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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE . 7, 1067. 1-T OUTLOOK GOOD FOR HOP CROP Independence Maa Thinks r i Eyerything Is Fayorablo for' large 'Beturns. . 4 A. L. Pritchard, a large hop grower i of Independence, Oregon, is at the Im j perlel hotel and said today, that the ' crop outlook for tha coming- ituon la j Vary favorable, Mr. Prltohard said that tha yarda planted la the put two yaara War doing flna and evened up for tha : Shortage in tha old yarda. Ha aald: .. k- The aaaaoa haa laan vary dry thua ? far but In tha laat few weeka tha crop S nave aprung ahaad wonderfully. .Past 4 experience haa taught ua that tha baat 5 nope ara those that grow In Juna and i for that reaaon I am optlmlatio for tha J growing crop. I expect tha output to be about tha aaaia aa laat year whan Dragon ralaad about 111,000 balea." i Mr. Prltohard la also Interested In ; timber and aald that ha had been In- formed that tha timber landa aold by George T. Hall of Eugene and othara jjw. year ror aoout 10.009 wara aold f iui wmi o eantei 'nor than 170.000. week to eastern partiee for a llttla Mr. Prltohard owns a tract of S7S acre on Beaver oraek which haa been cruteed and ahowa about 40,000,000 feet Hie tract la ao lo cated that It could be cut and aent down Beaver creek Into Muddy river and then Into tha Willamette. . HlOn HONOR WAS, ENTIRELY UNSOUGHT W iv ' Alma Mater of Iter. Sharp Confer Doctor of Divinity Degree ' v on Him. , - ' Rat. B. VL Sharp, pastor of tha Mount Tabor Presbyterian church, received no tification yeeterday that hla alma mater' Parsons' college, at Fairfield, Iowa- had conferred upon him - the degree of doctor of divinity. Tha honor came en tirely without tha solicitation ana wun out the knowledge of Dr. Sharp, but waa tha reault of hla neraonal frienda In PortlanoLfWho recognising the value of hla work here and hla eminent fltneea for thahdagrea, suggested lo tha truataea of Para'onr collage that )the degree be vuuiqi rvu. paator" In point of occupancy In the Portland Preabyterr' and la. therefore. dean of the Preebyterian mlnlatera la Portland and vicinity. , BOTH AUDIENCES WELL SATISFIED aMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBMBaaaawaaagB Ilenry - Lawrence : Southwick Gave "Richelieu" and "The Rivala" Be- fore Appreciative ; Listeners.' 4; Dr. Sharp la a graduate at this inetl nic by try. It haa a aplei tutlon. wh beat Presbyterian coUei naia whloh la aald ' to be one of tha ea in tha eoun endowment and a flna hlatory, and la doing eio.llent work in tha training, or freaoyter minister.. '. - J Ur. Ghent la atatad clerk or the port land Preabyterr and waa recently ejected president of- me roruang un- t.t.rtn! uifVlnHAii f r iuimjI Rev. 3. Whltoornb Brougher. He Is alao aenlor HERRICK REFRIGERATORS : NEW DRY MR! SYSTEM OF . CIRCULATION V Onions aa4 mCk can be pot ta the! Saves tea; bo mold; Pure, .ammo refrigerator. barer sweets; no stale odors. ' sweet 'eaoj' neelttfnl? whlU' spruoai, kcamal and opal glass llnad . ' - taon la tha brief, oeaoriptlon of the i'Harrtok Dry JUr Refri rare tor. it Is oabtlas tha5 beat seller on tha Amarl 'ban market today because It Is the baat rafrigarator. It Is a long; step la ad ranoe of the Usual tea boi that is turned j out' and paUad a refrigerator, .while tha iprlce la br far the ; most reasonabla tiualltr eonsldared,' : ? 'f-: '"An examination of our refrigerators rwlU convince even tha moat. akapUoal Of thafr merit In workmanahlp, material, fhan hlg ffflolangy. A trial vrlU prore the value of our principle, eco nomical and highly eanltary features,' said 1. X KaAdarly. this morning. "Owing to ear perfected system, made ap o open eentar draft pans, air duets and other selenUno construction. ; our refrigerators have a cold, dry air circu lation, which keeps the -4 Interior dry, sweet and dean, and the articles stored highly sanitary. ' ; . ' ; ', "We bad a choice la , selecting i frlgers,tors,; continued J. 3. Kadderly. as he sat In bis salearooms at 110 Flrat street, next door , to the depot of the Portland Railway, y Light Power com pany, land. we selected the bast the best Jooklng and the most economical. i - 11 we ask is a call from an Interested Dartlea" ', ' V.;'- W'a..-"":: ;;j-':';-Vv Siwt Jicv Roaste u . oucn as cut dj us are uwm tar superior and more nutritious than tHoee boujpit elsewhere. "AH' 6ur nieati are fresh and wholesome. B-when-you.aatur meats, be cause, we make a specialty of fresh hlgh- H efrM beata and know how to cut them to make them more palatable. if 1 v iwrcioTis ounr;curea rtams, aojer per id. - ' : : '. ; , Freah country auppUed Berries, Fruits, Vegeubleg, Sweet Cream, ery Butter, Ranch Eggs, Fresh Dressed Chicken to order. Poultry and Fistuv We appreciate email orders aa welt as large ones.' CITY MARKET KOEHLER. . , , Phone ain 2830-Home A2830 .' r!85 Fburtn ise v. eet : 1,,: . r : !- SPATH 4 HE Henry ' Lawrence Bouthwlek enter talned two ' audienoea yaatarday in the moat satisfactory way. In tha after noon he gave "Richelieu- at St Helen's hall and his interpretation of tha aged cardinal was .- moat aubtle. Tha con treat between the feeble old man broaen in health and the seal which imbued the cardinal when patriotlam end power fired hla mind waa clearly and maater fully preaanted. Tha, closing scenes were Intensely dramatlo. I ' In tha evening to' an ' appreciative handful of people Dean Southwlck P re lented -iha Hivaia." and tha charm' ing old comedy became very real under hla handling. .'As the Irascible and hearty old Sir Anthony, Mr. Bouthwick waa Inimitable and yet no one of the characters but stood forth with dla tlnctneae. Perhapa tha moat difficult thing that waa dona was tha acene In which the double Identity of Beverley and Captain Abaolute la disclosed, where the humor of the altuatlon appeala to Sir Anthony and he roars with laugh ter, where Mr. Malaprop' enters Into the fun until she thinks of the letters which have ao lncenaed her and where Lydla with her whlma and the captain who has been the plotter are all por trayed at once with consummate skill. GMYNASIUM WILL , BE ADDED ,T0 CHURCH -T- .,.-.v:v Say. Paul Radar, who was recently called , to the pastorate of the Haaalo Btreet. Cengregatlonal church, ' la pre paring to have the church building re modeled at a coat of about f 1,000. The plana call for an addition to be built to tha backof tha ohurch, 10 by 100 feet ill which ' wl contain a Sunday achool room and gymnasium for the young met) and boya The old building will be re paired and decorated for temporary uae only, aa it Is tha Intention to replace It within a few years with a modern church, . - The gymnasium will be fitted up with apparatue for phyelcal development and other necessary features. Dr. Ra dera Idea la that more attention muat hereafter be devoted to' providing- suit able amusement and entertainment for the boya About half tha money to make too improvements haa been sub scribed, and no trouble Is anticipated la securing tha remainder, - Bolls and Carbuncle Cured by ' " in EovaEHOLS gumoxow. Druaalata refund money If Dr. Porter's AMiaepuo Heating un iaua. iao. M&MM&Mi'i JJV.FOLGER&C? fl. ' . "" . N mm i m i jlh m Tea 60a-Pa JL 11 0i O aaj Mann JAJo!erlC5' GoWenuate J A'FOLGER & CO. San Francisco KAJcza Bzucxom bjudad. Beeauaa In Ita making every nosslbla meana ara uaea to maae it me neat ana moat wholeaoma. It has tha flavor thet onlv tha beat flour ooaaeaaea iat nr is the nroor or tne nuaaina. xrv it. If your dealers will not supply you senc? to i Dalles Diamond Flour Mills, oma. Pictorial Royal Bakery Adv. Nq. IX. Are you cllplns; thig aerie of advertlsementi? Remember the beautiful Royal Cook Boole illustrated and full of new recipes that will be riven every woman who eaves the entire aeriee of 13, one appearing each Friday. - FREE Home Scries jro, Dridgct, the cook, who's always joUy, ; ; Says ill health's from thoughtless folly. "My mistress and oU the children,9' says she, "Are hoalthy and happy as they can be. 1 make it my business to order their meat, And follow this tip for the food they eat "MEATS, GOWRNMENT INSPECTED ARE NEVER INFECTED" Tea. and if Bridget ware in her own home, cooking for her husband, she conld afford to give him the same pure, Government- lnapeoted meeta, beeauaa ft coate not a cent more than that which la not In- apected. All our meats carry the -Government stamp, which means that we have oompiiea aoeoiuteiy with tha United States Meat Znapection and Pure Food lawsthat our meats are freah. pure, eleen and nutritious meats to rely on the year 'round. To aeoure them for your own table you have only to Inalat hat yfcur dealer bring your Oovernment-lnapected meeta. Take an interest In your family's welfare tat hi. -practical extent And for taaty aumroer break fa.ta, uae Colombia brand . bacon iweet, appetising, home-grown, home-eurad. . Vaioa Xaat Company. , BEST CREAMERY BUTTER 55c FRESH RANCH EGGS 20c A DOZEN Dairy Butter ......... .',...40 Best Sugar Cured Ham 17) Breakfast Bacon ;....... .18f Cream Brick Cheese, lb.... ....201 and 251 Limburger Cheese, each.... 35a Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs. . .35 Oleomargarine . ... . .... .40 ChicRe'nsJ7c-l8c lb. LaGrande Creamery 264 YAMHIL.1 ST. TH5 HIGHEST RADES OF COFFEE ROASTED NTHE . NORTH- k WEST AT YOUR ROCERS. M ccrrtt . 'IAULL ' UULAU IO FIULULU Ul flAUIINLUI ?TABtE,QUEEN ' t T ter A Tk! Delicious, Whole ' , VaJUUI iwhan It - -' some. All, Grocers. ltrmnra rhiS DoOfc-h Divider, as may be seen, Z . Divides and weighs our good "Table Queen." : There'a little handling of bread from dough to pan. At made by the Royal Bakery plan. This bread," say all, f airly melts in the mouth: ' South r o one could beat it. West, East, North or ! MSOTTOX BXTXDSm focused the Interest of all bakers rat reached Portland; many -people crowded about to- see this noxhino tne oniv one in me - norinwent tnt niviana . ana . moulds the dough Into aymmetrical loaves, all weighing exactly the same " ! to the fraction of an ounce 8,400 loavea moulded . each hour!- We are V'tplpaeed He ahow you ita picture toaay, giving you a fair Idea of the i cleanly lecientlno way in which our experts are assisted by the greateat t mechanical inventlona to make thle perfect "TABU QTrEXir" bread for your useU Tour Rrocer can readily (ret it for you inalat that ha deliver ' what you erdar, aad look for Uae word "MOXALf in. the bottom ef each loaf. 1 TABLE QUEEN BREAD Look for "ROYAL1 . . in bottom x of ; loaf. - lanum Snaps for Xawa Teas . ; . Every One Calls for More. ,-. ,. .i BOTAIi UCXFB VO. 8 2H Iba surrar. 1 lb. butter, 8 egfa, lemon flavoring-, S Iba flour, u oa ammonia. Cream the aurar and butter, add. the eras and Savoring and mix in the flour .if ted So aetber with the ammonia finely pow dered. Roll thin and cut with biscuit cutterplaced on slightly STeaaed bak lac sheet and bake la a slow oven, TEA 7SRICES BAKING POWDER. OUSYvRIUHl CLOSSETiaDZVERS ,KJK.I LANU,UKL.r Special Saje Choice Groceries Unlii All Are Sold 1 lb. Fanoy Soft SbeU . 'Walnuts 1 20e Tea Garden Raspberry Preserves. ,, , l-lb. glaas, each.. 50a Long's Assorted Preserves and Jams, 1 C-oa. glass, each. .ZOf , J tins Orlffln Assorted y. , Soups for ...,..........,.50e S tins Standard Tomatoes... 12 tins Standard Corn for.... 254 1-lb, tin Mince Sea Clams. ...15? S paokages Bromangelpn...4S5sT 1 tin Log Cabin Maple : xoe 35f 65 Syrup, pint 1 tin Log Cabin Maple syrup, quart ............ 1 tin hog Cabin Maple Syrup, H gallon 1 tin Ocean Beach, highest quality rasor clams, whole 18c) ;l D C BURNS CO. 210 THIBD ST. Phone Mala M DEST wsMaieroa-- rtsnri: Vhcii You Buy.This PL You GotThc .-t-. " . eaaaaSsasasaasasaenaaaesaaeaeassBBw ..f.,- (With Portland Warahouaa Si Tranafa Co.) Sao Bast Washington Street. Those SlaeS SS97. T0WNSEND & VAN SCII00NI10VEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers H7 IRST STRE2T Study oar price then yoa will see why ear trade haa lacreacaa. Oar goods ate of she klybaet tuallty aad we ebaaease a eompaxlsoa with, the finest that eaa oa loaaa w any saore. FOR WOMEN ONLY - Or. Saadwaoa'a Cettpoaad Savai ud Cot toe. Boot, Fill. The bMt i end only nltabl. nndy fa la LAI BO PgaiOOa. On the bum! e. weiioa vw vaawarw aai w wm aw r a rric. is per aos. mallMI In plain wrapaw. aaoma nr. t. j. riaaua. iai, Otnsea. rirat etieet. Preah Ranch Egga, dos.........;,20e) Best Creamery Butter ...... .....650s We jrat our egga from the farmer, butter from the creameries no middle men. Postum or Flgprune Cereal ...... 20f 1 eaa good Peaches or ApriooU...l5 Standard Tomatoes ... ............ 10 t cans Corn, Peas or String Beana. .25 1-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer Soda... &4 Napthe Soap ....... ............. 5 bare Baby Elephant Soap.....,.2Bw i lb. English Breakfast Tea... .. 25e ARM Co HAMMER SODA BULK, t lb. Qunpowdef Tea 23eV 1 sack Best Valley Flour....... I sack Best Hard Wheat Flour (patent) i.... ,.........f l.SO 1 bottle Worcestershire Sauoa, 16o stsa ...104 I lb. Whole Nutmea ............. E3 New Crop Prunes, T Iba. ......... 3 New' White HOney, combs.... ,.33e 1-lb. can Corn Beef ..............14) H-lb. can Deviled Ham, for : PHQNB MAIN tilt -s East side delivery Tuesday and Friday. 3 POUNDS ....... lOo ' A' crate of strawberries received at Prairie Qty sold at boaaa for a dot lax. , : , .. . ;: . Jf SMITH'S RETAIL PRICES BEEF Soup Bones . . . lc Fine. Boiling Beef. 4c and 5c Choice Briskets . .. ..... ,5c Corned Beef ....... 5c Shoulder Steak . . ... ... ,8c Best Pot Roasts. .... . . . ,7,c Rump Roasts ,.,..,... . 7c Prime Rib Roasts ...... 10c Best RoundSteakT.rnOc Rolled Roast Beef, . I2c , SPRING LAMBS For Everybody. A carload for Saturday s trade. ( : . . VEAL .. .. .. Veal for Broth. . . . . . ... ,6c Veal for Stew. ...... ... .8c Breast of Veal... 10c Shoulder Roasts .... ... 10c , PORK Roasts. ... ...2yzz and 15c Loin Pork Chops. . . . 15c MUTTON -k ... Mutton Stew ........... 6c Leg of Mutton . vv . . . . . .1 5c Loin Mutton Chops . . .. . 1 5c Rib Mutton Chops. ....... 15c FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. 1 226-228 Alder - 'Street Between First and Second Streets . "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" Smith's Wholesale Prices to Restaurants, Hotels, Ships, Steamers, Logging Camps, Railroad Camps, Etc. Beef "by the sides. . . .'. .7c Beef Frontquarters ... . .6c Beef Chucks. .. .i. .5Jc Beef Hindquarters ; . .. . 9c Beef Loins ... .v. ....12c Beef Ribs 9c Beef Rounds ......... 7c Plates and Brisket Corned BeeX c.. . . . . .,. .... .5c Rump. Corned Beef . . . i7c Beef Tongues, each, s . .40c Pressed Cooked Corned Beef ... ;...12c Boiled Hams . . . . . . .25c Bacon , . . ... ... ..Uc Pork Sides 10c Pork Legs . . 12c Pork Loins,; . .... . , i 1 3c Pork Shoulders p, I ,...Uc Pork Sausage Meatl ; . ; . .9c Pork Link Sausage . . . . . lCc Purt Pork Lard;, .... 12c Veal.. Sides v , . .',. .9c Veal Hindquarters , v e . 11 c Veal Legs 11c Veal Frontquarters ..... C : Whole Mutton V Sides Mutton . ....... 1 Mutton Frontqv-rt-r-. ... Mutton Hind-f : ;. V Mutton Rr:c!:" ......... Brer-f, ::.-tt--i Hf-rt:r-!T- 1