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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
THE" OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY - EVENING. MAY 23, 1807. mm ifliui ip F 1 AT. THE THEATRES 10 4- FOR Ml PARTY Republican Managers Plan Game of SmeaF-Against Mayor's Administration. - - WILL THROW DAUBS , , AT VERY LAST MOMENT Bosses Shed Tears to Think Thej :. Must Resort to finch Methods - Moral IasugIi Slat With Which . to Paddle. Up at ths headquarter of the Re- publican city central committee the tar .. bucket hae been brourht forth and its contents are being mixed and made plastic for Immediate use, for the Re publican m ana re r i have decided to eur- , priss the community by raisin ths "moral lsaue" and keeping tt raised - during the -remainder of the campaign. rom now on. they aay, the Lane ad' ministration will be bedaubed and be meared with great gob of official In famy that will put the tenderloin f - filiation of the Devlin candidacy clear beyond the pale of human ken., Bean Sate to Be It, J-V.'-' ' It la with the same feeling of reluct ance and regret which Alls the breast of the chaatUlnr parent that tha Re publican campaign managers have . At last picked up the paddle, so they say, but now that It has bean grasped they have bared their right arms and will wield It good and hard.- According to . Mr. Sherwood, secretary of the com mittee. It was the desire of the man- -agers that the campaign discussions be confined strictly to municipal Improve- - ments and such questions of debate, but since the broader path has been chosen thny are , going to make a few foot prints in the dust - The moral Issue will be brought out of hiding officially for the first time on Wednesday, May 29, when' Mr. Devlin and City Treasurer Werleln will at tempt to ' storm the Lane citadel in . Bunnyslde with, - a rally at Hunter's hall. Mr. Werleln will train his guns on the Lane administration and under take to show that Dr. Ine is as spotted as a leopard. Mr. Devlin will back him up and prove that he, himself, has no spota That is the program but a few preliminary hint will bs thrown out her and there beforehand Just to pre pare the general publlo or the grand attack. . :: :, : Wek Tail of Jtanisa. . At the Lane headquarters there Is- not much dolns; except work and the recep tion of pleasing newa A schedule jf meetings has been arranged and frsm now on every moment will be -a busy one. : Tonight Dr. lane and .a., Devlin will discuss east side improvements be fore the East Bide Business Men's club. Friday night Mayor Lane will address the voters of Mt. Tabor and Saturday night It is probable that a rally will ,e held at Montavllla, though this has not teen determined definitely. i Monday, May J7, Dr. Laos and other speakers will address 'a-, meeting- Kt Hunter's hull In Sunnyslda. , Thursday, May 28, a meeting will be held at-Al-blna, Wednesday, May a rally will be held ' at Artisan's halL Front and GIbbs streets In south Portland, while at the same tims another-meeting will be held In north Portland", at a place yet to be chosen. Friday night. May 31, the Lane campaign .will close on " ,, -.w.. - . . " I I J "Tho Sinking GirLM ' - Tb Marquam Grand, the bom of statical comedy, is sow rteocalstd as a plsc whtre verton most goat least odes a weft .--nil weak the attrsetloa Is "The Hlnsinf Girl' and this la the first tune It has bt prsseoted is the Pacific northwest and the first time a company has undertaken to produce It at less than S3 prices. The Baa I'rsoclsoe Opera company demonstrates that It Is en or tne best aoileal organisations In the country. '- - "The SU-onera." For the third week of its engagement at the Marouam Grand- the Baa rrsnelseo Oners com pany - will produce that . rasrlnstlna musical comedy. "The Strollers." This will be of fered next Monday night and ell tb week. la "Tn Stroller" tb comedian' will bar a I cbane to bln and tb principal will bat a number of attractive number, for "The Strollers" la ml-oomle opera, well written and with a scar repUt with catchy and blib- . - siass music. ; . , , v . , i I 1 M t i m , t irw !i ' ---e.jaI.'H j. IJli" " ' .V.i-t"i ' ."' " ' "' 'II Mi - i WW I h ; ! i I i J ulii. j,, ; 11. i ' Si Wmv ' i ' j if I j . jj If A l' m A ,11 1 I'm. N - ' t jr, , -f -r. J jr. , -0 , - Jr - ! A V .' aI 1 K r .'A!:!-. x 'V- w Baker . Company Scores Great Hit. Is It presentation of "A Contented Woman" th Baker eompanr ha scored another hit and l giving en or tn beet taows or tas I . Contented Woman" was written by Hoyt, who wrote o many elcrr play. It M admirably suited to th Individual abllltie of the Baker company which 1 firing a excel- I lent parformaoc. It I pleasing lrg crowd. Seaman Company' Last Week. This I th last week of th nf ement ef th Seaman Stock eompanr at th Empire and I tbe company la doing wbat la considered by I many th ' Mat work of It ngement. "Wicked London" I th bill and It I drawing iargs crowd at ovary performance. It m . melodrama that In terse ta vry on. . ; NThe Connterfeiters." Th Allen Stock company Is winning i admirer at th Lyric this week In tb thril ling melodrama "Tbe Counterfeiter." Mis I I Verna Feltoa I seen la a bor's pert. All tb fsverltes sr In tb cast. Tb stag effect are startling, blatlneee Saturday and Sunday. Last time Sunday nlsbt Bsserved eeata may be erdersd by telephone. Rosa Cofhlan, the Brilliant Actress Who Will ' Present "Mrs. . r Warren's Profession" at the Heillr. Theatre Friday, Saturday, Sna4ar NlsbtaV May', 240SV 2."'. ': DRIVE BRIDGE PILES 95 FEET ' BEFORE REACHING BED ROCK "Polly Prlmroae., Beginning Monday evening and "emtlnalng on week,- with matinees Tuesday, Thursday, I Saturday and Subdav, tb Allen Stock ompny. run ills Verne Feiton, win be seen t tnH Lyrle la th delightful comedy-drama ''Polly Primrose." Spatial attratins will be given to I stats effects. Beat sal open Sunday morn-I log. -' X ' Krectlon of steel on the now bridge across Sullivan's gulch at Grand avenue began Saturday from the south abutv ment and work will bs pushed as fast ag the arrival of tha structural mate rial will permit Pedestals are In place on bents -1,1, I and four on , the north side and 10, 11 and II on ths south side. , piles are being driven for bents 6, I and f. v Ths depth of the soil In Sullivan's gulch Is demonstrated In the sinking of plies to support the concrete piers. One of the piles was driven II feet into ths ground before bedrock was encountered. The piles average 100 feet In length and have been sunk on an average of from 86 to S5 feet In ths soil. Delay is already being experienced In the steel work, being due to the in ability of ths eastern manufacturers to get cars for immediate delivery. The structure la belnar. built br tha Seattle Construction .company and' ths r: esti mated cost. Is fsS.OOO.v' Mrs. Warren's Profession. Beginning tomorrow (Friday) and .conrtn- utng for three night at th HeUlg" theatre. Fourteenth snd Washington streets, theatre goer will bar an opportunity of witnessing wbat ha been acknowledged to be on of th biggest accewe of tb New York dramatic in, Barnard Bbaw "Mr. Warren s Pro fession,", with Boss Coghlan, supported by her msgnlflcent company, which contains such sterling srtlats as Lynn Pratt, St Clair Bay- field, Blcbard Pitman. Forsst Orr. Lurll Stanford. Seat are sow selling at th thestr box-offtc. it arc always boundi to be exactly alike in quality and satisfaction, :; 1 The rich, . hauntinpf flavor of their per fectly blended tobacco will top oflf the . j l oriesjof a "hard dayat the office.".-' 1 , Each one equipped with its individual mouthpiece, and " rolled in ' thiiK mais papernw, not, pasted. X '' 1 Impenalcs give all that' rich tobacco taste without the "afte effects to other cicettesJ ' 10 for 10 cents The men of the West smoked 100,000,000 Imperiiles in 1009, Sold Eorywhtrm r - '. .- ... . ' . " 1 THE JOHN BOLLMAN COMPANY Manufacturors - , ,. ... - San Franetseo I I II i i i i Sale for Henrietta Crosman. act and it I recommended aa a novelty. ' Bars I racing I not overlooked la "A tbe Turf Ian," and "Th Waitress and this Car Flantat" a mnsleal akstch la wblcJrJsck Connelly shows himself, a wlssrd . oas" th nlsaa. Tha Grand hill la a laughter affair. "Wedded Bat No Wife." Henrietta Crosmsn will appear at tha Belllg theatre next Monday, Tuesday and Wedneadsr o ignis. Msr IT. as and 29. in to new modern farcical comedy . "AlI-of-a-8adden Peggy' In which eh scored an nnnnsllfled hit st th 4Fm.H.1 ana win HI Jos tbestrk In New Xnrk. By every eetlmat JfB this city st th Star NEWSPAPER GOSSIP JD 1 (BROKER DISAPPEARS AND BILLBOARDS UNDER BAfi DIAMONDS ARE MISSING W. C. T. U. Expresses Views on j J. Edward Boeck Trades on His Purity In Streot Art and Literature. Friendship With Clark and ' Guggenhelms. The regular - county - Institute of ths I W. C. T. U, was held Tuesday in ths Adventlst church at St. Johns wita fjnansil SnsHal SUrvtM.t New Tork, May J. Edward Boe "diamond broker by eourtesy, bwj aa the east side with a rally at Burkhard' hall, on East Eurnslde street, while the west side will see ths wind up on Sat unday night at a place yet to be chosen The Republican managers hare also compiled a schedule of rallies as fol lows: -'' '.' j- Friday. May 24. in the first ward . at Muncer's store, where Mr. Devlin - will speak. Saturday, May 25. meet ing In the fifth ward addressed by Mr, Uevlln snd John P. Kavanaugh and second gathering in the tenth ward at which Mr. Werleln and Mr. rjevlln will be the speakers. Monday, May 27, rally for the ninth and tenth wards at Malr's hall, addressed " by w. k. mc Garry and Mr. Devlin. This Is expected .to be a blat meeting and a band and ouartet has been secured for the even ing.v Wednesday, May 2, a meeting In the eighth ward at Hunter's hall In Bunnyslde. At this meeting the "moral issue" will: be' raised by Mr. Werleln while Mr.; Devlin will also speak. ,; The campaign will be- closed on ths east side on Friday. , May SI, at Rlngler's hall with a mass meeting at wbich Mr. . Devlin will be . tbe principal speaker. Ths end on ths west sids will -come Saturday night; June 1, at the Armory when Mr. Devlin will sgain he tne prin dpal speaker. c ' . ; FARMERS AT STAYTON . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ' Salem, Or., May 23. tayton, the progressive town or ins soumeasiern Dart of Marion county, which recently .held a successful horse show, is now 'planning for a two days' farmers' In - sUtute. Mas 24 and 25, under "the aus pices of ths professors of the Oregon Agricultural . college and ths citizens of the thrifty town. ; uovernor vnaro berlaln will deliver an address fiatur day-afternoon. . other addresses will be made as fol "Manarement of the Dairy Herd." swilllam Schulmerich, HiUsboro; '"The Draft Horse," E. T, Judd, Turner;, "The Orange. What it Stands For, Stato Orange Lecturer Mrs. Clara H. Waldo; "Libraries for 'Farmers." by a repre sentative Of ths state library coram ia ion: "Small Fruits," Jr, C. J. Lewis, Oorvallis;"Spraylng,'BS. C. Armstrong, '?aim: " Breeds and" Types of Live stock, and the Agricultural College and Its Works,' Illustrated with pteredp t icon. Dr. Jas. Wlthyeombe, Corvallls; "Tile Drainage," J. K. Murphy, Salem; "Plant Food" Prof. C E. Bradley, Cor- valiia: "Foraga' Plants," - Dr. .Withy -f.o rorvaJlls: ."What We Owe the Karmer." Colonel E. Hofer, Salem: "Good Roads, Cost s and . Benefit ', of Pame," J. H. Scott. Salem,, president of Ft ate - Oood Roads .- association. Sturdy, Roy i : HEALTH ' .-? ":-:r,; . Comes from RIQHT FOOD. Eat Hi rape-Nuts tt hl&-best known form af . . human nourishment. "Ti'tKE'S A SEASON ' I ofr' i551SS 'W. iowei expert and tfr of l....i- .7 1 millionaire in dress, Tbe session began at 10 o'clock with Mrs. Alice Hanson, county presi dsnt. in ths chair.' " After the opening devotional exercises Mrs. Ella Hlraes precipitated a discus sion by reading a paper on "Scientific Instruction In the Public Schools." . Mrs. M. L. Hidden, in her department, talked of "Purity In Literature and Art." Bill boards and what she characterised as "gossip" in the daily press were par ticularly referred to. In the ' afternoon an" excellent paper for mothera was read by Mrs. Horning and an interesting discussion followed. Bute President Addl ton recalled her re cent lecture tour throughout the state and said that she found much encour agement. In five, counties, she said, the prohibition of the liquor tratflo by local fact, has dtrppeared from his office at 170 Broaay. It is reported that about $260,&ro worth of gems which hs obtained' on memoran dum have not been accounted for ex cept in a vague way. The grand Jury took action in Boock's case, and It is understood that m lndictmerit for grand larceny was obtained, x ''r As a friend of former Senator Wll Ham A. Clark of Montana, ths Guggen helms and other millionaires, whose names he used freely, and whose friend ly relations he seemed to prove by as sertion, Boeck was able to obtain with out valuable collateral :i a fortune in Jewels to dispose of to wealthy friends and reputed clients. v It Is said that Captain W. H. Dayton, ths well-known Egyptologist of this city and dealer in precious stones, trust- Dayton that ths Pinkertons have been notified to look for the missing man. option was well enforced andi thess I ed in Boeck.' and that it was throuah counties ars mq prosperous unr bujsi men declare they will never again allow the open saloon. She asserted that the W. a T, U. is well organljtfcd and vigor ous in all tnese -counues; one gave valuable talk on department work. Followlnar a solo by Mrs. Galland, Mr. Rutherford gave an address on "Law Enforcement" - Hg said that the excel lent laws should be enforced. He re ferred to recent decisions In Indiana as sounding the death knell of the liquor traffic. ; He-was , run or nope ror, me future andsuggested that all friends LOG ROLLING CONTEST ; ON FOURTH AT CARLTON (Special Dispatch to lb 7oaraaI.) ' Carlton, Or, May Si At a well-at tended meeting at Howe's hall it waa decided to celebrate the Fourth of July. Committees were appointed, -and work of good aovernment Stand together in wm start immeoiaieiy, ii oemg tne in the flehtAdlournment waa taken after nt,on to make thl. the biggest cele bration ever held In this valley.. Sev eral hundred dollars has already -'been subscribed, and ths finance committee expects to raise ths amount necessary in a very short time. Among the features already decided on is the log rolling contest on the pond of the Carlton Lumber company.. Good prises will be hung up for this contest, and it Is expected there will be contest ants present from all over ths 'state. The full program has not been arranged, but will be announced soon. the fight Adjournment waa taken after a discussion of the. duties of superin tendeata. , 1 In' ths evening a diamond medal con test was held- In the Congregational church, i this Is the best play shs baa had, and bar bft la It oeertop all former successes, sot except ing "sweet Kitty neiisir,' ana "Mutres ! Nell," whleh ran for tw years each In New Tork. "Allf--SBrtlB Pesay" Is -witty, eom- edy ef today by Eraect DeirayxTb anes eat tale open tomorrow (Friday) at boz-of-fle. th thearr. ' . -w "Tho Girl Who Daml." Ob of tb erclt thing la vsadertll Is a sketch with krra story. Tls (ap plied at ths Orsnd this week la "Tb Girl Who band," a Piarlet presented by Orse Gray and compaay.Thr I pdal ceary for th Berth M. Oar. tb aorellst. wrote "Wedded bat N wlf," and It won suck Immsnaa vos- nlay la book form that tbs story has bn for tb first Urn theatre ert wek. ttartlng Mosilsy night. With this play Ray mond Whltaktr . and icargarat Pitt, bow of tb Seaman Stock company at tb Bmptr. will join tb stock ompany at th Btar. Beats sow ailing. . Knob o Tenneaare.H nrs will be two mor matin of "Knob o' Jsnnae" at tb Star theitrs. , The will b Saturday and Bandar ' sfternooas. "Knobs o Tenness" I a romsne of tbe moontalns of th aoath, wher tbe mooMhlners maks wblskay and tb rrnn ornear aa wbat they ess to sop the business. Tb hero la a mooB shlner whd 1 eventually captured and wb la Distributed by JASMUSSEN CSaCX). 2d and Taylor aordoaed by th prestdrat f tb TAltd Stat. Tbar I eosMdy as wJl as exdtement la "Knob PASSENGER. WRECKED ON GREAT NORTHERN Bpokanst . Wash.V May 31. Great Northern train No. 4, eastbound pas senger, was wrecked near Downs yea tsrday by spreading ralla A . tourist coach and dining car wars overturned and badly smashed. Two cooks lit tha dining car were seriously Injured, but may recovers. Several passengers were hurt try bruises and flying glass, but none seriously. The track was cleared ' last vanins'--vvf;rti,i":,-'-, , SOZOBONKZ MAYllP I FAIVi WAY ' TO NEW SILVERTOri rsoedsl Dtipatch toTb' Voarasl.r Sllverton, Or May, 23. A blggnr, better and . newer . Sllverton is the am bition of the new, mayor of this town, Julius C. Wolf, whose inaugural mes sage to the city council contains this keynote.' ths public's response to which has been ready and Js destined to ac complish things: - "The growing ' demands or Sllverton for better: streets, a better sewer sys tem, better" fire protection and a larger snd better water system ars apparent to alt To obtain these we want the united efforts , and good will of every citizen for. a greater Sllverton." Tha mayor recommended bonding th city for the construction of a gravity water system, tu mso rwomnreoucs m a Are limit be established, a continuance of street improvement and the open in- of streets- wherever required for the a-eneral'- good.-: He recommended electric light poles and the beautify!'. I It will not taiTlish gold WOfk or tn civy uy ti"" . . ...... : ll.k.,.M.1u i. Afe painted and by maintaining better 1 nor SCraiCU U1C enamel. Jt sidewalks, cleaner streets ana more flowers. , ' First and Salmon ' Sti. :liAYAI'fffi .-'..-,.:. ''J"" Sr. : i ;. ' '::''.' - . . '.'' . . asBsassssaaasSBSsaasasssaa 4 ANOTHER GREAT SENSATIONAL s s40e;:sale ROWNSVILLE'S WHEELS WILL SOON TURN AGAIN Brownsville," Or- May iS.--Work on the big dam across the Callpooia near Brownsville is being rushed, and It will soon be finished. The dam was washed Out during the high water in January and since then the flouring l-.ills, wool en mills and electrla light plant have perfect dentifrice the one for you. Ask your dentist. $1.00 Fifteen thousand dollars' worth of Ed ward B. Grossman's up-to-date and stylish Shoes to be sold at the Boston Store at jour own price. NOTICE These Shoes are all on the tables, and you can find what you want , in a very few minutes. TABLE NO. 1 600 pairs of Ladies' Patent Dress Shoes, $4 and ?5 values , . ' -------$I8SSI TABLE NO. 2 4 BOO pairs of Ladies' Vici Kid Shoes, 16 ' different styles, $4 and $5 values $1.88 . TABLE NO. 3 , 1,000 pairs of Men's ; Vici and .Patent Dress-Shoes, 26 different styles, $4 and $5 values - 2 AO , TABLE NO 4 700 pairs jot Men's Heavy Work Shoes $2.50 values' ' . $1.00 , r r TABLE NO. 5 , , . . 1,600 r pairs of Boys' and Girls Shoes , and Dress Shoes, the greatest bargain of all, all sizes ; 5 to 8 39, 82 to liy2 89e 12x to 2 08.V Boys', 2 to: V2 ... Men's $12.50 to $15.00 Tailor- Made Suits, 5 cases . (L f C ' of them at. yij7J ' Youths' $10 All Wool Tweed Suits, sizes from 14 to 20.'' Every one -j (Pl Qr (guaranteed. . . .v: i .tyOmsD Men's $1.50 Corduroy Pants, in dark brown, all ' AF i .: Uiv sizes. Boys' Knee Pants,' all wool, 50c - kind," sizes 6" to"'" t ( " 16........ lC Men's j black and 'white stripe Hickory Shirts, the 50c )f A kind, all sizes......;.... wf C Men's 10c Rockford A Socks..;. V.. 4C Men's fancy Socks, the, 25c Q kind, 100 styles, all -iizes. . . Men's fancy, Vests, $1.50 to $2.50 kinds, all sizes and ,-, . A Q n yuK colors , Men' 35c Suspenders, in bright' fancy colors, all you want f fl . 17W at Men's, All Wool Pants, the $2.50 to , $3.00 kinds, air , ; (jj A C -sizes, forv.....;f-.4.. tl l)Tt"0 Men's 50c Underwear, in medium weight derby ribbed f , -shirts and drawers, each. LOj Ladies'. $4.50 to $6.50 Linen and Biatiste Shirtwaist uits, dozens ui siyics ana colors - .UT M! to cnoose irom, tor;4.tiiafytf'- Ladies' yi and full length Coats, " .made of fine, all .wool suiting," in light and dark colors, velvet col-j lar and cuffs, a coat worth $12.50 - in any- store, A - F A -for..; v.; JpuU ' Ladies', White , Shirtwaists", made ' of fine India linon, trimmed with lace, a regular $1.00, OZn hvaist i wOv Ladies'. t15c fast . black Hose, every pair guaranteea, i per pair. air guaranteed,- O. I vWhite Linen Parasols, made of : good quality linen, all dj 'IF hand embroidered ... . .v 1 wO Ladies' $5.00 Walking Skirts, in plain gray or plaid, CO ftC very neat and dressy. JsWbVO Ladies' 50c Ribbed '-" . . -1 A -Underwear . . .". f. J . . . . ; . 1 yC j been abut down , ;