -water. a. m- I t ie,t.J 0:" m- a. m. l"M,1aaaM"aaaBtsSJskBiSa 1 . , EAILWAT COMMISSIOI CONFERENCE MONDAY Salem. Or., June 7. The date of the conference between the state railway commission and - the . railway - officials iiaa oeen nxea at Monday. June 10, for the purpose of discussing stock ship ments, with a view of improving the places where anlmala ara .. nlaat nr.. vioua to . shipment , , ...... t 1 v ; v . .,. , , v . .t. v N! -'.; ' 3 4 - f I 1 : ' 5 41 '4 ' - - ' ':' ' - V. ' . "'- ' ' " ' r i 1 . WASHABLE SUITS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS The sort that retain their-color and shape ' ENDLESS VARIETY" is" here for your cnoosing nowassortment will be broken" : later -Bpf Tl -Pi- MTr? ; PRICE $1: to $6 , ... WASHABLE; DRESSES FOR GIRLS UA V W KV fcjf AVt3 ,.(' 1 1 - t ' 1 1 ' R R M QT? T T TTVT n leading w,-JLyJLX.'X'M VJT CLOTHIER .1 i