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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
the orjzcou sunday jourijai; Portland, sunday MORNING, APrJL' 13. itzi. PAY PREMIUMS FROM DEPOSIT WITH STATE ' - 1 ."."'' . " ' ." '' 1 TraderV Insurance Company Declared Not Insolvent by Judge1 L ', ' Sar So Long as Fifty Thousand Is With the ;;',r:Y. '. ' ; ! Oregon Treasurer. " ''..: rcni-.i,rea Ccrc.j, . Slaves Ccz;J stAay Tfcse, S'.crc J Tree ef Cfcirce. 821 All Flocr .Coverings st &t lowest Prices la ihe ' ' . -fr ; That the U which provides that In surance eotnpanlea doing bualneaa wlth , la , the atata of . Oregon muat deposit money with tha aUta traaaurar aa se curity that tha company will pay losses a par contract waa made (or a pur pose waa tha decision- of Judge Sears in 'the circuit court yesterday.. , Tba aaaa la whlobr the -decision was ren dered waa ona against tha Trader In au ranee company of Chicago, tba busi ness of which, va placed in tba handa of a receiver aa a reautt of tha Baa Francisco dlaaater laat apring. Ia, B. - Haynea and Julius , Roesch, plaintiff In tha caae, had taken out a policy In tha Tradera Insurance com pany tn August. 105, which amounted to I860. Tha property tnaurad waa lo cated in Union county. Premiums had been kept up properly and everything waa to all appearances Just aa It ahould be.,: On April .11. 1108, Ban Pranoiaco waa partially destroyed by Ya earth quake and fire. -, - - Ageat Denies BasponalbUlty. Tha Tradera" ,. Insurance ' ' company. aged- to have been made bankrupt t the losses, and agreed to have a receiver appointed. A complaint waa tiled and a receiver was accordingly appointed May i, 1906. Afterward tba Tradera' Insurance company adopted proceedlnga through A. H. Blrrell of thie city ta aetUe Ita bualaasa la this state..- . ., i, i." , . I-,-- v inVESTIGATIOfJ OF WATCH TRUST i On Independent Dealers Com- I plaint,- Special Agents ln- ' i-" quirt Into Watch Combine. ELGIN AND WALTHAM . COMPANIES ACCUSED Charm Is Mada Thai Members of Combine Agrca to Tm Only Key tone Caae for Their Work 6 u- & pre me Court Decision. . V." '' (Hearst News by Imgest Leased Wire.) " I Washington. April XX. Tha depart' t meat of Justice haa been hot after wbat la called the "Watch trust" ever alnca a number-of Independent watch manu facturers of Ohio and Pennsylvania ' called on. President Roosevelt a month L K IK aIImmS .watrh i trust waa operating In restraint of trad, and handicapping competition. ! Tha department haa been spending a I goodly portion of the half million ap ' proprlatlon put at It dispoeal a year ! ago In sending 'out special , agent to ' Investigate tha watch business and to find out how -much there 1 tn the com plaint of tha Independent watch menu ':. facturere. The testimony and fact are ta be laid before Attorney General Bon. . a parte - wlthia - a short , time .and ' '. the j question of proceeding under the Bher- f man antl-truet act tWtu oe oeierminea en by) that ofllclal. Ir-.:' ' According to the eomplalnts put be- . fore the president and ttf department ' of justice by the Independent watch manufacturers, the alleged watch trust I made up of the Waltham and Elgin ' companies, which produce 80 per cent or all tha watches In this country. Th r independent chare - that ' there I a f combine between the two, companies by c wblon watcn movements oi an imcr , mediate grade are , sold at the sane . i prloe all over the oouatry, he : matter whether a Waltham or an Kigin. ; v , v -Tare Ooaoeras la Comala. ) Tt la likewise asserted that these twe eomoaales do net allow , their move ments to go Into any other make of case, than those manufactured by ' the Keystone company, of Philadelphia. la this way Independent companlea , are prevented from 'patting Waltham and Elgin watcbea Into cases of their own make,' and cannot purchase them ex cept with an agreement to us the Key atone) case.'., v. " On asoellant authority It was learned , that the. Investigation of the . depart ment ahow that tha ehargee are prao- tlceJly true. Despite the acquisition of information, nowever, me aepair- . ment la said not to have been able to , get any teetlmony or facta ' showing that there la an agreement between tha .two comfianteo or that they own stock ' ta the concerns of each other. . ' - The eompanlea claim that It 1 true they place their watehea In. tha handa ef the eame agent in large cities, but that , thla la a mere eolncldenc and they ' also admit that they' prohibit their watehea from going Into other than Keystone cases. It Is said they claim they have a right ta da thla, as their patents are tbelr own. Favorable te the alleged watch com bine 1s a decision of the United States supreme court that patents are monopo lies, which would entitle the companies to do a they pleased with their own patent. ' The department hope te acquire further Information that will strengthen It caae, which ha soma strong point against the alleged trust. ' . . MORE TANGLED TONGUERS ARE HEADED JHIS WAY Slater Crawford Is going to come back. She haa left Lo Angelee and ha .will arrive here at tha head of a band of apoatlea who will conduct re vivals under her direction at It! 8o ond atreet. . The sister and the apostles sre due to arrive next week. , Brother Olaaoo, ' (he leader of . the tangled tongoea, did not make a formal an nouncement thla afternoon of the- re-' turn of Mrs. Crawford, but be Intimat ed that aba would appear again In the aext few weeke. PERSONAL ' Vr. W. B. Knapp has just returned front a four months' trip through the middle west, his first visit after an ab sence of 1 year. . After two terrirto thunder storms In March and three snow storms In April, he finds Portland with Its mild climate and rosebuds very at tree ire, However, on May . 10, Immediately after tha company had agreed to set tle lta bualneaa tn Oregon, this little housa over tn Union county caught flra and waa burned to tha ground. . Tha company waa notified through- tbelr agent her. Mr. Blrrell. who immedi ately denied all liability because of the compears Insolvency. However, according to a provision of tha Oregon atatutea tha Traders In surance eompany had deposited with tha state treasurer 169,000 la collat eral a. very good security. In order to do bualneaa la this atata, Law Means Basiaess. V Tha law clearly : stipulate "that money depoalted with the treasurer shall be kept for aeeurtty of persons transacting bualneaa with aueh corpora tion for claim, and demands arising from aald bualneaa, and shall be held and eonaldared especial ' pledges for auch security for auch claims and de mand." On this statute Judge Sears decided that the Tradera Insurance company waa not Insolvent aa long aa that $50,00 . remained, la th state treasury. .', , Thla decision 1 considered algnlfi eant In Insurance circle as well as among Jurists. It clearly demonstrates that tha provislan compelling tha de posit of. bond beror any Insurance company can transact business la tha atata'-of Oregon was made not only to be enforced, butean b enforced. HOSORS DIVIDED AT . . " ' PEfimLYAKIA'S RELAYS Columbia Wins Two-Mile, Mich- Igan Four-Mile and Chicago . . . One-Mile Race. '- (PablUhenr Press by Special teased Wire.) Philadelphia, Fa., April 37 Athletes from all parts of the United States par ticipated 1ft the thirteenth annual relay reoes of the University of Pennsylvania held hare today. . Chief interest, how ever, centered in the one, two and four' mile events In which the crack run ners of : the east were pitted, against those of 4he weat ., Whll the eastern ' representatives carried off the honora la the two-mile race. . the ' westerners were, successful In the four-mile and mile relay eventa. The eaatertiers "evened 'up 'matters by oarrylng off the high school champion ship, the beat tha westerners could do being to finish fnlrd. . .. Columbia won the two mile, Michigan the four mile, Chicago the one mile and the Brooklyn manual training training school the school event. Full 11.000 apectatora crowded Franklin field' when the meet began and Interest was at all times during the events at fever .waa the most auocessful event j ever pulled off by the Bed and Blue. - Prtnoeton scored In the 100-yard daah, Dartmouth won the special 110-yard! hurdle, Syracuse captured the first hon ors In the pole vault, and Mercerburg took .first place la the hammer throw. SEATTLE BEATS MINERS -': BY FOUR TO NOTHING " ' (gpeoial Dlapatok ts The Jaareat) 1 Seattle, AprU I7.Tha Cubs sot riant up on their toes today and demonstrated I max tney had Butte's cork pulled by ' winning, to . aad wlth'Oarvln nltch-1 lag agalnat them. The Butte team was made to limp when a telegram from Lucas ordering Mott to stay out of the game until the dispute with Portland aa. to which team was entitled to his services waa settled. His place was takes by a faat young person named Ford. . who mad one bad heave that helped Seattle te get a flying start la the fir t Inning. . , . . , . v The lad who 'took up most ef the spotlight was Lanky Allen. This bold athlete showed last Sunday that he waa a pitcher by winning a game la spite ef a bit blood blister en the first finger of his pitching hanu. He waa minus the blister today and be held the Butte battera helpleea. Allen not only pitched a swell game, but he gave the. best exhibition of fteldlna? a tion that haa been seen here alnce Jess ' tttAmll'. l a . , . . ; Seattle 0 0 t a suiie ,,...,,.0 (Mill o 0 4 aattenea uamn and Veley; AUen ana siwniey.-" , . ITIS CASE ...... . . : . . FOUND IN yAHHILL Harry Jarrltt Supposed ,to Have Contracted , Disease at ! t .''If'-:' Cascade' Locks."! C'- A caae of cerebro anlmrf manlnvitia ,t Arnlty, In Tamhill county; and two ase of tyvhold fever at tinnton were re ported yesterday to - Secretary R. . C. xeruiey or toe atate board of health. Harry Jarrltt of Amity, aged . It years, was taken down with spinal men ingitis 10 days axter arriving In Amity from Cascade Locks, his' former home. Tha caae Is considered serious. ' It was reported by Dr. a R. Mathts. Louis Root and Fred Tltner, laborers lft the Clarke Wilson mlUs at Linn ton. have, contracted typhoid fever, ac cording to a report made to Dr. Tenney yesterday afternoon by Dr. Harry Mo Kay ef thla city. They are agad tl aad 19, respectively. Dr. McKay attributes the epldemio to the condition of the water In the well from which the Linn ton hotel secures Its supply. The eoun ty health officer has forbidden any one to use the welL s NEW ICE AND MINING COMPANIES AND CHURCH . Articles ct .taoorperatloa were (lied vJth the county clerk yesterday a foW lows Th Ic Delivery company: Incorpor ator, K. A. Baldwin. V. B. Btarly. and Jesee Stearns; eapHaI atock. tlie.0eo, The Highland Baptist church; traetea, J. W.i Black, J. A. Cannaha and Hilda Jon.; value of property, $600. HlM.n Treaaur Mining: company; In corporator, A. O. Hooper, fc. House and P. Toiler; eacltal Stook, 1110,000, Doc It Take GIosc v Figuring to Squeeze i :5fr " S:. . SKimpingWecessary I Out Enough foriPW New Home f 7 f l; Wmm: The Perplexing Ends Meet" Has Patron of W have only limited number of these magnificent Rockert left. Wa will gell all of them tbla week, and alter they art (on this rocker will never be sold again, .This la Cur last opportunity to procure this article. Do not overlook it. Order today, as w vs only a limited number. . . ; .'" : v ;.;V'.:- '!.""." -';!'. .'". .'' '-''.'".' ' ' ! You may have All RAILWAYS WITH FLEETS Erery Largs British Railroad Ooa pany Owns Btoamers and Docks. ', It I aeldotn realised haw widely th power of British railways extend ever tha aaa aa well as ever the land. ' Thla atata ef aTfalrs la peculiar te thla country, aaya -the London olobe, being" due to our Insular position and the abeolute dependence' of our popu latlon as a wbols upon foreign trade for its means of subsistence. Henoe, . we find a early every . larse railway com pany In the United Kingdom owning either docks, barbora, or a- fleet- ef steamers and eome of them all three. However, la view of the terrible dla aater that has . befallen a . railway owned ttetsaenger vessel, we propose furnishing some particular of our rail ways, a ahla ownera. so aa to civ an Idea of the magnitude of this branch ef their sea power. - t : Of the millions of travelers who an enually paae between this country snd Other states a vary, larga percentage Problem of "Making: Both No Terrors for the i::'b:&: 'n:v - i a -: -r1! ft ." , M i , r , u . . . . ; ' u . Illlirallllll I'lllNMIIII Ikl 1 I i ' 1 - ....-.......-. i . .... ...... t , .. i . : ., Send With Pay Uonflily 50c Unlll Paid the Credit you wa make the voyagg under the flat of Brttlah . railway company. There 'are It railways which owa fleets, , and not counting the craft which ply only oa Inland rivers and lakes, the grand total of these : vessel numbers 1, agge gate groea tonnage,- 1(1.40. ' Tha first rxllway company, ta obtala powers for the transportation of pas sengers snd food by ea waa the Ches ter aV Holyhead tn 1I4T. The bill was vehemently opposed by shipping eom panlea throughout the. kingdom oa the ground that U would create undue com petition and Interfere with their exist ing right, and that oversea commun ication was outside the sphere of legit imate operation of a railway eompany. Robert Stephenson checkmated the opposition by forming a separata com pany, composed of the dlrectora of and large shareholders In the railway, which would be ready to take over the ves sels ahould the bill fall to pass. As a result the most formidable -opponents of the project withdrew, the company got Ita bill and tha eervlce between Holyhead and Kingstown waa Inaugu rated t. aoiaDeta wlUt tha mail boats, Order 75c Terms: ooevally with the opening of the rail way oa Auguat fu 1S4. Ia lb the Chester and Holyhead Una, together with (a ateamahlpe, waa transferred to tha Londoa at Northwestern railway. Besides owing fleeta of passenger and cargo boats, our- railway oompanle have either wholly etna true ted or large ly contributed toward the expenee of making the harbor for their reception and many of these railway harbors are numbered among the finest aad beet equipped porta la th world, notably Flahguard, Hayaham. Barrow. Holyhead, Fleetwood, Stranraer. Farkeeton, New haven, Southampton, , Folkestone and Qrlmaby. - ' . . - - .- ' Eale Setae) a Do , From, th St. Paul noneer Pre. it Cohen, a trapper, who has had a camp at Chedl I"" th Jam river, was examining hla traps yesterday when a hug eagle swooped down and, seising a dog whlrh iwnrn panled. the trapper, started, off with ( prey. Cohen, however, shot tha hlxX t- Hand Wo Ami I-y-K'1 to (0)11(2 Order today, sure. Do not delay. If you wait you cannot get it. This is the last time this Rocker will ever be advertised. After this week it will be impossible to get one. Send 75 cents today and we . will deliver the Rocker on approval, , . 7 v FUTCsT'lilDTTflTlI This Rocker is exactly as illustrated in every D0 LUll 1 lUll detaiU IT IS BY FAR THE GRANDEST VALUE THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. Is constructed in an absolutely first-class manner. The frame is built of seasoned solid oak. The back and seat quarter sawed and handsomely flaked. For comfort this Rocker cannot be excelled as it is mada with roll seat and back. , , '. : , , , fllU ADDPnVAI ' will ship this Rocker to you with the Uil rtrrUUVrtlj distinct understanding that if, when it is received, you do not think it is the most wonderful value in a Rocker that you ever saw, and if it does not come up to your highest expectations in every way, you can return it at our ex pense and we will immediately refund your first payment. 75c Cash With Order, All Money Saved 55 Self Denial or gi IMs 50c lalonthlyUaUI Vzll on; Every Purchacc A few slightly marred t Bavte, Waeeler ai Wilson, tr. aad v7klte Bewtng ri.:-i. 7' . 1 112 V t a , . , , . . It. J. j ; 'i