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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, 1C07. TIME TO PUT UP BERRIES CaneSugar 19 Mason Jars Pints, dozen i ..... . .;. ,Vi50c Quarts, ( " "P .vV Half gall Rubbers, dozen . . . . . 5c Caps,- clozenf, i .'. yis; ..20c ' V V ' . . 1: .'1 ', . ''J - 'i . . i 'I ;i I . ' .' 1 . 1 1 Biggest P&ppHilll irmins Ever ered lira PortMed. p1 ? ' ' ' "A- Owing to the big alterations we are about to make to handle our increasing trade, wc have decided to unload a big lot of stock we , dozen , , . .Y. , V. . . . 60c have on hand at less than wholesale prices. Don't overlook any iteai in this ad, as it will be greatly to your advantage to lay in a allons, dozen;. . ; . . .90c- good 'supply at the prltia'ffr -;... P,--pp-:y - ...,--v w.'. -P-:. J- : -.ispPP-'PP.:V P"' P PP P Pp-v-PP' :- 'PPv.;;. -.PP'''P, ''P.P- PpPp 'VP- PP-'.- r'w ? P--P: Soao ?' P'- pPp'Pv ?. pPpP; Elk Soap, 13 bars;t'ii r ;l'25c Monarch Soap, 8 bars::... 25c Baby Elephant Soap, 6 bars 25c Golden Star Soap, 7 bars . .25c 2 pkgs. Gold Dust;..;;;,. 35c Coffee Postum i. ;-; !' ... ..20c Gold Medal M& J...,..3Sc Monarch Coffee 25c 1 lb Loaf Sugar Free with 'every pound. . .; P p'Y r Town Talk, lb.. . . . t ; . 20c Army and Navy Blend . .. . 1 5c MEATS' MEATS! ME V ATS! Inspected Beef Stew. . . . . ; ........ .2c to 4c Boiling Beef..; ... , ... . .-. J. .. . 3c to 5c Hamburg Steak . ;V. . i V. . V; .; . ;;'; ... 6c Corned Beef I ; . '. . . . . :.f.;'. Vf. ;,.5c Shoulder Steak r.."..:... .......6c Mutton .t.V.t-'- Mutton Stew .;...,.v.'.y....v...,....5c Mutton Shoulder, :. . . . . '. .'. i 1 . . . .8c Mutton ' Chops ; v ; ;." . v; ' ti s ;V.;. ; ; 10c Mutton" Legs ;i2c Pork Roasts. . . . . v. . . . . . .J2c Pork; Chops . . k . . . . . . . , . . ; ... .1 . . 12c Pork 'Sausage i .1 i il ; ; V"; 8c f'i Yea Veal' Stew v. : VvVivltV . ; r.VV.V.;8c Veal Chops ';. . . . . ; . . .7.. . '.i '. ; . . . . . . .12c Veal Roasts . . ..... ; . . U ..... . .. .. 8c, 12c Veal Sausage. .;.,,,.,;. i.i..l2Jc EASTERN HAMS . ... ... i i . ; . . . . 16c OUR OWNBACON-;:t;lr...Vl7Hc MONARCH LARD, 5 LBS . . . ... TTsTc MONARCH LARD, 10 LBS...;...;$1.10 .Bologna t ,. i1. i . . . .'.!.;. '..;i;v;7c. Liver Sausage ... ; . . . . . . . ; . ; ,Vt7c Blood -Sausage . ... .. .. . . i. .... . . . . 7c Weinerwurst '5 V I 7','. . . V. X'??. 'i 10c apices 2 cans. of: any kind of. Spices for .. ; 15c 1-lb. cans .,25c Tea 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea. ; . . :25c r:lbi,U.::C.Japanlv...V;.25c' lib. E.KB;Tea..;.V.;;;25c We handle only the best brands v'; of Floiir, sack.$l.p0 to $1.25 r Every sack guaranteed. ; !!!Butter 1 '' Best Creamery . . . . . ....... . . ;;;'.55ci Choice Creamery ; . . ... .50c Country Butter .;;.; . i i. .......;.. ;40c Ranch ..... . .................... . 20c Home Dressed Chickens ;;.n . ,18c- Canned Goods Tomatoes, Peas, Beans and Corn, 3 cans. .25c Two J. cans - Apricots, - Plums, Peaches and Peats. 25c 7 lbs. Navy eans. . ,25c 6 lbs.: Rice.. ...;..'....v,25c Scotch Oats ... 10c 7 lbs. RolledOats. i;.; .25c A Market Basket Free with every $2 order; ' : "- .V. MAIN TQ) 1412 il S ! V. V MARECET -GROCERY CO IfHOME, o A1412 FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS I -HI I I I I 11 I Mill raiuws urocfry. uteiier Shop ' Fine opening for a wideawake man to STEP RIGHT INTO A , BUSINESS at the simple , cost of rent, as party is r. compelled to retire, and asks nothing ; for "good willr , ' Butchers, Attention P - ' - 1 ! '.-V ' p 1 - . WE, DESIRE TO CALL . ATTEND I . TION OF - RETAILERS AND "WHOLESALE; BUTCHERS ; . TO P THIS LOCATION, and ask an ihvesti- , gation." " P ; , ' ' yKfSz. ';PP: Apply to druggist, corner Front, and Gibbs strectsi (phone Main 1869), or Gevurtz & Sons, 173 First street. k TREMENDOUS wml. cam All BEEF 5c Per lb. fOD Tiro HOUrcS-TOMORKOW-ONLY From 9 A. U. to 10 A. EI. From 2 P. II lo 3 P. 11. . 6ur splendid large, light, airy market the largest aingle market In fortune numerous talesmen, perfect (acuities in , other words, our ; preparedness makes jour marketing a pleasure any time of the day; , our aeucious iresn, jwey, grass-tea, government-inspected meats makes your table tempting, your family satisfied; our low prices cheer up your bank account Come early or late there's meat bargain lor you. ( ' , ALL DAY LONG Delicious Veal Sausage 1 2c Per Lb. . This is one of the choicest and daintiest of meat dishes for Sunday dinner try it Other prices follow: MUTTON Stew ,;. 5et Chop? ioi Roast.; .10 Leg of Mutton.: . . . . 12 PORK Shanks .. .G Roast .. Z,104 Chops ...,.:...;..10i Leg of Pork.......12H Shanks, for broth ....... 5 I Chops ; . . . . 10 Stew V.. :,.;?6f Loin .,......, .V.12 Roast . . . V i 10 II Leg of Veal 13 ; SUNDRIES SESH DRESSED CHICKENS 18c lb. FRESH RANCH EGGS , 20c Doz. 2ST CREAMERY BUTTER 55c Roll SHAD 15c Each HALIBUT lOttLB. SALMON 15LB. KEAL EXP0SUBES ; HAVE JUST BEGUN So , Says ; Foreman Andrews of San - Francisco Graft Investigating Grand Jury. . Pigs', Feet 5 Kidneys 5J Hearts , '.5t Livers . . . . . . . . . 5 Oxtails . 5 Tripe A Hamburger . ....... .8 Brains .. ;.10 Tongues ....... ...10 Mixed Sausage . . .. ; . . 104 :Ham .. 17 Bacon 17yf DLUr.ICIA FISH CO. :iRD AND ANKENY STS. - PHONE MAIN 5 Thomas P. Andrews of San Francisco, foreman of the crand Jury that lnveftl irated the graft. In Ban Francisco, 1 at I the Portland hotel and told of the oor- i rupuon mat naa mreatea municipal ar- falrs In the Bay City for o many years. t Mr. Andrews said that the real ex posnres airalnnt - high offldals and wealthy capitalists has just begun and the next few months will reveal, such startling : disclosures that , the public will be astounded. He said that the revelations will undoubtedly be bene- nciu to tue world at large and will tend to purge every city In the United Biatea or municipal grart, where such condition prevails. ' . :f- Mr. Andrews was foreman : of v., the grand jury in 1904 and 105. He was a prominent merchant of Ban Francisco at that time and had personally knoWn of the graft that was being carried on. Upon personal anDlication ha waa an. pointed foreman of the arand Jur v. Dis closures were made at that time and he sought the aid of Adolnh Snrnnkrla n securing competent deteotivea to fsrret .Watch Our Ads Constant for Lowest Prices and Special Sales. The HARRY WOOD MARKET "Home 'of Government Inspected Meats." , - CORNER FIRST AND ALDER STS. TWO ENTRANCES GROCERIES 849-351 OAK ST. Both Phones, 2598 j - 818-350 ANKENY ST. You Will Find the Lowest Rrices . t - , v , .' "... . ' .'..- . .: , h ' . - nd the best quality of groceries at the big store on Oak stret, near Seventh. We can save you from 10 to 20 per cent BEST, OREGON CREAMERY BUTTER, 2-lb. rol. . . . . ; 55 18 POUNDS DRY GRANULATED SUGAR ?1.00 HUMPTY DUMPTY large package, only..... V ....:.......P.5 SACK GOOD HARD WHEAT FLOUR .:......v...:..f. .,?1.10 Pound Mocha and Java Coffee. . . . .... . . .25 Pound Gunpowder Tea...,,..... 25J; Can Baker's Cocoa... ......... 20 4 packages Corn Starch 25 r 10-lbJ Sack Corn Meal. . . . T ........... , ,25f Package Postum Cereal....... 20e' '3 cans Carnation Milk, . ;v h .1 . . lv. . r'; .25 1 can Eagle Milk.' I5e 1 lb. Shredded Cocoaput t ..... . .15e Package Scotch Oats.'. V; ... I . . ii'g .. . ,ip Package - Korn Kinks ........... ; . . ; i; . 5t Package Puffed Rice;..,-..;..;...'...v".10e SPECIAL PRICES ICf HOTELS. RESTAURANTS AND BOARDING-HOUSES ii H out the evidence against Bchmlts and other officials. i--y''l v Bprecke Is contributed $100,000 " to ward a fund to Drosecute the grafters and the work was turned over to Fran cis J. Heney and -Secret Service Opera tive! William Burns. As a result of the Investigation under the direction, of Mr. Henev. Mr. Anarews expecis 10 see Bchmlts, Ruef - and other men high in Bun .-ranclsco anairs sent to tne prison at San Quentln for a number of years. KLAB0RATE SETTINGS KNOCK OUT MATINEE Those who hold tickets for the, mati nee at U HeOlg for Mrs. hull Carter I InpDu Barry- wiU be -'obliged to ex change them for tickets for tonight, the same Play, or for tomorrow night In . Th' lnse of program was decided upon , by Mrs. Carter and her manager, , Mr. uray," on account of the elaborate stage settings of both plays which demand so much tipne for placing ' " iuna 10 impossiDie to give 'Thi Barry" at the' matinee and have the stage ready for the nresenta tlon of "Zasa" in the evening. . 1PA Mrs. Leslie Carter ; has played Tu Barry" before in this lty, but not ino igcier may. it was tiimint h. omit the matinee. Matinee tickets will be honored tor elth.r .v.nln. . k box office. . , Monday positively the last dav of aim. count of wast aide gas bills. : Essssssss:sss: :ib: DRESSER'S SATURDAY SPECIALS Do Your Saturdav Shonninp at Dresser's " t' ntT7CCT?pc rurtrni ATP-rrr ATbc a ri i tel i DRESSER'S ASSORTED IfAKCY COFFEE CAKES All sizes. ,: DRESSER'S PTNtVPONfi mMFErTTOM r!innr1 in millr c; P--. chocolate .i..;..'. ,40c lb. Regular 50c f DRESSER'S XX BOURBON or RYE, full quarts.. .$1.0ORegular $1.15 . DRESSER'S ALMOND TAFFY, . . . . . .40c lb.Regular 50c : ? r P Visit our market and see the good things there Fish, Meat, Poultry - Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds. Perfect sanitation in every department. GET THE HABIT OF SHOPPING AT - ' , - t PORTLAND'S MAMMOTH TABLE SUPPLY HOUSE FIFTH AND STARK STREETS .7 . ' V SEASIDE, OR. - 1 H . ss R I P ? : p EAST FIFTEENTH AND BROADWAY I ft4 UsV