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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 7, 1C07. -a TODAY'S MARKETS Opening Prices on Columbia River Salmon Are Formally Announced To-day Five to Fifteen Cents Advanced lOOA. 1.M a. 20 1.40 S.40 l.3 COSTS MUCH 3IQNEY TO PRODUCE BEST WOOL -i Special Dispatch to Th Journal. ! , Pendleton. Or., June Ac cording .to soma of the eastern Oregon woolgrowere . the tariff ia not the only cause for the In creased cost of wool. ' It coata the woolgrower 7e centa bead to winter aheep, T centa to run it on the foreat : reaerve In the lummer, $ centa for dipping, It centa for shearing , and 148 a month for a man to herd.,, The shearing of aheep is no . am all profession. ! A shearer at the liove , shearing ; plant ' In Baker county haa Juat sheared 104 head of aheep In a forenoon, and In nine houra he had aheared ' 18 head. Computing thla at $..' centa a head, which la the price paid, the man received $24.57 for : his cay's work. . The profea alonal ahearer atarta In Cali fornia and follows , the aeaaon clear into Wyoming, getting . probably four months' Work. Me' e) does not work the remainder of e the year... :' .' e - .v - SUP CHANGE SALES PRESS IB I'fflT PIT' PRICES MOO Weakness fat Start F Is ;Fol- Continued Drop, of Nevada lowed by Good -Advance , and Then Sharp Break. '; Shares in the San Fran- cisco JIarket. f 'Ayr. " 'I Cro U Bad stfcap. ',; :' ;;' ' A' special, cable from Broom hall, who is in Budapest, says he haa again crossed through' Kouraanla ; and, Hungary , and flnda the whole : wheat ' country crop in a deplorable atate. The Hungary crop - la -'.greatly im proved and la maturing rapidly. The plant shows a spot start and stand, v . '$ 7 .. ," . ' . ' , ooLDrretD losses. . """'WB t.,,.., .03!Mohwk Bit.', Columbia Mt.... , .1(1 ,01 S1MII: PRICE IS OPENED Values About, as Predicted . ,by The Journal A early a Month Ago. ;;V';;C IV'K t-. - i . Teday'a ' market feature; " 7 ' , - Formal opening Of aalmoa prlre. t' ' rin. Hawallaa pineapple, arrive. , - -;- Brrawbanr market bIW afala. erf auch a glut In peaa. jar eantaloapea la due tontfht , ' California alaamer. due toolgbU " far taaaaaa tu toolRht. J -: Keaa ariera advance again. . Ham are ateadr at 18c tot eandled. TMiltry morlnf etf at qooution. . aamal Ppwting ef SalnKm Trio. , Celambla rl rar packara have aanoaaead tbalr iwnlng value oa aalmoa after man weeka drla to aaa what the proapecta were fur tke ci irk. Tb price tbla year and laat aeaaoa ' ,x .. 1907. Onapoand tall .....13 Ont-ptmnd flata 1.7( Il.lf ponnd flat 1-X One-Bouad ovata t-90 Half-peood ovale l.M Nominal l.M Emrli .. ................. 1.75 Tbeae price are prartlcalljr the am a Uiom aaaoeseed by The journal May 10, tb only eieeptlo telng that pound talla openei lie klguer Inatead of 10c, aa predicted here Beany a roooin. . '" "' '-" aerlnee. tlU: Unanaa. &e omr lb: Wnuiu. year fupirea ranaea rroai H mim I M-UW60 per boi; Ho, it .lean, UJUO per ,. Vtart ld. pr pruiiev wn - i i pineapniea, as.uv ,per oo: arape milt. I ... ... .vV. . . t nlaea. le. kav. been made at the Hat printed W.23j atrawberrlea. Orem. 1 JSaUIS peV fcL, 'Tk-a fd andth- a52S2 May 10. when talla were quoted at 1.80. . I crate; cberrle. 1.00 per 10-Ib boa; aoowber- HES: i!!,?ld. iu4. ?if5. d.'"!f ! At the tin., of Tb. Journal-, ennouncement ri ete.Pfr lb! aprlcota . 2.00; t-.: I hulll.hBea and nrlo 7nT".r iTI I S,..", 1.uw,r .B'k-.aoca 4a. Lno of wbat the opening v.inea weuio oe. anera nerriea. BolJ DUcaDcrrlM, 1 0r u,. cloalna7 Th I. waV Mk n 'i'. "T ' Ifr, waa nark comment among packera. nom oom-1 per I h. a .h.r. ..l. ,k T .tr L. -ZZZ1 1 V:," . r1' tended that P'l wheat. Tear alkT'l. vn wuer aau iun I . " " ' . T 77 r. 'z: r ' I , . . ... . Bt UhiIs wired: Too tnocli rain In thla I 7 rJ"" jomo. tti lb; 423.80: Texa and Aoatrallan. dUa net garlic, ee per id. Ari'LKa fancy hoos River. f2.T5s; fancy lil.aiett valley end aeetbara Orrcoa. 12.60 (jj.75. 1'KKSH rBOTTB Orange, new aaveL ilH AS.7&1 Uedlterraneaa awaeta. I2.2sei.d0: taa- wi.ii. I at joj twnanaa. Wall 1 it futttttt ka m. k... . u CHICAGO WHEAT TALUKS. . Jan T. Jane. Lo. July ju $ ,pta I .0114 September ... .hC .WliA .01 ueceaber .... J.OOB ,00 ... .in . wonder .01 Mayne ,0t Great Bead ...... .02 riorear ......... .0.11 O. B. B. Ext .01 O. Delay .OS Mruna .1 T 1 .vii)omb. rractloa ."niKewane . .2PIKararalda ....... .03 Portland GOLDFIBLD GAINS. . . . m mim 1 " , & ... 1 l.llo. ti.-"-" S'T? .or laHlTrlangU joi ....... . . ,,..., B. B. Wtt , Bine Bell ....... O. Columbia ..,., Bt. Ivee ......... O. Bend Eat..... do Annex ..... Mlllatorm Bed H1U ........ 1, .19 .021 .01 .03 I ' 1 P la tb Saa iftoa. ; The Chicago wheat market wa very erratic today, alanine weak, thm k.nh itt.. Th market tactic of tb long wheat. Flo Ban fallow Ti Nevada .hare eontlnn to alnm kawkSt Virk urn I' OoWleld Hat Me. r?actl JU MlDafom 20e and Comblaatioa tana li?0" N,Td! a aad Moa- Official hlA ' t-tyM V. . . . , , ... ....... , ., OOLDriELD DISTRICT. Sudatoria 82c. Kd Top 8 ajk!. Ifohavk brl- 12H016,per boa, bUckbarrle HM .7 u.T .iSra clSlnr ' nlTwaV iTEGKTABf.ES Tnrnlpa, saw, SOcOfl aackt M,,li;birPvwb'ib bf . crnna, ijci.w per aacai oeeta. peri - - - " ack; paranlpa, flI.2B; cabbage, $2.out23; to. I Jfewa Keperta Bull matoea, California. taitS.60: Florida. 14.50: 1 ' St. ' tnl. mlmA- , iw. tv7ee"tremeerere brought together "aid pr?r,,,p' ! Pr"' beana. 1281&c h ectlon not enough WMbln."" twe eatremee were B""' " . I caullfloirer. 1 M do; pea, loci boraerai ah, 8c I LeaTenwortli. KanaaaCondl Ice announced to tbla report today ia ,D, .rUcbokl, uaH per do.; Hnbbrd impro . , ii .v.-. , AiW.n.U what- a aa xUanx) if OTai I aack: paranlpa. II af Thee the price th remit. Toa80e per do tranchee: rhubarb. ooiona. ' lb :r" ""v, . 1 oe- "irneron 16e n7 ' JTop Ext. 19c, riorenc $3.20 JaJrk 1 B- i"0- O. atay 85o, Lagant 68e, Commonwealth ejw rv..k ...' fi.r Or. Bend Ext. lOe. Or. Bead A... w.a" Ji"""-a n. Bonanw e, Kewano 6Te, Eamerald be, Portland 14. Francla Ma. anaaa Coodltlona are mock ' iu arucooaaa. oaoe per 001; nnDoar 1 improved. 1 T V "1 rorciana e, rrancl. Ha. - I .mii tu,. m. , ik, aiAnnsiiinnl ' . . . ' Ibaek II. Bed Rill an. u..k ' i? . Salmea, rinaeat U Ta ,v , KrWS' r-"TirBrT;gS kTl"Sr.,w'' " "W" "V Lk. T. Tlgiir 18. Orandm To" s!' p(cT At tb F merit moment tb aalmoa naraei trip tnrougb wheat field. .... . k-.. hirm h.M th. I e Per Ibl ereen world', marketa bees ao tborougbly cleaned fr,i .?ell peiipera. do ( ) P apln- damage, growth ao A Kanaaa writer wlree: Hv mad Mraral I SL. '! S?? -Mi ?. aaked. GoMf. . Hard to eatlmat I ' .inangi it. r M VinSS .rthuTtim.. AU th. Urg. ' ' f r4 cuXrfSll J"."."'.!4 . ... ' -tirii nid out and tb new """"e. Pr 001; eucumbera, 70e4r.ll.QO I fT buahala." 'iJS.t5M 169 Nm-I mta.t.,ier apotty. froata; Bottom land wheat will powlbly make from Odeeaa ear th waarhar la very dry and anfavorabl. pack eater to traoe wiib moai ibtotboi i p,r'b r n, th. catcb 1. th. Uti ufiS&$&T ahowlng a aUght Improvement, bat little pack- jigia, rr lb; aacka. Ue per lb lea.; praaea. Ing baa been doo aa y.t. in sign waorc 1 iq. t 40. tfi6c; fea drop oa each 1-10 mailer tk. Mt(iin at f ikh dRtir.roo. and mor I ilui fin '.iifA.n. ki.i. iau. m h.. difficult, and where la ordmary water tb nera I California wblu, (34e per lb: da lea, gold, I ?h' l'w ooi! raroa. i.oaiJio per 10-ia sos. '1""" 7f ' Official Chirac mica br ' Cook company: WHIAT. Ovarbeek, Starr would bar. heavy haul- tbelr preaeat catch la nominal. . Th freah flak marketa ef thla city are re ceiving more aalmoa tbaa for om time, that caoalng tb recent decun m vaiuea awe. , Beam Mm Advaao agala. . . , Oa account of th heavy demand for Lima twana In the eaat, value are abowtng another edvanc In tbla market today,' price going to Sc. Small and large white r iieewie eery rim at the recently dvanced qaotatione. Bavou are blaber today with a gkortag. la upplle oa tb coaat. , ( 4. ( - StrawVarry Xarkat Higher iala. 'Orooariaa. Bat. Xte. .' SUGAR Cub. 30.12H; powdered. berry, 1J.82': dry granaUUd. e8.7TVi: Star, eo.oini oo r. a. fo.TTfti extra golden C, I5.1TH; D yellow, 6.0THl aranaiaieo, o.o(; Dam la, loe; nan 2de; boxe. BO advance 00 aack beat. S.tTH: 1 September .... December ... 100H lOOii lOltt CORN. tew. 1 96 a Clo. 1 Jnly I. -11 . . M,( . i I QAn.AM.kAa barrel, loe; nau barrel, l ueeenoec COM STOCK DISTBICT. ' UDnir ii.TO. HRiiMi aita nu a. 1 1 .T.Ad O"".- Vlrglnl. 7e. Savage d7e. Bala tZr. 41- .""of 'aeket tTe, Bekber BCIXTBOO DISTRICT. I tt-W'i? ?? nI,f- ! C- IS. Hoot. I ' 1 n.fc oana 41C. Ia, la B. Amthyt 80c, Gold Bar 5c. 8 tain way Je, POT Baf. Aax. ec, Bonnl Clare eOc, vfayfL C0-S'. Monty. Ohio Ext. a (, & Sceptr lOe, laoaty. lit. 14e, B. Delay lOe, ""-""" "u. w, aanaee udi ao a. km. - Why go 3 or 4 miles from : ;- y ' . ''::. i t the business center for ' home lots, when you only . need go TWO? Is closer . . ' ; : ' . :.'. in than any addition of fered on the market at like ' prices. ' Take "R OSS- MERE" car on East An . ,'' ' . .: ." " '.1. ' "v.- j ' '": : keny line to addition. Graded streets, , water mains, cement sidewalks, .free to buyer. Easy terms. Amerlcanlfciiondgniili SAN DISCO CAL. , 1:..' ; i't' ' ; ' Y" Capital (paid up) S100.C00. lurplus and TJa. rroflta 140,000. Officers and Directors: Louie j. Wilde, Pres.! R- M. Fowr Vlce-Pra; H. EL Mills, Vice-Free.; Chaa. U WUllams. Caeh ler; I J. Rice, Aaaiatant Caahler; XL Strahlman. , . ead ITs Tow Vactflo sTorthwest Items : Scad lis Tcsr Visiters (or Cccd Treaicect San Bieflb, California Th fruit crops are Oranse, Lemon,. Orape-fruit, Olive, . Peach, Apricot. Pear, Quince, Plum, Cherry, Apple, Raisin, Orape and .many others.; :Y" ..'"-'Y'1 jS-Y'i'-YS,-, '. ..' v Walnuts, Almonds, Small fruits, Dairying, Btockralalng. -YatCr all paying welL : $: J;.';'.",Y (Above erica are SO dara net eaah aaote. iwna. OATS. July .......... 4V IIONET-S.M eer erat. ' ' . I oepiemoer ... 05 AOirrEia p.rk... kr.i. aina.Miaa , I uecemoer ..... as ' SALT Ooarae Half pound, 100a, 111.00 par I ' MESS PORK. H.r1l,wi."3.Wfl'.".1''"i July .......... lw lew itss aio.w; juua, k.w: zmi, i io.ou; xtr ni ....... MU B4U M MK fet ,68, Cone. 41e, Tic toe 10 aaktd, M MS MH UHB I North Star SO, Sanaet 6c. l 61 M MiJ lii I TOKOPAH DISTBIOT. ' 1. ; 47 44 U 44 8ft : 7i 87 88 18V. S8 1642 I Beotember ...16S0 1660 Carina tb paat 84 hour there waa a further bbla, 2a, 0 and 10. 4J03&.60 -tdverpnoi I ' LABD. atr.agtb.nlng oC atrawberrr price. Receipt I luinp rock. 120.60 per ton; 60-lb rock, f 11.00; I Jnly 80S 80S todaywer. eery lignt, eepeciauy una uuuia. e.w.w. ... iwimmw ..... The Sootbera Pacific wa not du to arrlv A, Prlf apply to sale of lea than October 820 820 until early tbl afternooa and h!pmnt from ?' ?ff: 'p? k ' ap!Ul price nbjet lb j, , SHORT BI1 the eouta war tb.retore held back. Grower "'JJK, ' : j -'W Mr .4.878 878 Kr?K ttF isSinv! LrasTOCK coming 41.25 to 1.75 a '".crater, wits, meet going at I - NUTS feaaata, Jombo, 8He per lb; Tb 11.60 and 11.79. , . I ginla, 7He per lb; routed, 10 per lb; Japa - WatM af the yreduo Trade. V I " roaateo. P"r 10, wamuia. 800 817 816 865 890 1SS0 14T 808 817 827 87S 880 Tub. Ke. 814.76, Moot. Ton. tJ.TT. Tea. Bit. 61.80, MaeNamar Me. Midway 81.36. iZ- S!1!.8', Ton. Mo Star SSc'OhJ. av, jnwmv mna uai. (00, BCU loC, Ton. a Calif. Se. Oold.n Anchor 17, Jim But. ir 76c. Ton. Caah Bor 6c aikad. Ton. Bom. 8 eaked. Bart. Ton. 12 uked. Monarch Pitt. uoioea urowa 10c aakad. M. x. .. wwi aw aaaao. Call on BlO Manh. ' MANHATTAN WSTBICT. Con. 60e aaked, Manh. M. 0. 6c, I ? Wadfa 6c, Seylar Bomp. ec. Dexter lie, I. Jo 2c. Crescent Ta mkA rvHnhinu i. aaaed. Oranny 17e. Muatanc 17. Little Ami 17c, Cowboy 2c, Orijr. Manh. 14e aaked, Broach .ump. - iue aaxea, B. nog 10c, X. .mm, w, tuuiu tmp a. TAKIOPS Dig Title :1V Local eberrlee are urrrtng more freely, oak jb. h)ck01.y Dnta, ioc per lb; Braill nuu, 18c per I Receipts and Demand Still Equal Al io; uacy pecana, isooc;! s . . , , quality 1 not good and price are low. Demand I lb; fllberta, lee per not good. . laimono. iwaxxMC California totnatoe are coming ellfMly store I Keata, Xlak aad rmltlena. freely, tjuauty improving. . . .t. f RESH MKATS-front Street Hog, fancy, urcea peaa ware "- - o , " Pr 10: Urge, OQie par U) veal. Turaav ana mur. nwxiyi. www ... ri. n.. along tb itreet between 2c nd Sc a pound. ARIOTJS DI8TBICTS. ' ! . IN A FAIR TOLUME iJt:s w -t siS oa.! X A AU f vaj UiU-AJ I Mkea Hnby Woedar 20 aaked, Alice of Woa eenana oe, ritUDnrg Bllrer rk 1.07 aakad. ; : -: -- ' . ,. , Duhit Wkeat Market. Durath, Jon 7.Wnt aloe: July, 1.00. vMMvMMMMt MEM Qoicldy and'Pcrmanci.tIy Cured You Can When : Well ; : My 1 TWENTT-FIVB yaara of aub eessful practice in Men's Diseases enable me to apply th proper methods and medi cines. .. I treat Varicocele, Hy drocele, , Contracted Disorders, Specific Blood Poison, Piles and Stricturerestoring all af. footed organs to normal and healthy action In the shortest possible space of time. 1 i My Fca , In such as coma to mi be fore complications dcyelop. Contracted , Disorders Erery case ef con tracted 1 disorder X. So-Called I Wec!neJs Mr cures ef this dis order are permanent treat la thoroughly , and lasting. No ton cured. Mr patients" ics that stimulate hare no relapses, temporarily, bat thor- xtr. thoash Cattle Are Not . Healthy, Y Guarantee Moat ef the arrrral war lata ia.tb day.aold to th eannerie at 1)4 a pound. t Tb first car of cantaloupe from Brawl thla eaoo la ddk to arrive tomorrow morning. Bnpplle today very light Price at 1.76. Tb California ateamer ia do tonight. Sev eral car of banina are eleo du. i (km. Hawaiian DlneaDDla were dla- played oo the etreet thla mornlnf. Aktag I Im0Ie.d'. Xeultry Herlng at luted Talna. . ; Receipt of poultry ar incraaalng,; but de mand 1 quite good and all aalea are mad at printed value. ! v- Wbll egg are ateadler the trade ia sot aaklng over 18c tor the candled atock. ? .s , Creamery butter maraei ia uuiuiua, ordlnarr. 74 per lb: Door. A nr id: mniioo, lancr, B'avo per id. aTlnnopolla Vhaat atarket : fcUnneapolla, Jane T. Wheat elooe, 88. St tenia Waaat Xarkat, Bt Leela, June.T.-rhMt elo: July, 884 e. I NEW YORK STOCK JIARKET 13 ' 88' 604 1 , ' - ' i i ' V . per Prerioua yaer ...101 ' ; 100 ; isa I CnUnm Oil 4l...A Kecelpt were again rair in tee local yard. I uum vueai : mattoo, fancy, 8000 per lb. r . Bkua. BACON, BTCrortlaod pack locl) I Portland Colon Stockyard, June T.Ure- uaius, w w .ov v iui w o iua, i atock receipt; . s ' lfle per lb; 18 to 20 Ibe. 16ie; breakfaat Hot. Cattle. Bht. bacon, 16H22o per lb; picnic, 12 par lb; I Today .....,',. . ........ 187 468 488 eottag toll, 11H per lb; regalar abort ewers, I Week- age .268 i i 27 40 unamoaea, ue per id; amocea. ue per id; i Year age 13 ' 83 694 lb; Union butta, 10 to 18 lb, enemoked, 8 per lb; mokd, 8 pw lbs clear beUlea, an-1 today. Demand waa steady la tt line, y.t uii pmz in-,, too pir 10; i tbongb tb catu market aid aaouiaers. uvke per id; pictiea tango. eucihaitbr . No in v. In... each. . . i .i 1 A rear aao all market war eaar. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10s, 18e perl and aheep each tost 26c. - I ton oil waa a (peclal feature, numerou aalea lb; 6., lSMiO per lb; 60-lb tin, 12). per lb; I Today 81 bona were among th arrival. I being' made juat previous to th clo at an steam tendered, 10s, 114 per lb; 6, llfcOl Official liveatock prices: ' I advance .of over on point. Union Pacific per id; compound, iua, per in. nog neat eaaiern vregoa, fi.uu; iiocaer cioasa ever s point ap. . Houtnern Paeifla ad- CANNED SALMON Columbia river, l ib toll. I and feeders. 88.00(36.36: China fata., 16.25(3 I vaaced 1 point. Locomotiva want iu 81.80; 3-lb telle, 8X76; fancy 1-lb Hats, 81.80; 1 6.60. ... . . r- :i land Brooklyn "V 1 point. Northera Pa. and ait usee, ai- i not toolT a Before the Close.' ITh atock market onened emer.nv tilrtiM I wu. I oua7 anu cioeea over laei nignt price. Cot- Trust Co. Faint abowlng of weaknea to chea with I Alaska talla, pink, 8&80c: led, 81.60: nominal, 4.60; beat cows an balfer. 83.2698.60: bull. larger auppiie. . uoweverr ; .auc. uw u-1 m, uu, as.uu. - i fz.oujx.oo. changed. ' I nH Bock cod, Temper Tb;, e per I Sheep Sheared, mlted, $4.60(89.00; lambs, New potato arrlvtnr qoit iraeiy mm irain,; baUbut, uc per lb; atrlpcd baaa, 12c Ibl I oitfoc. aaii, n.i.,1111 mfflcient to hold tb. prlc. I eatfiah. . lOe Der lb: aalmoa. freah Columbia I Auatrallan onions are rather carc. but there J ebinook, HVSe lb; blueback, 10c per lb; ber. IDAHO WOOL SALES are nlentv of lexaa her.. Demand most lor l ring, oc per id; eoiee, oc per id; annmps, to mim raa.aa f w i . suuh sV na Ikf hla ST mnA Tsa aa II . lormer. i Te M( n,. lobatera. . lfle per lb: freab Wid. Saage in jiopa. mackerel. So per M: erawfl.h, 20e per dos; star- Tber. Is a very wid rang In quality of gaon. 10 per lb; black baa. 30 per lb; Colli to- bona as well as th price now ruling. John bla river smelt, 6 per lb; chad, 6c per lb: roe drove of Independence purchased 47 bale of abad, Be per lb; ahad roe. J6e per lb; black th mixed lot at 7c and 87 Dale of th;Hlll cod, 7H per lb. - lot at tb same price. The Hall tot of 60 0T8TERS Shoalwater bay, per gallon. 8J.B0 per iuu-iB aara, aa.ou; viympia, per gauoa, 82.25; per 116-lb aack. $64008.26; Kagbj, canned. 10 can, $7.00 doe. : CLAM8 Hardshell, per boa, $140 clama, $2.00 per bog, 10 per doe. - faints, Cal Oil. Zta. 4 ' " I .-A ' , . i- : i - wiwnjB u poinia. narinera r1 Cattle Best eastern Oregoa steers, $4,215(8 I clfle rose It and Beading held th nam gain. IA. L . . L -1 . AO . .J. B .A. ...11 . . . - Official Cooke compi quotation, by Orerbech, tart'aad CORNER OF SECOND and WASHINGTON STS. MSCBtmON. -A' tomcod. Tc oar Ih: lobatera. 10 Dae Ibl (rmh I f-fnsa at Hftiinali. ITnvna - n.niM I . i Am. Car aV Found. From 18c to 20c Pound. do Am. per irererred....... tton oil, com bales haa been sold at Eufeene at Sc a pound avrding to report name , or purcnaaer u 0TheOSide pays tb following prlcea to Front street. Prices paid ablppers are less regalar commissions: - ' -.' - Orals, near ana xa.. '' fSoeelal Dianateh to Th JosrnaLl Boise, Idaho, Jan 7. At Mountain Horn I Am. Locomotiv. com ea eaie vi i,vw vuuus v w wi uws iiiactn aid nMyn rt vOXSX. . and prlc ringrd trom 18c to 20e per pound. I Ain. Smelter, com now. us. iuej vla ci Binuv wwe arvjefjieu Attm I fJ9 preferrra. AnM T.i a UaiiHa ' 1 R St aa... .u ..t p ir.Or. litt. Se. Urea lotaf mmmli . "yr.' uj SOT., tuir. WUKAT Club, 895880c; red Rosaian. 870 68c; bluastem, 88e5ci valley, 8Se. ' CORN Wbol, $20 XX); cracked, $26.00 per ' ton. 1 ' -v..-'-. BARLEY New Feed, $21 .00 22. 00 per tea; rolled, 823.0024.00; blew Jag, $22)0023.00. BYB $1.66 .per wt.- v; f. OATS New Producers price No. 1 white, $28.00028.00 per ton; gray, 27 .50028.00. FLOUK Eaatera Oregon ' patents, ,14.80; atralgbta, f4.l; export, ; vauey f.suwe.o; d.16; graham, a 83.78: whole wheat $4.00; rye. tWa, 85.00; balea,. 62.76. MILliTUfl's Bran. nx per ton; mld- dllngs. 629.00; alKH-t., country, 20.00; fiw.ou; chop, 9io.wiir-i-- COAL Ortr Pesrl or Astral Caws. ItUe dot gai; warer wane, 'sraw -duib. ie par gai; wooden. 17c per sal; headlight 1T0 deg casaa. 21 He per gal, , . OASOUNH 88 deg.'caaee, 24 Vi pr gal; iron Dm., ise per gai. A Rudd dispoaed of tbelr 1807 clip at 1A I Anacorid. Mining U" AAA ih.1. lOdlA AllM A. lUU. BAtl VAAkAAAA.A I . ... W. old bla clip for 20. D. W. and J, B, Lltti- I Atchison, eo m . . . . more dlaDoaed of their, at 18e. M. .O. i Rw.ln I An .i.f.i A Brother at 18He, Joe Bengoecbe aold 282 I Baltimore Ohio,' coin uaga iot wc. no u.a auu on Ding uv oaga. I do preferred. . . . .zr"-i A,r";' . .Krx i "n,a' facmc, com-, w. 'r - .." w.v venirai Leateer, com.-, pounds.. Thar are yt to be aheared about do preferred..... 7. J 4,000 bead. Chi, Ac a W com Over a million and a quarter pounds ef chi- Mil." A it pini wool bave beea received at Caldwell. ... Andy Chi. A N w . BENZINH as deg, cuml 39e ptt sal: tree -aaa over pounoa wnica a. has obe DDia, bc per gai.. - TUBPENTINB ta caaea, See pet gal; wooden bbla, 8c per gal. i WHITE lYJlD Ton lota. 7e per lb; 600-lb lots. 8c per lb: leM lots, 8Ue per ib. i WIRE NAILS Present basis at 82.88. '" LINSEED OIL Pur raw, la 6-bbl lots, 60c; 1-bbl lots. 83c; caws, 68 per gal; genuine alty, I kettle-boiled, caaea. 00c per gal; 6-bbl lota, 84c; 1-odi iota, oo per gai; grouaa caae. car lots. not yet disposed of. - PRIVATE WOOL SALES , ' Large Lots Disposed of at Echo Out side of Regular Sales. ' peake A Ohio. Fuel A Inn, com 610.00ai0.n0; clover. 88.60&8.0U. grain, $8.00 OlO.Ou; cneat " . .: i Sutter, gg sad Poultry, ' BUTTER FAT f. .' h. FortUad Sweet cream. SSHer aaat, 30H. BUTTEB -City creamery, 24S25c; seconds, SO 'Ac; outside fancy, 24c; seconds, aoo; atcr. Orertis. letl7c. EU(iSEitrs fancy, candled, tiled. 17c. rviiA. . AAV. w. . , . WW, Colo. .Southern, iom, .. m prererra.,(. ao prorerred.:.... TlAlawar. M. D..Iaa Denver A B. G., com!! no preierrea... , ... Brie, coin........... do 2d preferred... .do 1st preferred... Illinois Central ..... Loul.Tlll A Naahvlll Echo, Or., June 7. Considerable wool I still H AT Producers' prlTlmothy, WJIl.mett. j3EoO5 to; toss than" wlatS T p7i omln tJJ' JSSr1 valley, fancy. $14.00t 17.00; ordinary. $12;00 JS.. . HWijL SS?V. year. Tbe following private sales have been M1" Central By... announced on to tnia time: I s x., com. ,... New lork, . June t. uorernment bonds; I The cunnini Date. Bid. Asked. Twos," registered .......... 10OS 1044 do coupon .............. 1030 1 104 Threes, registered, 1918 102 . III. Minnoo .. X, ....... .. IBIS' 102 ' 18c; ancsa- Threes, small bonds ...... 1918 101'i rours, regiatereu, new..,., jwio iz 104 too IOS 103 n- . i. I . i- . A. V a An wpa.aaaa. liir bUiwuiluBBi '.; auvnv "m miui oouuailT. I Sl,047 pounds sold t private aale. . i iiamiera ........ M. Cnrrlr.l. M.RftO -nnand anlil for IK UK. I Great Northern Joseph Cunhs. 69.207 pounds aold for 19HC. I Federal Smelter ' Ou Lflfountain, 23,808 pound eold at pri vate saie. CHEESE Nw Full cream, flat, 16 016 Four, registered, old...... 1907 128 per lb; Young America. 16H17e per lb. POt'LTBX Mixed enicaena, 13H14e lb; fancy bene. 14 lb; rooster., old, 10 lb; fryers! M.. LaA.Iaaa OA a.. U. ... xitc per ioi uiviii . w irer io, oio oucka. 13itlc per lb; spring ducks, 30e per ib: reea. old, Q10e per lb; spring geese, 12UO 13 per lb; turkeys, ! 17 per lb for old; qOSDB, JJ per wa,.ucvii..i,a QJt ' tirraaett peura-y ijiw per id nignar. Bona. Wool and Hldaa. HOPS 1908 crop Prim to ehoic. 7e; me-1 ciiun w pruw, vTiui.). wuibikj eicsDwe. eao. trecte. 1907 crop. 10c. WOOLr-1907 clip Valley. 20j321e; eastera Orrfrna. 1620e. . iomaik rew iwi zvuzve. , gHEEPKKIKS Shearing, 1&Q20O each; abort wool. 2.'.&40c; medium wool, 60875 eacht lor arool, iDeai.uu eacn. 1 ALLOW Prim, per lb, SH04c; Ha. t end UHITTIH BARK fl8 for car lots; email liIDt8 Dry, Ne. 1, 18 lb end an. h par lb; dry kip. No. 1. 6 b 16 lbs, do coupon 1926 Fours, registered, old,,..,. 1907 - do cpupon .............. 1907 Fours, Philippine ....... ,, 1904 Two, Panama, registered. ao . coupon -V . . .... v 104). 129 Vi 1294 1V4 101 -101 104 Vi 106U ioa4 Antone Ver.lBl.029 Bounds sold for 16V. B. F. Stanfleld, 129,711 pounds sold for 17c P0BTLA1O) BANS STATEUXNT. Clearing today. .$1,357,187.83 ,ao year .ago ................... wtMVT.BJ Gain today lalance tods do year ago Harrr Boaera.. 6256 nounds aoid for 184.. T. D. Matthew. 11.601 pounds aold at pri vate sale. -.. i - J. T. Hoaktna. 14.087 pounds sold at nrl. VSt Sl. - - M. 8. Ceirlrsl. 35.860 Sounds sold at nrl. vst al. - . . T. D. Matthews. 88.000 Pounds Mid at nrl. vat sal. ,,'t.i -m - CATTLE WEAK N EAST r. V.4.M " ak A ern a an ten Baunces today "I'.".!"!!. 129,283147 Chicago Market Slow, 10c Lower 70,817.21 Missouri racir ic ..... u.iin..! r , 1. i,ua. uvnu .,.,.. new xors ueotral.. N. r.. Ont West norroik West, com. ..villi .HRTKID Northern Pacific, . com Pacific MaU 8. 8. Co. Pannaylvania Ballway. P. O L. A C. Co Preaeed Steel Car, com. Heading, com....,...., do 2d preferred..... do lat preferred. ..... aep. iron ate!, com. do preferred... ...... Bock Island, com...... do preferred-... St. Lai. r., 3d pfd.. oo oai preierrea..... St. L. A 8. W, com.. do preferred . Sheep Are Strong. Vim Tark.THvti IIImt. I Chleaco. Jan 7. Livestock recelnta Hew lork. Jnae TA-Bar .Uv.r, S8H.' ton- T ' " ' '? sa5vSn .2!?" "aRSi Soatbars Padfia,'. eoaa into Ml 1 1-1 HJ1 . , ....... I ' .8 - " w w www m w-- v- V Kanaaa City ...... ...10.000 ,. 2000 3000 Omaha 1 . .... . 7VW '. annfl ' liUI nw T0RX O0TT0B" 1CARXIT. I Hogs are steady at yeaterday'a closing with i.31 Tmnuary Opea. aeAX09 a -s- a -' -a-a w 'vs. liiu I n.t drw Mir. He. 1. BnilM B lhav VTsea al.4 I r rurusrj a... I "--- JLV 1 t.tiL nnTw.. mnia. du ioki stna earvaer MUarruiZa a.,wl fiiAaiVPI Btmarsl fttwl hit 1 ). , SbnMHif AI-.I I 4 ? At. llfl sTTMB. wtDaUatawf. I Um mil. I .m I r4'Aata on ulr A a if .ft I., lesa: kon bide, aalted. each. It oft9 lm, piemDar .. 1104 . -v. web. $l.00(l.M); eolt bHie. 2Bffi50c7 gnai i ZL''"' ill, comaton, . JOHtinc; Angora,' each. 1 J!?. -"55 ' J:2? i ,,v4l.; aheep akin. teJt$1.60. . , 1 ID Fruit and Veeatablaa. l':-ft':a'y''':,,?'' POTATOES Fancy, gS.OU41S.SS: sweets, f ,1 I ?';tlaiaal, 'Oettea .lwer..'YYi': I r Mj?!JVv SV Tr '- a. . I Liverpool, Juo T.-Cttoa fatares closed $V4Ipanr win jL.iv.-wuui iiv ., vregoa, pvinu krwra ; ... . - 4 aaat aprlag. 1155 ..... JlilV 91r.k IA. AAA. nMUln. . AAA , a aa aa nign. uow. une t. o. I suxec, fo.mxao.siHt aeavy, 8 lOia 1215. 1188 . 1208 1194 6.25; rough, 86.858.06; light, $6.1006.80. .... .... liao 11 Cattle Weak, 10c lower.. i& iin 121 ixiai 1 oiieep etroug. .... v ....- line iiae . 23 Orgaatee Meat Oamiaay. 1180 ; 1177 ':. 117a I i (Journsl Special Service.) 1177 ; 1196 .11821 La Grande, Or., Jun 7. The Grande Bond 1180 7 1195 t U83 Mt company ha been organised, capitalised 1180 , 1198 1188 $20,000, be Incorporators , being J. A. Bus. - . . lull. A V k'Mllu . mtA A 1 Hfofcfep 1-ma V fT. 3- I eomn.nv- wlU di a a.nral - nacklnv IhuIiimi in addltloa to tbelr retail buaineas. The com- build a ' large cold stersae plant 1201 ; ' 11N8 ' 1187 1208 1108 1206.: do preferred. . Sonthera By.,, com.. do preferred Tenneeae Coal A Iron. . Texa a Pacific... ToL, St. U A W., . A. . ' w prvr.rrra. ...,.., union recifle, com.... do preferred......... TJ. S. Bobber, com.,.., do preferred......... 0. 8. Steel Co., com... do preferred......... Wabash, com.,., ...... do preferred......... Wisconsin Central, com do preferred.......... Virginia Chemical . ... rrot.l aalea for the day, 620,100 aba res. - Call SKwqr. closed at SMcjt pat cant. 82V 88 59 ft milk 116 f I If 62 ti 'Si's 112 Uvtbpool exixjr xauzt. Uvwpeol, 'Jna 7, Official prieaa; s ' WHEAT. 1 Onea. .' " Clo. ' Sepl.'.'.'.7a t 7 $4 CORN. July; ....4s 11M4 6 Md sept. ,...4S 10Kd 4 Ilsd Jnn 6. Oaln. ia ' tta- 78 I 5f.8J 4 um 4 10Kd id fed When X pronounce a caae cured there Is not a particle of in fection or inflamma tion . remaining,!" and there Is Botv the slightest danger that the disease will re-. oughly . scientific, treatment for the re- . moral of conditions Maponalble ' for the functional derange ment. "Weakness" Is - merely a symptom of Inflammation or con turn. No contracted restlon in the proa, disorder is so , trivial . tats gland, and Un as to warrant ncer-- der my own original tain methods of local treatment this treatment, and I as- , gland Is prompUy re- peciaiiy solicit uioee SB. TATXOB, taebaadliiggpaclalUrt cases that other doo ', tors ' have bean un able to curs. " . v V&ricocel. X use neither knife, ligatures nor caustlo In my treatment for Varicocele. I posi tively cure this dis order In one week by an absolutely palnlees method and ' without detaining the patient from business, , J.!!!4 .a"0! Contulutlon and a v oa vw ssasi. wuiuiviaj functional, activity, la the lasting result, . W. i' Y'Y;: W-.y.''f, ; -v.. : Strictm Mr method of eurinc stricture is new and entirely original.' No cutting or dilating The stricture is dis solved and entirely removed and all af fected membranes are thoroughly cleansed, ' Advice Free Come and have a prl . vate talk with me .son earning your ailment Sven if you are not' prepared to undergo treatment at this time, ' X can always give help- ful suggestions to men who are diseased or weak. If : you cannot . coma to Portland writ for particulars of my system of home treat, stent, Honri9A.M.to9P.M. Sandayt 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. Only the DK..TAYL0IR 234 Morrison Street, Cor. Second, Portland, Oregon WOOL SALES ill. PEIID Oil (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Pendletoa, Or, June 7. Tb second wool aale of the aaaoo occurred at Pendleton today, 252,725 ponnd sailing. - .Twelve grower dis posed of their clip at 11 and oe .lot went at -21. , Charles Sly received 1H for 16,676 pound, and two clip, on 28.24 and en 28.611, for 19e. About 860,000 pound of wool will b put ap today. Many buyers ar here,- hav ing just returned from th Heppner aalea. . -&izii!lli ei ,Y Sometbing Omlnons- t . "That' said Senator Hale,' referring like the ominous speech of the servant-ci maid. Rhat hait .mnlnvrd Anlv Iwn ' I daya. In fact, her master and mistress . had been only- two daya married. .And . ina to the lockamith aha aald: . " wlll von nleaae coma to our hnuaia : ' at bnca. elrT .when Mr. Newer! started out thla morning he alammed the door ao hard be broke the lock.'": . ... i ... , 127 120 88 100 84U 8?4 23 i. 27 74 60 110 84 H 67U 128H 23 V, HH'A : 89?J 103 75 110 oa 99M 88 87, a' HEaLTE SHERHGTi IRIi W0R Can be yours by consulting the oldest, longest located and most up-to-date specialists. Haying recently spent thousands of dollars on new equipment and our offices today are the finest equipped in the west, occupying the magnificent suite of twelve, room Call ' - . y'1( nd be convinced."), V' : YY J'l Htia Vffi dWV BLOOD POISON, SKIN DISEASES, VARICOSE ENLARGE If Ei iIJllXi MENT, NERVOUS DEBILITY, URINARY TROUBLES ANDl ALL PRIVATE DISEASES AND .WEAKNESSES OF MEN? oun FEE mm PAY 'WHEN CURED EgTABUBSOm . 87 TSAX8 ' The nan who has been positively cured Of a chronio oi Pelvic malady peculiar to his set knows that' ' a great blight has been lifted from his life. He realize that the atutnbllng block to hla buaineas prosperity snd social success hae at last been forever removed. , Having thua regained the great power of COMPUlTI! aCAsTSOOS AmTI TZTAUTT, he enters the race of life with renewed XOri, AMBITIOK aad OOlniAOB, and with that TTht and VXOOB which maka victory poaalble in every undertaking. Thla haa been the happy experi ence of numbers of afflicted who have been cured for. life by our methods. ' In the treatment of caaea of this character our succesa has been called "phenomenal," hut is only natural and what ahould be expected from our physicians, who pogge gPgCIAI. XsTOW&BDwB, XXPSST BWXLI-, TAST SXPSBTEHCB, TXOstOUOK BCI E?ILilT??2"!1lI.8'JARlir,:BT AJTD AM XirSBaBTZO MIITO C0BSCIEVTZOVsU.T 9BTOTB9 TO MB wILFAKI Oa TXZJB FATZSBTg. , -.'--- ,. ., . . v Investigate and you will flnd that we hava the largest practice of any phyalclana or speclallstsin the state. This practice was built un because of the cures, absolute cures of cases where others' had failed - No differ- wiivw wuu w v.unu you, we oniy ua an opporiunny w snow you, AI UUH JCXflSNSS. IF WE PAIIa WThaf MM H ftfttY nlllk.l Kw . A a m.a.I.aa a -a a.LI.1. A a ..a a., aa a A.t A. . , . . . " as'xoa'ara!' ccoml'1,h'1 bjr methods we use, which have cured so many others suffering poasibly Juat We Want Bvery atas la the Oooatry Who Xs Afflicted to Write TJs About Xls Ailment. s Y . ''" HOURS I TO 6; 7 TO 8:10 DAILT; BUND ATS, TO It. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAl DISPENSARY O0SHZB SEOOBTD AJTB TAlCHXUi ITSXXTS, rOBTXAVO, 0BBO01K