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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1807. Ir m i M. opies TOBIQHT'S AinTSBHEBTS. ; larquaa Oread vital Empire Grand .... .......a........ .................. ,....."Tb Binrlnl Olrl A Contented Woman .."Wlcktd London Viort.TllI The Oouatorfeltora Bur ...."Knobs e Teaaeaaea" B. L. Eberman, formerly a inembr of .' th police department, but now conduct """Veing a .loon on Tine street, tu tried In the .police court yesterday on a charge of allowing . 11-year-old Kate Pletrlck to frequent bis establishment In rlpla- j tlon of the ordinance, and wai fined fZS . The alrl. who comes from Bertha, was . given ber liberty, but in the event of again coming before the court for any ;y offenae ahe will be given a sentence of ' to days. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin of the Travelers' Aid society has volunteered - - to aaatet the unfortunate woman and se cure her a position," . ' , . Borne , more old coins have been brought to light by Mrs. William M. , Ovens of 1730 East Thirteenth street, who has the following: Bank token, .. Bank of Upper Canada, 1851; copper, site t or a cent. 13(3. : with war motto ana ..... flag; copper cent, ISO, showing crossed cannon, . flags, liberty csp and drum copper coin, 1 kreutser, Baden, 18(6; ad- rerttelngi eoln 1883! advertising coin, 1850; t-cent piece, 1888; Belgian coin, I-cent piece, 18(5; British cola, 1 cent, ;',..' 1864. (vy..:'ft,v,,.:.;.,l.; w;,U:v;V Rev.-John Glen, who has been min later in charge of the Free Methodist church, , East Ninth and East Mill ts, for the past three years, has een succeeded by Rev. W. J. Johnson, who arrived yesterday from Falls City, Oregon, and will assume his new -duties next Sunday. Mr. Glen will soon leave for a four months' eastern trip, and upon his return to Portland will take up his new duties as evangelist of this E. Chamberlain, a bartender employed in Noene saloon. Park and Washington streets, waa bound over to the grand Jury yesterday by Judge Cameron on a charge of allowing a girl under the are of 11 years to remain In the resort. The girl in the case Is Cecil Hlrsch, the daughter, of Patrolman Hlrsch of the police department. The offense with which Chamberlain la charged carries a ever penalty, ,. I F. Zimmerman, Rev. E. 8. Muckley and E. Quackenbush were the speakers last night at the second meeting held under the auspices of tne Bellwood Clvlo loague In the interests of local option. Dr. Thompson,' pastor of the Bellwood Presbyterian church, spoke-of the work that the league was doing and expressed the conviction that the temperanoe peo ple would win at the election. Penny ' Bros, Friday Special Oar $1.50 grade of red or whlfe port, sherry, maderla, tokav and sautern wines at 11 per gallon; our II grade of port and sherry wine at 76o per gallon; J, A. Mo Brayer whiskey, nine years old, regular 15, at 14 i Friday only. 3T3-881 East Morrison street. Phone East 287. Free delivery. . i . Dr. George D. Watson, evangelist. Is preaching afternoon and evening to a full house. Dr. Watson's exposition of the Jlrd Psalm, yesterday afternoon, was listened to with ; muoh Interest. Services every afternoon at . 1:80 in Christian and Missionary Al(lano chapel,' Sixth and. Main streets, and every evening . at 7:30 in ' uie Penlel Mission, on First street, near Madison, 17E WANT WOMEN We need fifty more than we Jiave at present, to whom we Hi'xW pay salaries that amount to something. The . excel lence of our work has brought us so great a clien tele that we find it difficult to' secure enough help to. turn the linen out promptly as we would wish. Union Laundry SECOND & COLUMBIA TEL. MAIN 398 DISTRICT PAVING PLAN EARMARK OF PROGRESS Upon Voters Depends Question of Portland Going Back rr: ? , ward or Forward. : V PROPOSED AMENDMENT ' 13 ONE BADLY NEEDED Under v. New Prorlaloa City Could , -; Have Many Mllea of JLwd Surface Street at Nominal ; Cost -Other 5 Cities Satlflflei;4 Pk' $1.00 ;V. at East Main ' and East Forty-fourth streets. The houee Is tl by 35 feet and will cost about 00. . f ' W.A turned. " , Cleland, the attorney, baa re- (33-184 Chamber of Commerce. To amend the city charter by provid ing for the permanent Improvement of Streets by dlstrlots Instead of by the limited method now In rogue, is on of the most important propositions to be submitted to the voters in the Official ballot at the June eleotlon. It Is de sired by the progressive element of the cltlsens to cure some of the evils that have kept Portland back while Buffalo, Los Angeles, Seattle and other cities of that class have gone ahead and Im proved their streets. . The district plan of street Improve ment has had Its best demonstration in the city of Buffalo, where It hag been on trial the longeet time, and has proved to be satisfactory. The man who pro moted the adoption of the district par lng law In Buffalo and was a leading factor In inducing the people to ay hundreds of mUes of. hard surface pav ing is still alive. The people have erected a statute In bis honor In one of Buffalo's parks, the cost of the stat ute having been raised by a popular 10-cent subscription. ' In Seattle the property owners have within- the last six months sanctioned contracts for upwards of 11.000,000 of hard-surface street pavements. It has been proved by years of experience in all classes of cities that hard-surface pavements Increase the actual market Nurseryman PUkington,1 ft. TamhilL th butV? "HKlt' lng, tneretore property owners nave come to believe In paving as a good In vestment The district plan tends to secure lower prloes for paving and bet ter quality. ' SL W. Moore, . expert-, photographer. Elks' building; Seventh and Stark Sts. Levy's Music Bouse, 111 Fifth stmt. Photo mounts. Woodworth, 141 H 1st .' D. Chambers, optician, ill Seventh. v Berger signs 384 Yamhill phone. Good 38.10 shoes. Marks Shoe Co, Bark Tonio for rheumatism. Beck jewelerJ-101 Alder, "'. Oregonlan Confectionery, 181 Sixth. Bummer dresses. Madam McClur Co. Beautifying creams. See Mm. Hudson. Klser soenlo photos. Imperial hotel. COMMITTEE READY. FOR FIREWORKS DAY Chairman Summers Has Named : Those to Take Charge of the Celebration. ' The contractor who can secure the work Of paving - several streets Is en abled to erect a good plant, buy larger quantities of materials- and do tb work at lower cost than he could do In .par1 lng a single street. He is therefor enabled to bid lower on a large jot and the abutting property owners get the benefit In a lower assessment for par ing.,' V; V . , AU Benefit by 3arla'. . Tb advantage of having a number of streets paved Instead of one street In any given locality Is obvious to every property owner wno naa paid ror par ing a single street When one street In or through a section of the city is paved and the others are left nnpaved, tb result Invariably Is that all ' the travel goes to the paved street and wears It out la on fourth the time that It would normally last If travel were die tributed In the natural way. The paving- of streets by dlstrlots maintains the normal distribution of travel, and is economical for alL Every fair-minded voter will favor this amendment, and place a oross In front of . the word "yes"-on his ballot Lack of modern street paving In Port land la to a large extent due to the abil ity of a few obstructionists to block t paving project on any given street Al though the street may be Impassable for a load of wood from November to April, and a large number of property owners xn the street may desire a per manent Improvement the good efforts of all may be nullified by objections from a few who would refuse - to pay their sbar of the expense. Sroa-3tesldats Oppose Improromeats. In many cases a street has been built np with comfortable homes with the exception or a rew vacant lota owned by speculators, non-residents, or persons who perhaps live on well-paved streets In other parts bf the city. These vacant lot owners frequently oppose the paving of the street, and their opposi tion will under the present law defeat a petition for paving. The object of the reposed amend ment to. the charter Is to reduce this evil to a minimum. It would make It necessary for 80 per cent or four fifths of the property owners along a street to protest In order to defeat the paving of the street The progressive roter will place a cross In front of the word "y" on his ballot and rot for the amendment that Is headed "Remon strance of Four Fifths to Defeat Street Improvement" LOCAL LUMBER DEALERS PROFIT BY CAR SHORTAGE An inimitable style is manifest in the Hat that bears this label Peer of All $3.00 Hats STRAWS AND.PMAMAS Visit our Hat Department for your Summer Hat. Many new - shapes in fine straws and " ' V genuine Panamas now ready. - That the car shortage has Its bene fits for Portland and Columbia nrer lumber dealers Is apparent In the state ment of L O. Rhoades of Ban Fran cisco, general purchasing agent of tne Southern PaclAc railroad, who la In Portland Investigating the high cost of lumber ln Oregon compared with Puget sound rates. Mr. Rhoades says lumber is selling from 313.50 to 814 a thousand on Puget sound, while Oregon rates ar from 313 to 31 for tb sam quality.. . - The only reason wa can-w miinw for the cheap rates on Puget sound Is Articles of Incorporation of the Crater Lake cpmpany. were filed In the office of the county clerk yesterday afternoon by Will Q. Steel. Charles U Farrish and Lionel R. Webster. - Their purpose Is to maintain a summer resort at Crater lake. Capital stock, 1250,000. When Mrs. F. P. Baumgartner, at 190 Twelfth street went, upstairs .yesterday afternoon sne screamed loudly, for she discovered a burglar ransacking her bu reau. The thief bolted through a win dow and escaped without any plundsr. Detectives were put on the -case, Screen doors and windows made to order, fitted and hung. The Pioneer Paliy Co F. E. Beath ft Co., 13S First street Phone, Main 1834. There will be no meeting of the Peo- ple's Forum tonight The forum has adjourned for the summer, to open again In "September. - ; Special 10c, 1 Bo and JOo lunch. 11:30 to 1. Oregonlan Confectionery, ill Sixth street . .. .. . '. Steamer Jesse Harklne. for Camas, Washoukal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Loaves Washington street dock I p. m. W. A. Wlsei T. P, Wise, H. A. Sturde vant dentists, Third and Washington, Main 2029. Painless method used. v vvny pu j murvi m usib in vua r !,)!; for 31. 349 Wash. St. cor, Tth, I ? forrly at 111 Sixth street Eastm .n kodaks and suppllea I. Lceaer Cohen, 111,1th. the Kodak store. Dr. William Cavanaugh, dentist has moved his office tu (03-4 Buchanan bldg. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal 11 and fin gasolln. Phone East 788. .. Woman's Exohange, 183 Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to 2; business men's lunch. The Second Baptist church, at' Eat Seventh and East Ankeny streets. Is having erected a small mission: chapel General Owen Summers, chairman of the Fourth of July celebration commit tee, assisted by , H. H. Newhall, A. a Stolnbach and Lee M.' Clark, met last night and appointed the following com mittees to look after the details of the celebration; Auditing H. H. Newhall, Julius Meier that railroads operating out of Puget and X. N. Fleischner. , ;. sound territory are so badly in neea or - Invitation EL M. ' Brannlck. Paul cars that no eastern shipments or ium Weeslnger. Sol Blumauer, Tern Richard- ber are being made. The cheap rates i t - t-v.s , are believed to be a bid for coastwise iuu sjluu wivMvt r e4 s vawn . i - - rZTZru" "Mr" Rhoades Wld the Southern Pacific S-nV,' .rK v " I purchasing 4.000,ogo lies w oe M1MUS"W"M .Parade Colonel James Jackson, Oen- In construction work In California and fChat all of them ar being purchased in Oregon. The company has bought 300, 000,000 feet of lumber In the past six months for Its work In the southern state. In speaking of the car shortages, Mr. Rhoades said: The conditions In the weat do not equal those in the east I figured out for the satisfaction of my own com pany that the average time of a car from the east to Saa Francisco Is about three and one half months. Coal ship ments have been held up so long that we shipped abound the Horn to save ' time. ' Lumber shipments from the east especially of oak, are almost out of the question because of the eastern car shortage, and we have ordered 1,000,000 feet of Siberian oak from a Portland firm that Imports the timber from Asia in the log and cuts It up nere. Tne cost is higher, but la much more satisfactory. Flxner and Colonel C. B. I George W. AraU and ROSE'S Oil PARADE JUNE 20-21 eral W. E. McDonelL Music L N. Fleischner, Simons, Dan MeAllen, a A G. A, Hoffman. ' LiteraryTom 'Richardson, Henry IB. Dosch. J. D. Lee, M. G. Griffin and William R. McGamr. Fireworks Sol Blumauer, C. C Brad ley, Leo Selling, Dr. Emmet Drake and Grant Phegley. Amusements and outdoor sports H. wr i . m m . j 1 1 tf Moore, A. C. Lohmire and Paul S. Dick, final Plans for FlOWSr CamiYal uecorauons w. kow, ts, a. water. Phil Rogoway, B. G. Reed and Phil Metschan Jr. V Transportation -George W. Simons, General w. E. Fisner and 8. O. Reed. Another general meeting of those In terested In - the- celebration has been callod for tomorrow night-when the soliciting committees will be named and subdivisions of the city made for the more economical collection of th cele bration fund. Perfected and Committee Is Named. CHILDREN WILL BE FEATURE OF FESTIVAL CANADIAN AGENT ' . . OPENS OFFICE HERE: E. L. Cardie of St Paul newly ap pointed freight agent In Portland terri tory for the Canadian Pacific railway. Is establishing; his department in the if flee of General Agent F. R. Johnson on Third street and will Immediately take un the duties of his new station. He will be assisted by Nelson Fleming, who comes from Vancouver to act as contracting freight agent J. G. McNabb, now traveling freight agent for-the Canadian Pacific out of Seattle, will be transferred to Portland. Clyde - Reed, "w-cshier- ln"the " city ticket office of th Harrlman lines, will become assistant to Mr.. Johnson, who will remain general agent for the Can adian road In charge of passenger busl- ne.-1---,' .f i : : -,... , Many Clubs Give Plan Hearty Boost Great Showing of Portland's Mowers Will Be Made Final Meeting Friday. Tnrtlnnt'a rose festival Initiated by th chamber of commerce, will be held June 20 and 21, out of consideration for the Oregon Development league, which holds its Annual convention In this city on June. 21 and 22. Permanent organiza tion for the rose carnival was erieciea last evening at a meeting In the audi torium of the chamber or commerce. Robert Krohn will be asked to drill the children, and Mr. Richardson will act as chairman of the committee to ar range this feature. F. V. Holman. pres ident of th Rose society, was mad cnairman or the rose show committee, which will have charge of the exhibit Chairman Row named the following committees; on music C N. Black, J. L. May, J. S. McCord; on ways and means, W. wynn Johnson. D. E. Keaser. J. C Ainsworth, . Mr, Black of the Ad Man's club was appointed a committee of one on pub licity. Secretary McFarland was again directed to get in touch with the push clubs and enlist their cooperation. The general executive committee will have another meeting- at the chamber of com merce next Friday evening. HARRIMAN FREIGHT MEH SHIFT PLACES Numerous Changes Become Ef fective In Local Railroad . Offices. perhapsvouf house m . mm sk , a a y n jieeds Haint i If it does, the work should put off until the sun gets hot and the dust spoils the job. DO IT NOW! Booklets "Paint and Painting' "Attractive Homes" will tell how to avoid paint takes and how to harmonious colors FRLL AT and you mis- select T)rou:cra C4toC10 , Ai dfEl SWTS 020 It's Really Astonishing It's astonishing how we hare Jumped into the position of kadn of all the Portland tailors ia leas than two years. If s also astonish ing what a great business wa have bnflt np, and ifs also astonishing to see the decidedly superior daw of garments we torn out at each moderate eott,r--'-'r;- But There's a Good Reason for It All Modern , methods, systematic ways and popular principles gov ern the conduct of this estahllah ment. Good goods, the rery best workmanship, a desire to please every patron every time and fair prices rule here. ''';-' '.l '?yy;f The first suit we make for .yon will more than please you, aave you money and introduce you to last ing tailoring satisfaction. : Grant Phegley, Manager. ELKS' BUILDING, Seventh and Stark Streets. RASMUSSEN & CO. Second and Taylor Sts. Portland Changes In minor offices of the inner freight claim department of the Har-I nman lines are announced. Street in spections will be handled from the ireignt claim department under O. M Ollnea. F. 2L Kelsey, formerly loss E. W; Row was made president of and damage investigator for the North Small events shape K, life and extravagance In little matters vrreoJiia; the ship of progress on the shoals of poverty. A man who ,4Ciil hesitate before spending a dollar on something he does not need will carelessly expend twice that sum in small pieces of money without thinking about it. A bank account is the best check on penny extravagances. It will not only enable you to save, but adds to your credit in the business world. Deposit your total earnings in this bank and pay your bills by check. At the end of the month your bank book and .canceled checks will tell you where every cent has. gone and furnish you witn an absolute receipt for payment. Start 'a savings account with us which draws 4 per cent interest 'tfoul the carnival nrBfanieatloa. i Th execu-r tiv committee is composed a follows E. W, Rows, . Elks j Mrs. W. JWynn Johnson. Portland women's ciud; w. S. Slbson, chamber or commerce; tr. Cannon. Portland Automooue ciud ana East Side club; W. wynn jonnson. ini tiative One Hundred; J. B. Laber, board of trade: C. W, Stubbs, Keiau urocere association; J. S, McCord, Multnomah Athietio dub: C. N. Black, Ad Men's era Pacific at Tacoma,. wiU occupy th same position ror Uie Harrlman llnM in Portland. J. A. McNeill, formerly chief clerk In tne freight claim office of the Northern Pacific at Tacoma, comes to th Harri man lines as overcharge Investigator. succeeding J. C. Robinson, who goes to the service of the Columbia River Lum per oompany. "'QUID. -M., vOK. CHICAGO Mellineer. one and a half-story dwelling. R. W. Jamieson, an O. R. A N. lnves- Arlington place between Wabash and club; Tom Richardson .Oregon yfXXL' apt.a Pi09 Washburn. 3U00; Simon Harris, three IJ1UI1L iraauc V ment, Oregon National, Guard. All Clubs xndoxsr?lan.. Last evening's meeting was the cul mination of a number of meetings Jield to Inaugurate the rose show movement. Th chamber of commerce 1 started it, and th Elk, th Ad Men's club, the Multnomah club officers, the Portland Rose society a,nd the Women's club heartily Indorsed It. At a meeting of the Ad Men's club a resolution was naami mil a committee appointed to boost for the rose show. The exalted ruler of th Elks appointed a commit tee from that organisation to push it along. ' . At a meeting called by the secretary of th Portland Rose society, last ti- day evening At 'the cntmoer or com- with Lang A Co. , O. 8. Eggleaton. for- 1" .VJ. -.n.. tJTvaTo. Wt.-. merly in the local Southern Paclflo iwo:,T. J" "?.??. .freight office, becomes tracing clerk In Lr7irr3 V"' tne claim department C. M. Stedman, w.T-.Ti rhi.- i . M,hi.. i fh. ... -i- -oik I Grove between Hunter and Mohler. 320., icewm bWomeTverharirT become, rate clerk 4h tSe ' Vnral 'IMAj3 Z' M ThAmae im uwiiuif, juewv muwue auiu am moted from counter clerk to tariff clerk, and his old position Is taken by O. M. Henderson, formerly in the Rock Island general agency. Some Increases of sal aries are reported in the freight claim offlcea. ; ty ing, Rosel'awn between Eu.. Fifteenth and East Sixteenth, 3160; John Ratchje, one-story dwelling, East . Sixteenth be tween Surman and Killingsworth. 3400; Oeorge M. Smith, two-story dwelling. East Thirty-second between Hawthorne and East Cl3y, 3S.0Q0; L. Skooborg. one- i Bolldlng Permits. f JT. Covaeh, one-atory dwelling, Cora story dwelling, Borthwlck near Simp- between East Twenty-sixth and East son, 1 3100: J. Q. Bocher, one-story hot- auditorium these committees and Twenty-seventh. 3100; O. B. Holtsworth. house, Vancouver between Tillamook S'Lf 1!- h. between East and Hancock, 3700; J. R. Capl.s, two- .t thi first definite action was rourieenin ana juuii Jfirteenui, 1300; story aweuing, Vancouver mtwmu taken.' A temporary organisation was fHoImes & Mencfee, two two-storyd well- Broadway and Hancock. 33.000; R Phll ZzJAm ..mniin. wa decided to ings. Broadway between East Nineteenth Hpsi repairs, dwelling, Fairbanks be- niaea the work in the bands or a general I . wmn-mat, .,vb, u, w. iwwn- . JommitteeT to b Composed of a repre- , George J. Schaefer. repairs, dwelling, ...i... .., nt th various i - - xitu . I Fairbanks between Thurman and iranlsatlons and push Lfxl f doe In a large measure to abuse of ntaht'S meetlna-was the nrst gathering I the bowels, br emDlovina- drastia nur. of this general committee. ratlyes. To avoid all danger, use only olilum la Parade. I w ms w j run, ui saie, w- - - gentle- cleansers and - invlproratora. On motion of Tom Rtchardaon It was I ?,.,. n, i,ii. r deoided to make th children of th city I ,i.h mnjr iaUndie. t nmm laataxe eX tb rose fiuaOs. ProfMsoc rhArmojb Mft . . . EXPOSlTiOW RR1 RAGES Afternoon, 4 p. m.; evening, 1:30 p. m. Racing 30 minutes, with general skating befor and after racea. , ., '' rAxsoav ownasrmj, g-mil ne skaUng befor and after vuhSm. HEILIG THEATBE JT' ItL, Sat, Sua. aiviit, Iby M, jb, s. BOSS OOOKZAB7, la Bernard Shaw's Mack Dlacaewd Play "Mrs. ITtn-en's Profcsslca- PricaeUnrer Floor, 31.50 and 31.00. ' eeor, $1.00, TOe, SOe. OaUery, Me, B . SmU seUlag at Xbeetre Boc-Ofilee. BaV Marquam Grand Phose lUla toto. An V7eeh. Satorday and Suaday BCatiaa. SAB IXaBOXSCO OriXA OOKPABT ruewrieg Victor BerbefVa Oreateet OomH t.-.:)'- Opera,. -i,,.;,::y-- wronre oixl.h BBIOBSt , Wo, 7o. autiaeea. sea, 30a. Box sriiee upea 10 a. m. m 10 p. w , - May ST, me ttnum." - j - BAKER THEATRE Tuy,. Tonight AH This Wk The Qreatart rBt leal satire im wnnn iiui s . . -A OOBTZBTZB VPHUT. A senaa ef laaahter. Brlcht Biaaleal saw- ben. SUsa direcUoa Artkor aUcklv. . laee Satwaay. . - .- . , . . ...u.. : Brenlns arkee. BOe, SBe. Be. - Kattoees, 3S. Ue, Beat week. "The Dairy Tim." Empire Tbealre MXm,. HELTON W. 8BAHAN. Maaager. - Laat Week of the Beaaoa. Stock Oompany in tb Oreet tM polltaa Molodrtna, HnOKXB lOBBOB. - - A'thrDBng bit of Ute la the wortTs ke tropoUa. Stage dtreetioa at atr. Barfeert Aaa. MatinMS Wedaeedaf and : Satorday. ' Klrti prieea, lOe, toe, toe. BOe. ktatlaeea. 10a, SOe. UYRIC THEATRE Thm Ham MM. f Tata Week the Allea Stock Oaareeay fv seatlog the mguir tMaiisoe mm- arenatle tnrttm, t THB COVBTEBTEIXBSS.1 " ICatlBMa Tandar., Thunder. Satntday aa4 Ssndar. Prieea lOo. SOe. Brerr evtaitit at S AS.-" PvtaaeOt,-" SO-aad 80. ... Beeomd Mil ox eboDe. Mala eeSS. Otfloa epea trcm 10 a. m. to 10 p. ak , THE STAR Hal Rold Knobs Tvnneisee yaeae Sbta 3t. ' BatlaoM Tatadaya. , Thsndara, Bavaya . aad Snadays e SiN. Irleea 10 aad SO eeats. Bvory Xvealng at iili, Brioae 1. SO aad SOa, Seem geata r fhaaa. TMB GRAND wax or but so. ' " 7 Ta4evfile a laa..-;::'';;? .jV.-'-.. Boadei y-.;'.,S';M-'M;:i':T' Mlss Orage Gray A Co. , VOr VUttu aad Xvory Xrea&nr. ' prim: MatlDMev not laeladlas Saaaaye or Heuaar. 1; . a.TaiBsa, oasaae HoUdara, 10. 30. aad Bos Boats So. a4 Fairbanks between Vaughn. 31.000. Caught Big Sailing Fish. . louis Weaver of this city returned frpm a visit to the Florida coast Sat urday, bringing with him 30-pound sailing Slab, jrtUolt h laadod .Witt ft $1.00 hook and line after 83 mlnutee of sport This is said to b th third fish ef Its kind ever caught In American waters, and Mr. Weaver ha been busy ever sine his return receiving congratula tions from his numerous fishing friends, monster niiX fas tur&4 tOLH tA Three More Nights ' OOBTJLBUOTJB SdCtTSig t two trarxoaT bajtsb .. Sern-Mlnut Car Rid. iiifi;' th Smithsonian inatltuflo' WlUM&t Si lt5U2' it t t