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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1907)
.THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 2. .1807.. V fir Topics 75! " - TO Lot Buyers.- Lota in tba ..beauti ful saw' addition to Irvlngton, lying- be-v- tween Thompson and Braze street and East 8evntl . and ' Etit Thirteenth streets, art now on sale. Thla property la, without doubt, th flneat residence property for the piioa on tha aaat aid. All lota are 10 by 100 feat In stse, ce inant sidewalks, curbing and parking la , xroni of every jot throughout th tract. kk shade tree all in And growing, atreeta - are ncing newiy macadamised and Thompson atraet la being laid with bit- - ullthlo, pavement; aewar, gas and water pipe laid throughout- th tract, and . . : any. ona buying one or more- of - these lota will bar nothing to do but atart to build, a all Improvements ara in and Included In, the pure hue price. There are building and other reatrlctlona In 1 Irving-ton, which tend to make It the .. v moat desirable location now on the mar kc Why buy In tha addition whera thr are no Improvement, and tha only ., auraty you nave or the same la a prom lset . Taka any. Union avanu car to .- Eugene atreet and. walk ona block aaat, or taka tba Irvlngton car and rid to . Fifteenth and Tillamook streets, and ; than walk on block north and ona block v west. Remember, It eosta you Juat the f Sams to build your homo on a cheap lot aa on ona of ths good lota, where all Improvement ara In and where tba re- strlotione ax such that your property , will b benefited. For prlcaa, term and , Plata, with full particular thereon, in quira of Charlaa K. Henry Son, 111 Third Street, Portland, Oregon, . ; ;( svasaaswa w aav vs 1 . esfTrada Journal Issued yeaUrday -poa-l"oss aa artlstlo roaa cover lo honor of and. to advertise tba coming roaa show and fleet. Thla month la to be not only ona of tha roaa show, but a roaa month generally speaking. Other feature of th magaslna for Jun are two artlclea devoted to th resources and advantage of Harney and Coos counties.' Thar la also an article on fruit by W. K. Newell of Foreat Orov. praaldant of tha atate board of hoaltb. . Aa out-of-door opera by th Instttut club f th People Institute, "Th Houae That Jack Built," will bo given thla month oa tha field of tha Mult nomah dub. It will be a children' fete, and th receipts will, go to charity for children, - Th atory, . which la found van In tha picture writings of . for gotten Egypt, haa been bat to muslo by Jessie L. Gaynor and haa proven a hug auooeaa In man oountries. Henry Lawrence Southwlck, dean of tha Emerson School of Oratory, Boston, will give a recital for the Woman'a club tha evening of Jun I. "Th Rival" 1 to be given by' special request Mr. Southwlck la ona of tha fore.nost ora tor and Interpreter before tha public, and thla opportunity to hear htm prom lses to attract a Urge audience. , t -:'J THERE kre a THOUSAND reasons why you should save your money ;Doyou know, of ONE why you shouldn't? ; SAVE NO Wwc wm "help 1 t SvEPA Y $OJo INTEREST Otf SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Ofegon Trust & Savings Bank a m Sixth and Washington Sta. ' '. . ' . PORTLAND, OREOON. . . - . 1 v W. H. MOORE, i . , -'-' - Preildcnt E. E. LYTLE, . . - - Vice-President W, , COOPER MORRXS, - - - Ctthler SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES - 2 PORTLAND'S BEAUTIFUL ROSES FORM DISPLAY FOR TRAVELERS ' It la a fact that the Unique Tailoring company give tba beat valu In th city for th money. W carry one of the largest stocka In the city and give you yonr choice of any pattern mad to your order for 125. No mora, no less. Come In and glva ua a trial and be convinced that our atatemant Is correct. Uniqu Tailoring Co., S0 Stark atraet - Keep up a good appearance. ' It will fcelo yo in your business, and tha beat and cheapest way 1 to Join th Unlqu Frslng club. W call for, sponge, proa and deliver back to you ona ault of your clothing 'each week, and give you eignt anoe aninea a monm xor i a 'month. Main 814 or A4S14. Unlqu Tailoring Co.. 10 Stark atreet. " DO you want to know wher you can bar a ault mad that wui mor tnan , aatlafy you in ovry detail one you will enjoy wearing from tha moment you put It on and ona that will keep Its good looks and good ahape aa long aa ; you wear It? Tha anawer la, J. C. Schaefer A Co., Merchant Tallora,. SIS Washington atraet. .Water through hose for aprlnkllng yarda or aidewalka or washing porcha or windowa mutt be paid for In advance and used onlr between tha houre or a and a. m. and I and p. nu. It must not be uaad for sprinkling streets. It need contrary to theae rulea, or . waatefully, It wlQ ba shut off. - Th rgular meeting of tha board of trade will tak plac Tueeday verg ing at th chamber of commerce. Sev eral manufacturing propositions have -been received and will coma up for consideration, among which la a proposal to establish la Portland a watch case factory. Webfoot camp No. 5,- W. 6. W., re lacted the following offlcera for - the anaulner year: Frank Motter, consul commander; Dr. berman J. Harris, ad visor lieutenant; Q.-Beynolds, eacort; R. o. Morrow, post conaul; J. Mclntyre, Inside guardian; Peter Brown, entry. Trat for literary folk 'Th Rivala" Thursday evening, Jun , W. O. W. hall. Tenth and Taylor, by Henry Law rence BoutnWlCK, oean pt x,meroo hool of Oratory, Boston, unaer au- r,fea of Woman's club. Ticket lie. on salo at Woodard Clarka and Co.'a. Bugen Hartstlen .. of Mllwauk,1 thought ao well of peruana rrpm Th window display of rooea mad yesterday by W.'A. Storey at, Woodard. Clarka A Co.'a attracted many pleaaed spectators. Mr. Storey" roaea are of tha flneat and are gathered In great armful with long tma and abundant foliage so-that they ahow Portland's roses at their bst v . Th central feature of tha display 1 th great bowlful of Fran Karl Prusoh kt, glorious creamy white and perfect in ahape; rivaling thla Is tha ahowing of Carotin Ttout. th large clear rose tinted flowers which attain auch per fection In our city. Soma of the other ar leas familiar, and many persons , hav taken' not from Mr. Storey's cholc and resolved to plant th earn varieties. Th beautiful shap of tha Liberty buds makea it a desirable variety, and th fin coloring of th Frans Deegen and th Souvenir d Pierre Notung at tract notice, because auch yellowa ar lees common and ar always much ad mired. , For thos in th white-to-plnk shadea, nothing could be finer than th Mildred grant and tha Florence Pemberton. the first named of which, although still a bud, shows a spread of at least six Inches, r DEDICATE HEW CHURCH TODAY hSSSBJBBBBnBJBSBJSJSSBBBSJBBWl ', Services to 'Be , Held at the Estacada Methodist Epis " copal Church. ' Th Xataoada Methodist' Episcopal church will b dedicated with elaborate services today. Rv. Clarnc Tru Wil son will preach th eonsecTatlon ser mon at iP:S0 a. tn. At S o'olock this afternoon, a platform servloe will be held presided over' by T. 8. McDanlel. B. Lee Paget; W. L Clemen, John F. Carroll, F. a Akin and others will make thres minut addressea T. f. McDanlel will addres th young printed matter aent him by hia brother, Leo Hartstlen of th Jones Cash tore WB HAVE THJB MOST KXCLUS TVE ASSORTMENT OF BEAU TIFUL JEWELRY. Rich in quality and' xqulslt In design, and made by th very highest class of expert. Our tock Is elected Trom th choicest stocks of th world's best manufacturera and etfery article carried by us can bi depended upon to be of tha hirtiest grade. Our many years tarestabllshed business, affords you an opportunity to buy right and protect yourself against oheap imitations. W hav non of that kind in our stock. Our Optical Is well equipped forvte.t!ng yes thoroughly.; W mloy orUy old zperlenced hands .to do this work, and) you : should not permit ' your eyea to be neglected further. Com In and hav them attended to at onoa, s , -, ThcG.11cItRcmperCo;: 86 XOXBXSOV BTBXZT. Loweat priced Jewelry houafo , , fin goods. that ha decided to soaks thla his future home, and ha Is already her wun ma family and. a carload of houeahold bo longings. "fociallam and th Noceaalty of Po litical Action" will ba th aubjact of a speech by . J. D. Stevane at S o'clock in tha Ailsky hall, corner of Third and Morrison, under th auspices of Branch No. I of tha Socialist party. Thar will be other speakers and good music The Rock Island and Frisco system Is advertising the ros show, tenlvly through th mlddl western atates. a aneclal circular Is being prepared and easterners will be urged t visit Port land to attend th fiesta. A men's meetlns will b held today at tha T. M. C A-, Fourth and Yamhill, at 1:10 n. m. The speaker will be Rev, E. Snyder of Vanoouver, Washington. Mr. Snydera them will be, "A Splendid Isolation.'.' Thr will bo special muslo. All men are Invited. , When Ice Is wanted from the Crystal lea A Btoraae Co.. Independent Coal Co City Retail Ic Co., Portland Artificial Ic Ca. Holmes Coal & Ic Co., also Columbia Ic Co., be sure and call Ice Delivery. Main 114, or ASS4S on Home. ' When le Is wanted call th Crystal Tee A ajtoras Co.. Independent Coal Co. nitr Retail Ic Co.. Portland Artificial Ic Ca, Holme Coal A Ic Co, also Columbia Ice Co. B sur and call Ice Delivery, Main SS4. or AS 24 on Horn. Th olty Is prOtctd by th articl of franchise of th Economy Oaa com pany, it glvea a bond, paya i per ceni on gross earnings, and la forfeitable to the city ir It doe not luimi it cod tracts. Tot xs. Articles of lnoornoratiorl of th Economy Gas oompany war filed In th office of th county clerk yesterday afternoon by E. E. Lytic," D. O. Tomaslni and R. W. Coison, capital stccs. $1,000,000. f Articles Of Inctfrporatlon of th Con sumers' Coal company wr filed In th office i of th bounty - clerk ytrday afternoon b J. H. Johnaon, p, U Keyt and P. Calbroath. capital atocK, 20,000. I. ,s : 0. The Democratic campaign commit tee desires the statement mad that A. H. - Vaughn was not a member of thsold detective staff to which refer eic has been mad -by them during the campaign. New swimming plunge ready t East Sid Athletic club. Open dally to pub lic Expert Instructors. Baths So cents. Private lessons 60 centa. Ladles' daya. Mondays and Fridays. Phon East 6670. Whit Flyer lln of launches will make dally trips to the Oaks and re turn. Boats leava foot or Tambiii street dally , at 1;H m.) Sunday 10 a. m. Tlcketa at dock of f lce,"10 centa This win remind you that now la the time to hav your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the earn day. Phon Main 474. Th Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger, proprietor. . ' Rev. H. 8. Q. Lake, formerly of Bos ton, will lecture today, tomorrow and Tuesday at Socialist hall, SOS Davis street, on The Existing Problems and Their Possibl Solution." ; The opposition la trying- to beat the Economy Oaa company by misstating th artlclea of its franchise. Don't bo deceived ; do Justlc to yourself. Vot YS. r'-t Hr-a - . s. i W hav th fashionable house paint ing colors for 1S07-S, Copper Brown and Coppr Vrde. Nw Era Faint As Var nish Co., ITS First street - . . ifX .' V : Economy Gas company filed a legally signed petition with 1,000 namaa of le gal voters, therefore' vot Yes, and sup port th people's wish, . Warehouse spao for rent' r goods taken n atorage. On track. Western Storage & Transfer company, SSI Haw thorn avenua, . . ,-'u--V. '-',' ': -bbpmMm'"' ' x':'"J ' ' ' '. - Steamer Jess Harklna, for Camas, Waahougal and way landing dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet dock 1p.m.'. ' Dr. William CavanaugV dentist, haa moved hia offlc tv (0S-4 Buchanan bldg. and danee, Saturday ovonlng, I o'clock. Drew hail. Second and Morrison. Fin program. Te auld Scotch songa" high land dances and humorous rooltatlons. Admission SI cent. - Wire and Iron work, flro ssoapea, ele vator onolosure. fencing. Columbia Wire k Iron works, SIS-S79 Washington. W. A. Wise, T. P. Wise, H. A. Bturde vant, dentlau. Third and Washington. Main S0SS. Painless method used, Why par morel Metsger Sts your eyes for L S4S Wash. BU oor. Tth, formerly sA XX Sixth atraet. - , Read ths advertisement ef the Com meroial Investment Co under Business Chanossi In today's paper. - ,' Xoonomy Oaa oompany Is aa Inde pendent concern, so competition, cheaper gas ana hotter service. , Rad th advertUement ef th Com mercial Investment Co., under Business Chances, in today's paper. Capitalists. Twenty-three acres for sal as a whol. Western Oregon Turst Co Xi HtarK syeu Read the advertisement of th Com mercial Investment Co., under Business Chances, in today's paper. ' Dustless Streets Portland Road Oil ing Co., 445 Sherlock building. Telo phsa Pacific ISST.- ' Strawberries aad cream free for all visitors at Tsrraos park today. Taka th "M. V." car. Allen's Kushlon Kumfort Shoes are perfectly comfortable In warm weather. 40S Mornaon. ; Vot Yes. Economy Oas oompany pays l per cent on to gross earning to th city. Davis -Stands for religion and con tributes to Its support. Mo. SI on bal lot . 1 XL . W. Moor, expert photographer. Elks building, Svnth and Stark 8ts Acm Oil Co. sella the boot aafety coal il and fin gasoline. Phono Bast 7 IS. X oppose saloons In realdcno districts. L. M. iavia, on nauob Nurseryman Pllklngton, ft Yamhill Summer drosses. Madams McCtaro Oa, Beautifying cream a See Mm. Hudson. Klser soenlc photos. Imperial aotoV Levs Muslo Bouse, 1 Fifth strt Photo mounts. Wood worth, 141 1st Oregonian Confectionery, ISt Sixth, D. Chambers, optician, III Seventh, Berger signs SS4 YajnhHl phone, . Oood SS.I0 shoos. Marks Shoo Co. ', '.- popular rn. WILL GO EAST Louise Kent of Baker Stock - Company to Play Leads , In Minneapolis. ! . Miss Louis Knt who has won great popularity during her brief engagement with th Baker stock company, has ac cepted a flattering offer from Daniel Frawley to play leads at ths Metropoli tan opera house In Minneapolis during the summsr. Miss Kent will leave for that olty at th conclusion of th Baker season, which terminate next. Saturday night "Never Again," th bill this week at tha Third-street houae, will be the last pro duction of th Baker stock company this season. I Mlas Ken t'e return to Portland next fall In the capacity of leading woman is said to be highly probable. Since the departure of Mia Lillian Lawrence Mia Kent has been taking the leading . feminine roles and has aroused unllm , ited nthualasm. Previous to that time jsh earn so closely upon th heels of th leading woman in point of popular ity that ao little managerial diplomacy ' was necessary, at times to prevent frlo- tlon. Rot. 0. T. McPherson. people at T p. m. and D. B. F. Bowl and will deliver tho closing sermon at S p. m. Rev. John Flinn and other prominent ministers will take part In tha exer cises. Tho pastor, Rev. Charles T. Mcpher son, will have charge of th entir ex arches of the day. , ' . Th church that I to be dedicated was built at a cost of about 14,000. The congregation has also, built a 11,006 paraonag. Th entire value of the church property Is estimated at S 10.000, all of which has been raised by private subscription since ths pastor. Rev. C. T. McPherson, took up his residence ther last September. NEWSPAPER WEITEES TOCROSBATS TODAY Miss Kent came to this city from At llanta, Georgia, where aba was leading woman with the moat prominent atock company of that -city. She ha alao been leading woman with atock com panies in Hartford, Connecticut at the Empire theatre In Boaton and at Rob inson's in Cincinnati. Her popularity has Increased wonder fully until all Baker patrona are her ad mirers. They have begun an Insistent and clamorous appeal to Manager Baker for ths assurance of her return to thisj city next season. Mr. Baker will prob ably announce this week those of the present Baker company who will return next fait Miss Kent by th way, I from Louis ville, Kentucky, where she began her slags career. And it Is from that olty and state that she took her stage nam. Louise' Kent is merely an abbreviated form of Louisville, Kentucky. In pri vate life jier nam 1 Miss Whipple. ALI PORTLAND WOMEN y INVITED TO ATTEND Musical With Historical Features Will Be Held at it. W. C. A. Booms Today. .4. aooount of a misunder standing ths third gam of tho "Pencil Pushers'" league be tween Th Journal and Telegram . will not occur at league grounds. Instead tha gama will be played at Twentieth and Raleigh atreeta at t:S0 a. m. today. Thla will be th most interesting gam of th series, and aa many atmol lans hav been staked on th outoome, possibly that is the reason that there is no more lection money In sight ELABORATE PROGRAM AT UNITARIAN CHURCH At th reaper services at th Unitar ian ohurch this evening: at :S0 o'olock the following muslo will be offered: Voluntary, "At Evening" (Buck); an them, "Softly Now th Light of Day" (SohlUing); anthem, "Savior, .When Night Involves th Skies" (Shelley); Berceuse. "Jooalyn" (Oodard); duet "Peace to th Sacred Dwelling" (Smith); anthem, "Out of the Deep" (Lansing); "Nuno DimittloTi "Recceslonal." Ham- merel. Where to Dine. Watson's Restaurant will fins chicken dinner today, (0 oents. Dark Tonlo for rheumatism. Beck Jeweler :joS Alder. , y STRAWBERRIES FOR VISITORS Terrace Park Invites Ton to SCako ths) Test Today Tak tho 1C T." Oas. There will be heaps of Innocent fun today at Terrace park. Tho Spanton oompany has not allowed any strawber ries to be picked in Terrace park for whole week, ao that everybody may hav a chance today to gather with his own hands all he wants to at It will be lota of fun to gather your own dessert from the fields. It's get tins: close to nature. Th Terrace park management guarantee plenty of sugar and cream, and tor th ladies carriages are in waiting to take you about the tract Take th V." car at Second and YamhllL Fourth .Ward Voters. All good citlsens that want a who will b faithful and conscientious in discharging th duties of councilman in the Interests of the whole people. mnA wrhn ham twten a nranertv owner and Itaxitaver ' for 14 Wears will vote for Twenty-fifth .anniversary, June I. Fred & King; independent candidate! for Portias Caledonian club Scotca oaeort eounotlaua, (C Death Dae to Malady, After a throb week Illness with oers- bro spinal meningitis Oscar Larson, ST year of age, died at St Vincent's sani tarium yesterday morning. Larson Is tha thirty-second person to succump to th malady since it Began eany in May. i i L. M, Davis, SS on ballot, stands for pur horn influence. ...... - ' .. -.. .--v FRED C. KING i INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE TOR COUNCILMAN - N FOURTH WARD at Was born St Portland,, Michigan, in 187. HIS parents moved to Kansas in 1S7S, wher Mr. King was raised on a farm, coming to Portland la 1888, whore he' ha sine resided. He haa bean a property owner and taxpayer for 14 year, and he will have the sup port of all good citlsens who want pester and better Portland, . f The Young Women's Christian asso ciation thia afternoon from 4:80 to will give a free mualcale of unuaual in terest, to which all women ar cor dially invited. Th following program will be rendered: Violin aolo, Qeorg Wuest; contralto solo, "Rock of Ages," Miss Eleanor Kurth; soprano solo, selected. Miss Grace Campbell; Male quartet Mlases Wilder, Richard, Hockenberry, Btruett; "Sweet Hour of Prayer," Miaa Madge Hill; violin aolo, George Wuest; bari tone aolo, George Street; "Juat aa I Am," Mis Klumpp; messo-soprano solo. Miss Metta Brown; "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." Miss Goldapp; baritone aolo, Lacey Wisdom; "Lead, Kindly Light" Mlaa Ledyard; "Abide With Me," Miss Harding; piano solo, Mrs. Lacey Wis dom; "My Faith Looks up to Thee," Miss Sarah Case, A unique feature will be the tailing of th history of each of th wall-known hymn before It is sung. Friday evening th various commit tees of th educational department and the teachers of the Y. W. C. A. were ; entertained at the home tf Mrs. Helen i Ladd Corbett when reports were given of the past year's work. In all classes the total enrollment for the rear was StS, which is considered very good. In--deed. In view of th limitation of th 1 present Y. W. C. A. quarters and of the ! means at th dlaposal of th association. Following ar th educational branches taught and ths names of thos In charge: Millinery, Miss Mabell Eggerman; shirt waists. Miss Anna Somervllle; dreasmaking, Miss Evangelln Sprague; plain sewing. Miss Msrgeret Catlln; drawing and designing, Miss Roma Mo Knight; English for foreign girl, Mrs. M. B. Hogue; elementary English,-Miss Mary Day, literature, Miss Gertrude Metcalf ; expression, Mrs. Emma Gilles pie; mandolin -and guitar. Professor Rebagllatl German, Frau Margaret Belcker. Miss Roma McKnight Is to go east soon for three months' study of arts and crafts, snd on her return expects to take charge of a- course of instruction in thla line, Including classes In making belta, card cases, book covers and other things from th students' own designs and with thlr own hand a A das In clay modeling will also probably be un dertaken. Miss Mary Day, tha asaoolate-gensral secretary of the association, is now tn the east looking Into the educational work of the large associations, such aa in Detroit where over 8,000 pupils are enrolled. It Is expected that the work of the educational department for the coming year wWl be muoh in advance of anything so far undertaken by the Port land branch of the association. ' WSSSS WBSsS FSSSS YSSSjS T T T TVWBag WSSSag '-3BSS j Dotst oi r .--Jf 7-ia-wt 1 rnijbtii 7V utriir The Keystone to Satisfactory Piano Purchasing Ths inducements offered to th piano-iteker by the Houis of Eilers, are indisputably greateit First, choice of the be ft makes in U world more than thirty, every one worthy of critical inspection second, better pianos for less money: because of our commanding position in the trade resulting from a control of the largest business in this line enjoyed by any one firrri in'America, which gives us an ad vantage in buying over all other houses; also, because of our superior hipping, handling and distributing facilities, combining the coopera tion of our twenty-six stores, which completely reach all the territory, from California to Alaska and the Rockies to the coast; third, the satisfaction of knowing that there is but one price, the same to all alike (and that always the lowest) ; fourth, the most attractive exchange feature, which enables one to purchase an instrument of moderate cost with the privilege of later buying a better one and securing the most liberal allowance for the used one; fifth, the easiest terms, arranged upon the most convenient plan, so that anyone may enjoy the luxury of a piano, playing as they pay; and finally, guarantee that assures permanent pleasure. The World's Greatest 1 Three Pianos I Weber , fi Chlekerlnfl Kimball I And SO Other Leading Hakes The Famed Welte-MIgnon Piano Ice licst Perfect Player The Pianola Orchestrelles Pipe and Parlor Organs ! Best Uales Talking Uaeblnes and Records RARE. OLD VIOLINS Visit our warerooms prove to your own conviction the superiority f th ntinm wa disolav the larger and more complete variety in' styles : have as demonstrate the merits of different Instruments- hear the wonderful Welte-Mignon imported piano reproduce tn ni.vine- nf tha world's sTsateat artiste- eniov the artistic rendition of your favorite selections en the Pianola visit our Talking Machine parlors, compare values ana pnces uciw mm wm reasons lor Balers icauci miuy wiu ivsuu mYt" - - The House of Highest Quality Biggest, Busiest and Best of All ptsjoT1ifH!3r 353 WASHINGTON STRELT, CORNER PARK Stores In Every Important City in the Pacific Northwest, of t In i PEES0NAL T. W. Thompson, general western agent of th Rook Island and Frisco systems, is expeoted to arrive in Port land tomorrow. from Ban Franolaoo. Dr. F. Cauthorn, who moved to. Pu- ebla, Mexico, last year to become sur geon for the Mexican Central railroad, haa resigned his position with that com pany and has been appointed ohlef sur geon or the vuaraena Mining smelt ing company, one of the Guggenheim propertiea at VUardena, Durang-p, Mex ico. !. . Fraternal Orders, Secret So cieties aid Lodges Are hereby Informed that we have for sale a very desirable quarter block on Yamhill atreet, suitable for lodge or so ciety purposes. Also have a corner lot on Sixth street, close in snd very desirable. For sale at right prices. Any institutions wanting close-in property should call on ua before buying elsewhere. Charles K. Henry J Bon, IIS Third street, Portland, Oregon. 1 1 .ii. ThS commencement address at Da Pauw university next month will b delivered by Congressman James E. Watson, Republican whip of the. bona of representatives and prominently mentioned ss successor to Speaker Can non. ". " ,'--S- - Jkw-'.b i It Is expected that Governor Glenn of North Carolina will be a candidate for the senate. In opposition . to Senator Overman, when th latter" Urn ex pires. , i V: ' FOR ORIGINAL ADVERTISING That Attracts, Impresses, and Builds Up Easiness, See . . . OoBUPlois oampsigasi, booklets, folders, man-order propositions, olxvula sad follew9 fttvn, tav, eto. Warren-Monroe Publicity Co. eoB-40 BXTCXAWAir BIJ0. rOXTXtaJTS, OSV HOTEL MOORE OnST ATX THS TIAB. ClAT80 BIACH, gaASXDX, OBBOOB. The Cliff Hense of Oregea. Dtreetly on the beecb. everlooklaff the eeesa. Rot salt baths and serf eathtof. BecresUon pier tor tlshlns. Sua parlors, eleetrio Wghta, flrcpUee aaS rorasee best. Ftae walk and Srtves. Sea foods specialty states, $2.50 and $3.00 per day gyiCUL BATBI BT THg TMt DAN . MOO KB. Ptos. To the School Graduate Cut this coupon out and present at our studio. It entitles you to one cab inet photograph , TMBM or wsw Browning Photo Studio 107 it FUR BTBBBT, ' HOTEL, AUDUBON BAB nUBCUCO-CVBOrZAB VtAB OBIT. BlDf U rooms or ea salts. Rlevster, steesi sat. ck-etrle Uftats Snd all swdera eeavesi oeea Strletly flnt-eUM. Oaavmliat to sbee ptD esBters. Oa lrc Use frwa ferry a4 Xbird sad Tovassad depot. , Bttae SI .. 838 BUIe et., nir Vtn V sveaae. . . CM. OANTKB. Usr. Special Sale Choice Groceries Until AIIAre Sold 1 lb. Fancy Soft Shell , Walnut ................ .SSOe Tea Oarden Raspberry Preservti. , 6-Ib. glass, eaoh... 0O Long's Assorted Preserves and Jams, 18-os. glass, each. .SO T tin Orlffln Assorted : Boups for ..........;....BM S tin Standard Tomatoes... 2 5 ) I tins Standard Corn for....S5 ; 1-lb. Un Mince Sea Clma...,16 S packages Bromangelon. . . ,25f X tin 4UOg JtapiS) aos) SrruD. pint 1 tin Log Cabin Mapl - Syrup, quart , ., tiSOo). 1 tin Log Cabin Mapl Syrup, H gallon. .... .... .050 1 tin Ocean Beach, hlgheat quality rasor clams, whols IBs) CD. C. BURNS CO. 210 THIRD ST. Phone Mala 6!S Dental Work at m Dental Collcgo Jer.on. deetrtng sntal work aad ore rjr. will rs salve pt attention at , surgery, will or the Inflrtnarv of the - -North Paolflo Collar, which Is opea to too : pubiiQ th entire " year. Hours from S A. M. to S P. M. Corner Fifteenth and Couch streets, CBlXPXOTCSt , Paolao Bs, XUXa IK .;; Siomo, AOij. , r i I l aa I