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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 20, 1007. It 01 SALEUEAL ESTATE. ,' Suturfcah.Hcme'" V- B room house, porcelain butb, electric light I no fixtures, 3 fireplaces, not nd told water I - uww, iniKV Kiifl'iuil SIM Ulir men, cement laundry trava. Dined for tnr. : naoe, liwn, flowers snd shrub, frait and ber rleet at Ooddsrd nation "on fit. Johne ear line, t corner of Columbia Perk; vrythlng con venient; 1t Is en Ideal home to a (rowing acts- on vi me ciiy wnicn maaas a gooa. invest ment at 13,000, Including earpeU and abadeef TOPAB LAND 00, ' l,. , .', I- - 006 Commercial blk. ' FOB SALB. ' . - wood 6-room house, Esst Ninth, at, Close u newinorne) price l.wJ. Hod H.MAHI holla, am II hifM MbM bouses, mushroom cellar, with full acre. A ""P, ea.auu, terms. i i-room House wm t ) garden: price, 2,100; on installments. v . o-ro-mt cottag with raspberries, etrawber ';, rim roses and Dice lawn; .price, 31,1B0, tern prt down, balance 819 per month.; New house, 18x30, with 3 tots, well fenced, 100 fet from etatlon; price fTBOr term. We have eorae fine lota, 110 down, 16 per , month; build a bouse to unit on Insrallrosuta. 8, FUHNER. 408 Haat Morrison. TIMBER. ( ' LOOKING FOR TIMnEBt fft ofer you every advitntnge through our system jf export examinations which euebles you to determine , the suitability of a tract without spending time or money. If . enr Funeral report indicates that we. hare what ' you want our eetluialea by two and a half acre are easily verified. i . "TUB WUKI WAT, . JAMES D. LACEY 4 CO., ' 628 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 'V .B0T Lauibea Exchange, Seattle.. TO OWNERS of timber elalme and timber we will buy for cask any gonfl timber trlb. utary to the Nehalen. river. Will deal with PERSONAL. TURKISH BAWIS, BOO Oregentan bldg.j ladlee ... oaya, geuttetnen Bight. Mala iboh. SACK date of magastne at 8 cents. ' Book store, tni Alder at, Jones DR. T, J. PIERCE, ; specisllst, ' dlaeaaea of , women; all Irregtilsrltie corrected: no ex. posur; medicine ty mall. Office 181 first at., corner , Yamhill. Portland. Or. DON'? be dull and lnaetlTe; Sexlne Pllla cure all weakneu; 11 a box, 8 for 83; full guar. aotee. 'Address or call J. O. CleiMBaoo, druggist Portland. Or. , - owners only; write, giving full partlrulara1 1 DR. MRS. J. 0, MACKIB, oeleopath and electro- Nehslem Investment Co.'. 82S Chamber Commerce' bulldinf, Portland, ,Or. of path; Jadlea treated te the forenoon, (entlemea in me eneraooa, Koom za, 14SVi Hutu ei. CERTIFIER) ecHp, oy aiae, loweet prlcee. O HoweU, W8 Cbember of Commerce. MISS RAYMOND Maeeenae. Morrle..n at.,.- room i. mono Main eon. ; irdm nrirT tsinnt t.apt rin.n. balance TIMBER LOCATIONS A tew food clalma to ' I . rw, h.,1 , an.M.Ml . , fin,.-!.. A, Terme renaonahle., No agent. I AdUreea 0 care journal. - EXPKHIENCED maaeenso gtrea treatment for rbeumatiem. 224)4 Waahlngtoa at. , . - HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. UORSKS and htiarlea tor rent br daf- week end month; pedal rate to bnaloeea-booaea. siiia aao nawtaorn Beet Ta. MANICURING and chiropody parlora for aale; - well farnlahed and centrally located. , S ISA, care Journal, MISS tBI ROY, Sm Alder at., inltee 8 and aiaaaage ana acaip treatment.. . YOUNG lady (Iree treatmenta. 8S3H Yamnlll, room a. FOR BALE Hotue and lot; a modem 10-roore "EST work and light berneee, prlcee toweat! I Ur rTun. w.nn ...,.M ..i m.iwu Houm oa Seat Rlgbtb; walking dlatanee, 10 7' eIJ t"w. ". Tjiit f .7 L Th.,j .t minute.; on a.r terrta. Applr 360 Third 1 "T' ' Marneee w... tn ortn ) at.; :pi -'t 'pLon, plfle t7M. ' at, .'. Rooma SO and 20. . .. 1 nn . ' 1 "j 11 '". . . J JL I - IT. JOHN'S, 83,000 JeTaey at., eorner, 100x100 feet; fine bualneaa location. Owaer, 814 Wbeeler it. 8PAN t of 4-year-olda. chunka. 8.000 poanda. ;mi - aei nerentn at., oortn, . woooiawa. ynone Woedlawn 088. HORSES for aale, at Sellable Baggege Tranafar eompany. . 804 Ankenr at.. . Phone racifle 418 or Home phone A326B. , t LOTS-4O1IOO, 8 blocke of ear line, 8 fare; I BALR-Panel-top dellTert wagon, good aal ; emau nouee. I37H! 5 lota, cloaa to woooatoet " Uln GIBSON glvea acalp treatment; dandruff. zoB'i Morriaon at room nil, BOMB la irrlngton; 4070. 8 bargain, ' Phone Beat l YOUNG actentlfie maaeeuao clrea electrical, a I conolic and medicated treatmenta, aieo tus bathe. 4t Ralegh bldg., Sixth and Waehlaf- ton ata. -M ,. f i . t CLEAMya AND DYEIXO. CIOTITES cleaned and premed. 81 per month. Unluue Tailoring Co, 80U Stark at. ,. .... ... D. W. TURN BR, dyer; eerpeta dred a apeclal. tf. BOB Jef feraoo at. Main 2S1S, muammmmmjt4mmmmmm0Mm , mm ammmmtmmmmm DREssivtAKiyq. J1 ,". MR. VAUGHAN, experienced draeemeker. 82i4 Eaat Buraale at. I'bono Beat 8017. MAUAMB ANGELES 243 rifth. Pacific 883. DANCIKO. WOODWARD DANCING SCnoOL Claea Mob.," Tbnrand Sat, ere,! aoclal, fancy and atep dancing taoght; 8 eaalatant ten chera I claea and private leon dally. Wet tern Afdemy ' hall. Second and Morrlaon eta. Pacific 1030. DANCING leaeone 2Re, claaaea and private. dally. Prof. Wal WHIaoa, hell 804 Allakr : Mdir.. Third and Morrlaon ata, Social daaclne. , walta, two-etep, three-atep. etc; atace danc , im p. n NORTTTRtTP. 418-16-17 Dekum bldg., Ing, back end wing clog, reel, Jig, Highland 1 Third and Waahlngtoa ata. Phone Mela 840, titAanxERY. B. TRBNKMAN CO-Mlnlng, eawmlll. loff flng maehlneryi hydreulle pipe, eaatlngt all Inda repaired. 104 North Fourth at. TBR H.-O. Af.BEB CO. Second-hand thlnery, eawmllla, eta, 848 Grand are. A. X. PAUL. 100 ririt at., a eomplet line eaw mlll machinery; a 10 englnea and boiler. MUSICAL. THB WERnER STUDIO Mandolla, baaja, : guitar lottruetlone. 488 Waablnftoa at. , PIANO, vtoltn, cornet, trombone, clarinet. Pro. . feaeor -B. A. Smith, 864 12th at Mala 4708. juT.ex ami um in im mipjm irniiw ,tmK0mmjiMmmm 7 V OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DB MI.I.SB1U1 PATTERSON, epeetallet ea nervnua. acute and ebronle dlaeeeee. Office , 817 toa bldg. Phone Partfle 110. f Hug, Spanish, etc. - Examination free. DENTISTS.. PAINTS, OIL AND GLA88J DR. EARL O. McrARLAND deatlet. Bnltea 710-711-712 Swetlcnd bldg. Phone Main 2201. ar. 78. 304 Mohawk bldg. . 81.800 WILL bay new 8-room bone with 8 lota, 1 block from Waverly-Woodatock car line; 22 1 minute ear ride from town. Inquire of owner, i, Rattey, 40J Eaat Buaaall at, Phona ' . 4787 j.-- ' ..i. : . -i-, t i FOB 8 ALB Br owner. T acrea at Courtney eraiioB on Oregon City car; lay alongaiae tcack: wlU aell all at 15.000 or half at 87BO r acre, or exchaaga for 8-room bouae or over. waul I SPAN of good draft boraee. weight about I e.wu pounai, 249 rront at. . FOR 8 A LB. , Black pony, eouod and gentle. 126 Union Ave., North. FOR SALB 82,700 team and heavy bamee ror tins, call at a B. cor, Third are. and roetet road, Lenta, Or. DR. MRS. J. a. MACKIB. oateopath and eleo trepatb; ianiee treated m tne rorenooo; gen. tlemen la the afternoon. ; Room 33, 140 Sixth at.- . . - WEALTHY refined gentleman of 45. iut re tired from mining buelneae, worth 880,000 m eaab, dealrea the acquaintance of a refined lady, widow over 80 preferred; pleade glv 1 run aaareaa in Tirei inter; onject mawt. atony, Addreae r 805, car Journal. 'not to toiut. r! Ibo. 84 MU- 'IKSTfXASS family driving bora. J, ISO ileVv ' a ' V KB''t- for le. 228 Jeffereon, ' BUCINES9 PERSONALS. WILLAMETTE BARGAINS. , ' Improved and unimproved property; aplen did homes, good neighbor hood and fine view of the mountains; good Bull Sun water; 90 mlnutea ride from city; Ilea between ' two boulevards. Fine place for homebulldare and Investors. Cash or terms, : ITuc further In formatloa ee - , , C. A. ZYGOWSKI, aod MUtoa Bta. St Jobaa Car, 8 ROOMS on ear Una, would make fine boarding oouee, near large anop, fz.zoo; by owner; assy terms. fnooe union 8788. vomt ejnjci. NEW modern up-to-date 8-room boos, 83,2S0) sow, exo monuiy. roon vaat FOB SALLTVESTOCK. FRESH cow for aale; big milker. 827 Rooe- ewa eve. -v. . . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Office Willamette Station, Corner of Ortely rirWfm Taiicini lanUJi.."siri! and MUtoa fita. Bt. Johna Car. v v . I "'E?. .T5lnF M"blM! cofJa! StM. FOR lumber of all kind, rough or nfaeed. call us up, Whether your order ar large or small, wa deliver oromotiy. xrevia Bros. ' lumber yard, Eaat Eighth and Hawthorn av. Phona East aw... -. ..- INVENTIONS bought and eold. Covenant Coav tract Co.. 427 rilednor bldg. Mala 1WL i 6KELLY CO., 14th and Flandersi floor,, feed. nay, grain, ruooea a ibii. racmo on. - . 6 LOTS for 8660, $30 down and monthly par meat; 8- tote for 8220, 810 down and 88 per month. I have got 8 strictly modern cottages ready to move Into at. the right price-and terme. He me, Jo Nash, the owner, at MUlsrd av., n the Mount Scott car Hue.. ,,. A ; i , . . ..... A BARGAIN Two sightly lota, 83Uxl00, Eaat , Vsmblll st,, between 8Sd and 34th eta., at 8H2S each. Richard CornelL . 8028 Bast . Vawhlll... Phone JCaat Itm. .j,.. i FOR SALB By owner, three cottage; 81.800, 81.000, 82,000. These are bargain. Iaqulre I izuw oast xammii, near ana. LOT 0080. near east side high echool; all . . Improvements in; cLesp. L Owner, phona B. I ..; xuv. ,. . . f , 1 8-ROOM bouse 80x100 lot, corner, oja Mount Scott rarllne; electric llghta, etc. ; boose leea . .than three years old; Mice $l,7rk. This la n u.tH, iu, u m ' u tu. im win wa turn Atkf akMAA r-i m. . i ami nrnwe are., opp. t. u. WW PIANO to U Kid it I great aacriflcat I : eicelleot 'condition; no reasonable offer re-! Jeered; no agent eonalderadf opportunity f m Mienpie. . Auuress a ibo, car Journai.- STEIN WAY Baby Grand, excellent eondltlon, r. Auareae v zud, ear journal. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. ''bj arradi i iisi'iai in-a m oij 18,50080 i ACRES, 40 . acre -In - fjne atat of v'.i,.i,i,u, -mv acrea id nmner suiudio lor cord wood; fine aoll; place all fenced; 60 ap ple treeaf new S-ronm bouae; good large iwm aim man ouDuiiaings; wen at kitchen r qoorj puce u level and a gravel; U anile I """ acoooi; m mile rrom railroad ta tlon, on good 1 county road; - terms. North, western Realty Co.. SU Commerciar blk., Portland, or 404 Waahlngtoa at, Vancouver, i vv aaui OLD book bought and sold at 168 Fifth st. pvTOna i. . nyiana uroa. TO EXCHANGE On farm or city property, fi----rr uuiinm; invoice l,poo. d- " u auz, ear journal. - EXCAVATINO done. Phon Tabor SOT r call 403 Ebey at... MooUvllla. r.,;, ., , , WB will paint your house Just right at the light price. 4. r. riannnn, contractor. High-grade painting, tinting, finishing, piper banging anil algns. Shop 885 Mali. . PboM 187 Setlwood. ATTORNEYS. a,assask.ats18aiBa PIOGOTT. PINCH V BIOOBB, attorney at law, 4 Moikey bldg eorner bmpM and Mor rison. ARCHITECTS." ERNST KRONER, srchltect Plsas and padft- cations; also ouuaing supenuisnasnce. H. 0. DITTRirH, architect. 831 Willtami av corner afcMiue at. rboo near asst. ASSAYERS. , mukc ywi a nlc borne. Sphinx Agency, SOS FOB TRADE rina driving mare (pacer), har Btarg at, r t .,' I "" mm mmm, an new, ror gaaolln launch. A Si, I Paat MM U ' jaatMas. Tonn.. av en eewee, ,- guui Mai a GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. ISO Morriaon sr. AUTOMOBILES. SIX-ROOM HorSK; fin fruit; easy term. 4wner. bis commercial oia. LVERY flna Improved acreage, .1- Call Sla Commercial blk. WHAT have" you to trade for Income property In Wenatchee, Wash., worth 81.000 to 11.500. . rkie t City, I .('all on or addreaa I). V Pesrce, 404 Wash. I lag coo st., Vancouver, wash. v 1 11 ACRES licb land. In fmtt. near Vanennver. I , una moauoBi , win vxenange ror Portland or auiiuroan property, Address H 202, JoiirliaL i miii ii n i na I, I, n,i.ii FOR ? SALE MISCELLANEOUS. . Small grocery on peninsula; : cheap rent, food Jo4athm, aaitabl fur lady, 848 Stark. - "' ." i "ij NEW strictly modem 8-room house, lot 60x100 ' feet.- restricted district. 1 block car line, full ' rmb,A!?',1'8X'' W?HI1,WW -wing ma, T r 8w(8--Gfd Marly -iw--room,- Blew -yardi oin fruit ", tree, convenient to ear llaej terms. Tlieaa ar bargains. - W.J. Day & Co. ' 368 Stark SU Room 23. ' HOWARD M. COTEY. Agent Plerc Great Arrow. Locomobile. Cad Iliac and Knot. Temporary location Club Oarag, ISth and Alder at. ART. FREH LEMONS IN Embroidery Every Dy. TBI NEBILRCRAFT SHOP. 888 Waahlngtoa at. DR. W. B. KNAPP has returned from st. Offlc 10 Ilamlltoa bldg. EDUCATIONAL. OSEGON EXPERT COLLEGE. Commonwealth building, 6th and Ankeny, fnone Main 8001. Telegraphy, ahotthand, ynrewrttlng, penmanship. English branches. Individual Instruction, special acholarsbl. HOLMES BUSINESS COI.LMB. Washlnetoa snd 10th afe.: Fllednep bide. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and an j angnea branenea langDt, ootn aay ana nignt. P. B. BEACH 8) CO. The Pioneer Pslnt Ce.l window rlsse and glaslag, : 188 First st, Phon 1884. BANKS BrriD BTATra araTTnwsT. am or Portland. otnor. - riortnweet t.rner inrra ana vsi wr-im Transeeta a lleiMMl t.1n nnahiaM. DRA11S ISMUKD Available ttt All Cities f Hi United State gad Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collection mad ea PavoraMe 7 - President 0- AiN8woRTH ICasbler., ...R. W. m t Vice-President ft. LEA BARNES (Asalstant Caabler ,.,.W. A. lv.f Assistant Cashier.,..,, ..A. M. WHlMirr U .. mfOlTANKlIS PortlwIT OregonT 1 W. bf. LADD. O. B. LA I'D 1 ' ' V ' BbSliaiUllslllwu IOtW Traaaact. 8 General Bsnktng Bnslnes. SAYINGS B4NK DRPABTMTNT, msuea on aavinge deposit, interest psiq on time qeiwii.. OTATr BATTONAX, BANK Pertlaad. Oragoa, rnaiH WATSON. .......President I it. I., uurham...-.... ,m W. BOIT... ...... ........Cashier I GBOROB W. UOTT I. w. una , Sevtng bors M ........ ,lc-pTa1dM ,Aaltaai vasaier Tranaacta General Banking Business. Drafta snd Latter of 'Credit leaned Available ta , .'' ' . ' All Parte of th World. Collection a Specialty. THB BASTX Of OALUORHIA EstaMlshe4 1804. Head Offloa. Baa FMael, ' Wf",J?i . Capital paid up 84.0OO.0O0 Pnrplos end undivided profits .10,1&S,8.8 Oeaeral Ranking and Rxchang Baelnee Transacted. Interest oa Tim Deposit. . , SAYINGS DEPARTMENT Acceuots may be opened of 810 and upward. . ' . Portland Breach Chamber of Commerce Bnlldlng.. WM. R. MACRA...,,.,,..,.,..,.Msnsr I J. T. BURTCH ABLL. .'. . , . Aawtatarrt MaMfref FIRST RATIONAL BA1TK Pertlaad. Oregen. Oldest Nstloaal Bank on to racing Coast. " f CAPITAL AND tCBPLui 11.800.000.00. DEPOSITS. $14,000,000.00. ' v A. t. MtT.I.S J. t to n atvntin . . . . Assistant Cashle W. I, - - - T---. ."..,. ........ lfl.IU.ll, , V. - - - . NEWKIRK. .Casblef B. P. HTBTENS. .... .Second Assistant Csatiler PAINTING AND PAPERING. FOR reliable work, reaaonebl prices. Sheeny Brae., 882 xambill. near eta. asan avis. -.......,.-1, .1 .l,. I f. A. DOaNB will give yon the beet eetlmat Tor asrisrscrory wora. wi aamaiu . rLUMBERS, FOX C altrr plambere, 881 Seeoad. . Mala ana saimoa. urgo puove siaia w,i FINANCIAL aid to six worthy young ladles v woo wisn to tat a snortnana course. Apply at one at office. 817 Common wealth bldg.. 1 Sixth and Burneld at. ' . . 1 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. " aL U? i WArjIB Cr'srstark'"!.1' "L'"l"r'" Elertrle and Gaa Fixture snd SuppUe. MaaUl. Tiling, Orate and Dogiroaa. DONNERBERG BADEMACBBB remeretf No. 508 Bnrnsld St. PRINTINO. THB MODERN PRINTER Y Art ltl priniiaai. 26 Russl bldg, Fourta an hoitim. rowv Psoitis 1838, , ' OOILBEE BROS., prt a tare Cards, BtllBeada, ate. Pboaa Mela IMS. I4BU First at. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Rngloeere. eoatrac tor, repeirera, electric wiring, eonpllea. 84 First, ear. Stark.. Mala em R. H. Tt, mgr. REAL' ESTATE. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 81 Sixth Coo tractors, electric enppllee, motor aad dr : aantoat we Install light and power plaata. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO., 31 Baat Morrison at. Flxtares, wiring, repairing. East aizs. PARRISC. W ATKINS CO.. 880 ALDER ST. Rest estate, rental, wan mo mwrisw. Wa make a specialty of handling rental and property for resident and non-raaldaat. Ketabllsbed 1871 Phon Msln 1044. TRUST COMPANIES PRTtAT TRITST COMPANY OF OREGON Th Oldert traet Cempanp ta Orefoa. RESOURCES OVER 88.Q00.0O0. Oeaeral Banking. Two per cent Intereei ea beck e Cont va buadrede) oa dally balanc of 8800 or over, littw Of rdl and xeha n all parte of the worldV Savmg aeeoente. Time eerllflcat. 8 t 4 per rent: short-esl apeeiat certificates. 8800 or over. 2 to 4 per cent. Call for Boo of ''ILLUSTATI0NB,, . -'- 8orithi Com Third anU Osk Street. Phone Prtval Btehaaga 72, 2R?,Url?nn,'''''''''''''r,"nnt 1 H; L. PITTOCK..... .., nee-President LEW PAGET. ( , ,, .Secretsryi ( 1. 0. GOLTRA. ., ....Assistant Secretsef SICTTRITT SAYINCS 8) TRUST OOhTPAaTT 886 Mnrrhxm Street, Fortlaad, Orawoa. Tranaacta a General Banking Baeiase. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. Internet allowed At Tim aad Savings Account. Acta aa Trusts for Est s tee. Draft aad Utters of Credit . - . ... Avallabl en All Part of the World. . A' , C. r. ADAMS .President I I- A. LEWIS. .,., ....First YhPrndew A. L. MILLS.,., ...... .Second Tie President r-Jt. C. JCBIT2I. ,......,.,..8eretry - V GEO. B. RUSSELL Aealstsnt rVcvctnry ; TrrXI TARABTEX TRITST COMPANY 848 Waahlngtoa 8trl ' V v MOBTOAGB LOANS M Portland Real Estste at Lowest tat. ' .. Tltl Insured. Abatraets rurnlabed . ' J. THORRURN ROSS. ............ .President I JNO. R. AiTCHISOir GBOROfl H. HILL, . .Tic President I T. T. BURKHART. .Tree sura BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M ORRIS BB0THXRS Chamfer ef Oemaere BuUILng, : Mtmldpel. Ba limed and Public Service Corporation Bond. 1 DowNnra-BOPxnrs covpaxy Xsusiuhsd lies bxoxzxs. . BTOCXJ, BONDS, GRAIN Boagbt aad Sold for Cask and 0 ktarghi. Prtvato Wire. BOOM 4 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE, Mara St. ENGINEERING. 1. W. OOiLBBB. real estate and loartai estab lished 1888. I4B rim sr., room is. . 0. H. OOSSETT, engineer and anrveyor. Office 88 Washington bldg., corner Fourth and Washington reeldence Olenwood. Msla 8886. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. SPHINX AGENCY, dealer In rl estate and rental. BOG Stark at. tsaia wo. FOR FABMS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. - W. W. B8PBY. 818 Commercial bldg. BW2WWtr3awSsBjBn RUBBER STAMPS. PORTLAND WIRB IRON WORKS Secoad end Bvortt at. Phon Main 3000. GASOLINE ENGINES. P. 0. STAMP WORKS, 848 Alder t. phon Msla T10. Rubber etompe, aeele, atencfla; ba rare, trade checks ! braaa aigna aad Plato. jJ8aBjsstpakaaaaaeM GASOLINE ENGINES. - Ststkmsry aad marine; electric qu1p. dents; lanncb; scrsssorles; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reieraoa Machinery Do.. 1S3-4-6, Horrleoa st ROOFING. SREFTTRLD marine engine. Any propeller. ratroaBBa, Mora Oo, First aod atari ata. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE OO. aollclta i ity to quote prices. 74 sixth at, raclftc 4M. HOTELS. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Losll. 818 Jefferson at. Pa. 1434. , SEWING MA(?HTNES. PnoNB Pacin 878 and I peraonally Win eaB I aod repair your sewing msehlnei work fa ". anteed. a. aama. aajusrer, ooi inim n. a STREET PAYING. r WARREN ConstrnctloB Co., street paving, eloe wslks snd crossings. 814 Lambor Exchsng. HOTLL Portland, American plan, S3, 88 per day. BELVEDRRBi Rarepean plan; 4th and Alder at. ' B. R. HOOREHOUSB 8c CO. Artist materials. picture molding, picture miming, itereoptv eons, lantara wide. 818 Alder t. ACCORDION DRESS PtAlTINO. '8280 CASH buys good lot In Saratoga, addition. Address Psrcy, P. O Box 116, city. ,.v jT FOR SALE By owner, T-room new bouae. 808 Eaat 84th at. Phone Tabor 51L. : ; Fob sals-farms. CI1KAP IIOUKA TO acre. 85 acres under floe state of culti vation; large 8-roora bouae, barn 50x60, all other outbuildings, 4 acrea orchard of assorted fruits In full bearing, fin spring stream high enough above farm land and buildings tnr excellent water power, or could irrigate all of th land If owner desired; 18 mile from thla city, l miles from country town and 4 mile from railroad towns price $3,000, half cash, ,. . balanc ran run 3 or 4 year. - ; ' . 80 acres, 10 miles from thla City, 25 acre annex fine atste of cultivation. 10 acre fin . saw timber, balance alasbed, -tmrnsd and seeded, 8 good barns, 3 comfortable .farra houses, 3 acrea orchard in full bearing and 5 seres of winter apple orchard, living springs and streams, oa wain county road, R. P. IJ. ana telephone, 7 cow, 7 head of young Block, chine office. We aell lease ,,r rent nw sn. ahlnei: bid machine Taken m pert payment; second-hand msrblne 85 and op; ether make f at machine 828 and opt needle for all make of machine! all Bind of tnachinea ,, renairea ana guaranteed, s, a. Hlegsl, agent, o.x, wiimws sc. rsjne aaia uoav I FREE FOR EVERYBODY Ring ap Mala 4290 wr vmu iiow rroni at, we nay ana Jl far- airur, ewtoing or say em thing.. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sur cur for MANICURING, fsce and acalp treatment; bath IlISS 0. GOULD, 517 Swetland bldg. Accordion pleating and button covered. BATHS MASSAC! E. rhtumatlam. Sold by all drugghit. BILLIARD AND POOL txhlea for rent or fori ... ssie on easy payment. ' TUB BRUNKWICK-BALrtR-COTXBNDRB 00,, 48 Third Portland. 8 3 3 PHONE MAIN 6374. 8 8 8 8 - Extra special furniture and stoves; largest ' assortment, cheaoeet orlcea in new and sen. ona-nanu gooaa ot every description A us a. can ana b convinced. 18(88 THE DOLLAR, 8 8 8 288 First St., Near and masssge. 110 Fourth st BLANK-BOOR MAKERS. in new and see leacrtptlon: gin ai'll HOWE. DAVIS K1LHAM, 10R-I11 Second st, Blsnk book marafacturedt agents for Jo Improved Iwse-Lesf ledgers; see tb new Kurex tear, tne oet n te mariret. BUTCHERS1 SUPPLIES OLD BOOK STORE removed to 188 Fifth aad f mi fjeooaa sis. , , , , bhowcasesi and fixture, new and second , nana, (Mrtaon m Kallstrom, 380 Couch at. i. 8 AND 8 horsenower auto marine nHiwa put one ta your rowbosf. ,. SOS,, East Morrlaon 8 horses, harness and Wagons, 8 plows, mower, I FOR SALB 1 marine boiler, 00 Inches by 34 rak. harrow, disc harrow, all otiier farming I feet! 3!W pounds of steam, practically pew. it'jwvnn, 70 acre. om bay, etc.; price, 4,0o0, Phone Main In Apply 680 Chamber et Commerce. mum. t'ortiand. or. tsiivd, Diance aiaenen, ourneu ana aeeneu 8nd very easily cleared, T-room honsc, gran ary, barn and outbuildings, orchard of as sorted fruit, living stream the rear ' round through place, enough timber to run the I BUFF ORPINGTON and Plymouth Rock Egg piace; ptace nnner gooa rence, on gooa level I . i setting. : low jnortn Grand are. roaa, io mile from Vancouver, is rrom Pott' FOR SALE Rnnahont Old. mobile, cheap. quire xit rirsi at, or Bui uoerman at. j lend, convenient t tchool and country store, 8-OALLON coffee am, with hot milk top; lsrge, new, ga range, with canopy; cheap. nmiinson, ini ni. oixio et. J. U cream route by place, Ideal dairy lsnfl. 1 roll- "er, 1 cultivator, 2 plows, 8 harrow, 1 wagon, nay fork, as ws, axes, wedge, etc. This place t being sold at 8 sacrifice In order to close 80 acres, all good land, 20 acrea cleared. 4fl acrea bottom land that does not overflow, more lmnd aaslls cleared, lota -of eordWmd. 4 room house, large new parn, cnicxen aouseimi n t' aacntice nirnnure ot rooms: nonsa ; i oAttnr.iNn RuiotTjai. - New 8-borsepowar Iwls. all complete: mnst sell: cost .vm: will take 180. Address ; x car journal. and yard, woodshed, etc.; fruit trees, good well and atream. gooa fences, on public road. 1 .mil from chool. 8 mile from country i .. town ana mile rrom Vancouver;; in elude team, wagon and harness, buggy, and J II farming Implements. 8 good milch cows, 8 elfers, T head of hogs and honsehold fnrnt 1 tare and tb crop all for only 83,000. Aboat i half cash will handle thla place. Call and look over our list before buying! IT will par you, - THOMPSON SWAN, Cltiaeh'a Bank 81dg Vancouver, Wash. TILLAMOOK RANCH FOR SALB. -820 acre, on good graveled road, 0 mile from Tillamook city, 1 mile from achoot and ebeea fsctory; mostly rich bottom land, easily cleared; fin dairy or stock ranch; will Keep av cows now; can oe mane to keep 150 full of roomer; big Income; centrally located. wain .idi,i. GAMOLINB lannch 60 feet Ion. 8 feet wide. : feet deep, will sell cheap for eh. or trad : ror I'orrisna aiiniirnan lots, rieaiy inveatmcnt ix., xiu-zit a Ding ton piag. OWING to dissolving partnership,, a homer : pigeon aqush plant must be sold at one third .. (U ..eosx.-, uso,.ie. . aicwib. . Miant. , Waaa. I FOR BALE Nesrlr new furniture.; stoves dishes, rugv etc., less than hair coat; . cook atov cost 82o; 84V cash take it all. Ad ares u Jtuo, Journal. PERSONAL. ir-iii-i r"i-Ln -i irn.iiat !,n;.tltWrtataIrs'crf to'suT? mSiltV. WtES!tchln. bleeding, prftrudlng, . fissure, iV- V..?.. firm? t0AoolrU2"?ri! tn'.. co.nHpatIo end all rectal dlse.Te. . 140 an acre; easy term. Address Box 145, .14 iimmu ViWS"' FOR SALB 178 sores of fin lend, with good improvements, within I miles of . aood ' school: this place Is adapted to th raising .of Block or dairying;, fin out rang; must p0 cured In 10 to 80 days, without the knife or ligatur. can of write ur. T. I. risrce, im First it., rortiana, or. HOLDEN'S irtlHUMATIO CURB Sur ear for rosumatism. aoii ny an oruggista. VTHLUrKLtttm'1' d'lr" W- fmU, J GeRHAN hookl, magsalne. novels, etc. I Oer. Crlton, Ortgoa. . y maBBnyiiab. French, Spantoh. Swedish snd au 38,60010 ACRES tardea land In high ktat oi cuuivauvD, vm o. ..- n. n. leased 8 yenrja, $450 pef year. Her is a genuine nT, ii a. i m one, room is, gronno floor, hsmber of Com mere bid. Teienhon Main 1E80. - 120,000 WILL bny Hen placer claim. . so acres, in tb famous Althous district in Jose , phlne county, Oregon) very rich In gold and platinum) plenty of water kll the year -- arounn; mi wui atana mvesugstion; assav; 88,0oojn gold and 8800. In platinum. Ad- ; orees Hermaa e;er, oio vuwn sve bortk. --.t , ., ... ... ' xvruiuH, v,- ii , Italian kind. dlctlonirleei foreign books Scbmal Co., 329 First t " .... . w.wi fl,,,v ji'w w I V, Utlllva aim pressed, ooc. uiioert. iw eixta st,. aexi to yuan, rooa ssain bush. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Kebert - Nsrv . Globule. On month' treatment, 82; 8 moot us, an; sent securely sealed by mail. - Agent, wooaard. Clark a Co., Portland, Or. MOLES, wrinkles, anperflaoa hslr removed. No energ to talk It over. Mr, M, D, Hill, room 8.10 Fleldner bldg. Pbon Paelfl 185. TIMBER. ; DRi BlNO CHOONG. tm porttf Chinees root medlclnest Mils Chine tea, certain cur for kll dims, 101 So, bob Yamhill and Taylor. BALM OF FIGS for all femile dlaea. vast Belmont - Phone Baat 4084. ' 838 MANICURING, face tnsssag and acalp treat ment. iTy room i, aoo4a waanington at. TIMRBIt LANDS. To th Owner of Timber Lands) W wnt tlmbef land in larg and small tracts, elntla claim, in Oregon, Washington and Idaho! It nmst direct from tb owners; w don't wast any option Until w see what yon have to offer at your lowest net cash price) send hi yonr descriptions, kind of timber and keur estlinal if fu farm it. write n and find out iiat w can do for am inmrrittl pimni. hiofrbes v-vio. you. W re in the market at ill time for blackheads, ted Vns. ccArse borea: ecaema MRS. OB ROCK, graduat msssenset , Mat -barb, aalt glow, alcohol rnb, cream msag ' reference.' 188 Seventh et Mala 4968. any oeai mat is riant.- 0RR6(J BROS., . . ; , I17-1S rrotofl bug.,. 84 Sixth t., rortlana. and falling hair rured or no charge; trial treatment rre... Adtlres Dt. T. J, i'lerce, 181 rirat at, rortlmd, Dr. - , BirrcnRRS' SUPPLIES S, Blrkenwald . 804-806 Everett ft.; isrgest butcher snpply bouae oa th cosst. Writ for catalogue. . . BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolpb A. Dekam. isi-138 First sr., carries a mil line ana i plot assortment at toweat market price. CARPET CLEANING. . BllallSBWSaWlSiii-l BSbmS!!-!!!!,!!! THB PsclflC Coaat Carpet Renovator cleait yoar carpets on the floor without removing furnltiiri from -joom. W rslse ao dust. -remove all dirt and grease spots. Phon Paolf;- 418. INSURANCE. IS AAO L. WHITE, fire taanraaca. ldg. - i THE Barber Asphalt Paving Co. of Portlaad, Office ae woretr bib. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. Jock bU 844 br I ' SABTltR A Kt.RISER SIGNS. W beve built op the Isrgest alga business ta th lty by flrst-1s work nd beeple rnr nromlse. Oar price er right. Fifth ' and Everett t. Phon Exebang 85. W. fj. PAGE, Insnrane! employer liability. nrcry bonds, norgisr ana accident msuraao. most Mala ax. - worn raiuag aioav - - J AS. Mcl. WOOD, mployre' liability tad t- aiviaosi aecmeut ecunty nonas or au aina, i LEATHER AND FINDINGS. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Riga Co., SSI Stack rt. Pb m Sfl , , m,,' SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. CHARLES L. MABTICK as CO., Front and Oak at., ietkr and skins r every asecnptio for all purpoaea; sole and tap cutter; finding. sanestxawssaw LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for ssle AM kinds, Inctudrag pprovd forest reserve crlp for urreyed, nn- surveyed. nmner and prein government land. B. M. Hsmlltoa, "Tb Portland." Portlaad. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, Mr and atore fixtures msde to order. Tb Lath Mgnnfactarlog Co Portland. R. H. BIRDSALL. tlestgnerj agent st. wmrer liomber Do. T Hamilton mag. sisib oo. .Ill WIIH.I III H I WPeMWMBH Ovcrteck, Starr & Cooke Co.! 'W.?.. JX JXAIN, FROVI8IOHB. CGTTOW, BIWUAB AND RORDB. ' Wl BO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BT7BINX.A. Coottnaea Marketa by Private Wire. Quick Fwrrlc. REFERENCES Ladd A Til to. BwHta, pad United Ststse National Bank of Portlaad. , 1 , ' TRANSPORTATION. sWna1a.saaakja Alaska 4907 EXCURSIONS 3 TWPS ' A I, IPOlIU, IsM 14, B8I July 18, lH Atf. t. Qn4n, . JTnly 18. - -- - won ' Bovn. S. 8J. Benatof ............ 1 B 8k rrsldat .attuia 4 t M. . A&AMCA MOVVM. SXafway, WtbaJna, aa way porta. B. B. S. OoVS Brajxioldt.,.14:ay t, It, 81 CoW City. Via 8Utk...May 8. 18, 81 City f Baafti , . ,'. . . . . , . . .Hay a M, 88 AVJT TOAYOXIOO aorTB, aUlUns a a. Vtom aftttts. City ef labl., ............ May B, 10 BtaLv. ....May 10, 88 VRMtUl8 .ia,.aftay 18, 80 Ctty Cffloa, f8 WaaalaprtoR Wk lM.H..iwf ii J. Lemcke Company Profitable Investmenls $830 ; 50x50 on Hovt street, near 11th. opposite nefr terminals. Has soma income. f -; $25,000 Corner Fifth and Couch, now has some income. $75,000 First strcft. nr Mnm'snn: Wrrw I has over $500 1 month income. . tax uvrsvx. mcaxy tsaxv Quarter block, East Third and Morrison. Eaay terms on this. SAFES. PORTLAND SAPB CO., ! gnt for Herj Slng-Hsll Mssein ssres ana manganen oieei sfe Co.' bank safear 80 secood-hsud fir. $7,750 Tn Vinrnnvtr. H. C... and intarmdlata I points, carrle atandard aloepars Seattlsl to Vancouver, and saaiua to Bcuiinr-i ham. Leart Heatu union aepot iiiaai n m Aatlv. .I..n. miv fA, AeAUnsnsv 8:J0 p. m. PaBenxra remain undlk-lRpaiifJfiil trinrtrn rrm t .t.f, turbed untU 7 a, m. . Connactlu train I , " sTe i . proif aafes and tank safes, very hpt eee leay Portland at 3 p. m. ana tiiop. m. twins vu lui in .rVHlgtOn. xoern or wnie as. mm ct.. m , 1 A niB inClUOPS TIPW rai-fieit ttnrm ett. tieningnam, nmw wesiminBisr ana . . . v.,, ,r! 1 ... TImm.Im J.nAI HfinriA,,,. ... ... . .. DIEBOLD Maganese Safes Larg line carried. Vancouver laav Portland union depot WindOWS, Screens, awnintrs. etc Lock-Out Opened, iaek. f"1.MtJ dally :80 a, m. nd lll4S p... For . ' ,ei.uiu0, in. nuure. nonest pricrs nno vm,.. 0-v w.w phones. Honest price and Goode.., 1. B. DAVIS, 88 Third at. MONUMENTS. RBU t KINOHI.RX, gSB rirat St. r0rtlaaS tesamg msroie ana grsoit worse. tickets and aleeper reservations call on address H. UiCKSUN, u. , & t. ah lat TXtas n vOmTXAjrs, ob. Telethon: Pao. states Main 880. Horn A388. MONDMINTAL BRONEB CO. Most dursbl grav bssdstones. Room 13. 308 stark at. MONEt TO LOAN. t OUR fiPBClAl STANDARD CARrBT CLRANIN0 CO. Largest Itlant on coast: Lorlng and Harding ata.i phon Ksst 88U1 carpet ciesnea, renttea, eewea ana . laid: steam end compressed air process! re - rsvating BMuressea aao restners ipeeiaiiy, J0VCB BROS-, proprietor of fb Kleetrle nesB- In worksi earners cleaned and laid, both drs and com pressed -sir cleanlagt carpet refltttnl: , enr specialty: work guarnnteea. Phon . Mala seen and A 2AT3. sto Orsnt t. CARPENTERS AND RtlXDEltfi. JOHN A, MELTON. 204 Pourth St. Office aad tnr fixture built and remodeled; boweaa and count era. Phon Main J 7T. B.' If ELTON Of flee, store fixtures! general Jobbing. 6T Pint at. Phone Main I1WO. CAFES. THB OFPICB 8S8 Washington st,, phoa Mala tti. aamuei vigneux. ; ... CLAlRVOyANTs; AND PALMISTS. . ' Always Consult the Beat, PROFESSOR KHtMO. Ores test living astral dcsd-tranc clairvoyant of tb age; adviser on business and all af faire of life) tall yoar fun name snd what ? on culled for, whom you will marry, how r) control the one yoa love, even though mile way; reunite tb separated; gives secret power to control: doe all other gaverti to ao, y iiour 10 to 8, flslly snd nunaey. Office, Noe. 8 and 4, Grand Theatre bldg., Bo2Vi wash., near Far at. roon Main ivai MISS MAY ANDREWS Card reading, SB eixin .. corner msid. 335 COAJL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST At SLABWOOD OO. nno Front, successor a Fulton Wood Co. fir. oak, (lahwood, eoaL Tel, Main 1B38. FOR prompt dellveiy of elsbwood call Main 4878. v Oak, asb, fir and coal, -; Portland wood uoai uo isth and Bavier t. , ' WESTERN PEED 4k FUEL CO. Hons aad . blacksmith coals, cake, os I, kindling. Pbon Mala 1018. ohar- TBLKPH0NB BAST T, F. B. JONHS CO., Wood and Coal. 181 Bart Wafer t. OREGON FUEL CO, I now taking order tor woua anu coai ior rutnr aeiivery, as Aiasr st. Main 88. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DEVENY BSTRM.B DBPENY. THB only scientific chiropodists, parlor 303 Drew bldg., 168 3d st. Phone Mala 1801. CLIBOPODY end Pedlcnrtng. Mr. M. D. BillL ooem mv j iciauer iag, rue raeus ica, 31 IISftUMISIflltUlt flAT.ARY IjOANS II TO JBVBRY ONE WORKING. I Hit T)W RATES. im ' EASY PAYMENTS. i$M$f NO MORTGAGE , !S I - NO INPORSKR. lit STATE 8ROTTRITY CO., ft 704fbEKUM BL.DO. It HOTTRS 8 A. M. to P. M. BATURDAY TILU 8 t'. M IS). STIpgOGRAPHERa. PUBLIC stenographer and typewriter. Phon Main. 1Z71. 814 Jeum oiag. jbWliix JX --"11" 'Hmfi slll'fvTT"t''''",'!"''e, TRANSFER AND HAPLING. SAFES, pianos and fornltdr moved, psced ready ror shipping ana anippeai su wore nuaranteedi large 8-story ; brick fireproof warehouse for storage.. Office S0 ak Olaea Rue. Phon Mala 64T. C. O. PICK, office 88 Ftrat t.. between Stark A nak sta.i nbon 880. Plane and furnl t'JEKS!! tt" tilf P Thursdays). Leave. Aide, , room. Front ana day st. $3,300 Ho! For Astoria 60 O FastSteamerTelegraph Five-room cottajre on Est Sixth' street, near Madison. $5,000 New home on East Ninth str and quarter block. This is fine modern Home. OREGON TRANSFER CO. 184 Worth Sixth St. I phon Main av. Heavy nasung ana eurai, trt dock 7 a ysjCOlta HJUaf MS. $18,000 i itttisstmststmttmmtsmtmt INDEPENDENT BAO0AOB s TRAN8FBB CO, 8toraga. 824 Stark at. Mala euv. TOWEI. SUPPLV. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purposes, for from s to 10 year' time, with privilege to fepay all or part of loan arter I two year; Loans approved from plana and i money advanced a building progresses; met?, gages taken np and replaced. FRED H, STRONG. Financial Agest, 848 Stark et. 0LRAN TOWBLB DAILYOomb, brush, eoep, 81 tier month, Portland Laundry At Towel Supply Co., Ninth snd Conch. Phon 418, TYPEWRITERS. ; Columbia River 6centry P"r.,ei VAJ .'- i ., , , m . I .. v-.---- ,,ui UMUIVW . atAiuwAsavA-van Aaaaiai b.a-jji.bhb. Dallg i service ' between Portlaad sd Tke I Dalle. . exoept aaadaf, leaving portlaad at f a. s arriving aboat 8 pv" aw carrying freight and paaaengar. Splendid aacommoda-1 tltms foe ootflta and Uveatock. , I f.,- r. . , . . Dock foot of Alder at- Portlaadi toot af I r Int nOmft neaf Str HIn' Tiatl l.m mi IV. ftMll Mlk U.l, Bl I Vv . . T ii ii ii isva i ""ivi ucav anu Ril con $9,500 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on larle, Insnrane oollcles. nlanos. rural tnr. warehouse receipt. etc.) any deserving person mey secure a lib eral advene, reus vine br easy weekly of -'SrerttMy Msttf Intent, -' - - JNICW ERA LOAN ft TIUI8T UOMFAHI. 908 Abtngtoa bldg. HEADQUARTERS for new and rehallt type-1 writer of all make: see oar window! If yea ; r going to bny a nW typewriter see a be '. for buying! w csa aav yon money: w have part rot repairing kll machines: etat agents for the Visible Foti we bny all kind of typewriters, Th Typewriter Kieneoge, Inc., B. J. EliiaoB. manager.' ' intra t. 'A iii I ii .11111 -I I'.ii BLICKEN8DERPER Typewriter Agency: tra- MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and other upon their own namea without secur ity) cbespest rates, easiest payments; efricee In IM principal cities i sav yourself money nv getting cur Terms rtrsr. TOLMAN, 333 Abtngtoa bldg,. 1088 Third at. niles! rsnairs, Rslelib bldg PUBLIC 8TRNOGRA .... .. : -M i ii cm aaa TV sse. FHIR. WANTED Note, mortgagee or 'contract on any kind of real estate In Oregon end Wash ington! aecond rnortgsge pnrchased If well secured. H. B, Noble. 813 Commercial blk. DON'T borrow monev on asleev vmtll yoa see Hiittoacreciitco. 613 Dekum bldg. IfONBY' to loan; large loan .specialty i also punning mans; low ear rarer! Tire insurance. William a Beck. 13 Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN ICO., 438 Mohawk bldg. Money to lend oa easy-payment plaa to wag. earner; atnctiy conridentlil. . . MORTGAOB loans at current rateej no eonv mission, . (jniutnoia . inst uompauy, Lumber Bxchang bldg. MONEY to loan on all kind nf security. um tiou, room waanington Didg. W0- I TO LOAN flams ts suit on chsttel security. . . r rsras, i in ssarqaaes, ; . - tl nni ' 1 i fn QDrCN loan on eeenrltle. S. W. King, I sn Tvsauinaton ning. stain oiuuv ON mortgage, 8300 to 88,onOi cost papers only. nara. lawyer, aiis j crag, h ; A LOAN forth asking Salary or chatteL Th toan us, etu ueaani, Diag. BA8Y payment loans to salaried people. - Fnt- pioyes ivosn ixi., tin ieaum oiag.. Main Kit. MONEY tosncd to Salaried people Jnst on your own name; nou i oorrow nntu you ace me: my svetem Is tb best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeeper, atreetcar men and all other em- WHOLESAIB j mm OREGON CHEESE CO. (INC.) CHRRS8L . BITTER. BOGS, etc.,' dairy products bought , or bandied on commission.'; iu rum at. (Swetland bldg.), Portland, ur. M. A. G0NST CO., DISTRIBUTORS Of FINB CIGARS. PORTLAND, ORBOON. BVERDINO FA RRKLL. prodoe and ooas. mission mercbtnta. ihi rroat u. rortlana. Or. Pkon Mam OREGON FURNITURE MANDPACTDRINO CA. Manufsctrireca of furaltar for the trade. ' Portland, Oregon. WADHAMS gt CO.i wholes! grocer, man-1 facturera and commission mercusnt. Fonrth euu Mil wim. : . i FCRNIT17RR" manufacturing And special order. L. Rnvcasky' furnltur factory, 807 Froal st, .Hi i i I linn. in ' in mi in lr. wi i 1..I1 ,11.111 m i inn, im ALLEN ft LEWIS, commisslou and produce mt chants, Front and Davie ata,, portiana. or. WHOLESALE crockery and glssswsr. PrL I ' Hegel Co Portlaad, Orcgea. Q. W. SIMPSON. SOI Washlncto Wbol-l as neaier in grain an nay. - 1 v- ,n , i i . II J i I m ti, ,t,i 11 1 ,' J' I III,' "' fl"MMWMM, TRANSPORTATION. . hojsti racrrxo bttbaiu2H oo.b Steamships ROANOKE - and CEO., W.ELDER Sail for r jreRa, BH Franelaeo and Loa Attaeles direct every Thursday at a o, m. I ployes; buslnes strictly confidential. P.-A. I I icset ortlce 181 -tnira, mmw Aiaar. 1 Newton, tut Buchanan bldg., 289 Wathlactoa, Phona X. 131s. ff. XOUX4U, Afnt , OS 8OnTtJkND OtUKWir f-tjatUaAkfJaAenaf AaJ fiauJ mmmMmtmmm i TaBBBBFBBSgTBBBBJ BBaOJ WMBfBBBTaBBJ BBSBBBJBBBB' Bto Urn mftU Stmt tf Oram INSURES XIX KINDS OF LIVE STOCK. AGAINST - DEATH FROM ANY CAUSK AjMMf At Wtmtti t, P. Bbsrey Prestden: WaVlLSnutkV.Pr. 8, K. Oreea deal Mgft Jb. M. Ober Secretary K. . Staalef Oeellospi I ILonf at 8wk Osoer! CottnseC MBMBBt Penlsad Cbaaaba f i -,, , POfilsnd Board of Trad , . f -1UFXR8NC31 Oscgea Trait and lav Ing Bank Portias 4 Ore, 1 Tb Brnditrsat Cenpany . K. 0, Dua St Co. CanoMclai Agsncy We stake a pramls w do not rulfiB ' We frv yoa agaar dee- Leek as ap Caev Wtukirngtwrn ami Sink ftri'i I v veniences. If you are looking for ft nice . home in Portland's swellest district don't miss this. (l t t, ww,"isai 4 f ( J , Itiy.'Ilftel&sly" SIXTH, AND WASHINGTON Min 630. 8 Home) A2337 WOMAN A SPECIALTY MRS S. IC. CHAN i th only Cbifteaa wetaaa medical doctor la tkle City. se ka tired Biany afflicted kurre.. Cured privet and female d a ease, also asthma, throat ami lung troubles stomach, bii..-r and feltlney and disease ( ail kinds that the humen f!l 1 belr to, Crnl by Chines and root. Remedies barn -. tim Oferstlovis, Honest fr.,- vut. SXAkUKATIOl.4 tn, . 808 lay Hi reef, tonr i : : mm Commar. ioi'' , et ('roe i t .