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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL POETtAND. FRIDAY EVENING. ; MAY IX XTC7. DIG ill ORDER fJiiyilflP ORE GOII Harrlman - Places Contract ; for - Hundred and Fifty Thousand -' Tons of Steel. 'v:r' BELIEVED TO BE FOR ' , ' , VALE-NATRON LINE Small, rortion Will B Used in New v' Extension Work, bat Bulk Prob ItMj Intended for. Boat Through - Eastern rart of State. , : : MAYOR 'ANti PUBLIC WILL SOON v GAZE: UPON PRETTY POLICEMEN Under command of Captains Moore and Bailey the mambtrt of the nollce department i are industriously drilling aaiiy ror the semi-annual Inspection to be held -In the Artnony next Saturday morning at u o clock. . ; r ". Mayor Harry L&ne and membera of the police committee of the executive board will Inepect the patrolmen and the eater executrve of the city la echeduled to aaareae the - policemen. Toe men have have been ordered to don their summer uniform In accordance with the uaual custom of discarding the long ooata during the summer months, -: Every member of the department with the exception of Clerk .John .Maloney, who will . be In charge of the station, and threa patrolmen, who have been de tailed to remain at headquarters for emergency caJla, have been ordered to attend the Inspection. .Oritronner ooca alons the detective have not been re quired to be present, but Chief Orlts macher wants - the - police commiaeion and the mayor to have aa opportunity of seeing all of the men of hie com. I mand. . Several of the plalnclotheamen, relying on the former custom, have not I equippea themselves with UMtorms and charges are likely to be filed against I them. : ' - : a - The mounted squad will take tip a po sition on the Couch atreet aide of the Armory and will be reviewed there. Ao-1 cording to the ordera Issued the patrol men will assemble at headquarters and I march in a, body to the drill halt After Inspection they will return to the ata-l tlon In a body ao the public will have an opportunity of elslng up the men upon whom they depend for protection. . Economical Mothers Appreciate the Sav- ings Gained by Purchasing The Immense order of 150,009 tons of ' steel rails given by the Harrlman rail road companies la believed to cover the . requirements -of the line Just surveyed ' by the Oregon Eastern from Natron to Vale. Of the total amount 10,000 tons - cease to the Oregon Jines of the Harrl man roads for renewal and new work en small extensions. - .,;.'. , - No confirmation of the reported rail purchase of the Oregon ' Eastern can be secured at the local headquartera of the Harrlman corapanlea. The Oregon Eastern la being projected' by the Ore gon Short ' Line, which has headquar ters at Salt Lake, The new construction . work In Oregon by the Southern Paciflo Is under the direction or .William hooo, chief engineer of the Southern Pacific at Sen Francisco, No oennite instruc tlons are received at Portland to indl eats Immediate beginning of work on the central Oregon project, nor resump tion of work on the Coos Bay axtenaloa from Drain. . ' . - ' Reports received from Chicago yester day over the private market wires In Portland stated that there was a de cided upward tendency In eteel atocka, due to further large orders given for RUNAWAY HUSBAND SOLD - ALL OF WIFE'S FURNITURE, X , Cruel treatment has been suffered by Mrs. Martha Olson, according to the story told by her In a suit for divorce from Lara ' Olson, filed ' In the. circuit court yesterday. ' Mrs. Olson says that February 25, while living at As toria, her husband was Indloted on the charge of destroying a fish net While out on ball, he sold all their property, including their household effects, took the money and fled from the state, for feiting hi ball bond, and becoming a fugitive from Justice, ' r 1 .7,'y.,i-' r,'v , x ... Mrs. Olson charges also that for two years ps st, Olson has-been addicted tol gross drunkenness, and that on March 1, 1908, at , West port, Oregon, Olson I while drunk, knocked her down, beat her and threatened to kill her. . They were married at Astoria. In October, i 1890, and hava four children Olaf, aged 1; Sydney, aged '14 ; Leila, aged . 14; and Goddard. aged S. Mrs. Olson wants a divorce from her fugitive husband and the custody of their children. BJHTO BE GUEST -OF UIERCIJIL CLUBi RADOING ASKS L STIFF QUESTIONS. Secretary TSL B. Raddlng of the Union ThAa naaa mrtai I srn . -nmmf ttasa ha rails by Pacific northwest lines. ; It Is I Director ," Of Republics ComSS presented -the following - questions ' thought the Harrlman ordera hava bean met by similar ordera from the Milwau kee and th North wee tern.- . Discussing th Harrlman pnrchaee of 160.009 tons of steel raila from the Tan nesse Coal. Iron ac Railroad company of 1 Birmingham, aa Iron expert sal a - "This la the most Important move ment ever made, so far aa Its world wide Influence la concerned, in attract . Ing attention to" the Iron Interests of Alabama, f ror many years ... u was claimed by northern Iron,, people that Birmingham would not be able to be come a great steel producer, but would be confined to the making or pig iron. - "When the baslo rail was first pro duced there waa some question as to whether laaio steel waa equal to Besse mer steel It I now recognised that the basic rail is the superior of the Bessemer rail, and ao rapid haa been the development of the basic steel indus try In the last few years that T per cent of all the steel ingots and castings made In the United States last year were open hearth or baslo production." DISPUTE OVER PLANS-' I CAUSES SUIT ON NOTE West to Be Present at Seattle pair Ceremonies. for the consideration . of T. Leabo and P. McDonald, leadera of I th Labor party who have charged him with. Intentional negligence la not filing the ticket with the auditor: Should th union men obey or defy the law? "If they should obey It, why should they act contrary to the advice or th At the ceremony of breaking groqnd June 1 at Seattle for the Alaska-Yukon exDoattion. President Roosevelt will be I district attorney t . " . . " KT " attorney himself and learn the lawT at wasningroB. un me way o oeaiwe tnffhr .... -.ft,..,! ma, Mr. Barrett will visit Portland and haa roittanc last night to the Labr party accepted an Invitation from President I convention, since It had been decided C W. Hodson of th Commercial club to be its guest at a . dinner on the evening of May Jf. - Mr. Barrett will speak on the subject, "Oregon's Grow ing Influence In National Affairs. Tha toaat waa assigned by President Hodaon and Mr.. Barrett s address will be in tha nature of a response. He will reach this cKy next Wednesday from to make it an odch meeting? "Why were but less than 10 of the I 120 delegate present If tha rank and fle of tha unlona were ao deeply inter ested and were opposed to tha action of I Mr. Raddlna-T "If Leabo and McDonald knew it re quired 100 electors to nominate an inde pendent ticket. If they knew, the law aa they aald they did, why did they , At the Mover . ' : " Wlwm ... -;'Boys Sturdy Wool Suits at ?1.05, ?20, .00, $3., "V- -- - vf ; 'SM A Bwebiind Bator Catcher's M!t Given Awaj With Boys' 'SWK ' rrf ;! :',v,. t ::. -Ms. -v f . v 7 i,rAy 'i.y : '.W'-.U f, .A ' I ' :.vt-.s- 7.'. -r- f-:.'' Endless Varices of ; ' ' ' - ; ; v 'v ' - O-ix " "Splendidly Made, aaLowrasV ; ' "" : r I ' ' ' : .-1' : go v ,i'v.'-,:-..x.. :?'..: -j,..-. . .... '.x,;,fc... , . 5 .,x-, JX:;r-Xr; ..."if.xy'v .:'.:xi,'--..' tpYr'w -vfViM j'-I'VV 'v' . - ' ' - - ' . .. ' Jt . ' WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S -SO ' Judge Oantenbeln, in the circuit court today. Is hearing the suit of Ernst Kro . ner, a contractor, to foreclose a lien of ' 11,422 that be alleges her holds on prop : erty - owned by Mrs. ' Ada Dltchburn. Kroner says he contracted to erect a two-story apartment-house in Haw thorn Park addition for 2B.0IO, bat that be waa prevented from completing It by Mrs. DItchburn's repeated re-1 quest for changes In the plana. He aaya he has acquired a lien on the property for th unpaid balance of the contract price, which be seeks to fore- ClOSe.-"- ;" '.1V"!1.. :y- lira Dltchburn in, turn charges that Kroner ignored the specifications In building: tha house and that he made nothing , as, it had been agreed upon. Damages are asked kr Mrs. Dltchburn. V 1 i.. . Lake Mohonk, NewTork, wher the attemDt to have the aeoreUrr perlur commercial ciuo invuauon . reacaea i himself T If ther did not know th law. him ana waraccepieo ioaay. Arrange- wny w,rt they unwilling to ascertain menu for the dinner are now belng th law by consultation with tha dlatrlot maae ana sir. tsarren s xnenas, wneiner i attorney r memoers x n ciuo or nov, wwoi- .oo ssmm INCORPORATIONS should nonry Tom Kicnarason, manager i nrnnnnrn it pii rn of the dub. . , i ncuunutu Ml OMICm MESSENGER BOY HAS : , A'lhiy'ry :r-'. t-Xj-x. r.ii;r..v.-:!. m vxs.,.:,.- ,-.xi,,:,.;..fw-,v.,.v c,. .v;,,-., .( .... , ... ,(, . ' v''- ',:x x .' ii jX-xx'rX" xrx X'u-" "X''.x,"; X",x.x-xv.'i; x-,.v:Xxx'',X""i, '.v:.' ' .K'Xx'VX.-tCi'; vr'X.'' ;'x.:' 'X-x - . ' , ' r. i " . . . ' ' . v ; ' V . ' 'CdWKB to tie- Wd5i Hi TWO STORES tlrd'&bak . Mrs, Warner, .478 .'Bast Burnslde street, reports that her son. Glen War ner; is years of age,, disappeared Tues day evening and haa ' not - been seen since. Th lad waa employe as a mes senger boy by the Western Union Tele graph company and according to the boya employed in that ' office young Warner signified his Intention of going to Seattle. Th police of tha Paget sound city have been notified to arrest the wayward youngster. - . 1 ;-- r. VT Hi Xr . fx j U : (Special tMsoatdi to Th feomsLt Ralem Or. lifav li A rtiom at In. DISAPPEARED FROM CITYlcorPort,(m ben fll fouows u& fiviHiiT juiains company. incorporators. P. I McKansle. . J. B. Houston and J. ST. Burke; main office. PortUnd; capital stock, f 50.000: object. development of mines in Oregon and in Latah county; Idaho. i ; v , Douglas County Mining company: ln- corporatora, ueorge W. Turnr,, B. M. ArmiUg and O, C Wall; main office, Portland; capital stock, 11,000,000; ob ject, development, purchas and opera tion of mlnea, -v ., ,v,vx...-., St Johns Commercial club; Incorpora tors, Peter Autxen, Oeorge 3. Perkins, C. A. Wood and P. 3. Peterson; capital stock, 1700; object, maintenance of itiuDDouse ior memoera - ' pr'Bhak River Copper Mining company; Incorporators. J. R. Smurthwalte, F. H. Atkinson and John H. Ecclea Jr.; capi tal stock, 1250,000; maln office, Baker City; object, to acquire and. sell min ing property. , .-. The Crater Lake company; incorpora tors, will a. Steel, Charles L. Parish and Lionel Webster; capital stock, izBo.oev; main orace, fortiano, . Portland Knights of Columbus Build ing association; Incorporators, Joseph Jaccobberger, James F. Flynn, William Sheehy and John F. Daly; main office, Portland: oact. to promote fraternal and benevolent principles of order and to maintain clubhouse. TEAMSTERS T7TVT TafW GhlrardelU's Cocoa. They rind It strengthens and for tifies them to withstand the trying duties of their occu pation, and exposure to all kinds of weather The Ideal preparation for the day's work Is todrlnk for breakfast ' COp Of . a. . Ghirardelli's Cocoa CONDENSED REPORT OF ThevUnited States NationsBank Submitted to th Comprollr of too Carraney ' " , AT THE CLOSE OF BUSUJESS MAT 20, UQ1. V V ' x" , ;. tl v, 4-,-; , ,.,Xy , ,, ... . ; . ja K : t 4.-i; 5 X" Vr;'.-' jaanBXSJUv';i ; ."A'. -: -Xr' Loans and discounts.... I,SI2,160.J0 U. 8. ' bond to scur circulaUon .1 y ' s00.000.00 U. S. and other bond and pretn.. ........... tOI,455. Bank building ' 12S.000.00 Cash an4 due from banks J.I70.UI.H f I t . t T.TSTXTTOBS. ; ? ' ' Capital..;.,.:.., .i..;.f 500,000.00 , Surplus and und. profits.. S6S.4S2.C5 Circulation ... .......... . 4S2.500.00 Dividends unpaid... i.y x 34.00 Deposits . T.821,492.22 s.lM7.4S t . Attest eorract: j. C. AINSWORTH. President v GRAVEL CAN STILL . BE TAKEN FROM PIT Mayor Lane saya the city cannot pre-1 vent Contractors Oleblsch & Joplln from I taking gravel from the pits In Vernon under the ordlnanoe recently passed by the council, . on th ground that., the contract for improving streets in that neighborhood waa awarded previous to the aot of tha council. , I Th city cannot in any way interfere! with th execution of the contract after It haa been awarded. Hereafter, how ever, no contractor will be allowed to take gravel from pita in this precinct The mayor suggests " that, should the police endeavor to enforce the ordlnanc in this instance, tha city would be lia ble to damage suite. This Statement is founded on an opinion rendered by City SENSATIONS PROMISED IN HOWARD GOULD CASE (Joorsal Bpeclal Brrk.t ' ' - New York. May 24. Captain Mc Laughlin, former head of the detective bureau, declared that when hia defense is made on the charge of using th bu reau to further th alma of Howard Gould In attempted blackening of his wife's character, it will result In mora startling developments. Delancey Nlcoll, Oould's attorney, is reported to hav aid that fwhen Gould's side Of the eaaa is presenter it wui resuli in mora san. satlona than fcia wife's separation suit. Thft,caaa arouaea great interest Metsger nta your eyes for II. 242 Washington street, corner Seventh, rormeriy ax J.1V.BUU1 sireci. , Preferred Stpok Caused Oeodai, '-. : Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. ...... .!. ..... - ; . ,.. ..... : . " ... ; , . x :-i : ' 1 S ( K Again we want to make dear that It is hot profits t that we are looking for in this sale. .We want to Id put out a few thousand suits as walking advertise- ments of the store's good clothes, and while our x . $1.00 Trade-Building Sale Prices of $9.85, $12.50 and : $15.00 are not large they are enough to get a good suit, and we take just as much pains to fit a man up : with a satisfactory fitting suit as if he paid. $25.00 or $30.00. Saturday will be a busy day for this store and at least one hundred men will be the sessors of good suits for a little money. Will be among this number?' r , v 1 - WTO . X v. . . - ' , ' . . j .-- " - : " ' - . v i v -T . ; v ': KHMo-aan OoMers Third and Slarli Streets