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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,', TUESDAY; EVENING, ' MAY U, 1S07. 17 FOK SALEREAL ESTATE. l"li - -i -m in -u-L -i -u ri tj -Li-urtryW Alier Spring Acres Br. Csrdwerl of tb Oregonl building la ring platted to put OB the market In few dr 0 trc(e-.f on aero acb adjoining til rssideoc. . r , . Nsrly atl fae th Salem electric road. awLw Y M Crrr1 passenger from Alder -r-,. 1 in, , raontn. U a guaranteed contract with tlx aompsny lot t h far. . """-A- ' Tny will rant la prlc from S700 to 1900 yr ,0 flotcli al. At art of land equal dlfbt lota of tb anu 00x100 ft else. ., . IT v Tha the cost la ltbr at tb rat 100 or $ST .60 pr lot which I la thsa half what tllflbl lota ar selling for la Ui an vicinity. , ' t . -A trm of payment will be-eery. Th acre tr Jut outh of bit manaloa and only three nil from tb courthouse la aa ail JIB. v. . - .; - . See Dr. Cardwelt to bear nor of a bin t kla Alder Spring bom Sunday, , , ,, t r'r. A HALF DOZEN BARGAINS. k Bona, 14 doaen room, and H doata lota. Wnioo. 12.000. . ' Una., H doae room, and M, dona lota, 12.400. j Hoar. 4 dona room, nd 14 ,0 Vb job lot. I3.J00. -.-i . --... Horn, doten room. U doa lota and lot of fruit. $.1,400. - r Room. dosen and H f 4 4oM fwai aaa Jtm a H ooaea iota, aiu.ouu. ooa and 1 dowa lot la baneo. 000. " J. J. ORDER. Oraad Bra. and Eaat Ankenr t. FlNBr BtJNOALOW Fafl leoaereU basement S64a. Dodera rr war, rlrht a earlln. 4-mlont car eerrlce. Telephone or addrea H. B. Btmlr, owner. 0M Colon arenoa North, ' Et S494. jJ,O00l term. " FOR BALE 4 room enttaf. 80-foot lot $000) . half ah. balanc $15 per month t owner on place, 1060 Dlrlaloa, at., oppoalt Baby Bom. IfODERN T-roooj boom for aal by owner; choir location: $3,100; half caab. balanc I Call after fi .p. m. Tel. Eaat S68. '.FOR aa tsTMtmeet propoaltka that take ad . rantaira or aaTancea iwentietn cenrnry aw. am metboa to pat a a 001 wiuia Mar raatth of earnest aeekera, renrdleaa of extent of incom. writ bos 1st, foruaao, or. TWO boaaea and fall lot. BM at., sear Tbur- Kan; wiu au Map. iaqair bowaofardt, U ... Pr at. . ..- it - B0TJ8B with rooma, TOT Johnaoa t. ala one of B room, ivdta aa rianaar. la- qolr B. Lowengardt, 83 Park at.:-; - $2.250 $200 DOWN, balanc earn as rent, trletlr modern brand new A roooi etta. Bnnnrald. A, P. Bmith. owner, 618 Com- merclal blk. . ..g,.- i. TWO lota ' 40x100, ' (Vrooni. bona, aaay tanna. Owner, Pacific tbb. " FOR SALE FARMS. BARGAIN. .' ' .V"-'-40-aer farm. - tb beat in Clark eoonty, Wiablnatoa, 10 mile from Vancoaeer; S5 - aeree clear, tb ret In paatnr, all fenced; 100 food aaortd trait tr. all bearlnr, ah robbery, ate.; tbla year'a crop aloo will bring $400; cloe to chool, at ore, tiaa R. F. D., telephone; oa mala traveled road; bay thl be for Jim 1 and ret It for $1,800. ftMITR AXGAB, - . J 151IH Fh-t U room I. - : TILLAMOOK BANCH FOB SALE. $20 acre,' oa good aTareled road, mile from Tillamook city, 1H mile from acbool and ebeea f 1 ctory i mostly rich' bottom land, eeally cleared; fin dairy or atock ranch; will keep go cow now; can a maa 10 ap iw head; aoll mltabl for potato oalooa; In on tract or la mcta to aon pnrcnaeera; $40 aa acr: y term. Aaaree box 140, Tillamook, Oregon. ' w H " ' '" FOR BALRV-1TS acre of fin lend, with good !mproTffienta, within 1H mile of good acbool; thl plac H adapted to tb ralalnc ef twk or dalrylngj 'fteo MaMl mast ! brfiBi torn:, -Wr O. W. w v FARM FOB SALB. ' ' 180 acres, 50 la cultivation, 100 sere Ideal trait and farm land, family orchard and hsrrt. rood building, aauy man. Bear rail road aad town; nice eouolry home.- la th I ' most bealtbfal and delightful climate en Pacific reaat. . Aildrea T. H. B. Box 17, ; WoodTtllr-OfaOB. - 88.000 A SNAP 8 platted, S mll8hoot acre, Arlington Heights, (west ld). top ef Can- yoa road, near Council Crest. Apply at $87, Morriaoa at. aw.uw niiu ouy ri i". "".""V-2. 1 BI Vis, jaj s.u lauruuaj uium ssi.s.w Dhln eoonty. Oregon: rery rich in -gold and aronnd; tbls will stand lnrtlgtloa; asaar $8,000 la gold and $500 In plstlpnm. Ad drsss Herman Peper. 020 Pnloa ar. north, Portland, Or. - - ' TIMBER. 1000 to 80.000.000 feet of Al fir Mm. mill In flrat-Claaa . condition: intiUrstlon. aear Oolnmbt river. Fa cllltlr bandy for P'ni,DT JZSL within 60 mile af .Portland.- For particular I cau the Veteran land co.,' 180M Third St, room A. TIMhKB LANDS. To tb Owner of Timber Lsnds: W want timber land in larg and smsll tracts, alngle j claims, in, ifregon, wssninsuia anu idhw; i it moat bar on-set from tne owner; w oon t want any option until w see what- yon bare to Offer SI yonr- jpwee, nci cibo pi-irei aenu 1 : as yoar descriptions, kina or timoer ana your cstlmst if yoa bv It. . Wrlte a and find oat what w can do for yoa, W are tn me mnce. i au uww any deal ,tbat I rigni .- 81T-1S Fatoa bldg.. 84 Sixth at.. Portland. n OWNERS of, timber claim and timber We will bny for cash any good timber trih tJry to thi Nebalem rlrTwlll deal with ewaer only; writ, giving fnll WrtlcoUrsj Nebalem Inveatment Co.. 828 Chamber of Oommero building. Portland. Or. ERTIFlflB crlp, any alas, lowest price. a I'fWell. 638 Chamber of Commerc. jato.oOO.OOfl TO SO.OOO.noo reet caoice yeuow nr K , timber, about 40 miles below rortiana, near , the banks of the Columbia river; rtrht price I ana esey term.; u, u. ousy, ouo-ovi uing- ! to bl1.f!i.' inn nin a nmi'i 11 11 j 111 1 iiiiiiii HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS, BQRSF8 and baggie for rent, by day. 'week - and month; specie!, rate to bnelneas-hoose. . Sixth sn Hswtaorn. - ss i. . , BEST work and light faarneas, price lowest ; w tak yoar old harness la xchnr for ' new. Keller Harness Co. 40 North Blxth t. "want to Mil rood Work' harser iBobt 1.850. : cheap. ' 18T Barraf at. Arbot Led-, . oa 8t. John un. : - .;. v t JTOB SALE, reasonable,.- 1,800-pound man, or - trade for small bora and hurry. 139 Portland , boolavard, 8 block north Piedmont car barn. FOR SALB Span of bay geldings, weigh about $.800, Fbon Woodlawa 4i7, FOR SALE LTVESTOCIC. FOUR rood freih cow, en part Jersey and Had t'OM. 640 EU( MSdlSOB St. . , 8 milch cow, o calves; mutt aell at one, I'Uuoo xaoor o(u. SITSICAL INSTRUMENTS. VICTOR Talking Machine and reordi Staia way (at other) piano. Bhsrmsa, Clay A Co.. Blxta ana Morn sou si., opp. r, o. , , 1400 . 1AN0 $65, orgsa $35; leneons BOd, eg aU Instrument. Gletsoa blk First and Ash at $650 PIANO to b aold at a treat seriftc Excellent condition) no reasonable offer re jected; no agent considered; opportunity , rf a uretim.; Aaarcu it lao, car journal. LESSONS llln(, 1,,,, bMj 1 I violin; piano (US; Wfia $23.. flU' mandolin, son blk. First and Ash I , vm SALEMISCELLANEOUS. r ws , fBIN01CB and Wheeler and WDson Mwlnf ms- cbln efflo. We sell, lea or rent aw Bia. come; eld machine taken la part parmenii aeeond-band marblnea fs and Dp; other make of bcw machine $2S and apt needle for all make of machine; all kind f machine repaired and aoaranteed. S. B. Rtcfal, . aa Morriaoa at. Pbjo Mi In uu ! rUBH rOR EVKRTBODT Rlnf p Mala 4290 or ran zib rront at. w bar and Mil iur altar, ciotblnf of nr eld tlilo. BOLDEN'B RHEUMATIC CORE ar cor for rbeumatlnn. , Bold hr all draccMta. BII.MARD AND pool table for rent ar tor ale on eaajr payment. TUB BRDNflWIOK-BALRR-TOTLINDEB OtX, ' . . S Third at.. Portland. II I t PHONE MAIlf )7. f t I Eitra apeelal fornltor and toree: laraeat aeaortment. ebeapeat prlee la new and ono-oana foooa or ery O earn prion niptlna; aire i'ifi liV a a au ana oe eonnncea. I I THE DOLLAR. 233 Vint St., Near Ha OLD BOOK STORE raotoeed to 10S fifth and XU Beeaad ata. . , : 8H0WCAWRB and ftxtar. aew ' and aecond- aana. cariaoa RaUatrom, xs coaeB at. FOR BALE Nearly aew wafoa and harnea. - coean. io , ita at, , i I A 4-OTLINDER lt-borpowr Franklta anta dodii tor aai cheap. iDone Faeliie ivaa. Extra Star A. Star Shingles LARGS OR SMALL LOTS. s B. GILBERT. 114 FRONT ST. V NEW typewriter and roll top deak cheap - if uaeo a l one; laanna; Cll. : jU uw urn- - 8MB at epataira. . - - ' MACHINE lath, Olnch, awlnf foot or belt. s enocxa, in perfect condition, i. A. rree boranfh, IfoaUTilla, oppuall conraot. Pbon ; Eaat 411B. ;'.-- . . ,-v.. ; , m. AND 6 boraeoower anto marln enatnea; pat on la fau row boat. 80S Eaat Morrtaon. BARTER AND EXCHANGE, j LARGE ktock of farm , lmplomenta, a rood warenona, en railroad, and a rood, wall tabllahed boalneaa, with do competition, in a food Orefoa town, located sa a good famine; territory. Owner retlrlnr and will aell at Involc or will xchaor for good farm prop erty. For particular lnqnlr Lafayette B ty Co., 8184 Wasbioftoa L . FOR SALB r exrhanre for eordwood, cttr . property, ea B-boreepewer atadonary, one ' 18-borcepower portable enrln. Call phoM Eaat 484. or at 48 Alhlna ara. ; , OLD booka boarbt and aold at 188 Fifth at. and 211 Second t. Bylaad Broa. , SO ACHES, KehM. Waah., for Portland aabnrbaa lota. Eella Goaaett, owner, BlTerald office; ,' St. Johna car. .. -j-v,!'0 - 1.800 ACRES, with abont $8,000,000 feet of timber, to exchange ror income properry. P. O. Laeeea at Co., 874 First at. PortUnd, WANTED To erchana hlgh-rrad 28-lncb trqnk for 84-mcb cloth-lined, tc. woold boy. ,- PboB Woodlawa 1100. aBaaEaEaaBBaaaBDazacaaaaeanaBaaBaaaaBaaaBBBBaaBBBaBi PERSONAL LADIES! Ask yoar drngglst- for CMchtr pill, the insmona urana. ror 20 inn knowa aa beat, safest, always reliable. ; Roy of roar drnrrlst Take no other. Chl- rbeater Diamond Brand Pills r sold by druggist Trywhere. . nni.nriws HHEUMATIO CURB Sara rbeamatlma. Bold ar all d ror flats. . . , NOTICE- OT REMOTAL. : ' k. Kelner. tb forrler. will Lewi bldg. Msrch 1; looking for aoltahls Ineatloiit for nreeent mar b foosd St real- denco. 2M North 19th at. Pbon' Paelffe 84WT. Win call and f Ira estimates aa osoaL n,E8 Itcblng, bleeding, protrodlog; fissarea. "n,t eMtiP,tk,B "B0 u "l" eared la 10 to 80 day, wltbont th half or Hjratar. CH or writ Dr. T. J. Pierce, 181 Flrit ., Portlsnd. or. LADIES Dr. Rercbnm, gradast and rglstrd pbrslclsn, treat any and all yoar eomplamta . with skill and rarce, 1T0H Third st. aor- ner TamhlU. Pacific gza. GERMAN book, msraxlne. Bo Tela. te.t Ger . man, English. French, Spanish, Swedish aad Italian dlcttowanes; roreirn noos si - au . kind. Bcbmal Co., $28 First at. SUITS pressed while yoa wait, BOe. Ladies .uu. .. mA. r tlKv. IMU Mvth Beit to Quell.. PboB Mala awpi. ua Vf.T vtror reatored or Dr.' Roberti Nerr Globnlaa, On - month's treatment, $2) 8 nontba. 8S; sent seearery sealed by man. Agents. Weodird. Clark V Co. Portland. Or. MOLES, wrinkles, soperflaoos hair re moved. No ebsrre to tslk It over.- Mr. M. v. Him room $30 Fieldtwr hide. Phoa Fsclfle 18S, DR. Mtva C7TOONO. . tmnortar Cbln ti medicine; Mil Chines tea. certain car ror all diseases. iai go. Bet. xamnui ana Jayior. BALM OP FtOS for atl female diseases. 628 Eaat Belmont. Pbon Bast 4UB. . I MANICURING, fic mmniare and scalp treat ment. Try room 1, 803 4 Washington sr. MRS. OB ROCK; rradnat - msasem; esMset bath; salt glow, alcohol rob, cream msassgei references. , 188 Svath t,? Mala 4088. " Bff ATTRACTIVE! Plmpl blotches, freckles, M.,khMn.. , 'Is. mret . ecsens and falling hair cored nr bo charge; ..trial treatment free. Address Dr. T. J. PleTC. 181 First St., Portland. Or. - TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregonlaa Mdg. ladle days, gentlemen Bights. Mala lBoa. . BACK date of maraalne at 8 cents. Jonei Book atom, 281 Alder at. DR. T. 7. PIERCE, nectal!t, disease of womem all Irrernlarltles corrected; no ex- TxiDrT medicine . by tnall,"" Offlc ,W1 Flrit t., corner imniu, rortiana, or. . v . DR. FLORENCE) MARION retnrned from abroad to ner 01a vmces in uiv ssiiiug uiug, MIB3 LB ROT. 201 H Alder t., anites $ aad mkhiid qu ev:aip irvB.mvuti BECENTLT opened manlctirtng parlor rcmortd irom auivt to Biorrisoa st. room a. : WANDA the Palmist, 22 Fifth t.. don't need big di; her patrons adrartls hr. . Heading "S6c and np. , TOUNO- scientific maaeeuae give electrical. alcoholic and medicated treatment, lo tab bath. 41 Raleigh bldg., Sixth and Wash ington its. - , . DON'T be dull and Inactive ! Sexlne Pills ear all weakneee: $1, a box, 8 for $3; foil guar- ante. Addrea or call - J. ; G. Clemenson, .druggist. Portlsnd, Or, x : .; . ; mips gibshm give spaip treatment: asnaran. 2ttfft Morrison at., room 62. BATH parlors at SOTft Third at; ladle and gentlemen treated; apataira, room 14. LADIES; Dr. ht Franco' Compouad;' af, Speedy nguiaror; wa cents, orurgiers or msu; booklet fre. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR lumber of all kind, rough or unfsced. I call us op.- Whether your order ara large I or mU. w deliver promptly. IT via Bro.' - J iL4-. t Ci Jt-Y liiml y art. Jast -Eighth and gawthorni ar. tySeatngla3SllieaTC0I- -. Phone Bat FOR your contract apply to P. Lamard or boy day; cast aide. 863 Dlvlstoa. Any kind of - short Job of cement or plaster work, b ' tnent, bricklaying, chimney, painting spe cialty; prompt attantloo given. P. Lamard. INVENTIONS bonrht and aold. Oo tenant 0a trsct Co., 427 rlisd&M bide lUla ttl, . .. BUSINESS PERSONALS. ; 8KEIXT CO., 14tb and Flandera: flour, feed, bay, grain. Phone A 1611. Paclflo 811. ATTORNEYS. u H. TANNER, attorney. Roem 808, Com mercial blk. Second M& WaahlngtoB , ata., Pbon Mala 148. . t ' : PIOOOTT, FINCH BIOOER. attorney at law, $ Mnlkey bldg orar Beeood and Mor- rlsoa. ASSAYERS. 0ARTIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO., aad Montana Away Office. 188 Morriaoa at. BATHS MASSAGE. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment; hatha and maaaag. HOty Fourth t AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD M. OOTET. Area Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobile. fd lilac and Knox, Temporary loeatloa Clot earag. lota aua Alder ata. ARCHITECTS. ERNST KRONER, architect Plana and specif! estioo; . also nnuoin$ anpenntenaeace. H. O. DITTRICH, architect. 821 Wtlltam ar corner ucMiiiea at. Pbon East BUI. ART. - 1 FREE LEMONS IN ,it Embroidery Reery Day. ' j THB NKEDLFCRA FT 8H0F. 'V - $8 WaahlngtoB at B. H. MOOREHOOSB a CO.--Arrlta material. plctnre molding, pletnr framing. troptl laatara suae, gig Aider ar. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWB. DATIS KTLRAM. 108-111 Seeoad st. Blank booka aiarnfactored : rents for Jone Improred Looee-Lsaf led rare; tb Bw BBrMar,tM bat aa tniJjsmcs BrTCHRBS SUPPLIES 8. Blrkeawald OS. u-AA ATwron sx.r israssx ewrcow svpiv boo oa (b eoan, write ror catajogo. BCTCnRRS SUPPLIES Adolpb A. Dekam, 181-188 First St., carries a fall iib and 1 Plata assortment at hwsst market price. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed. $1 per month. woiqo lauoring au aisra , b. tr. TURNER, dyer; carpets dred a apedaW aua 4rieroa at. una zsio. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST BLAB WOOD CO. 8.18 Front, socceesors to rnlton Wood Co fir, oak, slabwood. cosj. TL Mala 1888. FOR prompt dellrsvy of labwood call Mala tto, oak. aan, nr ana cnu tnruan Wood dt Coal Co. lfltb aad Sartor ata. WESTERN FEED a FTJBL CO. - Hons aad blsckamlth eoele. onk. char coal, kindling. Pbon Mala 1018. TELEPHONE BAST T. " vN F. B. JONES CO., Wood aad OoaL. 181 East Water at. , OREOON FUEL CO. I now taking order for wood and coal far rotor oellrery. aa Alder at. Mla 89. ..1 . ,- CALL Steel Bridge Fart Co., pbon Eaat 424, ror rnoic wo. 1 nr comwooa, ory or green ldbwood; prompt dellTery; bath tide rlrar. Office aad dock foot Randolph at. CLAIRVOYANTS 5 AND PALMISTS. Always Consult the Beat. , -PROFKRHOR KHIMO. r Oreatsat living sstrsl dead tra see elalrveyaat of th sre; advmrr 00 tmslnes and all af fairs of life; tell year full name and what yoa celled for, ' whom yoa will marry, bow to control the on roa love, even tbooah mile sway; reunites tb separated; give secret powers to control; dor all others advertise to do. Hours 10 to 8. dslly and Sunday. Office, Noa. 8 and 4. Grand Theatre bldg., soil wain., near I'arr at. rnon main 101 MISS MAT ANDREWS Card reading, SB. 239 Bixtn r. corner Mara. ' PROFESSOR 'WALLACE, ' Portland' favorite clairvoyant, palmist and medium; reading 20c. 841H Mor cor. Tth. JOHN SLATER eircl tonight, 8:16 (harp; 189 Seventh; private readings flsny. 10 to at aame place. ...,-. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON. 804 Fourth at Office aad store fixture built and remodeled; aboweaa and counters. . Pbooe Mala. 1787. E. MELTON Office, Store fixtures; general Jobbing. 67 First st- Pbone Main 8180, CARPET CLEANING. THB Psclftc . Coast Carpet Rcnovatora eleaa yoar cerpeta 00 tb floor without removing rarnltur? rrom room, we raw no oust, remove all dirt sud rrt pot. , Phn STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Larreat plant on coast: Loring snd Harding sta.; pbon Bt Zno; esrpets cleaned, rentrea, sewea aaa laid; steam and compressed sir process; re novating mairresse ana learners a specially, JOYCB BROS., proprietor of the Electrte Cla- tar wortai earnets cleaned ana ism. notn ar and compresssd-slr clesnlog; carpet nflttlni: ear epecli elaltyi work msrenteed. Pbon Mala S6TS sod A 3673. 870 Gnat t. CHIROPODISTS. bBajasaai 1 sSkdisVs, WM. DBVENY a ESTKLLB DBVBNY, THB ealy scientific chiropodist, parlors ro ursw r.iag..i itm a n. rooe am mux, CH1BOPODY snd Pedlcortng. Mr. M. D. Hill. Room 880 Fleldatr Bldg. Pboa Picin ia. DANCING. ( DANCING lessons 2Bc. elaaeea and orlvete. dally. Prof. Wal Wlllson, ball 804 Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrison sta. Social dancing waits, two-step, three-step, etc.) etr danc ing, back and wing clog, rL Jig, Highland tuu, opanMU,. vio. ; - - t WOOTtWARD' DANCING SCHOOT-Clsss Mon TBora. ana Kit. v.l enciai. rancy and tp .dancing taught; B s1tnt tescher;. class and private leseon daily, western Acanemy ball, Second and Morrisoa ate. - Psctnc-1880. DENTISTS. DR. EARL O. McFARLAND dentist. Suites T10-T11-T13 Swetlend bldg. Phone Mala ZZ61, DR. W. R. KNAPP has returned from art. Offlc 10 HomlltoB bldg. ETiUCATIONAL. OREGON EXPERT COIXEGB. Commonwealth building. 8tb and Ankenr, fhone Main 8001. Telegraphy, shorthand, yprewTltlag.1 peBmansblp, English brsncbe. mdlvldusl Instructions, special, scbolsrsbtp. holmes business college. . Washington snd 10th sts.. Fllrdner bldg. Bookkeeping, 8bortbsnd, Typewriting snd all English brsncbe taagbt. both dsy sad eight, FINANCIAL aid to air-worthy young ladles who wlsb to take a shorthand course. - Apply at once st office. 617 Commonwealth bldg, Rlxth and Burnsldr at. -Your neighbor's house ; may have been placard 1 ed "For Sale" for a long . t. . : . r . s .... tune; dui 11 ne nas laxeiy umns of The Journal you will soon see mov ing vans at his door , cafes. ; THE orririt 2 Wuhlngton at., phoa Mala ill; Bimiiil vignenx. - DRESSMAKING. URfl. VAUOHAN. txperlenred drastnkr, 862H East Burnald at. , Pbon Eaat 2817 MADAME ANGELES 2tJ Fifth. Paetfl 8S1 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. 1. WAL8H CO.. 811 Stark at. Electric aad Gaa Flxrore aad Bopplle. ' Manteia, ivui, urate ana vogiroaa. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Eerloeera, contra e- - tor, repairer. lectnc wiring, aoppllea, at rirat, aor. Stark. Mala 850. . H. Tata, mgt, WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 81 Sixth t. Contractora, electric anppilea. Hot oca aad oy Bamos) w mauu ugnt ana power piasc. MORRIHON ELECTRIC CO., rW Bart Morriaoa St. rixftiree, wiring, repau-lng. - East 8128. t ENGINEERING. O, H. GOflSKTT, gnglnew aad surveyor. Offlc 88 Waehtortoo bldg. . ornr Fourth and Washington) residence Olenwood. Mala 8588. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORKS Bseoad and Everett eta. Pbon Mala 8000. GASOLINE ENGINES. . GASOLINE ENGINES. " Btarlonarv and marine) i electrla saalD- menu; launches; acreaaorlesj wholessl and retalli. engine repiiring. tuiersoa stacnuwry CO., 183-4-8. Morriaoa aL BHRFFIKLD marln nglae. Any Bropetlara. - rsirosnas. mors a us. rirsx ana atara ata. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicit pperts Ity to qoota price. T4 Sixth at. Pscifl 4M. HOTELS. HOTEL PortUad. Amerlcea plan. $8, $8 per dsy, BELTILERE; Boropsaa plaa; 4th aad Alder ata. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITE, fir tnsuranos. Sbr- BSCB Mdf. . ' :,' . ,:.: W." L. PAGE. iBswraae! mployr llabllltr. urety bond, burglar and accident taaaraaoe. Phoa Mala $28. 804 Falling bldg. JAS. Mrl. WOOD, mployer' liability and ra- 01 vidua I accident security bobos or au hbo. Phone 4T. 802 McKay bldg. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MASTICK a CO.. Front and Osh eta. leather aad aklaa ef every dssenptios for all parpoaestr sol, aad tap eattnat finding. ! - . LAND SCRIP. WANTED aad for aal An kind. Including approved forest reserve scrip for surveyed, -aa-surveyed, timber aad prairie gsverameat land. B. M. Hamilton. "Tb Portland." Portlaad. MONUMENTS. NED a KINGSLBT, 268 tint at. PertUod leading marble aad graalt works. MONUMENTAL' BRONZB CO. Most dnrabl grav headetonM. ' Room IX. 208 etark st. MACHINERY. . TRENKMAN OO-Mlnlng. aawmlll. log ging machinery) hydraulic pipe, catting; U kloda repaired. 104 North Fourth at, . THB H. C. ALBEB CO. Secesd hoal I chteery, eewmlll. etc Jttt rnaJ,, : PAINTTNG AND PAPERING. FOR rellabl work, reasoaabl prices. Sheen Bros, S82U Tsmhul. aar 4th. Mala 8072. P. A. DOANB will rtn for satisfactory work. yoa th best estimate 188 TamhlU t. MONEY TO LOAN. nmimsmisnsssmstsimstmm fM$$S)$$$S$t)$$$$$$$ttSt$le$ll$IUi , ill it SAT.ATtT IjOANS $1$ TO EVERY ONE WORKING, LOW RATES. tttt ttts EAST PAYMENTS. NO MORTGAGE NO INDOR8ER. 8TATE SECURITY CO., ttttt Ittttt ttltl ltt r ttt tt tstt ttt 704 DEK.UM 8$ .- HOURS B A. M. 10 f. tn. a - ' DAjunuAi i.uij o . .... j v tttttttttttttitlttt lllttlttSttltllSSIl SI$$lll($$$l$I$8 8eeee4 MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property or for bull a tag Burpoee. for from 8 to 10 year' tlm. with privlleg to repay aU or part ef tea after ! two year. Leans approved from plan and money advanced a building progresses, ssorc gagea taken Bp and replaced. FRED 0. STRONG. Flnaaclal Agent. '.- . . ; $43 SUrk at. . . - - CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aalart. In rn ranee pollcle, pianos, rurnltun. warenous reesipi. etc.! ny deserving person msy secure a lib .oral advance, repiyuf by . aaay whly monthly tnataTlmenta. i NEW ERA LOAN a TRUST COMPANY, , SOS Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY loaned salaried people Jnat ea yoor own name; dea't borrow until yoa eee met my ayatem I tb beat for railroad ma. clerks, bookkeeper, streetcar men and n other em ployes; pasines metre eoannentisi. r. . Newton, Kit Ruehauxn bldg. Waahlngtoa sL. between Foorth aad Fina. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB-and , others apon their owe same without eerur , lty; cheapest rate. s1t payment: offlc In rw principal cine; ssv youraav sww . by getting our term first. . . ' TOLMAN, $28 Ablngtoa bldg.. 108ft Thtrd tt WANTED Note, mortgage or coo tra eta el u.4 v M.I M.h.e in cw. roe and Wsab' : mrtnut cond mortgage purchased If wn secured. H. IS. Noble. 818 Commercial bib, DON'T hor eMwier ' weitTl F) S Euttca credit co. , . BIS Deknm bldg. MONEY to losn; Isrr loans speetaltyt ata building bans; loweat rat,; Mr taiqraaca, "WUltsm O. Beck. 81$ FalUBg bldg. ... CRESCENT 1JAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg- Mnner to lend oa aey-paymeut piaa ro wag, earner; ctrlctly confldotlal. : ,;-::X v,vv MORTGAGE Knene st current rate; bo eor. mnwtna. ooiumou a Trnax uompaar. Lumber Etching bldg.- -y::-.. ,,:--; MONEY to loan on all kind of ecurlty. Wll- Ham HolL room 8 waablogtoa bldg. v TO LOAN Snma to ult oa chattel ascurtty. B A. tsme, 81 tne warquam. x-:-.,;.v QUICR loan on. 11 acur1H. . B. W. Ktng. 40 waaninrtoa nor. ' atain tiw. ON mortgage. $300 to $.! cost aapera only. Ward, lwrr. A nary mag. t'.-,,t A LOAN for tb khtg Salary or chart!. Th Loan Co., 410 Uekum bldg. -.-.-a EAST payment liwr to salaried eoonle. Em- ployes' Loan Co., Tib Dekum bldg.. usw tm. $500 Ta 81.0O0 or mar to load oa well Inv prove! insine pro perry si o pr cent; no bona. Postoffle Box 848, cltyr - v MXTSICAL. THB WEBBER STUDIO MsBdolla. -Dae)o, valtar uutroctioos. wssoioskib ax. i PIANKJ. violin, ,?eornet, trombon, elrlnet.f Pre feasor B. A. smitn. as iztn si. aia 7ua. PRINTTNGs-i THE MODERN PRINTER Y Art tstl print In. $8 BosMi bidg roerta aaa Mornsoa. rsoo Pselfle 1638. . . EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circulars to eatalorues and oewspsper. . Mctropolltaa Printing Co., .147 Float St. . OGILBRB BROS., printers-Cards. '- blllbetd, ata, fhoaa auia uoa, $oj ivn a, j. OSTEOPATniO rnYSICIANS. DB LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, epectallst ea aerrons, sent aad ebrool dlsaee. j.OffM ' $17 Fratoa bldg.. Phoa PaelfW 1180. - - DR9. ADIX a NORTH RCP, 41B-18-1T Dekam bldg. Third ud Washlnrtoa ata. Pboa Main 848. Exammstloa fre. 4. PLUMBERS. FOX CO-Bltarr pmmber. 881 Beeood, bet. Mala aad Bslmoa. . Oregon phoa Mala 8001. DONNERHERO a BADEMACBBB No. 803 Burnstd at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. ' F. B. BEACH CO. Th P looser Pa let Os. wtadrw glass aad glaslag. 188 First at. -Phoa 1884.-, STREET PAVING. WARREN Coaatractloa Co., atrset paving, aid. . waiaa aaa crossiag. bis Mmosr aixceaaga. THE Barber Alpha It Pa,lnf Co. ( PertlaadV ACClM SAM Ug ttmtmm Mb. , - - . REAL ESTATE. ' t PARR1SL. W ATKINS a CO., 290 ALDER ST. . Beal eat, re. ran tale, loan ad tnrarssc. . W msk 8 specialty of hand ling restals tnd property for reeldeata and Bos rsslJ t. r BAuoiisoea ibis. - roooe mmm im. . I. W. OOIf.BEB. real estate and leaaat astaa- llahed 1888. 146ft lint at., room 11. SPHINX AGENCY, dealers la real eetate aad rental. 805ft Btarh at. Mala 8184. V FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. v W. W. RSPEY. $18 Commercial bide. RUBBER STAMPS. V P. O. STAMP WORKS. 84$ Alder t.t pboa Mala tio. Bobber (tamp, bmm, tncns: sag gage, trad check) braaa lgn aad plat. SEWING MACHINES. PHONE Paelfl 2788 aad I Personally wiU eaD oa repair yonr eewing machine; wora guar- aateea. a. aame, anjosrer, aoi tbb-o ,. STENOGRAPHERS. PUBLIC steaograpber aad typewrit. Phoa Mala 12 814 Dskum bldg. SIGNS ANTrSHOW-CARDS. FOSTER a KLBI8EB SIGNS. We kave built aa the larreat aura fa th dty by first-class work and keeping ewr prom I m. Oar price an rlgbt. , Fifth aad Everett tt. Pboa BxehSBg 65. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Port leod Sl$ Co. 287 BUrk at. Pboa paein loaa. CARDS THAT CATCH THB BYB",Bt wort ia th city. Betts, 800 Dskum bldg. Mala 008. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BHOWCASEB of every deserlptlaai bank, her and store fixtures msoe to oroor, io mui MoaufictarlBg Co. Portland. . H. BIRDSALL, dealmer; sreat M. Whiter Lamber Co. -I smlltoa bldg. Mala 8580. TRANSFER AND HAULING. tftfisaassaassaaaaBagBBSjaaabA SAFES,: pianos and furnltur aaoved. pocked ready for shipping and abippeo; wora guaranteed; large 8-story brick fireproof war boo, for torar. Offlc $0$ Oak -at. Olaea e Roa. v Pbone Mala 547. a O. PICK, offlc 88 Pint St., betwee Start and Oak ata.i pbon ooa. pisno and rarn tnr moved and pecked for ahlpplngi mm dloas brick wsrebons with separata Iroa rooms. ' rront aad Clay ata. NATIONAL TRANSFER Ac BTORAGB CO. SOS Oak st. I tslapboa a.aia 4W. Traaucrfiaf and atorlng. , ', OREGON TRANSFER CO. 184 North Sixth att pboa Mala 88. Heavy hauling aaa etorasa. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE a TRANSFER CO, Btorag. .824 stark st. Msta OT. SAFES. POBTLAND SAFB CO.. ol s rents for Her. rlng-Hsll-Marvla safes aad Msngaaes ereei Ssfs Co.' bank safes; 0 second-hasd fire proof safes sad tank eafea. vary ebsspl SM tfiem or writ us. n aevenui n., DIEBOLD Msranase Safe Larg Una carried, Locx-Oute Opened. Jack. Jails, Metal Fur- . Bltun. iionest price ana uooae. - i bmb phones, j. is UAV IH, oo xnira sc. TTPETjVTUTERS. HEADQUARTERS tor new and rebuilt type writers f all makes; see ear window) If yo . ra going to buy a new type writer see aa he : fon boylng; we can av yoa moeeyt w ' here parte ror" repairing an macnmesi ante agents for the Visible Fox; we bay all kind or typewriters. tne typewriter vxcuautav I oc., B. J. Ellison. magr. -rsira sx. BLICKENBDBRFER Typewriter Arsscv; up. piles) reps In, ensir. neieira diii., mil PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. taa Wsab. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLBAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, braso. soap. 61 per mouth. Portlsnd Laundry a Towel Supply Co, Ninth snd Coach. Pboa 410. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. ; - M. A. GUNST CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CI0AM, .PORTLAND. OREGON. , RTwnnTNG a FARRELL. erodoce aad mission merchant. 140 Front at, Portlaad, Or. Phoae Maia itb. : OREGON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO, Manafactnrera of fornltun for th trad. ; Portlaad, oresjpa. WADHAMS a OO.. wholeeals grocer, mana. fscturers and Oommlssloa marchanta. Foarth and Oak sts. - FURNITURE msnufacturlng snd special order. : L. Buvemky's faraltare factory. 807 Froat st. ALLEN LEWIS, com m taste aad produce mar- chants, Froat aa us vis sts., rortiana, or. WHOLESALE crockery snd glssewsi Hegel Co, PortliBd, OrsgofZ r. Prael, 8). W. SIMPSON, SOI Wishlngtoa t-Whole ssl dsster ta grain aad bsy. , THB OREGON CHEESE CO. (INC.) CHEESE, mlttek, buub, etc., aairy proaucta Boaght or naaaiea on oommission. in rona ac (Swetlsnd bldg.), Portland, or. llOOFINO. TIN ROOFING, gotterlnr. repairing and geseral jobbing. 4. Ivoaii, jerrereon u. ra. ijh, TRANSPORTATION. r iror tacttto btbajusbxt 00,1 Steamships KOANOKE ,. - and CEO. j w ELDER Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and (aa Angelea direct every Thursday at 8 p. m, xioket office lt$ Third, near AJdor. Pbcnaa M. 1811; wt H. YOUNG. Aacant AXLAJT tlKB OCBAJT BTXAMSATPB LTVIRF00L, OLASO0W, LONDON. HAVRE. New ateamera VICTORIAN and YISOINIAN, trlnle-acrew turbine enzlnea and TUMISIAsT. C0R81CAN and 10NIA if, twin-screws. Remem ber, oar sailings ar Weekly from MONTREAL, pa aalng oowa in picturesque Bt. Lawrence river br daylight. Accommodation Botur- paaaed. Bate; Balooa $80.00 and apwardai second cabin $40.00 and upwarda. . Oa das Cabin Steamers $40.00 and apwards. , ALLAN a COMPANY, 174 Jaokaoa bout.. Cnleag :-Someone DIDread the' ad. . in The Journal . you-ov er 1 ooke d the - other day and is now telling her friends about - her "luck" in securing the "bargain of , the sea r BOIU BANKS UTTB) STATES BAT10HAL BARK OF PORTLAND, OREOON. ' . V ' Northwest Corner Third and 0 Tranaaeta 8 OoBaral Banking Bahisa. ' DRAFld ISHVKO AvalUbl la All CStM ef th Pulted State and Europe, Hongkong and Mnlla.'; Collection mad oa FavoraM T"'"'' President......., jTo. A1N8WORTI1 ICaehler.. .....Bk W. B TIMi t Vlo-PMBUdaK.,....,,.....B. LEA BARNES AlUBt Cb1er ,..W. A. liuLf Asslstsnt Cashier.. LDD a TTXTOV. BAVUaBrtUad, Ongea. . ,-.'.. W. hi. LADD. O. 1. LADD. V . . W. LADD. .... Batsbllshed 1858. ;. Traaaaet Oeuersl Bsnklng Basin. SAVINGS BANK DEPABTMENT?i1njooh8 ' 1 isod oa savlnra denoatts. Interest nald ea tltn ' ' ERCRABTr VATI0NAX SA2TK Perils '.: " ' am wva s c iuvhi H0TT ....Chbjr . M . . .... Trnet a OwBwral Bask lag Boalness. Drafts and Lttr of Credit lera Available ' All Parts ef th World. Collections a SpocUlty. . TBS : BAVX OF CAjUTORRIA Zitabllihed pltsl nald an 84.000.000 General Banklag aad Eichasrs Basis SAYINGS DEPARTMENT Account " .,. Portlaad Breach Chamber M ACRE A.. , Manager I wm. n. FIRST 1TATI0RAX BAXK Portlaad, Oregoa, Oldest National Bank oa th PsslfM 0. ' CAPITAL AND BUBPLCS, $1,800,000.00. DEPOSITS, $14,000,000.00. ' A. L." MTLM. . . :..Pvestdot IW.o. AT.Y0RD...'...'....v...AlstsBt Cashier , I. W. NEWKIRK. , Cashier TRUST COMPANIES PTXART roOTf-- COMPANY OF OXtOOBTha Oldest Trust Compear ta Orsgea. REHOURCE8 OVER 62,000.000. Oeoeral Banking. Two per cent Interee. en bck 10. - oBta (Ta aandreds) aa dally halasce of $500 or aver. Lttn ef credU aad siebaar . a all part ef th world. Sarlag aceoaata. , Tim certificate, $ M 4 per centi sbnrt-call pwlal srtlflcstes, $500 or arm', 8ft to 4 per net. Call for Book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS." Soutbaast Comae Third sad Oak Streets. - Phone Private Eiehsnr TI, RENT. T, COHDN. President B. LEI PAGET ,Bjf?r,ji!ify ICTrRrrr SAYTROS A TRVST OOBTPAbTT-SM Norrlssa Streei Fvrtlaad. 0rgea. -h , TraBMCta a General Basking Bustaess. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. laterest allowed oa ' time aad Bsrlogs Aocoants. Acta a Trastse for Beta tea. Drafta aad Lttr f Credit : :-, Arailabl ea AO Part of th World. ' ' F. ADAMS.. ...j... .....Preeldsut L. MILLS ......BecoBd" Ylc-Pre1dat I . GEO. RUSSELL... a ITU GUARANTEE ft TRTT8T COMPArr-848 Waakingtoa Street, r.'.- MORTGAGE LOANS oa Portlaad Real Estate at Lowest sUtaeV, '.. . -. Title latured. Abstract. Farnlebed. , . .1 $. TH0RBURN ROSS........ Prestdeat GS0RGB H. HILL Vlc-Pr ldeat BONDS AND M ORXII BEOTHXRaV-Chamhs at CBaero Raildlag, : , r :,. , Mtrnlctpal, Railroad ad Public Sirica Corporarloa Bond. DOWVUf G-HOPXIRS COMJABT IsUbllshd 1M8 BR0KI18, , ' STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought aad Sold for Cash aad aa Martha. Privet Wfn. ROOM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. OTcrl)CCk-StaiT&-Cookc Co.! '. rw A ixajOTLT OoattBaoaa Market by Privet wire. Quick aaa vain ataxae TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 3 TWM B. B. sTpOkUa, TBBa 14, 0t JtQy 18, SSI Af. QmewB, Tuly IS. SL B. BatuttoF. J' U. X. aVZsaVBKA B0Tm V . ttarwar. antlta, 9xm R war ports. ,.; j,. , aauuia; m y. as .. ; '-ph -.;. X. a B. Oo-'a KTunoold...tay t. It, SJ OotUf city, wia, Bit... Kay . XB, 81 City of BeatUa. . , . . , May , IS, RS ""Ajr nijrozsoo Boxm. " Bailla- aw bv rwom Mmm. City of aDU.,............y ;o Baaj.... . May 10, SB Umatilla,.,. ..........May 16, 30 City Cffloa, t4S WMllllMrk BV ilMltS itii ROUTE OF THB Oriental Limited Croa!n$- th Caacada and Rocky Moud- talna Dy cayiifnt. , , Compartment , . Observation Cars ' Standard And Tourist Sleepers. DINING CArfSERYICE UNEXCELLED Connectlnc . Yraln leavaa Portland daliw 11:48 n. m.: two other arood trains dally at 8: SO a. m. and 7 p. m. For further ' Information 1 racardlna; ralee. berth and tlckt. call on or addraag H. L1(JK.SUP4, U. r. k A, An ? n 122 Third Street, Port- . land, Oregon - , neon maiy aaa " Ho! For Astoria FastSteamerTelegraph Pally (axcept Thursdaya). LaavaaAldai Btraat dock f a. ra. 0n MAXat 865. . Colombia River Scenery axair&AYToa van btmamdbmm 1;-; ' Daily servle BtwM Portlaad aad f Th Dalles, eieeot Suoday. Maying Portlaad at V a. ata arriving about 8 p. m esrrylng freight aad psasengsr. . Splendid ooomoioU- Mm tnm tmtiitm and livestock. ' fen. At Alder at- Portlandt foot ef Court at. Th Dall. Phoa Mla 814. Portlaad. WaalBtoaviaw -soak. t-Mtiv excent Sunday, for Tha Dallas and way landlnf a, at 7 a. mHraturnlng 10 B. XH " Hoax lima, uni ri r Phoneei Mai. S1841 Bloiaa. A. 11. 84. GGeeVo Th Wn-Kaw . aUllabh) CHINESE : em WM : DOCTOR Ra mad a lit atodr of root aad herb. od la that study discovered and . ia giving to th world hla wonderful remedies, j V0 MIBCT71Y, POISONS 0B CRTOS TJSYT BE cuss wirnvvi vruaiiua, og WITH0DT THE AID Of A KXISX. H. goarsBtee to cur Catarrh. Asthma, Lang. .Throat, Bheomatlam .Nervousness, Nervou ' Dehlllty. Btomarb, Liver, Kldner Trouble: slso Lost Manhood. Female a and All Privet tH see sea. A SURE CANCER CUHE feat Xsoslvsd From Fektnr. Chta Bsfa, ' 'tar' :. ' ' ,.a).f :VAasMj, js'ss- IF ! YOU ARB AFFLICTED. TVtNT DELAY. DBUATB III ais.flUli.KUtS. If yoa cannot call, writ for eymntnm blank and circular. lockaw 4 cents lo .,u -,.. CONSULTATION TEX C. tl C iua r:-t , . XI ; Str.Chas.R. Spencer .A. M. WRIGHT i, Oregon. .Tlee-Prsde"! s a. vita'" m " . . 6E0BGB W. HOYT ..AsalsUat Chto m M . . , - L . . 1184. Xssd Office. Baa tYaaolaea, Callfore's, I Surolus aad andtvlded peoftt $10,158,8.8 I Burt Trsaaactsd. Interest a Tim Deposits. may be opened f $10 aad apwara. -: I of Commerc Balding. . ' J. T. BnRTCH AELL...,,.. Assistant Msnsge B. F. STEVENS .Second Aaslstsnt Ceshle IE H. L. PITTOCK...... Vlc-Pres1dewt O. GOLTRA. AltBt Secretary I U A. LEWIS. ,.;..,. ...First YVm-Prestdeot B. O. Assistant Secretary .Secretary 1 JNO. B. AITCHISON... .Soentary T. T. BPRKHART Treref INVESTMENTS Phoa V tra FT, Wrn'trdTtL i?.-'','? bwportuBdT'orlgo. 00MalB8I0N BTJBIVX.sV Berrlce. REFERENCErW-Lad Tntna, Bsakesa, . or roatT&Airo OBuaaorr ;,. i - 1.; ,.r. ;( amJ Cmuti sseVr at Lam fti Aaay Orassa INSURES AlJt KINDS OP . UTVB STOCK. AGAINST -DEATH FROM ANY . ' CAUSE " l 'j V -- aBamlBaRBBBBBB, " - - ; - - . V- ' - $9 9 afcaWfJ" PfwalHat Trsa, & Smith V.Pras. t. H. Orsea Oenl Mr," ' Ja. M. Ober Sccntarr H. B. Stemlsc Osnltssa. ) tLanf Si BweslTGsBsrM Coaasat MEMBSR : Psetlaad Chamber ef i PertUad Board of Tiade ,1 MFBRRNCXS Oasgse Trail sad gevtoga Bank PordeadOn, The Bradiuset Cosapsar t, O. Paa At C Cniralsl Agsy , .. W mshs bo pismli wa do as falsi W $ yoa a dl Lofta$ , BOMB OmCS t-T-l UFA TBTTS8UXX Can aYasAaagraa J Sttk rVrhWOm Evcryl7c:n aiiussrsawa ana sooaia bbow ... about the woaoarful MASVTL Vhirlfla Spray us sow vsrass sjiasje. iMiea. neaesM aumon, lit nac as Moss Convalni, wltrinans Imialls. 1 ----- ' ns eannet swoj v uu SBIBbSSSDiaa - other, bat ssnd strain foe llliiatrsted book eialia. M i full Dartlsolars and direction, in. vajuaus to lariiea. mawal, ctkw B. aaa bt Baw bokkT" Tor Bala, bv ' VOOSAROi CXABJCB CO. AND LAUX.SATIB van vu-s aiuau. Scott's Ssnlal-Pejsn G.;s:::3 A POSITIVE C'JHZ For Inflsmsastloa erOatarrtiof the Bladder and l)lead hid. its. B0 tuaa BO tAf . Cure ilckly aad permanently th worst esse of asomearraeem ad ailsea, at matter of how long stanum. Aosoiatsiy harmless. Bold by druggist. Frio 81.(10. or br BiaiL boss. BelJ, $L00,t box, $4.10, tj:esastjillts:ki BcUrdosiUlBa, ObJaa by AU DTuggfcrte, GMJtemdf, ,v',:', ".' inn Jbr, i BBYBB, KBOWir nib , Tarns t s Xsttash 4 Oahoha aaa OopMbala I sWea,meikadAarsisAarfa ' naorrhoea. (leek, wait. . -"- to tak, oBvsatak to oarrs. Futf CSWOBAi 0 Bow A MarUn'a. 823 Waahiastoa St.. Pertlaad, Oregon i or by mall fro Tha Tarraat Co.. 44 Hudson st. Nsw York. -' . M 1 ' ' GEARIN TO ADDRESS . U. OF 0, GRADUATES ;:.:.V': Vrt- : i-' "" If' ':0s, f if " (Special Dispatch to Th Joeral TTnlvaraltv of Oreron. Eugene. Ma It- Ex-Senator Joha M. Ooartn will daUvar th. addrea, to th university aenior claaa during commencoment week. Tha senator did tha ww wrwi moo- tost danaetment at Portland.. 4Ud It W8S : ao well Ukd that ho haa baan asked to do tha aama for tha aamor c Th, eliu niimhari It, fi Tay) Of them . an tha boat debaters tha univaraity aver had, X C. Vaatch and Hug, MoKlanay Latouir-tta and Chandler ara among tha heat atbiotea thayr ran torv OragoRJ Altogothap tha elaaa haa been a vary Pfomlnaht na In uni varaity Ufa. and wUl go 4 m annala of old Oregon aa A mamorabla V iaurean Society's Officers. V'pedst flsoetcb .to Th Journal.) " Th Laurean oc!ety of tna .. f haa elected tne xoimw Prealdant, P. BoJ V! ' Orover Kwt!fr,; r" ford: alr-tant ' cor-- vrer; trf'irer, v. WltV K- ' ? "' debates, l: r- X aV a "vc -i,t i .s i a x? - CF tt