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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, 1S07. DUSIISS III DUE Oll inDilV 4 i A,"' Omaha Trade Excursionists Will Kecciye Warm Reccp v tion on Arrival Here. FORMER NEBRASKANS ! WILL HELP RECEIVE m ito Entertainment Is n&nned for , Sabbath, bat , Visitors Will D Shown tho City Hood River Will " Be- Visited."1" ' '" " "" ' -' - - r I f$Tns. Omaha bualneaa man's' exourslon rssxh Portland Sunday morning and will b mt at the union depot tr representatives of ths dlrfersnt com mercial bodies of ths city and by former Nebraska oltUena now resident in Port land. v ,r-;;S! -:...: ' No formal entertainment will b alven to the. excursionists Sunday bat Monday they will be taken In band by the dif ferent committee and shown aver the city. At 10 o'clock tna start wm oe tnad and a trio will be taken over the cento, lines of the street railway sys-m- At 1 o'clock In the afternoon an Informal reoeotlon will be riven at thfc 1 Commercial club, after which luncheon will be served. Governor Chamberlain. . 2d ay or Lan and other prominent cltl sens of the state will attend both the reception and the luncheon.- -' In the afternoon the excursionists Will leave for Hood River. The Com- . roerctal club has-made a reauest of all Portland people saving roses to send contributions of cut roses to the club rooms on Monday morning1 tot be used la decorating the luncheon room. .-, M A novel feature of the visit In Fort land will be that the special train cur rying the excursionists Sunday morning Will te placed in dlreot connection with the Portlan) telephone system Immedi ately on Its arrivaL The special train ' " navfng been equipped en route with a ' prists ' exohanrk for that purpose, the officials of ' the Pacif lo Telephone ffelegraph company hv arranged to fiavs three trunk lines run direct to the union depot so that by the insertion f three plugs the train will be Instantly tnade a part 01 the city system. : ' The private exchange on the train Is ttonstantlv In o Deration and Is used ' fcy the members of the party In talking 10 tneir companions in the otner oars, ' .both while fhe train is standing on side tracks In I cities where they stop, and while It Is running at a high jate of peed. " ' The' connection will be made as soon ' Sis the train has been assigned ta a side track, city telephone directories will be aistnoutna tnrougn us cars, ana 11 any sleepy Omaha cltlsen has a "friend la Portland with whom ha wishes to talk, 1 lie can call him up on the phone without selling ui or ms oerin on in train. JtllllEES 10; JEEl IOIIIGIII 'I, . ' V'i" .. t Much Important Business on I Hand in Connection With ; ' the Hose Show, r- POSTAL CARDS WILL BE BEADY TOMORROW Over Two Miles of Floats Will Be In V Parade Complete - Program for . Four-Day Event Announced Special Railroad Rale, "1 : .The Play ' ' ; ' -' "k , Certainly one of the most notable lhetrcal event of the season Is ths appearance of Mrs. Leslie-Carter, who begin her annual engagement. In this city , last night 'at the HelUg wHh the marvelous performance of "Du Barry." A large audience witnessed the perform ance, and the st&r was repeatedly an- TJt was threa year ago that Mrs. Carl fr In "Dtt Barry" gave the initial per- formance in this theatre, then the Co- lutnbla. The opening of this independ ent house was an event of great im portance then,' for the Marquam was at '.that time the home of. the syndicate attractions. But three -years have ' brought many changes; -Mrs. Carter is now playing in ttie syndicate's house, no 'longer under the direction of David f ejascpv ' ' -'-" ; - Last night's performance was one of the moat remarkable that Mrs. Carter lias ..aver given in this city, it baa been said of her that there, are times when she rails completely to interpret the part of this wonderful "Du Barry ' slmmy because she Is not In the mood. " No charge could be made against her last night, ror it is. uaeiy wai a more superb piece of acting has nsver been seen .in mis city. Xhe Dart stayed br Mrs. Leslie Carter Is that of. the milliner's girl, Jeanette Vaubemler. a fascinating young woman ' of lowly parentage, who attracts the at tention or King Liouis jlv. or. ranee, at a time when he has wearied of ths artificiality of his court. Jeanette is ' Installed as his favorite at Versailles, and amta the luxuries of the most mag . nifloent court the world has ever known she reigns as supremely as though she were inaeea queen, v . ; , , An absorbing love story is miroaucea at the - very opening, of. the play. A member of the King's guard falls In love with Jeanette and she reciprocates Ms affection. He is banished by- the king, but returns In the third act at . the head of the revolutlonista He is hot while on the balcony In front of Her window into wnicn ne staggers. Jeanette now the Countess Du Barry. hides him in her bed while the king and " his spies search the - palace for Sit Is while "Du Barry" Is hiding her 'lovar and attempting to divert the at- I faw. tentlon, or - the King tnat Mrs. isne 'TTCarter doea one of the most exquisite 13 pieces of acting in the drama. - Another s noil Y" ..". ... v favorite attempts to reveal the hiding place of the wounded soldier. ' The final act is divided into three . : acenes, lit ths first of which "Du Barry" Is seen at her country retreat after the death of the king. The next scans : shows her In prison, while the last scene reveals: the conaemnea womau in in death cart on ner way to jne gumoime, ; mi.rnnnrii1 hv . hnntlnr. leerinir mob. ( The play is magnificently staged and ' costumed, introducing- the regal splen dor that characterised the court of the profligate Louis.. Mrs. lesne uarter In supported by a very large company . f more than average ability. Her chief support f is Richard Thornton, at one - time leading man with the Baker stock , company of this city i air. -mormon in terDrets ' the part of King Louis and ? gives a remarkably good performance. "Du Barry" will be repeated tonight, v Tomorrow nlsht Mrs. Leslie Carter will . be seen In "Zasa." "DuBarry" was to , have been pressnted at tomorrow mat- jnee, but the afternoon performance has Eeen-euminaioa. , THIS EREPARATION X . r, , . Four ounces m iiumi tuiii In 10 gallons of water, let stand. till the, strength is all soaked from the chip, and tha solution sprayed on bushes at frequent a inteitvsis will kill-" the small green bugs'or mites that some times ' so ' seriously- attack1 the roses in Portland. This is the i method used successfully by F. 4 V, Holman of B00 Taylor streeV the well-known expert on rosea ' Mr. Holman also says that If th' rose bushes v are - healthy the e mites will not appear .on them, and that In case theydo on e) should seek farther : than the a spray for the cure. . ; Monday' positively the last day oMIs- count of west side gas bills.. , . All committees and everybody Inter ested In ths rose show and fiesta, to be held - June II, 10, )1 and J!, are quested to meet tonight In room 7, main floor of ths Chamber of Commerce building. Reports from ths finance com' mlttees, and others will ba read, and a large amount of other Important busi ness will b transacted. . . - Fifty thousand postal cards art" now coming off the presses and tomorrow wiU ba distributed to over 100 different places. They are to be given away free to those who wish to mall them . to friends outside the city. Another (0,000 postal are to b sent out next week. Today one flrm-r-Olds . Av . Kin Betook 1,000 illustrated programs on a single card to Inclose with all thslr corre spondence, and will take more in a few aays. i so rar over 7 nssmess nouses are Inclosing these slips to let outside people Know what is to oa seen in rort and during the rose show. -Over two miles of floats win ba la the parade, . Most of them are being kept secret and will ba a surprise and rare delight. The fiesta committee wishes to call special attention to the fact that, while the fiesta is to be fundamentally a rose show, other Oregon flowers and fruits are or no means thereby barred out It looks at present as If there will be even too many roses In evi dence, and ths committee requests that plenty of Oregon, wild flowers, ferns, j grasses and Oregon grape be mingled with the roses or used for background. Railroad rates have not yet been all decided upon. From Pendleton and Roseburg, however, the rate will be one fare for the round trip, with no doubt the earns rate from all other points within about 200 milea By the. time of the fiesta the big trunk lines will have low transconti nental , rates in effect,' snd the fiesta management expects thousanda of east ern visitors within the gates during the third week of this month. - Prises are being offered by some of the Portland ladies for the best float finest roses and other distinctive feat ure :-.,, Following Is an outlined program of the four days' good time coming: Wednesday, Juns 10 Oregon Pioneers' day: . v., ": 1 i '.',' ' Thursday, Juns JO.- Competitive ex hibit of Oregon's rars ross blooms at Forestry building; floral parade of t.OOO school children, trained In kaletdosooplo marching movements . by - Professor Krohn.'.;., . ... - v ..'' , Friday, June II Fiesta day: monster parade of floral decorated automobiles, competitive floats, equestrian clubs, mil itary and bands; trophy and'caah prise awards; convening of Oregon Develop ment tea gua -..,.. .. '... Saturday, June 13 Continuation, Ore gon Development league convention. Ko set public program announced for Wed nesday and Saturday of carnival week. Special rose matinees at theatres and visitors will - enjoy those- days going about gaily decoratsd Portland-when acres of the "Rose City" heights and lawns are resplendent : with , the queen of flower. :....,,,(' . Building decorations and Illumina tions during ths carnival -days will fol- Ths ooododfasMoned, camAJAtAetosAnowtrcm -edJMQmocfem timet U, ,',; alutc run UUitUIfrViVji ; ' CPCATK NO HABIT. , BCSTttMrDYfO KDNM"UYR Two MonthsTreatroent ALLCRU0G15TS low the color soheme of rose pink and isaz green. ... , , - Fref erred fMook Canned Croods. ' , Allen s Lewis' Best Brand. . l Monday positively the lsst day of dis count or west siae gas dius. ; a t a. mo rrrrnzwTfl. xo oas. Our New- Process of Re-Xnameling Teeth X the greatest invention In modern 'dentistry and has been the most suc cessful of all methods r to - rasters 'badly, 'decayed , teeth;: whloh would . otherwise be . beyond hope to their 'original vaafulnaa ;" TEETH , .1 w m flxtractlnr Foatttvaiy Wlthont Fain ;,ot Bad esulti 50(. ' y,. ' To Introduce our .method we will through 'the month, of June do all kinds of dshtlstry at one half our regular price. ' We give a written guarantee for 10 years with all work. Open evenings. - CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS V . faXXTK AJTD WASXnrCrTOsT. ; QS. ViriSLOW'S 4 ; rsooTin::a syrup: TaasTMsaasMbyVnUoaSef KoJr Me tblr , i etdldraa while Teetblnf (or one Fifty Teats. 1 , i fTaootliae the eblld, uffoS the guma, sllarl 1 , i all pln. anns wind aollo, aadls.ltae. baeti i , TwTT.ri v cprra A fFn- 1 AafnrairaXVTs. yrii, HEILIG THEATRE t &Zt i 'SaT NIGHTS; JUNE 10-11 v1 ., ' i Charles rrebmaa ' Presents .- : OTIS SKINNER , . Y U th IntanutUooeU Drtm ' THEjpUEIV;f.;7 A-'play thatC Interests both CharcbriMS, snd . ... t ' AtbalMs sad of find dobs. . t&lOI&-Uw nam, 12. $1.60. Bl- eonr. ti oo. TB?i BQf. 0iirr, PQ. " JesU Few felliat at Theatre. MARQUAM OR AND tf, -,;.'' 'v .(Phone Mala JH0.) '. f ; ;.v Only three 8xt algbts, and aiatUMes;" Satas ... Oay-asa.SaBday, , , mnoTrxz-orjionA'' ' rr-W-?A By the 'V. - IAV FaAFOUOO OfQl 00. Frltas Dieaing, , X&e, 60c T8o. If atlses, see sad eoe. . '..hfv ';M"-A''':a,.':v.: BAKEH THEATRE RTuW. Last- week of the great ' Baker Itscs Om saay in the scrMmlog fares , i, V-..... from the rrencs ,;.. - ' : FUU etrragth of the . eompaay. A . kearty Uosh to every . line - . ' . Erfnlnf prieee SSe, IBs, 001 Bjaflsse, Ue, JRe. Mathwe Batardar, . -, . Kest attraetios "ise jiuiii aaa 7 The Star Faaae Week ef Jtrne Id. Portland Carnival Co. Wm famish roe attractions ef every toertp tloa for street Fairs, Fourth of Jsiy Oalebra. tfaos. Eta. PartlcBlars, jrirraTArf Axmctxxrt asooutiov, . - im BUth Street ' rbone Tradflc SS3S, Oiaad Orenlng of the Reergaaiaed . Prasastloc the Nlbtllttle Drasaa, " "DAUCZST BOTSIA." Isnday. at 1:80. Priem, Me aad toe. IW ernilog at S:1B. Prices, loc, soe saa sue. Kaorra seats by Tbooe. ktala B4BO. - Mast week, ''Belle ef kldiisona." The Crcad Week ef Taae M. yajaas sad sadie Leonard, IJeaard Andanoa far, "XUe. MaakattsaT' or "Whoa Oaasat Oa Speeial added faatore, Kanry Booker Co., praeaatlar "The Walk lag Dalatata." KUier Si t KoOaulor, Olamr Ooakoy. IQle. Canta Nfull. .Fradarie Bob arts. Oraadlsoope. The ttolaB tig.11 XDba Ike AMTrrtrinarTX. ith sad rrnic TfTiT-"' ' Waihloftoa. II Mrs Les ie Caii: Toalgkt. I e'Cloak. ' 1 (Ne BMtinas atorday.) ; "DTJ BATUT." Lest pern Biases Saturday sight, s'cWk. " yry.f-. xAtA,"'' ' ' ' ' Prleas M.00,11.10, 11.00, TN, :.. ,. : Beats selling at Theatre. LYRIC -THEATRE " ,.' Phono Main 40W. This Weak the AUaa Stork Oompaay Praaeot 'log the Prominent itlo V drimatlp limn. Bnrs of xhb yaxiiiB." ViMaeea Tnoaday, Tharaday, Satarday end Sunday. Prices 10c. tOc. Erery , aranlof at t:15.v Prlcaa, 10c, 20 and BOe. ' Beaetd saata by pboae. Hals ' eSM. Of fice epea from 10 a. av ta 10 a, m. BASEBALL ATHLETIC PARK. Corner' Vaughn aad Twenty-fourtli. - ; , June 4, 8, 7, 8, 9. MI! f 11115(0 B.P03MJ .Games called at 1:10 p. m. dally. . ; Games called at 1:S9 p. m. Bundaya. v &ASZSSV DAT FBU9AT. f V V ADMISSION 25fiii Orandstand 25c Children 10a . . Box Seats 18a , THE 1IML1 V'.V-a. , .; OR IB 10 u r. u. - v. . . OOVOFJtTB I0DAT. B.00, IM, T:, M, T THB BaTD ALL JTTJSICAt POET- . LABO IB XATJCIBO AB0TJI, Schllzonyl's Ocngarlaa Hcsssrs ' SOLOS tOFldHT. v WAOVZB rAVTASIX. , WHAW0O--rfsrfoe of the Tallow 'tea a atsaasBi of War. , . Best sraele, dasce paTtlloo, all sew. ' Oars nrst sad Alder; beats foot YanhUL . . Speeial aceommodations arranged toe plcale sartlea, ON BOTIUB. . . Another Mem LettingLobse John Dellar's, First and Yamhill Streets 71 11 ains i real fm n mm Offers for tomorrow a vast volume of -choice goods in every department. There will be bargains here tomorrow beyond the hope of the most expectant buyer. Dellar .1 t 1 i - Ml 1 - - TL..Ut. X?m.Mmm 1 vt MMt? Jo nti!rriAr r1av AAmA ,-trft ttitiy TAr xxritVi a tiaiir cffvro frit- lSTieannK tne poini wncrc uic wurtuncn wm suun uegm w wictn. uic jjuuluh. xvti uajr 6" 4W w, y vjr wAfo vv fall trade. " SB. mm , When you comevhere tomorrow you'll find more real wholesouled bargains than ever werebffered to the Portland public at. one time in the history of this city .m n ,. " ii-' n a. 11 11 a ... eijt. out fling Jrkeep rou For your dollars and dimes will double' their buying power, and in some cases doy triple duty. Men's $10 Suits MM IN SMALL SIZES ONLY 34, 35 AND 36 BUST MEASURE. ONLY A FEW LEFT. BIG BARGAINS FOR "gMAL LIS H" MENJ BEST REGULAR $10.00 , VALUES EVER OF FERED IN PORTLAND WHILE THEY LAST, GO IN THE GREAT REBUILDING SALE Men's Negligee Shifts t A lot' of stiff and Soft bosom Shirts in ' standard makes at i .r . . . . . t . . , . ; ., , , 19 j 75c Negligee and polf Shirts..,. 45a Hen's splendid Work ShirtJ. ...... ,...38 Our best $US, Golf Shirts.. ........,.85f $1:50 " Shirts; " newest patterns; ? in - white, checks, stripes and dots,,,.,. ...... ,.95f , ' Men's Underwear 'Fine ribbed Shirts and Drawers for men 194 "Men's fine Balbriggan Underwear,'. ;,45fr. Men's fine ,cassimere and worsted. Under wear, great bargains at;..,,;....,..;..65e Men'sNew Stylish '07 Summer mm Splendid $15 Values Sale Price Unequaled $18 Values " Sale Price mi Matchless, new and ujto the-minute styles, in latest cut and superbly . made 1 Suits, products oi famous f men's tailors, the equals of the best custom tailors in America. ' Carried by only ' leading houses ; and sold everywhere for $18. Just in bought for our new ,. store, but will be included in our Great Rebuilding . 'vSalc I.. .- 4 Mtchlesis Shoe Bargains Cut out this AcT and bring it with you LADIES' SHOES, $1.75 AND $2 VALUES, FOR fl.00 50 CASES MEN'S SHOES, $4 and $5 VALUES, for f 2.95 Patent leathers, vicl and calf, new lasts, made in master work manship by expert shoemakers, $4 and $5 yalues, ' MEN'S $3 AND $4 SHOES FOR f 2.35 Similar to lot told of above, and equal bargains; 35 cases of men's box calf and velour Shoes, in Goodyear welt fJjO OC styles, at the wonderful bargain price oi... ....... ,tOD 8,000 pairs of fine vici kid Shoes, with patent tips, well made, stylish and durable, the regular ana graae, tr fill 1IVV to be sold for, pair ..,,...... , Women's patent vici and calf Shoes worth $3, in fM nC' the Great Rebuilding Sale.... .......aJU.UsJ Women's $3.50 and $4 Shoes, new arrivals.,,,. ...f 2.20 WONDERFUL HAT VALUE. Men fiats A Grand Special - 10,000 ' men's newest styles in Fedoras and Telescopes;' pearls, blacks, grays and browns; ' $1.50 and $2 values while they last, choose at - '65 v cents- 3!.?''"?A-' SEE THOSE GOLDEN BARGAINS IN OUR WINDOWS THE MONSTER REBUILDING, SALE AT 7T?s TI 'V '.7. ..''. A. V" - -. ; .. . v'.' JJ AT FIRST. AND YAMHILL, WHERE THE BUILDING IS ABOUT TO BE "MADE OVER' MAIL ORDERS FILLED CAREFULLY AND PRO! TP