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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1907)
AIIOTHEEV-PAGIv OIT.''B J.bUItlT - j A1 Little Ad b THE JOURNAL Journal Circulation Crises Results. Costs Only One Cent a Word. Yesterday Was r The ' Weather Sunday fair and warmer;- northwest winds.' - PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, ' MAJ 25, 1907. TWO : SECTIONS -18 PAGES. ; VOL. - VL NO. 63. . vu v " ' siiasa. rivi c&nia 00 ROODS FOR : GOODLERS Calhoun zfnd Others ive Bail on Indict mentsReturried.More Are Expected 4 Jr News of Grand Jury Leaks Out to Railroads Officials Knew Seyeral Day Ago That Indict ments Had Been Voted Each Name Separately Voted Upon. (Jovraal Special Service.) '; ' Barf Francisco. Mar 25. Messrs. Cal houn, Ford.- AbbotCMuIlally, BCbmlts, . Glass and Halsey appeared la court this ' morning and care a bond on all the - Indictments returned . last night. The arrremte bond. Is 2750,000. Ruef did not aDoearea he la In custody, - ; It la exVSited that additional -Indlct-: menta will be returned thte afternoon ' against Aba Ruef, - Major Schmjts and . ' several others, '' " Before the grand Jury bad completed Its work last night, two of the mem ' bera I left .the meeting room Charlea Sonntag and Herman m.. xoung aia noi take art In the last formalities which ' preceded ! tha bring ins In of the In dictments against tne omcuua or us United Railroads. ' ' - SonnUCa departure from tha crunch chamber waa accompanied by a dramat ic Incident? While It la asserted that he : did not leave ; In bad. temper, v ha seemed somewhat excited. - After Swintair ad laft-th- IwlMlng. , lieney appeared at tha Jurr room and called for.Hesa; one of Burn's guards. ReceJTlng no- answer, he ' ran j down ' stairs, and finding Heaa, asked Aim to go after Sonntag. Heney then returned to the iury room. Hess returned later ; without having found 8onntgr who had gone to-san Jose. It has been discovered that united Railroads haa been, furnished with in formation of the proceedings of tha grand Jury in progress of the investlga-tlor-of the trolley bribery and that of- ' flctala of the company knew .-.-of 'the ' voting "be Indlctmenta against them aev- ' era! days ago. - They were also lnfonn- . ed at an early hour yesterday after, noon that Indlctmenta would be fUed - before Judge Coffey at Vclock.- r The fact that the indictments againn Calhoun, Mullally. Teiry I Ford and Abbott were combined In one, bill led to al. i.u .v. uuirt that th : mm ciruuiiftiiuu v& w. ifvi. - --- ; grand Jurymen would hae refused to ' bring one of these indlctmenta If It had mlA-rA unaratelv. . The fact la that each name was separately voted on and that tha district attorney a onwe afterward saw nt to comwne mem n one'bilL ,. , .i Km nsatlona Coming. ' - It Is said that otherindletmenta of a sensational nature are yet to be voted v against men In high placea. - - ; One of the agenclea which tha United i Rallroada. will employ to wipe out the " carmen's . union may 'be the, enforce mpnt of the provisions of the i Cart wight anti-trust law, passed at the last session of the- legislature. joi u ure designed to crush monopolies is pos. i' IVjii to be made a weapon In tha hands ""of tin corporations. It la claimed that lf the Cartwright law withstanda the tests of the oourts it wIU deprive or ganised labor of lta strongest arm, the boycott. Officials of tha United Railroads free- ty admit, that:, Morita Rosenthal the HOi'MRD GOULD; MID VIFE V Oil BRIDGE OF HI AGAR A i . ' . .. i I . ":: , . ? :..; 's . . . . a : :. :t . , -. i. r , , i ' . ' ,. :. f :.!f . " ' , ? ... ' ".stlaeJ . ( - ".4- w ? Cms lasaw - QRCHARD-S iWKHOWfj .V.,' at iMtiMs iim a n nt nrisria n r tr n fCH JnUUINy 1ULLHlO. KCtVlKi TUK . c i mmsMAcmAGGARXAim - . .v.-' (. v, t t . . Defense Secures Copy and Is Now in Posi tion to Contradict Assassin's Story New Venire Needed to Complete Jury Only a Few. Challenge Left Each Side Attorney Haywood Jubilant Dreary Progress of the Case. ... i ; ' f : I . .......... . . i- 1 IV1RS n'KiniFY 1 . iiiiiwi hi iiiiiaiii . s SEEK GIRL WHO LEFT HOME WHEN El! DAD SPANKED H (SoMlal DtoMtrh to VHm JtMmatl Boise. . Idaho. Mar 15. Harry Orch ard's complete confession Is at last in the possession of the defense la the Haywood murder trial. ' This ia the worst wow yet susuined by the state parents Reduce Themselves to ana lot interests woo wci in. promir i Poverty Searching for Daugh SNAPSHOT TAKEN ON 'GOULD'S PRIVATffl TACHT -THB LAST: TIMB a , t THE BOAT CAME INTO PORT. , DSEUSHS III GOULO CASE Millionaire's Wife ; Declares Mali Was Tampered ,WrtH ahef Pdst office Department Probably Win Take Hand. , r SEEKS DIVORCE HTiiCIIIS! tlon.. The state planned to keep the de fense In absolute ignorance . of . what Orchard would say In order that they would be unable to produce witnesses who would contradict, his statements. How thev leak occurred is unknown, but tha jubilant attitude of Richardson and D arrow indicate that they believe they at. last nave penetrated the state's ar mor and are now in a poamon to pro tect their clients intelligently That the defense, outwitted the prose cution in seeing tha Mmfsssion is openly alleged to be the reason of tha frequent clashes between Hawley and Darrow. Attorneys for tha defense were Jubilant when court reconvened - this ter Who Ran Away Two Years Ago Marriage License In Journal Leads to Search Here, Continued on Page Two.) IS MEM mm i UATICS ; Long Association With Maniacs Makes Hospital Engineer Lose His Reason Becomes Violent and Is Sent to Cell. " llnnrw,mt Hiwbl &!.) : Jan Bernardino, Cal, May 25. Long association . with maniacs has de throned the reason of James HaskeU. chief engineer of the southern California : state hospital at .ration. , w one per forming his duties he suddenly became . violent and several of the strongest at tendant were required to assist before he could be restrained. . He was brought vto court and committed to the Institu tion of whlclr he has beeaanmcuU for 10 years. ":f",w--;.ii.;i-:7 Just before being lasen mio coun. Haskell recovered his mental equili brium in" a measure and pleaded paMiet l; ically to be saved the ordeal of oom- mitment As the- medical board had .',. statedV: emphatically that. , though he might ahow improvemeni, w 'j ; temporary, hia dementia being of the i worst type and as he, was dangerous, the court could' not do otherwise than order , him committed. Soon after his retiurn to - the asylum he . lapsed - Into r yjolenca. ': " ... . ; ' '. ! : . (Jonrsal ' Special service.) "T i - New Tork, May 28. Dlsolosurea of a sensational ; nature are . said to s have been made to Police - Commissioner Bingham by Mrs. Howard Gould,. which will assure tha .continuance' of the in vestigation 4 of tne activity of the police department In the family troubles- of the Goulds. : It . la rumored' that Mrs. Gould's mall was tampered , with ani there Is a possibility of the postoffiee department taking up the -matter.- Another report In connection with the Gould ase Is to the effect that Abe Hummel wrote to Mrs. Gould, , while she was being ' shadowed, and offered his service In ' having the ': detectives called off. There Is also a story that former Inspector Byrnes bad detectives on her trail to Establish the fact that she had married George Dawson . and had a husband living when she married Gould.-' - - ' -(",. The report that money waa paid the detectives for taking up the Gould case may be Investigated by the district at torney 's v of floe. The fact -that tha de-, tectlvea received extra pay for their activity In the case will not eonform with Mr. Nlcoll'a statement He said the police took a, hand In the matter because It -had been reported to thera that a : crime had been committed . by Mrs. Gould having married a second time when she had a husband living, and that the Whole matter waa dropped when this was found to be groundless. THEODORE TILT0N DIES; AT HOME IN PARIS jrans, May xneoaore xuton aiea here this afternoon.' THREE ARE KILLED BY : , A CYCLONE IN . TEXAS Two years' fruitless search i for daughter who became piqued-and ran away from home because of a spanking ha been transferred to Portland by tha announcement or a marriage license In The Journal. According to tha story mornina-1 told by a friend of the family who la over tha two decided victories scored Mn Portland, the girl's parenta are John IUnmn : lAVin D.m RrM n I nmr, ru w the court for blaa. 1 Oregon. Tha girl had disobeyed her : , - .' v.. ... . - J and tuonarason im-vuivt-- -wnva, oy in- i . .v, tmu AuUSt SoieS bf a PrOXV Mar-1 voking President Rooseveira tnndesir I wf?1 rrom noma In anger. nujui w(ib w; a ivj I t.M t.a .iimini fmm I They were well-to-do when their the ho Talesman Leeter. who although I daughter left them, but, have slnoe Maniartn khaoiut nraiudloe aralnst the spent money freely advertising all over Husband Unaware Of ReCOrd. Miners' Federation, seemed determined the United tatea for some trace of 1. soon ' as court reconvened today. I mortgaged and the parents reduced i- the defense began an examination of I most to poverty to pay tha cost of the Flnley McBean. Darrow ays it will be long search for the girt . , Impossible to complete the Jury from Recently, they saw a Portland paper the present venire. , and adjournment I ana in tne reoora or marriage licenses cannot be avoided. , . (they found the name of , Liiule Robison J. H Tourtellotte, an architect was I their . daughter's name. The age. accepted, but tha state peremptorily I given as 18 years, corresponded to the challenged George Mclntyrev McBean age ot their daughter. The man to riage Accused of Cruelty- r (Jonmal Special Serrke.) Chicago. May 25 Rose N... Malato, who. as Miss Nina Van Zandt, figured tha bride" In a proxy - marriage with August Spies,? the anarchist. Just before the law strangled him for the Haymarket riots here, baa been aued for I QUgJined iubjsct to peremptory chal-whom Llxsle RobUon 4 was married U atvorce or nw i lenge. . The derenso cnaiiengea . jonn i joaepn ju. oimpson. wno was tnen living Malato, who charges cruelty, desertion, I whltlock. The defense had three and! at the Oak hotel. The ceremony was the prosecution two peremptory cnai- penormea on Apru . -.. - lenges left and but 18 . veniremen re- j Being unable themselves to make the malned of the special panel wnen re-1 long journey , rrom tneir eastern Oregon cess was umen. , o rvruuia, oia coupie en trusted to a friend the errand of visit- TDIAI A nBFARY FA RfiF ing Mra. Simpson to learn whether aha iiirias a w saw s -sss n i mm Infidelity and degeneracy. He strongly intimates that .Spies waa. fortunate mat ha was hanged before he got her. Malato waa formerly mem Der or tne IUlnola legislature. Among the charges filed by Malato are. that hla wife kept five doga In the house and insisted upon having one of them Bleep witn ner. Ha also accused her- of intrigues and Intimacy with members of an anarchist band to which Spies oeiongea. Fannon Lie Out of Set-ring Postpone Case. V Malato elaime that ha never heard of j (By Huch O'Neill, Special Commissioner atw Wh?r-Ltn71,.ha1 eon' 11 -" not was their lost daughter. Inquiry at tha Oak hotel led oniv tn aou anotner aisappointment, for - the In- qulrer was told that Simpson and his onae naa moved away and no ohe the "proxy marriage" ; unUl ' after ne f0P DenTr Post and Oreron Journal.) "own wnetnertn couple are in the married the woman ana tne anaxcmeis i 1. Mav IS We take it all I Hs uy are-xouna, h.nn maklnar his home their headquar- I v. w .M(n o.- t)imK tnv. it John Robison and his wife will live In ters. He ia an Italian and did not un- hk .Bd t ..k. wv .nfl the court n hoR tna' Simpson is their dcrsUnd Engiisa wen at tne time. uithat waa stern haa melted and the man waa attracted to tne gin oy ner peauvy. wno n knows anything about this i' ..". lease, or prophesies anything or even prDIUll AMADPUICTC " - .' believes anything is foredamned and I fnMvw Whn flAfiatn Ronih tain me PLOT TO KILL KAISER Tuesday that the Jury would be mnnA nil Mnnilajr ha was tellins the fjoeraai speeiai rjerr. truth as he saw It . The state was INVESTIGATE ATTACK ON BAY CITY JAPANESE - . t .,A Janraal RmpJ.I BkwiM t Washington, May 26. Upon the ren- rasaniaiions oi Amoassador Aokl the president haa directed the department London, May 18. Berlin reports say pead to --o--,. ... kind of a reasonable tv. a unni Ttussian students I . , -. . . .hnwiui th association had a I' . . u. (of justice to thoroughly Investigate the Well-laid Kussian-uermao -jimwun. p.v i for the atata I r " tuiuiwv moo to YssMsinate the kaiser. Thlrty-flv. per- wt formal question, e",""? r"urant' 7he" sons, including three women, were ar- venireman? was sound of mind iJ"" !?j?l"h..f?d the pro" rested and Z6 reieasea upon : Vrvmg and Umh . reMonah!- intelligent and 4n.fl -nli-A,! fat . .. tk. A.fanilanta r - fair trial the defense passed him. The KIIROKI SAYR AIITf.5 ARP - ji . t . i - ,a ,..,f m Ka I ""'w'" w 9 m -mm saw WW ni mmm UVUIi SQ1U0U UOVOI UltllVIA v, M WO I . , HSMBjiBiiiBfa mnmm a a - - ... . dc 1 1 cn I nA(l HUKwtS their Innocence, six being expelled from the country. ST0LYPIN CALLS FOR -AID IN ENDING. RIOTS (Continued on Page Two.) ' " (Journal Special Service.) fit." Petersburg. May 85. Premier Sto. . Fort .Worth, ,, Tails. May 21 A de- hypln has summoned tha provincial gov- structlve, cyclone is reported near here, ernors here to confer on the peasant Three persona are reported to be dead. I outbreaks and make plane to subdue Particulars ar lacking. - - I them. -. Portland Japanese Will .-Not Be Allowed4 to Take Out Naturahzation Papers Until -Authorities Determine Their Color, ' Portland Japanese, who desire to be come cltirena " of the " United ' States, must ralt - until the I government au thorittea i in Washington . have - decided upon the color of their skin, before they will be permitted to take out their nat uralisation- papers, v f- ---'.::-.'.-..? County Clerk Fields ia . In a dilemma aa to- whether Japanese are white ,or otherwise, n Declaration's of i Intention to bocome citlsens of the' United. Btatea are filed la his pfflce, and he is undeci ded whfitller to allow Japanese to make such declarations, r His difficulty has been Increased by the fact that In other parta of the country, .Japanese have beei allowed -: to declare) formally that they Intend to become cltiiena, while at other places this privilege Is denied,, : Shotld Japanese be, allowed to take the preliminary step' to become natur alized cltlsens here, , they could vote In this state a year from that date. One of tha provisions of the Oregon law, says Mr. Fields, Is that an "alien who has declared hla Intention of becoming a cltlien may vote after a year. The Japanese would thus be allowed - the right of franchise were they allowed to make declaration. . ' Admission of foreigners to cltisenshlp (Continued on Paga.ZWo' Alitor Loire X tale, of real life by Laura Jean Llbby. The wiles of the eiroua press agent by Tody Hamilton. What French priests are forced to do (for a living-. , A princess of royal blood who works. China doe not want the missionary, but' needs him. Where women 'woo the . j Gods of Chance. ' ' ' - Father Vaughan, society's sternest censor. A bug with an . appetite that costs millions. A , Portland' school for grown-ups See The Sunday Journal Well. well, well;-If her dear little name, wasn't Maud. ' . Alas, poor Bunk, he got it bard. Happy went, but he Came back. . Ah, . such Is life. -1 Stories for women men and chil dren. , , Fashion plates, cooking recipes, fairy stories. " . -Something for everyone ' r ' " ' In the Fascinating Sunday Journal . r - jferoi Soeelal Seirrlee.) - Boston, Mass., May 25. General' Ka- rokl was entertained here today. . He declares motor- vehicles are preferable r: f. MRS. TAGGART HER CHILDREN AND MAJOR TAGOART. . FAIR DIVORCEE HAS DISAPPEARED Relative Has Searched Country for Mrs. Taggart and Children "for Fifteen Months in Vain- Unable to Find Trace of Them i (Joornal Special Serrlee.) ' Omaha, Neb.. May 25. William Tag gart of Oroville, Ohio, la in Omaha on long tour of tha country In search of Grace Taggart, tha divorced wife of Cap tain Taggart, who Tigered in the' famous divorce case tried at Wooster in 'August, 1906. Mrs. Taggart left Wooster short ly after the divorce case with her two boys,' 'Tiddler' 'and "Buster," 10 and 18 yeara Of age respectively. , 7 r have 210,000 to offer for Informa tion that - will 'enable me -to - locate Grace." said William Taggart. "I have IS EXPECTED TO DIE ANY UIIIUTE Her Condition Less Favorable Takes Nourishment With In creased Difficulty, but Is Not - In Pain Her : Heart Fails to Respond to Stimulants. ! ' (Jonraal Special Strrlce.) '.Canton, O., May 26. Mrs. McKlnley'a heart la weaker this morning. Its ac tion . la Irregular and the change fore casts tha end. Near relatives were told tnat ahe might live through Sunday. Dra. Portmann, Eymann and Rixey will consult this morning and will issue statements as to her condition. . Tbo tUee physicUnr. In a statement at noon, aaid her condition was less fa Torable. She takes nourishment with Increased difficulty, but Is not In pain. Her Improvement la hardly expected. At 1 o clock Mrs. McKlnley is sink lng rapidly and may die , any minute. Her heart falls to respond to stimulants and Dr. 5 Rixey and the relatives . are) awaitl: V the end. EXCHANGE CREMATES TELEPHONE OPERATOR - (Joamal Special Serrlee. . Burnslde, Ky., -May 2&. Telephone Operator Bessie Tombs waa cremated In the exchange here, which burned this morning."1- -! EEADS VORLD III DAI S Portland Shows a Phenomenal Cain ; of Sixty-Five Per Cenl Over the Corresponding Week a Year Ago. - , J- ..r.-. mrZ PurP08e- been traveling over, the country for 15 I8 " J-i rV"- Frn months In search of tha woman and her vsi w vuivagu aiiu f.U9 irr I . m i ..n , j, , j ,LJ , i,,,iL , j ltmm clflo coast, sailing for Japan June 10. - 1 :v (Continued on Page-Two.) BAG 10 Solomon Miller, Accused ".of Stealing Money, Watch and Chain From Young Vj(6man Loses Fight Against Extradition;:; Governor Chamberlain this morning, after - hearing the arguments -for - the defense in the Solomon ' Miller cuse. granted the extradition papers asked for and the defendant will be. taken back to New Tork city to answer to the charge of grand . larceny.' -" ' , For a time this morning 11 waa thought that Miller, who since his arrest here has been out on ball, had escaped from the cltv. Last night he visited the home of Sam Leibovlts. 4)2 Third street. with whose daughter, Elisabeth, he has been keeping company, and at 10 O'clock Miller and tha girl disappeared. ' . Mbovltch rushed Into police head- quarters this "morning and reported that Miller and -his daughter had eloped, but a short time afterwards the young cou ple appeared at' the station and Miller was taken to -Governor Chamberlain's office. where the- extradition hearing took place. - ' . : ' ' - Miller wUl be taken back te New Tork City In - company with - lieutenant Stransky and Detective , Stanford, who came to .Portland, a few days ago with the necessary- papers. He la charged with . having- stolen (00 and a ' gold watch and chain from Roue Llebilch, a young woman in New Tork City, - to whom he is said to have been engaged at tha- tlma at" ih ' theft. Again . Portland haa distanced all the) large cities In the world for percentage of gain In. bank clearings for the week just '' closed..' Tha : -Portland . clearinsl . house made a- record of 27,717,000, -aa Increase of business 65 -per cent over that of the same week" last -year. Ofi the coast cities r Spokane ' came next with' a gain of 42 per cent, Tacomas with' 22 per cent, Los Angeles 21 peg cent and Seattle 20 per cent.. i Portland's phenomenal record of banal. clearings - and . building operations, everj; week-sines March- 1 has-attracted nation-wide attention, and' is gaining fofl this' city an enviable reputation- amonsj , investors- east and south. If . the ad vantage can now bt, followed s up with an era of hard-surfaced street - paving. . and some monster contracts let thai will let tha world know Portland ia im proving its miserably neglected streets the results will be tea-fold in satisfac tion to-residents and in practical adver tising benefits outside. There is talk of Important addition to - the Portland banking - fraternity. The Bank of Paris will probably estab lish a banking house In this city. Two other new banks are- considering propo sitions for opening business here. Tha Security Savings bank la out with a new statement showing its con dition to date, lta growth has been on of the marvels of Paolflo coast bank ing. Today It haa -total-resources of 21.242.111. Its deposits In 1897. 21.13,. 000. have grown. ta I5.464.76S. It haa undivided profits and aurplue of I27T. 755. - With completion of the Corhett offlos building at Morrison and Hftr streets the Security will be located In elegant quarters on the corner. The Portland Trust Company of Ore gon has Just held Its twenty-ftrftt an nual meeting, taken account of t year" a business and reelected all Its I officers. They are: I'renlflent, r..- -mln L Cohen; vlce-prfialdnnf, II. I,, l -tock; second vlce-prenlileit. a. Nichols; secretary, B. ' l I'up-'t; r slstant secretary. J. O. Cn!tr; assistant secretary, W. J. CI: r Karl A. Miller; g::nerl r-; 1 Granam jJukenart; rf.ii I.E. Carter; supT(i ril' partment, W. i. TurW r; f women's departmet.t. , houaa. 1 ,i -t r