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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY - EVENING, MAY 23, 1007, s urn r FIRST OF SERIES ' .'Muffed Files by Portland's Out- fielders and poor Base tlun ning by Califf Lose Game. LOCALS HIT OFTEN BUT ; .' NOT AT CRITICAL POINTS , - . . CHRISTY MATHEWSON, THE STAR PITCHER OF THE GIANTS. IT WILL DE PEND IN GOOD MEASURE ON WHETHER OR NOT MATHEWSON HAS COME BACK TO HIS 1905 FORM AS TO WHETHER OR NOT THE GIANTS HAVE A LOOK IN FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP THIS YEAR. ' Casey, Baasrr . Mid Mott Do Good ; , Stick Work for' Dearer and Keep ' Bon ' Column ; From ' Being One . 6Ided Note of the Game. y ' . . Si - rw:- "'.. -t. . la - H ' -T ' ' ' ' : 1 - V fir : '.' ? Yrter6ya mUa.' , Loa Angtn I, Portland I. " , i San Franoisoo I, Oakland t. , ' taadlaf a tha Claba. . 1 , - Won.' Lot IjO AnrelM ........ 2 , 14' : tmn Franclaoo 26 1 :. .Oakland . 11 -11 Portland , . ) v Muffed lilaa br Baaar and Lovett, poor baaa running: by Cllff and an in ability on tha part or rorxianaa oat tara In tha lowar half of tha Hat to land a gar awat at a critioa monni mi yesterday' cam to Loa Anlea. Tha acora waa t to t. ',:-: Portland had ararr chaaca in ' tha world to win. Thara wara a half a dosen tlmea when a aafa bit would have tied tha aoora. and eren with Portland battlna aa It waa. bad Baaaey and Lav- tt held on to tboaa aaar fliea and nu Callft not rona to aleep la baaa running the acora would hara Been l .m:j in faor oi tha locala. i : CaltfTa unateadlneaa at tha a tart had aomethln to do with It. toa After get ting out of a bad box in tha firat. Port' land'a pitcher began tha aeeond apaara by walking Dillon. Dillon would hare been out a moment later, but Bhlna dropped Motta throw and both tha firat baa-man and Cravath were aafe. Dillon and CraTath aooraa an nita ay ihlBd th Moor hM ot yt ,h0WB Hoap and Naia . -.r-,-- . r . the home fan what ha can do with the Brron Aae qoaoy. . v - -1 muk on. .He batted In place of Califf Tha viaitora got another In tha fifth, yeaterday. or rather, etood up and failed linran acorlna . on Baaaera muB. in I to bat when male aua tnera over, car the aerenth Nagle aoored on a two-(eon win go to tha bench and the change baner br hlmaelf and a alngle by Jua J anouia certainly wora an improvement on toe inneto. . uroom in Kiisuuiaa o do tha heaving today. Pat Donahue did acme great work yeaterday. He threw out three men who were trying to eteai aeeond and caught two bad foul fliea, one of which carried him into the bleacher. Be- THE HEW CRAWL STROKE -IS EXTREOELY POPULAR Mad Its Origin in Friendly Race ' Between Two Australian , Swimmers. . . Smith, who croeatd the plate when Lor- ett became mora anxloua to throw the ball than to bold It v - ' portland'a rune came In tha aiith and aeventh. Cravath dropped Caaey'a fly and Caaey took aeeond on a wild throw by Nagle. He aoored on a bit by Mott Baaaey a two-bagger acored Mott In the aeventh Shinn waa aoaked. went to aldea, ha did aome very quick work In aecend on Naala a wild throw and came getting bunta to prat ana in nanaung in on Caaey'a plug against the right ( throw from the field. .' Pat la credited with eight putouta and are aasista in all. Tha Beavera are certainly not weak behind tha bat Mott hit 1,000 per cent yeaterday. That'a getting Into form. And ona of the blnglea waa for, three baga. ; i Califf had not the alighteat llcenae to teal off third and get caught tn the third Inning. There waa only ona man out' and a runner waa behind him on aeeond. A moment after Califf 'waa killed off Caaey knocked a alow grounder which tha twlrler could have acored on aaally. Caraon la certainly tha weak a pot In tha Portland team. He la a farmer at the bat and la very alow at fielding hla position. Every time he came tap yea terday ona or two men were on baa, SPORTING NOTES Lopal and Otberwlae. field fence. ' Here'a the official acora: PORTLAND. , ' , v AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ...4 111 11 1 0 0 1 0 1.1.10 10 I. 1 1 11 1 4 0 0 0 11 0 1 1 1 1 0 0800 0 11.10 0 0 0 0 0 tlilnn. aa Lovett, cf. .4 i'aapy, 2b 6 MoCredte, . rf. , ....... 4 Mott, 8b. S Itasaey, If. 4 ilmnahue, e. 4 t arson, lb. . 4 Califf. p. ,,.. . Moore . .......... ,,.0 f 17 If 4 ToUla . .'. ...14 S LOS ANGELES. AB. R. H. Pa X E. 6.0 1 4 0 0 0 L'llies, cf. ..... Kraahear, lb. Fmfth, 3b. . ; jiiuon, in, ........... Cravath, rf. . . . .... Kager, If. Hop. aa, 1 ITogan, c. ' ... ........ tx4 1 Nagla, n. 4 1 Gray, rf. J 0 Total a e-naaai .11 S 10 IT 14 1 . Moora batted for Callft In tha ninth: SCORH BT INNINGS. Portland 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.0 I Hit . ..0 11111110 I Loa Angelea ,,...0 100101101 t Hit,...;.....0 1 0 0 1 1 t t 110 y i--' y'Z SUMMAKT i Struck out By Califf, 1; by Nagla. 1. Bases on ball Oft Callft, 1; off Nagla, 2. Two-baaa tuva Baaaey, Nagla, Ca- aey. Threa-baaa bit Mott - Sacrifice hit Lovett Stolen baae Mott Don ahue, Hogan.. Hit by pitched balla Braahear,-Shinn. - First baaa on errors Portland, I; Loa Angelea, 1. Left on bases Portland, ; Loa Angelea, 6 Time of game One hour and (0 min titea Umpire Derrick. V NOTES OF THE GAME The intercollegiate track meet al ready held show that at tha champion ship meet at Cambridge, at tha . and of the month, It win be a desperate fight for supremacy between Harvard. Penn sylvania and-Cornell, the chief contest ant with Michigan, an unknown and dangerous quality, i The college athletea are showing wonderful form In all line of the field and track athletic, and that more than ona record . will ba broken seoms to be a certainty. , Tha open ohamplonship game of the Massachusetts State Golf aaaoclatlon began today at West Newton, Massa chusetts. The r Columbia university ball , nine won from the Hill . Military academy yesterday -afternoon on Multnomah field. The aoora waa 11 to s, , - . Unlike tha big baseball league, tha Atlantic league has opened the gates to Cuban player. Brooklyn will have three, and may ba jrour, Cuban atari on lta team. - ' ... i 1 e - . .. John Summer of England fought lx terrlflfl rounds with . Tommy Murahv of out ne waa unaoia o nu ine ou on oi i nw .Tork, at . Philadelphia last night in oiamona at any time, unci mere summer acored several knockdowns in , There were about three times In the game yeaterday when a dinkey little poke would Kara aared tha game for the Beavera, or at laaat have tied the acora; ' - - 1 e Baaaey and Caaey bit at tha right time, anyhow. . :- - Donahue will play first baa today and Woore, the change catcher, will go be- , RECREATION j PARK Comer Vaughn & Twentyfourth Porfland 8. Los Angeles MAY 22, 23, 24, 25, 2? Game Called at 3 :30 p. m. Daily Game Called at 20 p. m. Sun- Lctlies'DayFriday ADMISSION 25c Grandstan 25c . Children 10c Um. I .mm . . Q 1.00 " ZD wa three balla and no strike on bim, but he refused to wait, struck at the wild ones aa they came, and retired tha aide, when he should have filled the baeea. :. e " ' 1 While running for home in the aeeond Inning Hosp ellpped on the grass and fell. He hurt hla ahoulder and quit in the aeventh. Cravath went from right field to short and Dolly " Gray, J tha pitcher, went to right eld., Dolly mad a fine catch of Lovett a fly against the fenoe In tha ninth. Dillon waa put out by a peculiar play in tha eighth. On Eagera hit to left he ran around the bags. - He reached third only a aeeond before Casey's throw-In, bat continued on. The throw waa not of tha beat and Mott tipped It with hla glove and it bounded toward the grandstand. Dillon humped hlmaelf. but Donahue had the ball in a flash and hot it to Califf, who waa In the tight place at tha plate. Califf made tha put out Derrick, tha Monday bridegroom, waa back la his old clothe again yesteaAny Before the game some of the oall toasera warmed up to htm enough to offer the congratulations of a band hake. But during the gam they oame back at him in the sime old way. If an umpire ever deserved a roar, how ever, the bridegroom umpire deserved it yesterday. There were several rary queetlonable decisions, tha worat being when Derrick called cravath safe on first In the sixth inning. Caraon put the ball on Loa Angeles' star slugger wmm he wa atlll a half dosen feet away, Tha aide waa retired a moment later, ao no harm waa don by the misjudge ment the firat and aeeond round, and could have finished hla opponent had ha not been over' . anxious. Murphy . grew stronger afterwards and secured a draw. It waa Summers' first appearance In thla country. - The Columbia Athletic club, a new athletic organisation, will give a boxing and ' tug-of-war exhibition tonight at Tivoli gardens. Twenty-third and Wash ington street. The affair will be held for the benefit of William Manning, "English training methods ara bet ter than American," saya W. E. Schutt a former Cornell athlete and now Rhodes scholar at Brasenosa college, Oxford. "A young English boy In pre paratory . school starts . cross-country work at the age of 12. When ha reachea the university he la in a fine etate of development The English system of training, being the same In all part of the country, enablea a man entering one of th universities to continue his train lng without unlearning many of tha ideaa he haa been given In the prepar atory school. The English cross-coun try race are mucn mora severe tnan the American." ; Tba woman' chea championship of tha United States waa won by Mrs. 8, Bur areas of St Louis, who defeated Mra. C. T, Fray of Newark. New Jersey, at Hotel Martha Washington, ' New Tork City, In tha sixth game of a aeries. Th final score for the series was as fol lows: Mr. Burgess, 4Hi Mra. Fray, 1 Two years ago the'crawl atrok" wa an unintelligible phraae to all those not familiar with lata innovation In the style of swimming, but withlrj th past year it fame and progress have been remarkable, and every swimming club Jn th .country now haa . on r more of its member trying to master tha peculiar knack of thla atroke. -,- - A large share of the prominence that the "crawl" ba achieved Is probably dufto the wonderful prowess of C M. Daniels Of the New Tork Atfiletle club,' and bis remarkable success In, clipping second off the. short distance record., - The new stroke Is said to hav orig inated In an odd way. , . Two friend In Australia were swimming a race and one of them quite easily entdlstanotd the other.! " The next time they awam, the former winner a a handicap had his logs tied, but even then to every one's, surprise . his . victory was as. con clusive a before. ; After a Utile ex perimenting . he expounded the - theory that In old-fashioned swimming tha re sistance of tha water u the lean are drawn up and spread out quite counter balanced the power . created when the leg were struck out. , . . ' Klnlmlae Bcsistano. . The superiority of the crawl stroke i that It minimize the resistance of the water by using a vertical motion of th leg instead of drawing them up and opening them. The position assumed I a follow. The head' Is level on the MARVELS VROUGIIT IN PLAIN SIGHT The Great Fer-Don Mystifies Au ' dience by Hii Demonstra FER-DON'S MEDICAL ; EXPERTS BUSY II Ii II I h l II I! N II h I1 h U H H II a ii Thousands of people crowded the free S show grounds at Washington and Twen- j H tieth street again lust. night to see and ' a hear the Great Fer-ton... The concert I a and demonstration were more enter-'IS Offices in" Graod Theatre,' Build l ing Crowded With People of Portland and Vicinity. V; water with tho face tinder the aurface I nd tumora may b except to breathe, and the whole body PJ '"L" fir,. tin, nn h. Th. I... ,1 WOOd; hOW alternately raised slightly "above the surface of th water, striking tha water with th front of th leg and the inatep, th toes being pointed aa nearly borl sontally aa possible. Even without the use of th arm the body I propelled through th water at a fair speed and th power of -the new style of kick proved. Tha movement of the arm, similar to that of crawling on .ne groundAia only a variation of tha Trad geon stroke, though a trifle shorter and quicker puU I used. Daniel, however, who, hold all tha American records, having awam 100 yards In less than 61 seconds, awlma tha crawl and . the Trod geon at rokee with practically tha am arm motion. ; The Breathing Problem. . Tha breathing problem in tha crawl atrok la tha moat erloua and difficult thing to overcome, for every time the head la raised to breathe tha progress of the awtmmer la materially .checked. Thla would seem to preclude tba use of this stroke successfully for long dis tance work, aa irregular oi Insufficient breathing quickly aapa the strength of Mr. Sloat heard, a thing impossible five tain Ing than uaual and that tn audi ence was well pleased could be plainly seen by the expansions on the peo ple's faces. . They were delighted at the muslo tendered by the Diamond Cluster Band and anusd by the song and jokes rendered by the dark-hued come dians, i The great majority' bf 1 the people, however, - came expressly ' to see Paul, the man who 'haa caused the entire country to talk on account of tha power of his wonderful secret medlclnul prepa rations.' which make the deaf to hear and the crippled to walk. These seekers after knowledge wenti away, having learned more In a single evening concerning, disease and lta cure than many would otherwise know in a lifetime. They saw and heard and won dered at much which they will never forget They heard from the discover er's own Hps fact concerning the won derful methods by 'which many so-called Incurable diseases are cured by th Fer Don's medical experts. How cancera oe removed witnout Ife and without tho deaf neas may ba cured; how three doses cf on, of the secret preparations : will remove gall stones; how that dread disease sciatic rneumatism can ba auickiy ana perma nently driven from thT system; how seemingly miraculous cures may b af fected by tha us of the wonderful "Byarthgll." All these new method which are ' revolutionising th treat ment of disease are practiced only by tne f ar-j on medical experta. The -office of the men ara already daily crowded 'With th alck and af flicted,, not only of our city, but from many eurroundfng town, ao quickly haa the newa of their arrival spread. Let ters and even telegram are being re ceived at thi office making Inquiries and asking for consultation engage ment. ' ' Last night at tha free how ground X M. Sloat of 206 Market street came upon me platform to test tha power of irer-uon a preparation. For some time back Mr. Bloat haa been a victim ' of deafness, but after the Maglo Relief bad been applied to these organ of bearing he was able to bear aound which had been strangers-to him- for yeara Far Don walked away from him a distance of thirty feet and turning away ad dressed a question In an ordinary tone. Men's " Wefllmess i' v'--.-, .-.-'.vr:"i '.'-'. - Not th announcement of all other pe-i elallsts and medical institutes and you -will : see how little they say about their treatment, tot Ken's Weaknesses and how llghfly they pass over the subject. Yet ona man out of every four has a vital weaknesa which , con stantly drains hi power, and that man must ' rnnllnilall fnrra hlml alnnar tn hla everv- day path of living. There is no real Joy or happiness that i not marred by bis ever-present feeling that he I not a other mn.: Now to auch men I offer hop., I not only hold out a helping hand td lift them up, but I urge them earnestly to accept my aid. I can gain their confidence from th first examination by locating th ptat of their trouble exactly, and can always entirely convince them of the logical effect of my treat ment when I explain lta action. I never charge for this examination or consultation. - , . , "'.-'-'- IB. TATXOB, The beading speoiallst, g - Weakncss Means Just This: 61 M H Ii Thnt ther ii nmt fimptinnat deranerement. the direct result of inflam mation, enlargement or. excessive enaltlvenss of th prostata gland (the nerve centor of the reproductive parts), brought on by early, dis sipation or resulting from some Improperly treated contracted disorder. , This condition cannot possibly be removed by Internal medicines, and any ton system of treatment jthat stimulates th activity of th function can but result tit aggravating th real "ailment Thla la. aH scientific truth 1 have ascertained after a careful and acientlfic tudyai and upon which my own. original system of treatment la based. I . M employ neither tonics, stimulants nor electrio belts, I treat by looal unvi ui.uiuui vjkviubi rviy, una laj vut-i-cns ii vuung cvrn liivov v.v.v that others have failed to temporarily relieve with their tonics is coaclasiv evidence that my method la the only, possible mean. of a complete, Mdioal and pnaanat enre. ' v , '' - K ... A Guarantee lrth Something I do not care Vhat your experience has been with other treatment. ..what guarantees you 'hav, and what promises were unfulfilled in the past aa unsuccessful, unscientific treatments and unreliable concern are in no way "a reflection upon henest, trustworthy business xaethod lived up to by m for twenty year, i her an established reputation, and my guarantee means thatmy patients ara Indisputably , Insured of suocesa In their case. ' There is all th difference in th world between: a guarantee of thla kind' and th promise of tho mushroom concern .which are continually falling In business. I repeat my straightforward, square proposition to wait for my fee until tha aura la effected. $10 My Fee In Uncomplicated r-Cases YOU PAY WHEN CURED 1 m th wlmmr. s ' -For all distance up to 100 yarda. or even 300 yards, however, tha experience of the past year haa proved that th crawl la by far th fastest stroke that i used, and it la not at all improbable that It may ba ao modified aa to make it practicable fo long distance swimming LOSERS FEED WINNERS ":. ICE CREAM AND CAKE Novel Contest Inaugurated at Y. M. C. A. to Enliven Closing Weeks In Gym. M'CABE'S-TEAM- SURE OF . WINNING I So Far In Lead of Other Bowlers That It Cannot STow B Headed. Though tha and of . tie bowling tournament at th Multnomah club will not -com until tonight Jt . la , already certain that McCabe'a team will win the trophy. McCabe's 1 bowlers ara ao far in the lead that there la not tha slightest chance of their being headed by the team of either Munaon or QIaa who close the tournament tonight ' Eight team of five men each have taken part In the tournament 1 McCabe's and Lonergan'a teams bowled last night the scores being aa follows: . . McCABB'S TEAM. McCab ........200 181 Cummlnga 16S 161 Gardner -,...,.117 III Ott o..Ilg 100 Scott ......161 140 LONEROAN S TEAM."; Lonergan ...188 wennerberg ..,..,..,148 Trimble . : ,M00 Carlson .U. .100 ; Morgan .16S 100 1S 100 100 208' : Northwest League.' Tacoma, t; Aberdeen, 2. . Epokaa, I; Butta, . Wrestling Champion : Frank I, Gotch may turn pugilist. , H says: "With two months' time I am -ready to meet Squirea, . tha Australian aorapper, Failing, either Burns, crBrlen or Schreck,' whichever wants to com and get my; money;- will ? ba - welcome. will back myself, and have Kid Mc Coy's word that he will train and coach me during my training period." Gotch doe not to tackle Champion Jeffrie. The Dayton Giant will oppose tha Bunker Hill Maroons at ' Dayton next Sunday. Pitcher Crosby of tba - Ma roons haa gained good control- of. tha ball and hla rest of six week na bene fited him. This youngster haa the In dtan sign on his heavy hitting oppo- nenta. - ' Th middle Atlantic r stater - tennis tournament will be held in Washing ton, beginning May 87. , TBI tourna ment will ba the aeoond annual middle Atlantic states held there. Any team in th city under IS year wishing a game for Sunday afternoon call up East 427. , . , , Th Laua-Davi drug afore baseball team . will challenge any team in the city under It years of age. Call up East 1208 and aak for Willie. --TourJsts planning, to maJte the.-trlP. tn. ik, Itmntnvn axDOsition br1 the ... w - - , " short route via Philadelphia, Dover and H Capo Charlea, will be intereeted to learn that the touring bureau of the White 100 haa aannrml from the Ppnnsvl- VV1I,M,( . -- ' . vania railroad a very ..substantial,' reduc tion in th freight rates for carrying machines serosa 'Chesapeake bay from ! Cape Charles to Old Point Comfort and '''Norfolk, - " IVV "' 188 118 178 188 147 1 Interest in tba gymnasium work at th Y. M. C. A. will be enlivened during the closing week of th aeaaon by erlea of contest between two sections of th young men's evening class. Ona section will be captained by J. G. Ar- buthnot the other by Sidney Rasmus- sen. The two sectlona will compete for point and the contest will end with a supper, in which tha winners will be fed Ice cream and cake br th losers, and th ' loaera will feed themselves upon crackera and water. ,: The contest will close July' 1 and tha octal doing will take place July 8. Class attendance , will count I points; new members joining the class, 5 points; old members, 2; basketball games, 2; relay race, 2; aquatic competltlona, 2; Class games, 1, and indoor baseball, . Instead of meeting .three x. tlmea. a week the claaa will hereafter meet but twice,' on Tuesday and Friday evening, Th T. M. C. A- Canoe club wUl take lta . postponed trip next 1 Saturday, weather permitting. minute before. After applying the Maglo Relief to tha ear of Mra Nelson of Mount Ta bor, Fer-Don naked if aha could hear hla voloe. 'Oh, yes," b cried, and in ao eager and bappy voloe aa to bring forth a murmur of appreciative ap plause from the sympathetic audience. who apparently rejoiced with her in her newly restored hearing. , Mr. Bingham of 46H Sixth street gave voice to hi pleasure at th recov ery of the sen of hearing. He told the peopie bow for five years he bad labored under tn disadvantage or de fective ears and how Instantly thla de fect waa overcome and mad him able to bear tha ticking of hla watch, a feat which waa before not possible. Fer-Don prtfml more . sensational demonstrations for tonight and every night this week aniLassues a general In vitation to ail sunrerera rrom dearneaa, rheumatism, stiff Joints-and other pains to call and, without' money and without price, test for themselves the virtues of the secret preparations which have won htm world-wide fame and made bim known to thousanda upon thou sands of grateful men, women and chil dren as the GREAT Fer-Don. YA&IO0CZLB, SPSKbCATOXSSOBA, &OST J TIOOB, OBOAJTXO WSAXVX8S. OOarXmACTBD BTSOBBEKS, ' STBXCTUXX. PSOI7XO BLOOD POXBOir AJTD PXXSS, I also treat and cure promptly and thoroughly, - .'.". , .- EXAMINATION FREE i I ft M - m HI . 18 m I offer not only FREE Consultation-and Advice, but of every case that comes to me I will make a Careful Examination and Dlagnosl without charge, No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about hie trouble. ; If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart My offices are open all day from 8 a, m. to t p. m., and Sunday from 10 to 1 . , , S34H KOBJUSOV BT, COB-, SSOOaTO, rOBTZ.Ajn, OBZOObT. MEZrSlEE2rZ3SZSIIItIESSEar5tSSanEE2lS ONE CIGARETTE KILLS TWO M III mi YORK Paper Pipe Starts Terrible Con flagration in basement of i x Utlca Hotel.: (Joanul Special Service.) Utlca, N. T., May 22. Careless toss lng of a cigarette into th basement of tha Metropolitan hotel started a fire In the building at an early hour thi morning which resulted in the loss of two lives, and th serious Injury of sev eral other persona , x Narrow escapes with their Uvea were made by SO guests in tha hotel, all of UIDCCTI CD IC UCDFlwnom wera rco to sua aown rope nnLOiktn to ,ntnc W safety, escape by stairways and ele vator being cut on by th flames. Two employes of the hotel who wera fighting, tba fir succumbed : to smoke and were burned to death by the flames. t NORTHWEST CHAMPION Frank Vanables, who will wrestle Ed gar Frank at the Multnomah club to morrow night, arrived in Portland thi morning. Aocompanylng him were Tay lor Roscoe, who will box Charlea Hen rys, and WUl Inglis, manager of indoor athlt.ics at . a Seattle Athletlo club. The Multnomah men are in good shape and. expect to put up a .good exhibition. Frank's friends feel ; certain that ; he will lower the colors of the northwest champion. Herbert Greenland will ref eree th wrestling matches ; and "Ed Johnson will referee the boxing bouts. ' Oakland Beaten Again.' , ' (Jooraat Special Service.) ' San Francisco, May 23.- Randolph wa stingy with bia hits yesterday, but free with bis passes. The result was that th local slipped In three runs when they earned but ona Score: - , R.H.B. Oakland ... ....00 80000 0 02 8 - 1 San Francisco...! 0000101 4 0 Batteries Randolph : and Hackett; Qulcyc and Street National League. : St. Louis, 10; Boston, 8. . Brooklyn, 2; Cincinnati, 1. Philadelphia, 7; Pittsburg. 4. New" York, 7s Chicago, L - f - V,; V!,i,.aaa,aB ,aaslsflf ,.,.f. . ' i . American "League. Detroit 8 ; Philadelphia, 6, " ' ' Cleveland, 8; Washington, t. BUI Squirea pronounces , his nam "Squeers," which Is distinctly Austral- Ian.. -: 'XX-:, , -'.v..,: -:, f .. X-i-XX-.X PIONEERS' PICNIC TO BE RECORD-BREAKER "(Special Clipateh to The Joaraal.) ' Brownsville, Or., May 23. The Pio neers', picnic,, which Is to ba held the middle of -une, cctitinuinr three days. is being looked forward to by all tha people in thla and adjoining counties with high anticipation. From indica tions there.. will bp a larger crowd here thla year than ever heretofore; th largest waa alx years ago . when In a slngja, day 11,000 people were on th grounds. The grounds- ara 1 In. fine shape and the city contemplates buying them for a city, park, : This year will aee some distinguished speakers, her. 186 Sour baby7 You wonder why he cries, iiv a of White'a Cream Vermi fuge and he will never cry. Most babies have worms, and th mothers don't know It Wbiw a Cream Vermifuge rids the ch:id or worms and cleans out it system in v pleasant way. , Every moth er snouia .eep a potrie of tnis medl cine in the house. With It fear need never enter her mind. Price 26o. Sold py an druggists, . - THREE MORE' NIGHTS '.";;V' , a-V''"-assaBaaeaaj - ., .-,y 'J e-t " . - Two Union Bands at th Oaks Kink. The big Oaks rink fairly rings with music rrom 7:80 till 10:30 this week. i The big union ban da ara pleasing thou- i sanda 'As soon as ona band ceases the I other begins. . It's only a seven-minute rlda to tha Oaks. Skate this week and enjoy tha big music feast FEDERAL GRAND JURY . - CONVENES AT DENVER (Journal Special. Hcrrlce.) -Deaverr-My84 -If -mer isr-to-b ! relied upon some sensational develop ments may be expected to result from the investigations of th federal grand Jury which convened today, , It is re ported that a number of witnesses have been subpoenaed to tell what they knew of a supposed plan to combine a large number of coal clalma under the con trol of aom syndicate whose identity j has' not been publicly established.- Th $10.00 DISEASES ; OF. f EN QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY CURED OUR FEE IN MOST CASES , s ... t?T YTT? CONSULTATION riVaUlL EXAMINATION 1 No Pay Unless Curec H) Finest Equipped Institution for the Cure of Men's Diseases in America Nervous Debility; Lost Vitality end All . c Weaknesses of Men :, t If you hav violated the laws of health and are conscious . of a constant drain whloh is undermining your system, oom to n before you become a nervon and physical wreok. if you are weak, gloomy and despondent, have had bad dreama, - depressed, lack ambition and anergy, unable to concentrate your - thoughts, lack vim, -vigor and vitality, come to -us at ' -.' once. OuY treatment will tone up your nervous system and overcome all weaknesses, and; positively restore -you to i strength and health. . BLOOD POISON. ULCERS, SOKES, Cured to stay oured. Our treatment Is scientific and ra . tlonal, and will ellmlnato every vestige of poison front your system. If you have sore, pimples, deep ulcerations, fall y lng hair, sores la toa month and throat, oall at once. , VAWCOSBVEINSj Unless the disease la cured, it soon results In some form?' of wasting weakness. Our treatment brings certain and speedy relief to the sufferer. i :-...-. - . If there is a eoreness or swaHlng of the reins, due to ; lack of proper circulation, you , have Varicose Veins, and -should attend to ita treatment at onre. Our treatment -drives away the stagnant blood, relieves at once the soreness , and restores th porttons normal health and. strength,. ""OBSTRUCTIONS, V , ' ars usually 'accompanied by soma 'other trouble, such as an inflammation or Kidney or Bladder trouble. Our treatment for obstructions is painless, and is a true specific, quickly ' removing the trouble, as well, aa all other forms of weak ness .that may accompany It - Do not suffer longer, but come , In and let us assure you of a . safe, speedy and permanent cure. ' , . RHEUMATISM, heart and Stomach troubles, dyspepsia, , ' eonatipatioa, piles and all nervous, chronlo and blood diseases oured to stay oured. : If you cannot call., wrl&a for Information. , M.wnav so s, t. aa biso aauy; Sundays, 9 to 18. . , oobhbb bxoobb abb nwmA btxsbts, pouhaho, OBBOOB, II'""' ..I $1.00 leading spirits are said to reside in St Louts. It la known that special officers of the department of the Interior have been; at work In, the matter for some time, acting on the government's belief that certain persons had signed blanks for coal land claims In Colorado with nd Intention of actually -taking up and working th claims thmlva. - Old Remedy. Am, - arxvER Ksowar to traiu Tarraat'a Extraot of Oobebs ae4 Oopalbaia 0A)8ULES. ' TheawMiM, fated and arww oare fw leDorraoM, slack whites, (. Ea.y a take. soDTcniaov aa oarrjr. nuisr MM smoaal uk Frloel. M BiW. JL U.,tl.'l VM .w..... .. . - t, fortlaad, Oregoa; or by mall frost The Warrant Co.. 44 Hndsos at.. New York. FOR WOMEN ONLY -' Dr. Saatlaraoo'a Oumpoand ' Saflav i and Cotton Hoot Ptlla. Tlia Out ' and enly rallnbl remedy lur UK- ' LAYKU PKHIODS, Cora the mmt OlMl t In. MM. In 1 to 111 Amm ' Price j par boa, mailed la plain wrapper. Address Dr. T. 1. P1ERCBL 181 drat : f-erUaad, t)rfoa , . . - . ii ..if