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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
- 10 : THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 6, 307. . if .Daring Youii Aeronaut IVlio ifade Name for Himself at Lewis and Clark Exposition Drifting Out to Sea in 9 vy$iiyi$ :XBroken'Airship: i; "4- MJaji ffJID Fill OF ROSE FIESTA V ' -; Wowrf spkui bmtim.) .; , Boston, June Clinging hopelessly to the fragile frame ef the airship. In which it had made a aueeeaaful flight over the City today, Lincoln Beachey of San Francisco la drifting to sea, , the mechanism of bis-, machine having broken down. ' Unless the fleet of launchea aent In pursuit overtake hlra the aeronaut aeenia doomed.. Watched by 80,000 people, Beachey today made a. flight rrom Won derland park to Boaton -common, sailing over' the heart of the city, and alight ing aafely after having traveled against nl wind. i At 1 o'clock he raat In tha Common and the In a; gracefully, aet oft for the return Publicity Campaign to Make Flower Carnival Promt-, . nent in Northwest. trip, sailing swiftly before the breee. Suddenly the Immenae propeller at, the head of the machine- stopped, the ' bog careened to one aide and "wobbled haln- leesly toward the aea. Beachey real Iced hie dan iter and atrove frantically to make a landing, but was unable to do so. "' . ... ... ., ,. . -. oft his moorings PERSONAL LETTERS TO WILL DEVISE PLAN ' No Effort Spared to Attract Wide pre ad Interest . (n Coming Event California Towns Are Made Ac quainted With the- Features. - TO RAISE THE FUNDS " On the executive committee of the Portland Rose Show and ' Fiesta Is a representative of the Portland Ad club. To him hare been assigned the - "press and publicity" duties In connection with the . areat rose carnival. Ha has been assured the cooperation of all the ad J TELLS TALE of fin iMnnnnrimM in v ni r rt r m ni n irnn n r i - THE SOIE ME . IS CLOSE AT HAND "it. Orchard -Relates Details of Assassination-- Followed hayooD TRIAL NOT BieunenDerg Arouna ior ' Weeks Awaiting Chance to Shoot or Dynamite.: Ex-Senator Dubois Sees Tic- June Ninth Marks1 TweiitVlNinth Year of toundimr toriou,s 'Anti-aon; Coali-J h ;:; tft T uFruit and Flower; Mission-Many Esti- uvu m luauo. , t,i. itr ' - tr t .-"' FACTOR IN POLITICS (Spedsl Dispatch to The Journal.) Boise, Idaho, June . The crowd that i besieged ' the doors this afternoon was much larger than that of yesterday; It Is estimated that more than 1,000 people i Xo Matter Which Wily It Ooea It lias Not, and Never Had Anythlngto Do With the Case Except as Cam- :" palgn Thunder. " , . J " 4 Prominent Business Men Formulate Proposition j of the V Portland Country Club; and Livestock Association ; ; , Will Raise $150,000 by Popular Subscription. ; ; vT'.l ( 1 1 I " Definite plans for the formation of ; the Portland Country Club and Livestock ' association Were laid at a meeting of come SO business men held. In the Com , merclal club parlors this morning at t S:10 o'clock. It had been the Intention , of the promoters of he plan to begin solicitation for stock subscriptions this morning-,' but after some dlscuaalon th scheme was changed and Instead a meet' lhg - was called for . this "afternoon at 1:10 o'clock in the office of T. R Wll (A committee consisting of Adolph "Wolfe, J. C. AlnSworth, W. P. Olda, Ben Selling and Julius I Meier was ap pointed to gather together a number of representative men or tne city ror the meeting: this afternoon. Thla meeting wiii terminate definite plans ior the campaign or raialna; the JlftO.000 needed for the proposed country club, and will report at a meet ins- or tne aenerai com mittee on Tuesday next at 9:30 o'clock in tne mornlna. . , - The alma and objects of the campaign are aet out in report prepared by a committee constating of 8. Q. Reed,- C C Chapman and O. A. Weetgata, which report is as rouows: . Will Promote Uvestook. : "The Portland Country club and Live rtcrk association 1a to be established to promote the livestock interests -of the northwest hy furnishing facilities in the city of Portland for holding jivsiocir snows, saies, rairs, race meet intra rd whatover elde contributes to the welfare-of livestock- and" the ex ploitation of as nosslbllitlee. "In order t keep-the Interest alive throughout the year there is Included in the plan -the 'organisation of a coun try club, under whose direction -will be placed the eonlnl features of the organl EBtion. A commodious clubhouse, fully equipped for the convenience of all its members, will be provided on the crest T ' - . " of the slop overlooking the track. -"The Driving association and - the Hunt club will make their home with and be a part of the - Country ' club. The grounds will be the, home of many high-grade ' horaes, ' and atables for boarding-will be one of the features, while a number of well-known trainers men In thla northwest .' Among tha suggestions he has mads with reference to advertising the car nival Is that the ad writer of every Arm In thla city Incorporate a 11ns or two of reference to tbs fiesta features In their dally advertisements. lie has also succeeded In havlna the 'various Dullness bouses or the city enclose 'in serts" in their outgoing mail referring to tne various reaturea or tne nests, A eromlnent advertising company or Portland has sent peraonal letenra to (00 daily and weekly newapapers In the nortnwest ana lamornia. , i na letter follows: ' (Special Dlspeteh te Tbs loeraal.) :,.V.f Boise, Idaho. June , . Ex-United unsuccessfully tried to secure admls- Btates Senator Fred T. Dubois, who was slon to tha court room. Women and ,n th,'CIt';MTr1 aJr- haa left .for girls not yet out of their 'teens pre-f his home near Blackfoot, where he will dominated.' '". '' ';. V. ' ' I remain a short tlms, on his large ranch Orchard Jiad materially benefited by and then go on.the .lectura platform city ana Indeed In, the I his noon rest and was In tha best voice I for the season. The senator ' Is very The; court overruled tha-mouSiof mwu 0Jr,n T" ., Ma l0" the defense to strike out references to ver W4Jl- v , ' . i " the claim jumping case, , , He Ulked, In answer, to a question. Continuing his narrative of crime, OB th- mftct tha trial a df tha leadara Orchard told of his arrival In Caldwell ? V "V?.i "ar where he epent five day looking for o tha Western Federation of Miners Bteunenberg, bat failed to find - him. might have on tbs politics of this stats. Then he went to Nam pa and called up ' He premlaed with very .decided em the house by phone, and foamd Steunen- phaals as follows: berg was back. He at once returned to "It will make absolutely no difference uaiaweu ana locatea Bteunenberg Bun- politically in jaano wnetner tney are day night In tha Saratoga hotel. At convicted or acquitted. It Is not a po once he took the bomb up and fixed It lltlcal question and It cannot be mads under the gate at the governor's house, onei . . p, . . r iilmDklna helnail htm nlape tha hnmh. .. ' Vhue Xaoaevale SlnndaraaL' : J,iW.nJ" JISl w bk i thai". Oovernor Ooodlng endeavored In tha hotel and waited. .There was no reaulkM i H kJ11U1 ,,f0UI!a LhM th. w t e unfortunate affair, and sue- KjKbS!2 if.?,ie?Ur ,bIoken the cejed. with -the aid of some of his Slz. LJ'La ?, xp,'Pdt w' ,w: Political dependents. In deceiving Preal- Slmnklns and himself then took tha c rw. n...i -ii?-1fJiload iJ? And h,,,.U f1" lawjeasneas and disorder mornin. il iefi iS un.t.u ,n The president unwisely sent u,Zftt,m I'"" i eecretary xari to tne state to instruct nwi25 .i.--a5 2 14 ,n.i trw Uck- he people to vote for Governor Ooodlng sawlll mars. Ksk srsAMni1a wkatlsa Kaailrtiiar. I , wrxiU OURHni fOTfJ as. rasa ter. anS hAr." w nt to clitU m wltlx.such popular approvar that It for trl fTlng can be kept at homas It fprm Vt-e. .r 2uLZiWhl will be Impassible to find a better place I ifriVV. Sii'f le V hi nrZXP tfeefm for wlntei-rng. - The ground is especially Pn"iiiUhI?.' MnTSZ suiiame tor winter training.,,. ? . I tsUera nava all "put their shoulders to - twwi, ...... i tne wneei - and maiviauai citizens aave "A large convention hall and naviiion I given oi their time and means to crown will Da built to accommodate abowa or (tne errort witn tremendous success. - everv deacrlDtion. dog shows. Doultrrl "We enclose a circular, setting forth snows, : norse snows, ana ' sntomoDiie i tne leaiures ei tne rose iiesta, iruiuni showa. and ' there will be- athletic I that there may be something ox news grounds for large gatherings, for tlc- I Interest In It that will make it aareable nJcs. -family parties, lodges, etc. - - - I for you to publish s short 'story' of a n srvuuua 41a uviwccn mi 'dhhuj 1 in kwd iimv -inai owing ttrrn.iigvci. nd Barr- roads and are accessible, to I . "We asaure vou that vi will greatly the city by two car lines and the O. R. I appreciate anv effort , on vour ttart to m . m . I T . . w. . S . V . - in. raiiroaa. ana a nara-surrace oouie-1 give this carnival greater publicity ana motoring purposes. The grounds are to ne purcnased at a ccat or (tso per acre under - an -option secured about three months ago. Land in the same vicinity la now worth and has been' selling . in large tracts for (1.381 per acre; aome owners are asking 12.000 per acre. The land . acquired - will be 80 acres In ex tent, and this Investment Of (60,000 rep resents the largest part of the expendi ture, a permanent . asset, tnat win be continually. Increasing In value, and as sures the subscriber an ultimate return on hla Investment, and with no chance for losa. . ' . . "The rental 'W stables.' the -usea of the track and the Income from the club house and admission- fees for- exhibits will. It is believed, give an Income sufficient.-after, two years, to. pay dtvi. dendn regularly on the stock. Every Stockholder will become a charter mem- vard will be conatructed for driving and you muat know that the People of Port land win also reel grateiui ior your in terest In this behalf." . ,'.;-...- XEGRESS WHO STOLE ! y JUMPS HER BAIL BOND Bench Warrant. Issued for Grace eed and Deputj Sheriff. Is 'Hunting for Her. '; iJ vi!n t1.a him that aome men in order to uphold law and order. The " l.w" - .w. him and he'd blow to people of tha state resented this and S ilvttSUL nd ,fmv Orchsrd to finlsa resent It jret There was but one Issue . By Beselana. 4 Tha tth of June marks the twenty U. nia iod. HwuimiiMrr wii wa v mrmmt l . i. . , , i . I . . . - T . - in iito 1111. cwiiuiii ii. auiu iiio uwuiv deal and. there-was no resu.t for ,10 exoreased themailvea ver tlainlV.on v Ithat. Governor Gooding was the reoog mrsnlt of Vtenaenberg. , lse friend, advocate, and apologist, of - ti. CZ to ima out wnst ine mormona, anane J??..i5,v- VIZ anniversary f tha W, C.V. T. Slmpklna left for hla home In Rnnlr.n I Mormons. Had the Mormon vote been "Tilt and flower mission,- founded by Kerore leaving, he nrnmluH Arohartl (eliminated none of tha Reoubllcan ran- I Miss Jennie Caaaeda tt ' iMulavllta inai no wouia go to Denver ana get the aiaates would nava neen ., succesarui. i Kentucky. For years Ulaa Cassedav money to buy a ranch to which Orchard Governor Gooding carried but , three Ir " . , ,v. S could go as soon aa BtetMianlwtra- n nntlla eountlea In tha atata and theae J wa n invalid COnHned to the hOUse, killed. - ' . lonly by stnall majorltlea , -'v- . -jsaost of the time to her bed. yet despite tt.Ur -o.T. ar.'u?nD?r't? rediots JtapnbUoan Defeat. - this fact she was the founder and head well about December 16. He Maiatered f ' significance of this can ne ap- ioi tnis mission :wnion haa carried help at the Saratoga hot! aa Thnn... preciatea oy tne mere statement or ins md good cheer to countless thouan-nds He had the bomb, with him aU the time LT .".L?' i"? !? "Jl"? The serine - of the flower1 ml..h. I s aiaiM. mi t-a . . . - I wsarsn iimiriBrstn sa ri n . rna Tissf ir i si viuru I . . - . - ai I. ' : a, i. -.1 V . a ' .si. v 4.r- u -i is.'. (a;v ;;. :. .1 - I,, ;;": ' ' " t". Mr"-.'Alexander Peak. '.' r"'' " PFERDNER WILL NO LONGER BE ; ADMIRED BY LADY FRIENDS Faul Pferdner of the Pacific Regalia . company. 05 First street, today holds the lonesome position of being tho only man in Portland , who . won , money . on Devlin. He is ahead 15 cents, the cost of a free shave presented to him by his " friend, Jim , Crawford. ' the ' barber In the I. X. L. shop, under Pferdner's es- i tabllshment. - : The tale runneth thus; Louie Ecker man, who takes tickets at the Oaks, and Paul Pferdner each have, or rather had, mustaches like a pair of buffalo . horns , Long, drooping, ' the admiration of the ladiea along all First street, were the mustaches of Paul Pferdner and his friend. But the two disagreed about Portland's nect mayor. In a burst of enthusiasm Paul dared Louie-to bet his chief personal ornament - Paul has At tbs trial of Beatrice Lewis, colored, In the -circuit court on tha charge of stealing $550 from' Andrew Johnson, ber, enjoying all privileges of the club I some excitement was caused by the an and grounds without further initiation fees." r... ' -1 . : -i wiiui wiiv . w m vunfiuivii v. 111 pailiv offense .Tuesday, had disappeared, leav ing her bondamen In the lurch. , - "The trial of Beatrice Lewis was stopped for a few minutes while Judge f raser oroerea that a bench warrant be issued ror the Reed woman. Deputy Sheriff J. H. Jones waa detailed to at tend the court, and if the Jury finds the Lewis woman guilty she will be taken direct to the county Jail and no opportunity to escape will be given her. The women were at liberty - under tl.000 ball each, given by A. B. Burger and M JCutnen - They were Indicted to wers eliminated, anatne peopievotea v ;-,-" .k. ".IT to the house before he could get' thai Next he saw Bteunenberg Saturday, De- 'u. .r7 B"u"l.i" "1Z county, of liioortanceT In thi atata'. before he could nt (hi wnn - tne ppaaiDie I Krulta. flowera lltaratum. 1alloalAafrv gun.ready, so he returned to thi hoteL lle".cor2lJ: sick snd belief In general for all nnanhr C.r.,,.4.- tw vuu ... 1 worthw , in .ant fmn th... s naturally, and recKonea in percentage, 0" ' ft" Vh.ti. hotel lobby. Toward night ha easaa'-out J".f ."mSva' loan.' fund. In which small sums of went to ins postomce. then to his room, doomed toaiaastrous defeat If the aUl-mony, arf loanea temporarily, after due where he got tha bomb, wrapped It in S22l2 Ial!.022!:e.lih.MntL Investigation . has been made, and the paper? and -went to tha Bteunenberg hiVrarchv cottinuei their stt.mDi !PJwt B bs deserving of tha com house, whsr. ha fastened ti 7bomb JLVSllY.X?" h""1" Odanea, under the gate, so that when the latter T T opened an explosion would occur. . Says Polygamy Is an Xaana. Bears tha Bnioaioa. . ; : .' tne recent sea8ion;or tna isgia- txt .u 7 . nature, notwitnatanaing oit net mat, Pjssad the governor going to his (there were but U Democrats, In tha : ,V "ocg. irom tne hotel, and lower branch, a majority of the Repub beard the explosion before ha reached lican members, some 1 or 10 In nam- tun nousi. ;nm went l mi room and leer, lolned with . them . and Dasaed a 1? hi ik li I"' ln nl" Pocket, I 'teat oath' blU. and also an act a gal net I may consist of the giving of a. single Mrs. Alexander Peak wss made stats superintendent . of ; tha .Oregon flower mission four yesra ago. 'There are also representatives in every county In tbs state, mere are no nam ana fast rules laid down as to Just how the .flower mission snail pa conducted. The. girt 01 tne Diiasioners, - aa tney are called. worn his for Sf veara Louie-took htm up. - jjevim and raui lost. At 11 o'clock this morning a cheer- l" Vi." ' ? "V. """M"..1 Ing crowd escorted -Pferdner to T the vH."mBIL,ZSSm?' " SS "5 Lewis id tha after- . 1 - . . . . . , ..-- . 1 vnuauu. rirniner iook one - iook in tna a-iaaa. i mi . . . .. . j . "Mine Gottl" he yelled, and bolted the woman's trial Vgan veaterdav anX door. Today he Is In his rooms with mm will bV,lv5t? iSrv fhia A the doora barred to all comers. Louie -not, ' 7 Eckerman , stands outside arguing inrougn tne Keynote ror raui to taae a position on the Oaks stage in the fa mous play of "Paul and Virginia," but Paul won't play. Funeral services over the ' detached mustache will .be held In Wilson's auo tlon rooms on First' street at I o'clock. after which It- will be auctioned off. Predictions are being made that Paul will be the highest bidder nrovlrilna- ne can ouy a Dome or invisible glue. Ha Is afraid to go home.: noon. FORMER NEBRASKANS- . SPECIALLY INVITED FOSS FILLY Tomo Demented Eye Specialist, After Much Delay, Com i J mitted to Salem. : Trade Booming Omahans Will Do at .j Portland Commercial Club on " Bfondav Afternoon. determlns ' ths - causa of I performed to death. - Williams was found In a dying con dition by roomers in the house and be fore Dr. Gillette could reach tha bedside of the unfortunate man death occurred. A note written by Williams and ad dressed to Mrs. Anna Spang, 187 Sixth a After, .week's delay, in which both I The Joint committee representing the various commercial and industrial or ganisations of the city find . that there are a larga number of former residents of- Nebraska. In Portland and .vlclnltv street, bequeathing all of hla personal and they Invite all who have acqualnt- property to tha woman, was found ln ances or friends in the party from tha pne of his pockets. Williams, who has metropolis : of Nebraska to the recep- been employed in the University club tton-.atvthe. Portland Commercial club as steward, slso telephoned to the club from I to 1:30 p. m. Monday, -The committee haa. also asked the excursionists to be on their sleepers at ociock ana remain mere until :so, giving business and personal acquaint ances a chance to see them.- The com mittee from the allied and a fill la ted or ganisations oz fortiana win be at tha train from till t:80 Sunday morning ana aiier tnat nour win leave tna ex curalonists free to reat. All membera of the Commercial club yesterday that he would be delayed In TRUSTBUSTIWISjI WHITE HOUSE THEME lOrgettlng the giant can, lhn .. !. IUIh In th. nnlwMinmia Ml.llnn snght explosion followed, tearing hjsl "The power of Governor Gooding and coat to pieces. He stayed right there, ths Mormon senators prevented these ana Monday afternoon, January 1, was measures from becoming laws, yet tha .nmi w tne muraer ana ham been issue nas oeen maae so plain ana the under arrest ever since. : ( (temper of tha people is so pronounced nw-m wu arrested he sent no mat mere win pe no other issue in communlcationi but received a telegram Idaho, to speak of. until the Mormons from Spokane not signed. Ha waa not are compelled to live in acoordance with permitted to tell the contents. Ha an- provisions of our atate constitution swered It four days later In the pres- to quit their polygamous practices. ence Of J. J. Sullivan ne n.. "The nennla of IdAho will tint anhmlt Attorney Stone.. . Hawley promised he 1 the continued domination. of tha Mor- wnuld make lta contents public later, "on In our politics. No one He : also received an unsigned letter, elected now, senator, congressman or hlch was handed him by the-sheriff, governor, or even nominated for these It had been onened. : i offlcea. without tha unntlnn . nt WMa neneatroyea it. 1 '-v -t LMormon hierarchy. No one can receive v n's is supposed to be tha letter sent their support If ha opposes the practices by Petti bone, and a lively wrangle fol- of tha hierarchy. - - lowed over the attempt to Introduce an "This Is the undisputed political sltu- iiou vpy maae oy tne sheriff. The auon ,ana 11 wui not ds tolerated much ucieim uojectea to queations ss to Ihe longer, ,- -i - - handwriting, but the court overruled, as f i-f Anti-Mormon OoaUtlon. , , . - Sdaaid, that he was familiar with 'if "The Mormona are about ons third IS atrtkL ?,tii?.Tritln" . A JnI?tL0.n P0"" na " th Kepubllcan leaders who iiu St'ilS?i!S"e.,,2 decUr'd " ""e their combinations with them, 1 aill. ' WM denied and an exception through their federal and state patron- 'ai,; a 'iL''i nd organisation, can control enough Tactloa Are Chaagad. ' votes in addition to the one third to Having gained this point, the prose- make a majority in state convention, cution abruptly changed lta tactics and ana exercise that power, the rank and went back t Orchards Colorado expe- file of the party will not support the riences, asking if Haywood and Moyer unholy alliance. This was plainly ever said anything about tha kill- denced by the last election and by tha ins ui aruiur loiiim. mcnarason sue- I iun 01 tne legislature, cessfully fought this question until It L "There will be a strong effort made waa nnaur cnangea materially, or- dt tne anti-Mormon Kepunucana to nn- roee. or the endowment of a. hospital bed. Miss Caaaeday founded a training school .for nurses, , supported by the flower mission, an Infirmary and "rest cottage" In her native city, Louisville. Tha object ,of the trained . nurses con nected with the mission is the visiting of the sick among the very poor and the caring for tho Indigent and. helpleas, as-. peclally women and children. There. Is also done In connection with this work the visiting of prisons and Jails leaving behind for each prisoner not only flow ers but helpful words of good cheer for tha unfortunate Inmates. Another thing accomplished-by . the fruit and .flower mission is the founding .of school gar dens In three of the largest cities of the east. Boston. Philadelphia and Cleveland. Much- Interest Is manifested In. theee gardens.-, not only by the children . for whom they were. Intended for primarily, but by the eltisens of these cities who donated tha land snd tha wherewith te make these gardens. -The school cur riculum Includes nature study-two hours a week, and -during the summer vsca- tlons instructors are nald to meet the children : at regular Intervaia -at their gardens to help them cars for the seeds and the growing crops. ' - ' .1 . -. As yet Portland haa nothing of this sort, but It haa many estimable women who are Interested in the work -of tha flower - mlssloner and . who at atated Intervals carry --' flowers, - fruits snd words- of comfort to the Invalid, tha hut-In t K. rtrtnw , tha . Ml.t,..... mm A many others. Last - year , when . two of these;' mlsslonera .were going around with, their baskets of tempting flowers a small 00 v accosted them at tha en trance -of one, of 1 the largest- business blocks : In town. - Ha was small - and ' weasened and pinched looking and , bis big, black -eyes lingered longingly on the flowers:. finally he . mustered ua courage and sideling up to one of the ladles he said In a timid; voices. ."Bay. lady, will yer alva.-me" one- of der flowers rVWhy, cerUlnly. my llttla man,", was the' ready response, as tha mlssloner selected a 'big - whits - rose, which In-its absolute perfection looked almost like. a bit of cleverly molded wax.- She handed It to him and as she watched his, Joy at the gift, aha asked. "What . will you do with ' your rose J'1 Upon his elfin face there reated a mo mentary look of pity lor her profound Ignorance,. . . "Do wit ltr he repeated, "hully g! ' What'cher tlnk I'm goln' ter do wit Itt m goi n iter sen 11 ter some guy rer nicaeir FRIGHTENED HORSES CAUSE MUCH TROUBLE Colts Smash" Express " Wagon - and Cause Runaway "in "Which' -Women Are Hurt.' " (Special Mspsteh to The JoarnaL) ' Vancouver, Wash., June l,A tesm of eolts attached to a heavy expresswagon yesterday caused a runaway at tha ferry sup on tha Oregon side of the river that badly damaged another express wagon. ' caused a -private rig to run away, upsetting the latter and throw ing the occupants to the roadway. The big express- team was standing chard then said that he never had had trol the next Renublican atata. mnvan. anvereatlon w a Mio, nowever, tnat Haywood told adequate laws to put a stop to polyga- i aomethlna and .tarui t J Th.. ,tt wno P"rnBP" " him that he, had sent -Adams and mous living. The Democrats will h?va hid Sroceede'd but to atudy the to -Ca"frn'.to kill Brad ey, he. same platform on this .abject, and JpiSi.fta IV nnlv can tha nnaatlnn k. ".".L - r- - . . . " SAYS TEDDY HAS . LOTS TO LEARH Old Hunter of the Northwest . and Alaska Calls Him ' Downward. 1 s (spec!! Dispatch to--ne Joemsl.t " Tacoma, Wash., June 6. Frank Moss man, pioneer and hunter of big game and who has perhaps had as good op- habits of wild h-A .nont tiAo . .tZZi ft i- v7 r i "" " I tney coiiiasa with a lighter express rig. i ammais oi tma country as any man in W We'lrybwC'iotTtr tjgaen.ana ne naa put up sis to get 1 In our state polltios.,, ' ! Vh. wJ, Uosraal gnselal bniMi I. Washington. J ii nab st Thib ' l...4i i city and county officers sought to avoid wag the -ubJect of a conference at tha " reauested to brlngv as many roses the , responsibility ,, of an arrest, the I White House - thla aft, -t.iv I as they srs able when they o to lunnh. snenrr s orxice rinauy placed under ar-1 Vo on one or tna most Import-1 u naay ana reacn , mere .- as rest Warren L. Fobs, the demented man rj;.i ."' u':. ne aamin-i-''- - whose rrightiui Hayes, manager of company, were told SnHlfeW SS MWaratt Promptly a. possibly iarSc&M Sa'ndcoaY1 VALUE MAY .EXPORTS ',; week. 1 VntiM mrmm slf tftxA (naana sanst as am. a - conauion seas airectea a week ago, but even after Hayes'- story of almost in- - credible suffering they failed to appre hend the man. ... . . M rose oeneves that e -.s a aoeciallat " LT0 SEVEX FIGURES ONLY m OW GAIN them clear.- Ha v wood, ha an Id. also tnM him that he had sent Adams t Poca tello with Grecian firs to burn up a train bearing non-union men to Cripple Cross Examination Baglna. Orchard ended his direct examination at S o'clock. Attorney Richardson - at once began cross examination.'.' Orchard said that he was born near the town of xsappanee ana , first remembered living in tne rawnsmp or nrignton. His family were farmers.1; Hla mother died in 1895 and his father six years later. He lived in tha township where ne was oorn until xu years old, then want to Saginaw. Michigan. He has one brother snd six-sisters, some still llvlna- in moir uia noma in new ion State. He claimed that ha did not know mnMi about them.; He was married In'Brlgh ton. Canada.' in 188S and then moved tn Crambe. Canada. A child was born In 1 . 0n raneisoo. June Croas-ecam to restore sight from . divine sources, helil1!0. V .aKan-in the Schmits case imports were collected to the amount J wife. He worked as a ch i. and Is able to cui any case of rt thit 1 .tlti an finally Ineas. It was for the purpose of o?e for tha'iTnfnti d h urfi?? m to lected during the month, waa tl29,66.85,?,ager of the Crambe chees i snvs. , blindness. vuiiuiivph n n n lur nit purpose oi I m.- . i , . . - p v - -? t---,vw.vw, carrying . out , these i beliefs that he I Ini VLa , loe.n!S for political rea- a small portion of this amount being for hduced Hayes to accompany him toiff'JM l or hsd -him- fees an tonnage taxes. , -.,; room -In the Oregon hciel. where ha I otUy ln mlnd and not union labor. The total number of entries of mer- - kept the unfortunate victim until next 3I0NTAVILLA MAN IS JOHN DELLAR RETURNS Accompanied by Mrs. JDellar xs . ON TRIAL FOR THEFT iiies? to 8rch of f HAD TO FILE WILL OF CHICAGOAN HERE Because Ambrose L. Thomas of "Chi- Mr. and - Xfrm tnk . T-n-- . m I .- , vf i. is on trial do-i """ t evening rrom an extended fore a Jurv la Judge $eara' department I trip east They report a plMsant trip, of the circuit court today charged with I havingvieited St. Paul. Chicago Pitta- aieanng avv imunai oi cooper wire from I ourg, wasnington and Nw York Th. I the Pacific, Telephone Telegraph corS 1 were entertained br prominent meZ gO . Own ot in Portland, H waa r"'?i c""ty. ana, wringing It i ney eombihed bualnesg ' with necessary to , have his , will - admitted L?tTVlnrnc iES firSratf V.&' to f Multnomah county thera sent out a number of boys to steal I styles of ladies'- and men's ready-to-1 court,' end this morning a copy of the wr iwoi ne couia , not resist the I 7"v,v"", . ,"" S?"" temptation to purchase almost a cir. I of Crook county, Illinois, was filed, id of stfmmes goods. 1 a th. ...... I with a petition aaaing that it be ad- aii tna property is The collector of customs in his sum mary statement of transactions for, the month of May shows that the value of the domestio exports from Portland vai ... ... 7 7 " . " I vranire, vunnaa a cnua was oorn' in $1,623,033. During the month duties On 1886. Just before he abandoned his first ilected to the amount J wife. He worked aa a cheese maker tar II y became man- cheese factory. - Ha left because he wanted to,' he declared. ana aeniea tnat ne naa any trouble. He Just left Of his own account and went to Detroit, lit aamittea he is a biga mist. .-, . "-;'"-"!-i-i - - r A. Confessed Bigamist., . Orchard admitted that he ran away with another man's wife,-a Mrs. Simp son. - She accompanied him. to Nelson, B. C, and then to Pilot Bay, where fas left -the woman. . ..ij . Orchard bore up remarkably well tin der a khof Are of 'questions, but it Is plain from Richardson's questions that he Intends to try to pVove that Orchard, from the time he went to Burke in 1897, was on the payroll of the Pinker. ton agency. -Cross-examination was naraiy oegun, wnen tne court adjourned ior u ob. j. chandise wss 237. Forty-five vessels enterea rrom aomestic ports ana three from foreign porta Thirty-eight ves sels cleared for -domestic porta and 13 for foreign porta ' , . wire that had fallen from the notes I wear load of stfmmes sodi. a. ,Z1 I... ' with during tha silver thaw and 'bought It RELIEVE TLLIAMS; COMMITTED SUICIDE rrom all ; the surrounding - elrernn- Jhl".Tn. prlof lare e of, men's and youths' up-to-date aulU and trous- ,'-"'" z S,m "'"customers the sd Vantaga f this great aavina- ,in..nri.. He reports that h. niiii i... stances It Is believed bv tha sutboritiaa I, It," JZ"JL 'l"""". mawuiacturers fori .. : ' . - . '.". """ tne very pest ana late-t In New Tork hii h. .u" I mitted to probate. of this class of goods the merchants to the widow, Mrs. Ells A. Thomas, are overstocked, so - Mr. Cellar bought I wM l nsJhed executrix. - The Portland property consists. or a lot in irvington, estimated to be worth $525; Thomas died In Chicago- last November. -'.New Ckmpanjr Incorporates. . ' Articles of incorporation of the ' Ja- rnhiTi.T)A Temnle romnanv vara; flla age," who, died under peculiar circum-lSf. ?, arrjve by, the.. time ne com- In the office of the county clerk this that George 6, Williams. 47 yeara of designs nd patterns, lie expects T the """ ' ' - ' ' -I I. l VI. l.l-i a. hid utiviuiaiQ VI nil, nal stories. j., ........ . r. . i . .1 f OTli I "r niMm . ..M ' k. w. i'ortiana. xne animal aasnea orr along I j-rr.-". '"' . . the trestle, Mrs. Popelton and a friend n.."..i p1; naa proDaa--' oeing thrown out out escaping serious r. " r X. v" """.v1. """w" Injury. The buggy was wrecked ami M Now, Long says a wolf killed was repaired by the owners of ths ex-J S"ou I"W" X V 0,18 v through t,he press team. . .1 heart The pr-eafdent says such a thing I . iiiaiuimaui;iu impuiiiDUuy. i nt OSCAR HARRISON DIES .VVof e USSS - i nm rrnvi rt a mtti aKana ..iFka tv. FROM HEART TROUBLE 'J&t&&te running, leaping or even walking, this narrow part is exposeo.- xna heart is FAILURE'TO INDICT LIBERATES THIS MAN Thomas Brugge, who 1 was arrested last fall for impersonating a secret serv ice officer, waa released from custody today, upon an -order granted , to As Slstant United States Attorney Jamos Cole, r The grand Jury failed to indict against htm, Mr. Colo asked Judge Well , Known ; Retired Bnslness Man Just beneath and the few tender bones Charles E. Wolvorton to order his re lease; The complaining witness in the case was atrs. M. r: uverstreet of As toria, who alleged that Brugge secured money from her under the pretense that u waa a, government otliciai. ; Passes Awajr at Age of . Sixty-One Years. MARSHAL; SHOT WOMAN ana sort cartilages afford no protec , -, ussy Mark for Br-er Wolf. "It would be easv and natural tnr a wolf to bite there, especially .if tha animal was leaping In Its efforts to es- -cape. The president says that to do "(Speciat Dltpatep to Ths" loonuiL) Vancouver; Wash.. Jane 6.Oscar Th thewoYi' STv". uarnson. ' a retired oualnesa man nf l somersault. . or ' in soma w ai.t hi. BUT : NO PROSECUTION thu cy. and for mors' than SO years ?1?aa, up8'1? wp i finder the forelegs of , .v AlVOXiy U A Avil local resident, died of heart trouble I f.fawn! t not by any means would ' , V-.V...V . i at nis home, at Ninth and Main streets. I ula nave, to oe aone u tne animal was The case against W. C. Wsrren.f cltv I this clty. JTbe end was not totally un I ?OUI?(?'n.f along in, greet Jumps, as it marshal of La Camas. Washington, who expected, as he had suffered with lilsir0"'11 " pursued, Nevertheless, tha was arresiea several weegs sgo, charged) ..J vi' - i .f -.11 . ununur ivn ia with assault with a deadly weapon, wasl Mr-, jHarrison was one of Vancouver's I in the throat and the crippling bite in dismissed this afternoon. Warran I peat anown reeiaems. or. many yeara I in" n or nana. out a aeer or caribou ' while intoxicated, shot Pearl Westfall. a I WM "in V1" carpenter -business, re- fawn could be killed In the wsy Mr. Mmnminn in th. i.v arhn. 4ini.i.. i- I tiring several years ago. He was a na-I Long describes without any reversal . a lodging house at the corner of Third MHV. of England and was aged etryeara nature. ' , and Salmon streeta The girl Is con- J1 Is survived by a widow, two daugh-J "'"Ths president's hunting haWjt ear- valescing and there apparently was no i'S . if iwiun nrsr Hamilton, riea mm nr enough aneid. He sTsauld desire for prosecution. I stances ln a room at (hi Hnl.l n. 1 i .T J S . "'" store PUUdlng morning ay r, n jacoDsen, w. ,x...ja ?.m tfixtSe'th Md WajmlngSnatie7a!lh2d ftU Prod of the fact that cobsen. F. W. De Temple and J..B. le ,, mh,,v ifTernoon dJ hf. iia i.Hir."Lb urPrise the "good Temple. Their object. Is to engage In ux:xin iuCrwiu11.64 ftyie- gsLfiysfflE tsur. fltUfl bneM- ALLEN PREP WILL GRADUATE ITS CLASS Graduating exercises "of the 'senior ciass oi . tne Alien rreparatory school will take place next Thursday evening. june u, n mo jiswmorne r&TK Pres byterian church. - The senior class contains seven vnnna- men and three young , women, as fol lows; -:t ;v ,.-.r. .-. Herbert I Bsrbur, Lloyd Batea Wil liam Henry-Burton. Elisabeth Canning, Merton EX Dlmlck,Clnrence M. Eubanks, Zlllah. Huddleson. . John Lavelle Mo Allen, Simeon Reed Winch, Olive Hops aUttmermaa. . , MORE GIRLS BORN LAST ; MONTH THAN BOYS both of Vancouver, and one son, Alfred, try ths .forests , of - the northwest ,ine tunerai win . oe, neia. rrom m. i traca- animate in Ainaira - t.. James cathedral at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow: I would certainly add to his knowledge tntarmant will ha In tha fathnlln o.m." I n,nl.... i. . r,Baf ia a uiutu unstagen m Interment will be in the Catholic ceme tery. ' - SHOOTS AT; CATS : llmnat llwava trisbrsa im si ia,MSkMesl . i ance of boys born during ths month of I Exasperated Resident Breaks Up - t mm. - rt-l m. mm M At- .. I . . I , . 1 mny in rui uiuu. uut iiie reverse was I . . ' . : ' i Mldnlirht ITonr-rt the rule laat. month, and mf tha iss L- - f. 1,an,e.n Vonc"'. births 87 were females. In the corre-1 Vancouver, Wash.. June . Residents sponding month of 190 the births-to- in . the vicinity of Ninth and , Grant taiea ion, aivioea equauy petween males 1 streets are rejoicing because or the fact ana iemsies. births were rivals being I of wolves. this matter aa-he ia in his V.- .mm . vii, wiv vuugnit ; . f-j . (....J - FUNERAL TOMORROW Remains of Louis -Leiser to . ru - 'i-. Buried at Vancouver. , iltwdal tllstrb te The Joereat.t Vsneouver, :Wash.i - June . S. The- fu In April of thla year 157 I that there is soneone ia the neighbor- neral of Louts Lelser the aged' reaidan reported, 8 of tha new ar- hood who has nerve, enough to take . Lf this wunty tto,' was Euied by mslea-- , .-,: -r,.. shot at the number of tabbies that Jersey bull at his farm Just east of? Ua Stewart la Fined. AV'S fflpeelat Rlspstrti te The Jnamal 1 ' ''Oregon City. June 6. Roy Stewart proprietpr of a saloon -, on Main and nightly hold a k concert; upon the rear nitv miirdiT motninr m Zl. T.r:? fences. - .. . ... j from hla . family home at 2:30 -o'clock At a late .hour last nighty someone, tomorrow afternoon.-. Interment will bi known -only to himself, took , two . nhnta I in , .""i p into a bunchof five cats near ttintb Mr. Lejser Wai i for S7 yeara wall. ana iirant. . l ne mian rni mum in t i m mm a m .. .-, ourtn streets, pieaaea guilty yesterday once broke up and nothlnf more waa I these' columns yesterday" of ' Sim w.r afternoon to the charge of assault and heard from datville last night Such ble death Vhn battery upon the person of C. Fouts. a an- attack, haa been talked "of smonS throuan a J1a l.W- J"a'L r Firmer ni vioi. ina rPAivri at fin 1 a ks .asM anta tha .ui.ka.i .. - f ; ' . . . v. r was . . - - . ' . - m ' mu v i tna iBDiuuius ; ui - iiss . uciauumiiiiiNi' inr i nnnu r r n isb w o n rsiana' r. mm j to, which na paid. I some time. ances in and about. Vancouver. acquaint.