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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
- .' : ' " .,.,..''1 ' ,- 1 ' i . -.s-s , ". : ;, ." ' 111 .... - . , ." . ..'' , r - r t. rr :","": - --7 : . 1 ,. . r r 1 r: . r- : ... 1 . i'- k . I A- !.. -.-.1 ... - 1 . 'a' .J. M . mm mm m , - ', -t ' Jf THK TflTlPNAT Mr. -Devil", proceedt nevertheless approximating that price, tn pro- eel that ?was on fire at plght. who I A 1 V I XL lJu J V- JVIN Aii to censure the press severely for un- ceeds of the crop may be aa large forced discipline upon not only IxjLlCOnOl and as a AN INDEPENDENT NBW8PAPKB. warranted and Indiscriminate . crltl- aa usual, the net profit to the farmer crew but passengers, and by his cool m or officials, r-ometlmes, " he be greater and the fields be benefited courage BavefQver 100 lives, being as C. . JACKSOM. pobiiii Tnr twninc tempt snir) " I thinks, for base purposes, and to J by the year of rest, j STWwa rTmbiii at" wiVJ flg. criticise citliens for their Indlffer- r n..rj at tb. pntorrte at Pord.nd. or.. r ence, aaylng: ; "Whenever a com- tniMioa throa,. tba aaUf . Kxmd-cu. munlty earnestly Insists upon having ? ' ." ' " ' 1 11 " ' its government administered on prin- ait prtmt r.ebi br thu anmbw. Ten clples of right, morality and econ- ? "P"'" epsrtsat roe wast ornr. if will ha iiiMAuriih - PoIImi jyieaicine Food- CONDITIONS INVITE TRIC SOADS. the last to leave his ship, his clothes having been "burnt upon him..; He ELEC- only did his duty, but doing a duty thus Is heroism none the less. fecta which stem to have only one anti dotal-alcohol again. ..- This applies to nothar drug equally Insidious, and that is morpnia or opium. . unioriuni)r, th farm colaod la by no means an ex- arreratad one, when It la realised that with alcohol, as drunk by many or tne poor classes, there is apt to do mixea a very denntte poison In the rorm or rusai oil. There is no disseisin the fact Small Change. e i t "niw110, Ha Protection will be withdrawn from .Vrevland-Bfajamtn Special Adwrtllef Afenef . I ... . ; Bmntwlr Baildft. S3S TUtb avenaa, Mewl gambling denS and hoUSflS Of prOStl- g iriiwaa uauaraf, t mcmfu. I eubaerlptlea Ttrma bf to aar aMreea la tba bolted Stataa, Caaada er Uaalea. ' v AILX. Cm rear....... .$8 00 I One Uonta . .BO , BDNDAY. . Om fear....... ..$160 I One noath I J8 DAILY AND RDNDAT. One rear ,...$1M One aioeta M Virtue dwells at the head : . of a river, to which we cannot . get but by rowing against the streatn.-Feltham. , tution; the saloon will not have ad vantages over every other business; will be elected. Inn a strictly ., partisan candidate, COAL PLENTY; FUEL SCARCE, backed by a party machine, and. un fortunately, for htm, supported so ILL THE Portland men who recently visited .the , coal , , Inability of the present steam system to handle the traffic becomes more markedly manifest every day; careful and oainstaklnr work will be Tne eMt ld tr"k" overcrowded the rale In city aervice. and Jobbery Wlin lrR"IC kes this self and fraud will cease." conspicuous 'In constantly belated Lt ,et tFrom all of which good and wise ir,wn, AOB congestion or rreigntana sentiments we conclude that Mayor Pa"onger business Is so great that Lane has made an exceptionally good tM observanca of any semblance of official; 'that not enough care baa cneau" m becomes almost been or Is being taken In electing Impossible. The railroad time cards eouncllmen; and that Mr. Devlin has G,,p,a3rea stations have become a rot out of his nroner latitude bv be- Nolte' ana "rival of expected trains a uninese puiEie.Tne. pas' senger who boys a railroad ticket expecting to reach his destination at a given hour, after dodging acci dents for a season, alights from his By the Rev. Alexander Alison, D. D., General Secretary f the National Temperanoe Sooletr. ' -.- The London Lancet haa , , T m,,,""'o on the subject of by the medieaj profeosloa - Borne Alcohol as a Medicine and a Food." nonnia 'Ainohol la a most excellent "u,t wn aignea or trine jess i appetiser. There can do no 'powaipie than a v score of. Dhysiolana who are I harm in a. urn haforo a nieal.' What Claimed to be nrnmln.nt Mnra.bitUHvaa I - m-m . atl tin Annt1ta i . . m 1 " ' "w w. w-v.,. .ww m .i.a . V 111 A t V w .v it supposea JLenrooi, wno nas oeen or their profession In Oreat -Britain. It neada to ba artinclallv stimulated. There La Toilette's most active lieutenant, " eausln quite a stir in the public is no need, supposing- this property of the price. yi.iiia ui in Ansio-B.xon race ana a i alcohol to be true, touse anyimng mat rauiu iirnr area. , Here la wnat tDeaaiwtn annatita." aoctors sute: - r , i . 0i- n.4.k th mntinntA! nt "In view of the statements fraauant-1 m that aionhnl' la atranrthenlnc it raaj s to present medical opinion and that it srlves a-reat working power. T TO 4 tltBin . a : x . "r ,nT""-J iThe new senator rrom WlBconsin ment of capital la electrip roads w-, em but for twc: y)ariI, when ,t Now It' berlns to justify iter name mt the Rose City, . . .'' The (rreen bug Is one speoles of Immi grant that Oregon does not want . .. ' ,'i --t - '- , ... -, -v'J.'::" VV. If wheat goes up te a dollar, less bread will go down the throats of the poor. , ' I " VjVf ( e . r?'i;';.;v'!; The person' most easily Interested la your trouble Is a lawyer if you have i Religion : Saves That generally by those very elements that should have no part In government, field near Heppner , demand but BnouJd be rtrlctlj. g0Tern9d uu rauroau do duui u By Ella Wheeler Wlloox, (Copjrrltbt, J80T, bj Amerleaa-jonraal Kiamlnar) -"For two hours last night," writes an acquaintance, ,"my mother and my sister preached to me that I would lose my eoul unless I came to their orthodox , views of retlglon, believe as thaw An - r h.n, in tha tram wun ms engagements out Of Great Creator, and In the law of love. It? asks the Pendleton East Oregon- fan, which asks farther lt It Is not "a crime on the part of the railroads to refuse to bnild a railroad to these coal fields when the need of fuel Is no urgent In ' Oregon.'., Whoever MONEY FOR IMPROVEMENT. P gear and his temper out of Joint. I To ease the congestion as much of the traffic as possible Is done on ORTLAND WILL progress and the west side tracks, nntll they, too. prosper whoever Is elected to are overcrowded with a business We don't blame the Irish for hold lng themselves as good as the Boers, regarding alcohol and alcohollo berer. Ue bear a great deal of this In the ad- w. unaersignea, mmk it ae-1 yocacy of British beer ana oeer. i nej slrable to issue .the following short sounds very well, but let Us view tne statement on the subject statement t-rtm Alcohol modinea certain' eonstltu which, we believe, represents the pin lents of the blood, and on this account ions of leading clinical teachers, as and on others i It affects j prejudiolally wen as tne great majority or meaioai the nourishment of, the body." ' -pruetltlonersi ' . I mt. rradarlok aoas on te speak of the "Hecognising tnat m nrescribinr ai-iimnna at Tdrsmith durina- the eoutn eohol the requirements of the Individ-1 African campaign a few years aga The ual must be the governing rule, we I creat auraeon was with the relief col- are convinced of the correctness of the umn that moved on to Ladysmlth. H opinion so-long and generally held that I states as follows: "In that column of In disease aloohol (a a rapid and trust- j some J0.069 men the ftrt who dropped worthy restorative. In many cases It j out were not the tail men or the short may truly ,bo described as life preserv- men or the big men or the little men, lng, owing to Its power to sustain car I but the drinkers, and they dropped Out I cannot aiao nervous energy wnue protecting clearly Its if they had been laoeiiea wasting nitrogenous tissues. : l with a big letter on their backs." "As an article of diet we hold that sir Frederick. In SDeaktne- of the ef- the universal belief of civilised man- facts of alcohol on circulation, says: kind that the moderate use of alcohol "Alcohol produces an lnoreased heart Is, for adults, usually beneficial, Is beat, a fuller Dulse and redder skin. It amply Jus rifled. calls . upon the reserve power of the '"We deplore the evils arising from 1 man. but the moment the effect passes I school children. me use or aiconono peverages, out it is oir tne action or tne neari is aciuaux I believe Christ was a Great Master. who taught this law of love. He la tnr . . . . . . teacner ana Drotner ana friend. X believe the translators have left very little absolute Holv Writ unvto. ( lated. There are ' so manr Intern rela- I tlons one can give various passages that I obvious that there Is nothing beneficial I weakened. Consequently the temporary office. It Is Important to elect that, like all railroad business In 1 bl've I have as good a right to my which does not, by excess, become In-1 effect . Is produced at an unfortunate the best men possible to office. Oregon, move, only when' it can. or STin.".. oTiVlm ' i am . ... e0 .. owns them, a line ahonld be built, and that entirely regardless of pol-1 "when the sign is right" A double "- creeds. I try to love my neighbor I One very good reason I possess: Not drinking Is Inconsistent with good wqrk. and the people given .-.chance to buy itlcs or party, but Portland cannot track railroad, at this moment X-iVff And tha it doesn't hurt the machine as much to smash lt when It is young and small..-1;-.;..,.. ' . -t. , e e .... ' ' -1' . It begins to look and feel as If HOT f was recovering from its long spell of springhalt'-..,,-' ;;v, j--,..iy. -"'V-'1 Curiously nothing, so far aa we have ' heard, not even m cigar or baby, has been named after Heney,,;,,;. Aurora Rorealls: Every windy day we marvel at how thin It la possible for some women to be and live. . ' - A visitor to the president Is eooken''- of aa a "Rouse guest" Does he lodge some of his visitors In the barnt A Michigan man was drowned la a vat of whiskey, but many a man has been killed by getting outside of Instead of into whiskey.;--;,. - , , . . .. ,.. , e e ,4-;;..;;,, 'KW I "Cut It out entirely." says the HaroeirwJ Va11aw Ma tarsi MfAvvlnay a eKak aAkAm "- ww wa sa W w sxvuvimw to raise money for Peary through the ' stnd use the needed fuel. " "This," J be kept from growing and becoming through the more populous section his own .way just as i want my own adds the East Oregonlan, 'is only great even If this be not done, but of western Oregon would not nor ?7 'am,,y, cannot see that this uimhuu vv iui iwuuaiot-1 iJiuviuiug iuo cuy moves lorwara wum nut kith iub section tne serr-ijow your friends liberty of conscience. encr of nrlvate" ownershisof nuhllo I with enntAmnlatnd lmnmmnM I lea lt deaArvM. Tha o-rnwth nf ihn I "They feel theewnust think for me. ,hhm. Thin rrLtrin anffafn I t!ia.a .in . , . It,.fi .ifhi. i4 . -i,.-u. I .imI br,n U their point of view, or w v.evu .........uuvn 1.111 vu wum. oocuia in-" kuuw-u vnu suiHi luik I eiia consign ma to Are and hrimatnna from a fuel famine with hundreds of I amount of money, but lt is not a verv I those whd move no and Hown the after I pass on. I really feel sometimes KMl'nf nMllant nl Ivlnv iiJL...t I ..I. an 41- Jk - I lln .m 1 .A V. A. 4 I I that SUCh a ftS WOUld be happier thaft v-" " uu ticM auiuuuk ivf a cii ui ruruulu iyuo auu vi aias 1 11 va wi. mv ..uiIva. ,... m Burmce, ouijr neeuiug a snort i present sue ana sure prospects, and sirusgiing; unaer, imposs)Die Duroens other life and hear them preach.' branch line of railroad to ooen no I all the nronnsari . rnAndftnra a ra Instantly recornlca that anma vindl . Tn battle of my friend for her .r, .Wn.l.. .M A n...b4 ' I .k.n.. . Wi . 4 l-viiwiww IB JUBl W1V lmi .14 wivu.. . w 4c.4 v iiuuich , uoucBIirj, ur -l leasi aavisaoie. II I -""B mun wu cuuie. ll IS I I nuttlt that' arrant man nt hlatnnr TOii. .It Is Indeed a strange thing that I Portland Is to be made the city that spectacle of freniled railroading that ,,am th llent or Holland, fought with the peoph have said and done so It mav and ought to be made. , fills the layman with awe. the air And h. rr...,"qUh-'..?.: The royal baby of Spain should start out In life friendly to the United States. that relieved his government of Cuba and the Philippines. , . a , , If anybody In Oreron In reasonably showing lt Is in letting him worship might suffer large discount In the mind j aiatent with what may be called -fine I food health Isn't glad he la alive these .is a aa. a . 40" . . .1 jl . ... 1 ..a a. I. . afv-H iiiue in ine airecuon or aBsertmgi : it rJa perhaps true that some of wun accidents and railroad men with he, maintained the principle as one f public ownership of these; subter- these expenditures will benefit aome nightmare. It cannot long endure, xhe world' Xnd'&'t hundred ranean eources of fuel, or at least people more, than others, will be of tor the unstoppable growth of the years war through just such bigots s fcave not so regulated production and greater advantage to property own- country will soon press existing con- thHf?n,,1hy mT correspondent, transportation as to prevent extor- ers in they,lclnity than at a distance, ditlona beyond the bursting point. days she" would hlvbUn dip?edin tionate prices and coal" famines. We but this la Inevitable. If thecity Is The Bolutlon Is electric roads, not hot oU n allowed to slowly roast to believe that this is one of the large to refrain from making anyHarge one"buf manyTNature destined west- of'ew "f her" iltl? WeSdsand' aubjects which will be taken up for and necessary improvements on this ern Oregon for them when lt thick- "well wishers." adjustment before long by the peo- account It wiH-never get them. ; But T seamed the adjacent mountain- PhluP o'8,0111 M her M 1,0 pie, by one means or another. I If, as In all the proposed cases.' the I "'des with torrent Btreams as a basis science, and he issued an edict that nil We suppose there Is no means by J Improvement Is primarily and prin-1 of electric power. The electric is who worshipped in any way save his which a railrokd corporation can be clpally fojf.taa benefit of the whole , wore cheaply operated road, and Thouid be exterminated: enureni compelled to build a line to these or I city and only Incidentally and uh- with the demand for lt ao extraor- . And so he and his friends burned and loriurea. ana nung, ana Deneaaea, and burled alive, and starved to death hun dreds of thousands of good people; and all this was done in the name of Christ And his 'opponents paid an eye for other coal fields, but lt vvould be a avoidably for the benefit of some dinary and the opportunity for it bo very fine thing for the state and more than others, It ought to be marked lt should not be ions In especially for this city If private cap- made. Every street paved is an coming. Itallsts would build such lines, when-J especial benefit to the Abutting prop-i ever such an opportunity offers, and j erty owners, and not all streets The manufacturers' association then existing -lines could be com-1 eaually deserving of pavement can favors a revision of the tariff at a of the average reader. I am not sure. work. It is inconsistent with the sur however, that, the disciple of Esculaplus goon's work and with anything that ra il the only person who has the right to quiM a quick, accurate and alert Judg. express ideas upon this subject It Is m.n. T nm mueil .truck with the fact pleasant to note tnat tnese stuaents 01 that professions! men have dls- "the healing art" are not aa drastic aa continued the use of a stimulant in the persona who express . themselves on mladI ot th- day whyT For no other their side of the subject frequently are. rason In cases' out of 100 than that they And they can work better without It ' Again Sir Frederick Treves deliberate ly states, "Alcohol does not "keep out the cold. Again he declares that to be "fit' young men must not .touch lt He de Clares: "No one who is , young and healthy can want aloohol any more than he can want strychnine." Finally he states as follows: "In con The fact that they have been aomewhat conservative In their dellveranoe may have the more weight with a reading public that Is so occupied with mate rial things as to have little time to spare for the scientific study which such a suojecv suggests. ns diu sarins, "Doctors differ," may not be found un true In this instance when we have given some little attention to the question in Its fullness. Only a few decades ago medical practitioners who id iiki Inn Imf mat mAA An marai tACflmnnv. would express respeet for the advo- Having spent the greater part of my cates of total abstinence were not nu- hlf(J ln 0p6rating I can assure you thst raerouo. a lira woru w noi iniw i tha naraon nt all other that I dread to quently . spoken, by the average doctor ,e , enter th- operating theatre Is Uie for alcoholic liquors., mings , nave 1 drinker. I ahara with the late' Blr changed since them, it is not so easy jame, Palret hl absolute dread of the t ..THEORY VS. PRACTICE. . UNDER' the-tltle, "Officers Their Powers and Duties," Mr. Devlin," in his book on "Mu ' , nlClpal Reform," makes some remarks that are worthy of repeti tion and consideration at this time, a few : of which we are pleaaed to secret drinker. What may we now oonoludeT Surely there Is a large ooncensus of highly skilled medical opinion against the use or alcohol m neaitn or aisease at any stage of our earthly pilgrimage. 'If we follow the weight of scholarly scientific opinion upon this subject it seems to me that we shall be constrained to ad' mlt however much we may have spect for the distinguished medical men who have spoken through the col umns of the Lancet that an nnnreJu diced Jury, giving V verdict ln accord ance with the facts, would be tinder the necessity of deciding against them. If any one desires - information cov ering the whole question and many elaborate treatises occupying the entire field application should be made to the National Temperance Society and Pub lication House, No. I. East Fourteenth ultimate benefit. A new bridge to Pect of any tariff revision before " " ' . , XY. .hi: t. . publications. . I shall be pleased now, on this side or tne Atlantic at least ' to find even as many as those who have signed the Lancet manifesto who would willingly be classed with the ancients In this field. Thousands of leading medical practitioners may be easily gathered together on both sides of the Atlantic who will earnestly call ln question the position taken by the noted men who. have signed tneir names to the statement published by the Lancet. We can without difficulty off set their' claim, distinguished as It may be because of their prominence in tne an eye and slaughtered as many in re-1 profession, by quoting from others not ijuiauon. t less weighty In-the puouo estimation. Those charming days are past but I sir Andrew Clark, M. D., a physician the spirit of persecution still lives in j to her majesty. Queen Victoria, may pelled haul the Coal to -points be paved at once. Public ownership special session of congress to be held the hearts of many "devout Christians," be quoted as follows: "Alcohol is a whejrlt was nee led at reasonable of docks would principally benefit "the spring of 1909, Immediately Thor? V? t0 con-ent with mak- pson. go is strychnine; so is arsenic: , . , yiuviiii;.sutitt . ., . . ln thelr friends and relatives miserable so Is opium. It ranks with these. The rates. those engaged in trade and com- Biter tne inauguration Of the next In tha wav mr correannndent daanrlh. t,..i.h . .l.av In anma w ar other those engaged in trade and com- after the inauguration of the next in the way my correspondent describes, j health is always in some way or other v4 .11 f .i i it I nvaHM4nt Din., th... la - i HArfl la mn amallnnt taat Tnr inr iaiii I i i... Kv it'ianafltM hv Itnmr " . I wmnimr if, linn 1 1 in tin inn ri vti i im n i iu m ii.vii M 11. ..v.i iMtt 1 1 1 tn aalvatlon:. I r .i..kiKi ArlnV la nanahla of olthar replace : the old Madison ' street inai time, it is in oraer to say, "bet- Eacn morning asic yourseir, on awak 1 bridge would be of more advantage ter late than never," "but perhapa if JIm.b.,1n i to the contiguous section of the city the tariff Is to be revised in entire I any one over whose misfortunes you than to downtown artlnn but that accordance With the schedule that wuid rejoice; any one to whom you j I . . , ... . . I wSuld not extend a kindness, if asked. warming, strengthening, nourishing or adar, application.. lng.' Professor Toumans saysf "AH alcohol is the product of death and decay." k Sir William Gull, M. D., says: "I If you can answer your own soul hardly know any more potent cause of I The proposed ; Bmail association. It might as well frankly in. the negative, and if you go disease than alcohow riD lowara too uaj wiui ui iov oil k. jj. juussey, m. u. ja; dw ions God and humanity ln your heart hop-1 as alcohol retains a place among sick lng to do only good, then you need not natients. so long will there be drink- fear you are to be "lost" however your ers." faith may differ from ; that of all Benjamin Ward Richardson, M. D., churcnea ln the world. says: "I had learned purely by ' ex- ls no reason why the bridge should w111 bevpresented by the manufac not be built parks and boulevards .may be be never tTiftii0',hr Kv mrima m riAadlAaa 1tiim, I . ' tirm. . i I- -o - "J w l sOUe. , , xue very uest tuea , any rather than a necegsIty but we mufjt The Harney County News s now consider what the future of Port- owned and published by Mr. Frank land Is to be and what we wish It to Davey, speaker of the last assembly. Letters From " tke v People r ; Too llanj Bills. Portland, May H. .To the Editor of The Journal There seema to be a great many Bills advocating the eleo- !! Thnmaa 1l1ln lli...4 TI11 If you cannot answer this question In perlmental observation that ln its o-Cakei Bill -(Pike) Davis. Dollar Bill, v- , .u a- I :. . .. .. . .... . v. i .i i t I u. ..A 4V.4 i-j H. Vj: 1 and In blB'r,mnHfltnrahln It will ","..,K!"""' " 7 lion on tne living ouur ,B" u uiw.itiiwmuti iuai, muu w4u d . r . vu- i aisiiKe.. enougn to wish in, men be sure substance, .alcohol, deranges the con- far higher for these purposes ln the 1 doubtedly become one of the leading your religion is not the right kind. Only I stitutlon of the blood; unduly excites future than it Is now. and most valuable and Interesting as lt should be, by a succeeding gen eratlon then the proposed bonds should be voted for. as It fills the heart full of love, and with pity for what' Is unlovable, -and only as lt awakens the Impulse of help- fulness toward the whole struggling world, from human down to the animal kingdom, only aa it brings a. conscious ness of universal kinship. Is religion . . . ml. .. . vi- v ' . ' i any uae m m worju. jiiai oiuim is oe larray paid, wi - the religion that "saves.", The cost of these Improvements Papers of Eastern Oregon, The Is not the only thing to look at, but ,,eI lB larK and comparatively also . what the benefit Will be. , If new Mr. Davey is an experienced the money will be a good Invest- Rn exceptionally well. - informed ment and lt will i qualntancea wish him success In his new venture. AS TO DOLLAR WHEAT. -V All Pull Together. From the Irrlgon Irrigator. The Irrigator believes that we must Governor Hughes of New York. L"i!. M"?:?' ."!I".k "Z'l " 1 ui puna auu vuu lugumci . cuiu uini , M a -i t. a i. I Governor Stuart of S'JSSS? bTSnw U end. by Governor Deneen of Illinois, Cover- ilh .taiv.V.:h!.J! and it implants org the heart and respirations paralyses the minute blood vessels; Increases and de creases, according to the degrees of Its application, the , functions of the dl gestlve organs, of the liver and of the kidneys: disturbs the regularity of nervous action, lowers trie normal tern perature and lessens the musc.ular power. Such, independently or any prejudice of party, or Influence of sen tlment are the unanswerable teachings of the sternest of all evidences, the evidence of experiment of natural fact revealed to man by experimental test Aloohol de- organio city are none too good for council men." d The author . believes that eouncllmen should be ' elected at large, and not by wards, for "As lt is now the boodllng, vote-buying, ; bobo-colonlxlng politician Is too : often the councilman, de jure or de . facto," and Is willing and anxious to 1 loot the treasury for the especial benefit of his ward, or of the ele 1 tnent of his constituents that vote lila way." Disagreeing with another writer, , who argued that certain districts ln . great city were properly repre sented by "thieves and ruffians," Ur. Devlin says: "The sections of ' community where vice reigns . should have no representation. Such sections are to be governed and not to govern. Self-government was the usual average.' but the wheat tures. says the Louisville Post. Yes. SI1?,. - iiever Intended -for Bachcommtmi-rarsaa tn tha stnta tnr tha i uu iu tDj BKamst a party some 01 ine people, or iu ui ini people, pea. ine gamoung, tnievmg ana nelow tne normal. A main cause is marina mn h a hnas tn th. int, m some other section. wfcft rhanl SActlon of a Hfy ri. I tha immIi. n hn.v I- ...... . . ... I It has been the fashion for a few pa " "Tr .i , . . J ' v....-4,v., -uyuau uw oi unnea Dtates senators ana "in-Ipers ln the state to keep scolding Port- juiauwe ;iuo Biwrnwn ui vuowobv vorawe weamer, at least in western terests." land and the Portland people. You all and most conscientious of men." (Oregon, reduced the area of fall-sown ' 1 " ' know what newspapers we refer to, and Tn .nth nh.nt th- . a '.. u,- ... ' 1" know helr ditors, the soreheads r. -i"- " 6iaiu, uu eijuaiijr jimaiuiauiu cu- democrats in mis country Bbould who write such twaddle. And you also takes a pessimistic though perhaps J matic conditions have lessened hearn a lesson from the Irish, who know that th PaPer1 do,n th,i a nn-4fr Tlu AT rh nnlltlplan . M ...I.. ...Jl.. I i . . . . . .. . .. .. I " " - -..j m..- v - - ..v,.. w. . wiius """ .: : new a great meeting to discuss tne their ranks, but their number Is grad wnom am says, tne science or pou- Throughout the State the labor Birrell bill. 8.000 bain In attend- ually getting smaller. tics means a, knowledge of the de- problem on the farm' has been a serl- Unce at the gathering, which passed .Ji. owi'to the ni'V.S a,coh'0,, p,r,u IT11 10 tne prac v. -n.i. . i I . . . .. m. .. ... 1 - " peopie loyai to tne rest or tne state, tine either of Dhyhlcs oK sur:erv. . tivco uj muu vwn m w muu-1 ous nanaicap. Many rarmers couia oil witnout even a row. Fortunately They are not fools. They know that I n wniani Parv va.. wh4. " enced and the passions and preju- not get labor at all, while others the opinion was unanimous against Ji!e,rf,,t7 canno.t fJ"0W or prosper unless pU unjetatai)(i what alcohol is and what - v MVT v I wtklnk tm WV.t ramaiiata fM wthn. a-h& I MVV,U1,I 'M OREGON will probably contribute nor Folk of Missouri, are .11 fight- nVrw' wto ef any" section SJnJ. ' tuomTSFS. to the general deficit that lng for the people, and for the re- nowl at buM om otner "ct,"'- n't bor!S wno are promises to make dollar wheat, dflmntlon of nartv nlad... Mlnt c5"n. b2"dup.J)ZJttr,nf -d,?.wn' James Howie. M. D.. says: "It is i ' . o , a i rrv ..eekuiiui. luigv j aucau irwunn The yield per acre may reach the obstructionists In the leglsla-1 backwards. Neither can we help our quite Impossible to believe that alcohol adds he smallest amount of energy to any man, eitner neaitny or aiseasea.' . J.. J.jRldge. M. .C jays:... The In fluence pt alcohol Is never to stimulate life-growth, but always to hinder and depress It Edward Smith, M. v., says: "Alcohol cannot be regarded as food. . Aloohol neither warms nor sustains the body. F. R. Lees, M. D., says: "It is false that alcohol promotes digestion." Dr. John IL Griscomb says: "I have come to the conclusion that alcohol as a medicine can be wholly dispensed with. Dr. R. D. Mussey says: "I deny that dices of men turned to the advan- could not afford It because of Its the bill, the Irishmen declaring with prospers, and oonversely they know that tage of his party and .himself. The! cost Prom $1.50 to $2 per day Is one voice that they would accent tor u to r0er is for them to pros- broad field of politics proper, where the going farm wage, a Btrlking con- nothing less than real home rule. Sniv uToT.lHilS 1 w ------ right,' morality and honor on the trast with the 60 cents that was paid And they will get it yet, too. part of Individuate and the nation s few years ago. To Increase the take precedence of penonal profit embarrassment, many laborers insist J If anybody can make the devil or partisan success, and where pol Itlcs mean the consideration by able, .earnest and patriotic men o: those principles of government which will best insure "safety, peace" and pros perity. Is to the politician In office an undiscovered realm. ' But the professional politician will not alwa73 do. It aometimea be comes necessary to add strength and renfactability to the ticket." . So the r&rty managers select some really f"od man. flatter him, Interest him and succeed la corrupting him ' on ending the day's work at 6 p. m., I look less black than he has been town in any other state, but as we pointed out a couple of weeks ago, they are more loyal to their state than the people of any other city are to the state ln whlcfe such city Is situated. a difficult thing to bring' about on the farm, where the day's work for all on the place seldom ends nntll long after that hour. In consequence, many a farmer has put ln bis crop himself, leaving unsown such acres as there -was not time to reach, i A comparatively lim ited acreage, and a strong probability that the Oregon wheat aggregate will be below the average will be the out come. If,- however, wheat reaches the dollar mark, or a figure even painted, who should be so able to do it as Secretary, Hoot? Hasn't he been the ablest trust attorney In the country for many years? .The president effected peace be tween Russia and Japan, but to do bo ln Ohio la rot such an easy mat ter. .... That was another hero, who de served more than a Carnegie medal, the captain of a Lake Michigan ves- Don't Kill the Swallows. From the Minneapolis Journal Farmers who have been doing their best to exterminate the barn swallow, will feel pretty cheap when they learn that the swift-winged little fellow Is one of their best friends. It Is his misfor tune and not his fault that his nest is Infested by a suspicious looking bug. But the entomologists have discovered that this bug,, In spite of his resem blance to the one that- "gets there just the same," is of a different breed and wouldn't stay In a bed even If put there. Nests are Its specialty. So let the barn swallow live and pursue Its Insect pests to his heart's content and the farmer's profit . . lt does, they will put It out of exist ence." Sir Henry Thompson, M. D., says: '1 And alcohol to be an agent that gives no strength." It would not be difficult for the writer to multiply similar statements by the hundred yes, by the thousand. Tes timony Is overwhelming today for the position which I attempt to hold. During a recent visit which I made to London, an -eloquent4 address was de llvered at the Church House. West minster, under the auspices of the Wo man's Union, C K. T. S. ; The speaker was sir rreaencx Treves, Bast, K. C. V. O.. C. B, LL. D., P. R. C, g.,1- ser. geant Surgeonrln-ordlnary to .the' king, Edward VII. and surgeon-ln-ordfnsry to H. R. II., the Prince of Wales. Among other things he said the following: . - "The point in regard to alcohol Is staple enough. It is a poison, and it Is a poison- which, like other poisons, has certain use; but the limitations In the use of alcohol should be as strict as the limitations In tha use of any other kind of poison.. Moreover, It is an in sidious poison ln that it produces ef-' Bill Kesdy, Mysterious Bill Smith, Halt Dollar BUI and Billy Ayres. late of the notorious Portland club. "If this sweet 'scented bunch should have something to say, the con ditions proceeding the fall of the Ro man Empire would not be ln it. ANDY VALCOUN. May days he doesn't deserve to be. It Is to the credit of the press' that all the pictures of Maybelle Oilman- Corey are entirely respectable In appear- anae. r . ' . There eeems to be reason to believe that Ohio will Or ought to go Democrat ic next year whenever one trlnks of little Dick. e . - The minister that married Corey la named John Lewis Clark, but that doesn't prove that- he la descended from our Lewie and Clark. , . :-- a- '.s e - e ; -, ' Si.-' - Bom people will spend money to buy flowers and pay funeral expenses for a man, but neglect to keep him from the poorbouse. while alive. ' .. e , ' '; . ' ' , . The monorail railroad scheme is noth ing new. An Oregon man worked on If for years, got patents, and bad an en gine -built but his funds ran short e- i "A Canadian conductor "got" three years for allowing his train to be wrecked. The officers of the road are at liberty, though the same as In this country. , v. Y ': The way to get'thln, says Secretary Taft. "fs to eat only four ounces at. each meal, work hard and keep In good humor." We don't believe In the "good humor1 part of the recipe. ' And Taft la not a very good example of thinness but perhaps, like other doctors, - he doesn't believe In his own medicine - . . Oregon Sidelights Burns bank. Is to have a second national Old Sunny Side Up. Old Sunny Side Up, he used to say "Yes, things are a little bit dark today, But Just a touch of warm sunshine Will make this old world, look mighty nne, . ,.. . And pretty soon it will be so bright That you'll be glad you're alive, all . i,.. rignt. . v.;. ' ,t Old Sunny Side Up, he used to say 'The work was a little bit hard today. But It's good for folks to have lots to do. , And the pay, some day, will be better, . too, . And anyway, wnen you've aone your wnrk It's good to feel that you"dldn't shirk.'' Old Sunny Side Up, he used to say: "The luck seems a little bit tough to- day. But it never does any good to mope While the helpfullest thing ln this world is hope, , ; . .. ; And you bet your lire yon can't go wrong . " : . - If you trust ln the Lord and plug along." Old Sunny Side Up, he did his best: . He worked - and hoped till he went io rest: - ' He never was rated a great success As viewed ln a worldly light I guess, But when he left us, Z dare to say, He went right home to the brighter day. Kansas City Times. This Date in History. 11JS Death of Emperor Henry V at Utrecht 1 1 it X Samuel de Chamnlaln- entered upon his second tenure of office as gov ernor of Canada.-: 1708 British under Marlborough vic torious at battle of Ramlllles. 1719 Empress Catherine , of Russia born. . .- .-. - . 1781 American . force laid siege "to Augusta, Georgia. -- - 1 82 General Ambrose Burnslde born, Died September S. J881. . , , . 1831 Levi Woodbury of New Hamp shire became secretary of the navy. 18J Battle of Port Royal, . Virginia. 1877 Don Carlos, Spanish pretender. expelled from France. v 1189 Shah ; of, Persia arrived at St Petersburg on his first European tour. 1895 Secretary Carlisle spoke against the free coinage of silver at the sound- money, convention at Memphis, Magplee kill young chickens In Crook county. Prairie . City Is now sure of a obsess factory. "Bumper crops sure," declares the Sa lem Statesman. . - e e A Condon man received 1,100 heed of cattle Sunday. Bend home talent will produoe The Merchant of Venloe. a a Many timber claims are being taken yet around Gold Hill. a ... - Sage rats are doing great damage te crops in crooa county. ; The sound of the cannery whistle will soon be heard again. Representative ; Hawley la visiting ' Klamath and Lake counties. r , .-' .S ' e. SS ... A Lakeview butcher pays as high as 17.60 a head for mutton . sheep. - .",v;'.s.'.:,;'- ,'"s:-' Flshlng good now In Rogue river ar Bear creek; many steeiheadsscaui . : - ; a :. Aurora Borealls: How proud a towa man Is when he has radishes In his own garden! A Hood river young man was fined 160 for misbehavior and a few days later Was fined another $60 for the same offense. -.. .-!.. A" Polk county man" has. invented "a" string tying machine for tying strings on, the trellis for, hop vines by the use of which he can tie the strings much faster than can be done by hand, '.jt ' Dayton Optimist: Oregon Is not to blame for the few- poverty-stricken mortals who live here. You , will find men who have made a failure of life wherever you go. Brains and elbow grease bring better returns here than anywhere else on earth. , ... i n v '; .... 4 Almost within the corporate limits of Olendale there le "something doing," says the News, that undoubtedly will In a very short time surprise mining men. High grade ore-' containing copper and gold exists In large true fissurejvelns, encased in i walls of porphyry:BrsSita and slate, - " Prairie City" Miner: Last week there was a general Complaint about the frost killing the fruit . some declaring that It was all arons and that thnra mM not be fruit enough, to wad a shot gun. ' Tha warm sun of the past few days has allayed all such fears and now some are kicking because the trees are so heavily laden with blossome that they cannot stand the strain. : That Rogue river for the 100 miles from Grants pass to Its mouth at Gold beach, where It empties into the Pa clflo ocean, .could be made navigable for boats up to 10 or 25 tons eapaolty is the opinion of many experienced rlvw ermen who Jiave examined It - Fisher men and prospectors have bees, navigat ing Rogue river with small boata white men settled here 60 years- an. says the Grants Pass Courier. - .