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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAi; PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL' 3. 1CC7. 18 ! I i ADD I CKS HAUNTED YET BY HIS TOGA DREAM Political Outcast Avsr H Will Ever Co Washlngtonward,' u Living or Dead. - STRONGER IN UTTER NEED THAN WITH HIS MILLIONS Then There Are Those Who Say He , Uae a Cache Somewhere ud b Only flaying Ho la Hard Up Oe gaatrtng the Malcontents. (SmiiI Wewe by laaet Ltud Wire.) New Tork.. April 17. From rnuKh i millionaire who eoula nukt the finan cial world tremble to a poverty-atrlcken debt-harassed creditor, la the astonish Ini plight of J. Edward Addioks, whese - or none" poller for veers left Pl . awaro without repreeentetlon la - lha ' United Statea. ' . " " Mora thair a tnk be eltpped war from a little flat in Hoboken, where ha had been In hldlnc. - Hla wharoabouta waa nnknowa nntu today, when ho waa found In PtulaielphUk. - . - Although, according to court records, 'Addlcks la M,80a,0 worse then bank rapt, and although, ho haa boon be trayed by hla political captaine la Del aware and daaerted by practically all of hia Influential frlenda, Addlcks la aUU defiant and even now la preparing to make another daah for the United Btatee aenate four year hence. ' riayUg rinaaolal Troewesa. . Today, whan aaked whether he waa till a candidate far the aenate. it aald: "I am atlil a candidate. 1 wUl be heading for Waahlngtoa when they car ry my corpee out of New Tark to bury ma In Delaware. We here weeded out the traitors and are again la Una for the fray. -t- - . .. - There art thoaa - who say Addlcka present day poverty la aaeumed and that he haa aufflelent of hla fortune hidden away to operate on a large ecale when -the time le again ripe for ooe ,of hla "fremled finance" operations, j BAY CITY SLEUTH Captain Seymour Bears Letters From W. J. Burns df the ' -, . Secret Service... V- OBJECT OF VISIT IS ' . AROUSING SECULATION Terror to Thierea Baa Itomarkablo Record la . Hia Home Town, aad Now la In the Employ of aa Ex- proad Company. By the arrival in thla city of Captain John . F. Seymour, chief of' Wells- Fargo Co. 'p detective bureau, armed , with lettera of Introduction ta various per sens from Secret Barvloa Operative William J. Burna, considerable apocula- riDW IN PORTLAND ! . .... . , - - . i , tlei baa reon aroused. .-.. j,. Captain 8eymour, who la one of tho beat known -ilef catchers on the eoast arrived here yesterday and ta registered at tho Hotel Eaton. Seymour, alwaya ; close mouthed, skillfully parrtaa all tn . torrogatlona aa to his mission bar, but . there ts aa indefinable aomethlng la his manner which etrengthena the belief , that ha la not In tho Oregon country , xor nia aeaito. i.v-': i rtU TritiN a Baaf. ' : Jt la currently reported that a local ; alot machine owner who maintained largo aumbor of "nickel eater a" la the Bay City, has declared that, ho v. com polled to pay Aba Ruef aa enormous percentage of the profits derived from tho contrivances, and this may be one of tho matters Seymour Intends to ln- 5 ' vmtigate. -., John P. Seymoua was for anaay years ; captain of detectlvea of the Sao Fran , clsco pollc department and reeigned about Hot to accept a position with tho 1 Fair aetata. During tho famous Fair , will contest Captain Seymour worked assiduously for the heirs agalnat Mrs. Margaret Craven, and It was partially through hia af forte that the pencil will ' was proved a forgery. - Seymour was . succeeded aa head of the detectlv ba ; reaa by Captain Joha B. Martin, who i later gave way to the lata Captain J. jr. .."Burnett, ' ,H , ' v A" few years ago Seymour was tan , -dared tho position of director of tho detective branch of . Welle-Fargo k Co.'s Exproee and resigned from the employ ; of tho Fair aetata to accept that berth. v- Ha is still with the expreas company, but his presence In this city, fortified ', with letters from Francis J. Honeys asafatant la. to aay the least, axceed !',. lagly strange.'-'''' "' . .-.. It Is bow well knew that for over a 'year prior to the Heaey boodle in . i, qulsltlon tn the California metropolis, ' a -corps of detectlvea under the dlreo . tloa of William Jt. Burna were weaving the web about the bribetakers, and ' I Seymeur'a . unerpected deeoent' on '. Fartlaad may herald the loauguratlon L'of the name plan here. - r. ; ' ii I "77" ' nnmphreysVtrcntx CcTca 'Cures Grip and Doctor's Boolt Free fSend for Dr. Humphrey's Man ual. 144 pares teeming with in- formation on care of the sick and the treatment and cure of Disease by Dr. Humphres Specifics. Its a good thing to have In the house. . ; WatbrT RftaM. KHMxi Cel Ct. WU batsllrti sueetaj Are X 0 If Addlcka haa been ahammlng pov erty, hla life la Hoboken did not indi cate It. A aelf-reapecUng working an would hardly lire aa he did for eavarej weeks, coins without food exoept cracker and milk an leaving unpaid the amalleet of bills. And Addlcka waa uaed to every IuurylBven to that rich man'a folly a stsara yaoht. ,- '. -. .'., "SUae and TU of "Ooa" Aadleka. In the days of hla millions Addlcks lived at the Waldorf-Aetorla whoa In New York. la Waahlngton the New WlUard hotel' waa none too good for hlia and In Philadelphia the Union League dub. And from thla ta a Hobo kan fiat.. - ,v " '" ' With the- wand of hla gentos Addlcka turned aa idea Into gas with the aid of water. Ha turned water Into money. merely tincturing It with gaa value and built up a party which aarriad him to the vary threshold of the sonata of the United States. Be aaw the portala open to admit Alia, hla : former friend ' and manager of hla Delaware machine. With hla political fort u nee shattered by thla blow from behind, Addlcka turned only to see hla great wealth being washed away by the high-tide . of Wall afreet. which tide Laweon of Boston eweara la a fundamental part of The System" that make the rich richer and the poor Us Strange Sara la Strength. Strangely enough, Addlcka . poverty to be ' bringing turn political frlenda of eort that hla dollara could hot buy. -A ha aald today, he la stronger la - Delaware today than ha ever waa and It la a aort of strength that doea not ' know tho meaning of tree-eon, such aa landed Allae, la the place Addlcka coveted. ' - ' . Dodtjig. process serve ra the' while. Addlcka la io engaged in drilling hie rapidly enlarging band, of maloontenta and. as aver, It la tho United State senate which la hla goal. Tho wonder ful nerve that enabled him to make the fortaaea b haa spent la hla aupport la thla hour of darkneaa, and ha la con fident of fighting his way back to wealth and power. Addlcka wul no, longer seek secies! on In HnhokasL . i . .-. i - I went there," ha aald today, -"to enjoy tho quiet the place affords. Bo bokea is a wonderful place for resting. Tho spot la mot appreciated." FOUR HUNDRED REWARD V FOR FIB A BODY Affection's Dictate Supplement ed by Consideration of Life U Insurance Benefit. ' (gpeelel rMseeteh ta Tke 'earaal-i Madras. Or, April 17. Mrs. Homer M. Street haa offered a 1400 reward for the recovery of the body of her hus band, which ta supposed to have been blown into the Matoles river by a dyn amite explosion on the evening of March . Although diligent aearoh haa been made since the accident, and the badly mutilated body of the horse which . Street waa riding haa be found, not a trace of tne oody of the man nor any or his clothing baa so far been discovered. The recovery of the body Is necessary to make possible the eoueeuoa ox a . policy which carried en his ' life. Beeldee , this amount be had a t,0M policy la the A. O.. V. W. lodge. .,.',. '.,.:. o-,.,,' PENROSE ABSENT FROM -w GRANT, MEMORIAL DINNER (PabHsbeie rraas br Special teased Wire.) Pittsburg. April 17. With an - at tendance and enthualaam equaling that of similar occaatona the Amerlcua Republican club of this elty held Its iwenty-nrst annual dinner oommemo ratlve of the birth of General U. & Orant at Hotel Sohenley tonight The moot prominent In the Hat of apeakars were Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson. Congressman Grant B. M Queer of Ohio and Congressman Washington B. Oardner of Michigan. Senator Pen rose was absent, as waa also Senator Knox, who la with the prealdentlal party at the Jamestown- exposition. The unexplained abaenoe of Senator ' Pen rose waa much . commented . upon. - a reception for the gueota, laatlng half an nour, preoeaea tne Beutquet, , AMERICAN DENTIST GETS -'yX- INTO SULTAN'S HAREM Iteeiet Veers by teesest tsesed wW Coshocton, Q. April IT Word was received here today that Or. Frank Boatwlck of thla city, now located at Olbralter. - haa become dentist to the aultaa of Morocco. The work upon the royal molars will probably consume a long time as Bostwlok is allowed to work noon them only one boar each day. The sultan eaduree pain well and has grown so fond of the American that he meets him each morning In tha hall of the p&iaoe " ana - when particularly pleased slaps him oat the back. After tha day's work la finished hla majesty and tha dentist engage In golf ing, bowling or billiards. . Expressive of tae trust he has In Boatwlck the sultan has also made arrangementa to have him examine the teeth of the members of the harem. The admission of aa oatalder to this place on such an er rand la without precedent. - CLEAN UP OR PAY UP ; IS ABERDEEN'S ORDER ?-",.'' eaaiepaBMBBsassseaBsssssM ' (Special Ptepatea ta The ' Jeeraal.) Aberdeen, Wash., April 17. Dr. Chamberlain and Street Commissioner R. JT. HUta, who eonetltute the board of health,- have been making a cam paign for a cleaner eity. Dr. Cham berlain a few days ago, employed a man to serve personal notice on property-owners and " residents '. that an grounde aeeuhd realdencea ' muat . be cleaned tip, -on penalty of arrest. Next Monday - the health commission will make a thorough Inspection. , Where the order-has not been heeded arrests will follow, and no one, however promi nent, win he allowed to escape. The floe for neglect le 12ft to .. GREATER LOVE FOR " POODLE CAUSED DIVORCE IBeerel Xewe br Uncest Lessee Wire.) : Cleveland. April IlQue Zimmermen Waa today granted a divorce from Oracle Zlmmermaa by Jedge Estep be cause aha loved bar poodle doc more than aha Old Urn. Mrs. Zimmerman waa formerly aa actress and' U was t hlle aha was oa the ataaa that aha be. game so zona ox aogtv LOSE LIVES KJ COLLAPSING PIER Baltimore A Ohio Structure Fall - Into Harbor, Burying Many Workmen. FOUR BODIES RECOVERED; 1; MANY EMPLOYES MISSING Search Kept Up All N jUjbt tor Thoee ' Who Disappeared and . Who ' Aro Supposed to Bo TJnder Wreckac Many Badly Injured. : . : , (Publwhers' Press by! Special tesssd Wire.) Baltimore, Mt. April 17. With a roar and a crash which set the waters off Locuat Point Into a lashlnar fury, the entire outer end of the Baltimore a Ohio pier No. -1, . under construction, collapsed about 11' o'clock today. The bodies of four men have beea recovered from the wreckage and It la believed that other bodies ara tn tha ruins. -. Officials of tha contracting firms have not as. yet -"checked tip" and -the exact number, of missing -is uncertain. All day reports from various sources had it that two score were missing, but It la believed tonight that many of the so-called missing whose addressee were not known to- their employera bad so oaped Injury . aad made their way to thair home Search Is being diligently kept up tonight for the bodies of those supposed, to-be beneath the ruin a. So far as known the Injured number 10, and It la atated tonight that these win cover, w . -. . ,., ', ' ' Supertatendea Bead. '''-. ' Howard U Ellender, euperintendent of the McLean Contracting company, loot his Ufa as a result of hla heroio effort to save the lives of men on the outer end of the pier. A few mlnutee before the oollapeo, while he was at Ui shore end of the pier, he heard the creaking and groaning which preceded the catastrophe and It flashed upon him that the pier waa going down. . ' - Shooting to some workmen near him, Ellender rushed forward along the pier. calling to the others to get oat of the way and run for their Uvea. Some of the workmen heard the cry In time to save themselves, but those on tho tar and of the pier were too lata. Mr. Ellender himself gave no head to hla personal ' danger, and ' when he turned and atarted back to land It was too lata, The big pier . waa slipping faster and faster, the roar and rambling of the falling mass waa terrifying and then, with one final crash, the whole atructure collapsed. ' This afternoon Ellender body waa found under a heavy load of debris, p radically out ta two. . . i : Flee srearly Finished. ' Tho pier work, which waa began a year ago, waa nearly flnlahed at tha water end which waa under roof. The land and waa yet a akeleton and had to be eloaed In. ' -... The pier was 11 feet long, and jutted Into the water feet. It waa eat oft Just Inside the shore line as clearly aa If done by design, leaving the land ends of tho, ouperetructure bent over with the weight.- t - . -.-, . A great erack four Inches wide at the top and graduating down to the founds tlona showed where the Conors te walls had refused longer to carry the load. So far as has beea ascertained the col lapse has been oaused by gradual giv ing away of - piling and underpinning toward the outer end. ; - For a month, It la alleged, there have been signs of weakening, and for some time a erack In the shore end had plainly Indicated that there was trouble farther out that should be remedied. or sooner of later the pier .would go down , ,-, ..The known dead: "' ';- -.- i Howard L- KUender. ' ' ' Tony Weeffel, contractor. . . "Robert Sweetman, carpenter. 'Max Speights, engineer. ERNE BESTS CORBETT - IN WELL-FOUGHT FIGHT (PnMlsbera Press by Special Leased Wfrat Philadelphia, April 7. Only the fact that be waa In superb condition en- sbled young Erne to get the better of young Corbett Inr a six-round bout bare tonight. Te many at the ringside It seemed that the conqueror of "Ter rible" Tarry McOovera had come back Into hla own. -. Appearing In , the ring for the first time under the management of ' Joe Humphreys, the man who formerly had MoOovarn under his ' wing. Corbett ehowed a much Improved condition aad a better knowledge of the manly art than he had exhibited in his tights the past year. u c- .j,. - ..... While Erne gars his usual exhibition of cleverness and blocked ths frequent leada of his adversary, Corbett many times during the fight got under the guard or ths Phlladslphlaa and In the third ' round 'drove him - te the ropee. Erne bad the better of the first few rounds whlls Corbett finished up strong In the final stages. . DRUGGISTS ARGEE TO ACCEPT INJUNCTION (Pshlhikefe Press by Bscrfel Uosed' wire.) Indianapolis, Ini, April 17, A tenta tive agreement for a decree waa reached at a conference today between attorneys representing practloaUy all of the do fendanta In the case of the United States sgainst tha National Association of Retair Druggists and others and Ad dison C. Harris and C W. Miller, aeeo olatf counsel for the government. . This oaae ta known as the "drug trust ease." Of the It defendants, attorneys repre senting all but nine have Joined In the agreement, subject In a number of cases, however, to the approval of their clients In a general way the agreement pro- vldee for an Injunction against the de-, fendanta which win restrala them from the alleged acts complained of In the bill of complaint It waa alleged that they had entered Into a conspiracy la reetraint of trade In Violation of. the Sherman law. i-.- . . EUGENE BOYS PUNISHED ?: FOR STEALING BEER '" ( Specie 1 Dtrpstch t The JoorasLI ' . Eugene, Or, April IT. .Several of the boye arrested . at Junction . City . for breaking Into a freight ear and ateallng a number of kegs of beer were aentenced today. Herbert Thorn and W 11 lard Le-.! telller were committed to the reform aohool, Ralph Coons was sentsnced to tha county Jail for alx months and Les ter McKlllup. Cecil Moffltt, Archie Warthea ajid rtanley Thompson ware sentenced to the oounty Jail for three montha. In tha last four casea aentance A was suspended during; good behavior, WEST nois. AS IIE WAITS Oregon .,' Commissioner Stocks Up at Interstate Headquarters , Gets Land Points. (WsssJagtoe Sareee e( Tae Hearsel) Waahlngton, April J7 Oswald Wea Oregon ' railroad eemmlasiaoner aad former state land agent of Oregon, who came aa a witness in the Hyde-Benson ease. Is potting In ths time In hard work at the headquarters of the Interstate- commerce commission and the general land once.-' He Is ' gathering data and studying ths methods of the Interstate commerce commission with ths view to perfeoUnstka knowledge of railroad natters. At the land office he 'la looking after tha elate1 s eel ec tlona from the public domain. He will remain a few days. returning home In a week. Mr. . West learned today that Commissioner Gen eral Bellinger of the land offloo had Issued Instructions to registers and re ceive re of local land offices In the mat ter ot the selection of lands by states and territoriee under grants for educa tional and other purposes. " Under the aew regulations ths states wlU be 'permitted to. make Indemnity school land selections to lieu of frac tional portions of legal subdivisions, which heretofore has been prohibited. Notion ei all selections made by ths state Is required to be published tn a newapaper of general circulation In the county where the lands selected are situated. A few other minor modifi cations are snade, designed to facilitate eel actions of lands by auto officers. , SEVENTH' CAVM .111 BE SENT TO Disposition of 'AH Negro Troops r In Philippines Now Ar ; '; ranged For I .'. (PebOsaen Pree by Sperlal leeeed Wire.) Washington. - April 17. The disposi tion la the Philippines of all tho negro troops remaining to tho United States haa been provided for In general orders lust- Issued by Major Genera Leonard Wood. The. Tenth cavalry, which baa already . reached tho telaadav has ; beea assigned to the department et Luson. The Ninth cavalry, which la scheduled to leave San . Traaclsoo , June , 10,'. wUl td go to the same department ... The Twenty-rtftb Infantry "wfU 'not depart until the latter pert . of June because of the present Investigation of the Brownsville oaae by the aenate committee, in which it has ; been as signed to tho department Mindanao. The white troops being withdrawn, from the Philippines hay . beea. as signed aa followa: . April Eighth cavalry,' Nebraska and' Wyoming. i .,.. v . May-Nlneteenth Bifantry, Texas mad Oklahoma.. ---' June Twenty-elxth battery ef Sev enth cavalry, Kansas . and Illinois aad Vancouver barracks.' -v .'"' July Portions of tho Ninth Infantry, Wyoming and Texas. ' August Portions of tho first battal ion of engineers. Nebraska, - Arkansas and Oklahoma. - - i '' September Fourth cavalry. Booth Dakota, and Montana. , i November Fifteenth . Infantry, . Baa VrenoJeco and Utah. . . , . . : MISS FLOWER'S AUTO : v CRUSHES UTTLE BOY ' (Hearst Pewa by tangest tesasd Wire.) New Tork. April IT. The terrifying experience of Laving her heavy auto run down and crush to death a little boy at play la the street thla evening so affected Ml as-- Mary A. Flower, - a daughter of the late Nathan M. Flower, and a niece ef the late Governor Roe well P. Flower, that after doing all she could for the child shs fled . from the soens end fainted In the street, v She was carried Into a drugstore and revived. Then shs wandered about for some time before taking a cab for her apartmenta In the Belgravla, Fifth ave nue and Forty-omtn atreev 1 Later Mlae Flower came to the West rorty-aevanth street station accompan ied by relativea, to express sympainy for tho family of the unfortunate little boy and to offer to do anything In her nower to aia mem in ineir sorrow. .. She waa anxloua ta vtalt the home and comfort the mother and remain through the night with her, but In fear that ahe might eollapee, her eouelo, Joha 8. George, a member, of the firm ef Flower Co., who llveo , at ...the Waldorf-Astoria, persuaded her to post- none her visit to the saddened home. So Miaa Flower apent the night at the hotel with her sister, Mrs. ira tup it. Of South . Orange, who bad hurried to tho city In aa auto when ahe learned of the accident. , : IRONMASTERS FINALLY 'k REFUSE SHORTER DAY Assets! Dvnetea te The JesrsaU ' Seattle. Wash.. April 17. Employers la the metal trades, witn rounary own ers aamberlng 60 firms la ths north west. Including Seattle, Taeema, . Bell- Ingham, Everett,' Aberdeen. Hoqulam and Vancouver. British Columbia, at a meeting tonight In this elty, voted unan imously to refuee tne deraacda of the moulders for an sight-hour day at ths preaent wage schedule, which Is a day.' - '- - .- - s The mouldere threaten to striKb May 1 and there la already a' small strike of machlnlate In thla city, who demand aa the minimum wage seals 40 cents an hour. The longshoremen have de clared war and will go out May II in law there Is a raise la wages. The general labor situation here, deeplte the high wage eoale, - is threatening.. TWO WOMEN KILLED IN . -PANIC IN CATHEDRAL (Restst Pews ky teagest teased Wtrs.) Palermo, Sicily, April 17. During penlo In the cathedral today two wo men were trampled to death. . The peo ple have been worked up to a great nltch of axoltement by frequent earth quake shocks and when the deep baaa tones of the organ of tha eathdral rum bled forth It waa. thought to bs an other earthquake end a wild rush waa made for the doors. -Besides the two women killed, over 10 others were se riously Injured. . , . f j The proposition to acapt 1710,000 from Andrew Carnegie for a library was voted down by cltiaeng of Detroit at the recent alec U oa- . . .. -. , D TLAFNEhSiS And Catarrh SL'CCESSR'llY TREATED by -Atmr , Ninety-five percent of the cases of deafnesa brough. to our attention la the result of chronto catarrh, of the throat and middle ear. The air paesares be comi clogged by catarrhal - deposits. Stopping .u . action of tlie vibratory oonea. unut meee ee ponlts are removed re lief s Impoeelblo. The inner ear cennot be reached by 'probing or apraytng, hence the In ability of' specialists to always give relief. That there Ta a aoienttflo treatment for most forme of deafness and catarrh la demonstrated every day by the "Ao tlna treatment. ' .The vapor generated In -the "Actlna paenea through tha fcluatachlan tubea I vai "A V th JLni to tha .middle ear. re moving tha catarrhal obatructlone and loos ens up ths bones (hammer, anvil and stirrup) In ths inner ear, making them respond to the vibration of sound. "A, tlna" la also very euoceesful In reliev ing head noises. We heve known peo ple afTlioted with thla dtetreeelng trou ble for yeare to be completely relieved In a few.weeko by thla wonderful In ventloa. - "Aotlna" haa also been very euooeasful In the treatment of la grippe, asthma, bronohltls, eore throat, ,'Wegk lungs, colds -and - headache and ether troubles that are directly .or indirectly due to catarrh. Actlna will be cent oa trial, poetpald. Write aa about youf ease. Our advice will be free ee well ee a valuable book Prof. Wllaon'a Treaties on Disease. Address Aotlna Appliance Co.. Dept. IIC, 111 Walnut 6L, Kansas City, Mo. RATING QF MILLS LEFT TO Washington Commtsslon Slde ' tep Respontlbllity- DIstrl- ; butlon Chock Adopted. ..; ' (Bserlal Mraateh ta Tee Josreel) v-' '"'' Taooma, Waalw April 17 a ba trans, portatloa committee of tho - - Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' associa tion today took up with tha state rail way commission ths ear sbertags quee- tloa aad thai alleged disertmlnatloa against, lumbem manufacturera. It waa decided that hereafter a record should be kept at tho atatlona where the mills are located 1n which every, lumber man ordering oars should give' ths number of ears wanted, with their -dtstlnatlon At the end of eaoh week - he will be requested te make. a. report of whether he has received the cere or not, to the car distributors at either Seattle, Spo kane or Tacoma. according te tho elty to which he to tributary. Tho ratine of tho mills, it 'was ..decided, should, be lex.- to the . railroad companlea. Tho ear shortage was declared by rum bar men to bo mosveoute. - . "The mills of Washlngrtoa are get. ting, not snare than one fourth of the cars they need, said Secretary Beck man of the association. "The mills oould use 110,000, cars a year. , They FACE SLASHED in ROW 4. NORTH END SALOON " t 4 . ' t i p S&rn McKown Is Taksn to . Po- ' Station - Whero; Thero Is No Medical Attendance, ! Bea MclCown, a eement worker be came engaged la a row la the Capitol ealeoa oa Burnslde between Third and fourth streets last night, and during tha melee one of hla asaatlanta brought knife into play with telling effeat MeKewn'a countenance. McKown sustained six ugly Indeed wound on the face, and whaa found by Patrolman Hamphraya, who was attracted by tho notes of the disturbance, was very weak rrom loes of blood. The wounded man waa taken to police headquarters, and later removed to St. Vincent's hospital tor treatment. , The necessity of the Immediate estab llabmeat of a municipal emergency hos pital was damonsjrated la McKown's case. As the cltjr phyelolan was la at tendance at one of the theatres, ever half an hoar elepeed before a doctor could bo secured, - MoKown'e Wounds were wanned and temporarily dreaaed by one of the newspaper men at tho sta tion,. - ' .. .. , . "V : - YOUNG GIRL TRIES W TO END HER LIFE , -..v; .:, . ' ,' , V':-,. Ixfla Sesnia Boliered . Her . Sweet. ' heart Lored Her lVo More Dose ' Pats Her to Bleepv '", .'- ; .Lofla Segula, a 1 -year-old girt em ployed in the maceront factory of the pacific Coast Biscuit company, swallow ed the contents ef a small vial contain ing toothache medicine with suicidal Intent at 1 o'clock this morning because ahe thought her eweetheart bad desert ed her, - The medicine consisted . - of chloroform and oil of cloves -and put ths girl to Bleep, but the done waa not aufflelent. to eauae death. The girl works oa the night shift and Chris Howssr, - her sweetheart, : Is foreman. He explained to the polios that In a fit of Jealousy the girl drank the .eonooo Moa, although- she . had bo causa for doing eo t ' "8he Is my sweetheart,' he explained to City Physician Ziegler, "and I think she will be all right If you allow me to let my mother core for her. ; She liveo at Sixth and Hoyt s treat a. - Being out of danger from, the affects of tho drug. ' the girl was eeeorted to tho -home of Mrs. Hawser. The girl boards with a married sister at First end Mill street, her parents living at Mooter. . ' . - MOROCCAN NATIVES ARE : ON VERGE OF REBELLION Tangier, Morocco. April If.- The Da tives have beea worked up to a great stats of excitement by the bendlt. Rat sull and his ally, Buhamara, pretender to the throne. Agitators havs beea sent eraong the people to eay that the! auuan aoia uuojia. to me srenoa ana that la why French troops are now In possession of the town. An outbreak may occur at any hour aa many sao Uons are oa the verie at rebeUloa. - ROADS Cid .;SMS'(D)ll 11 S v. This Solid Oali nisGion Style 15-In. Top, 6 It. Exlcnsloa TcMe Trtut atorta sell them at $25. The above ! only one of tho many Ityleo' wo hiTt at equally low pricoi, o we hsro Jut received :2 CaridaSS Exlensibn from tha -test Eastern A! Trust BreaMnfl Prices ! - Ths qua! itje, stylet and makes we sell art exactly tha lamo ( aa are sold by the Trust," MtUr known at tho Furniture Dealer' , titodttioa of Portland. Ths only difference it that wo do not com pel yos to pay theif exorbitant pricta. ' , . . COMPAIU TMILM. '7 ;--,,' j' ' . r ; ; 1 ; Price. FOTAL WILTOM RUOS, 9xU foot ........t...40J)0 LOWELL'S BODY BRUSSELS, 9x12 feet...... KM ""SMITH'S AXMINSTER' RUOS, 9x12 foot ....V 27J0 I TAPESTRY BRUSSELS RUOS, 9x12 feet .. ISM: LINOLEUM, not the English - the bett fi. quality, per yard .nOUSKtlUU; UTCtUN iJUUlaUKU DININQ CHAIRS, hand-polithed. . and eano aeat ......., SPRINGS, Ysm Yum, sny iie ....T.1.". ISO COIL BED .SPRINGS, interlocking iptralt ,1JX) , OUR ENTIRE STOCK Independent .Ths only ex elusive furniture store that sells below the Furniture v;.K .- - "V .- - v Trait prices. ,- ' . : '., ''; :. ; ; 106 FIRST STlRlSlLTl m ": Between Washington end Stark, Green Front BvUdlnC . . JiehliC The only Player Piano la the, world . : ' ' f , - i ( which oper- ' . , .' stes the entire BS notes when played either . APOLLO - PLAYER- PIANO ; - Count the keys on your piano. There art 88 of them. They are there for a purpose: yon use them often. - , Then why coatider to. inferior player-piano which operate! only 6S of tho notetf . . - :-. : ,t . Wnen played by means of s perforated roll the ; .... ,,. : , ; Knabe-Angelus Piano Operates Only 65 Notes Weber-Pianola Piano Operates Only 65 Notes Sohmer-Cecilian Piano Operates Only 65 Notes ; The Apollo-Player Piano w'W;- a ' . o? ' ... - r exe . - operates Op 23 Notes More Thn Any Other Player - ' Piano on the Mtrket. Wt invite your cartful inspection of ONLY PERFECT IWSTRUMINT And tisure you s cordial welcome. . IIOVENDEN - SOULE PIANO CO. (Successors to Soulii Brot. Piano Co.) ' - ' J74-MORRISON STREET, CORNER WEST PARK. - ii)3(S3 k j - - v :.'- ; J yyy:' fables factoriei, which we will ieQ ' -" " Trait Price. $48J 85X0 -1SJ0 IUOO JB0 J4J0 " ' '; ISO V. light weight, but. .,.......,.......' 1X1 O-O solid oak. boxed 150 PRICED IN PROPORTION. Fnrnihlre Co. WIS pley b different keys by merely , taming s but ton, wbica- makes It ofjj, great rtSnfr when need with tho voice,' -nure oo notes M ri -