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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
7 LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS 10 AND 15 1 CENTS Pull Jars 22c omething needed on every dres ser, come in fancy glass with em bossed metal tops, handsome af fairs, regularly; worth 35c each; special for Friday only,' 00 at, each ... ......... . . . . . , JLLZ v UairBarrctcs Very popular, neat and dressy. These we make thi special on come-in gold filled 'designs, and art regularly worth 65c each; spe- olt"!!.r:: .".30c Bon Bon Spoons Beautiful Bon Bon Spoons in quaint souvenir designs, and in qualities that sell , regularly at $1.75 and $2.00 each, on special tale a ' g Friday at, each .......... Beauty Pins Made of fine quality gold filled wire, and set with single stones, turquoise, pearls, amethyst, etc., regularly worth 5Qc the set; very special for Friday, ;.V7r:;.2g FIFTH STREET Va$HlNGTON STREET 1 SIXTH STREET y LADIES' HOME JOURNAL JUNE STYLE BOOKS FREE EVERY DEPARTMENT OFFERS SUPERIOR VALUES EVERY AISLE SURE TO BE CROWDED FRIDAY AT THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY-S3, 1S07. ,' a e , ai as J , , ... . . t w .... I"!" . '. ! l -T 1 'I ! ' ' " , ' ; : ; m . ' .. . ... . ' . ' i ., ,' . . ... . ' :-. .' I McMiemMiOc .Two Styles' at This Price. Some of the best Neckwear bargains Portland women 'have ever shared m. Smart little neck pieces that lend an air of style and tone i to any shirtwaist apparel. One lot is of white hemstitched turnover collars, some trimmed with lace, some, daintily hem stitched. The other style, is a lot of em broidered stock collars, with or without front tabs, and all are 25c values; very special, Friday. , Women's Belts, black or colored, a clean up of odd ones, that have sold tor cue ana 75c Most all sizes are in the lot, OC splendid values for Friday, each,.uC Women's Handkerchiefs, embroidered and hemstitched or some with scalloped edges, come m Swiss or ltnen, regular 25c values ; special , . " ........ , . . ...... . . . . . . . 1 U C Cotton Torchon Laces, many patterns, suitable for the trim ming of women's and children's underwear,, regular values, 6cj 8c and 10c the yard; ... f special . ... .. , . . OC Fancy Japanese Screen Fans, neat novelties, Oregon scenery printed on bolting -cloth, on sale at , the Fifth street en trance, regular 35c -c A - qualities, Friday v . , . . ' 1 JC 35cMibb0 l5c the Yprd Printed Warp Ribbons, in assorted colors and in various patterns, plain or fancy. Some in Bayadere stripes, some in polka dot designs. Good widths and regularly worth, 25c to 35c the yard, hundreds of yards for nday at, the. yard . , , 15c 35c Persian French Lawn 2 1 A superb quality of sheer, Chny French lawn, in delightfully pretty patterns. And it's a full orty-rive inches wide, too, one 01 me most warned iaoncs 01 inc Bcason, spcciauzcu jusi at the time you're going to make the fluffy frocks1 for summer wear. . Hundreds of Ol yards here for this special, reg. 35c quality, and Friday ttte price the yard is only . , .... . Ct 1C Table Cloths, heavy Scotch loom damask, warranted to wear, come In unusually pleasing pat terns and good finish, priced, thus: PvX'.i .Y '.a'".," PX;: ;'.v-;a;;;" ;:-; Two yards wide and 2tf yards long, 7fi Two yards wide and 3 yards long, rfQ nr regularly worth $3.50; special D regularly worth $4.00 each; special. $0LD Men's Hose, Very SpecM l, One style comes in plain black, full seamless, a Men's Black Hose, with White Split Soles, a hnn,in1 min nf hrm 4nr thU enlnHt'H nn- I hoSA 0 Cfwl that VOU Can't duDllCate this day sale I regularly sold at 20c the lOl grade at less than 20c; special for . lOl " pair; very special, Friday ........... 1&2C ' Friday only, pair ................... li2C Granite Ware Specialized Third floor With an assortment unequaled in all Portland, the reduced prices on this ware are, sure to attract more than ordinary interest Every article in graniteware in the stock is included in this sweeping price lowering. A rare opportunity to economize on constantly used utensils. L Straight Sauce Pots, each ...........,.22 8-HoIe Corn Cake Fans ................ 14-Quart Dish Pans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 6-Quart Tea Kettles, each ..... . 48 CoveVed Chamber Pails ... . . . . . .. . . . . .85 Cuspidors, each ... ., ; , .... ..... ..... . .27 Foot Baths, special, each . . ..... ..,.....60e 12t ..... , I Wash Bowls, special .... Candle Sticks, special 7,. ......... Ot Dippers, special, eacrt .. Tea Steepers, special . . . O ........ i .....15 Friday je $1.98 Buys Shoes Worth: to $3 AT THE TRADE BUILDING SHOE SALE Women's Low Shoes, in patent leather or kidr six.. different styles to choose from, button or lace, trimmed in bright or dull leather tops,; and come with light or heavy soles. They are equal to the usual $3.00 grades of shoes, and come in all sizes and good ; l QQ styles ; special .'. .!.., . . , , O Women's Tan Shoes, niade in button 6r lace styles, come with light or heavy soles, in , brown, .tati and champagne shades, plenty here, but thejrll go rapidly and you'd better come in the morning, regular values to , dQ 1 A $5.00 the pair; special ...... tl)j 1JI Men's Vacation Boots, made in black or tan or without hooks.' Have full double soles to colized to make them waterproof, three styles the regular price is $6.00 the pair. Special for Friday only, the pair : . . . ,l , .... . ........ . . , Two styles, regularly sold at $8.00 the pair . One style, regularly sold at $10.00 the pair . leather, and with heel and well vis to select from and ......54.69 ?G.69 ?7.60 For women, made of white seal, a lot that run in value as high as $2.50 each. - Splendid lot of designs to djl OA choose from ; special . .... . . . . ... ................ .". .Q 1 otr Suits Worth to $17.50 K' (0 Each; Sell Friday at . ..l oi Another gigantic Friday special,1 another tremendous bargain for ? the women who "watch and carefully read the Olds, Wort man & King ads. Suits that will be won derfully effective and useful for mountain and vacation wear at the shore or the higher and cooler altitudes. ., ' Come in Eton and Jacket models, in fancy mixtures, " checks, stripes, navy - blue and black. All wool materials and trimmed in splendid taste. All sizes in' the lot, and the regular values are $12.50, $15 and $17.50. Smart Suits that we recommend for ser vice and style, Suits that are easily worth double the price we ask. None laid aside, no phone orders taken and none sent on approval.: Come early, v tor xirsi cnoice ox incsc . dashing, stunning suits, . pick out one worth from $12.50 0 fZTl DO $17.50, , V. I' only ..,J" H V 510.00 Silk Petticoats Only $5.00 Ptt,Wiat in all rnlors. made with deco flounce of four ruffles, or with ruffle finished with dainty, shir rincr' imod full sizes: skirts that any woman will wont tn Ann when she sees them.'- Recularlv thev m no oarh hut Frldav thev're poinf on rec- ord as the best Petticoat bargain ever offered in Portland. We have large quantity: of them ; all who come supplied. . - . Anrl the Fridav orice is iust half regular. Splendid $lu.uu uk reracoais ior. ........ t lem ; all $5 Clunylace Curtains $3.65 Mounted on the best French net, Curtaini that will be an ornament to any home, come in . beautiful patterns, with Cluny lace edge, and inser tion, full aize and regular $5.50 valuea; apecial for Friday tfO ?C nnlv. the nair ....... . . . .. . . . ."i . .... . . .. . . . ... . . i tJW.VU Fine Soutache Curtains, in handsome patterns, full sized, fine qualities. Specially priced for Friday only. Only two and three pairs ot any one nattrm. hat aeveral natterns. Priced like this; i. .' ! .i5, Regular $7.00 values sell 64 7C Regular $8.50 values sell 6fi ( A Friday for, the pair......qrxf 3 - Friday for, the pair ePIMJU DJmA DUFa OC U A Q DGood 50c Vests rt line uiam iiujc iut r i Only 29c Each Zo'u Darning Cotton Friday 5c Black Darning Cotton, on spools, special for Friday, 7 ;' :; S for .;. .... .. ............ .;.JC Safety Pins, best American make, worth 10c the dozen, C tnr . - sJ Toilet Pint, large size cubes, black headed, worth 8c, special v. VfnnVm anrl Evea. all sizes, black or white; special, 2 dozen for ................. JC Improved Dress Fasteners, in all sizes, worth 10c for card of two dozen: special, Friday, card ;........... w. Seeds, for garden or lawn, vege- table or lower seeds; very special for Friday." , " 1. the package .................. v Hand Mirrors, with ebony or, red wood back, plain or ring handles, 4y and 5-inch size, rqund . CC shape, 75c value .......... 1 JJt 10c Pk2. Shinola Shoe Polish T 25c Pkg. AUen's Foot Ease...l7f $1.00 Jar Pompiean Mas- CQ a pa Cream ................ Transparent Glycerine Soap.. 6 I V Rot. LaPa?e'a Liauid Glue.lO Indelible Marking Ink, for house hold use, marking linen, etc.. worth 25c: special Nail and . Manicure Scissors, with curved points, . QQ 50c value ....... ........... I7C Writing Paper, extra quality cloth finish, comes in white, blue or gray, regularly worth , . IQ ISci oecial AC Women's Hose, full fashioned, foot and shaped ankle in a medium weight black cptton. A hose that wear well, are fast dye and mighty sightly hose and good values all round at 25c the pair; special Q for Friday, the pair ............,.......:.. IOC Women's Black Openwork Hose, in silk finish lisle, also very pretty black lace lisle hose, in embroidered designs, either one good 60c values; . QO special for Friday OOC Children's Hose, with full fashioned foot, made of black ribbed cotton or lisle thread. Come in two weights, cotton quite heavy, lisle medium, 35c values . .. . . . Women's Vests, of fine elastic Tibbed lisle thread, made with hiehjieck and long sleeves, summer weight and regu- 1 x lar, 50c values : speaal for Oft Friday, each .... ... . . .... .....&7C isc . v Women's Union Suits, elastic ribbed lisle, with high neck and long sleeves. splendid weight for summer wear, reg ular value"? 75c the garment; 4ft ...... special $2.50 Untrimmed Hats at 59c Black Taffeta SiUi $1M A rousing special sale on the most popular weave in, the realm of silken fabrics. -And it's a special on a spienaia graae, too, an oil boiled taffeta, that we guarantee for wear, from one of the Kf iiir wmvmh-in-all the world. ; Full 85 inches wide. rich. lustrous, brilliant black; regularly worth $1.75 the d AO vard ; special v. ........ . . . . tye .. . . - . . Dress Goods Still Sellinq Fast -:V..,; ' j 1 " ' 1 111 . ;'.:.;,-M" Smart Fabrics, never sold for-so little as now, grades; that make a. Art J J tiKA I 1 fK rrrAm fnr ifi1 M $1.00 grades for, yard . . . 65 1 9.K trraAL (nr. vard . . . 87 $1.50 grades for, yard., f ?09 $1.75 grades for, yard.;. $1.23 $2.00 grades for, yard . ;. $1.39 $2.50 grades for, yard. . . $1.78 A rare millinery bargain which concerns the better sort of untrimmed shapes. ... Awide diversity ef colorings and shapes, aswell as, materials to choose from. - Come in natural and colored leghorns, Cuba hood' hats, ,jchip hood hats and imported silk bpu'd hood hats. There's an immense assortment, thp4egular .values run up to. $2.50 eac;h'l . On r Q -Friday only, at. . ... i'y(M,M..,Uv Sale of Flowers fgf Trimming A magnificent assotoerof rarely beautiful flowers for the decoration of milady s head gear. Come in a rith profusion of colors and sorts, roses, poppies, forget-me-nots, . blosscmi&Twtiaths'and many others. So natural and so dainty hued that vouH crow enthusiastic over them. ' They really sell for up to $1.00 the bunch, for Friday they're bargakiized: in remarkable fashion, , the bunch .. aWC Pattern Hats from $30 t Unit ? Pattern Hata worth, Fniirth fiff to $75; special ; UalT rfCc from $15 to $30 ........ mUffll Uli f Women and the Crafts. Blnc tha display of tha applied arts haa been In place at the Art Museum many flrla . and women Who havev ex amined these beautiful thfngs ha va felt that they, too,' could learnvto do some thing with their hands, and .could at a deal of wholesome pleasure out. of tha doing", if only they had a little di rection. There are doubtlesa those in tha city. who teach these arts, or tome of them, though who they are 1 can not say but it also seems to me it would be possible for one who Is really in earnest about learning; to do artistic hand work in the simpler lines to ac complish much by getting a book of directions and simply going at it with determination to allow her own Invent ive factutles play, , i Why have we so completely : laid aside raffia workt It is light. ea?y and capable of a number -of uses.' The basketry Is pretty and serviceable, but if one and one's friends are all sup piled with baskets there are the mats, shopping - bags, sofa . pillows and hats which are all useful. Nor - is raffia the only material available for "bas ketry. Reeds and cane can be bought and one can easily 'find books of In struction. ' Bead work is one,. of -the most fascinating of feminine employ ments 'and an art which Is constantly being revived. Ki;:,?: i'v v The apparatus for chain making Is so simple that any of our boys who have had the manual training course kt school can achieve It Two uprlgot stocks to, hold a spool 11 two bars a lit tle higher supporting a cross-pleca which la grooved to allow the threads to fit in, and a hole In the bottom plec, : ' .7 ..'J' fi-i-- ..: .'VjU. -. - 3' , i . - V -. ' - ' : through which to piss the threads, and Ana will have as complete an outfit for chain making as la necessary. 1 . A loom la required to make the larger articles, such as bags, but these are not difficult to construct and the beau tiful articles which may be made and sold if one la willing- to look at this side of It are well worth striving for. Those who are particularly attracted by the metal work and Jewelry, may find instruction in the summer school which Miss Watkins la to open here. We have doubtless many good workers In, thes Unes In Portland, and It will be a step" in the right direction If their talents may be developed and made a means of support.; Instead of Ignoring them and letting the girl or woman who possesses them, drift Into the merely me chanical and mercenary lln which are already supplied with workers. 'v : ..What a girl, .can do If. she tries 1s exemplified In the case of Miss Lown des, one of our foremost window de signers and painters. She la .self taught and her work showa originality and Is highly . praised. , Another wo man who has won success is Esther Moore, of Bedford Park, who excels In metal work; her electroliers and lamps are., much sought... i: ... .!., .There la a growing appreciation of good metal work, and the woman- who can make articles which are both dur able and beautiful need not hunt hard for a market. Women have long been employed In binding books and of late years have won laurels as designers of covers and repousse workers. Women's work In the crafts baa been sometimes aceus d of a want of character, of a pettiness which, comes from limited vision, but Is seems Quite possible that this may be the result of the lack of training and the amateurishness which Would mark the first trials of a beginner. Wo men Who want to learn are usually pa tient,' painstaking and' even capable of drudgery In mastering the details which go to make skill in any line of work, and it seems not unreasonable to sup pose that these qualities , would carry them far. In tha crafta -vj Ki.;---v: The making of picture frames might well receive mora attention thaa It haa and there Is no good reason, why women should not learn this useful ocupatlon. When one baa -occasion to put it to the test it Is astonishing to sea how few dealers know how a pic ture should be framed or can even carry out the4 ideas of the owner of tha slo tare who wishes to give It a proper setting. It , do not ; mean,, that every picture should have a plain piece of pine stained black, for a frame, though the mission erase we have lately had would seem to suggest that thla la the ideal In many shops. , -1 Elaborate . frames , are sometimes needed, and carved frames are often in demand. Many of the glided mon strosities which confront us could well be banished, .but; sometimes . a picture needs a gilded frame. It depends upon the picture; butt It depends upon the worker V whether a picture recelvea a deeper , interest and appears to - good advantage, or whether It la killed by the frame It receives. : Many people would be willing j. to . pay : for ' good frames if they knew where to go for them and the women who would make this a study -'would not long remain unknown. . ' , :. These are only a few of the crafts in which women could make a good giving and still . be doing , the thing whlcn would be Interesting and which they would enjoy doing." . The first requisite la the desire to do, and the second an Inquiring spirit which will find - out how the beginning can be made. After that, determination to carry-the thing through and some energy and' spirit in finding a market for her Wares, and tha eraftswoman will be on the high road to success. - - , Some Iteclpea. , Dream Cakes. Slice thin layers of bread cut Into small squares. 'Place a layer of Swiss cheese . between squares of bread- after aprtnkling a little' sailt and red pepper on cheese. Have a little melted butter in chafing dish and toast the sandwiches a golden brown, t Serve with black coffee. Honey Ginger Snape. One pint of honey, one teaspoonful Of ginger, , and one teaspoonful of soda, ; dissolved in a little water, and two eggs. Mix all, then work in all the flour possible, roll very thin, and bake In a moderately hot oven. Any flavoring extracts can be added, aa you may ; wish. From What To Eat. , .:.t-s: ,-. Dark Cake. One cup sugar, one cup molasses, one eup butter, two eggs, one cup sour milk, : threa cups flour, two teaspoons soda, one teaspoon cinnamon, one-half . teaspoon allspice, one-quarter teaspoon cloves, little nutmeg, one-half package of seeded raisins. - Luncheon Cakes. Three-quarters cup sugar, three-quarters- cup molasses, three-quarters cup butter, one egsr, one cup milk, two and a half cups flour, one level teaspoon cream tartar, one heaplnr teaspoon soda,; ; one , teaspoon ginger or one-half teaspoon of all kinds spices, one tablespoon vinegar. : Potato Biscuits. These biscuits must be started In the morning. -Fill a cup two-thlrd full with" hot potato sift jd. put , Into thla one-fourth of a cup of butter, Have In a mixing bowl on teaspoonful of sugar, one teaspoonful of salt, add one cupful of milk that haa . been scalded and cooled to luke warm with one-fourth of a compressed yeast cake dissolved In it, the beaten white of one egg, and flour enough to knead smooth. After the dough ha risen well cut it down end let It rt- the second time. ' Shapo in small fcix cults and put in a cool place to rln.v Bake quickly and serve hot. Beef Pie. Some people never Vnovr what to do with the remnants of c v t roast beef. Cut the remnants of t beef Into small pieces and stew one hour, then place In a bnkh r . add the gravy that was l- rt lump of butter, some . r' alt, popper ' and water . fills the d!h. Put ov r : thicken, with flour. mashed potato 1 - i htap this rr the top with v the ovsa t j I