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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
THE OREUON DAILY" JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ; TUESDAY EVENING",' MAY 14, 1SC7. ID vm lEll SCORE DOGS IS OF 111 oliiftlEiT OUT ALL IIIGIIT All EASY SLIP Oil EXIIIBIIIOII Roseburg Citizens 8ubsbribejaJ(n";Qu Doctor .Who Performed Illegal Blacksmiths, Electricians); Fire men, Engineers and Masons . . , to Join . Carmen MrsEnkej Contests ; Spouse's C. H. Miller Tells Policeman He And Nearly Four Hundred Entries Divorce Suit and Asks One i . Wants a Drink and Walks In Bow-Wow Show Which Hundred, Thousand for Says Supreme Court, Re- ' Operation Will , Be Tried Jvvvfor Manslaughter. Out of Station. Opens Tomorrow. Capital Stock. for Herself. - versing Judge Galioway. IGH IEI! ffif 4TIVD0D JURY huso o m -''-Vv-V. .- - ; ' ' f ' " -' -;.4'' i,'v T (8pedal JManateb to The Journal.) " Salem, Or., May 14. Holding that the statute grivee the belr the light of ob jecting to the final account of th ad- (Rpoclal DUpstea to Tha Joernai) 'Roseburg. Or.. May 14. Roeoburg cltlsen today subscribed 1100,000 ur - .a . TrvAl. t;ay -wooirio """ the court, to bear ,any such objection sens have subecrlbod a Ilka amount, ana Md t0 - a)lnw di.-now tha in - whole T""orr'"'tn be Just and right Also that a Judgment or. decree mutt ba baaed upon the record and tba evidence In the case and not upon iomi other record not In evidence, nor- upon Knowledge acquired by the Judge in aoma other , proceeding. Chief Justice Beam . today , reversed the judgment of T.m A m. at. - .at IU a way-" -a- - it,' . I e UUKQ JTHliUWHT 1 VI1 Ulsa-l lt5 1 VI l" 1 Aana tMA manvi r i no wfieUinitML i .. An .a .... Mtimmnm in fctklrltn hark atubSOrlDUOnA. I rrkMM mr . A t u . . - iivnsuwa v t . 1 1 epvuugu4 f me roaa wm poeuiijr pa puuu, rnltteea of ftve from Roaeburg, MafjV Mrt . -may xieiUf Dun iuhi twin( ui Myrtle Point will be held t Marahf leld, when the new company will be. organ ised and details of the work , of eou- miction be mapped out The 100.fl00 pledged today la by no means all the money Roaeburg will put Into- the en terprise. The company naa yn II;lV;SC0TTH0Hf LAfID ACK TO , FROr.lTRIPABROAD THE PEOPLE Hanrey W. Scott, editor' of the Ore . gonlan, returned from a fire-months' Journey through Europe, Egypt and the . Holy Land this morning, apparently in i the beat of health and assuredly happy 1 to be back In Oregon. i "There Is no cllmaU like the climate of ; Oregon," said Mr. Scott over the telephone. 7.1t Is great mistake to think that the climate of the United SUtes can be beaten anywhere la the world. , Take Oregon for summer and ' California and the gulf atatea-for win ter and yon. have the finest climate in . the northern hemisphere, or eoutnern. for that matter. -' "My trip was delightful, pleasant and anlorable. - If those words t ail to ex press my aentlmenta, add some out of your own. vocabulary. Everything was lovely excent. the climate. f- "But Is there nothing else to talk about save the climate," was asked. "No, I have no report to make to the newspapers. My' trip waa like that of any, other person, r solely for pleasure and recreation." ; ,'.''. "Well,' but you had several confer ences with President JRoosevelt while ewayT".. . .. r '- Buss-s-s-s-s, went the telephone "Did he aay" all thatr waa the next question asked. H"" :." : " 'Tes, he wanted to know all about Oregon,' came the reply over the wire. "Now, you must not take too much of my time, aa I am very Dusy. " (mraal Special Berrtte.) i , - , -Washington. May 14-The land of fice at Vancouver has been notified that on July 2 about ,B0 acres of land will be subject to settlement which had been temporarily withdrawn for for estry purposes adjoining the Rainier na tional reserve. It wlU be subject to entry-August It. " ' '' On July 17 about 855,140 aores will be subject ' to settlement but not to entry; In the Portland, Lakevlew, , The Dalles and Roseburg districts and sur rounding the Cascade National forest reserve. . v :. Ota the same Sate 1SI.I20 acres here tofore withdrawn for proposed additions to the Heppner national forest reserve In the La Grande and The Dalies dis tricts, will be subject to settlement, en try, filing or selection. . .. On July tS about 26,000 acres In the Watervllle district, Washington, subject to settlement but not to entry before August 11, and In ' the Seattle district 1,180 acres will be subject to Settlement and entry on the same dates. MAYOR LANE FILES JORHAL ACCEPTANCE TThe erusade of thef ravejers' Aid so ciety In Ihe protection- of young girls resulted this morning In Dr. C. H. T. At wood belna-. nlaced on- trial before Judge Ganteubeln in the circuit court on charge of manslauirhter for perform ing an illegal, operation on H-y ear-old Hattle Fee, -Of f totals or the Travelers' Aid assert that the evidence against Dr. At wood Is positive' and convincing, 'and that the. condition of affairs has come to be such that something hxi to be done. -They aay that girls are being brought to the Union depot every day and. taken directly to tffe offices of a certain class , of physicians in this city. At me trial or pr. Atwooa tne enure morning was consumed In selecting nine Jurors. - Many were excused both by the prosecution and the defense. V Some war Drfcludlcafl in favor of the defend ant others against him, and one man aid not like the Oregon law which makes such an operation as the doctor is charged with manslaughter.' District Attorney Manning and his chief deputy, Qua C. Moser, are conducting the prose cution, while Attorneys John F. Logan. F, B. Meecham, and Robert Galloway appear for, the defense, ' The . Jurors who were accented this morning were: 'V. J. , Randelin, T. T. Burkhart Emll Xucke. A. O.s Temple. John Luthe, Miner Oatton, Charles Kahn, H. A. Thompson, and Otto Roenlcke. ' UNERAL CASS COVERED WITH BEAUTIFUL ROSES Dead c Shrlners Sent : to Last ; Resting Places In East on Special Train. v lf.i.u V . - Ml.a-Vta .mmafta.A . A Mr. Scott is home, as are Mra. Soott Lv"l-trv;."' ."..IT:! friUX.w; the city auditor this morning. In accepting the nomination the mayor filed the following; letter with the city audi tor: - - ' - - - i. Mr. Thomas- C. Devlin, auditor of the city of. Portland -Dear air I am In re ceipt of your favor of the 10 to Inst, no tifying me. that I have been' nominated by the Democratic party for the of floe of mayors In compliance with the law governing the subject I hereby notify you that I accept the nomination of the said Democrat !o party for such office. Respectfully,. ; HARRT LANE, Mayor. FIVE JURORS IN BOX ' IN HAYWOOD CASE to be back in PoVtland, after a, delight ful journey across the Atlantic , VANTS 52,200 FOR ALLEGED INJURY ' Alleging that he hf d been seriously Injured by being etruck . on the head by a piece of board that fell 70 feet from a fire eecape on the Dekum Duim Ing, Jake -Andrew this morning began suit for $2,260 damages 1ft the Circuit court front the Portlsnd Wire At Iron work, the firm that .was installing the fre escape. ' ' ' v . Andrew alleges -that a ' number r of loose pieces of board were being used on the fireescape and that as he was - passing on the sidewalk the workmen threw down a large piece and that tf struck him on the head, cutting a deep gash.' Hs aaks I,00- damages, 1181 in lieu of wages that he would have earned In the 91 days that he waa laid up and $25 that he expended for med ical attendance. T. y-.; i WASHINGTON FIGHTS TO RETAIN GRANT LANDS ' 1 (SmtUI DtoMtca'ta The loaraall Olympla, Wash., May 14. An effort Is being made to deprive the state of v several thousand acres of land selected by it In what was formerly the Colum bia Indian reservation, the-selections be ing; made .for " the ' State Agricultural college. ; An act of congress-of July 1184, opened a portiqn of this reserva tion, but to homestead entry only,; The enabling act or jreDruary zs, -' a-ranted the state 100,000 acres for so! en tlfic school purposes, and part, of the lands were selected from the former I Columbia reservation. About 10 settiers have filed - homestead entries on the state selections and are attempting to prove up on the land. The land offloe offlclals at Watervllle have decided the contest la favor of the state and an ap peal has now been takeri to the general land ' office lat Washington, Attorney General- Atkinson, who is handling the case for the state, today forwarded his brief to Washington, and. expresses no : doubt that the state's contentions will be upheld. , . ,.'. , i ' : COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN JO-ATTEND . BALL GAME Journal Rmetal sviea.t Santa Barbara. CaL, May 14. A spe cial bearinr the dead and those Injured victims of Saturdar" wreck of the Shrlner special at Honda who were able to travel departed from here this morn ing for the east A stop was made at San Luis Obispo, .whpre the .bodies of half score or more cf the killed were taken aboard. All the coaches of the funeral train were beautifully decorated with rosea. ,''.. "' " :" ttonrnal flnaflal lUl.Ua.i San Francisco. May 14. It is reported on good authority this morning, that a mass meeting of all the unions sup ported by employes, of the United Rail ways, will be held soon, for the purpose or vonng on a general inf. -- If a general- strike ia decided upon, trlclans. firemen, engineers and masons will he affected. . A. great majority oi the men are in favor of a general strike and many are quitting already. r - ' Cars were sent out this morning on the six lines operated Monday and a number of additional lines. They met with little opposition. All of the cars carried , passengers.'.: V,-. !i'M-;y MM MS II 1IC mm mi rain Aa proof thai Mra Annie Enke treated Herman Enke cruelly, her brother tesU- f led before Judge Sears in Sthe circuit I court this morning that Mrs.. Enke hin lered her husband's business deals by refusing to sign deed to "property that he Wished to. dispose of. The reason ahe did this waa that she feared her husband waa trying to beat her out of her rights, said Mrs. Enke'a brother. TO BE UVEN-AS PRIZES C. H. Miller; arrested by DetecUves SEVENTY fill VFP fIIPft mil ana iauei on auspiciun o i "i i been Implicated In the theft of a wallet from J. I Heltschu on a Fifth street ear walked unmolested our of the eta- tlon last, night and made hla escape. Miller, who was formerly the pro prietor of the Twelve-Mile house, and S. U Poage were taken Into oustody as ths result of a complaint lodged with Theodore Fish, and bar suspicions were Inspector Bruin by Heltsohu that he bo -arrong mm sne even rerusea i or sev- Show Will Open tt 10 O'clock la Exposition' Balldlng and Promiseg to Be Very Bucccsful Judging to Start at Once. JaCOD Wolfer and Peter Marcetti always refused to explain his absence. Acpused of Endangering , Railway Trains. had been relieved of a purse containing senger on tto stmtcar. Miller and Poe ' 'h"in"?U'i,.i', SlSLt Ah Poags are said to hav been riding on will open its doors to 'the publlo to- mi Huig .ui ana just pnur w ii' muiiu. uiurning at- 10 o OlOck at -tha schu'a discovery that be had been I Exposition building, in the skating rink robbed, Foege alighted from the coacn. I , .' ' . After searching all day petoctlvaa -J?""",' h.t'i 1 "! this morning Hill and Mallet found the two-men and "cl.,V IVVh.VhnVV.1. mZ' e took them to headquarters for examine- !?! ci"t"At !hat. how '"t week, and ... . n,. n .. l" u.utliai. 1. BDOUI ail lilt mnA I. is entitled W the decree. She charges .It...'.TL ?. T?" c"i"a. .7-" Pce. ' Superintendent FleriTln. cruelty In turn and says Enke frequent. mjjC:" thl&HotnF "l0M can "veed at ly stayed away from home ntll late at "'Vta'tlon l-n?t &XtotXTlZJ& bu Ml1" "" er o-Oock nignt, or an night in some cases, and tm. n,w ,. . . ny ume before drink, hurried down the street . Gruber was unaware that the man was in cue- tody and consequently did not stop him. Miner s escape was noticed ' soon after, but as yet the detectives have been unable to locate him. Poage waa oral weeks to sign the deed to property neid jointly by Enke and Fish. Enke charges In his suit for divorce that hla wife not only annoyed him con stantly and treated him cruelly, but falsely acoused . him of infldelltr and failed to care for. him when he was ill. Hla aide of the story is being presented to the court today, : Mra Enke con testa the divorce suit and alleges that it Is she, not Enke, who Under' such clronmstancea. says : Mrs. Enke. -she wae compelled to offer her own explanations. Additional testimony is being heard this afternoon. 'The litigants were married in Port- dren-4Alma, ,-aged 18; Linda, aged II; WUlianVtged ; Irene, ag eVft, and Her man, aged roears. T " fSiwelal Dtioatck to Tba Joarnal.l Roseburg, Or., May 14 Jacob Wolfer, aged 18, and Peter Marcetti, aged II, were sent to the circuit court this morn ing charged with tampering with rail road signals and deatroylng personal property. They were- examined before Justice Long of this city and held In 8500 bonda ' The action of the Southern Pactflo in reducing, the wages of section men and employing Japs Is responsible for the alleged crime of the boys. Both were employed on the section ana wnen inei w w t ty., wages were ent down they left the em- - thra M.niA. .. pioy oi am company ua mi. waa I."."2V,A,M,r,.1MJ'n,Jy tlvaJ1ch"- -ubjected to a searching' examination THREE IRONWORKERS : ARE FOUNQ GUILTY this morning, but strenuously denies that he was in any way concerned In the theft He is being held on a charge of drunkenness and his case will com, ud in the ponce court tomorrow. - Detectives Hill and Mallet are au thority for the statement that two men answering the description of Miller and Poage have ; been operating on the streetcars of the city, but there la nothing tangible to connect them with any crime. Miller is well known In' the city and the police do not expect any oirnouity in effecting his recapture. MALHEUR'S ROAD GRADER WAS GOOD INVESTMENT (Joeroal Special Serriee.) '" Boise, Ida.. May 14. At recess today la ' the Haywood trial five Jurors bad been aocepted provisionally, subject , to peremptory challenge. It is understood that three of them will be challenged. two by the defense and one by the state. The Jurymen in the box at recess are A. L. Twing, carpenter, a veteran of the clyll war, whose son worked for the de fense, canvassing the electorate for. an opinion of .s possible , veniremen, and who ; Is likely to, be challenged by I the state; William vanarsdel, a grocer, ap parently satisfactory to both sides; Sam uel D. Oilman, -a rancher, a veteran of the war. of the Philippines, a strong character, whom, the defense may chal lenge; waiter tihaw, a brother of a mem ber of the legislature which passed an appropriation for the prosecution of this case, a farmer, whom the defense may challenge: Allan Pride, a ranchman. J member of the convention whloh named Borah for senator, apparently satisfac tory to both siaes. . j . In order to lend proper spirit to the occasion and show their appreciation of the national sport the city council' will adjourn tomorrow afternoon and attend the Initial game of the baseball series .id uii. vii; in.ft uvuy. rvruanu Will iopen the season tomorrow here 'in - a . game with San Francisco. George S. pjiiimcju, iuunimum ana iccraurr of the Portland Baseball club, has se cured this promise from a majority of the members, i DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT -CAUSE OF HONDA WRECK " (Journal Spatial fiarrtce.yj -Ban Lula Obispo, Cal May 1 4. -i After' examining Into the wreck of the ghrtrier special at Honda Saturday a coroner's - Jury has returned a verdict to the effect that the deaths were caused by defective equipment of the Southern Pacific railroad. SOUND SHIPPING IS THREATENED BY STRIKE (mcUI OlfDateii t The JooraaLt r'-" Seattle, May 14. Unless the demands made by the riggers' and stevedores' union! for higher wages are guaranteed by midnight a general, strike will be de clared. Employers declare they will not pay? the wages demanded, and all are prepared to fight the Issue. A strike of this kind will practically tie up shipping all over the Sound with the possible ex ception of this port SCHMIDTvIS KING OF NATI0NALSHUETZENFEST .... Journal Hneclal Sarrloe.) . Charleston. S. C, May -14. - The echuetienfest of the National Bchuet- senbund ' will close - tonight. - , J. M. Schmidt of New Gloria, Wisconsin, was crowned 'king, of the Schuetzen. , Los Angeles will probably be selected as the next meeting place. -. ! ISLANDERS FLEE FROM MOUNTAIN OF FLAME GRAIN HANDLERS JOIN - LONGSHOREMEN'S STRIKE fjoaraal B Dedal 8erv1.i New Tork, May 14. Six hundred grain elevator employes went on -strike today in sympathy with the longahore men. .. There was little rioting today. , , t Some-efficient servant gfrls are an warlcx tie Journal jaelg want ada, ; . JHiraal flneelal Sarrlea.V . Messina, May 1 4. Earthquake shocks have been continuous throughout the territory to Mount Aetna alnoe Monday noon. The islanders are neemg in panic. . r VH-t? ' rV-' i 5, i" Ox Bow Power Dlteh Completed. v ( Special Dlnpatch to The JonraaL) - Huntington, Or., , May 14. The Ox Bow tunnel people have completed the temporary power ditch by which to op erate the compressors that win bore the three tunnels for the big power plant, and the water has been turned In. The ditch Is one and one half miles long and eisnv- ret across the bottom. (Special DUpatch te The Joaraal.) : Vale. Or., May , 14.- The Malheur county court, which consists of Judge B. C Richardson and Commissioners Scott and Glover, convened last week at the court house and purchased. a road grader at a cost to the county of $1,480. The machine was shipped from. Port land for trial. The commissioners have found It-will do the work it was guaranteed to accomplish. It Is claimed that the grader will reduce the coat of moving dirt from S cents per yard, the present cost, to I Mi cents per yard, thereby effecting a saving of $65 on every 1,000 ' yards moved. - It requires three men and II horses to operate the grader and 1,000 yards can be moved in 10 hours. work in a sawmill t Alca Spur In this county. At that point it is dangerous for trains to run fast and. red lights are displayed at night and yellow flags in the day warning engineers. For months the boys, it Is charged, have been breaking lanterns and removing GOVERNOR AND, PARTY- START FOR COOS BAY Steel A Iron works, arrested on obarges of disorderly conduct and malicious de struction of personal , property, were found guilty before Judge Cameron this morning. Judge Cameron found Bogga guiuy or disorderly conduct under tne ; Governor Chamberlain ; fit - wili city ordinance ana imposed a nne or Warden Van Duaen, - 8tate Treasurer X aWI HninM an1 I til ermrm n ah aa vavaaj sMta I a . ma a mmm. sa.a B ... in... k.M .1.4 tarn own 1 1 . . " w - wrn a. oiaei ana 10m Hicnarason, flags. They have als torn down breaklng. windows of the streetcar manager of Portland Commercial eluh nSLSSL o'R-mv shadowed them and Zn hlcn touW occurred- thin evenlny on a tour of south- Detective ORelUy shadowed tnem ana . tn nTr m the western Oregon. Ther will sail from sum of 1100 each to await the action of Portland tonight , on the Alliance for mar on UUffnuusa aureaina a, VOOm B and after anandlnar anma t m ioiony.L , , -.t. - there board the gasoline schooner Ber- ine lesiimony saowea mat tne tnreeiwick for Rona mvar. Hwiiuu wma a man namea xjurna oaa inm uerwlCK IS here but bv aolna- on the wire caused their arrest ia tmiifM. morning. , All dogs must be on tha benches tomorrow mornlnar. aa th juus' win , start , promptly M Thara will ha an. -a and about $T entries. An the various classes. Many fins specimens will be on exhibition, end tha - rviiii flattan Pointers' and Terrier classes .are extra wen mie tnis year. i . Over 70 silver oups and othsr sneeiala - have , been donated by friends of tha club, and these are the finest collection of specials ever, offered by the local Club.- ' . v- - :-:,", v Judging Will start at '1. o'clock' and will be continued throughout the day and evening until the show close each night at 10 o'clock. " The Judging for specials will take place Friday even lng. and the cups will be presented Sat urday evening by President Zaa -' TWO NEW CASES OF MENINIGfTIS Patients Are Taken' at Once to the Hospital, Where One Lies ia Precarious Condition. POLICE FIND WOMAN'S OLD SCOUT AND PONY 4 , . EXPRESS RIDER DEAD 1 (Special Dkpateh to The JoornaD ,Burns, Or., May 14. "Jimmie" Jentry, an old pioneer Indian fighter, pony ex press rider and government scout ,! dead here a long Illness. "Uncle Jimmie," as he was familiarly known, was one of the first white men to settle In what is now known as Harney valley, and waa variously employed in the early days carrying dispatches for the United States army posts and scouting during the troublesome times with the Indiana He has no known relatives. covered streets woman's garments bespattered blood are mysterious features. finding of the garment was reported to police headquarters this morning and DetecUves Baty. Jones and Tlohenor were at once assigned to the case. The garments were found beneath a building at the oorner and caused con siderable' speculation among worinnen Two new cases of spinal meningitis boarded car SIS of the Glisan street tha Alliance the party wllr likely havawerr reported to the elty health depert Ilne at Twenty-fifth street At , Four- several daya jto devote to sightseeing at I mnt yesterday afternoon, and the pa teenth and Glisan the auartet began a Coos aa tha Berwick. Whirnh sulfa AmAf. 1 tlents were taken at once to St Vln- dlspusalon of the San Francisco labor I row -morning, ia not as speedy 'as the nt' eanltarlum. There were also two - irauuin ana raerrea to me moiorman i Alliance, captain Jacobsea'haa madeo(ner aaina,-reportea yeaieraay. up to mere were o new easea taken to serioui resented the appellation and without gers, being devoted chiefly to ferrying I condition. Oscar Larson, a red II, .waa rwH ana worldna on a case dla- ,nd "5nJueto acaba. It was shown all possible arrangements for tha com- noon today there wereio new e StTMVln7il a'1 ?0W taU,rd 10 UnA" of 12: iort ct hU PWi t la sel- ilex Johnwn. aged 10, was i IlfT " ihta oina in which a ' ncuage when the streetcar win dom that the Berwick carries passen- St Vincent's last night In a Oman's ta bespattered ZZSZS. appellation and without gers. being devoted chiefly to carrying " ff If "on. M A fierce fight ensued in which Boggs waa overpowered by tha street -railway employes. . His three companions fled to the street and bombarded the ear with rocks and brickbats. There waa an abundance of testtmonv in that vicinity. The Troy laundry Is Un.A,-.:y"I.." k'"!." r- located at the Intersection of East Tay- 7C' "1 '"hr TT " frjr":""r " assaulted Motorman froaen salmon and general merchandia. one is tne only craft plying between uis port ana Rogue, river., lor and East Water street, .however, and the detectives are Under the statute any person also taken to the hospital, but hla at tack la not as severe as that of John son. The latter is still conscious. Grant Singer, aged rears, died yes terday at .. St Vincent's. Edward Stemme died at hla home near Grant on Fourth street last night and was burled early this morning'. 5 - .- There are now seven cases at St VI n- (Sneeial Dinxteh to Tha joaraai t ; . cent's sanitarium, two having been add- The Dalles,. Or,. May I4.r-A. donkey I dato the. list and one having died Bine WORKMAN FATALLY HURT ON NORTH BANK ROAD ' ..,, .J found guflty of the : malicious deetruc engine at camn No. 7 on the North -Rk lyesterdaf morning. They are Ruth rlVLv ! .V. C.I tlon of personal property can either be I railroad about three miles east of thla Oarlet, Hattle .Deeds, CTarence Johns. S(nvarv " eentenced to the penitentiary, county elty, by some means left the trestle and Ju Johnson, -Chsrles Stoeckel, Alex EXCURSION ON NEW COVE TROLLEY ROAD SUNDAY Jail or pay a fine not exceedingly tl.000. went over the embankment yesterday, I Johnson and Oscar Larson. iu r&uway company naa signified Its taaung tnree men with it Engineer intention of vigorously prosecuting; the wl" Kinney, George Baptlsta and IFFWTFPM CPCfTIAt jrexer vusen. , All were . lnlurad. .... hut I - a-a.ii wi ww inw HAYWOOD IS SHOWING SIGNS OF CONFINEMENT ' (Journal Special Sarvlea.) Boise, Ida, May 14. Haywood Is be ginning to show the effects of his long confinement end - worry: lie naa jines about his mouth and his eyes are be coming more clearly defined dally. Hay wood is etlu pursuing his study or law. and. according So his attorneys, Is mak ing excellent progress. " His youngest daughter is his constant companion, and his wife was by his side during the en tire session today. . , . , , n.a. FIRST;0F NEW FARMERS' ORGANIZATION IN OREGON (Special Wpateh to Tba JoarnaL) Milton, Or., May 14.1 The state or ganizer of the National Farmers' Edu cation and Cooperative union has organ ized the first union In Oregon, in the Hudson Bay country, with a membership of 14. It will be known as Hudson Bay union No. 1. ' The officers are D. J. Kirk,, president; R..HL Well man,, vice- president; J. F. Martin, secretary; M. M. Burtner, chaplain; James Kirk, conduc tor; M. O. Beauchamp, doorkeeper. , MISSIONARIES MEET AT ATHENA TOMORROW (Special Dteoatch to Tha Journal.) Athena, Of.. May 14 -The district con vention of the Northeast district of the Oregon Christian Missionary society will meet at the Christlan,church in this city tomorrow, and will continue over Thurs day. Many ministers of eastern Oregon and Washington will .be here for the oo- caslon. -y -;, . (SiMelal Diioateh to The JoornaD Cove, Or., May I4.r-The people of Obve and Union are rejoicing over the completion of the - trolley line from Union to Cove, which will be extended to La Grande' and other point a in the Grand Ronde valley In a short time. Cars are already being run over the cases in the .upper court TWO NEW CASES SET FOR " HEARING BY W0LVERTON Only two more cases wereet dawn on tha docket of civil cases to ba heard in tne united States circuit court when the trial Jury reports next wk. h. line, though regular trips will not bo Jud& Charles B. Wolverton this morn- made for several days. An .excursion ' vu oiw cases only four 111 ha Mm frrni, TTnlnn ta HnV next I wero mei aown yesterdav and with trTnaa Sunday free of charge, which will give a total of six cases will be heard the people a chance to go over the line, I me jury. The trouble In setting a distance or is -nines, tor tne nrsti"" waa oue -io ua non-appear- tlme. The line will be of great benefit ance or lawyers representing parties to to the rruitarrowers ana - rancners oi i auna. this section, who have had a long wagon haul heretofore. CITY COUNCILS RULE IN LOCAL LIQUOR TRAFFIC , ' (SiMclal Dtaostch to The Journal) Olympla, May 14. Inquiry has been pany, June 7. made by the town attorney or sunny side aa to the constitutionality of an or- It Is possible that further crivliama will be extended to the lawyers in or der to clean the docket of as many munm mm possiDie oy tne coming trial Jury-; The cases set down today were moss or i Anarew Carlson against tha can i-Tancisco Bridge company, - June 13, and , the Contracting Engineering uiunu; SMUBk VUW BUT tjanO CO HI- side aa to the constitutionality oi an or- iniiii tifcci CV UfiiiTr dlnance passed by the town council No- JUnii WLdLCT WHITt vember S, 1908, prohibiting the sale of niCC IT UflCDITAI liquors there. The attorney-general's of- 1 UICO HI MUorl I AL floe holds that under a recent decision of the supreme court tne control or tne j0hn Wesley White; president of the uquor DUBinesa is wuraj in wio uouu. i wnite seal Btamp company, with head of the council in all tewup of the state, Quarters in the Waldo building, died at ana mat mjrwur lao uuuww . - tne Good Bamaritan hospital this mom xerrea to wia oui mu wimoui "ling, aged 83. He had been a niMnl tne council , oouia - reiusw , iu grant u- of Portland Tor the past 15 years and , was una oi m niri wcu-xnowra nuai. Hess men. Apout IS years ago he organised the White 8eal Stamp corn- nan v ana nnd maaa aoft a inooMifni in. ON POPULATION FIGURES '. , r - ments incident to bid age. Funeral ar- "plrt nittee; to The Journal. t - - rangements will be announced laterr Seattle, May 14. On an estimate based ; 1 - " - ..... ' , " on the number of names in the city dl-J -yilA imnnvo oiwrn rantnrv luaf Ii1 hv f ha nnnil-1 I Wll HAHWYN lillFW f ' - r--" www m mm mm m s w MI f lajifl lation or Greater Seattle, lncmamg uni ri nATCDO DV dliirnnu lard. South Park, Columbia and South' , ) TLUA I CHO Di LAMtKUN east Seattle, all of which are in process ' j?--'-y;':?y,, n ' ;;. or Deing aamitiea to m ciiy, is tev.ivv. i j0hn -Murnhy and SEATTLE SPIRIT SWELLS .,.-,..... braska 8torni.---;:"j- - -'-i Lincoln, Neb., May 14. Snow,' which will benefit the wheat, fell over most of eastern Nebraska today. It la .trees-, lng In the northern parts of the state, f ;,,C'-' . " - ' -.' 11 11 "' ." 1 " ; ' 'x ''' Snow la' Ka': V:r'i ' Concordia, Kan.. May' It. There, is now. here and (rest is predicted. . SMELTER MEN DEMAND -" -INCREASE IN WAGES JoarnaI Special Sorrlce.) Bingham Junction, Utah. Mav 14, Six hundred Americans employed in the United States smelter walked out this morning, demanding higher wages. Six furnaces ara anui oawa The men are getting $1.78 and $1 and want a SO-eent raise au around, wnlch Is higher than the wage granted the Murray strikers rnqay. r Thousands lis 'Inheritance Tax. - (lipecUl mpat to 'The Journal.) . Olympla. -j WaaB., May 14. The es tate of - the . late Corliss P. Stone' of Seattle today paid Into the state treas iuy tV(4.4S U labaritaacs tax, - , With, other suburbsn towns that have 1 typWhoboe weri amsted b Ser taken Drellminarr .iteM to annex the! Jl. -11- ti- . , ! rJ - i , - . z a - loaui, win una uiuniuiv Oa CnBTsTesI Oi !2Wmofittl vagrancy and later glA one hour io -J 11 ? t' irt7 leave the city by Judge Cameron. - of the elty was 1,107. When searched at the city urtson Murphy was found to be in possession TWO MINERS COMMIT - rrm -i--c SUICIDE NEAR REDDING " i ca.h:.-Th.lri.Tn7 to nave recently amvea rrom California j (Joaraal Special Service.) - Redding, CaL, Msy 14. There were two suicides in the vicinity, of Redding last night Joe Anderson, a miner ?of the Clark mine, on Canyon creek, blew, out his brains, and Bob Noltpn, at the Big" Creek mine, shot himself through the heart. He was holding his baby on his knee, then handed It to his wife and killed himself. - .- - - THREE MEN LIE UNDER ' ' AWFUL RAILWAY WRECK I and were looking for' work, but Judge I Cameron evidently thought that they were, to uso a Hooeeveitism, '"undesir able citizens," so gave them a "floater." Shanlko Man Bobbed. ' ' J. A. Gamber, of Shanlko, Oregon, re ported to the police last night that while In a saloon on Alder, between Fourth and 'Fifth streets, his pockets were ploked of tz.40 in eaah and a diamond ring valued at" $J 0. . Detectlvee have been aetauea to make an investigation. Baptlsta the most severely. He struck aDout is reet below and sustained a fracture of the skull, a broken lev and other injuries. Engineer Kinney has a broken kneecap , and was severely uiu.bou. uusen was injured In the back. The men were brought to the hospital In this city. There Is very lit tle hope of recovery for Baptists, but mi injuries oi tne ouiers are not con aiuerea aenous. USES ROCK ON JAP TO I ' SAVE FRACTURE OF ARM jiu jitsu" wUl play an important part in tha trial of J. G. Hilton, arrested yesterday afternoon for assaulting J. Tokahoma in a Japanese restaurant at auii-u ana rianaers streeta s The attorney repreeentlnr TTiitnn ). minouncea tnat instead of his client being the aggressor he was merely pro- iiuukii irem ms savage on- '' . ioaanoma. According to ui wW miton, wno is a six-footer, from a nearby logging camp, was at tacked by the Jap, who twisted his arm by a Jlu Jltsu hold and the logger. In order to prevent the fracturing of m.o wui, .iruon ms assailant with rocnv- judge Cameron will hear full lumvrrow morning;, WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT ORGANIZING AT VALE . (8paelal DUpatcb to The Joaraal.) vaie. ur.. Mav i xr,-. xt..i Draper ctune up from Ontario last week for the purpose of perfecting plans for wio organisation oi a circle of Women Of Woodcraft. About 2S wnm elgnlfled theirintemi6n"Id3oin by pay ing .admission fees and everything is now reafly for the state organiser to form a permanent organisation. I H. McNabb, district deputy head consul. recently organised Vale camp No: (49$, Modern Woodmen of America. " , , RETURN FROM "PLAY ' AND FIND BURGLAR v (Joaraal Special Service.) ., Denver, May 14. Charles Rathry and wife, while returning from a theatre met a burglar In their ' house, who robbed them of $800 in cash and some diamonds and escaped. ;s ..v-; f, -1 POLICE WILL BE AT OAKS Seventeen special policemen will fur nish protection at the Oaks this sum mer, appointments having been made on behalf of the Oaks corporation and confirmed by the police committee. They will be under the supervision of Chief Grltsmacher and will be paid by the Oaks corporation. ' They are: Charles C. Gloss, Cart D. Huson, James E. Keith, Forest W. Peterson, Fred M. West Leo Harms, John E. . Abbott, Charles F. Hunter, Stephen 8. Arnold, Frank A. Grim, Ralph H. Stall, Clifford L. Borsee, George W. Rnasell. John B. Addison, Edgar B. Bewley. Nathan H. Sultter and William E. Justus Tom Hammersly Is to be In charge of tha squad. - ' , ARRESTS MAN WANTED IN VANCOUVER FOR LARCENY Eugene A. Carsten was arrested last night by Detective Hellyer on advices received from .the authorities In Van- an officer from that olur on a char of grand larceny. , It Is- allei Carsten broke Into a dwelling in the Washington city and carried away a te- volver and gold watch.? Detective Hell yer located the articles in nne of tha local pawnshops, and from the descrip tion furnished of the man who 'sold the plunder arrested Carsten. The prisoner waived extradition papers and voluntar ily returned with the officer to Vancou ver for trla.1. -,. ,,.. SHRINERS. REACH HERE TOM0RR0W-M0RNING The first special loaded with 'Shrlners en route to Portland left San Francisco last night and Is due to arrive here to morrow forenoon. This train contains the national officers ot the organisation. Several other Shrlner specials left dur ing last night and today and will arrive In "Portland si hours after. leaving San Francisco. ' Preparations ere in progress for their' entertatnrflent upon arrival In this elty, although the formal program of enter tainment has been abandoned on account of the railway disaster of last Saturday. ' Hurrying to "catch a ear la Ju" If you are answering a Journal want Lfjed NEW; VOTERS REGISTER, OLDER ONES SHOW LITTLE INTEREST (Journal Special Service.) i Fort Worth, Tex.,-May-; 14Englneet M. Muneen and his- fireman and bead brakeman were killed in a wreck on the Rock Island near Marlow, I. T., yes terday,. The engine - la said to be buried, under t boxoars, : ' .'. "'. .v ' Concert for Seamen. 1 The weekly; concert at the Seamen's Institute, 100 North Front Street will take place on Thursday , evening next I Instead of tomorrow.- F. W. Goodrich has charge of the program .woioh will be announced later. .Registration ' at the court house is progressing rapidly. When the books closed'" last night 63$ voters had put themselves m line to vote at the June election. Out of thenumber 451 were new voters, til were Republicans, ; 93 Democrats and $7 o various partjr be liefs. 'i'.-.'4-."V'if i '"v-.A:,-, .-'.' ifr-.f. The permanent and established , vote of the city . Is not being put on the books as rapidly as It ehouM be, n6w ever. 'The large per cent px new regis- tratlons is taken ss' an indication that the work of the Devlin machine is es pecially 'active in herding Devlin - sup porters into Una - t i. The older - residents ' of the city ara not coming out In the number - that could be expected and an especial effort will be made to arouse sufficient po- -litlcal interest in this class to get them to the county clerk's office before to morrow afternoon at t o'olock-when tha books are oloaed. - - - - - .