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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAE, PORTLAND", - FRIDAY EVEOTITO, MAY 21, 1C37. - Cm FOU SALE REAL ESTATE. B-BOOM cottage, furnlhd. 11,800. SOS Fourth . Tel. Pacific or Mala JUVfl. Mw 8-mora house, eloae to ctr and school will nU Tory cheap. Re tbe owner, 878 Kt Ulfll,. fboM Kant .- fOB BALK Sacrifice by owner: modern 1 l-room noma, built 4 years, cement wllki and base ment, gas, slectrlc and modern furnace; plenty fruit; Mat stable, kit 100x146; good ear and neighborhood: may . pa' meat, 'bona Eaat 4807. . BEE ELBERT A property befora yes, 007; terms. ' Miller. BOtb ana Wfint at. TEH, we are selling lota, 10 eaab, SO mooUi, right at Tremont atatlon, ML Scott Una; ses --, : mem loaay; oince at iTerooni or so.0 uun ' l nar or Commerce, runs VA -v . 1 v .;i atUST all before June 1, new 6-room bona In Tarwni only f 1.7M. 1111 E. ' 10th at. '".-', - '' : 8S.600 BT OWNER. ' v Raw, modern bouaa; ftrst-clsas location, lot 40x128 (eat; fine lawn, and roawa.. To2 ' E. Salmon at. near 23d; tarma if desired. ' " LOOK flrjREI ' A finely farnlahed rooming hone hi epfcra did location: 2 room. Price right Call .oa : . ea a j i w n bat, aAnuAnvi . . "'-'i 'A"1 843 Waeblngton at. -"WB BATI a buyer for tome income property ap uu moat uw rewaonaoie; Jor caaa. - STRANOB A HA BLAND. t.t- Vi , S43Vft Washington at. ' A GIFT S Iota and bouaa, 86O0,t Mill-, 80th . ana wyganc at. -.,. .. BOB SALE By owner, a 6-room ho-, Mar runs; price aaau. rnona moor ssj. ; BHArnrt'L large new anode rn B room cottar, H block ef Hawthorne are.. 11,000 eaab; bar' ' anea terma; owaar, bio Kaat Hit at. If. . HOUSE, solicitors and aaleanra'l bead' . tu art era I aaaterm nanufaeturlug flraaa repr. arnted; real eaUta onlck atlea aefotlatad: pe uuena circulated, no BUta at, aiaia ins. FOR SALE FARSlS. ! ACBBAOB. v ' t900 M aeraa nimnraead , laaA.' .' ajaar anlicprorad . iviTfnm. it 11,260 20 arfa near Berrtoa' T ae clear, balaaea la mountain ewale land, koauw nd barn, good orchard, email fruit. . 12.200 d acre. 1 mile from etattou. part if iBiprarvn, anau noma ana Darn. $2.200 21 U aeraa weU lmproTad land, 14 Billea from Fortland, 1 nllee from B. B, atatlon, on rural route; IS nerat ader cultl. Taiioa. oaianco in woodland, goof a-reran . kooae, . telephone, barn tod other ant-tmlM. Inca, aMndanca of fruit of all klnda, win aall atoek and- all farm lmplementa cheap. m ana uuio coaan7 noma aaa a nargaia, B. L. CATB. ,. ,, ton ALC 178 aerea of fine tend, with good Ira pro ameata, wltblalVi mlleo 'of good arhool; thla placo la adapted to tho raleing of atork or dairying 1 fine oat range; maat go aoon; bargain; teraia. Addraaa 0. W. Tail, Carlton, Oregoa). . ,. ,- BUT pour farm Bear Portland; rich aolli prleea adrandpg: aend for my big deoertptWa llat or call. 0. W. Olxon, Canby, Or. - . 't IARU, T40 aeroa, S mllea from Eugene, wall tanproTod, moatly bottom land, $23.00 nar acre, low tnteroet, eaay terma. For particu lar! call ISO Page at. Phono Baat 6M Port land, or addraaa John Ingham, Eugene, Ore. BOMBSBBKBRB. TAKfl KOTICB. SO gcraa, 8S under cnltlratlon; S-room kouar. bara 60x00; bars 80x34: water piped Into large bara and heueei 41 head cattle, 16 ef whtrta are milch cowa; wagon, mower, rake, hay-fork and carrier, plowa, ateel har row, cultivator, garden aeeder, milk ara arater, patent churn, feed . carter, etckle grlnder. SO fowla, stereo and other honaa Kold goode; price $8,600; mllea Kcleo, Wah. Call on t. B. Hnntlag ten; other farma. ' . :! w. 160 ACRES. 100 acres under cultivation; good houe; new barn; t running streams; soma rd timber: suitable to plat la email tracts; mils eaat of Concord atatloa oa Oregon City cirltne; $100 per tj tarma. Barlow A bowling, MUwaoils. Or. IDEAL ORCBARD BITS. 160 acre, beautiful sailer, 8 (atlas from Portland Joining public school, ' IS acres clesred, 28 aires alashed, balance heavily timbered; estimated 12.000 'cords Rich eon. running stream, fruit cannot be Inlnred by frosts oa this property. .Price $TB per acre; will take good dry reldenco In exchange, not to exceed $5,000, Thm ta aa exceptionally good orchara peet Address N 80S, cars JouraaL 6T-A0RB farm and Job worth $4 a day; OS acre cultivated, balaac paatore; every acre . caa be onltl rated; one mils rrom small town; , good plank road; houaav bara, soma farming implements;. $75 aa acre. 0, W. Bndaon: phone srsnlngs Woodlawn 640, or call 60S r. commercial aiag. ' h - $3.600 00 ACRES, 40 acres la fins state af cultivation; 10 aorta la timber suttabls for cord wood; fin soli; placs sll fenced; 60 ap- pis trees; - new o-room aouaa; gooa large . bara and other outbuilding; wall at kitchen door; placs all level and no gravel ; - U mile from school; 1H mile from rallroaS sta ' tlon, oa good coonty road; tarma. North western Realty Co.. 811 Commercial blk : Portland, or 404 Waahlngtoa at, Tanoouror, Waan. : " -- . 1 ."" -' " . . "' . ' ' nor .bouses.-" . "'. 4 large new hot houaes and 10 acre of Tine garden ana rruit tanaj u too lana m cleared Snd in fine atate of cultivation; acres In bearing strawberrlea; 400 currant bnabea; 200 grans vines, etc; the hot houaes are new, ana moaern in every reepeci; nave fine new gaaollne engine and a windmill to fnrniab water for irrigating purposes; thla place is situated 6 mllea from Vancouver and 12 miles from Portland on a fins level graded mad; achool house acroas th road from placej 1 mile to 3 chnrche. 2 atores, 8 hall", blarkamlth shoo, noatnf flee. etc. 1 B. ... F. D, mall and telephone! fine new 6-room house, new barn and all necessary outbuilding; In- dude cows, hone, harneaa,- wagon, buggy and all farming Implements; thla place la a money-maker; will pay at Icat 23 per cost aet oa pnrchrae price or sm.oihi. sea - THOMPSON A SWAN, Cttlaena Bank bldg., Vancouver, Waah. TIMBER. 1 XIUIIBB LAni'O, trssTo th Owoera of Timber Xandat We want ' tlihber land in large and amall tracts, slngl claims, la Oregon, Washington and Idaho; It must bo direct from the owners; are don't want aay option until wa see what yoa have to offer st your lowcat net caah priest send us your deeorlptions, kind of timber and Four osTimars ir you nnvo n. v Write as and find out what wa can do for you. We are m the market at all times .or any deal that I right. ' ' ' OR EGG BROS- 81T-1S rsnfte bldg., 84 Sixth at, Portlaad. . LOOKING FOR TIMBER t ; Wa offer yoa every advantage through our system of expert examination wnicn epanies . - yea to aetermlB . tli ..suitability ot a tract ' without spending time or money. If our general report Indicates that ws bsva what yoa want our estimates by two and a half acres srs eeati venneq. TBT "THB LACET WA. " t JAMES D, LACET- A 00.. 828 Chamber of Commerce, Portland ' 607 Lumhsi Exchange, Seattle. LEWIS RIVER, neat Colnmbla, 20,000,000 feet beat red fir timber, $1. AS par tbonaand atump. age. Sawmill 80,000 capacity 1 . 8Vt-mlls flume; 6 bead horses; 1 logging outfit; buy tho timber; no charge for balance, Ooata only 8 cents saib to put ties within ship's tackle. C. C. Shay, 806 Ablngtoa bldg. . TO OWNERS of timber claims and timber Ws will buy for caah any good timber trib utary to the pienaiem river, wiu oeai wun owoara onlr: writ, el vine full oartlcuiara. Neba!' Investment Co., 823 Chamber of KSs building. Portlsnd. Or. . CERTIFIED scrip, aay also, lowaat pries. u. uowsu. his usmnsx or uomoier. . SAWMILL COLUMBIA BITER. 10,000,000 to IS. 000.000 feet yellow fir tim ber; good mill, 3 miles flume; deep water aorgage; a nonaey engine; run togging out fit; all goet et atnmpage pries fir timber, 0. & Shay, SOS 'Ablngtoa bldg. - 'FOR informatioa how to obtain valuable ttm ' bar lands for a mera trifle, lnoulr Monlton ; i A ScobeF, ault 0) Columbia bldg. FOR SALE Half Intereat ta ftn Al logging showr $80,000) $31,000 caah. Addraaa X 80o . ears Journal. 80,000.000 FEET yellow fir timber near Co lumbia river. 0. 0. Shay. 800 Ablngtoa Bldg. SAWMIIX SITE. " 1 10.000,000 feet fine red fir timber near O. W. P. electric line; plank road right to Eperty; only $1 per thousand. More tim caa be pttrchassa. : 0. C Shs, BOB As MB bldg. . , nORSES, VEIIICXES, HARNESS. BORSEB and hnvrlea fnr Mat b day. .; and moathi ape. lal rataa to boMneee hoaaea. nixia ano Hawtnorna. saai is. BBHT work and light ha men, prtcee loweati wo take your old hnrneae In eichanre for ' hew.- Keller Harneaa Co.. North Sixth at. FOR SALB Panel-top delivery wagon, good aa new. 420 Belmont at. I SPAN of good draft heroes, v weight about 8,000 pounda. . S4a Front at. - y. ; TEAM of boraea, weight 1200, t wagona. new aet of harneaa,. excepting one collar) nearly new hand acraper and lead bara, i log chains. : $27S complete. S4 Kaat .20th at, corner : Oolng. . ... ? .. . . ' SPAN of draft boraea, weight 8.000. Baat Hevantb it. K., Woodlawn. i hooe Wbodlawa BARTER AND EXCHANGE. OLD bnoka bought aad aold at IBS Fifth at, and 211 Becood at. HyUnd Bros. - DEH1BABLB city property la Astoria; will oj change for Portland property. W. J. Cook, 501 Lomber Exchange bldg Portland. - . TO BXCHANQB for houao and lot. or will sell for caeh the beat bakery propoaition la ror. land, all cash, counter trade; long leaeo end low rent Address O BOB, cars Journal. OBOCEBT bnstneos to exchange o farm I dtr property. Good traae! tow reai. . in- roles lJoO. X 80S, Care Journal. I BATE S lota, la Baker City Prt payment on soms Pifrtlasd anburbaa propari. drees Q 804, cars Journal. - - FOB" SALlLITESTOCX FOR BALE A good cows and milk roots; cus tomers close la. visa run a. 4 OOOD fraab sews; owe Jersey; flae mlkhsra. 66 B. Madlaoa St. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. TICTOB Talking Machines aad roeords; Bteta. way (or etaerl plana. BMrnaa. via vs, Blxth and Merrlsoa eta., opp, P. O. - FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Steam One One , To Bonsekeepera The Ohio Bteam Cooker I cooka ererytblng to perfect 10a ana pays nar -loeir la rrom one ao inree momns 07 htiiuj &A mr cent la croceriea. meat and ful bill; nothing to burn, dry op or boll over; for canning traits It reduces the work to ens half; no stirring, no burning, and the fruit canned by the cooker la elmply delldooa; fits gas, oil, wood or oust etovee! sll over . one ' burner; . if yoa want It yon can bur one, with fl dowa and II a week. Call at 174 Flrat at, or ring ap Pacific 2664. We will bring 70s) one. BINOEB and Wheeler and Wtlaoa sawing ma. chin office. We sell, iesas ur rent new ma chines; old machines taken la part payment; areond-hand machines $5 and ap; other makea mt Mr wiadilnee S2fl mnA mm Bwllii fn all makes of machines! aJl kinds of machines repslrod and gaaranteed. B. B. SlcgeL agent, Sac Morrlsoa at Phjne Mala SISA FBBB FOR ETBBTBODT Blng ap Mam 42M or can iish rroat ev wo nay aaa sow rar- aitnro, doming or any pid tLing. BOLDEN'S BBEUMATIO CUBS Sura CUTS for meumstlsm. Bold or all dragguta.. BILLIARD AND POOL tablss for rest or for I eale oa eaar nevmants. TBI BBUNRWIOK-B ALEE COLLENDBB COM B Third at. Partlaad. . - til I PBONR MAIN 63T4. $ $ $ $ -' Extra special furniture and stones largest aasortment, cheapest prices la new and oec- ' end-hand goods of every dsserlptloa; ' five an a rail and be convinced. $ $ f f $ j $ $ A THB DOLLAR. $ $ $ $ lit 232 Ptrat St, Nasr Main. Ill OLD BOOK STOBB rsmorod to 16S Fifth Sad Sll Bseoad sts. BBOWCASES and fixtures, new and second hand. Cartoon A KaUatrom, 28P Ooacb at. FOR BALE Knnabout Oldamoblle. cheap, antra 271 First at., or SOT Sherman st. fa- OASOUNB bunch 60 test long, S feet arid. B feet deep, will sell cheap for caah. or trrsd I , for Portland eurraroan iota. , xteaiy investment , CO., 210-214 Ablngtoa bldg. OWING to dlaaolvtng partnsrxhlp, a homer filgeoa squab plant moat be aold at en third ta cost Geo. B. 11 outs. Kalama. Waah. FOR SALE Furniture S-room haass, cheap. Bl Beveatk st ' . - ' - ' GASOLINE ENGINE, f Wear SJinramnwee Lrt. all pomnletS! mnit f aell: soat $500; will take $100. . Address X tOO.i ear JournaL : FOB BALE One barber chair for sale. .Fourth atrect. Ml MOTION picture machines, films, etc., for rent bought sold, exchanged,- Newman, lifiH 6th. TURKBT eggs for setting, 2e each. Phone Unloa 64W, or addiwaa N 201, Josrnal. - FOB 8 ALB Extra fin small autemobilo; vary I cheap. Call at sis Tillamook st PERSONAL. A. REINER, th practical furrier, late ot Lewie building, la now locatea in tns atore at sua Waahlngtoa street corner 17th atreet. where Be baa aerurea more convenient ana com modhas quarter. Fur work In all branches. Bealakln garment remodeled and redyed, ex nert fitter. 80 rears' sxDerience. Order work a apeclalty; estimates cheerfully given; all work acne at aummer- prices, now i ue time to sttend to your furs. HOLDKfTS RBEUMATIC CURE Sure car for rbsumatlsm. - Bold by an draggute. QEBMAN hooka, maraatnea, nor la. etc.) Ger man, Engllah. French, ftpsntah, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books of all kinds. Schmale Co., 228 First st BUI1 1 l L SIIVSJI we-tlliaj JW vIBIl UWU, aaBUIwB I T rFtrB LI1. - -- 111 ITAa f oille. aaira preesea, our. uunerr. ""owj ruta ., nvas w voeu. i-doow maiai suoo. MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve u loonies, una montn a trsstment, sz; a montba, 6; nt accurely sealed by man. Agents, Woodard. Clark A Co.. Portland. Or. MOLES. V wrinkles, enperfloooa hatr removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. P. Bill, room B30 Flelneer bldg. Pboao Padfle 183. DR. BINO CHOONO. rmnorter Chines ro msdlrlnest aell Chinee tea. certain enrs for all diseases., 191 2d. bet- Yamhill sad Taylor. BALM OF FIGS for, all female diseases. 626 Kaat Belmont Pbooe East 4084. MANICURINa. face tnaaeere and scalp 'treat. moot.- a-ry room . bosh wasnrngtoa rt. MBS. " OBBOCK. gradustsx mssaeoMt cabinet bath, aalt glow, alcohol rub, cream mamags; reference. 18 Seventh at . Alain 4968. TCBKISH BATHS, 800 Oregonlan bldg.l hdlea aaya, gentiemsa Bights, . Mala imh. BACK dates of magaslnes st 8 cents. Jones nook store, 381 Alder st. - PR. T. J. PIERCE. specUliat, dlseaass of women: all Irregularities corrected: no er poaure; medicine B at., corner. Yamhljl, by mall. Office .181 Flrat I Jl. PortUnd., Or. J DON'T be dull and inactive: Bexlne Pills curs sll weakness; gl a box, 6 for IS) run guar antee, aoareaa or can . r u, jiemsnaon, 1 drugglat, Portland. Or. . MISS RATMONO Masseuse. ; M8A UorrlawU at- room 14. Phons Main 6011. EXPERIENCED maaseose gives trestmsnt for rheumatism.. 224H waahlngtoa st, -. ... . MMB. TASHTL' CHIROPODIST Scalp and racial massage, aoj . xaira sl i'OUNO scientific masseoss gives electrical, al coholic snd medicated treatments, alao tub I bathe. 41 Raleigh bldg., Sixth snd Washing. 10B Kt, DR. MRS. J. O. MACK IB. oateopath aad elec-I tropatht laale treated is the roranoen; pen tlmea la tbs sftsraoso. Boom 25, l4Cn Blxta st. .. : s.: WEAK men, from aay eauae. any age, or length of time afnicted, send gl tor a recipe that insure anicklr snd forever your complat and perfect restora tlon. regardless ef failure or oiappoinuDDis 07- prevwua uvarmeaia or metnoos 01 curs roa mar nsvs inou:. nosi- lively harm's and tbe greatest restorer known today, ixuia a. carr, bis Mortb An- deraoa at., Lies Angeles, cL XOUNO lady girts treatments. Ao8m XamUIL 1 DR. PERSONAL. Ml KB LB EOT, 201 H Alder at., auttaa 8 and 4 Maaaago and ecalp treatment. . , . If ABEL BTRATTON, formerly of Umatilla. Or., yieaae writs 10 A. L V., 10S KU WtB at. PrLBK Itching, bleeding, protruding., flaaurea, . furtnla, oonattpatlon and all rectal dleeaeeO - cured In 10 to 80 dare, without- ttnj knlfa - or ligature,. Tall or write Dr. T. I. Pierce, 181 Flrat at.f Portland, Or. 1 ' 1 L- LADIKaVi)P- Baaderaon't Co. .Bavin and Cotton Boot Pills are the only aura remedy for do layeu peruxia; ny man, gz per box. Aoareaa Pr. Pierce, 1S1 Flrat at., Portland, Or. ' ;' r BUEINESS PERSONALS. FOB lumber of an klnda. ronrb or anfaced. call ua op. , Whether your ordera are large or am 11, wi. deliver promptly. Travia Broa. lomoor yara, neei sviguin sou iiawinarae sve. ''-rnona. Beat aua.-' .. ,.-, . INTENTIONS bonrht and aold. Covenant Coo- tract Co.. 427 riledner bldg. mala Sil. . 8KBIXT CO., 14th and Flanderat floor, toed. bay, grain. Phonos A 1611. Pacific 61U WB will paint your bouse Just right at the ngni price. t. r. nanrion, conuwcior. 1 Blgh-grada painting, tinting, ftulahlng. paper- I banging end llgna,,. Bbop fiSS kUU., Vhooe I 1ST Sellwood. ATTORNEYS, it PIOOOTT. FTNCB A BIOOER. attoraeyf at law. Mulkay bldg, corner Second and Mor- rieoo. ARCHITECTS. EBNflT KRONER., architect Plana and opoda-1 eaffsaai oave oeuaiaa asawnnieawieawm. B. C. DITTRICB, architect. 821 Williams avo-. onrner McMlilso at. Pbeos Baat 8881. ; ASSATERS. OABTIN CTANIDB EXTB ACTION CO.. Montana Aa office. 106 stoinsoa as. AUTOMOBILES. BOWABD M. COT BY, Agoat Pierre Great Arrow. Locoojobrtea, Ced illa aad Knox. Temporary losauoa Club Gsrago, 18th aad Alder eta. ART. ' FREB LESSONS IN ' " BmbroldeTy Every Dar. TBI NKEDLBCBAFT SHOP. . tSU Waahlngtoa st. a.5Ll00?P8", ease. lasTwrw . iiae.. b t .mr - ACCORDION DRESS PLAITING. MISS O. GOULD. 61? 8 wetland bldg. AecortloB pleating and buttoos covered. .' BATHS MASS AGE. I TT MANICUBING, fscw ana sc.ip irssimsm; on j ano maeag. jiv BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWB. DATIS A KILBAM. IOP-111 Second t. Blank booki mar-nfactored: agents for JonV WUIWBial rci aa Busa WW I ilia aaraai aat. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES BUTCrTEBS SUPPLIER B. Blrksawald Co.. 804-806 Everett at.j largest botcher rappbr beoss os the coast. .Writs for catalogue, tro - 1 i BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Adolph A. Deksm. I81-1SX First at,, carries a foil Hns and soa plots aasortment at lowest market prices. CARPET CLEANING.1 THB Pacific Coast ' Carpet Renovators clean your carpets oa th floor without removing rnrnltnri from room. We rata so dnt, remove all dirt aad greaa a pots. Pbams PscIKt 416. STANDARD CAB PET CLEANING CO. Larrevt Kmt eosatt Lionng ana rieraing x. I noon t 280; rsrpets clesned. refitted, sewed sad laid; areata and eompresaed air proceaa; re- Bovatmg mattresses snd rcatBsrs s specisity. JOTB BROS, proprietors ef tbs Electric Clean ing worka; earpeta cleaneti ana mm, norn arr and compressed-air cleaning; carpet rsftttmf; ear ipeciilty; work ruarnnteed. Phone Msla 2072 snd A 2672. 270 Grant st. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON. 204 Foarth at Office snd store fixtures built sad remodeled; rAowcasss and counters. - Phone Mala 1787. SL MELTON Office, atar fixtures: Jobblrg. 67 First st- Phone Mala IIWH CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. Tr j Always 'Consult th. Best. . ' " . ' , PROFESSOR KHIMO. f Greatest Bring atral dead-trsnc clairvoyant or the' age; aavieer on nneto ana an er. fairs of life; 'telle yoar full name and what yoa called for, whom yoa will marry, bow to control the one yoa love, even though miles away; reunites tbs c pa rated : give aecret power to control; doe all others advertlae to do. Honrs 10 to 8. dally sod Sunday. Office, Noa. S and 4, Grand Theatre bldg., 852 H Wash., near Park st Phone Main 1267. MISS MAY ANDREWS Card reading, 23a. 2SS Sixth t, ornr. Mm1:., 1 PROFESSOR WALLACE. ' Portland'a favorite clairvoyant, palmhrt and . medium; readings 26c. 841 U Marriaon, corner Seventh. . f ( JOHN SLATER circle tonight. 8 15 eharp. 189 Seventh; private reading dally, 10 to 4, at same plce. - V,- I COAL AND WOOD. tTl, 'L "L L 1 "1 J- PORTLAND SAWDU8T A SI.ABWOOD 00, 8W Front, successors to Fultoa Wood Co. nr. oat, aianwooq ooai. Tel. Main isaa. FOR prompt delivery of ' slbwood. caM Mala 4R7S. Oak. aah. fir and coaL Portlaad j Wood A Coal Co., 18th and Saeler sta. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Boo and blackamith eoala. coke, char coal, kindling. Phono Main 101S. TELEPHONE EAST 7. ! , , , F. B. JONES A CO.. ' 7 - Wood and Coal. 181 Baat Water at. OREGON FUEL CO, Is now- taking orders for . wooa ana rni tor tutu re aeitvery. so Aiaer, ft Main 68. CHIROPODIST8. WM. DETENT A ESTEI.LB OETBNT. THE only scientific chlropodlats, parlor 202 Drew hldg.. 162 2d t- Phone Main 1801. CHIROPODY, and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Bill, Boom bso Fleldner blag. - Botn pnone. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and preeeed. 1 par month. I A Dnlqoe Tailoring CO--8UO Stark at. . 1 H. W. TURNER, dyert earpeta dyed a special. ty. OW Jefferson st- Main wis. v . DRESSMAKING. MRS. VACGHAN, experienced dremker. 602 A East Burnald at. Pbone East 261T. MADAME ANGELES 242 Fifth, Pacific PSA DANCING. DANCIJtO lcaaona 20c. classes and private, daily.' Prof. Wal Wfllaon, ball S04 Allekr I ' bldg.i Third and Morrison sta. Social dancing, waits, two-step, three-otep, etc.: tare danc ing, buck and wing clog, reel. Jig, Highland fling. . Spanish, etc,- - , i J. :-- - WOODWARD DANCINO. SCHOOL Class Moa., Tbarsr-aad Sat, v. social, nsey .and step dancing taught: B. aaalatant tesehsrs; slaas and private leaeooa dally, westers acaoemy hall. Second and Morrlaoa sts. Pacific 1630. 1 ,DENTISTS.iUK ItmUl DR. EARL 0. McFARLAND deuttst. Suite - T10-T11-T12 Bwetlcnd bldg. Phone Mala 2261. W. B. KNAPP ha returned, from east Offset M BaaUltoa pldg. CAFES. THB OFFICE S Waahlngtoa at phoos Mala 111. samuei vignenx. , ENGINEER NO. O. B. OORf KTT, engineer and surveyor.. Office 8S WaahlDgtoe) bldg., corner Foarth and Waablngton; residence G leu wood. Mam 8BM. EDUCATIONAL. - I OBEOON EXPRRT COLLraSL Ommonwealth building. 6th and Ankeny, pbone Main 8001. Telegraphy, ahorthand, typi a writing, penmanahlp. Engllah hrencbea. inamonai inatractiona, epeciai acnoiaraiiip, HOLMES BTfllNKSS COf.LFXIB. Waahlnrton and loth ate,. Flledner bldg. I . Bookkeeping, Shorthand,. Tyiwwritlng and all r Engliab branchaa tanght. botn aay ana night. FINANCIAL aid to six worthy young ladles Who wlaD to rata a anortnana enoiwe. apply at ones at -office. 817 Commonwealth bldg.. Rlxth and Burnaldo eta. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. I. WALPB CO., 811 Stark at, Bleetiic and Oaa Fixtures . and Hoppriea. , Mantels. Tiling, Oratee and Doglroaa. PACIFIC PJLRCTBIO COfitinoera. contree. tore, repairers, electric wiring, eunpllea. of Flrat. aor. Stark. Mala S&O. R. B. Tata. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. SI Sixth et- Coatraetora, electnc enppllee, awtara ana oy ' Bamoei we Inatall light and power plants. I MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.. TM Baat Morrlana si. Fixture. : wiring, repair Ins. Eaat SI2S. "FENCK AND WIRE WORKSr PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS Saoood and Everett at, raeoo Mam avoo. - - GASOLINE ENGINES. - GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary and marine; electric eeuip menta; lannchea; acreaaorlest wboleaalo and retail; endue repairing. Beleraoa Machinery C0..-IM-4-6. Morrlsoa at BRRFF1ET.D marine eaginee. Aay nvopellsra. Fslrbsaks, Moras A Co., Flrat sad Stark sts. HARD WARE.. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicit opportwa- ity to quota prices. T Bixta at. racirie 4S. BaBaweBaHBaBaBaaaawaBaascnBnaaasaaBaBKiaaBwaBaaBaa r :v HOTELS. BOTEL Portlaad. American plan, $3, $3 per day. BELTEDBBB, Enrop,. pi..; 4th aad Alder sts. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, .firs insaraaes. Bher- lock bldg. W. L. PAGE, Insursnee; employers liability. surety bonds, burglar and accident tnauraaos. Pbone Main B2S. 204 Falling bklg. M aj.-Mel. WOOD, emptevors- liability aad ta- dividual accident eecoritr honda of an kinds. Phono 4T. ova sicitsy oiaa;. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MASTICK A CO., Front and Oak every di id tap for all purposes; sols snd cutter; n saints. LAND SCRIP. WANTED aad for saw All ktnda. Includmg approved forest reaerv ecrlp for surveyed, aa surreysd. timber and prairie government land. B. M. Bamtltoa. "To Portland," Portland. MONUMENTS. NBU A KINOSLET. 268 Flrat et Portland's leading marble and granite worka. MONUMENTAL BBONZB CO Moat durable grave heaaarone. Room 12. 268 Btsrfc t- - vwv. MACHINERY. B. TBENKMAN A CO-Mmiag. sawmill, log ging machinery; hydraulic pipes, caatlngi an g in aa repairea. io noni rouna st. THE H. (J. ALBEB CO. Second-hand chlnery, sawmills, etc. 48 urana avs. A. J. PAUL, 100 Flrat St., a complet Una saw mill machinery; also ekglnee and Doner. , MONEY TO LOAN. SALARY LOAN HEADQUARTERS. . LOANS TO ET-FRT- ONE WORKING, i- . LOWEST. RATES IN THE CITY, REBATE given If paid before due. f, Get $16, pay back $1.00 per week. Get $20, pay back $1.30 per week. Get $25, pay back ft.60 per week. , Get $60. pay back $3.20 per week. ' OTHER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. A STATE SECURITY CO., " J f T04 DEKFM BLDG. Honrs 8 a. m. to B p. m. Satorday, till P. . f " . MONEY TO LOAN Oa tmproved city property or for butldmg purpoeee. for from 8 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan alter two year. Loana approved from plana and money advaaced aa building progresses; mart taken on snd renlaced. FRED B. STRONG. Flnancul'Agent .242 Stark at. ' ' : 1 vuwr - iiiisn iiso on "amric in.or.rn, , - PJUCMi fPinO.1., I II 1 1 W 1 U I V, T. I o IJ w , ...1,1 1 1 etc. any deserving person msy seenrs a lib oral advance, repaying by eaay weekly er numthlv tnatatlmene. w . I NEW BRA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY. 1 bob Ablngtoa oiag. i.i 1 1 ' ' " MONEY -ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and : other nnon their own name without secur ity; cheap t rates, eaiteet payments: office ; In 60 principal eitles: ear younslf money 1, ny getting our verm nrat. ; TOLMAN. 228 Ablngtoa bldg., 1084 Third st WANTED Notes, mortgages or contracts oa any kind of real estate ta Oreroa and Waah i Ingtoat second ortgge purchased If well secured. H. B. Noble. SIX Commercial nut. DON'T borrwar winney on ser en Ml yoa e -"-;.v;-v'V;' Hutton cremt co. 612 Dekom bldg. MONET to loan; larg loana specialty: alas hnlldlng loane: mweat rateci nre insuraac. TT 1A11BUS Wa sOT-ajBA, Old, B mtllMttf , UlUBJ. CBERCBNT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg.- Honor to lend no ssay-pavment pUn to wage. wunam u. sees, six rsumg, oiag. earners; atrictly confidential. MOBTOAOB loans at enrrent rates; no com- mlnrinn. Colnmbla TJfe Trust Wimpanr, Lamber Exchange Bldg. IIONBT to loan oa aP) klnda of security.. wn- nam Hon. room waanmgron eiag. TO LOAN Soma to suit en chattel security. B. A. Frame, 614 tbe Marquam. QUICK toana on all aecnrltle. S. W. Klnf, I 4 Waahlngtoa Mdg. Mala 6100. ' ON mortgage. S200 to tS.oPO: cost paper only. waro, lawyer., a nsy Diag. LOAN for the aklng Salary or chattel. Tbe Loan Co., 410 Pskum bMg. . EAST oarment mans to salaried People. Em. plorea' Loan Co., TIB Dekum bldg.. Main 224. I MONEJ loaned to aalarled people Jtwt on your :r.B..B,m:sB,htJ?r n.n.l.yr mzi?i svatem I th best for railroad man. clerk. bookkeeper, streetcar men and an other em plovc; boslne strictlr confidential. F. A, Newton. 611 Buchanan bids., ssn Washington, : -'-U- m'SICAL.' , THE WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, baalo. guitar lnatrncttooa. 4MKH Waahlngtoa) at. PIANO, violin, cornet, trombone, clarinet: Pro.' feasor B. A, Smith, 254 12th t Mala 4703. -we OSTEOPATHIO PHYSICIANS. UR LILLEBRLLB PATTERSON, epeelaltet oa aei rues, acuta and ebroole disease. Or fie 21T Fentoa bldg. Pbon Pscifle 11S0. DR: B. B. NORTHRTJP, 416-16 IT Dcknra bldg., intra ana waanmgion sta.- ruone Alain US. txammattoa tree.- -.. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BBACH A CO. Tho PipaeeT Paint C. wraorw siass ana Biasing, AM f usx Past: jAeA,v.i''jiv, V'i- I T "RED ITATZB WATTOWAT. BAJfK Or J ' .... . "'--'Northwest Corner Third' and' Oak Btreeta. ' '-" Traaaacts a Osnsral Banking Boamees. DRAFXS IBBUKO AtaUahla ta AO Cities ef . the United States sad Europe, Bongkong snd, Manila, Collections mads an Favorable Term. Ment-.. .jQAINSWORTH 10. ah lev B. W. BCHMBBJ Tlcs-Preatdent.. ....B? LBA BABNEB Uaaiatant Caabler ., ...W, A, BOLT Aaalatant Cashier., A. M. WBIOBT f ASS A TrXTOB. B ANKJBS PortWs. Orogsa. I - ,t. W. M. LADD. C SJ. LA DO. ' ,,:;. J. W. tADD, . ''" -: ' - j,-.. ' Batabllahed let,.? ' Transact a Oaneral Banking Bums. EATINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Seringa books . ; - " leaned on aavinga depoaita. latereet paid on time depoetts. -J '''-'' MERCHAVTr NATIONAL BABE Pertlaad, Oregon.' '-..; , lj .;. '" ;' t. RANK: WATSON a .. President J J. L. DrjBJIAM., ....... ,.TIe-Prldet , -! W. BOTT, Caahlsr J GBOBGB W, HOTT......... Aaalatant Cashier . . .' ... a. c. CATCHING.. t.t. Second Aaalatant Cashier ' Trsnsaeta 6 Ooneral Banking Buelneo. Orafta and Lettera of Credit Isroed Available tS ;,'-' . All Parte of the World. Collection a Specialty. . - TK BANE OF CALIFORNIA EitaMtir, , Capital paid up.. $4.000 000 .-;.! Oeaeral Banking and Exchange Bualneas HAVIMUS DEPARTMENT Accoonts Portlaad Branch -Cham WM. B. MACBWA... ..Manager FIRST KATXOVAZ BANX Portias 4. Oragoa. Oldest Natlooal Bank oa tho Padfle Coast, CAPITAL AND 8TJBPLDB. 11.600.000.00. DEPOBITB, $14,000,000.00. -" - A. t. MIM4I.'. . .VV.;;..4;.;....lnwt f W. 0. AI.TOBD....... Aaalatant C ah lev I. W. NBWKIBX..," .Vui B. E. STETENS Becood Aaalatant Cashier n jh nn .mrr-r.... TRUST COMPANIES trRTTawTl rorrare enmivv at nw-nnw Y BESOURCES OTFR $2,000,000. Oewenl aonats (evoa baodrrda) oa dally baUaese of $000 or over. ltrr- or ereuu ewa .. . an-all part f th, ut. Bavtnga accounts. .-. Tims certificates. S to .Pn. f!;' ,T72 spocisl certificates. $300 or over. SU to 4 per cent Call tor Book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS.' . . . """'heast Corner Third sn Oak Streets. Phne Prlvato Eichange n,' ' , B. LEB PAGET Secretary J J. O. OOLTBA.. ., .. . Asaietant Becretarr . SIOTBITT BATTNOS TRT78T COsTPANT Morrison Street, Portland, Or, . Transact a Oeaersl Banking Boalaew. EATINGS DEPARTMENT. J "r Tims aad Savior Aeeouats. Acts as Traateo for Estates, Drafts aad Letters of Credit - ahiuu- 411 w a. uwu.. & f. ADAMS PresMeot A. L. MILLS..... Bemeid Tlce PrcMent - GEO. B. RU8REU1 THXX OTTABABTZB TRUST COaTPABT S40 Waahlagtoa Btreet, MORTGAGE LOANS OS PortlaaA Real Batata at Lswsst Batsa. .Title Ineured.. Ahetracts Furnished. , t. TMonnuRw BOSS.. .....Preeldeat GEORGE B. BILL. . . .Tlce-Prealdest BONDS AND M OBXJl BIOTHERB Chambar af Oematsrss sValldiag, . '"' ' MuntHpaL Ballmad and Pablta Berrtce Corpora tioa Boada. DOWBuro-HorsUBB voaLrs-liT XataBiiaaea uie-Muuu,. . , . , . STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Bold for Caah sad oa Marga. Private Wire. BOOM d CBAMBER OF COMMERCE. n. --t- r- 0 ..!.. UVCrUCkJip diaiT Ot UUy.C V.U.1 GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTOB, BTOCKS AMD BOBiW. , WE SO A STAICTLY COMMISSION BTSINX-a, Conttasosa Marksta bp Privets Win. Quick Service RCFERENCRA Ladd Til ton. Baaksra, aad United Btatea Nation! Bank of Portland. PAHmNO AND PAPERING. r. A DO A NaT will glva pwa ths oest astlaiata for sstlsfsctory work saa Yamhill st. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. "anltarr p lumber, SSI Seersid. Jwt Main and Balmoo. Orogoa phono Mala 2001, DONNERBBRO A BADEMACHBB No. 80S Barasid st PRINTING. THB MODEBN PBINTEBY Artlatlo artntlag. 26 Buasel bldg. Fourth aad Morrlsoa. Paso Pacific 1B26. - , OGILBEB BROS,, printer Oarda. blllhoada. - oto. Pbsa Mara ISSS. 10 ran sc. REAL ESTATE. PABBIBK, W ATKINS A CO., 210 ALIUS ST. Beal aetata, reotaia, toaoa ana lniuxascw. Wa make a apeclalty of handling rentabl and property for residents and ton-rsMata. Etabluhod 1871 Phone Mala 1644. J. W. OfllT.BEB. real estate and toansi-aataa- 1 la bed 188S. 14B1a First at. room SPHINX AGEN0Y, dealera la real estata aad rsotam. 806 H Stark st Msta uio-. FOB FARMS Or1 FTERT DESCRIPTION. W. W. BBPBT. SIB Commercial bldg. aapawaaaa-i i a in mi 11 1 11 1 . ! RUBBER. 8TAMP8. r. 0. STAMP WORKS, B4S Alder st.t pboao Mta 710. Robner tsmna. seels, stencil; nag gag, trade check; brass signs snd plat. BOOFINO. nit ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing, i. LoslL six jsrrersoa aa. rso. ju. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTER m, KLEISEB SIGNS. : ' . W bars built ap ths largest slga bustneaa ta a city by rtrst-cwas wora ano aeepioa cr promises. Our prices are right. Fifth aad Everett sta. . Phoas Exchange SB. . "BIGNS TIIAT ATTRACT Portland Slgm Osh 287 Stark at. Phoas raeins lowa. SAFES. ----------- - 1 PORTLAND SAFE CO.. sol. . rent, for Bar. ring Ball-Marvia aarM sja MangsneM are.. Sroof Mfes "nd Unk UteV vsry cbe.pi aee them or writ us. 92 Seventh st I area; zu secona-naua nrw 1 .- 1' . i. DIEBOLD Magaasse Bafes-e.Largo line carried. I Lock-Outo Opened. Jack. Jail, Matal Fur-1 nltur Boneat prtcee and Gooda. . , Am 11 .1. v.M I phones. 1. B.. DATIS, 66 Third st STENOGRAPHERS. PUBLIC stenographer and type writer. Phone Main 1271. 814 uctum mag. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. annwrASBS of ever dcserlotloai bank, oar I and atore future man to orosr. ins miibs i Manufacturing Co.. Portland. B. H. BIRDS ALL. deafgner: ageat M. W hirer Lamber Co. T Bamlltoa mg. Mais sosu. TOWEL BUPPLT. . .m.,m I CLEAN TOWELS DAILT-Comb, . Bros. osp. I Bl nruwtth VtmTtlat-l. IBrjnfiPV M tmaj i Copply Co, Ninth snd Couch. Fboae 410. TYPEWRITERS. ' , -L fXmL -l L i. iTT-JinrXrlar hkADQOABTEBS for new sad rebuilt' type-" wrlter, of ,11 makes; see ear window t If oa I srs going to boy a new typewriter ae a be fore boring; wo caa savs- yoa moosy; wo han nertirfor rsnalrlng all machine: stats; agents for the Tlalblo Fox; ws boy all hinds 1 of typewriters. The Typewriter xenasga, Inc., SL 1. Ellison, manager, . a wire St. BLICEENSDEBFER Typewriter Agency; sap. : plies; repair. Raleigh bldg., 6th aad Waah. rUnUv 01 n.iiKtn&rnnn. STREET PAYING. WABBEN Oonstractloa Co., atreet paving, side walk and crossing, si fjamner aixcnaags, 1 b.., ..v. rricT Sa Paving Co.-of Portia na. omce ana worceetor Dl. 1 WHOLESALE JOBBERS. .tMMo.s . (incj-cheese, BCTTH, BOOS, etc.. dairy pmiucta bncurhti or nanoieo on camimiasion. nrta at. IBwsuano oiog.i. roniaaa. vr. r . - M. A.4 0CNST A CO., DISTBI BTTTORS OF FINE CIOABS. PORTLAND, OBBOON. ETERDINO A FABBELU produce and eorn- mtaakin mercnants. 14U rront St.. Portlsad. or. rnone sin im OBEOON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturer or runurar ror tn trade. Portland. Oregon, o,-; WADHAMS A OO.. wholesale grocer. facturcrs ana eomaussioa msrcnaais. - roarta and Oak sts. FUBNITURB manufacturing and special ly, HuvensKy s mrniiure iscwary, qui itooi v ALLEN A LEWIS, commlasloa and produce n cnaats, rront ana jjsvu siaw roniaaai ur. , WHOLESALB erockerr and glai srs. - rrsei, 1 - Hegel oo Portia DO. oregoav fl. W. SIMPSON.- 801 Waahlngtoa tAeWaassf , asjs eswMC ta grai aaa bak . , BORTLAVS. ORZOOW. lie.- Bead Of floe.' flas Traaeleos, CnforUj Surplus snd undivided profits $10,188,878 Tranaactsd. Intsreot on Tim Deposit. may be epenad or io ana upwara. tier of CowmeteBnlldlng. I J. T. BUKivriJtiiii.i.. .Aaalatast Manager hi 1 - .. TV- AiAaa Trw4 OeanaanT b Banting Two per ceot Jnteree oo check : as- I L. A. LEWIS ......First ttet-TntMmi I R. C JTIBITI Serstsrr Alfni wecTcrarr WNO.' B. AITT.-Himn I T. T. BUBKHART. . Treasoret INVESTMENTS Phone Mala ST. I (Members Chlcsaa Boa Board of Trade.) 10J Third McKa bins., Portlsad. Orogoa, TRANSFER AND HAULING. a O. PICK, office SB first St., between Stark and Osk eta.; pbeos SSO. Pianos snd feral. tor moved aad parked for ohlppmg; earn ma one .. waron oao wita asparaai 1 Front aad Clay sts. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 1S4 North Blxth - phono Mala BS. Boavp hauling aad atoraso. INDEPENDENT BAOGAOB TRANSFER CO. terags. M stark st. Mala OT. TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS '3 TJUPS at at aTpokaa, Xtu 14. Ml Jul It, S6 Aug. t QtU, iTdy 19. ' . M. atanstof. .fnmm I B. B. rrssUsat Tuaa A dUAaXA XOTTTX. Wkgwr, BStka, Tvnaam avad ws porta. w F Ba ;..,,.'. X. fL S. Otx'B nmhold...lfay B. It, M Cottar City, wl Bltfc...MaT B, IB, Bt City ex Bwartle Atavs- S, 18, SB . - lAjr rnAyoTsoo morrn. r , BsUUBA B $W SB. XIOtB SamtttA. City of rushU..............Var 8, B0 exu.-or ....... alar la. as WmafcUl. , . .Afar is, SO City CflUht, tB WMhlBATsOB m. TJEB 8WEU MiaXT TmAXsT ejv rm r 1 ,.L j...,. Z'' rX'l 1--- - --fT " -"Vr,rr -.---.-.-. --- --.--- .. 'r ham. Leave BoatUa union depot 11:14 p. rn. daily, gleepora ready for occupancy D. m. naaenarera remain unniaw turbed until 7 a, ra. Connactlna trains loava Portland It I D. m. and 4:20 n. m. . . .... naiiT. tvo omer arooa rraina rnr Kv.r. att, Belllngham, New Weetmlnater and Vancouver leave Portland union depot dally 8:10 a. m. and 11:45 p. m. For tickets and sleeper reservations cal or addraaa n. viVX.BON, C P. fe T. 188 TXXBO BT. POBTJVABTX), OB. Telephones Pao. State Mala 80. Home A-XI86. - - Ho! For Astoria OO OAT FastSteamerTelegrapfa B UUaVeVUIUVI BVBVWBU Th.,-a.,.v tJC. --w-r- er -or-,-- w siiu! street dock 7 a. m. non bcaxbt aes. ti COlaialbia RtVCr SCCOCry BZOTJXATOB UBB BTZAJCBB8, Dsllr service btwa ' Portlaad snd Tv. uauas.- eases Bssoar. atevros rortiano at 7 a. m, arriving aboat S . p. m- esrrrlng creisoi ana piwrnnni. . BDieoaia awcomniotie- uooe tor eutnta na uvsnoca. Dock foot of Alder at. Portlandt foot of coon at, j vaiws. raooe staua ai. Portlaad. MOAT TACXnO aTTBAAtSBXP Oat Steamships KOANOKE and GEO. W. ELDER Sail for Ertreka, San Francisco and Los Annies direct every mureaay at p. m. 't icket omce 111 inira, near Aiaer. Phcnea M. 181 i. H. IOUNU. Agent MOISIBHIRIE nd other drag habtta are positively enred by HABIT1NA- For ovrKxlermio or internal use- Sample sent to any drag habitne by 7paf mail. BegTiW price ttM per bottle aa.a.1 i m, a. m fcwa"fceieai I cas. viiisLor's : " scoTira syrup 1 bes besa taied by KirBoas oCBotbsnfta-jtowtr 1 1 obildrea while Teething for over Fifty Tears, 1 ft aootoe tho ohlld, aohena the gum a. aUaya mil piln. oure wind eollo, aad Te aUebaa. 1 remMy for dlarrhce. . , , tfWENTT'jriTBMf WTTtX.1 , 5 at your druggist or by mall tn plain wrapper. iOaltai CMeaaleail C SLLaMttav Lo, ' for tale by Bkldmore Drug Oa 1A1 Xhttd St.. Portland, Oregea. . ' Btadoata, Mo Cooalua, tit 1, We Challenge th2.'c;;j . Wa will forfolt 1,0 t sry chsrltabl Institution for any L'' tlst who can eorapota with kiA In crown and bridge work, or teeth , without platea. , Pay no fancy fe until you hava oonaultod us. Our continued auccese la. our many of fices la duo to ttio oirtlfqrm h1- work dona by yaars of axp.t 1- ' need opsrators, The prices qutel , below ara absolutely the boat oppor- i tunlty to aet your money's worth which hsa aver been offered. Wa use nothlnf but the best materials. PRICES Until May 3 lit Bear ellvsT aiUnira...... 6 00 Platinum SUlnra 81.00 Gold and Platlsuai Alloy fUHnge BIAS Gold fliunsB '. Ba.00 to is. 00 B. sj. white Iaoran aiowa, ..... .la. Sold erowBA. Mat saa. axtra hoary . tS.00 Bridge work, pay tooth, best - sold BS4M Beat Bobber PUea, U. M. white teeth 88.00 AjTUolnam-llned Plata $10 to SIB : A oinamg guarantee Riven wun ail work tor 10 yeara. . v . (. ., ( 0TtVWAitJ VEGETAELE VAP01X Used only by ua for Pelaloee vo ot teetn. boo. Bead What Mrs. Jessie level Baya. I bed II teeth extracted by the use of Vegetable Vapor, abaoiutely palnleee the moat pleasing effect And highly recommend tbe metbod. - Toura truly, ' VTR8. JESSIE UCTXX Lmfett, Oregon. ; . .-. . BTBBTOTJS PBOPXB ' ' And tboae afflicted with heart weak ness ran now have their teeth ex tracted and filled without the least pain whatever. rf -.; -x Chicago Dental Parlors tnFBXB BTBW XABAOBaOBT. V. W. Oor. Blxth aad Waahlng-kotu - The largest and beat eoulpped Dental establishment In the North west Seventeen offices In tbe United Btates. , - - - : . See that you are In the right offloo. Open Sunday I to t i 1 - - , aW Lmmt mf lU Stmtt mf Oeagea INSTJUES AXal KINDS OF uvb stock xaAiNsrr 1 &EAXH FROM ANY ' CATJSI5 ' 4am rsaaW IF. WukBl.BaUthT.Fraa. B. K. Oraoa Oeal Mga k kAOWtMretarg hT-LaamaUr Oaa lias - B-eog MBMBBB rerttasd Board af TMda kmuircxf ' Traat and Barmga Bank FwtleadOsa. . Ths Braastisst Cnrasaaqr B. O. Daa At Co. Oaamajrlal Agaacy W asaae so pnaala we Be W (re roe aosar deal LasAedap BOMB OmCSMUPATSmBLDA Can raiWarwe ems bata .tmHlmmi Oca. SIGI UEHlQAGi: 1 1 ' iii.ii 1 j 'i PoaltirelT cTrrrei PoaltlTtsly erno! f CARTERS these) Juituo ruis. They Also rollevB Sb tress fjora Pjsvciraa, In LTllTnE ougtatjoa and Too BABrtf Battng. A pwtbet nn ttDlzzllieAKa'JatsA, Drowslnesa, 84 TAstB Ok; the Host!, OMtedj TongTie. Pala is ttkt SldeJ TORPEO tZVXB. TAttB PILLS. rejTilalA the Bowels, ParejyYfJgfltAlolo, ,, snaniL sssall E3SE. vjurrjj Genuins Uust Bear Fao-tSimila Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. WOKUN A SPECIAITY MRS. a K. CHAN The only Ohlnese wnmaa medical . doctor la this city. She has cored many afflicted saffarsrs. Cured prlvato and femal dls -,-alo atnoia. tbroet and mng troablas; stomach, bladder and kidney and die eases ef all kind that the auioaa flesh te btr to. Cared by Chinese herb and roots. , Bemedlte karmaaea. Mo operation. Honest treat raso!. XX A aTIB ATXOB B BBXE. 862 Clay Street. Comer Third. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Saadersoa'a Own pound Bsvta aad Cut too Boot Pills. The bt sad only rellsbl remedy tu baV LA I SO PBKlOUa. Core tbe moat Ah.rh.Ate la I S It dare. Price 88 par boa, mailed ta plals wrapper. Addroas Dr. T. i. PlEBCBv 181 First Sliest. Portlsad. Orsgoa.'.' . - .le,c ;;' iiHiainaaiiiali AABodABed llPTAFd Clabs. . (Josrsal Special Berries.) Detroit, Mich-. May H. OraflJat-4 of Harvard university from all over t1 middle wet assembled at the IV. today to ettend the eleventh anu t tneetlnc of the Aeeoclatet J i clubs.. Tbe f)rgantrt!(m, ' f first meetlna; in In; . , : beo, baa as lta e ! t ail rna,terj r -r , Of the tinlv(.;i.;:y, : to ;:. ' a . CaF rOKTT-AMO CefUnotr I Laaasawaaaaaai CARTERS 7ivR