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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 11. -1S37. 13 Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 13. San iTrandsco Office Oregon Journal 769Market,St., bet. 3d IV 4th , - BCaUPTIOMS CEXTSn. t fOregonlana when In Ban Francisco can have their mall sent In car Of The Journal fllee, ; j ARTHUR U FISH, . Rnreeentstlve- NEW Tor AY. For 5ale, by Owner New modern 6-room house, thor ouehlv well constructed and fin ished, modern conveniences, nice ly located on East Taylor and East Seventeenth streets, within a few blocks of High schooL Price $3,850 Easy Terms INQUIRE 6G0 E. TAYLOR ST WHEN AWAY FROM BOMB Coptea of The jooraal caa be obtained hi the foliowtnf title and towna aatatda of Ore roe. The Journal would , appreciate the receipt af ; report of failure to obtain cop lee of the paper . ei an or inroe piarea; ;, i c COLFAX. WA8HINOTON A. B. Bin. J walla Walla. Washington wail Wan Stationery Company! Rorere-Heewell Com : P"r Hotel Dacrea Newa Stand) Cnloa Clear Btaad; Central Newa Company. ' TACOMA. WASHINGTON Hotel Taeoaa Hew stand, lift Booth Penrth atreetj Oeacral New Co. People'a Newa Co. 6EATTLB. WASHINGTON Rainier Bra ad New Stand; International New Areocy ' Newapaper Waroo; Hotel Seattle New atand! Kaatern New Co. -SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Amo New Ooea . , pany, Nawepaper Wairon. ; - ! 6POKANB. WASHINGTON Job W. Graham MINN BAPOLIfl. l4TNNBSOTAJ I. Caea. - aaorb. (SO Third afreet, eootb. BT. LODI8, MISSOURI B. T. Jatt S0 0M . afreet; Georye L. Ackertnaa, B. W. Cor. Elfrbth and Ollre atreet. 4NSAS CITY, MI8SOCBI Toma Newa Com pany. Nawepaper Wagon, Cnloa Arena t'ewa Co., oppoalte Colon depot. ' CPic.AGO, IIXINOI8 P, O. Newa Coatpaay, ' . ITS Dearborn afreet. DENVER, COLORADO Cnloa Depot - Maw 'V Stand. - -u- LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Anoa Mew Company, Newapaper Wagoa. - OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Amoa Hew Oaet- pany, Newapaper Wagon; Hale Newa Co. SAN FB a NCI SCO. CALIFORNIA N. Wbeattee New Company, Newepapee Wagon t Foater Orear, Ferry bonding; Jonnena pirw tCna : . puny. 1481 Fillmore atreet; Amo Maw Oo - New Wagon. ' SALT LAKB CITT. UTAH Roaenfeld St Htn- eon. Newapaper Wagon; 0. U Darlea, Hotel Kenyoa Barrow Bro, 48 ,Wet t Second afreet. Booth. ' 1 OODBf), t'TAH Gra New Compaay. Depot nwr Biaoa. . ... OA. AHA. NEBRASKA Millard Hotel , Haw Maaa. NEW TORK CITT Arthur Hotallag. Newa- peper wagon. , -'- .!,- NORFOLK, VA Kroir Goald. ' iiU'jju-jjuB ! ! , rrrriTiTnMWaBaBiMMnBnni WEATHER REPORT, A 'high prewar area la central orer tie north Pacific atatea, and fair weather contlnne ererywbere oa the Pacific alope. Light froat occurred thla morning generally throughout tb uintwMua nies. id trougn or tow pree aure In the middle weat baa adraneed to the Mlaelaelpp! ralley, and bower and thunder atorma bar occurred In Texas, Oklahoma, Kan- eaa, aiinoan, low a, Minneaota, tb Dakota and upper Michigan. A weak blgh preaeure area everlle the Atlantic tatea and fair weather prevail In that section, with temperature . generally allghtly abore normal. 1 It I much coolet la northern Texaa, Oklahoma, Kaaaa uu iri'riiH, ana siigniiy cooler in u tem tory adjoining that dlitrlct. The indication are for fair and warm weather la tbl district Wdneday. ...,....-.1.. iv..,. .. ..Temp. ' . ' M... . Mtn awtn n iMULt, uwr,w .,,., YU Bismarck, North Dakota... 88 Boa ton, MaeaachOMtU ....74 Chicago, lUtoola 84 Cincinnati, Ohio .......... 80 Denrer, Colorado .......... 8 Lo Angela, California.... 72 New Orleana,' Louisiana.... S4 New York. New l'ork...... 68 Omaha, Nebraska 68 Philadelphia, Peansylranla. 70 Portland, Oregon ,. 64 St. Louis, Mlaaourl 83 St. Paul, HlnneaoU., 58 Salt Lake, Utah........... 62 : Han Pranclaeo, .California., 70 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . Mrs. 8. B. Welch to J. P. Former, lot 12, block S, Park addition to Alblna.. : ' Samuel B. Foaler to Annie M. RommelL .lot 2, block , Park addition to Alblna B. F. and Elba E. Preston ta M. O'Brien. ' lot 12, block 60; lot 11, block 60, ex- ' ceptlug strip off north aids 16 feet ' wlde , U. and Ellen O'Brien to Katherlne B. , Cahalin, earn property aa abore...-.., Jane Q. Buckman to Cbarlea H. Bene dict, lot 18, Lamargent Park No. 2..,. a 0. W. and Charlotte Patterson to D. ' Garner, lot 11, block 15, ClOTerdala Exteoaioa No. 2... ' Robert W. and Minnie a Wilson to trusteee of X, M. C. A, lot 8, block 48, Sellwood .., ...T." Lew Walker to J. F. Martin, Iota 6 and 6 and east 18 feet of lot 7, block 2, ... s. Waeerl rwnt mir. ;-.T. Sycamore Beal Estate comrany to Fred Marty, lot 8," block 14. Kern Park...., C. M. and Mary J. Martin to A. E. Eastlund, lot 12, block 18, Sherlock 'a addition : John D. and N. Mabel Hewitt to H. J. Pnlfer and C. T. Llllard. 40x100 feet beginning at a point en eaat Una of f East Tlilrty-foarth street 148 feet . south Of south Una of Hawthorne are- ana John D. and N. Mabel Hewitt to H. J, Pulfer and C T. Llllard, 40x100 feet beginning et a point in eatit line of , Kaat i Thlrty-fonrth. street 106 feet , south of south Una of Hawthorne are- nue ...--.......... John D and N. Mabel Hewitt to H. J. Pulfer and C. T. Llllard, 40x100 feet ' . Iieglnnlng at a point en east line of . Eaat Thirty-fourth atreet 65 feet sooth ' of aonth line of Hawthorne srenne.... ' C. W. and Minnie J. Darla to Municipal Railway Improrement company, " west M of southwest H of section 88. township 1 north, range 2 eaat, except- lng northeast Vt of northwest of said southwest 14 of said section 83... ' Ellen A. and Lewla M. Tyler to Mar 860 810 4 10 too 250 850 400 1.250 1G0 10 10 10 10 10 garet a?. Xvoot, aouio bv ieet 01 mi it and weet 15 .feet of south 60 feet of kit Id, block 13, Goldsmith's addltloa.. . poo F. W. and Ida E. Torgler to Alfred and Marie Malm, east 22 feet of krts I and 3 and weat 14 feet of loU 7 and , , ' : Mock t, DoUa a addltloa.....;...,.... 2.600 PUlllo 'and Martha : Buebnef to- 8. C, - n.rh. lota 10.' 11. 12. 18., 14 and 15. block 18. Arbor Lodge.......v.w,...t.. 1.200 Anoa H. and Franklin-f sttea to s. c. -Kdlth C. Bowles. JoU IS and Id.. bio'k lifl. Piedmont..,.........; ..'1.200 Cr-ifnt Lend company,-to Tnomae T. . l'lTiy, M 1, block Keyetone addl- ' tlon . .......-...'............ 060 " e I end Company of Oregon to TUlls . 3. Iuk. M 8. block 16, ,Clty View pk ......v.... ,160 V 11 ed C'liarlotte McMoniea to Grace . . o. l iuln. Wt 8, block 11. Glnaco v , lark ..,..... ,000 0Z M ') .21 68 JO , 64 . J 00 .0 28 ' , .22 . 60 JO .74 JO -64 .0 8 T. 62 .0 " 48 " .0 84 T. ; 88 .02 62-.0 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Caroline L. and Ferdlmaa Dresser" to ; Oors B. Smith, lot t sod 4, block 223, llolladay's adtlllioa ... .. M. L. and Mary W. Hllbrook to Ana , Knight, lot II. Mock i, Cheater Place, Bt John, i ...... Portland Truet Company of Oregon to KlUabefb. H., Jaqua, lot 16 and north 18 feet of Jot 15, block 12, porta. month Villa Extension...,.;.........; J. L. Drinker to James H. and Dexeey A. Baylor, lot 6. , block 28, Alblna Homestead ........................... Mettle and H. W. Reed to Lmi, E tella .Lyndon, lot 11, block loo, Sell WOOd . ... . l.i.i ....... 3. 00 0. W. Green ta Juan W. Aogtuv lot 11, block B. Portsmouth Villa Extension., Title Guarantee A Trust compeny to ' T. O. Lea. lot la. Mirk an. itiM.m.M . m too H. H. Brews at al. to E. O. Tata, kt ; 8, block 2, Peddlcord , , Hurlbert's addition . i ,400 Tbouaa and Mary B. Bellinger to Nlebo- las ana aiary Monner, lot la and eaat W of lot 11. block 2. Roaelawn.. : 1.8001 Mkrrarat Green Head at al. to Katla B. , Glldner, lot 8. block 18, King's Second addition '- 4,000 M. P. and Ivy II. Bvana to J. A. Bind- ..'; buah. lot 7, block S3, Mount Tabor . Villa J.000 LHil wooacock to Jnhn Fnrdney, lot xo, -. . block 4.. Stewart Park ailillllnn. ...... 22.1 Star Inveatment company to Joha T, , Alexander., lota 1 and . block 108. Sfepheoa' addition 10,000 BlTtnd and Paulina Hovda to Ola Wet land, aaat U of kit 1. block 14. Caiw tral Albbia .......................... 1.000 u. w. iioicoma to can bim Realty com Dan r. lot 8. block u. anbdlelaion of Proebatel addition to Alblna. . . . A . . 4,600 B. B. and Alma B. Holme to Saul AA and -Albert L. Perk In a. lot 8. block 4. ' Scenic place 400 William and Ella Fredenberg to 8. A. and A. L. Perklna, Ma 81, 82, M. i4 . mA ML klm-k 1U Panln.iit.r ail.tftlna No, t ........................... S80 Orerlook Land company to William H. - Payne, lot t, block 14, Orerlook...... OOO; Orerlook Labd company to Ellen A. I Qoffo, lot 6, block 18. Orerlook TOO : Richard Haalr ta Antoln Rot. lot Id. block 24, Monnt Tabor Villa t&O I Mln Klllinraworth to Mary Shea, lot I 10, block 21. Walnut Park. ..w. 4,600 W. H. and Jan Lewie Cbapln to Wary V. Falling, land commencing at a point ' on eaat line axtenalon of Maple atreet ' af Rlearalde. 78S.70 feet north I mm- ' atM .Ml fiyim tntan.tlna with mnrth ' aid of Rlreralde arenne.- 10 Laella J. and George D. Park Ingham to Jama Hlatt, lot 10. block 1, aubdlrl- mtam of Vit 1. a V. A a and 10. Niwth St. John ; S00 1. P. anil Phlnla M. Millar to Arm fijta. man, lot 8, block 2, Baat Tabor Villa., 1.250 J Buganla and Charles K. Henry to Clara m. Mcuuiiougn, weat h or iocs a ana 1. block 802. Hawthorne Park,,..,,... boa S. Z. and A. M. Watura to Otella Jen- lot is. block 86. Sell wood 690 John B. and Katla A. Laraoa to Mary o. Howell, lot SO. block B. rorta montb Villa Bxtenaloa..,...i. 480 Mount Tabor lareetment company to IJMTM fl H.TmM, Inta la aful 1A. block 7. -Kenalnctoa SIS lamea and S. J. Lngg to W. N. Talbott, fwM-rn w at lata a: in. . Monni rteoiL Heights TOO Ira and Hattl O. Kllbora to Warden . In T . hlMtfe I EMFm.H Park 1.200 Title Guarantee at Trout company to B. n Mnrnilrh lot a. black 10. hvwtn St. John 2281 T. M. and Ella Word to Ray A. and block 08. Woodatock.. tOOOl fl.Mh I HNvmin. lAfa 1. a anil a. S. W. and Ella M. Btryker to Cbarlea H. Wllllama. aaat H of block 27, Newhuret Park addltloa 20 I J. i. and Mary H. Kenny to E. J. Ben nett, lot 13, block 1, East roruana Helehtau .. ' 400 Boaa City Cemetery aeeodittloa to E. J. Bennett, lot a, nioca at, aecuon x, aald eameterr 60 Bngb Id. and tacy M. Sherwood to Ella r. Beai. iota jo ana to, owca ju. Mount 'Tabor Villa addition 22Bl E. L. Bterena (sheriff) to G. B. Ha- gardt and W. u. Brown, 11. T acres commencing 7H chain north of south- m. . .iim, a. atlna AA timihln 1 i north, ranea 2 eaat................... 28 Security A b tract Truit Company to H. K. Brintaenboff, lot 8, block BW, Base Cltr Park. .... .1 ............... t 403 Henry and Cecelia Schlaffer to Prank uraasi, tna Bona zu acre 01 ui w acre lying north of and adjoining tb atMera tract aold to Anguat Ehelebe. being part af Peter Brpeldlng's land claim Portland Treat Company of Oregon to Jamea Johnson, 100x1 SO feat la block !,T. Freeh' Bqnar addition............ 1. B. and Laura M. Ontbrle to Nellie 4,000 6,100 ,, B. Mitchell, lot 11. Boc i. wyna-oop Villa 450 Loulaa Elnaley to Fred L. Maaemaa, lot 4, block lis. East rortiana 9., ,et 11,000 Fbr ' abstracts, title tnaaraac or aaortgaga lease, call en pad no Tltl at iTast aampaay. g04-6-a-7 railing mag. : ; - : . f Get roar tn serine and abstrscts to real estate from the Title Gaaraateo eV Trust pany, 240 Waahlngtoa at- corner Second. i UNDERTAKERS. Demi tna. MeBatea 41 OUbangh; andartaksrs and embalmers; modera la erery detail. Bereath ad Pino. M1B 48a Lady saalatant. Ericksoa Undertaking Co., and embalming, 400 Alder at Phono Mala sms. tear assistant. V J. P. Ftnley A Sons, Third and Madlaoa ata. or rice 01 county coroner, rooae aiaio p. Beller-Byrne Co., funeral directors, ombalna. sra. 278 BaaseO. East 108.r Lady aaetaUat A. B. Hem stock, fnneral director. ' Bast 18th and Pass tills. Phone Sellwood Tl. Lady asaiataat Edward Bolmaa. andertaker, 220 Third at. ! CEMETERIES. BrfEB VIEW Single graeea. 810: famllr lots. $100 to $1,000. . The only cemetery In Port i land which perpetnall malntalna and earea i ror iota, roc ruu mrormanon, appiy to w. , b. Macaenaie, worosstar Dues, oty. w. it. : Ladd. preeldent. BOSS CITY Single graeea, $10; family Iota, I. $25 to 876.-- Superintendent at cemetery, oer- ner of Fremont st. and Cully road. Pbona Tabor 206. . For fail Information apply to ' Frank SrhlegeV 602 Commercial blk. Pk Mala 2828. - NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the board of eapltol building commie Kraera, etate of Oregon, at tna exeen S tire office. Salem. Oregon, nntll 1 :30 o. an. Tuesday, May 21, 1907. for furnishing sU labor and materials required- In- remodeling and changing old library room, state eapltol bonding, into rooms in accordance witn plan and apeciflcatlona, which can be seen at the said executive office. Salem, Oregon, and at the office of Delos- D. Neer, architect, 13.H6 First stw Portland, Oregon; alao, blank form for making proposals caa be bad at either oriice. A certified eheck ta the earn of ten (10) -oer cent ef bid. drawn to the order of T. W. Benson, secretary of stote. moat be enclosed with each bid; the same, to forfeit to the "state or Oregon nttn tns loweat or acceptea bidder, falls to qudllfy wHb acceptable liond In the full sum of) the contract price within ten (10) days afterVthe work la awarded. No bid will be-received after the specified time, and no bid will be considered unless accompanied by the certified check. t Attention Is eepeclally called to : "General Remarks" in aneciflratlona. ' . By order of the board of eapltol building commissioners, etate or uregon. . -. W. N. GATPNS, Clerk of Board. PROPOSALS for Brick Asylum Wing. Salem. Or., May 13. 190T. Sealed proposals, innoraea on the outside of envelope, 'Proposals for Brick Asylum Wing. Salem, Oregon," and addreaaed to W. N. Gatene, cterk of Asylum Board, will be received at the execntlva of fice. State CaoltoL Salem. Oregon, antll 2 o'clock n. m. of Mav 27. 1007. for furnish lng materials and labor required to eonstract and complete a brick asylum wing with filumbing, hot water beating, ga and electric Ight, water and sewer connections. In strict, accordance with plana, specifications ana in structions to bidders, which may f; be- ex amined at the o governor'a office, ' Capitol building, and, W. D. Pugh,' Salem, Or. For further Information apply to W. D. Pagh, architect, Salem, Or. W. M, GATES'S. . Clerk. THB partnership, consisting of J. M. French - and O. . Chapel, known as the Eureka Lard Co., haa thla date been dissolved by mutual Conaji. The business of the Eureka - Lard -X. WIU br;t!0nnnued by J., M. French st ' the same place. . . K a, . . , PortUud, Oregon, May IS, 1907. 4 v .1 - , J. M. FRENCH, u. u wtrsk. ' MEETING NOTICES:' ELLISON ENCAMPMENT NO. I,' I. O. O. F. . Regular meeting tomorrow fTueaday) evening. J4' le0T' o'clock. Odd Fellowa' tern P'i Pl"t and Alder sts. Golden Rule degree. , Visitor wdcom,. Members srred ta sttesd. B. B. 8BAEUN, Seriba. K' MEETING NOTICES. TlEO. WASHINGTON' CAM NO. h 201 nweta tonight la Wt tO. , w. tamnle. 11th at., between Washington and Alder. Visitors welcome. , HARRY BAKBR.'O. 6, IT. A. FKKDBICH, Clerk. ; ELLISON BNCAMPMENT.NO. I, I. O. O. F. Rcgulsr meeting tnia iTueaoay; evening, may 14, llftf. at 8.00 o'clock. Odd FellowaT Tem ple, Flret and Alder ata. Ooldon Kula degree. Vlaltora welcome.,, Member urged to attend. ' : E. B. 8HAUON. Scribe. It. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 0.4W1. meets Wedneadsy evening, Aiiaiy mag., xniro ana Morrison ata. ,' ' . f)ST AND FOUND. FOUND A place to bar half mattr reao- vated no retnrnea am aay . as anaii mv. Main 474. Portland Cnrlad-Habr Factory., H, Metsger. proprietor. LOST White bun terrier bitch pupl ear re Icently clipped: nwer to Mick. Greenley t:rwrora,' waft waaningtoa - room Pacific 888. - . ,vr! LIBERAL reward Is offered to party" who picked ap rura aaat rvuiiama ar. ais was. tenbeln are. " - - HELP WANTED MALE. ' WANTED Bays 10 to It rears af sg to work In factory; good wage, a tea 07 wort, -appiy at erica. Amee-Barria-NtvlllB Co., Fifth and Dsrls sts, s ,, ' . ''J,' - WANTED Two lire yonng mea of neat appear ance and fair edncatloa to leers the aarertia Ing bualneea; tbta la an excellent -opportunity for a couple a noauer, ' Anawer a l once 07 mall, eta ting age, experience and aalary az pected. Addrea B. 187, car Journal. I FIRST das fraternal Insuran solicitor for wun . -. . - can get the : business, snq mruisn rscom. mendatlons. Inqulra room tot Commercial building. '.. PACIFIC STATIONBBT A PRINTINd) CO. ZOo-Btn Becona ax. r none Mam vzi. Wa aaian and Install the moat modern and hnptoeed office aystenst oomplata lias loos leaf filing oencee. :.' 1 - WANTED Sale men; many make $100 ta 1160 per month: some area morei atoca Clean, grown an reaenratloa, far from old oreharde; caab adraneed weekly; choice" of territory. Addrea Waahlngtoa Karsary aompany, Top penlaa, Waahlngtoa. - . '.; - MEN AND WOMEN to leara the barber trad In sight weeka: gndaate eera from (16 ta ' $28 weekly; expert Instructor: eatatogu free. Moler Syatem of CoUegea, 88 North Foartb . at., Portland. . . WANTED High elaaa alesmaa for choir ter- rltorhe; klgftt eommisaioo paw; ereryoiing fomlnhed; caah adraneed for expense. A rare opportunity. Address, (nick, Oragoa Nursery, Salem, Or. MEN and boy wanted to leara plumbing, plae- taring, bricklaying, awcrncai rraoea; rrea rata log or; poaltlona secured. Coyne Trad Schools. New York and Saa rraaclsos. WR get work. for oat member; sped! mem. bars. S3., x. M. u a rwra ana xamniii. WANTED Boys orsr 18 years to work la candy factory. A men uanay uo., una ana uiisan. WANTED At one, a flrat -claas carriage painter, ' 164 Cnloa ara. . WANTED Railroads require mora help; oar graduatee get $ to 078- per month! osb-oo I till for Too. Oregon College,- DOS Common wealth Diag BOYS wanted; factory work. Caa Co- toot 14th St. Apply Americaa YOUNG. MEN Don't be Satlafled with a small salary, do as tnonssnd or others nave aone, let the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton explain how yoor pay may . bo Increased. Local office 614 McKay bldg. BRIGHT yonng mea wanted to leara telegraphy; positions when competent. Oregon College, T 608 Commonwealth bldg. ' - . , GOOD newspaper subscription agent; $1 a day and commission. - 147 H Front st. .. - MEN at ones for clerks or carrier Portland P. O.J opportunity to advance. wo pre- riaro yoa for examination. Call ar write m mediately. Padfle State Schoola, Mc Kay building, city. MUSICIANS for road; good pay. Call at once. 283V Eaat Blxu St. C0ATMAKER, also pre user. . Charles Coopey Boa, tailors, wH aniro at., upstairs. :;n WANTED Plat ten ee feeders at Bnabong Co., 100 Front at WANTED Pharmacist, registered In Oregon; let ns bear how mora salary wanted per month and If yoa caa speak Swedish lan guage. Address Q 186, eas JoornaL BOY about 18 to 40; wholesale honae; (It reference. ' Addrea b 14. care sournai. : AN EXPERIENCED buehelman on men's cloth ing. Apply a. o. Bieinoaca at KITCHEN men wanted. $8 par wek.- 60S waaningum. 'v v ' MBIT to dlsrrlbuU samples; tack signs; good pay; steady; no canvassing;. - vuver, siob roe bldg., Chicago. . , . HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TOUNO LADIES TO LEARN TELEPHONE OPERAT ING; GOOD SALARY, SHORT HOURS, PAY WHILE LBARN ; ' I NO; LUNCHEON SERVED FREB OF CHARGE AND LOUNG ING AND REST ROOMS IN CONNECTION. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR, TBLEPHONB BLDG., WEST PARK AND AL DER STS. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS HIGHEST-WAGBt. POBUH" A. " M'NEIII COMPANY, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS, 110 N. FOURTH ST., NBAlt UUsAM, . SHIRTMAKERS WANTED. JACOBS SBTBT CO., 291 Vfc BXABB. Of. FIRST cla fraternal insurance solicitor for work ta City, oaiary to maa .or woman wno can get 1 the business, and furnish, , recom mendations. Inquire room 606. Oomwrclal building.. '. : ' -' . HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 8481 Ween- lngton St., corner oeventn, npetaira. . rnoa Mala 2692.'' "Female help wanted. , ' STRONG girls for eandy faetory. George A. McNeil company, wooteasie coniectioners, 110 North Foartb, near Gllasa. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work oa shirts and ore rails, iiee-una sira 10 inezperiencea. Apply Bt Standard factory No. 2. Grsnd ava. sb4 Bast Taylor at. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory Ne. 3, Grand svo. and Bast Tajtor at . WANTED Girls to wm-k. on hemming. Inquire Fits-Welt isctory, i "w ' - GIRLS wanted: factory work. Apply American Can Co.. foot ieta ei. - WANTED Girl for general housework; good " i . , fiS n,.,hAfi n. aw. wages; oht m . ... ... ... CAPABLE woman for position of trust; salary. promotion rapid u mmsraif. w xoo, care Journal. - . j( , 8,600 I !wTwJ 17261 11' II. W. A.- Oreroa Orapo Camp No. fl.TI. Mob daya. 17th and Maraball. Vlaltora waloome. HELP WANTED FESIALE OIRL.or womaa for (eneral kooaawork la Hfor threei aood waaea. Uail at azL IDtb at;, north. Phone Baat 6883. WANTED Good plain cook In family of two I TBB RICHEL1B0, 83 North Sixth at. Bl bare aeeond flrl. S03 Klnf at. , v , I (antl7 farnlbed ateam beat and batba, I XOUNO ladle Wanted to leant teleirraphTH THB GRAND, 4BU North Third at, Rooma ' poaltlona at food waitee when ' eonipeteat. Oretoo College,. SOS Commonwealth bid. riravciaae waiai iiniaoen at wiw. GIRLS Wanted to work la tailor abop: ataad : work: -HMHl wages, wranv rania w ao Alder at. PLAIN and fancy - atarehed elathea Ironera. Apply Star Laundry Co.. Cnloa are.-and Beat i anaeny t. v . .,..', WANTEf) A girl for booaeworkV mU family oi aauiia. aoi luta at. rnoa Mala OOZi. WANTED Two chambermaids. 1 waitress. Lhv deU hotel. Market St., bet. Third and Foorth. oihuj, jb n i? years or age, who want per-1 manent 'places, apply at anoa alt Olds, Wort-1 man a, am,. .- ,. -. v.;-, t..,. JACKET and skirt bands wanted at one; good permanent poainoa to competent and reliable I , peopia. Apply to vida, wortman at King, WANTED Skirt and dreeamakers, alas sppren.1 Tcei sea wssningroa St. -. , , "cSIZSrl?"' fWM 'T 809 Loiambia at. .... i- , I . ' WANTED Girl to aarwer phone. The Rallabl I Baggage at Tranafer CoK 804 Ankeny St. . WANTED Girl to gaalat ta small OBshold. j , appiy auv asm su, near avto. , , WANTED A houeeglrl. mornings. :. Call 82t Boyt at. OaU AN EXPERIENCED tatloress aa mea'S eloth. , lng. Apply A. B. gtelnbacB at CO. - '- " WANTED A woman to do waihlng. Bact Burnald or phona Bast 142. CaU T2 WANTED Girl to help with light housework. . Phone Mala B41,-i.m. HELP WANTED Union Laandry company. MALE AND FEMALE HELP, D. S. HEALTH ACCIDENT IN80RANCB CO., 8aglnaw, Mich., sella beat dollar per month policy oa market; stock company. Sea Aldtich, western cianagsr. ; BOO Marauaa Agents wanted. .;. '-T, i. :.. WANTED Ambition neoDle to can at 182 Fifth 1. ana aaTeeiigaie ma opporraniuea open to I mem oy a coaraa 01 etna witn tna inter national Correspondence School of Borantoa; nw expo-imeni) moorsaa By taoaaanoe, HELP wanted and supplied, mala or female. R. u. iraaa, auo Waebingtoa at. racirie 18T0. BTENOORAPHEBS, both male and female, good poaitiona open witn neat firms; bo charge, uouerwsDu typewriter vol. oa oixm at. , MEN or women, tart or all of their time, $1.80 k a. ifofk Bixtn at., room xi. SITUATION WANTEDMALE. WANTED Poaltloa as railroad clerk or cor respondent: understand stenography and caa operate machine; traffic and operating t de partment experience. Aaareaa b. too, 4onnnaii wanted Bltnatloa as gardener; fully sx- perlenced. Addrea M 186. car Journal. GOOD Japanese laborer want steady Job on . inggug raiiroaa, sawmill or farm yard- z. a. a to, roatorrica box tb, inuependency, or. . wianea position witn large retail or wrow le oatahliahment; willing to start at bottom; aot arraia or work. Address 187, care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Lace curtains and shirtwaists to do ' at boms; term reasonable. Phono Tabor 867. middle-aqkd lady wants place as housekeeper to gentleman with one or two children. Ad dress O 184. car JoarnaL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT! OFFICB j; - FOB MEN. 28 North Second st 1 Phoao Mala 1826. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. 208V4 Morrlaoa st Phono Pseiflo tW 27 North Second st .Phono Pacific 1800 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. - Logging ramp sad farm help a specialty. 20 North Second St. Phono Main .62W. Wa n.w .11 1.... 0. K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICB Help famished tree to employers. g. N. kd. " Phono 8707. v WANTED AGENTS. ONB hastier la each ' towa or ' loeallry to handle medldues or sospt writs quirk; big 1 - money. - at M. rnimmer, woo Thira at. AGENTS WANTED Can yoa Sell. good. J If so wa need yoa: complete onttii free; cash) mj wm ami v., wujpnviv voiiii iiw, me weekly. , Write for choice of territory, Capt-1 , ehntna tiT farrltnra Hani. I iai i-ity nursery company, naiem, ur. WANTED TO RENT. .' WANTED TO RENT House, cottar, flat. tores, offices, rooming -nooses, tc . Laad- lords will do well to can on PORTLAND TRU8T COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. T2. 8. E, or. Sd and Oak. WANTED To rent two or three famished - housekeeping room; walking distance. In quire at 834 Third, oorner Market WANTED i To tent stall la private bsra. Pbona ,. ataia 4044.. t , MAN and wife with best of references will take care of borne during owners absence for the rammer; location no object, Addrea - L 187, ear Journal. y. WANTED Furniture and bonsenold goods ef I very deacrtp tlon bought, sold and siehanged. tb a, zaz First st msib 0374. . WB haul, dead horses end cattle free. - Oregon I Fertiliser works, or notify csrney's Teterl-1 nary. Fourth end Gllaan sts. Main 1980, WANTED Spot essh psld for your furnlrnre, I 1 etc. Prompt attention always given. 894 1 East Clay st. Phone Eaat 1007. :-CASH for boasehold goods. Savage ft PnnH, B40-S4T First St, rBOBO rSCUlC SOU. ' DO yoa want vour money back, with Interest. : which yoa bsv psld tm Installment contracts for lots on tbo peninsula T We pay cash and 4 assume the contract. Ohio Bealty Co., 408 oommerciai bldg. . . ; ,. , CASH FOR ALL THB FURNITURE WB CAN . GET ' - PORTLAND . - AUCTION ROOMS. MAIN 665S.. - - - . WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; ws slab buy household fnrnlahlnga; highest price paid. Call at the "relr Deal," 62 N. Third. Phone Pacific 1T2Z - - WANTED Furniture and household goods of any'kind. - e ionnaon before yoa sell. r 39 Union are. Phone East 4441. 4 Wjg nay the highest prices for second-hand , . ciot&mg ana Shoes, sea as at 71 porta xnira. Vi NTlTT)-.TA -fenrtsr - what . tnrarid von drink. Try "Ardmore Coffeo," for sale by Boyd Tea Co.. vu jiirst st. .-' r . WANTED A good ssoond-hsnd eano. B 184, care journal. FURNITURE AND CLOTHING WANTED Highest cash price paid. Fox at H rower, K2 North Third at. Phone Mala 2111. .. WANTED To rant imall bouaeboat for seasoa. Classified Ads In Tho Journal' rdach tho poopl In the great Oregon country7 at tha right lima . Rates for. Classified 7 .Advertisements . , ' Count' six words to tho line.) ' ' One cant a word each Insertion. . Mora than two Insertions, S cents par Una each insertion. By tha week, SO cents, per lln ( V days). ;. :' r ' No adTertlBement taken tot less than 4 WAISTFD MISCELLAN1WUS. FURNISHED ROOM3 FOR RENT. faavi THB TAUHILL, 881 TamMll at, corner of icaat weat Park Nlcelr furoi.hd tmmi. ainvla ; and aa aulte; tranalent eollclted. Pacific louO. entlemea. per week and ap.. THB KING. 8t Jefferaon atNlml rnratahxl i ; rooma wim arerr coBTealence tor IS a week OWEN APARTMENTS, Raaaell at. Two fnrnialied apartments alao alnala noma, raa- sonable. ; -,. . f THB'WIOWAM, 288H Flrat t., 1 B- open for patronage. Mr. Addle Aaher. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. I A BOTTV af 8 rooms, newly sanorgtedi 9 per month. 480 Stephen at. ROOMS AND BOARD. J MINNEQUA INN. 878 Tsmhm at Wet room, steam beat, splendid meala. v day, week, montni net management; horn cooking. FOR RENTIIOUSEKEEPINQ. X rtJBNISHED or aafurnlab housekeeping I m.Mi aa ..v. ei ,T rooms: two for 88. three for I la. half cot. tage, three rooms oa groond floor $16; stao six sad seeen-room noaeee, nswly nsnered. w.vax ,i win luroiso rnr more; 11 aa weat siae or river: keys 864 North . Twanty-sixthi Willsmstt Heights ars to 1 iwiausuui-rani eoum nsuoioca. , . $1.60 WEEK CP large, clean fornlabed bona. keeping-moms, laundry and bath. - 184 Shag v maa at., aouth, Portland. ; ; 11.20 WEEK CP Clean Fnmlsbed boaaekees , Ing-roome, parlor, bath, hondry, furnace hast. yaru. xuayt nianion su u TBB MITCH BLL Houeekeeplng and trsnflaat rooma, raaaonsoia. nersnta ana risnders sts. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS, lowest rstee; leetri ugnts ana peons inciuaea. auifft water at. jaOUSEKEEPING rooma t-room suites, groona riooT, fs-ou per wees, nor seat use st. UNFURNISHED housekeeping room. ; 140 Sixth at. tHetravrsnim k..k... - w.w ana paon. su4 Uawutorne ara oorner Union. -yy u, . ruK wished hraMktoplng-rooma. - newly pa- pereq, witn poons. in nona iuxa ax. ONR-room for right booaekeeplnB sr sleeping. 02 North 17th st Mala 4a&8. - , , FOR RENTHOUSES. . GOOD 0 and T-room hnuses oa west elde at . rtrer; 128. - Will famish for mors. Half oot- tags, t rooms an groaad floor, 818; also fur nished or nafnrnlabed hoaeekeeplng rooma, f for $8; 8 for 816. Key 864 North Twenty. Ixthj Willamette Heights to Twnty- amn, turn soato halt blocs. - STRICTLY modern 6-room cottage. Saner aid: swo oowa, balanee am rent., A.JT. Bmlth, owner, tit Commercial- blk. WB rant and sail- pianos. Co.. Sbermaa, Clay 8ROOM honee, good location, modern, $28, . Pbona Mala ala 1410. FOR BENT One of tb prettiest hoases la tb elty, modera and complete an erery pax- 1 iimir, rmv aaaf oats. I ' V' . ' " "a" Phone Baat 202. $90 BUYS a bonsebost. Why not aara rant and wood-money 7 sea Madlaoa. FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN 8-rooai phono, yard: a 2260. fist, furnished: gas. bath. children. Call ap Pacific HOUSES FOR RENT FLK-MT11RB FOR SALB. ' FOR RENT T-room boose; famlture for aala. 80T Jefferson at; no agents. v " 1 FURNITURE of lJ-room bones, central, best I location, lease; full of steady roomers. F particular poena Pacific 807. Mo agents. FURNITURE of t-roa house, full of roomers; low rent; oniy souo. 229 aura st T" FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. SMALL store or shop, 202 Foartb st, near Tay lor. Inquire room 635 Chamber of Commerce. . - 1 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALLROOM and lodgeroom, new, with all modera eonvenleaeee, on .carllne. Pbona Mala 896; Automatic A-1890. X , , .nnOM .a ,nr Mn. - --t - . .;, , v,' .11. 1. ' " location. Owner, 207 CommoawMltb bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. Clear and News Stand '' Msk as aa offer for tbo cigar and nw I stsnd at 101 Sixth st, corner of Stark. It pay bat must be eold. For pertlcalsrs see DIETZ-MUELLER CO., i 603-6 Swetlsnd Bldg. ' ' . ' ; - ' For Safe ty Owner , ' One lot 85x70, one 80x70 and on 80x100 1 on Eaat uth and Da via ata.; also oa lot on A.M1 an K.a a.. I . 1, 2, 4, 5, 9 or 18 acraa on beat road In the county, lays np fine and la exceptionally fine for berries or fruit; for a bom specula : tlon tbht cannot be beat; It can bo cot to an It ' the pnrchaeer, allowing a large frontage oa ; road lr cesirea. . , a - , -AU of th abov can b gold en easy term. For price and term phone Union 44, or ad : dress Box 168, B. F. D. No. 1, Lents, Or. , ' ' ' 82.150. . 20 room oa Waahlngtoa at., excellent Io cs tlon; beautiful furniture: finest of velvet carpet. Thia place 1 elesring $180 a month : above expenaea. . - If yoa want something good sea this. . , , s CROWN BUSINESS"" EXCHANGE. ? 88 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Waahlngtoa sts. FOR SALE Carpet cleaner, best, largest, moat . np to date in tna city; will atand invoice; a -snap If taken at once. . Address B 174. car -joarnat ,.?".:-, - ,:..,,' v,..-.; jp - - - - - BAT! MONEY Anything In printing see Mad. den. Odd Fellows', Tempi. First aad Alder 'StS. BpStsln. .1 ,i:,,:ij.: HAVE opening ' for parties, with . small or larg capital. In heavy manufacturing enter--, prise, to eatabllah Id Portland; will stand . closest InvesMgstloa. .. For partlcolar , ad dress D 188, car JoarnaL FOR SALB OR BENT A good hoteL ennd trade.. Aaares 4. 4ay uoos, , iiwi uai at., 1 saismor., FOB SALB Cigar store doing good business; -long lesse, reasonable rent; excellent location; I2.0OO. Adoreae u usi, n journal. FOR SALB Lunch counter ta a live lumber town half way between Portland and Ta- .t coma; fine chance for man and wife; electric lights, spring water, low rent; tuny equipped; a anap at ou. unaresa ura. aiacen uot trelL,' Wlnlock, Wash.;--.- ..-..-svv ,... -'iii'-v CONFECTIONERY etore for sals; bss Ice cream I parlor, living rooma la rear; reasonable rent. 829 ft First at FOR SALB Reataurant and lunch counter on Washington at.; lease; good place for two : , partners; will stand strictest ; Investigation; . $750. Address O 186, care Journal. ,,. 85 rooms ta new corner brick;" modern; newly furnished throughout; one of tb beat locations in , the city for tranalent; $2,000 will handle tL fROWH. BUSINESS EXCHANGE. '88 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Waahlngtoa sts. A FINB opening; balf Intereet In an old estab-1 llshed real eststs bnslnees: good bllentarei rfim of the firm retiring; email eapltal ro . qolred. Call room 29, 20$ Stark Bt, . . BUSINESS CHANCES. , 84,000 BUSINESS, lease and fixture in the new Marqnam Grand; (took at Inrolca; moat , profitable bualaese- In Portland; contlniiwia ft. aandaellle makes it the beat location on MoT riaon t. also a paying reataurant and botol on First at. kfala 141 804-SuT, Ablngton for : GROCBRIES, prorlalon and , hardware atock , for ale, $1,800, or Inrolce; good trade oatah. . Uaned; cheap ieaea, ooo union are., norm. EMPLOYMENT and real eatat bualneea doing fifiO per month; too macs orner nnaine; tuuat eu; iou cam, o norm mini ai. . BUSINESS and lodging-bone,-.-being tmllt at Maegly Junction, only $2,00. , U. Lis4;imr( ', owner, .4BO aas( aeia .- - ; GROCERY tora. 81.800 or Inrolca; goo eor neri doing good buiinea J new a tore, , Bearer Baal Eatat Co., Flrat slid Aldr.' ta.ROOaf hoardlng-houae. good ' location, doing good Boeineeai win teare city. . ; nqire Lowangardt. W Pars at, ... FOB SALE Suburban drug storei snap, 2.000; doing good bnsineee; gooa reaeoa . tor selling Addrea V 184. cars Journal. 18 ROOMS, brick building, paring well, rent SAO, leant nnuei carpet, iron na svou. Batnela smim, wo our 10 i. ,i 1 18-ROOM bosrdlng-houa. 88.t0 Incoma, find for- nlture, g-od location, fi.twu; wiu rni, naj. field A Bmlth, 10M Fourth t. . , , IF YOU are looking for a general merrhandla store with poetomc ana ipres agency is sonnactloa, aoareaa u., aiacieayr or. A ..,. ,.,,, flna hnarnaaat I .:r,.- w i.iV Ti' slcknea eauae of sailing. - ton, Oregon. FOH SALB or exchange, a 'good merchandising , bnalnee in vaneouTer. oomg a ouaineaa 01 $15.00O will sell or exchang for farm or ; city property. Addrea bos T8, Tancourar, .' Wash. -. . .-- ' . 'i : . - $370. , '- ' t rooms,' nicely furnished la good lac, tloaj clears $30 abors expensee (heap rent; tbl must b sold at once; $a60 esebt bal ance monthly. , -. 'J-.;-.; V'-': '-"T.-- CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANOB P'. 88 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Waahlngtoa. A PARTNEB ta a 14-ton boat, draft 11 Inches. - D. D. Wood, tit WUllama are. . . 10-ROOM boose la heart of city; rant $40; 2-year leas; this must go. 24i Madlaon. I t; . ,7 a-' money-maker; but must sell st once. Make me aa offer. 'Room 12, No. SOSJt Washington (treat. FOB SALB or trade for farm, eon n try gtora . neat Portland; doing a good basin. Ad- ' dress U 187, ear Journal .. bW1 waa . . . .. - . . .a - si a 4 ah j ..n;riiiiiii inaii t' montn; gooa reason gor sailing; ineoico aoont $1,200. Addrsea 0 184- aara JonmaL BARBERS. NOTICE Two-cbalr - ahoa. aaeap 1 mast quit oa count of sleknee. zev suta . . ,. .,-. . BLACKSMITH Shop for sale. Including tool - sua inuiuuig. a. ratsxson, jMriow, or. A snap for Bom maa and wife; grocery and Con feet iooery store doing good bualneea..' In quire at 840 Bast Seventh, at, elty. . ; BOOMINO-HOUBB for aala. 4T rooma; win take part real eetat to eichsnge- 82H Korth Third, at . . , , - 0008 BAT "drogsfor Tor ala, for particular addrata Hsnrr - SKSxa taken. Marahfleld. Or. j address Henry -8ngataken, ' Marahfleld. Or, I WANTED AT ONCE A solicitor or partner, wim iitue money, in good, paying bualneea; good chance for right party; only good maa apply. - Address I 188, cars Journal. , , eauv-Booming oonso, ouvi xarma; a money-maker: close "In. G. &, McCoy, Kt Commerdsl bldg. Main 0884. FOR SALE REAL ESTATT. A FINB NEW HOUSE J rooms, with all modera Improve ments, lot I ovxia, ana diocb xrom t'nioa are., oa Be era-1 anenio at., price 4,000, nan eaah. v . 0-ROOM niw Rrtnaa 'Modern, -half block from Untoo are, saj OrOgoo b, U11B is a un boss; ,ovu. i 1 . . . a.n.nou nnnm la Sellwood, 1 block from carlln, l,T0O nil wa, . . - ta block ob 16th at 11 eaw aw. Iwim-. fl.40C balf cash. , I 1H acre cloa' to city, all la berries aad I - araaaa 0. Iiahu anaaat kaaai St 4 gXAh eli-.-l.' "ld bi51if co0- t-room house la MoatartUa, $1,250; terms. Harry Ball : Boom 2$ Raleigh bldg. STRICTLY modera 6-room bonsa, furnace. Urge cement Basement; run tot; gooa neighbor noou, new) so.tou; term. 1 i. Room 28, 268 Stark ot,t , A brand new T-room modern homo; 'foil lot: Piped for furnace.' choice aelchborhood: I $8,600; terms. .- . ... I Moos 2V, 268 Stark wu-r 1 1 1 Good vacant lot oa Ivanhoe st,- St. Iphna; owner, waata money; investigate taut. ,j- - Boom 29, 268 Stark at . Only 10 lots left la Glenwood Park! prices I 1 ap 4a few days; nicest lot oa penlnaula; I go streets graded, water malna laid. tioom at, xoa atark st 1 . 1 For Sale By Owner ' Ono lot 86x70, one 80x70 and on 80x100 on Bait 11th and Davla ata.; also on lot n - gta ana saat Anaeny ata. 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 or 16 acres en bast road In the county, lays ap flns and hi exceptionally fine for berrlea or fruit; for a borne apecnla tioa thla cannot be beat: it can be cnt to an it the pnrchaeer, allowing a larg frootag oa roaa u aeeirea. . - .t . - All of tbo above can be sold on asy terms. For price and terms phono Unloa 44, or ad- oreaa n,. r. v, no. 1, ients, ur. Acreage Bargains ..w. r a,aaaajM. , 8 acres. S miles from courthouse, rich sett, Tr i:,rii,5,i.No-. ft",t ,no ,arde" tan0' ily $1,600; terms, x 't. .rt , near only 6-acre tract on Foster road. 2. minutes' wslk to atatlon, electric line: fins location fog atore w nome, a acre caitivatea; new bOUeo, $1,800; bargataj trma,j.-v p.;,- 80x720 Tre moot corner, near atatlon; a snsp; fv oowa, fiu per montn. J. DAY A CO., . 1- ' - - ' 268 Stark st, .. .0 . 'iv'.. RIGHT WHERE THE GREAT ACTIVITY IS u bi. rutins uAnLiinsi. , : ' 6-room new. modern boose, on corner T5x 100; full basement, porcelain plumbing, all ' bard flnisbed; fruit trees, abundance of . kept $arden:. truekr ". Price-$8,880; bmt cash. ; flKB H. W. bBMl'llW UU,, , r buu ano tvaaiuugton sts. ' .. VERY DESIRABLB " ' HAWTHORNE PARK Z. - , RESIDENCE.- . '- $5,600 Modern, T rooms, Larg reception r' ball, full cement floored basement, furnace, two large colonial flreplaeest- concrete aide walk and walks, 60x100 lot; plan of house ' excellent: sooin racing. SEE B. W. LEMCKB CO., , Sixth and Waahlngtoa ata. . NEW MODERN 8-ROOM' "HOUSE. - V $2,900 Opposite Walnut Park, full cement basement, porcelain plumbing, flxturea, la- terior dark oak tmtan; gi.nuo cash down. 8KB H. W. LEMCKB CO, . :-,' x Sixth aad Washington eta. , TWO acre, with 6-room house, barn; chicken- bouse, family orchard aU kinds berries, gar-1 An In. rinwara. ahrnhherv. Jerae m. .hub. L den In. flowers, shrubbery, Jersey cow. chick. ens, free pasture) near car, 15 mlnutea' ride: a borne to afcp into, with almost a living rigot nere; x,w, i-rm. auureaa owner, T 1B4, care journal. CHICKEN ranch , c!o In; cow, chickens, bees, fruit J. Hollister, Commercial., blk. MODERN 0-room. new bonsa oa splendid 60x100 V corner, Jamong good new homes; fiber plae- tered. -BP-to-oate porcelain niumning, ment, concrete foundation; neat outside de sign and well arranged fine finished Interior; heat auicK-cer service in city; oniv s..ioo. Also have sdJolniBa boose nesrly same aa - above for $1,700: dlfcount to buyer taking . both. Home Land Co., 1 Fbt $2,150 0-ROOM -modera borne, small barn, 11 bearing fruit trues; f block from T -minute ear service; owner muat sen. 1885 First st, room 1. Phono Psctffc 10T. : . $1.000 6-ROOM cottage, brick basement, tm-1 proved street; 1 block from good car service. I cloee in. 183 ft First St . Phone Paclfle 107, FOR SALE REAL INSTATE. FOR BALE 6-room cottage and 6(1x100 let, rlht on carlln by owuur only. Incpilr of ' l'iDil Eaat Gllaan at., or pbona Eaat bl)J, AHSTRACTS examined by expect examiner! Room IS, .8034 Waahlngtoa at. Phone Mala caw. P. A. TnfU. " FOR SALB New 6-mom modern cottag and r2 lota, on corner, $1.U00: nap; from owner. ; II. Notter, Woodlawn. Pboue Woodlawa 762. QUARTER BLOCK on Grand arena, eloe tnt for few day, $16,000. Hatfield A Smith! 1H6H Fourth t " ,lB : BIGHT-ROOM bonne, ' new and modern, ana block from Hawthorne e nr 87th at 1 $3,000. Hat Odd A Smith, 166 Fourth it. FOR SALB T-room house,' oe Broadway at.. , am -- 1lM. In.,,... j lO nr. .1.1 . I . w wa. a.uw. .11.11. aw nMuiufius FOR SALB House, to mora off premise - DiKwvuui sin airereiE sie. . C. It Bonnell & Co. 1 - REAL ESTATB. 1 Boom la. 98 Burk it ' ' 6-ROOM oottag, furnished, $1,600. tot at. Tl. Pacific 2126 or Mala SOSO. , 80x1001 block 1 from Hawthorn $1,2)0: $290 and $18 per month; owner has a position ta tb east and must Mil at once. : C It Hotchklss & Co. 808 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, KOOM8 on carllne. would make fin boardlna. hones, near large shop, $a,SI00 by owneri assy tarma. phono Union .763. Com quick! MUST aell before June l a t-room beaae anA Casement in-Ternon; price $1,760, Inonlra of owner. 600 East Math at., north, afiag t p. m. - . v A'"A.7a;"n;!7,' tnmln.r. . 6289 t. A. TuftsT i VERY deelrabls residence lot In Holladar J!! am rt" ll0- ildewalk, N".k?,. itr!?tl-."'w,rt "a1 ter mains reatrlcted district;- ehsap for caah. Addraag a. IOW. Vau aaiauromt. t. 1 ..'i t-BOOM modera bungalow, new, $2,460) tSOt" arouiuiy. moo owner, woodlawa 13.800 BUYS a now T-room hone and lot 60s juu near two canines. ' inquire Holm , Menefee Real Esut Co., 80 Third st. 100x100, ON Tillamook, price $850; new modern w-rwiu Boaa am avnoit St., pries X,T0U B new modern houses , on Berthwlck st real for $46 oer month, nrlce ga.Tsot In Baas Steel bridge, $2,260. -187 Uolladay sts. - , vom w .T.lno ...w 1 - , - - . 7: V . '" !? . P,?a,a V .' " hoae,a Baat 44th st aonth. ' Phona Tabor 2fi4. Prtra $1,880; term a. v 1 , ..... ..,v-.. .. v. v FINB loU on 44th St. 2 blocks south Of Haw , thorna are., $J160, $400 and 8600, aa any -terms; owner oa the gronnd; graded streets, water In. , Phono Tabor 264.. . ' A PRETTY T-room bonss,- modera, oast front! wners pnosa ar sarancing. fbob woeo- $650 BUYB f-roooi bonsa, lot 00x100: t blocks 5 .a) " p dfio 107. , Boom 1. --v "0OM. f iS7t?'..aautto W-000 " ore- 842 Msdiaoa. I LOOK here, t-room modera boose, corner lot. Bftiioo, , oa Falling, neer Mississippi av. $2,200; term. 242 Madlaon, FRACTION block, Improved, close In; a eon- aervatlve tnreatment; moat DO taken tnia week; $6,00a O. McCoy, tot Comma. elal bldg. Mslo 0636. 'k 1 'ii- . - 'C--: ' fT.600. - - ' Ws have a very fins new and modera horn, T-room end 8 rooma la the attic, every, thing of the beat; large an sightly grousdai 'oa good cerllne. , v . BENKLBV A HABRIS0M, i . , V ' ' - BIT Abingtoa Bldg. ' MODERN a room bonss oa Baat 28tb st, lOOOt csa arraag tor naianc 00 payments ei 134 per month. : U. B. Clrk,looa, 401 Oemaver. "Ul bldg. : - -' . 'w. -- ' ' $660 EACH bnya 2 goad resideoos lota, close tm on noaney are.; an improvmata in. itegls-. ter at Co., 101 hi Third at. -- ... . .... V '..- - . $2,000 8- ROOM cottaga, HoDadae Park. RegaV ler, at vo., iuim st. , , I vw-m mwUh iAjmam lun w ea.iae . I at both ends, $8,500; assy terms. M. H. Tower, Cnlvsralty ata tlon. ., , , . K $3,200 TWO e-room bouses, lot 10x100, South 1 h . . a aa s a a s. . . Portland, near Falling school) rax bargain, Eegiatar it Co., 107 Third st. - - ' - ' ' ' $4,000 GOOD 9-room bouse, Holladay'a addl. two. Hcgiaiar at voH ivid -intra at. - 82.600 Two acre near the ion mi. xanor tweu unprevoa;. At Co., 107 H Third t. . BegUtet PRICB $1.800 la Sellwood, centrally located, a 0-room cottag, wixiw. a bearing rrnlt tree; will sell at $50 a month, no Intereet. Br owner. 435 Spokaa av., Sellwood su- tlon; Otto-f"'',''.n')-i,.v.lri', 1 ' ' - mudekh aWroonvBoose-4wores--Bemantt - - nut ant niastert electric nxota: wsu naut Price $2,600; worth $3,000. Most be sold ' this week; owner leaving city. $68 Gar field avenue, '' DID you sea that new 0-room boas oa Shaver and Garfield ave.1 If a snap; tee it 868 Gsrteld avenue. FOB SALB 6 acre rich level land, vary de sirably locateo, una rrooting ,o - gietaeada carllne, opposite awltch and atatloni natural springs of water, cold, pur and ta abundance: 25 minutes' rid from Alder at. atatlon; my prlc cannot b beat for close-in property! $400 per sere. See J. C. Froat at Stanley atatlon. . -, '.' ,- ' ' '' ''. r--- . . .- NEW ADDITION Fin lota 60x100, stresta 0 feet, near car atatlon at Lent, oe rare, only $115; term. Ta ML Scott oar. ,0. B, Addlton. Lenta, Or. . . FOR SALB New modera t-room cottage, lot 60x100, Manhattan at., near union ava. n. Swan, 1150 Cnloa ava- oorner Killing . worth ave. - . . .. . , , , -..... ,v'..y $2.000 NEW 5-room oottaga. Bast 22d st; only from ear, - Register A Co.. IOTA if . ' Third at -i-'. "7 - x. j44,h' atM ahfjlcelotl A BARGAIN 50x100 on Benton at- ehetce krt owner muat Mil. Jenne, Trimbi ramble. 411 Marquam. rhone Pacific liai. . . BEAUTIFUL building lite overlooking river - vicinity near . new Mweuea acnooi, .- " Sellwood ear, get off at crematorium.' See Le Com p to, ne will snow you. pnon Ben wood 69. "... t GRAND bom site wltb ansurpsssed view! also mall house, 4 lota, ait 'taoor, trade, rhone Woodlawn 62. - , .ad sit. rrrsiAP Ta. ka-iaa w. . sril. J lamett gtgtlon... Inquire of owner, 826 Baa. ton at. '..f-'ia; f: if !.-,'"; i. : $500 HANDLES bonsa and S lota. 1028 Bast sum su norin. . -V, SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP. Tin corner, unobstructed view, slss 88x110. only $1,500. 208 Fourth at. . Tel. Padfle 2129var Main 8000. - WEST S1DB BARGAIN ' ' ' ' .I. $7,000 9-room bnuae, modera la an details; and a fractional lot, located on Seventh at ' lesa than 6 block from the Hotel Portland. Tbl la 4 snsp and good tot a qolck tors at a big Increase. h,r- ' , ,AHia e. r binn, ..!. .:- , : 613 Chamber of CaauBarce. - IF yoo wsnf tiny, aell or exchange yoar . - , property, can on or, aaarsee weo. w, itirner, : 80H wasnington st.t roniano, ur. FAXON PARK lot 100x290. la nlrWlon. , . . . ,4aa an.. .T level and sightly! prices $300 to $375. OV Addlton. Lents, ur.) ant, acott car. Be. 106x100, CA RUTH ERS at., near Front; som income; only ft.oou. rsstoitjce box osT, Bt . Johna. v :-'vp i' i '-'- f.:- '"'.C T-ROOM bone.' almost new, fin corner lot,' betweeo Ilswtnoroe end w. b. ears; eel $3,0001 $600 ossb. 248 Stsrk st , . FOR; SALE New, modern 2-story honse. well located; nice lot. anruooery and fruit; near Highland school. Addrjss P 186, care Journal. M(VPUBH BlAWraAfN tl ,MI. .n .t. 1 . good boose and bars, fine soil, most g tir--leheB.T1iajritle A Abstract Co.. room 4 aiuikey niag oecono ana atorrisea ata. NEW 6-room' bouse, reception hall, plaatered do west airs : two iota, ten red: barn; big cherry tree; $1,200; bargain. O 185, ears Journal. CORNER lot with tws new cottage In center of residence district, Vancouver, Waah. ; In come 10 per cent net; price $.1,000. , G. B, Perolrav owner, eoe uomufreial blk. Uea TTt