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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
.THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 23, 1007. CITY MUST BE OUT BIIFFIIIGIOHIO IIIOOIISE IICIIOII KEIIIOCK JUIiV JOE OAV 17ILL GO a .1 OF PARTISAN HANDS SUM COREY IS flEI DEMII OF ISSBm to m 'Speakers a Portsmouth Meeting Show Why Better Government i -of Portland I9 Obtained When Machine Politics Dp Not Head of the Illinois Steel. Com Widow of President Suffers a Portland Presbyterians Concur In Judge Not Guilty of Complicity Ex-City ' Detective ' Selected to pany Chosen as Successor; to Mabelle's Husband. ; Stroke of Paralysis and Cannot Survive. Decision Made on Tem in the Murder of Marshal ; James Cockrill. , Bring Back Bartender ! RujWCorruption Result of Party Control, - perance Work. . , IIVIIipOUII. : ACQUITS IiARGfS ; '' . " , Portsmouth voter met in larg Hum bert last' bight at Artisan's ball In that district to hear Mayor Lane and Judge - Pipes discuss municipal questions. .The y meeting was presided over by Charles ... ji. Uloa, a well-known Kepuoucan rest ( f dent of that part . of tha city. Mr. Gin m opening; tha meeting spoke rof tha benefits of non-partisan adminls i tration of city affairs and aald that whfla be intended i to vote for prac- ticaiiy all of the Republican ticket na : would " support ; Mayor Lena for re .election because of his record In office and the faot that ha bad given Portland the best administration aver given by any mayor In the history of tha city, judge Flpes was tha first apeaker of tha ovanlnavi. Ha .contended that it was best for tha government of a city to bo divorced ft om partisan control and pointed out that tha history of munici pal corruption in tha United States was in every oaaa tha direct result of ma- r china and party control. - .. i- The speaker showed that tha Portland charter - separated the municipal elec tions from those of the state and nation 'and pointed out tha reasons why this was best ; Ha contended that no city had aver bean reformed and cleansed by "a party or a partisan administration, ' but on tha other - hand a cleaner and better city had always been tha result when the people bad broken away rrom party machine method a. !' , Tha reason Portland had been bad. governed In tha past was not because of bad mayors, but because good men had. been tied and bound by machine and party control. - Tha speaker urged that tha voters should bo watchful and (Joernal Sptelal ferries.) ' ' New York,. May II. EL I. Bufflngton will succeed W. B. Corey as president of tha United States Steel corporation. Mr. Corey's resignation la In tha handa of tha directors of tha company, and It will bo acted upon during the month of June. - ;,"'',..'':' :. y -.'. '"-'"i-.-. v.. It was declared Upon reliable author- , , '" (Journal Bpechil Sarrt.)' " Canton, a. May iS. Mrs. Mc- e Klnley, widow of tha lata Presl- e dent McKlnley, sustained . a e stroke of paralysis today and is ; unconscious. Dr.. Rlxey has been Iioadlng PorUand Presbyterians eon- cur heartily 1n tha Action taken b tha general Assembly of tha Presbyterian enure n at Columbus, Ohio, yesterday, (Journal Sperlel Smtce.) , Lexington, Ky., May t J. Judge James Hargls was acquitted after tha Jury waa not commit tha city to tha management ity that Corey had sent In his reslgna of a machine or place it In tha hands of tlon to tha steel trust on tha day after a partlaan organisation. ha had confirmed tha news of hie la Ma vor Lane followed : Judge Pipes tended marriage to Mabelle Oilman. upon the ptatform. He reviewed his Corey, so the story continues, did not two years in office and outlined tha resign voluntarily. . policies which he had desired to fol-l Judge K. H. Gary, chairman of the low and showed how far be had been I board, was tha officer making tha sug- able to accomplish tha results he had I estlorc Judge Gary was In Chicago a hoped for. Be ahowed that ha had been month ego. Ha la an Intimate friend of hindered . and held . back by a hostile Mr, Bufflngton, and Informed tha presl- council aided by unfriendly plans from dent of the Illinois Steel eompaay, one tha auditor's of flee. of tha steel trust's subsidiary attach- . Tha mayor closed his ' remarks by msnts, that ha might be named to suo- stating that should hs be reelected and ceed Corey. , ;.,. v, v : aiven two mora vears In office he was Mr. Bufflngton Is on of tha greatest confident ha could ao firmly Intrench tha I authorities of steel In America. Ha be nrlnclDlea of good government In cltylgan as a blacksmith. Aa an axecuttve affairs that no succeeding aaminisira-i n.-nu cnaiiengea xne lammuan 01 mm tlon would dare leave them for machine I steel dignlurtea oast and weat ' rule nor covert to the old conditions! It waa aald on ood authority today which had held Portland back and made I that Corey has sold out all of bis hold- It an unclean and unsafe city for the lings of steel common stock, and has which declared that tha permanent eomout 0M nour t the charge of oonsplr mitteo on temperance ahould not en-1 acr to eauao tha death of Marshal James eroach upon or interfere with the work Cockrlll,f who was shot down on the of tha Anti-Saloon league. The aasem-1 atreeta of Jackson, r A former jury dls- . ' . (Joernal gpeeial Serrke.) r Iondon, May S3. J. T, Thompson. wanted In Oregon on tha charge of larceny of $750, was remanded for ex tradition ttoday, . ' . , ; ; ! , With the sleuth hounds of the law airaa Ah a. A f 1 tl . m . telegraphed for from Washing- . e bly lndorcod tha laaana a. a "..fa. sane aerosol r, , ,, 7 .SL' ' " - Tr,V" ton. It ! ,.M tk.f ,h. Al. .i.i .. j I ,i,. Wu. 1 n conunuw xear . - y - uiiwihuvu w m u- un mo ; lora nniv wniiciia of arrest. J ,T. Thnmnann. fnrmerlv survlva.-. : i2 T ' vanoement of temperance.- , , of slaving ; Cockrill, and John Smith, bartender wtio ISmSt iSbSru Mrs., McKlnley suffered from a Tha notion of the general assembly another conspirator, confessed on the w with IJ490 In dKnds and moneV an atuck of grip which later a of tha Preabyterian church In Indorsing wltneas stand, stating that the murder belonging "' his am vnr Bin Wtl dlopod r bronchitis, r She ha. tha action of the Antl-Saioon league aa was Inspired by Judge Hargls, Albert tm detJrmined once f or sil U rid Wm" boen unablato vlait her.hua. a afa, sana and effective organisation Hargls and Shsrht Ed Callahanr All self of h purraSr? in a new oountr band's tomb-for soma tin, a. Dr. in the advancement of . - temperance' were Indicted. .Smith alao Implicated under a new flag "9W C0Unt? rortman, nor physioun, says sna e seems to ma to express,- aa far as It the Ilargises In a plot to sill two ana- u.yinn Z of .the g.neral body mlea of the Hargls olan,, Jett and refute, but Justice Vthourh Iti,.!; cannot live. .J of tha Pr..byt.rl church toward the Whit w.ra oonvlotM oT murd.rln, T X blind. athSSSSSTTt I.D- R. Wllaon, prln-1 H. Marcum and are serving life S.n- tha defauft. ? .nT0nc.Vor.r,T' f WOOL 60FS TO 11 CENTS TODAY reaideneo and the homo. PLANS FOR PERMANENT EXPOSITION COMPLETE made mllllona by the transaction. Tba announcement was alao made last night that Corey had purchased tha el pal of Portland academy. "It means I tenets. mat in tna ruture the prevailing senti ment of tha church toward tha league will gat Itaelf expressed la 'tha same aff latent cooperation as In the past . "The work of the Interohurch Tem perance Federation, If It confines itaelf wholly to the. work of education, can In no way Interfere with the work of the Antl-Salooa league. But that tha work of education" may bo affective, tha Inter church ' Temperance Federation . must avail itself, sooner or later, directly or indirectly, of soma organisation created ODD FEllOl'S COaFER v GRAND LODGE DEGREES (RoeeUl Dtamttk sa The JounaLt Ill-root steam yacht Pan too se from I ,. t, m.. -.i.i.. . v. - Albert S. Blgolow for the sum of IM.- reoelved bv a. Knatts for it.ota hmiuIi tto. th. ... 800. Tha yacht, It was said, will sail I k, . tv- w-4.v. ..o- " V1 .v. lNMllsal. mo HHbmha 1 a. - 4 a I j--w v a n a asaaa wvsvvu. av ivu LA1W inuwiUtne V4 . Iie SSKriniSTS :fl.of a ct, better th; tha church at larg. continue, to be a. It m,-w -- 'va " I Mir fAfMAsk 1 at a wsasasa vtits. with m mtsA Mrm fsivaw a. 11 siestwa-I " . 'TW ,a Ta 4suk.a waaaaa sais, wa w w Wa SUMe raer In European waters. . v ta i ' A country club with a great outdoor Show ground, large exposition building and complste facilities for a mammoth livestock show Is assured for Portland by action taken today at a meeting of leading cltlsens -. at tha ' Commercial .; club. ' Organization was completed of the Portland Country dub and Live stock association, with a capital stock of $150,000, of which 40,00 wss sub scribed at the meeting. ... The movement) has been quietly un ' der way several . weeks and arrange : ments are far along toward final con ' summation of tha plans. A tract of 80 acres of beautiful land adjoining Rosa City Park. In East Portland, has been secured for., the club grounds. It was taken under option three months ago at a price of $759 per acre and tha pur chase will bo immediately completed. No debt Is to bo Incurred by tha as sociation and ample funds will be sub scribed to carry out Its elaborate plana. , The Incorporators are: T. B. Wlloox, A. , L. Mills, J. C Ainsworth, Ev I Thompson, Adolphe Wolfe, William D. "Wheelwright, . C. X, Larrabeo, G. A. Weatgate, E. M: Branplck, a Q. Reed, W. P. Olds, Edward Ehrman, . ;t Tom "Richardson. Herman Wittenberg, t Era mett Drake, F; O. Downing, A. C. Loh mire, Paul Wesslnger, IL C Campbell, , .Julius . Molar,-.- muZv'.:' WOMII KIILE01T at creaemt. anv attemnt vnon the The A. O. Horn clip of 14.000 pounds part of the church federation to throw Uecond and Tlast day of thVfifty-seoond i.i MM tar tl Ttmmnm I ttaatf .nw... tha I.I.- I 111."" . " .. " y BBCOnO J Jay , Jn SOCUring th sentlng- CU civ.rTy 'ci'io. r"ha 1 only Vorti "tart Zi.u ? O. O Trt Oxwl '..teay at Vd WSTV ,ri?, Oovernor 5. J. a Livestock company gold to & T. I oration Itaelf. The prevailing sen Ul o'clock 'tha hLS JJiS . Lh?J0tMUv wUl way until to- Judd lia OAA . luniM. a llUtunt, I mnt nf fha iiinh AmmmnAm mnA aa I I y . . . I UlWTrOW. tha defaulter and once mora Thomnaon was oompelled to seek safety in flight. In the capitals, of the old 7 world tba fugitive thought he would bo safe and accordingly aet out for London. . Ha reckoned without his host however, tar upon walking down the gangplank from the ocean greyhound on which ho had taken passage a Scotland Tard man irora wiwon was there to meet ' j j w yvr, r juislbi TftAinniAitt . HI... - li t . - Rebekah Lodge Elects Officers ut we're woody siad to se you.- tor EniiIneV Vsrnr t V , ofmerly a detecUvo In tha TOr tnsiyng Tear at , local department and regarded as one U Grande. ; ; ;. , . tomorrow morning to secure the neces- lav Oranda. n Mi. llThirf. fh. '"-' wm scneauieo to nave fTXtlS'Zt tt5jLia owing to a d necessary reaulai- ' Par value of the stock Is $100 per share and It Is tha hops of tha or- i ganlsers that it will bo generally sub scribed by cltlsens and that a large number of men will become Interested financially In the enterprise, thus In- j suring its prestige , and success better man m any other way." It Is believed . . 1 . 1 which waa not nartad with, ai.a nn.leffeoUvo organisation fc that tha project will moot with popular , tm"p:iBf .VTX! 000 belonging to tha Cunning- AnU-8aloon leagua,- annrohatton and aunnnrt tnr it ha a I Unnton at 11:15 O Clock this morning I , 'c . T ". . . . - LirifJTOH BY TRAIN A. P. Warner sold 1T.S0? pounds at 10 tt shall ha deepened and strengthened .by hul fitha. ad Vn i. .;,, wpon nw arrival in dear old Lunnon. cents to Oroutt for John WHsUt of Bos- further education will even mora Insist- anva ' ra- r-n... nr.- vr...-. " ina to oqulp himself with a ton. F. V. Chapman sold 11.711 pounds tlr demand, that It be made affective Richard 8oott .-of ( Mllwaukle: Orand , . ... "ulo walking sUck. 01 iB cents to utto Kuhn or the Bot- oniy in mtuviauai lire ana conauct. Warden B Hostetler Tha Dalles: Orand z f"u aoopt vock- any Worated mills of Now Jersey. John but through political action, for It Is Secretary B. B. Sharon. Portland: Orand v c"nt' Tn mayor and mem- Wynn sold 7.0M pounds at It cents to now well recognised that tha temper- Treasurer O V. Doane, Tha bailee- JJf. V Pr1lla,a,nti according to. un- Patterson for CecU Cavorly of Boaton. entlmont must get Itself expressed Grand RepreaentaUvea ' J. a Mills. . v V.'" t0 mt th tla' , Up to noon there had been I70.s In sana and affective law.. and at pros- Saiam nd w. unh. n,.nn i,n"u,1M American at tho train, and pounds disposed of and I1S.1M bid for at "T nt there exlsU no more I Orand Marahal OeorgS H. Riches, Bll-f' i., ,cn?1 cbJLdr',n W,U ,trw flowers iieouvo organisauon xor tnat ana tnaniverton; Orand Conductor N. P. Thorn d- I l".rl:"'. or ne city are Son, Portland; Grand Guard J. B. Lewis, i,. , p!?Vr a in . . m t i . . I prepared aaaross of welcnma wfii Ka Grants Paas; Grand Chaplain D & ria'd.S l Jm mtalstor.. It will be Younar.tNawnnrt. ', a ra la day in London. ' . . E ben felt in Portland tor a long ttaS J. Carlaon was run down , by . . tnat something should be done to make ::";L RepresentaUves of leading railroads this dry tho, real livestock center of Her body was frightfully mangled. - l.r. Zm tn .t vT..i.J ,.Z thcnorthwest. ' . v Jw hT5n o, VSwrTS " r n a Mnrr istwtn iMwirt sv si aiaisvi erinia aaaaiw i - - . v w wa id jm wr ww wi w v t. a a tha Portland Hunt dub will make their JJ" f JSl -SfSf'SS. rUi N.rS. r. Hoover, C, B. A Q. F. homo with and become a part of the '.lJ'' Hanke, Chicago, Milwaukee St big association and Its afflitated coun- "'V Jh PU J. Miller. Chicago s North- try club. Tho grounds will become a gJ1-4 Jf JhlV ,!Tr f lAS. McLaughlin. HUnols Con- homo for a great many high grade rl"2, ?"n' th-lti tral; J' C nols Central; horses and other animals. vr SLnr ?rtid $2 ESS Robrt Burn' - N- Herman SUbles for boarding will be a fea- Pnger, started to tba station to Join c. n. A Q Kd rjff- n a r a.TiT ture of tho institution and a number ne' JJlf-rtn. - v. -h--.-.UhL Wallace' R. I. A P.; Ooorga Em- Bertha Strang wtQ reoalvo only $100 Mlnnvlllor vlca-presldenl. Mary Smith, ax weu mown wamera wu make tneirt r" - "..fc:"v "'.' ork Central . lines; C B. I ior nnger wnicn ana vaiuea at Ji.- tirants raas; secretary. Mre. Ora Ca headquarters at tha grounds, which 'al J".wJa PPJ , Dlspatoh; F.. R. Stoker, I 600,. according to tha verdict of tho per. Dallas; treasurer, Eda Jacoba, Cor PLACED JT 100 " I ThrVmnaAft eaVaM TV.. ' The grand lodge degree was given to n,.i V'.-.. ' I. r'. 1$T csndl dates. . , loeateeV In San Antorlo, Texas, Ust Oc- ipaj.. k. j i.j in .a I ww vj j,- jr. Meal v a enmmtMi.l fleers, pass resolutions and close up ths ItL'l- h-- fflu,nta with tha v - BHca me warrant couia not bo found, so the prisoner wss releaaed. barkeeper hero. At Healy's request candidates last night Tho Rebekah assembly, elected of ficers tor. tha ensuing year as follows: President. Mrs. - Emma Oalloway, Mo- 7" FrnltaTrowera Incorporate. JSperfal DIapatcb ta The Joaraal.) , Balem. Or- May ii. To secure, m. sat. ter market for their products and to easily reached from the center of ne Dispatch. Jrr which heard tho trial of her suit vallls; grand , warden. , Mrs, Hlbbard, f promots tho interests of tho frultgrow- city, being connected by two olectrto in-,:sj'."PP following bales were made yes-Uicainat tho American Can company. In I Eugene. r v . I Ing aectlon In whleh th. ralTd. aaaaaa 1la ah S.a antMaaAKIla ua J I LUBf irain IJKBolOBU UVIir liar IHJU. ' I A . . ala. at . a m I xa. TTMlt.A BaS.-. -I I. , . A 1 W. a. . M SI - . ' A . I m " " w -w Tr. w,a" K Hit husband. h l-. ."""."-"T,"" ??u-. . 7mna : ne .Brooks, Clear r Lake and a pur Mttv-v v mo v. v, i wm - ' 1 I f I" Dun ww jiuan, ior mt jtJOtaUiyi - Dirnsifr aiieiea ma. lat ion sir I uQiy oauruiouB - imi ; niffnc nuiii Tn nm sTTminni. ' m Tisisa rniflK vw v a v i.ds wu LwUl be built and the place will be- finer owe or tno track, out ane come a flrat claaa winter training r oia noi near, inert were I'..?iia . Wor,t,1'Blll".3P"iao, New Jeraey, ll. nnger. while operating a machine, for Portland special will leavo this ovenlng tlon which has been formaUv inoorDO a l-l80 Pown" oents. , t the can oompajny, and because of the at I o'clock, but before leaving Grand rated. The company will be known as a number I Donald Ross to Jack Patterson,' repro- Suffering and loss of employment asked Ronde valley a tralnload will visit Hot tho Brooks Fruitgrowers' association quarters. BRITONS WILL CELEBRATE QUEEN VICTORIA'S BIRTHDAY ' ;';" v i i-':' X;'-" ' - ..".. i Queen Victoria's birthday, now called Empire day, will be fittingly observed In Portland tomorrow ovenlng, Friday, May 14, by tbo British societies, at the Arm- ory, Tenth and Couch streets. R. W. Blackwood, of the British Benevolent society,' will preside. After a few In troductory remarks by the presiding of ficer the male quartet will sing. "Com rades In Arms." which will be followed by the address of the evening by James Laldlaw, British consul. ; The musical numbers of tho program will be; "Come Back to Erin," and "Kll larney,' by Miss Lawler; "Land of Hope and Glory,' and The Song of the Bow," by Mr. Crowther; "Afton Waters," and 'Tho Veteran's Song," by Mrs, Reed and Tho Maple Leaf," by Miss Brown. A chorus of mala voices . will sing two Welsh numbers and a large mala chorus will sing. "My Lave is Like a Red. Red Rose." Th4 Welsh and Australian glees will present numbers and the musical program will close with a trio by Miss Lawler, Mrs. Reed and Mr. Crowther. The hall will be tastefully decorated and. refreshments will be served from four booths English, Scotch, Irish and Canadian. This is tho fifth anniversary of the observance in this city and inter est has grown so rapidly with each suc cessive celebration that a very large at tendance Is ' anticipated. Mrs. Stevens, chairman of the ladles' committee, an nounces tnat arrangements are com plete for tba festival tomorrow evening. of witnesses to the tragedy. The woman waa tha wife Carlson, who recently located ton. He Is building a saloon place, where ho intended business. She was about age. --yt CHEAP. RATES TO ROSE CARNIVAL Frultgrowera association. ; a rt " I ' vTHif, omunv ei.sii I """ "iw uin ui j.buv. ine case I ui awia resort eini mueo oast i xne incorporators are W IT.' Erit a -Of. C J.lnnnnda at 1U mti : . Imam H.l T..a I nt T nmA. m, .-. .-..a . w ZL.'Tm" at Linn-I M. a . Kdwarda til rnd4 Bntku. alCKai-laa m Wnlnrf.. . 1 n I .nl.l tr.l .M .HI a ir t. -n...;! r" at that I tho Pendleton Soourina- mllla. tang I the comnasv aakad 10 dava whint, I afternoon at that claoo. raturnlnv fa T.a I Unn Tha h...,.-. to engage in pounds, at 1SH. - J file noUoo of a new trial. In discharg- Grande In time for ouppor. Uon will bo at Brooks, tn Marlon oountr II years af I RUgg Brother to Frank Franken-Jlng the Jury, Judge . Wolverton InH . ' "axion county. stein, for Hoot Llchman It Co, Bos- structed tho Jurors that they would not ton, s,0o at jdM. ineea to report for further duty unUl oam warner to ungnam. reoresentinsl Monaay. morning. ' jrawswortn, xnayar Stevenson of Bos ton. Mil, at W. M. Blusher to P. Dufour, .for the Larayette worsted mills at.Wonsocker, nnoae xsiana, avv.voo pounds at SO cents. Twenty and a half oentn was - tho REFERENDUM FOR OFFICIALS PASS BILL STOP ALL LEASING 0FUMATILLA LANDS t Haywood Reporters to tTay baU. '? ; (Special Dispatch to The Yoarsatt t . ' Boise, Idaho. May 11,Th aewspv per correspondents who ar lo Boise re porting tho, Haywood trial ara arrang- (spcciai inapanw va n journal.; I in , . v. . , . . . - SalemTMayTll. Jacob Vorhees of Ln'4. . r- ba"ba 1" the Woodburn and C, R Spence of near '"" ' promises to do a Molalla tiled yeaterday , two petitions I r:"""t ". 1 U10M ... , . I .v- n. ha -1 1 take part were formerly collea-a ath. , '2!I: Si an. tas and ar thoroughly famllisr with PORTLAND REALTY ATTRACTS x , WEALTHY DULUTH INVESTOR Realty transfers to tho value of 171,- .102 were filed for record yesteraay, a. majority of the sales recorded, was for suma less than I2.P09. Tna utgest saie :Of tho day was ; that by Oraea D. ' jaeger to .the American Inveetment - company of a one alxth undivided Inter est In the half block fronting tho north side of Flanders street between Fifth and Sixth for $14,600. ' , Helen L. Stratton fold to A. W. ' Cheney a lot on Second between Clay and Market streets for 114,000. Seng-stake A Lyman have purchased i from tho Ainslee . ,Estat company a portion of two lots facing tho south side of Harrison street between Park and Seventh streets. Consideration, $11,400. , - . William Shea, a , wealthy Iron and timber land dealer of Duluth., Minne sota, naa recently purcnaaea .a hand- Cheap rates to Portland have been offered by both the O. R. N. and the hlgheat. price received vesterdav and it OnltthaOM Tat aISM AAnaMOaid - . eka I la aa Lalla.aJ iL.A a. - . ... I J-. I a.. - - I kill VVU1MU VW 1 IBS S4V7V VOllUTfAl VUV U1V DOCff Will KO I Wt IWWTOU AXTJIU KXlS iliaian afiDArta I yilMUUU ays, ev f Hm Af 4hsa t-Aai mVmIwoiI T.insa A l anw fr.fl.wh.. . - I Maa , TIT a.1 a . . - I rrk. w,.ov4n g.VIM n tKs. Mflfl f1U I a. "w wwaaw a w smu Twiy MtaiiVM . , l uivub aa,., TTMUinwWQ All leUlflsT tUlQ I " " "v" i 11. PsniilAffin sltl all nnlntal at aI TVta. .aa S-laa.. Jt A a-xli1s. A T4la. a.. I siiiKmlf av1 m hsk AnnrflVll ftf thai I W VCrUfirsf. " - . a- uu vejaaw V. I a. aav auotui w Vi BjUV UP, Wll Uil KsMJw v IIIMIOU AO XI Us VZ1 ' lOV U lU&UiJasV I w omijvj 7 a-- " - - that place will bo given a one-faro rate I that tha Cunningham Sheep A Land com- reservation have been suspended until Pople had 7,014 etgnatures while that on tho above dates and from all polntalpany, which had 160,000 pounds, received th new agent arrives and takes charge Uor tho Armory, measure had 1,16s. . . Pendleton, Or., May iwTi or- dials' paas bin and on tho Armory ap- Jj; '"ZT. 'rfLlT?1 mw v. t At i T 1 ni.iiM wn I ne nauonaj game. ; in the, lineup there i , oasrerners against tha weat of Pendleton there will be a one! no bid. ana one thira tars rate. . . j From Roaeburg and south tha South ern Paclflo offers a one-fare rata and from all points north of Roaeburg a one and one third faro rata will be in force.'- 'h -,h " s;v: ";:, -, Tha parade committee has been ap pointed snd will include B. F, Cannon, Mrs. W. Wynn Johnson, C. E. McDonell, George L. Hutchln and B. H. Wicker sham. John F. Carroll . has been ap pointed treasurer to succeed Mr. Gib son, who has resigned th position. soirs nit STILL PUZZLES of tho affairs on tha reservation. Curing the past ; few weeks. , it ia I orIJIIIXT rill O IM said. O. C Edwards has h.n artratna. I Ovfllfll I THII.O lis ly active in arranging long leases for certain parties on the reservation. It is auegea in an effort to get "even" with renters who have been opposed to his imetnoos ana complaints Were made to the department of thla action. , Tho-dfi' ATTEMPT AT DELAY Jonraal CtMelal BVtrrlra.l ' San Franciaoo. May II. -When Mayor Schmlts' trial ' waa resumed today the partment immediately stopped all leas-H defejnsdMnade Its) first attempt to delay SALE OF LOTS ENDS X. IN LOTS OF TROUBLE ' The suit of C C. Vaughn for $10,000 damages from A. L. Stone for breach of contract Is on trial before Judge Fraxer In tho circuit court today, Aged Father Continues Search for Missing Member of the Family. . lng under Edwards' authority. . IRRIGATED LAND SOLD BY JOURNAL ARTICLE (Special Dispatch ta Tha lonrnal.l Pendleton, Or.. May JJ That tha Oregon Dally Journal 4a a good ad vertising medium is shown by tha fact ftiroceedlngs by asking' for adjournment until Saturday on the plea, that one of tho attorney's presence was needed In Sacramento. . Tho motion waa denied and tho examination of talesmen was Immediately resumed, At noon one was I temporarily passed. GLENDALE INJURED - .WILL ALL BE SAVED that a short time ago a party of men T. H. Wells, - tho v aged man from came from Goldendale, Washington, to vaugnn ai- Wellnhnrn. Indiana. wha la l Ts..i.-a I HermlSton. lie new town In tha heart I .A ' SnaAt.t ' SanHaa leges tnat on juiy z, ios, lie entered marching Tor his son. has failed ta i.lorth Umatilla Irrigation project Los Angeles, May . It Is. now bo lnto a contract with Stone whereby Stone lh. ,oun, w. hal i vJ h10 Sunday Journal In their pocket lleved tho Glendalo wreck will claim no " " " " V f aa aa Mafias) y- Ttllsl nanas AAtttoUaJ m I w mm 4m II rlaS saa tha Inlimail ahea 4nl "w -ajaMww - aa aa aaava iivuuuuou sjl UIVIV a. Mhivof os no aaijwivvi U W uuiug special story- wun pictures of . work I well. There is no clew to tho Identity ACQUITTED JAPS III SHORT TlfJE Slayers of Bad Man Are Freed and Countrymen Rejoice "i at the Verdict ; fSpedal Dtopateh to Toe JesraaL) Tacoma, WaahH t May 31. Just 17 minutes were 'required by the Jury to render a verdict Of "not guilty" In the trial of M. Moriyusa and T. Makamura, two Japanese charged with murder In tho first degree by killing tt Omote, a countryman. The case was tha quickest aver disDOsed of in Pierce count siderin tho gravity of the chara-a. is- The Jury v was "empaneledT Tuesday morning. Tho Japanese la the city were tremendously interested la tho trial and greatly pleased at tha clearing of the men, regarding It. as an excellent example of Justice In t tho American court.. Omote ought to have been H lied, they say. and they believe Kaka i Kira and Moriyusa deserve' credit' for hooting him. The defendants -entered j as of -not guilty," although confess-- to tha kUIiag. ' - . - , .j - . , vi tnB -a . ia ,. I nn- e nas oeen trav- some homo th. co Wnc. Jast Deoomber in the hop. blna. and will soon move his famllv Prlce- Tn. option was to extend six "num on who left along. the project and general lnforma- of , the wreckers. The officers are here. and make thla city his permanent "-w na tho lota, wore sold ni noma many years aga . ; , : ;j tlon .regarding tha Hermlston country, vigorously prosecuting a search of the home. Mr. Shea Is much pleased with WIl ul m an aaauionai six 1 ine ratner nas not heard from the son I ney purcnaaea tnree tracts of land surrounding country. the business outlook of the PaciflcJ n,oniM w"r 10 oe . aiioweo. x - ror two years, At that time tho young tTom Hermlston Realty company northwest and Is contemplating maklna-1 ; b mmrm i uo naa soia more man was jiving in Portland and needed ana spoae ror more xor tneir inenas. extensive Investments In Portland nren. tn hair of the lots, but that Stone financial aid. He drew upon his father A colony will come onto these lands isuuku vnv euuuaoi reiusea 10 per- i lor siuu, dui rrienas aavised tho father I lro" ' n ' vioiiuiy . oi. uoiaenaaie form It, damaging Vaughn to the ex-1 not to honor It1 When It was returned! throuKh th "visit ' of these ; parties to tent oi iiu.umv. etone alleges that dishonored tho young man left Portland th new town. , : vaugnn naa not soia naif -of the lots and has not written to hi .fath aia. ' . . ' wiimn toe iirsc six montns, and that arty. ITALIAN IS ROBBED V -BY HIS OWN PEOPLE mm mm IS a. and that I The vounrer Walla waa ha 4 ,h.llimili r nr na iiinilnT -.f. thoreforo the contract was discharged, employ of E. F. Cannon, dealer in Van. W UULU-DC'DHNMlUr I UfWIll REFUSE TO GIVE ! trlcaj supplies, 101 McKay buildlna-. Mr Cannon advanced tho young man money " ne araxt, ana wnen it was returned V (Jonrnal Bpecial Berries.) . . v Chicago, May 2 S. Tony Dorocko pur sued and failed to overtake a cab. He f SAYS HE IS PLUMBER explained to tha police that an Italian -y .... . J 1 - jl.J h.ltk SS AAA aha LI. ,.. a.- PENNIES TO PEARYteh!L -if!-?: - rirnZ (Bpeeial Otopateh to The Journal.) SalemOr.,- May 2t.-The pupils ' of Walter EdWardS Pa88e8 , BegUS north of Salem, have changed their juiuus biiu win nui contriouie lo tne "Peary fund" and believe that they have ! a better place to spend their money; and that is to enlarge their library by the ipurcnaae or several new volumes. Here Is the motto they have ad on ted with reference to the proposed fund for ! the "Peary Expedition to the North Checks at The Dalles, but , ' Falls to Escape. cute Wells, merely cermlttlna- him ml in tha "United States district court thii !..' hi. - l :' '--ITT- I - -.!. ... XZ ' " " . . ' - nr, v.nnon is in-1 morning, .f una was tnat 01 HL J; Brig- !"8 ?: ha T1, Mroh and ham, a plumber of Portland whoso Ha- Is worklnsr at the nraaanV tiZl t- iVl MM, W $60 and Claypool Brothers, Coeur d'Alene district In Idaho. 1 wwchants of Prlheville whoso liabilities 0. B. Qulnn of the Independent Coal Jr $9,161.21, and assets $7,868.45, $400 at aoo company aiso believes that he I Of wnioh is claimed exempt. . may aia tne ratner in nis search, - In HARRY DAUGHERTY IS GIVEN GOOD POSITION (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) The Dalies, Or.. May 21. Walter Ed- wards was arrested It miles from The Dalles last evening by Deputy Sheriff Wood for ' forgery. Ho had . forced cnecks amounting - to $SS0 . and cashed Pole" "Give the proceeds to Peary's wild goose -chase i Well, It would bo rather -nice,' them tha day before. He was lea lng j But for our money we have another wis country on norsettack as rapidly as ' . piaco, . possible. No chock was less than $40 J And will send him cake and cream on and he signed tha name W. H. Edwards ': 1 ic to them. - - 1 ; A croa-ram la to bo riven thla mmnlnr in young man is about 2s vears nid I bv the dudus of the school at which and claims he cams from Colorado, Ha f cake and ice cream will be aerved and haa been at Seattle.' Tacoma and Pnrt. tha- nroceeda of Which will e-o tn tha na. Durchase of books ror the library. . . . . .."' I - . ...... xne cnecKS were cashed bv lndt. viauaia ana when presented at the First . An appeal for higher pay for ! the National bank in this city, on whioh pattern makers on the Isthmus of Pana tney were drawn, payment waa refused, ma snd , those employed In the navy v..okm -wer mceiy arawn ana tnoiyardS of tha United States has been young jnan : s iof preoossesslna anneavw'TWiada to Praaldant nnnMwit h Tama. ance and a very plausible talker. He L.- Oernon of Brooklyn, vice oreaidant anowiadg.g tha crime and will plead of tha Pattern Makero' League, of North "WC lAmerlca. ' '' (Joaraal Bpecial flerriea.) - j Washimrton, - May tf II. Harry a Daugharty of Pennsylvania was today promoted to membership on the Span- H. 1. of tho opinion that he is InininTPn PHR MliDnCD I w. wiin fwLVh ii.asr. W .as- . wil 1 " ir - - " - Kr'Iil'cffi nS MRS. MAG ENOW AGAIN Wells. the son of the man who Is In Portland. V( TILLAMOOK MAN GETS Joaraal Special Barvlea.t Chicago, May $8. Mrs. Lucy Mage- BIG ORDER FOR CHEESE ZttZJ?& S52 HUGHES ASKSt PASSAGE v Uf . ntuuuit I ivitAoUrjt: 0 A ' Single-: order for- 20.000 0 . pounds of Tillamook county 0 cheese has been placed bv K. 0 Robinson of Portland; r Th8 price o paid was . 14 centa per pound. which means from 25 to 17 cents o per pound net to Oregon farmora f for butter fat Whilo Tillamook e county produces mora cheese than any other county in th northwest, and 20,000. pounds Is not a large amount in compari- . son to th .total output tha o order Is a large one for a single 4 Arm at thla season of tho year. e e bv illegal operation of Lola Maddison of Salt Lake, a sister of Mrs. Anna Bradley, now in : 1 Jail at Washington awaiting trial for the alleged shooting of -ox-Senator Brown.': v MlrlttHrfAft 41115. H 414. tho fine. ACID THROWER PAYS V. SMALL FINE IN0URTi John Hengsveld, charged by his "di vorced wife with throwing', muriatio acid in her face during a disagreement at Llnnton last Sunday, waa arraigned In Justice Reed's court yesterday after noon. Hs pleaded guilty and waa fined e . .' Journtl Special Service. ? . .Albany, N. T., May 13. Gov 4) ernor Hughes sent an emergency 4 e message to : tho - senate today . 4 e asking . tna passage or , the : o 4 mayoralty' recount bill, recom- 4 o mending tnat tne legislature e 0 postpone adjournment till the o 0 bill Is madeya law. The action a) 4 of the governor Is a surprise to ' 4 politicians as Hearst in whose ' 4y 0. benefit the bill was urged, has e e fought Hughes throughout his o o term. . e e A PRESBYTERIANS PLAN I TO ATTEND BALL GAME ''' . . . ', , V:. (Special Dlipatch to The Journal) .' Columbus, May !3.-The general as sembly of the Prosbyteriane is drawing to a close." A number of the members plan attending a ball game today. ; Dr. ' J. M, Hubbert Is appointed, to assist Moderator Roberts.-. The committee re port on marriage and divorce was adopt ed, so that ministers must ; refuse to marry divorcees, except innocents who got a divorce ,on scriptural grounds, and then .only after a year elapses. , . STANDARD HAS BIG : t " STICK OF ITS OWN (Joaraal Sneelal Sarviea.V " Washington, IX C. May 2$.Pre"1. dent w. H. Fehsrtfeld of .tha Red company of Baltimore, startled Mia Interstate- commerce i com mission today by stating that the Standard Oil corn- pan had a big stick In the form Of coercion which it used-successful to drive out Independents, and said south ern roads, exoept tho Seaboard, increased on rates on Bouth Carolina shipment. This was not admitted as evidence. , . STRANGER HAS NARROW -: -; ESCAPE FROM DROWNING ' ' .; ; Vy ;. ' : .'i; .i- . - . ..v .w , ft . ' (Sptdal Dispatch to The JoarnaL)' Oregon City, May 2. An unknown man fell into tho river near the feed barn -about noon yesterday, and had It not been for . the timely assistance of ft eouplo of men passing 'in a boat, .he would undoubtedly have been drowned. It Is said hs was intoxicated. Dr. Sora- mers was summoned and - the patient , wa.o duuii ujouv uvinLoria-uio, -v. - . i-i t.: FIVE C0L0RAD0ANS ACCUSED OF FRAUD ' ' Denver, . May The rf ederafVtt Jury Indicted five Coloradoans la tUsJ land fraud cases. Their names are not mentioned. s' . ',... '. Every pound 'package of Schilling's Best is a free sample, if you don't like it : Tonr fToctrrehinnTouriBonar 11 yes desl like Schllllni Best: wa par him. ' ' , , " f U i , $1.00 , - ' 4 " - ' - V t" ' ms.iis. .., . laa. i 1