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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
... . THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINQ. AFi:iL' U i::7. ts-UO WHEY'S CHOCOLATES k ; Exercise for Good Uusic for Your Your Health t ".; " n ,.- .:' . ' i , .... . , ..' . i ,, . .. A Macfadden'e Exerciser, I boon to per- Home For Every Traveler Electricity A Curt For Many '.. Ailments y Suf Cases' ;t-v." o Pease Abo leather New records for Edison and Victor ' Machines j Victor 1-inch records 35 cents - . . Visit .. our . Oift y Room ; tad hear these new rec I sens doing Inside work: benefit quick- .ly felt Come in, test the. Exerciser,, - you will want one.' .: '.' .' Price $4.00 V 1 Baca, . different Our Woadlaek . Home Battery, rYr0. simple to uie, 1 'O c o rn p le t e with " book of directions.. . f style. Ladles' Hand Baca, all kinds, 'Belts to match any suit . it J Price $6 ords.' .WE TEST. YOUR EYES AND -; -J .,.' 7 FIT YOUR GLASSES PER- Tfl Wpn VHI PP FECTLY. COME hi A SKILL f P P. . 1 V" ? . " ED OPTIC1AM IN CHARGE. .vO' t '' A Companion - . For Vour CMd A tWooQy Teddy Bear pleases every baby or yonng child. .Price, SL00 ap. ' Home Comforts This easy wheel Chair is a pleasure in health, a nec sity in illness. Price,1 120.00. A Table for-bedside meals, reading; .etc Price, $5.00. ,; am, TLyjjj I I . - i ' M - - SF Rectal Dilators A Curt for Constipation -... v Send for booklet which. teDa' about all these aids .to health. Money back if r you dont got relief.' w . .,- . , ., .. 'f , .. ' -v. ,-:, ; Set of Four Price $3.00 The House Beautiful f J ; Something New to; Please the Housewife ' in ' " "t. ; ;' i : yt ; "i EVERY INSTRUMENT SQLD ToHelpYou V. ; ': : ;f V"; ' : ' GAINED. LET US HELP YOU, ; New piecea of Brasses, Pottery and Porcelaina for bom decorating and ttea. V ' ''J Visit Our Fourth Floor Sepia Etching ffAiwr DAr Scenes In Colon IICU I vji Bnrat leather Romoroax Sketches A Truss That Eil- SatUfactlmm ' rtIS Guaranfd Satisfaction guaranteed. Tactia Pad" Truss, $2J& Expert fitters.' . .. : Tin Easy Brace ' : ; - - Resfs the Back . At helpful support , for the shoulders of grown folks or children. PrtcaV75c ts 'v' Handsome Leather: Pillows Made at Home '.. - ' ' . , V ' i - Msterials are inexpensive. We hire outfits and supplies for burning on ) leather or wood. Ws teach you fre.1 : Outfits, $1.50 up. Enjoy your" own band; ' work. 'V: ,' . -,:'C-- , AvU(JIA4AsUsUbbs Our New Bath Fixtures Came ' ' " 'v ,' y' ' " 1 ...V" ... -. . . , . This Week : An elegant Una of Nickel Towel Bars, Glass Holders, Soap Trays, ..... . Enansal ' Cabinets, , Mirrors, erery convenience for the bath. Fine -v I workmanship; beautiful designs. , 'J Strength For Your Body s ; Weak Joints need .' support Elastic gar ', menu rellere and cur this condition, " ; :, :fre MyeW;.1: ;.;;,.v :: ; VBioa urr. i ;' VdatUea, ai2k..tuM ' AaUea UN .' xrrtag.aao V, Hose....aajo v - Xmee Xoee......eO nils xee....fiM' :'; Mma roe prtoe Hea , sa4 kiMk, , . .-,4 Caf EXCHANGE FOR DRUGS i TJ10UTHLY CREDIT EXTENDED TO RESPONSIBLE " TOOilliliiME 6 CO, free Domnru nt cny . b JU i k I""' f w r: : . . . . . - . . . .. - - i i BAKER SAYS IT WAS v EASTERN IGNORANCE 1 District Attorrtty Account for Hermann's AcquittaJ on This Sweeping Theory." SAYS JURORS NOT ABLE . TO ESTIMATE EVIDENCE Hermann Gravely Expressea Wonder Thai He Could Be Bo-Accused r rostponenieeit iof . Benson-Hyde - Trial Disgusta Witaeeeea. " 1 . waitiinrtoiL .Aorlt JT-Jot setlty. This wu the verdict todsy of the Jury In the esse of former Representative Blnser Hermann or U re iron, woo s ,r4.) in M-lmlnii eourt Ko. for the put ten weeke en charge ef dt-streylos public recorae; ei. w ' office. Th, tnr which Hermann wee in Ai. t wii committed In January, 10I vral weeks before he wee removed from the eommleslonerehlp of the gen eral land- office. The -charge wee de etroylng 3S lotterpreee copy books con taining efflcial record' ef the office. : u..m... tmlttel destroying the books, but claimed they, were private books end eootalned' lite personal - eor repoedetio end that It wee tne eusiom of the office to keep such books for the prlrete tie of the commissioner. lastere Juf . Cant Undsretaad. t. .'Tin memmMt contended that th books ' contained' official records and thet they eere destroyed -by Hermann to eerer'en-Ms-cponeotlon, wlth Uod fniuls and, thus do away wm ti lence that cowld be Used eprelnet him. The Jury .retired at t:Z0 o'clock yeeter 4lay''aftemooa.'' : s-,:-' k. ? it, linger Hermenrt. et the conclusion of the lrl!,-.wh bis Scqultaal wee S.n tiounce, by the iury said: ' . . '-Ife etrsnte thnt a man'tould be n XihW. Hfe In Oreimn 10 yesra, being a Iwid hian. and not get found Out until thin lute der." , , ; . District Attorney Baker thought the Jury unacquainted with the character ,,f the land frauds la the west, failed 1o ni'lrrcler the seriousness of the r v 1 1) f't't-f r offered Vjf the government aeulniit iWroann.- i! - m. M today vesld they had no Vnil(l" as to when Ilermsnn would I lied In Oregon for conspiracy, but 1 dry understood Heney would not go tocre from Ban Francisco. ' : .f -Kyde-BlsnsoB rostpomemeot. : Following t:.e delay of three years sines the . Indictments were reported by the f.leil sTAnd Jury. the. Hyde-Benson- I'lniond-fclinelder Oregon land frauds trmls wns once more postponed, this mt tintll the-thtrd week In October. , Tliis powtponernent was mads because tiie wrtlinr will be warm here during tin? tetter pert of the period ' required nr the trial If It were begun now. Ths government Insisted on. trying the , hirlnnltg next Monday, but ire fs '"ne reifl. As hour snd a tut as consumed a argument for and axsJnat further delay. Half . hundred ' men from the Pad fie coast. mm from Oresron. have been com' palled to travel across the continent, summoned & witnesses for the govern ment. An prosecutors Special Assistant Attorney , General Pugn ana visirici Attorney' Baker are apparently much disconcerted over the delay, having made all preparations to proceed next VCondar. and the extra expense recur red wlli be many . thoueanda of. dol larstf ' . "" " , -4 If the agreement reached today Is lived up to, there will be no' delay be yond October II. . TaretosJ reatarea VnaveidaBla. However, aooordlng te precedents te- tabllshed In thle case, the agreement ee to the day ef the trial next faU will not stand In the way of pleee for further delay. Witnesses exhibit great dlesatlef action over the delay because they are anxious te be released from the restraint imposed on them by tbelt subpoenas. They will new have to retun home and come .hers again. It la well understood that If ths trial begins when the weather Is cool In the fell It will be much longer drawn ' oat and , that aa immense . mass of testl mony - absolutely unnecessary will ue offered. In the Hermann trial the red ord transcribed -by the official reporters contains more than l.eOO.ooe words, equal to IS volumes of toe pages eeoh. ordinary else. It le certain now.thst the trial of Hyde and Beneon end their fellows ' will laSf from three to four months from October SI. . The Hermann trial lasted 11 weeka from February only four days a week being devoted to It, the court taking a recess rviiays and Saturdays. EUGENE PYTHIAN DRILL TEAM WINS CONTEST ' - , ii i:t-. Eugene, Or.. April IT. A district con vention of the Kolghte of Pythlae. wee held In thle city last night with dele gates lit attendance from Junction Xlty, Roseburg, Drain end Cottage Orove. besldee a large attendance from Helmet lodge of thle city: . Orend Chancellor Marlon Davis of Union, Orand Keeper ef Recorde and 'Reals I. ti. Btlnson of flalem and Pest Orend Chancellor I M. Curl of Albany were In attendance. A competition In ths work of the third rank was held, 'the' lodges Of Eugene, Cottage Orove -id Roseburg taking part. Eugene- won end' the team will attend the grand lodge et Portland next month to compete for the etete trophy. RURAL MAIL CARRIER :, , : ADDS UP.HIS MILES Aurora. Or.. Aerll 17. For the nasi it months Charley Mattocks, the rural man carrier on route No. t, has been going some, and the other day be sat down and figured -up how many miles hs had travsled In that time. For 29 months he mads ItVi miles a day six days In the wsek. and for three months hs made it miles a day six . days in the week. The-total number of miles travsled during that time waa lg,7 miles. He mads this -traveling with one bu-y, and only a few alight re paire were mede te the vehicle during that time. TAYLOR NOT TO ...'- ' - CONTEST DIVORCE l ii h v; r ' ' ! 1 . ' Jamee' R. 'Keene'e Son-in-Law ,V Will JJot; Defend Suit ' r-'r:'r for DIvOTC. ' ' KEENE TO TAKE CHARGE " OF TAYLOR'S OFFICES Mrs, Taylor to Get Divorce Settle - ment of $200,000, and Custody of ' Four Children JTo Go Abroad TJn- "jl til Decrco la Granted. i ' Hearst Mews by tasesst tasaed fTlrs.) New York, April iLTalbot J. Tay lor and hla wife, who ie a daughter of James R. ' KseDe, acoordlng to Informa tion obtained from an 1 authoritative source tonight, have come to en nn derstaadlng that the divorce proceedings Instituted by Mrs. Taylor will not .bs dsfsnded by her husband. Under thle egreement, eo It la an nounced, Mrs. Taylor will secure a set tlement of 1100,00 and go abroad until the decree ie granted. Mrs. Taylor will take over the magnificent country place at Cedarhurat. Ixng ' island, and will have the cuetody of the four children. Mr. Teylor will abandon hie offices at No. t Broad atreet and they will be occupied by Mr. Keene, whs will re tain the office organisation, and make the place hie heedaoertero. . While It has been known for some time thet Mr. and Mrs, Taylor were living apart there waa no Indication of a divorce proceeding until a court order on Friday, .looking to the eg. amlnatlon of . witnesses' outalde ef the state revealed the f sets. tt le under stood ' the proceedings w.n be moved ss expedlouoly es possible end that the evidence secured by Mrs. Taylor la sufficiently strong e secure her a de cree. ;-".-'.. -v ' :' According te one. ef the (lories told todsy-byn friend ef Mrs. Taylot, the breach between Talbot J. Taylor and his wife datee as far .back) as 10I, when the brokerage firm of Talbot 'J. Taylor sV Co. failed. Aooordlng to this story Mrs. Taylor was a heavy loser through her husband's firm. - ' , la the eorapuoatlone whlob followed. her husband Insisted, It le said, that he urge upon her father, James B, Keene, the well known Wall street oper ator, the necessity of Keene's ootnlng to the aid of the firm, in fact, tt Is said, he wanted her to "lay down" on her father to get assistance. Thle she la eald to- heve. refused to do. i , CIRCUS AND ELOPEMENT i, ANGRY PAPA FORGIVES 1 - eeatsasssnsieasn-waen ( ' ? f Uve-wlA fSYV Ar . Anrll 9fAv.Plinaeia. brirtecroom and ttfruptd ulcM of ksla a.a Sanaetlnnal fMtllMfl ' r0 a. vi in en en a ss - ----- -" . v a snu episode thn.t stlrrsd Myrtle Creek last vrvning. jn w cunrov,., ii nm cir cus to Roseburg. snd among those who wsnt rrom nyrtis vm io see tne man of II years, who has been employed ey jtooerte m stueue nuiouer soop, ana Delia Lady, the ii-year-old daughter et William Lady. They took advantage ef the opportunity, and noon rod, a lloenee from Clerk Age. . Judge Nonaoott made them man and wlfs. Lest evening Mr Lady learned of the conditions and threatened vengeance ea the young husband, who aped for the railway ' station and left on the flrat train south. - i The young wife, feelinr that life waa not worth living, went up to the Central hotel, secured a room and took a doss of opium with the Intention of ending her life, but Dr. Whlteomb waa called and speedily resuscitated her and aha la new en tne way te ' The angry father has relented and the young people will be speedily reunited, ea the young husband la on bla way back to Mvrtie creek. HUMAKE SOCIETY WODEN MOVE F03 JAIL CLEANUP Their; Petition and : Sheriff Smith's Denial Show How Faf Apart Folks Get, , ' (Special Dispstek ts The Joans!) Seattle, Wash., April IT. Ths jail Inveetlgatloa committee of the Humane society through. Its attorney this morn, lng presented to Judge Morris of the criminal court -a petition asking .the Judgee ef the i superior, court to .pre scribe set rules for the regulation of the JaU, containing a ' provision for three or more female guards for the women prlsonsre. . The petition Iteelf and three supporting affidavits charge" Sheriff Smith with grossest neglect of duty and the guards - with : graveet crimes against the women placed In their charge, When copies were served on Sheriff mlth he mede this statement: 'T have repeatedly asked these women of the Humane eoclsty to preeent to me the names of the guards they ao- euee with the eamee of the accusers. They heve promised again and again to produce this Information but have failed to do eo. Those women will have to prove every word they have charged. - "Of course the ! superior court will not act until It has heard my side, and when the matter In hand la settled. If tne women nave not proved their eaee there will be eome further action." The petition elleges that the ohertff has destroyed ths rules regulating the jau aa prescribe a by tne euperlor court; tnet women are not given proper food. bed clothing or medical attention; that guards have mistreated certain female Inmates after giving them opiates and whlakeyt thet women prlsonsre are tsken rrom the calls to obeoure parts ef the Jail by ths guards and that the whole jail la vermin-Infested end In sn unsanitary condition, . . . ti hi ii mmmm- -t All th Particular. ' From the London Evening Standard. A French gendarme esnt In the fol lowing report to hie superior officer re The undersigned declarea that at It o'clock In the morning he passed la aucb a street and eaw two women and two men In g shop occupied la breaking glasses, the two women by the hair of their heads and the two men by the ecruff of thslr necks, and of which one had a broomstick, which wee the m la ter of the shop and which affair the undersigned has nothing te aay and kaewa nothing about. TUFT'S TRIBUTE TO YALE SPIRIT Secretary Speaks at Banquet o .Yale Clubs as Guest' v . .' of Honor. ' LATIN IS PRONOUNCED - BY DIFFERENT METHOD '. ; ','t . '. ; w . ..V M' - S MarjasaasMaaawsn- t I '-..;... . . , '. V -: . :. . Taft Ezcneea InabJIlt to Understand Lntta jokes by Charging That Dif. ' (erent Manner of Pronnnclatlon Is Now Used. ' -i), (rsMishers Press kg Special Lsaaed Wlrai Cincinnati, Ohio, April 17 Becreur ef War William Howard Taft cams into hie home stats tonight and received a wonderfully warm welcome from hie mends here In George B. Cox's ball! wick. He was the gusst of honor at the banquet of the Associated Western Federation of Tale Clube and in hie speech dwelt at length upon the an. conquerable Tale spirit, sketching the growth et the college clube throughout the country 'and paying high- tribute to their fraternal eplrlt. He eald: . Tt la not 1 true that because basing has disappeared because drunkenness haa vary much decreased, that there fore men may not develop rugged prac tical qualities nttsd to resist tempt, tlona of after life. The ohange hae not affected the eplrlt of independence, or aelf -reliance, or of democracy that we all like to think ef In publlo affaire. The sense of responsibility aa oitlaens, the honorable ambition to attain posi tions of prominence and influence are motives as strong today In Tale aa they ever were." . The secretary then asetoned tne nie tory of the governing body of the uni versity and declared that the aessrtlon that Its character la certain to produce a narrow sectarian policy in ths guid ance of the Institution was not true, He then turned a Joke on himself by saying: - -.'.'. T attanded a meeting or the Fhl Beta Kappa fraternity a few days ago and wee gratified to see the spirit of appreciation of high aoholarsnlp that wee displayed by the large number ef students whom I met on that Interest ing oeoaaloa and somewhat startled to hear professor reoa oeuver an oration In Latin, the flae points and Jokes of which I waa not, for aome reason, eble to follow. I waa fortunate enough to be able to give as an excuse that the pronunciation waa very different- from that which we learned rrom Tommy Thacher In my day. . "We are here to acknowledge the debt that we owe and the gratitude that we feel to our alma mater. Taken' aa a whole Tale men are not weelthy. I think generally they have . acquired more of Influence than of riches, and therefore we ere not able to give aa much to ths university aa we ought to have, but through the Class organisa tions which ere now taking an active Intereet in presenting to the university at each class reunion euch a fund' as Its memberi can raise, I believe that a successful method has been brousM about for materially Improving the fl naaoee ef the unlvereity,' . TT7nrTm)ifnn liESSONS FREE, MOST WOMEN admire baad-embroidered waists, Iin geria, baby clothes, pillow tops and articles for the home. FEW WOMEN can bay as many of thiesa articles comv ntatad as the svant. srtns in etiele iwil ' " " .' ( - -, 1 J" , , . t.-...t,w St, j .;l ALL WOMEN can learn to make these beantifnl ' things at little aost by tslcing advantage, of our Free Les ' OUR SHOP is devoted exclusively to needlework, snd we . have hundreds of handsome designs, for shirtwaists, tmdsrwear, baby clothes, bureau ',. scarfs, centerpieces ' ''luncheon gets, etc -. ,...' u. v '..;', ; A ixw or our nucris - Stamped ShirtwalsU ...;;- 09e) t 3.00 8tamped Corset Overs .;.;,.i,;.'Ve.'V 0d to fl.28 v, Stsmpsd Chemlis . .,.,.......,.,... T..fl.0O to fa.5 ' Stamped Baby Dresses ,f 1.85 to f3.BO' J Stamped Pillow Tops 5e) to s)1.00 ; Stamped Centerpieces ....... 19f to ft.BO ' '- ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' 020ESS TAKEN K2 ALL KINDS CF E1ICSCIDERY ' t. V i Hie Blecdlecrait Slibp ' :& WASHINGTON STREET.; : wQ. 'v.Vr '';"-;'"'' West Park tnd Tenth' Strweta.'V;- ''' " ATTORNEYS GATHER AT BOISE FOR GREAT TRIAL (Spsetel fnspsteh Is As eWeal.) Bolsa Idaho, April IT. Clarence S. Darrow of Chicago, one of the attor neys for the defense In ' the Btsunen berg murder case, arrived here today, aoompanled by Mrs. Darrow. He will remain until the close of the Moyer-Haywood-Pettlbone trial. Re saye the defense la practically - reedy for the case to open. ' The prosecution also saye It le about reedy. When Attor ney Richardson arrives from Denver Monday ell the attorneys for both sides will bs here. .- . Sheriff Hodgine Is making extensive preparations for the SI te SO newspaper representatives who will be hers to re port the trial. . The Loneliest Island on Earth. Which la the loneliest, most desolate end most Inaccessible Island on the face of the globe T Many people would doubt- lass nlumn for one of the crosetc. which wsre recently brought Into notice owing to the wreck thereon of the Nor Weglan exploring ship Catherine, and the subsequent rescue of the castaway crew by the Turektna, a British steamer dispatched from Cape Town for that express purpose. , But Hog Island. The westernmost or the group, and the one whereon the men spent most of their time, la by no means in nnaalraM. tni -t - denes, eboundlng as It does In haree and rabblte, penguins, albatrosses end aee elephanta. ': , ..'' Heard Island, In the same seas. Is far mors Isolated ee well aa more barren: but It possesses, as does Hog, a shelter hut for castaways; and It is visited by whalers occasionally.- Bo, too, la South Georgia: but It haa no shelter hut, and aa It Is rlrht nn nt ik. w . ping, anyons unlucky enough to be cost woum siana a veryroor ensnce or .... a.itin .a .nM Bouvet Island.' in the same seas Is visited even more rernly, and on the last occasion when a ahip touched there nve corpees were found froten on the beach, a grim memento of aome nn recorded tragedy of the sea. Posses sion Island, In Its turn, la etill lonelior and more Inhospttabls than Bouvst. But probably the palm in thle dlrec tlon must be ascribed to Dougherty Island, on which, so far ae la known, no landing haa ever yet been effected. It has only been sighted "twice In a century, and le officially described in the sdmlraltv aaflln ilt,.iiM,. ... i - most remote and Isolated spot on earth." ' Adlal E. gtevsnson. One of the two liv ing rlce-presldente of the United States, pute in the most of hie time traveling about the country visiting relatives, whose name le legion, particularly In the eouth. He atays but little at hie comfortable but unpretentious borne in bloomlngton, Illinois. i'J 9 . ' ) . .