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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
N THE OREGON DAILY JOURNATJ, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 0. 1807.' r i V j Toivn Topics XOWQHI'i AXVSXJCZVTI, rne Helllf i 'Do Birr" Merquani Grind ...... "OlrofUmirofta" .Baker ....."Merer Agtla" jrB ... .... Vaudeville pjrw ,.........,..,.,, ."Sine of the rather' Star .............. ........"Darkeat Boeala" The Oaka......O. W. t. cart, rirat and Aid 1? ' 4 It ts not a hard matter to b a well tressed man to . property iinil sty! isniy clothed neither la It expensive. ' especially it you and rour suit ret to tether at Sohaefsr's, You may be able to accomplish n by wearing other gar ments than oura, but you are aure to aooompllah It if you wear Sohaefer'a Korrect Klotha. ., Speaking of patterna - ana fabrics, their Individuality and peer quaiuy, we lay strees on tne strong est features of merit In clothe eold by Bchaefer. If you can apart a few min utes, drop into the atore and let ua Show you our Una In tray wore ted a, light and dark ahadea, plain or striped, phecked and overplald effect. J. C. Bchae'er A Co., merchant Ullora, Ral- sign. Duucung, ,H Waahlngton street At Central W. & I, U. yesterday af ternoon a program was carried out on flower mlaalon work la chart of lira. S. A. Peaks,, superintendent..;; Each, par on preaent received a bouquet. . Mra. Roper reported that (0 bouquets were given out te aailors at the Seamena' In stitute, Third and Flandere atreeta, last Monday evening. The sailors were much E leased and Interested. . Mra Peaks, ra. Roper and Mrs. Unruh spoke rel ative to the work of the flower mis sion. A bouauet was Sent to Mrs.-U. B. Stone, a beloved member who la varv 111. Next) week the social hour meeting will be held at which refreshment Wlu ce served. . . j . 75 WOMEN WANTED! Our ' business has grown ' be yond all precedent, -and It seems Impossible to secure help . to handle It We have places for 71 ; mora women at higher wages than can be had at almost any ether work, and steady employment all the year,..''.,' - . v ' ' ' Union La uiidry SECOND & COLUMBIA . TEL. MAIN 398 llEw SCHEDULE IS OEIIIG IWIMIIGED Within Few Weeks Medford and Eagle Point Will ' Hare Daily Service. ' .. aWassaiassMesasasiBaeja MUCH' WOEK DONE TO ACCOMPLISH EESULT , High water In the Columbia and WU lametts, rivers has caused the suspen aloa of work on the Northern Paclllo bridges now under course of construe- tlon scross these two streams. The water nas risen to such a stage as to Interfere, with the work being done on the piers ana false work of the two ' bridges and the engineers In charge concluded that it would be neoeaaary. to wh wvra lor a row aaya, it la ex pected, however, that the. water will . reach, a stags low enough for work to us reaumea in a lew aaya, Ray, C. F. Clapp . and Rev. D. T. Thomas. Evangellstlo - preachers , and preachers, closed a 'suocessf ul series of meetings at University Park Congrega- wuuai onurea uai euoaay evening, iney will begin evangellstlo aervlcea la the jaureiwooa tansrecational church Bun' day morning, June I, and will hold meetings every evening except Satur day. Mr. Clapp is a pleasing and earn est speaaer. Mr. inomae is lately from the east and hia singing is greatly ap- (ireaisveo u ui meetings. Manager Lewis It Adams of the Bag gaga 4 Omnibus Transfer company left yaaterday on an extended eastern trip. Mr. ' Adams Is vice president of the American Association of, Transfer Com panies, which holds its annual meeting (a Richmond. He will aiao attend the annual convention of the Team Ownera' association at Minneapolia Mr. Adams will attempt to bring the Transfer aMn's association to this city for its annual convsntion In ISO. . --- . Announcement is made that the Spo kane Northern hag put two daily through trains on the run between Spo ' kane and Oroville and Spokane and Nel son. Heretofore the service to Oroville has been a branoh line Both the new train are modern In equipment and carry dining and buffet cars. The Schedule Urns will also be reduced. - ' , . ' aw " , ... -Charging that 'James Fish ' deserted her;. and. their two children four years after they were married, Mrs. Annie Fish has brought suit in the circuit court for a divorce and a decree award tng her the custody - of the children. She slso asks that her maiden name, waaaington, pa restorea to ner. Water through hosa for sprinkling yarda or sidewalks or washing porches or windows must bo paid for la advance and used only between the hours of and I a. m., and t and p. m. It muet not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to . theae rules, or waaieiuny, it wui do enut oil. . , Washington street, and by following dl-1 recuons you wui oe surprisea at. inei results of thjs wonderful remedy. The Mothers and Teachers' club of Brooklyn will hold thslr . last meeting of the year tomorrow afternoon at.I:S0 In the Brooklyn achooL Refreahments will be served, a program rendered and new omcers eiectea. - Back , to Nature--The use of Wild Pigeon ' Mineral Springs water as !t flows from the rocks will cure diabetes snd kldnsy troubls and give you back the bluah of youth. - Of flea. 101 pine street, mono Main tu. , The Oregon stats board of dental ex aminers will meet Monday, June 18, tn Alleky hall. Third and Morrlaon streets, Portland. Examination will begin at 10 a.- m. George IarlUn, secretary, 111 Dekum building. v . y , Market Inspection unneceaaary-e-tf all markets were - up-to-date in sanitation. Such a market la at 4t Jefferson, con ducted br K. H. Derr. Both phones. AHOlj Main tot. , When In doubt call ua. v;f',, y ,-y. White Flyer line of launches will make dally tripe to the Oaks and re turn. - Boats leave foot of Yamhill street aaiiy at i:io p. m.; eunoay 19 a. m, Tlcksts at dock of floe, 19 cents. Rolling Stock: Iue to Arrive Shortly ''-Itolaqco of Constrnctlon Work .' U Being Poshed to Completion at Rapidly m Possible. Preparatlona are under way! for the operation and maintenance of a regular schedule on the completed division of the Pacific A Eastern railway between Medford and Eagle Point George Estee recently 'made president and general manager of the new corporation that has taken over the holdings of the old Medford A Crater Lake road, - In south ern Oregon, announces that tha follow lner schedule haa been adonted snd will oe put into rorce witnin a raw weeaai Trains will leave Medford it I 1 m and :0 p. tn. and will arrive at Eagle Point at f :4t a. m. and :1S p. m. Re- Eagle Point ind will ar turning trama win leave 1 at I a. m. and (:I0 v. m. an rive in Medford at ;48 a. m, and 7:15 p. m. '1 .. ' 1 .- . In order to operate this schedule an Immense amount of work had to be ac complished to put the road into proper snaps. Bines may is tns section ana extra gangs have lined and surfaced the - rosd from Crater Lake Junction -the real southern terminus to Eagls point. - This part of tho road, about 11 miles in extent, was ouui by the Med ford e. Crater Lake company.,. The bridge at Bear Creek canyon has been replaced with a atandard ateel structurs and tho road Is laid with standard tt- pound steel raws. O. w. Donnell, formerly roadmaster for the Southern Pacific, In charge of tne aiviaion . cetween Kosenurr ana Aahland, has been made engineer for the Faclflo A Eastsrn. will have com I Plete charare of the construction work. chane-e In A. A d R R. schedule, af-1 Ha has already assumed his duties, with touvi ji'na bj noarujar Aaioria even-1 nnuquuirn nsaioru. The graduatlna- class of St Mary's : academy and college will give a dra- miuo evening at tne umpire tneatre, Friday, June 7, for the benefit of the academy library. Tickets 69 cents. Ing train leaves union depot : p. m. 1 M. C Smith, for many years man in tne Aioma shops or the o. W. A. Wise. T. P. Wise. H. A. Sturde vant, H. A. Huffman, dentists. Third and Washington. .Main Palnleaa methods used.. .(.' prleea. vln Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camas. Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Duaaay. - jeaves wasmogxon strsst aoos 1 p. m. . . Weddlna nreaents at redneed Silverware, carvers, ate See window. Columbia Hardware Co., td A Morrison. W: A. Wise. T. P. Wiss. H. A. Sturde- vant. oenusts. xnira ana wssninson. wain juii. ..rainiees metnoo ussa Why eyes for PV. tr morel 11. ' 14) Waah. formerly at III Sixth street Allen's Knshlon Komfort ShnS the sams comfort of an old shoe, them. 405 Morrison street B. W. . Moo Elks', building. Mrs. ' BLs. Muckley lectures on Training Boys and. Girls for Intelll gent Home Making and Parenthood", In tho 'city ban at I o'clock today before tna noma x raining aaaociation. rare. a. . Kins Wilson will entertain tha aaaocla tlon Saturday, June i, at ber home near vswego. v Mrs. Evelyn W. Abemathy has f Ued suit In the circuit court .for a divorce from J. C Abemathy, alleging that he aesertea ner last year. Mrs. AOernathv ' wants to bo allowed to resume her maiden name, walker. They were mar rled at Fall River Mlila, California, in " Pennsy Bros. Friday Special Our $1.(0 grades of port sherry, tokay, muscat, msdsria and ssutsrne wines at el per aaiion; i. w. warper wuiskey, regular 14.60. at $3-60 per gallon. Fri day only. 379-381 Bast Morlson street ruone juast 397. irree delivery. Miss Mollio Barlow, who has recently niurntu xruiit aurwo, aniaruiinea ine I 'i-man'e ' Unitarian Alliance yesterday a anernoon. wnn a mix on ner travel a. Illustrated by over-1,000 costal carda. Misa Barlow was at one time a teacher in tne mgn scnooi. ; The Mount Tabor Mothers' and Teach -are' .olub will meet at 1:30 Friday after noon at tho West Avsnuo school. As this is ths last meeting of the year election 'of officers will take placa All members arc urged to be present Are you a victim of oorns T And ' have you tried different salves, plasters, ate, without satisfactory results? -If so, get a 2fi-cent bottle of Hedgln's corn cure of Albert Bernl, the druggist 333 re, expert photographer, , Seventh and Stark sta. Acms Oil Co. sells ths best safstr coal 011 ana line gasoune. mono jcaat 7i. ' Dr. William Cavanaurh. dentlat. hi moved his office to 01-4 Buchanan bldg. Woman's Exchange, 133 Tenth street, lunch 11:30 to 3; business men's lunch. vi vaiiiwi i at viisvso. uuvvoi s cured meats, Oregon Cheese Co., 131 your eyes" sake see 4 th, opp. weiis-Fargo. Ontlclan For Rubenateln. Its Xos Delivery company, 351 Stark street fore- K. A If. compsny, has left his position there to become master mechanic and Is now ensaaed In aaaembllnr the mo tive power, machinery, rolling stock. toois ana otner materials and suppiiee for ths work In southern Oreaon and Is forwarding them to Medford as rapidly spossiDie. . . Enaina No 1. a 40-ton Baldwin, will leave Tacoma- Saturday or Sunday, tor Medford. She will be stripped and sent by freight in charge of Engineer Wal ter Davis, who wlu operate it after It reaches Its destination. Six 16-foot standard flats. 60-ton capacity, have been purchased from the Oregon Short Line at Pocatello and will be sent through to Medford at once. A com- Metager fits your I construction at ths O. W. P. ear shops 0u, COr. itA, J vibx vn UAV nvuiviv purchased from tho Corvallle A East srn, togeuier witn rour oaiiast cara All of this eauioment with scrapers. wheelbarrows and other tools, will reach neaiora mis weea. A shlnment of rails Is now on ths road for the one and a half miles of road between Medford and tho ter minus at Crater Lake Junction a point north of Medford on the Southern Pa cific Thla short strip of road will be ouiit met, aner wmcn tne crews win be taken to Eagle point and - tho con' atruction from that point to Butte fall will be commenced. Terminal rrounds at Crater Lake junction will be built at onoe, Including ear shops, roundhouses and switches. Mr. Estee Is Just plac ing nis oroer ror me rans 10 oe ueea on the road between Eagle point and Butte falls, the next terminus In the construction. The srradec are llrht and very liuis excavation wiu do necessary. has Try If. 6th. Attorney ehanan Bldg. Henry S. Westbrook, Bu- couecuona, , sostracta. Ica Call Main 134! Home A-S34I. Ice delivery company, hi Burt street Nurseryman pilklngton, ft TamhilLI : Summer dressea 1 Madams McClurs Co. Beautifying oreama See lime. Hudson. Levy's Muslo House, 131 Fifth street , Photo raounta. . Woodworth, 14H 1st I Oregonlan Confectionery, 131 Sixth. D. Chambers, optician. III Seventh. Berger signs 334 Yamhill phono. -- Good t 50 shoes. Marks Shoe Co. Bark Tonlo for rheumatlam. Beck Jeweler 106 Alder. . Klser scenio photos. Imperial hotel I PERSONAL Ren W. Areer ranaral fiwla-ht innl or . tne uanaaian faeina at vanonnvar. la in tho city for a short business visit with railroad man and offices on Third street. .- . -- - . .- ; ; . Robert Rea. aunertntandant ' e 1 American Coral . Marble company -of NO CASH TO PAY, Civil Service Commission Employs Stenograplier--v: Suit May Eesult Regardless of ths fact that there are no funds available for. the city civil servloe commission to smploy an assist ant to Secretary McPherson, tho com mission yesterday afternoon decided to hire a stenographer at 3(5 per month, and will send the bill to ths city coun cil.' If tne counou reruses to maaa sn appropriation to pay for thla service, and Councilman Thomas- Gray says ha will oppose It, the commission will bring mandamus proceedings In the circuit court compelling the council to do so. This was the sense of the meet ing held last evening, and the commis sion is comment mat 11 1a in tne rignt. when Secretary McPherson resorted of'TLl. ?ilaka' .lnJrh,oh number of 1 dates lor 34 civil service examinations returned to the city this morning from Ketchikan. Mr. Rea has recently opened a copper property he owns on Prince Wales island which la conceded to do one or trie richest mines in anuth eastern Alaska. ' Tho navv Is short on doctors, but room any gooa-sisea town couia spare few without much Injury to the pub lic health. A. Would be "a bankrupt if thrown out of employmeint for one or two wcch, aois wouia nor, nappen oecause 01 low wages or salary, but because he regularly lived up x his entire income. L , r - - , ' ; .- - n -' ., Look about you and see if this isn't so. Do you want to live on tne edge ot money troubles ? Do . you want to feel that the loss of your job would bring immediate suffering to your family? , . , mere is only one way to avoid it, Flace your self above the average. whatever your income may be, make your expenditures less and deposit the dif ference in bank. Xou will be surprised to find how your account will grow if you save consistently, i ' If you deposit in pur savings department we will pay you per cent compound interest on your . money. ;' , Kl-.y','; C im ' : In the next four months, snd that theee examinations were absolutely necessary to fill ths vacancies In tho various de partments of city work, the commlaslon decided that it was time to bring ths .matter to a focus. A charter section which compels ths city oouncll to furnish funds for carry ing out the provisions for civil service reform is the basis for the action of the commission last evening, and the belief of the members Is that the court will uphold tps commission. The dates set for tha examinations are ae follows: . , June 37. master pilot-snd first en arlneer of nreboat: July 1. engineer or fire engines; juiy . cement testerj Jul 11. nstrolmen: Julv 18. drivera hosemen and truckmen; . July 33, stok ers of flreboat and fire engines; July 36, civil engineers; July 39, Instrument men; August 1, cnainmen; August , computers: Ausuat 6, pump enxlneers August bulldlna: Inspectors; Aua-ust 16. plumbing inepectors; August 32, In spectors of street and pipe sewers; Au. gust Si, Inspectors of brick and atone sewere;, August 37, stenographic clerks; August 33, deoutiee and clerks; August 80. linemen; eeptemner 2. araugntsman: September (. traction engineers; Sep tember t, promotion to captain and lieu tenant in tne lire aepartment. . MANY SMALL TEACTS AEE CHANGING OWNEBS ret '-7; Out of Fifty Transfers Becordcd Yea- torday but One In or More t Than Five Thousand. Small sales In large numbers continue to be the feature In tho real estate mar ket Out of ' mors ' than SO -transfers filed for record yesterdsy, In but one did the consideration amount to 36,000, nils in mora than half the instru ments the consideration Involved lesa than 11,000. ,J .! V.7! J V : M v. , I A Af. X k I m . S70W Rubber Specials 3 -auart Water i- v Bottle; -4 white; irjl ; 'regular, $1351 (J special ,..T9a 3 - quart - Water I I Ilk III ?"!' Iff II '. regular , special, $1.69 3-ouart Red Rub e , 6er Syringe, 3 . flpes; remilsr : goLi.Sl.B3 3-quart White Rubber Syringes, 3 ' :'" remilar 31.50: soecial... .......... ' 3-quart Combination- Syringes, 3 pipes; reg ular sua; special. ..fa.iv 2-quart Combination, with Globs Sprayj regular $i2S; specitl.,... ....... 73 Ladies' Spray Syringe, red bulb; regular ,' $2.50; special..' 1.69 Sponge Bags, rubber lined.. 20 to f 1.50 At half price. ; r.-.'" , Swimming Wings, all colors. .25 and 35 . Bathing Caps ........ 50f , 75a and f 1.75 Rubber Complexion Brush; regular 35c; Special 19s5 Rubber Toys; regular 25c; special .15 Garden Hose ' NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Get your money's worth. ' Every foot of Hosa we aell guaranteed for one year. ' A FULL LINE OF AU SUPPLIES, IN- CLUDING SPRINKLERS. NOZZLES HOSE REELS, AND EASY MENDERS OF EVERY KIND. WE GIVE A NOZZLE FREE WITH EVERY 50 FEET OF 'HOSE. . White ' Cotton, H-inch ;.f 4.00 White Cottdn, J-inch 94.50 Woodlark, j4-inch....'. f6.00 Woodlark, -inch . f T.00 Columbia, J-inch....... f 3.75 Columbia, tf-inch. ...... ..94.25, Oregon, f-inch......... ..98.00 Sun-Proof, red, -inch........... . 10.00 ' -White Crown Hose, best quality, guaran teed for two years; reg. $15, pl. fl-8.00 i & 1 " Good Health Is Rather to Be ChpsenThah Great Riches OODLASir SPECIAL SALE , Japanese Gold Fish 15c 51"l,n"',4i. Woodlark Grapa Juice is one - of the .. greatest health promoters ever of, fered to the public. Well people drink it and keep well. Sick people drink it and get well, c A delU cioua drink, a nutritious .food, easily assimilated. . : Made of selected Con-, eord Grapes. Woodlark Grape Juice contains no ; preservatives, no coloring matter, no sugar. Try a bottle. Pints, 25 Doi. 9250 " Quarts, 50f Doa. $5.00 Stationery Spec'ls Success Playing Cards; reg. 35c; spl., .16 ; 7-11 Playing Cards; reg. 15c; special.... 8e White Napkins; reg. 15c per 100; spL..H pecorated Napkins; regular 35c per 100: special .......20 Lunch Sets; regular 25c; special... '..19 Fiber Plate; special, per dozen...... ,,,,7 Crepe Paper for Rose Day, spl., roll. ' Puritan Linen, white and blue, plain or ruled; reg. 35c box; special ...16a Just the Thing To wear with a white linen suit.' A beau tiful showing of White Wash Belts, hand embroidered, tucked, stitched and decorated in shadow work. ' ..' ?. Regulit 35e quality; special. ...... ....21 Regular 50c quality; special...., ...... 39 Regular $1.25 quality; special. ......91.07 Regular $1.35; special......... $1.09 200 NEW STYLES Leather Belts. ; A bewitching assortment iuit received; selections of our New York " uyer. Full lihe of novelties of every de scription; exquisite hand bags, card easel, bead purses, link chain bags. ' - Fish Globes. ...... ',........,. ....50a p Terra Cotu Castles. .,.....,...,..15 up Fish Food ,.,.....10$ Buy an Alarm Clock WHILE THIS SPECIAL SALE LASTS Beacon Alarm Clocks, $1.... .........73 Luminous Alsrm Clocks, $1J3....,...03 Auto Alarm Clock, $1.40. $1.03 Tattoo Alarm Clock, $175........, $1.23 Tattoo Junior Alarm Clock, $175. ..$1.33 All Clocks Guaranteed One Year. ., . IAasM':i;pSi; You'll sure want some of these handsome ' Rose Vases, we are showing in our Wash ington street window; just the thing for the Rose Carnival. .......... ..$1.00 up Japanese Air Cushions Sit on a hard board at the ball game, and 1 then try one of our feather-weight Japa nese Air Cushions; note the comfort; strong, durable, collapsible, in many ' shape ...........,S5e) up Be Up-to-Dale ; And carry good Hand Baggage when you. travel. It's a mark of gentility. Our suit cases and traveling bags please the most fastidious. - Well made, elegant in ' appear ance; full line of bags, suit easel, toilet rolls and other convenience! for the away-from-bome trip. . OO'DMD. Bo Too Ordering y 3hoaa, SMvaae aehaafo It os stoma . A118100 Salesmen So rill Tons Orders. CLARKE. &W. v. We Waal Totty Monthly Aooonnis. 3fToo SeHvary ts City. Oaaadlsa Money Takem at SHU Talue. w If your Hat bears this Label it is backed with our personal; unqualified guarantee Best for Style and Quality Peer of AU $aoo Hats Exclusive Summer Novelties and Smart Shapes in Fine Straws and Panamas AxxrszjMssm. ltk Sad ' ' WaaUagtea. HEILIG THEATRE JE", TOWTdHT a FrMaTNlgbt and garardar' Hatlnee, , jua. i.i.attiM uiiiu, Ja DD uur.1 Seterday Nlirht. June S, ' "ZAZA." rrleea, Seta ereolnf and artarnooB) Lower floor, 13.00, S1.60; bekwey, 11.80, S1.O0, TSr: sallary, flOe. Seats aew aalllag at tbaatra bos efflea. - .. ". . , . , . MARQUAM GRAND (Phoae Mala 2a) Don't Mist Seeing the Beautiful Production ax "OOlOIXZ-aZBOIXA" - By the Ineomperable sax rxajr Cisco oral co, ' Prices Sreauig, SSe, SOe, : TBe. MaOaae. SSe and SOe. u. '!'..,.. .r.-:,. BAKER THEATRE BMSA. Last weak ef the great Bakar Stock Con , pur U ue ecraemlng xaree frotn the French mx via aoaia." ' ran etreeath of the eomDear. A hearty laturh la every Una. Ereatos erteee SSe. SSe. SOet awtlaee. Ue. tSe. Mattaae Satardar, Next attraeOoo "The Maee sad the reaper. . The Star sr MM. - Weak et Tone Id. . - Orasd Opening of the Reorganised j ' STAB STOCK CO., , . Preaentlns he Nlblllatle Draaia, ' i "SASXkST BVSBIA." Matbeee Tneeday. Tharadar. Satardar and Bandar at S:80. Price. JOc aad SOe. Srary evaaiiig at 8:18. Prleea, lOe. SOe aad SOe. Beaerre eaata br ?hoae, Mala SMS. West wees. "Bene oc Tho Grccsad Beokev o!t a w MgMitlns "The Walk. - ... lag Delegate.", Killer Week ef Xsae M. ItaOauley. ' Clew faaaae aad Sadie Conker, Mile. Caata Leonard, BJekard rafoO,, .TrederU Bee Andaraea ta "MUe. a rt a , Oiaadlaoepe, Manhattaa." - e r "The - Stolen ris.'1 "Whaa . Oaiear 0 Tbha The Botkee Bar." -s - aUe..w . . LTRIC THEATRE v - i- Phone Mala soW.'- " " i Thia Week the AUaa Stock Osmnear rreeent- lag tna rroonoeai dramatic Bncceea. - , . , jura or thb yAiaxt," Mattaeee Tneadar. :. Tharadar. satardar aad Bandar, Prleea We. SOe. Krery eraaiog et 1:15. Prleea, lOe, SOe and SOe. Baearred eeata by phone, Mais aSSO, Of fice opea from 10 a. av. te JO a. bl CHINESE STOICISM RECEIVES SEVERE JOLT IN COURTROOM American opinion of Chinese stoicism received a severs bump yesterday when dainty little Kum Tuk, the mother of Wdng You NOm, aged 1 years who was killed last year by a street car, went on the witness stand In the esse brought sgatnst the Portland Railway, Light A Power eompanv to recover. IS.OOO for tha hnv'i death, and told a oathetio stoiy of the tragedy that robbed her of her young offspring. . Seid Back, one of the best-known roiinvmon in Portland, acted as Inter preter and tears rolled down his cheeks aa the little mother, no larger than a sohoolairl. narrated between her sobs and tears how little Wong You Nora ran out into the street tn childish in nocence to his death under the grinding wheels of the heavy street car. Setd Back's voice broke in translating the story Into English for the benefit of the Jury and it was only with great difficulty that he could proceed. The Infection paaaed .to the jury and several members were unable to hold back the teara that welled up In their eyea and rolled down their cheeks. Few stories ever told in the federal eourt created the sympathy among the spec- J jjte tatora and attendants as that of Kum I moi Yuk'a After she left the stand tat little Chinees mother left the courtroom and cried as If her heart would break. Her sobe could be heard distinctly in the courtroom, and .4t waa necessary for her attorneys to leave court to quiet her. -- ' - The trial' Id recover damasres for little Wong You Nom has been going on in the United States circuit court since Monday before Judge Charles E,' Wol verton. The suit waa brought by Wong Kim, father of the boy. A motion for a non-suit wss dented br the court yes terday. . ' .:. - V. . Prank H. Flllacy has . purchased . a quarter block on the southeast corner of Division,, and East s Thirty-fourth streets from H. T. Palmer for t&,000. W. Wvnn Johnson has sold to E. M. Rasmussen a fractional block cornering on tho Sandy road and Eaat Twenty fourth street ' for f 1,600. , Tha block contains six full lots, which were sold at an average price of $760 each. Albert Jofray has purchased ' four lots, on ' Maryland avenue and Shaver etreet, Multnomah addition, for $2,400. The purchaser Is preparing to erect a number of modem cottages on tho prop erty. - t - R. Ev Jlmesoa baa purchased a house Eose City Park Parade. Among other beautiful things that have been arranged for tho grand open ing at Rose City Park next Saturday Is a beautiful parade of the school chil dren. A full military brass band will escort the little folks over the prettiest Spots in Rose City Park. At the con clusion of the proceeaton there will he a full military concert In the shade of tho beautiful trees n tna para. : All the afternoon the snouts of ths little ones, clad In their plcnlo elothee, will make the recesses of Rosa City Park ring- with childish glee. It will) do the older folks good to get out Into the open air ana aee tnese mue zoixe literally take possession of Portland's most beautiful home district for one whole afternoon. The evening. If pleas- j ant. will be given over to tna parents. BASEBAtLL ATHLETIC PARK. Ooraes Taugha aad Twsaty-fawrtk. June 4, 0, 7,8, 9. .. 5TS.P0,1TliB Games called at t:Se -Games called at 1:10 p. m. . xjuzxs day rmxs D. n. dally. Sunday a AY. ADMISSION 254 Grandstand ZSe. Children 10a. Box Beata J 5c and lot In Oberst addition from I . R. Gllenhan for tS.SSO. r ' At the corner of Second and Sheridan streets, Morris : Korktla and David Guerln have purchased a 60-foot lot from William laenaea for I..S69. mm OVZJf II 0 11 Y. X. :p. C0VCK2TS TODAY, 1:60, I II, T., BY XH aitd all arrsicAi yotx. , ; LAUD IS XAUOkkt AbOUX, iEyes.f? Eyes. Eyes.-1 . n.M Wnn. ama mnlau K. n VI J. Mills, late with tha Oregon College I Srf!!7f!HVl' !'--! P ------, of Optometry, now at 111 Sixth street. t"JJI --al i i t i between Stark and Washington. Con-1 BOtOS TOglQHT. WAQjrta yAXTr:t. aultatton free. : It must have been a rather sever earthquake shock down In Sin Fran elaco and Belaboring cities Tuesday to have eauaed excitement, aa small quakes axe too common to b noticed) muoh. WHAITOHO Terror Maaaaia of War. . ef, the Telleir r- - Beat atoalc, daaee sart!ka, a'l e' Care rtrat and Alder; bneta t t 1i BoecUl icco'i""'v'Mt,.n a.'r 1 f isertlee, CA v...