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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 14, 1C07. 11 SFORTS . OF :fHE: D AY:. : nil sox HOLD HIE si. BIO)' OUT TODAY v Celebrate the Capture of Last . t Year's Pennant With Mon- " " " "'.i ster Parade. MOTOR GIRLS WILk HAVE MANY PflRTf ANR 1UU , iirni nr nn I i 1 1 1 1 i n n nnrt i i r-n M V I1 1 S-lllllV I Mills . Ntw anu o i uixfiiMu uusi units Ml IP ri iti te a ft i r nin . ; PLAYERS IN MARCH Travel to Grounds to Tone of "Con- I quering; Heroes," When Hag; Is !. ' Raieed Cost Two Ilondred ' nd j rirty Dollars Note. ; v i The motor girl will have more pretty things to wear this spring, and summer than aver before. Rubber silk coats will be much In vogue. These are in new oheoks and are more attractive than ever. Most of them come ;wlth hoods, which are more convenient for keeping dust out than the unsightly caps with Curtains, k, r'.- " :" '' For the Ion trios the weeraoie crav- enette which can be battered about will continue to be popular. There Is noth ing new In these. r-rh '""' The auto , hat will come in many unloma styles. The Edna May will be popular, as it makes a pretty hat when worn with a veil. - Modish women automobillsta are rona or the little French hats With peaked fronts or soft brims that may do ad justed to suit the Individual. ,. Some of these have pongee or crepe de chine car , am oi AfternoQn at Twenty-Fourth, and Vaughn Streets. tains with long ties, while others equal ly smart are held in place by big square vella arranorad , in in. dulnil fuhlnn. These veils measure two yards each First Game tO Begin TomOITOW " mnA BIV 1VUUU in 1011.0 vi attractive .Combinations. stunning I veu or thflk type Is deep cream color with card! fal polka dots and two-inch border. Another. In white decorated with empire gret Is shown among the styl ish effects. M Tlve-yard-long veil has a white silk mesh center with brown chif fon ends;, the white part is intended to cover the face, and the ends arranged I over the hat and hair, ending In a big pow it tne taroat.' . : , In the east the women are taking te the leather coat, but this will never be popular in California, as the days get oo warm ror it, :r ; i . The German plaid In light woolens will be worn considerable, as It is eer-l viceeoie ana looks well. PORTLAND FANS HAVE NOT LOST CONFIDENCE Slanager McCredle , Says He Has . Some of Best Players in League nd Will Blake Them Go Some Yet Ha Had Dad Lack. V I . ai '.' . . , . (Journal ImcUI flerrleeJ Chicago, s May 14. Nothing but the cooperation of Old Bol ls now neeaea .to Insure the greatest blowout ever at- , tempted by a baseball team when the .great aiiic , pennant awarded . to the a s cnampion waits Box is noisiea today, as a preliminary to the , game with Washington. 0. A; C. BEATS P0Llf.Mll RESULTS OF YESTERDAY'S 'COLLEGE TRACK LiEET RACES Oil MEE TRACKS completed for Hall and Wolf, Both of Cprvallis, a monster parade, headed by a band of 100 musicians provided by the national commission, which will march through the principal streets to the park shortly v arter noon. All of the amateur ana pro ' fesslonal ball teams of the city, aggre gating over 100 clubs and 1.000 players. will take part in tne . aemonsirauon. Arriving at the park. Mayor puss and .other city, off lclale and visiting base ball magnates will review the paraae. The champion White 8o will march on the .field, to the tune of "Conquering iUeroes." , whUe the arand old . rag la hauled uo to the ton of the high pole. The pennant isn't any snlds affair, the national commission blowing In 150 sit moleons f or the tt feet of double-thick- ness of blue silks-which bears the le ' arnnd! v iJ "Chicago American Lgue Baseball Club, Champions of the world, not.'. " Kefor'mers are trying to stop Sunday baneball In Erie, Pennsylvania. - r The two Canadian teams of the Bast am league, Montreal and Toronto, look to b much stronger this. season, i ' The Richmond team has been setting - fast oace in the Virginia league. The Trenton club, with all its former big' leaguers, is not to have a cinch in the Trt-State league race. ' v- "-" 7- Frank i Selee's Pueblo 'team of vthe Western league ' Is up against a bad Start, but if anyone can ' straighten thinva ont Frank can. - ' Grand Rapids,- champions of the Cen tral league, lost the first four games this year. ir,--" . -(r : ' The Connecticut league dubs have a hardteam to beat for the flag In Wa- terburv. When Tim Hurst rendered a close de cision ; In a recent : Boston-New ; Tork game on of the Pilgrims became angry anq yelled wnere are your eyes, nw in. fnr a liew.moont" . "Don't cry. son hy. alt still and eat your cake." replied Tim. f, f i. i. - - l , p The Texaa league managers this year are:. Jimei J, Maloney, Dallas; Frank welkart, Galveston; .Walter Balm, Fort Worth; 8am, XaRocque, . San Antonio; Claude Rellly. Houston; B.-4). Caven dr. Waco: Ben, Shelton. .Temple and Brooks Gordon, Austin. ''Vv''.' Are ait Champions. tt;: Lincoln . holds the ' hit championship In the Western league.. They made S8 hit, mAMntiv in a nuM with Omana. Joe Kelly's Toronto iteam got a good tart. Joe has been singing "Follow u' n thm inaatern lea rut -learns. . In the 20-lnning game between the rnweli ... and Haverhill olulbs , Pitcher runtma of Lowell allowed but six hits. "Buck" Freeman at tha Boston Amer icans has been sold to the Minneapolis club. 4 -Smash Records In the Weight Events. " ' rSMrt.l DweitA te n loeraaLt Cervallis, Or., Msy 1. In . des perately contested field meet pulled off here yesterday the Oregon Agricultural college ; defeated the . Washington Bute college by the score of It H to I2H. Two college records were .broken. Hall (O. A. C) broke tha state redord for the hammer throw, tossing the weight. ISt feet and 1 Inch. Wolf, freshmen from Portland, broke the col lege record for the 1 1-pound shotput by heaving the lead 41 feet. X Tba summary of events la as fol lows; .'W'.v.,..-., i-:.;-,. i.-vav,..,,-., it;,; 100-yard dashSchroder 0. A. C). Oreenhaw (O. A. C), Myers (W. p. C.); time, le z-t seconas. Pole vault--Swann tO. A. C). Reed O. A. C), Roper (O. A. C), Cogwlll W. a O, Ued for third; height. 10 feet 80-yard run Thorale (W. B. C.i. revolt tu. a, a., Maloney (w, M. time, 9:01. ... Hammer throw Hall -f (O. - "A. Halm (W. 8. C), Thayer (W. 8. aisutnce, in reet 1 inch. t v - . izo-yard nurdieo Hammer (W. 8. C). Burgman (O. A.1 C), Putnam (W. B. C); time, H 4-5 seconds. ; ''J - zz o-yard oasn Schroder (a A. O. Oreenhall (O. A." C). Sheney (W. & C.)i time, SI 1-8 seconds. Broad Jump Reed (O. A. C), Bwsnn (O. AC). Brodle (O. A. C): distance. SO feet 1 Inches.' Bhotpue Wolf (0A. C). Halm (W. & a), . liove (W. B. C) ; distance, . 41 zeet. . y At Belmont Park. (. Seven furlongs Sienap wonl Kim's Daughter second, Bella of Pequest third; lime, i:zs e-t. ' - Four and one half furious Minnie O. won. Senator Beckham seooad. Bis kera third; time, 0:44. Biz furlongs Olnna Ken won, Lad of means lost confidence In HcCredle and Langdon second, - Jennie Wells . third; I his huskies. - They are Inclined to look time, 1:14 4-6. ' v. ; . lupon the home olub's small psroentago Five furlongs Transvaal won. Alavda I aa the result of a combination of mis- second, Moaregor third; time, 1:00 1-4. 1 fortunes rather than an actual lnferl- Mile and sixteenth Dandelion won. I orltv In the team, and If Portland starts Nealon second. Red Friar third; time, I off well at home she will be backed to Portland's baseball team dropped Into town this morning, and as soon aa the players got rid of their luggage they made a run for a barber shop, v Shaved and slicked t up, they strolled around town until noon, shaking hands, with their friends and taking life easy. ' This afternoon at I o'clock they fathered at Recreation park and seampsred Joyously ever the brand-new diamond mads to order by Mr. Hlgglnsv..:';..;a-.;:...V'MV. Portland's welcome to her team prom' laes to bo s warm one. The Btavera have mads a miserable showing so far, but local tans seem to have by no won, third; CI, C); 1:47 1-6 One mile Water Tsnk won. Hayes second, Bavablo third; 1:40 4-5. At Oakland. ' Half mile, selling Herlves Katie Rains second, Albion . H. time. 9:48 1-5. Mile and sixteenth, selling Adiron dack won, Ball na eecond. Little Joker third; time, 1:48 4-6. . - Mile and sixteenth. Selling W. B. Gates won, Desmagea - second. Fashion third; time. 1:48. Mile and sixteenth, -. selling Rotrou won. Fury second. Hi Caul Cap third: Ume, 1:47 S-6. - t Blx furlongs A. Nugent won, .Corn- bury second,,' Merchant third; time. 1:1! 1-6. the limit In tha matter of enthusiasm Chief I sad support. :v . ume, I Walter McCredle says he's been a vic tim of hard luck, and expects to prove that , he may yet turn out a winning team. ,.:...:'..:. '-,' r "I've had bad luck all around.' be sald, when seen this morning. 'In the first place, we started there In Ballnaa and It rained all tha time. It rained so much that we didn't get practice enouch to be able to find out what tha men were able to do. Then ' McHale, Hen- Ladylderson and Ross, who were to have re. poriea to me, man i snow up, ana mat left me In a hole, I may get Ross yet, however. : g w --( 1 was handicapped' all the time by not ; having , a : third-baseman or a first-baseman," continued Mo Credle, "but now I ' bave Mott for Seven furlongs The Mist' won, Lorn I third, and this man Carson is doing good Reed second, 1:36 4-6. Corrlgan third; time. . . At Louisville. ' Four furlongs Grand 'Dame won. Banghor - second, Waldorf Belle third; time, 0:48 1-6. Five and a half furlongs Aleoon won. Bosseriaa seoond, vr, lm Huff man third; time. 1:07 1-6. . ' Four and a half runongs Haiket 440-yard dash Oreenhaw (O. A. C.), I won. Honest second, .Financier third; Thomle (W. S. C). Howard O. A. Ou! time. 0:64 4-5. j time, 61 1-5 seconds. Steeplechase, "- short course Maglo work at first. Mott played . with Se attle last year, and was one of the best men in tho league. X have a good bunch of ballplayers, some of-the best in the league, and I expect to make a differ ent record from now on. Last year I didn't get off so welL For the first three months I didn't win more than half the games. And yet we have the pennant. We'll do something yet this yoar,'. .f-p--,, i.y i Tomorrow's Program. Th Ban Francisco bunch will arrive tonight and the first game will be A T c n E s 0 N I R E D I T VYE SELL CHSAPEa Off CaEDIT THAN OTHriSpO gOq CAZl I ipliliiiiBl Now is your opportune chance to buy yourself a fine Watch. You need not pay all cash. Pay a small amount down upon pur chasings the balance $1.00 PER WEEK In this way our liberal; credit system enables every person to own a high-grade timepiece. ' INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. V t GEVU'RTZV& SONS -. COR. FIRST; SECOND AND YAMHILL STREETS A U 0 u D 0 N C E D I T WE CARRTf' A COMPLETE LINE IN SILVERWARE SPORTING tlOTES Local and OUienrlse. MUe run Johnson (W. 8. C), Covlljwon, Peter Vinegar second. Full of Funjplayed tomorrow afternoon at 8:80 at (W 8. C.X. Walsh CW. S. C) i , time. Discus throw Love (W. 8. C, Ben nett (O. A. CL Thayer (W, 8. C)i dis tance, .11 reet s inches. - High tump Chapman to. A. C). Put nam (W. S. C.), Hammer (W, B. O; neiftnt, o reet i incnes. ' ! ; : ; , izo-yard hurdles Putnam' (W. 8. CI Hammer (W. 8, C), Bergman (O. A. C); time, 17 8-6 seconds. Trainer W. L. Hay word of the TJnt versity or Oregon acted as starter. NATIONAL LEAGUE I third; time, 1:61 4-6. Six furlongs zai Mae-Red- second. Lavelta third; time, 1:18. Mile and a sixteentn XjOuiss ' Farlan won.. Bcatplock second. Wood third; time, 1:48 1-5.' . : NOTES OF PORTLANDS AMATEUR BALL HIRES Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets. The Mike Button I festivities will open with a parade which i - will start from Fourth and Washington streets at 8 o'clock. Arriving at the grounds, the 1106 pennant will be raised by the hand of Judge George H. Wil Hams. ' The two nines will practice, and then Mayor Lane, - Auditor Devlin and Judge Williams will take the field, the mayor as pitcher, the auditor as catch er, and the judge as umpire. The mayor will throw the ban in the direction of Devlin, Devlin will make a wild attempt to catch it. . ana uage wuiiams will call "Strike!" In a loud, stentorian tone. Then the real game will begin. J rt I .. 1 I'l ... V . . .... v- I - "-- .......... James MUiin, wno was inoo y '"iw xorit , , nas oeen soia - io Kew York Giants, wiiev Piatt the ex-major league ' pitcher,' has been released by the Ba ' an,K AtiantlA learue team. Manager Griffith of the New Tork gt ' Americans nan .. Brooklyn A Vew York. " N R. H B. .0 6 0 ........... ..I I B Batterles-Maaon : and Rchlel: Vi. amnity ana Bowerman, - Umptr-Rlg tn Atlanta. nnhA" viaaintrei' has started the sea son In fine condltloa If the "Reuben" can keep In for this season Buffalo- will be hard to beat for the Eastern league pennant J-V J " ,':,T2 It is said that Mayor Brand Whltlock ti la the onlv city- official who ..r turnad down a season basebair pass.- . cnDCQT nRfiVF SFFS WJv. I VMa.W .1 vii iw i a- ,..w iSREATi BALL GAME f ' t "... ,,,'' CtolU 6eat McMlMvllle After Thlr- . teea Spectacalaf Innings , '' ' ' ;. Have Been PUyed. ; i Forest Grove, Or., May 14-In the most sensational ball game ever wit nessed In this city, the Finest . Grove Colts defeated tha McMinnville team by . ,0ore of 8 to 1 after playipg 18 spec- ..miliar ' lnnlnrs Bundsv on the local Tha vranAatand wag brOUKht tO Its t time after tlmo during the Jong u..iinM hv atelier catches and spectac ular puya Rudy Bchults made several plays off second that would make thrills of loy run up and down the spinal col umn of an old leaguer. . Bchults" little brother wlille upheld the .family name JO'grana ow styie u ii mvim. Moore accepted many difficult chances without missing one., rj- -vi . The. work of Nejson, Gldi and Ropper for the vlsltora was equw to .tne Desi "klnnaSs: proressionai ou.-:yr..--; the iisovp: ZA"? Ynremt Orvo - McMinnville. Getters i .',,.'....', , .Dennis Moore . . . . . ....... .cf . .... , . , , Blms Kopple . V... ,'.,ss...... i Scottj Matlock , . . i . ..8b..i ., DeLashment Brltton .lb. . ... .... .Nelson Brown "'. '. ....... .rf. , . . ...... Holman VT. Bchults ,t.,ik....lf.....i......i Pools Betties . .'. .. . . , -P. ...... ... V Ropper R.Bohults iSh.,.i.iii.101ds At Brooklrn. R. H.E. ................ I.. .t 8 , 8 i ....... ..a a s Batteries Karger. Beebe nan; Henley, and.Rltter. O Pay. , , t -.'- ? .'" . -V V- " essieMeMsaaBH T". The Telerraros mst their third defeat at the hands of the Waverleys Sunday by the score of 11 to ?. - Lineup: Waverleys. Position. Telegrama I Day .........,.....c. ........... Black I Lanae p. ........... . .Elliot Krouse , . ; ..; . .ss.T.; ".:.".;;.:.";Ruffner Smith ...... ...... lb. ....... .v Morrow Caples ....,. Sb., n Mase DeTemple 8b..... Walkley iBimco ....... .....iz... ........... m et. c&.ki. ai i b.j. Martin ........... cf.. ....... Raybackl s."iw iauiw wi tvutou Droeuer BILLINGS SELLS EVERY IE BUT LOU DILLON and Noo-I Voss Umpire I r . ... .. . , Fisher At Philadelphia, f v ; , R. H.E. ........I...........D 1U 1 ........ .i. .. .1 4 ' 4 Batteries L.undrren and Kllnr: Cur. naon ana jacaiiLscn. stone and .Kiem. -. . Chlcaao Philadelphia . The North Portland Juniors will chal lenge any team in tho city under 15 years old. Call up Main 6856 and ask for Chester Laird. , ' to Go at Auction Before End of Week. jf : -- i j : BaeebaU fortBupper. tv X ' (Special patee to The oeraal.V - Bis lock. Or., May ' 14. The BhUock baseball team and the O. R. N. Rip Rap team flayed a game of ball " at the ' eniitn rsnca. near uui piM.,Dununr. - : The score stood 8 to 10. in favor of Rip ' Rap. Both sides put up a good game, . The game was played for an oyster ' supper and denes to bs given at the Bla lock hoteL In spite of the wind about ISO people witnessed the game. The North Portland Juniors won two UmDlrea John-1 games last week, one from the Sunny. side nine ny tne score ox s to e ana tne othr from the Sellwood teant by the as xmannxg. 1 score of to 0. 1 .. .w '-i ..:-. n. ft. -Hi. riiifluur. . . j...'. ............ .i li i ... . .... ........ ... - p.,... ------- -- -. -i ne jueier m itus nin ggiwiN vn .vu.v., , , .. ................ .A a, m (Jovnt Bpeeial letvica.) Cleveland. O.. May 14. Horsemen from all over the country are In Cleve land today to bid on Major Delmar and the numerous other thoroughbreds from the stables of C. K. Q. Billings, to be sold at tho Fasig-TIpton -suction sale during the week. The Billings consign ment includes sver light harness horse Batteries Llefleld, Plllippl and Gib- 0w,' L a? Sunar Dy 'th r l owned by the mllllonalro amateur reins- son; Young, Dorner, BuUes and Need- nam. AMERICAN LEAGUE I It to 16. ' This team would like to chal lenge any team under 16 years of age. I Call up LOyd woodward. Main 8267. At Cnaleago. '.'! ' .V,i,:;c'-,;.jySil.,v'i R, H E- 8 2 ...............I IT 1 Batteries Patterson. Whlt and Mn. nnino; waaaeu ana senrecx. . :, Chlcasro . . Philadelphia t-'TT.M 9. Ionia, Pt. " LjQUlm ,-., ...i, .... wi i ,0 V 8 Washington i v .4 11 8 u&tteries Jacobean, f. Bpeyert Falkenberg. Graham and Blank- enShlp..::'T.y;,,.:;;i-'1-7',S .'i&AJr b ' .' , ' i. ' "' ''"'"A.'s'ijf j! :.'.-d-h' ; At fwalaadV Cleveland . . ................ ..1 - 4 I New York i ,.....V,i....w...Tt U Batteries Mooro and Clark; Orth and Klelnow. Sr-WWval Satrcit, ': .::, -.- v R. ft-. R. Detroltv.tJ.j....,, ..... Y4 .10 ..-.1 Batteries siever ana ecnmiat: m- neen and Armbruster. ;.y' A,iV man, with tho exception of Lou Dillon, the 1 world's champion trotter, and her recent roai by John A. MoKerron. Among the celebrated horses that will be sold under the hammer are the cham plon. trotting gelding Major Delmar, l:6 ; the pacing : stallion Blalock, 1:07 H; several brood mares, all In foal to John A. McKerron, including Mssette, l:04t Imos-ene, S:11H; Fanny Foley. 1:194, wagon record 8:11; Bugle, tat)i,mnd Glad TJews, ,:14. Five two-year-olds by McKerron, four yearlings by the same horse, ana one by Fred 8. ... v. . -.. ........... uarvin i jajrerwooa oui oi nucule, are aiso in- J. Mueller.... ......... Fisher eluded in the Billings string, and it Is wixon . .......... .zd. uavageiiai expectea win ne eagerly sougnt ror. Jones .......... ss...., A. Donaldson I Major Delmar, the greatest trotting F. Mueller . ......,8b.,.,.,...,.. Mlers I gelding in the world, was purchased at Hogan .......... ..lf ............ Bosell I aucUon two years ago by Mr. Billings Manninr ......,.,cf. ............ Bclg I for 615,500, the Mora having been sent Nutbrown ....... .rf .C Yosperf to the "block by E. E. Smgthers, whd arove tne entropion in nia race against The Viuas defeated the 8tettlers on I Lou, Dillon for the Memphis gold cup. the home grounds Sunday in a fast Blalock, the whirlwind pacer,, was pur- game. The score was 18 to 1. " The I cnaseq oy Mr. juiiungs last year ror f is,- In a fast' game last Sunday the Alblna Victors defeated the Woodlawn Stars to tha tune of 8 to 8. The feature of tho game was tha pitching of Duncan, who allowed but four hits, while Vosper was batted for 11 hits. F. Muelle and Hotan led tho batting by each receiving four ' A. Victors, . Position. Woodlawn. Duncan ,.f ....P...C and D. Vosper Sheen . ........o , Garvin Btop paying for the poorest service advertise for new employes In .the Jour nal.- -r-,". ... v:; , ..-if. PROFESSIONAL BALL ?nrora oaxxs twirling of Probst and tho fielding of the Villas was too much lor tho paper- box makers, At no time did 'they have a look-in. Bird' wilt do the receiving for the Villas this season, aa he made a good showing. - Park of . tha Bralnard CubS played a star game at shortstbp ror the - Btettlers. - Next Sunday morn ing the Villas play' the Bunker Hills pn East Twelfth and Davis streets. v The Peninsula' nine was defeated by the North Stars yesterday by -the soore of 2 to 4. i Charley Wright was in the box for the Peninsulas and Georae Swart was the twiner for the winners. 000. Tho decision of the Chicago million aire to quit the narness racing game is believed to be due to tho Memphis gold cup scandal, which was fought out in the courts. Mr. Billings has been Identified with matinee racing for the last 18 years, and in 'that time has owned more harness horses with excep tional records than any -other amateur in the - country. He has : never placed even the smallest wager .on the result of a race, engaging' ins the game-purely for sport, with a ribbon or a trophy as sufficient reward. - His retirement will be a distinct loss, to the turf. PORTLAND vs. ,. SAN FRANCfSCO V ; fA JOK STREkf GKOITYB. MAY 15-16-17-18-19 rSnma haHn at 1:10 rt m flnnav 4:80 d. m. . Genernl admission as a. Grandstand Boo, Children lOe. LAStES PAT PRZDAT. The Holladay nine would like a game I with . the Invlncibles. : . .Call un East 8287. Holladay would also like a re turn game' with .Fulton. , ' v"'"1'"aJeBeBaj 'V"-'' ' -.'t"' '.. -r .Any teawdeslrlna- a arame with the I Peninsula baseball team for May 18th should call up Woodlawn 608 and ask i for H. Becker, manager, . , Strawberries are all rlsht around Tha Bailee, - . i . - , DLO mm 01 the worst dUetee . Mrth. ,iv. etilet to r4r WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Minr t.ra Slmplec eputs ea tba eoree in the ft I lmt I I lD L.I oioal tairs, ana aon't know th, elears, tailing v nut pi It Is BLOOD POISON. Brad to DR. BBOW.N. 0HS Arch St., ' Pblladclpala. feaa for BROWN 8 BLOOD CVKm. 83.00 per bottle Uj- ene smarh. . Sold la fortlaad ealr br WeBwar4, Clarke A Ce. Tomorrow afternoon, Big 'doings 1n Coast league baseball. - Don't forget' Slaht : handball " enthusiasts of - the Multnomah club will play a series of match camea to decide which four will pay for a supper and a box at the open ing performance of "Fanuna."' The games will begin tomorrow afternoon at o clock. One team wui consist ox a. O. Jones, Thomas Cleland, B. Hoiiaaay and Jordan Zan. The other will con sist of G. C. Moore, Sam Holbrook, George McMillan and F. M. Dunne. , Two nines of tha Bankers league play ball on Multnomah field this evening at o'olock. A simpls way for a ear-owner to test the Quality of different grades Of engine oils is to neat a pane , or glass, ana, holding it at an angle, see how far a few drops of the different oils will tricue aion. it before evaporating-. . Other thlnas eauaL tho oil that runs farthest without vanishing will nest tor .tne engine. : e e No mora ballplaying on Portland's streets. ' That is the latest edict . of I Chief of Police Gritsmaoher, A clever new fad, and one that serves "Why is It doctor, that so many among the medical profession con demn electrical treatment to their pa tients r asked a young physician of a .wise old doctor. - ; "Well, my boy, It's Ilka thls yon know, and I know, that electricity, when applied right, Is beneficial, and has cured a great many people, but we can't afford to lose our pstlents by telling them so. Ws have given the best part of our lives to ths study of meaiome, ana ' we must continue treating with drugs ss long aa we live. We eould not hope to begin now and learn how to apply electricity:' success fully, tor It takes years of Study and experiment. Tne application of elec tricity la Just as much of a science ss is the practice of medicine. You have got to learn how to treat every part of .-the body individually, Just aa we give drugs to set Individually upon - the . heart, liver. ' kidneys or other organs. . "There's only one doctor that but nervousness and Weakness) la men 04 women. - ', "Borne of Dr. Hairs cored patients are well known to me. Last time I called on him he showed mo a letter from an old friend of mine. Here it la: "'I think Eleotro-Vigor Is tha moat wonderful thing In the world, for It cured me of dropsy, catarrh, rheuma tism and a weakxeae which, made Ufa miserable for me. J&ectro- Vigor has restored tne to robust health and X give It credit tor saving my life. " "1 am 64 - years Old and working 14 ; hours a day now, J, W. LUNBECK, t -tS Cmntmr , atrul. Santa Crus, Cal." "Then ' you 1 be lieve that tho doc tor of the future will use electricity Instead Of drugsT" . said the ' young physician, ; ..: T do," was tho reply. The doctor of the future, who uses drugs id . his practice, will bo regarded bariaa- lago. as a bar- I over knew who has really mastered all the details of electrical treatment. That Is Dr. Hall of Hen Francisco. It was way back in tha 'eighties' when he began exDerltnantlnar with elActrieltv. after becoming disgusted with the practice nounoed that ha bad dlacovered that electricity Is the basis of all life, and mat sickness of any kind is due to a lack of elecirto force. His claims were subsequently verified by Professor Loeb of the University of California and numerous other scientists." How does Dr. Hall cure with eleo- tricltyr" asked the young physician. 1 an electric Doay appli ance, wmeh - he- calls Electro Vigor, Electro-Vigor is worn about the body at night, while you sleep, and gives out a continuous currant of electricity. Yon never have to charge It, for It maLs its own Dower, and does not burn, or blister the skin. The current does not shock -the nerves; the only sensation Is a soothing glow. Dr. Hall has perfected his body battery so that it conveys a stream of electrlo Ufa di rect to the part that is ailing, so the rreat force of current, goes where It is needed and none is wasted. He has met with great success in curing chronto ailments, such as stomach troubles, indigestion, kidney, liver and bowel troubles, rheumatism, lame back. ' . -- - -.- fie a purpose, Is being adopted by residents I of medicine. A few years later he an in tne suouroa 01 biv xora,- sista of having 1 the : best automobile route from the city to their home print ed on the reverse side of Jthelr personal visiting cards. This Is a convenience to the friends who own oars and whom the suburban dweller really wishes to The-West -Bide -High vs,-East Side High game, which was scheduled for to morrow afternoon on Multnoman neia, has been postponed on account of the Coast league opening at Recreation nark. Tha Interscholaatlo game will probably be played on Thursday. S e The annual championship track and field meet of : tha facino Nortnwesi Amateur Athletio assoclatloa will be held In Seattle on June SJi From the contesting athletes will be-veleeted the team which will represent the northwest at the Jamestown exposition. e -. a The 81.006 sUkea for ths S:S8 pacing olass and 1:11 trotting olsss features of the Overland park racing meet, open ing June 16, will close tomorrow. The events hare attracted much Interest anions- harness horsemen and tho entry lists will be well filled, vine running stakes, ciosa une : .M m 4 George Gun ther of New York has been matched to fight Jack Blackburn, -the colored Philadelphia welter-weight, be fore the National Bportmg Club of America tomorrow night, Tha bout will be pulled off in private, f;frf? "Entries closed today for the' Scottish reliability trials ' for touring cars, to be held next month. Great Interest Is manifested ' In the event by European and American manufacturers. Several American automobile builders have en The regular season of the Michigan Baseball league opens today, with Kaia- masoo at Tecumseh, Mount Clemens at Flint, Jackson at Bay City, and Battle Creek at Lansing. : Sunday games can be playea in eacn or these dues this year, with the exception of Lansing, and an interesting and profitable seaaon is expected, .-. ; , -r y , -' --v '5.: , The oarsmen of British Columbia will make a determined effort to land honors at the annual regatta of tha North Pa oifio Association of Amateur Oarsmen, which will be held on Lake Union, near Bcatue, m July next, word cornea from Victoria, that there are over 10 candi dates for places In the senior four, while Vancouver there are some 30 aspi rants for aenior honors drilling every evening. Captain George Seymour has not yet selected the senior four, out wuj do so Immediately after the club re gatta, which will be held on Saturday next. For' the opening regatta ef the season there are IS crews entered la the senior four-oared event Get It Fpea Get my 106 -page book describing Electro-Vigor and with illustrations ot fully developed men and women, show ing how it is applied. , This book tells in plain language many things yon want . to know, and rives a lot of good, wholesome advice for men. ,. ... . I'll send this book, prepaid, free, If you will mall me this coupon. . . Cut It OUt now. 1 S. A. Hal, 11 D. 1488- rimaora treet, AJf rauurexsoo. Please . send me, prepaid, roar free 100-page, Illustrated hook. -14-? Name. ....... ........ Address.... seeteteastsi NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE - At Taeoma. ' R. H.E. Taeoma ,.0 60001000000 01 S 3 Butte . ..aeiooooeeoee 1 s z Batteries CUAin and Shea: Hood and Wllklna. .-, WIWilFlIl A HAT TO FIT YOUR FACE -A AMERICA'S GREATEST HAT LEADS ALL - OTHER HATS IN POINT OF. . -SALES IN PORTLAND ' " A HUNDRED SHADES AND COLORS $11 EVERY HAT GUARANTEED Tlae CMcl Satisfaction or Your Money Back SOLD ONLV BY V v. the I) 3-7i TinrvD STn"T, r:;-.Tv.-