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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 23, 1907. 11 V COAL Fffil HEM iiETO EIGHT SITES FOR . ENTED "HEW CITY JAIL Rock Island Road Takes Steps Certified Checks Are Sent With NEW BOOKS FOR THE , LIBRARY 4 to Ward Off Shortage Along Line Next Winter.. Bids to Council Comrnittee ; for Six of, Them, i : REDUCE RATES NOW SO 'DEALcRO WILL STOCK Offl c wane cars mree ror inner YT ' WT 1 W . ' ssa a a nnen ticavy ,( -j.iairic : H on and An Also lroTldlng for the Comfort of Consumers. ' ChlcafO, Mar M. Ia ordsr to provide against coal scarcity,' -such as that of w wintsr, tits Rock Island, road bas mads arrangsmtnts to lar In an sound' , ancs of eoal along Its lines In Kansas, uaisnoma and Indian territory. --.April t last It began storing 110,009 tons from its Indian territory mines In ths statss named. It wlshss to rsduos Its coal ear rallo- ags to a minimum and to bars ths oars frss for servlcs whan thsrs is ths grsat sf.damand for thsra, so that It will , Bars na difficult? la meeting eommsr Clal nesda when the? arlss. Tha dsn -sJtsd Involves an sxpsndlturs of mors "Thaa $300,000, but ths road expects to art mr oy lis aaopuon ultimately. It Is slso trying to Imprsss on eoal dealers In ths territory named ths de- slrablllty of laying in their supplies , earner, so mat wnen ths winters rush or trams comes all danger of eoal fam 1ns will bs ayerted. In order to encour age them to adopt thla policy, It has rs- .. auoea raies on eoal for the summer months, and prices st ths mines bars been cot to ths minimum. NEW NATIONAL BANK . I ORGANIZED AT SEATTLE BeatUe, May It. Seat Ue Is to bars a new national bank and a new trust com panv, with a combined paid-up capital . and surplus of $1,100,000. - Both will be established by ., ths same syndicate, beaded by Samuel Hill, a son-in-law of , James Jv Hill, and will bs allied Insti tutions.! ..articles .of Incorporation for the United States Trust oompany, with a ' capital of $ 500,000, ' wars filed yes terday. Ths United : States National bank, has reserved Its name with ths controller of the currency. The two will bs opened for business early In ths IUI - - .- . y , . . .. Affiliated with Hill are Harvey Und ley and J. D, Farrell, vice-president of the Oregon ft Washington railroad; Thomaa Burks, former general western . counsel tor the Great Northern and several, times a millionaire; Elbrldge A. Btuart. ths 'Carnation Cream" million aire; James 8. Stewart of Schwabacher Brothers; John Erlckson, Alaska mil lionaire and a heavy holder of Seattle realty, and Arthur E. Hen ford, a brother or Federal judge Hanrord and a well' known Seattle capitalist. Bight bids ' have been submitted to the ways and means committee of the city council' for furnishing a sits for a new city J 11 and will be passed upon, this afternoon. ' Certified checks were missing In two of the bids which win probably pre vent, thsm from being considered when ths selection Is mads. Ths tenders submitted are as follows; v ? '' .w J, H. Qrelbel and F. Windier South east ; corner Eleventh and Flanders streets, being lots I and T, block iU Couch addition:, tit OAS ..-' . Ludwlg Wllhelra Lots I and S and the north five feet of I and 4, block (t, Couch addition; being StilOO feet In the center of the block bounded by Couch street, Davis street. Twelfth street and Thirteenth street; $20.000. ... Roman Catholic Archbishop of ths Di ocese of Oregon Lots 1 and S. block 165, Portland, being the southwest cor ner of Fifth and 'Columbia streets: $60,000. ' The Moore Realty company North east corner of Ninth and JJavls streets. This property has a - heavy concrete foundation which has been constructed within ths last 10 days and would cost In ths neighborhood of $1,600; , also about $1,100 worth of structural steel Is now on ths grounds. Option expires Monday, May IT, 1107, St 11 o'clock, noon: $40,000. . Sengstaks 4 Lyman Lots 6 and I. block 60, . Couch addition, being the southwest corner of Park end Flanders streets, with building; $36,400. .with. out building, ItS.oqp. Frame T. Berry and James S. Oleason East half of lou and T and lot I, block 46, Couch addition, being an all shaped Piece 160 feet on Couch street and 10 feet on Ninth street; $45,000. Also lots 1 and 4, block 16, Couch addi tion, being ths northwest oorner of Park and Burnslds .streets; $62,000. (No certified check received with this bid.) jaeger Bros. Ths southwest oorner of Fifth and Flanders streets:' $45,000. (No certified check received with this bid.) V ' .'. ;. . MAKE: PROMISES F0R-TH0S. DEVLIN Candidate Unable to Attend Meeting Owing to Illness, but Another Speaks torWimT ' Arrange ToT your" 'lea coupon books offlc 5t Btarw- oppostts library tralld- Ing.' Phones Main $14. Price 65o. ICS DELIVERY CO. H, M.. Carlock, Manager. NEW PRECINCT CLUB Owing to Illness, Thomas C, Devlin was unable to address the political meeting held last night In the Artisan hall at Front and Olbbs streets. The principal speakers were City Treasurer Werleln, Republican candidate for re election, and Wallace McCamant. Mr. Werleln spoke In the first cereon. making many Important promises for Mr. .Devlin. He emphatically . denied that the Republican candidate tor, mayor was allied with ths north end In any way and-promised that that tart of the city would be thoroughly cleansed should Mr.. Devlin be elected. Following Mr. Werleln came Wallace McCamant, who made a strong partisan plea and wound up with the "vote 'er WILL DIG UP VOTES not say Roosevelt had his eye on the rum ana buu waras, out aid say the; approacning municipal election would have a momentous Influence In ths next presidential campaign. Mr. McCamant said be would vote for anything If It was oa ths Republican ticket althourh other speakers wsrs loudly resolved to vote foY no one If he were allied with the north end. Other speakers were Dr. W. X. CottelL Republican candidate, for ' councilman from the fifth ward; Henry Beldlng. councilman from ths Sixth ward and candidate for reelection; D. J, Qulmby and George H. HowelL Mies Elisabeth Harwas sang several "solos and was heartily encored. W. p. Lillls, presl awn toi me oouin roriiana Club, pre- siaea, - ; r 4 ' i. " ,' . A new cog was sdded to the Eepub - If can machine last night at Fourth and MUt streets at the Italian hall, when J. A. Kelly, precinct committeeman, or ganised a preclnot Republican club for the twenty-fourth preclnot In the fifth ward. A. E. T. Oebhardt was sleeted president and W. M. Manning, secre tary. There was a charter member shin of 14 and a second masting will be held on Saturday next, when It Is ex peoted that more names will bs added to the list , Ths new club, according to the plan of ths Union Republican club, is subsidiary to the Fifth Ward club, which In turn Is an auxiliary of the Union club. - ft The Knocker's Fate. Seal estate dealers should have "Klll- Jngworth'S Auto Rldr" In a conspicuous plaes In thslr, offices to show knockers their doom. .. ANTHONY GOING TO . CONGRESS FROM KANSAS Topeka, Kan., ; May $$. A special election in the first congressional dis- 1ft wss held today to nil me vacancy CUUdM oy Uie . rwnnninn , ui ww Curtis. The election of D. R. Anthony of Leavenworth, the Republican nomi nee. is assured, as he Is without oppo- sttion. ':. '" I Burglar Gang t' Baker City. (BiMdal Inipatch to The Journal.) Baker City, Cr., May IS. -r- Several stores have been broken into reoently, ana ins ponce are diligently at work, uiougn on ins . ramtest or clues, so adroit are the operations. The Baker City Packing oompany has lost $6.60 from its cash register. The burelars left no clue as to where they made their -entrance. Skeleton keys must have bsen used. The Moaner srrocerr store was burglarised the same night, and about $10 In .money and some mer chandise were taken. The Baker City Mercantile- oompany is also loser of a sum. ED. P. Vorus's store was entered two nights In succession. No trace of the intruders has been found t I Every- t !- The importance of soda crackers as an article of daily consumption can hardly be overestimated. No other wheat food contains such nutritive values in correct pro portions. This is only true of EJneGda Bisculi: the ideal soda cracker. As fresh on your table as from the oven. Crisp, clean and appetizing; ' In mouturt proof packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 3 ; (1 OBNKRAL WORKS. McLaughlin, Blade and Lewis Writ lngs on American. History. 1006. : Savage Manual of Descriptive An notations for Library Catalogues, 1100. PHILOSOPHY. Jerome The Liquor Tax Law In New York; a plea for the opening of saloons en Bunday, l05. -, ' . . l' Thomson Brain and Personality; or, The Physical Relations of the Brain to the Mind. 1907. ; ' Washington Putting ths Most Into Lifs, 1000. . - ..'..;: RELIGION. , Mattoon Baptist Annals of Oregon, 105. - .: ; socioLoax. - Bastable The Commerce Of Nations, Ed. S Bav- 189J. . i Conyngton A Manual of Practloal Charity; How to Help, !. . Mundy Earning . Power of Railroads, Shadwell Industrial Efflolenoy, I v. 105. .' ,".-... Smalley Railroad Rate Control In Its Legal Aspects, 1100. -. . I '; PHILOLOOT. ' Moles Nlu Teutonishf an ' Interna tional Language, 1008. , : SCIENCE. Bastlan Nature and Origin of living Matter 1105. Becbe The Bird, its rorm ana r"u no tion. I0(. ' Dunn Weather and Practical Meth ods of Forecasting It 1501. Gibson Bleotrlcitv of Todayi Its Work and Mysteries Desortbed la Non technical Language, 1107. ' Ingersoll The Wit of ths Wild, 1104. .'. USEFUL ARTS. Armstrong Cyclopedia of Painting, 1107. --, . - . Byrom The Physios and Chemistry of Mining, 1105. Carnegie Practical Trappings, Ed. t, Bnl., 1004. - - Cooper Financing an Enterprise, t T, 104. t Dodd Healthful Farmhouse, 1104. Farles Praotlcal Training for Ath letios. Ed. I, 1IIV, . . Fischer Health-Cars of the Baby, J04. - . Green What to Hart for Breakfast H05. ; . Griffith Ths Car. of ths Baby,, Ed. I, Rev., 1505. Harrison Home Nursing. ios. Hllgard Soils, Their Formation, Properties, eta, 1904. Jackson Secrets of Mushroom Grow ing Simply Explained, by ths largest grower In America, 1905. Jones Automobile Catechism, 1904. Maglnnls Roof Framing Mads Easy, Ed. 2, Rev., 1904. - - Modern American Tanning, 1901. Walker Beauty Through Hygiene, 1908. FINE ARTS. Grove Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Ed. by J. A. F. Maltland. v. 1-t, 1904-04. Havard La France Artlatlque st Monumental., 4v. n. d. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Thirty Piano Compositions, 1905. - Nichols English Pleasure Gardens, looa. Wloks Log Cabins and Cottages, How to Build and Furnish Them, Ed. I, 1904. ' Wilson Wilson's Photographies, 1551. AMUSEMENTS. ' Cavanagh The Book of Boats, 1904. Howard Dra wing-Room Tbeatiioals, 1570; - ' 1 ' Northrup Camps and Tramps la ths Adlrondacks, 1580. . ' LITERATURE. Jebb Humanism In Education, 1599. Jones Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher, 1908. Kellogg Primary Speaker, 1905. N.ttl.ship Robert Browning; Essays and Thoughts, 1901. , DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL. Carver Three Tears' Travsls Through the Interior Parts of North America, 1795. Dixon Yoyags Autour du Monde, Par les Captaines Portlock st Dixon; Tradolt4 ds 1 Anglais par M. Lebas. 5 v., 1759. . Edwards On ths Mexican Highlands, 1904. Authentic Narrative of a Voyage Per formed by Captain Cook and Captain Clarke, Ed. 5, I v, 1784. Hare Cities of Central Italy, I v. 1404. ' Johnson New England and Its Neigh bors, 1908. ; Lutke Voyage Autour du Monde; Tradult du , Russe per le Consslller d'Etat F, Bore, 2 v 1835. Soberer What Is Japanese Morality? 1904. Steevetis Glimpses of Three Nations, 1500. Th wattes On ths Storied Ohio; being a new and revised edition of "Afloat on the Ohio," 1900. Vancouver Voyage- de Deeouvertes l'Ocean Paclflque du Nord et Autour da Monde; Tradult de 1 Anglais par F. P. Henry, v., 1808. BISTORT. Acton Lectures on Modern History, 1908. Blok History of ths People of the Netherlands, v. 1-8. 1899-1900. Colby Selections From the Bouroes of English History, 1905. Domenech Voyage Fi Moresque Dans Jes Grands Deserts du Nouveau Monde, 1862. Holm The History of Greece From Its Commencement to the Close of the Independence or the Greek Nation, 4 v., 1898-1907. Janssen History of the German Peo ple at the Close of the Middle Ages, V. 9-10, 1908. Lowe Five Tesrs a Dragoon, 1908. Lynch Toledo, 1908." " - Mackay The Brontes; Fact and no tion, 1897. Martin How the Oregon Trail Be came a Road. 1908. Meakln Moorish Empire, 1899. Ploets Epitome of Ancient, Mediae val and Modern History, Tr. and EnL by W. H. Tilllnghast. 1905. Sergeant Greece in the Nineteenth Century, 1821. 1897, 1897. " - BIOGRAPHY. ; , . Heck.r. I. T Father Hecker, by Henry D. Sedgwick Jr 1908. . Smith. Mrs. H. (L.) Hannah Logan's Courtship, a True Narrative, Ed. by Al bert Cook' Myers, 1904. , Stoddard, R. H. Recollections. Per sonal and Literary, 1903. m Taylor. Bayard Bayard Taylor, by Albert H. Smyth, 1898. Toahimura, . Mrs. M. (M.) O Mura San, by A. M. Schneder, 1905. FICTION. f Cotes Set In Authority. Couch Sir John Constantino. Ewald Two Legs. Hueffer Fifth Queen and How She Came o .court. .-.t . manca . -. i '; London Tales, of ths Fish PatroL t Merwin The Merry Anna ' Montague Tha Sowing of Alderson Ouida Provence Rose. ' ' Epoffod Old Washington. . ThS -sliding scale proposition, provid ing for a wags advance of about 10 per cent, has been accepted by ths unions representing the 50,000 textile workers In the Fall River mills. The Increase will go Into effect May 17. . . . Table Linen 41o 60c Quality An exceptional bar train for Friday Unbleached Table Linen -of excellent wearing Qual ity, fine even thread, full 60 inches wide, food assortment of patterns to choose from, always sold at 60c a yard. Specially priced for , ii ' Bargain Friday at........,.suiC Blcacliod Ghoots GOc 75c Orads Fifty dozen only at this price Full-Bleached Sheets, good large size, 81x90 inches, fine linen finish, extra wearing quality, well worth 75c each. Specially priced for this sale. Bargain Fri- : Announcement Our " 303rf BAESeAIET TR - - WILL BE A NOTABLE DAY, IN' THE HISTORY OF THIS STORE Interested In news economy? Yes. Then these paragraphs contain words of vital interest to you.' The whole store is fresh, bright and beautifulj- This big store was never so inviting fo the shopper. -Never was our array of timely merchandise for home and family greater in variety or finer in beauty, richness and style. And yet our prices are lower than ever before! The money-saving possibilities of shopping here are simplv enormous. THE WHOLE STORE CONTRIBUTES TO THE SALE. If you miss a single section, nook or cranny of this big store you're almost certain to have missed something of special interest Every buyer and department manager takes an individual pride in his offerings on these occasions,, putting forth extra ef forts to give you bargains altogether out of the ordinary. ONLY MERCHANDISE OF THE THOROUGHLY RELIABLE SORT is offered, and the variety is well nigh boundless. It will be a remarkable sale. When a lot in any of these lines is exhausted another will take its place, representing equally wonderful values. COME COME EARLY, WHILE ASSORTMENTS The Greatest Bargain S Day of the , Week More Wonderful Value in the JJf f SeaSOUable DrOSS GOOflS Better Values Than You Have Ever Seen Before!!! Now! You can share in the most Incomparable Dress Goods Values of the season. The selling all week has continued with great activity. . Shrewd buyers were quick to see what purse-saving protection this sale offered. Some of the styles and patterns have disaDoeared altoeether. some new lots are added and tomorrow's offerings are just as great in regard to quality, quantity and value-eivine as on the first day of this extraordinary sale. Remember, that wear-time most of it 4s yet to come. Youll not wise ly skip over the following details. 38o Will Buy 50c to C5o Dress Goods 38-inch Novelty Gray Suitings 38-inch Novelty Panama Suitings . 38-inch Black Check Suitings 3B-inch Gray Vegerouts Suitings 38-inch Novelty Batiste Suitings 38-inch Fancy Worsted Suitings 38-lnch Fancy Check Mohairs WE LOSE NOTHING BY IT, EITHER. The Loss Falls Entirely on the Manufacturer 486 Will Buy 75c Dress Goods 44- inch Novelty Suitings 45- inch' Novelty Panamas 46- inch Jamestown Worsteds 45-inch Moonlight Mixtures 44-inch Checked Panamas 40-Inch Block Check Novelties 38-inch Pekin Stripe Suitings 60o Will Buy Best 81.00 Dress Goods 50-inch Shadow Plaid Coatings 50-Inch Priestley's Novelties 50-inch Jamestown Novelties 95c Will Buy Best $1.50 Dress Goods 54-inch New Scotch Suitings 54-inch Black and White Novelties 54-inch Novelty Worsteds 50-inch All Wool Block Checks 46-inch Moonlight Mixtures 56-inch New Novelty Panamas 54-inch New Novelty Worsteds , 54-inch Broken Check Novelties 89o Will uy Best $1.2 & - Dress Goods 5(finch Block Check Panamas 52-inch Ombre Plaid Suitings 52-inch Novelty Wool Taffetas 42-inch Silk and Wool Novelties 42-inch Hairline Panamas All Dress Goods Rem nants at Half - Price Hundreds and hundreds of remnants of bright, new, seasonable Dress Goods, short lengths from 3 to 10 yards, accumulations from this week's selling, tp be closed out at once. ' Your choice, while they last, Bargain Friday at ONE HALF THE MARKED REMNANT PRICE. . - . ; , , , Special Purchase of New Nobby Silks Go on Sale Tomorrow for First Time 44o a Yard for 7 5o and $1.00 Values STYLISH NEW DRESS SILKS Louisenes and Taffetas in an unsurpassed assortment. of Pekin stnpes, checks, broken plaids, all the new colorings. v .-V- ..i,.::: '':,yy. :' Ombre Plaids in rich color combinations. ' . r Peau de Cygnes in good assortment, new spring shades Fancy Silks that sold as high as 75c and $1.00. Ex traordinary values for Bargain Friday only. NEW EMBROIDERIES The assortment far exceeds In variety of designs any previous show- In. The effects are beautiful, included are uie smartest, newest things In Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss. Prices greatly reduced for Bargain Friday. . IfV K.mhrnirleri--Sriril Rarfrain Fridsv .....6 15c and 18c Embroideries Special Bargain Friday Jf 20c Embroideries Special Bargain Friday f 25c and 35c Embroideries Special Bargain Friday 18f 35c and 45c Embroideries Special Bargain Friday f 50c and 60c Embroideries Special Bargain Friday... ....S3e 75c and 85c Embroideries Special Bargain Friday.. t9 $L0Q,and $1.25 Embroideries Special Bargain Friday........ 9f ALLOVER EMBROIDERIES. 60c Allover Embroidery Special Bargain Friday $1.00 and $1.25 Allover Embroidery Special Bargain Friday. 69 $200 and $2 50 Allover Embroiderv Soecial Bargain Fridav......$l.l S2J0 and 13.50 Allover Embroiderv Soecial -Bargain Friday. .... .91.39 ) TWO GOOD RIBBON VALUES. About 8,000 yards beautiful 6-inch Messaline Ribbon, every wanted color, including black; best quality, well worth 50c yard. Special 90 sale nrice mOI Taffeta Ribbon, 4 inches wide. In wide assortment of the season's shade, ECONOMICALLY PRICED Men's and Boys' Wear This business erows and rrows. because more men are daily realiainar the advantages of this Men's and Boys' Outfitting Section of ours. There will be some lively selling in this section tomorrow; . The offerings in Shirts and Underwear will share the attention of economically inclined men wim the extraordinary values in Boys' waists and Suitcases. BOYS' NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. 50c Values at 25. Boys' Soft-Bosom Negligee Shirts, made with detached cutis, of fin est quality percale, colors blue and gray, pretty patterns, site 12 to 14, regular telling price 50c. Special MEN'S UNDERWEAR. . 50c Values at 39e. Men's French Elastic Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, in a good shade of brown, every seam well finished; come in all sizes, a regular 50c gar ment. Specially reduced for Bar gain .Friday ............... ..39 BOYS' BLOUSE WAISTS. .65c Values st BOf . Boys' Cadet Blouse Waists, made from fine quality Madras and Per cale, in plain white, tan, blue and black; neat stripe and check ef fects, best 65c! quality. Specially priced Bargain ' Friday ....'..50f also black and white, extra heavy stiff quality, the staple kind, always in demand, regularly sold at 22c yard. Special for Bargain Friday J Unusual XiTotion Values ' At the Notion Counter tomorrow you will find a varied collection of useful helps to dressmaking. Wouldn't be anything extraordinary about it if the prices weren't unusual. Below we quote a few: 7t Taoe Lines. 60 inches long1 Friday............ ....... 12c German Silver Thimbles Friday 8f 35c Sterling Silver Thimbles Friday 5c Hooks and Eyes Special Friday ,i i2 30c Silk-Covered Dress Shields Friday.... 21e 75c Dressmaker Skirt-Markers Friday....,..,.....; ...69e 35c Pocket Scissors Special Friday ........21e $1.00 Silver-Steel Shears, 7-inch size, at ..TV $1.25 Silver-Steel Shears, 8-inch size, at ....98 $1.50 Silver-Steel Shears, 9-inch size, at.......... , $1.19 75c Buttonhole Scissors Special at 69 35c Pillow Tops 25 Our display of Lithographed Pillow Tops is un surpassed. All the most-desired patterns, exclusive designs, regularly sold at 35c Special Bargain Friday so 75c Pillow Tods 49 New assortment of Silk Pillow-Tops.- The styles and patterns are unrivaled in the city, excellent grade silk, our usual s. . . n M AU. price 5C. special bargain rriqay 75c Back Combs 49 -Fancy Gilt and Oxidized Mounted Back Combs, excellent collection to choose from, regular 75c values. Special price, each . . . .49 75c Shopping Bags 89 Good assortment of Leather Shopping Bags, neat and stylish, come in black and red, well worth 75c special pneej each r. , .... '..J ,..v......,...;.i,89 J5c Glycerine Soap 9 Best quality Glycerine Soap, reduced for Bar gain Friday's selling to .. ...... . 25c Side Combs 19 Large collection of Plain Shell and Amber Side Combs, best 25c quality. Special Bargain Friday, per pair...,.,... 19 for Bargain Friday . . , r. . . . . .25 C t MEN'S HALF HOSE. f 15c Values at 10. Men's Fancy Hose; come m black, embroidered in ; red, green and blue; also sn especially good line Tan and Pink Fancy Hosiery socks that regularly, sell a at l5c Special Friday, per pair .,..10 Women's Summer Vests Best 35c Values on Q AVtici ; Sale Friday st . . . . . X O uOUlb We know of no store that looks after the Underwear wants of par tJcular women so well. For instance, compare this offering with those of other stores: , . About 200 dozen Women's Fine Cotton Vests, sleeveless, with silk trimmed yoke, a perfect-fitting garment, made of the finest select cotton, sold, all over the city at 35c On sale for one day only, Bargain 1 Q Friday, at v........ iklO. In the Domestic Section Values well worth every housekeeper's attention tomorrow. Stroll through this great section. Many striking price reductions will greet you at everV step. . For Our 393d Bargain Friday we have arranged the best list of bargains we know of. v Every item is a decided snap. Madras Curtains, 8175 Values, at 99o Tomorrow we will sell a special lot of White Madras Curtains at an eyetdingiy low price. All bright, new curtains, lull i yards long and 4(7 inches wide, made with reenforced taped seam, lace . edge, finished with 2-inch hem, large assortment to choose from in neat figured and dotted effects, splendid ..values at $1.75 a pair. Special, to close, Af) cargain , r riaay at .......... ........ . w ...... . ,;'..; . ,,. . Bieere Suitincrs, Best 20o Grade, at 14o Another sreat lot of pretty Biesre Suitinrs just received in time for Fri day's sale. About 900 yards in the lot, consisting of an unsurpassed as sortment of pretty check and plaid effects, in shades of brown, red, navy, Seen, tan, etc., etc.; correct summer weight, sold everywhere at lyl c a yard. Specially priced for Bargain Friday at............. .. 11C Wonderful Shoe -Values For this week's offering we have an unusually large assortment of . ?' Tennis Shoes For Women. Misses and Children, in both black and white, full custom- made, with good rubber soles. AH sizes at one price Bargain Ctl' Friday at,...;... r .WV Men's Shoes and Oxfords in all the best styles and leathers, OC $3.50 and $4.00" values , .?6.0 Women's Shbes and Oxfords in all fashionable leathers, regu-v 0 Q7 lar $3.00 and $3.50 values .$0 f Women's Shoes and Oxfords, all up-to-date styles, regular flA $2.50 and $3.00 values... ...S1UU Women's Lace Hose Best 50c Values, Q Q sP-w4ff -Friday. Only at . OO VytJJLLO If we could secure any more of these hose, this chance for yott to buy them at a third less than- regular would never have occurred." The maker retires and the manufacture of his lines is discontinued. ; This, was one fef his best-sellinsr numbers. Women s Fine Imported Lace Hose, in all over ihd boot styles, in a. .large assortment of this season's best patterns; colors, white, tan, gray and black: sold everywhere at 50c a pair. OO Specially priced for Bargain Friday at : . . .....'. ... ... ...... White Linen Parasols, Barffa in Friday OX -J ft NOW ITS A GREAT SALE OF PARASOLS, If you have a parasol need it will pay you to fill It tomorrow. Several Uncs Lavs had their prices clipped considerably; Nothing the matter with the parasols, though. Just s case of trying to gain your Lett -acquaintance. Women'f White Linen Parasols in a great assortment of stvles, made of extra quality white linen, f - nicely trimmed with embroidery and Insertion; excellent values at $2, $2.50 and $3.00. Your choice Bargain Triday. Jl Q ; "AT