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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL. 23, IS07. J)o loa Open lour Jloath Lilts ft Touuf bird and gulp down what' First Russian Steamer in Portland Harbor svsr food or mMlcIns may be offend you ? Or, do you want to know something of tot composition and character ol that which you taka into your stomach, whether M food or medicine r Most Intelligent and sensible ' people now-e-dars Insist on knowing what they employ whether aa food or as medicine Dr. I'lerca believes they bare a perfect WILL BUY YOU ONE OF OUR HANDSOME !" ',',-'""' . ! y'. ;GOLD . V.";s ; ; -K: right to trtfto upon auch know ledge.- bob piiMlihiirrn-TTt and oa sacs bottle wrapper, wbaiJTrmadirlnea are made ol and vflM tyta?r nOft Thli he f) he can HHLifford to do beci!iflllifl-iii" nareijirnta of which his mxllrtnt are niado ar gtudli-d and unlfrt))il t.'g faiore wllj 'iii-lr suixrlor curallve virtiif-i A WEEK Mi i Yj, Y X: t fag , The 8eleng la the Brat Russian ', ,' steamer in thla port .' She arrived here I last night, and berthed at the O. R. ( ,' N., AlMna dock to toad wheat, float and reneral merchandise for North China f i and Siberia In - tha Frank Waterhouae Una. ,r"; r .'' ,-;....'.: ... ; ' Everything about the big tramp la j Russian, even the characters oa the bow and stern looking- like hieroglyphics to those having acquired the habit of us- , Ing .Roman letters. . A Russian crew ' , " , i . ' 1 1 Steamer Selenrm of Vladivostok, Russian Siberia. brought' the steamer from Vladivostok to Port Los Angeles, but all escept five became so Infatuated with tha sur roundings there that they failed to' show tip when the whistle blew for departure and so runners had to ba secured fa tha last moment, , Even tha runners look Russian, so well ' did they acquaint themselves with their new surround ings on the way up the coast.. V Up till a year ago Oermana owned the Belenga, and she was then known as the Claudius. She beoame famous during the war by, succeeding In run ning coal Into the harbor of Vladivos tok, although Japanese men-of-war were watching for her everywhere. Chief Officer A. Vorontsof waa at that time av resident of Port Arthur, much against his wllL Andrew. Kundrykolt Is second officer, and Paul Petrakl I third. Tha Selenga belongs to ' Vladivostok, having been bought by a newly formed company about a year ego. DRIFTED ABOU II FOI? TWO DAYS Steamers Norman Isles and Eva ...... Report Rough Weather . v Off the Coast. FREIGHTERS REFUSE TO -ANSWER THEIR HELMS Trio of Iaarga Tramps .Beached Har bor liast Sight ' to Load Bread- . ruffa and' Merchandise for Ports In North Chin and Siberia. ' - The Norwegian stesmer Norman- Isles, the German steamer Eva and the Rua slan ' steamer Selenga arrived In the harbor last night from California porta to load breadstuf fa for the orient. , The Norman Isles and Eva had a hard' time of it oft '-the. Oregon coast, both-encountering a northwester that, eo rape li ed theen to stand far out to aea In or der to escape going- on the toeach. The; vessels were .light,-and offered euch Xlne marks for the wind and heavy seas that for two days, an April 19- and ' 20, both were unmanageable. They would not respond to their helms and tossed about fearfully. . Captain fcorenson of the Norwegian craft aaya he steamed back and forth during the storm- but got no closer to his dlstlna tlon because ha had to keep at a safe distance from shore. - Captain Klocklng of the Eva brings a similar report. Still neither-steamer waa ' sighted by the . other, although tbey left the Bay City simultaneously and arrived here at about the same time, .--. . - , Strange aa It may aeem the Russian stetuner- Belenga escaped tha blew en tirely,' although aha crossed In over the Columbia rfver bar a few hours after the Norman Isles-and a few hours be fore the va. Captain . Kanaleff ' aaya the Selenga, plowed through" a smooth sea all the way from Port lorn 'Angeles. He kept his craft well near' the shore, which probably account for hlet en countering good weather while tha Eva and Norman Isles wallowed In a fearful sea. , " Captain Sorenson of the Norman Isles rr porta having ' spoken tha - German bark Tolosan,off -the Columbia river. Phe was bound from Ouaymaa to Port Town send and wished to -be reported. Tha Selenga passed a number of sailing vessels but their' namea were not made euf: She went to the O. R. N. Alblna dock to load for North China and Si beria, while the Norman I alee and Eva dropped anchor ra the stream. Both will be dispatched for the orient with flour and- wheat by Kerr, Olf ford Co. The Selenga is In to Frank Waterhouae company. ,. '. ,.: , 1 ', If- set off dark ; Shirts white to , ' cravattingv ... ,,,. ;-;., - ' - ' Cotore-r shirts". W .' foil tot ; 'light neckwear. . . ; '.. ; .' , ' For innovations here art the double cuffs and embroidered designg on ; -center plaits and cuffs.; , .-. , - t . .' v ; : ; Now for comfort see that your collar is the fight sLre for your shirt-band. Come here and well look out for that and other points that youll appreciate. , ' CloUiinnCd CulKuhnPicp Men's and Boys Outfitters, 168 and 168 Third St. Mohawk Building. . f r : AGENT APPOINTED V. Open Rlrer Steamers Will Land at '.V'; Oak Street Dock. :v'.i. afar 1 the Open River Transportation company will commence trafflo between Portland and the upper Columbia riv er In a manner that will prove of much benefit to tha country contingent to tha Immense waterway. The fine and commodious, steamer. 3. N. ' Teal will then be ready to go into commission and she will, be plaoed oa the run to The Dalles to connect with the portage road. Negotiations for dockage at the foot cf Oak street were closed today, and W. A. Eaker waa appointed local agent to look after, freight and passengers. Mr. Baker is now agent for the steamer F. A. Kllbum, plying between thla port and Ban Francisco, and haa been with the local office of tha California eV i Oregon Coast Steamship company for several years. '. "The . N. Teal will leave . Portland every other day to eUrt with., - - ., CONCERT FOR ' SEAMEN V . '." -1; "-'.'-. '.'' American Born Chinese Win Assist on Program. ;" , , . , , , j '. The regular weekly concert at the Sea men's Institute. 1 90 North Front street will be given tomorrow evening at I o'clock "under tha direction ' of ; Mrs. Whlgham, Following Is the program: Piano duet, M. Whlgham and O. Sel nlski;' vocal solo, George TomT Vocal! solo. IucUe Baker; piano solo, Rose Ling: cuartet Win Lai, W. B. Moy, Harry' Ling. George Tom; vocal eolo, Mrs. Brown) piano solo,-Lillian Strath- man, vocai eoio, w. u. Moyj vocal solo, Mrs. Whlgham; vocal aolo. Wil liam Lai; piano solo, Gertrude Slltnskl; vocal aolo. Miss Msbel Downey: vocal solo, Mr. Clark; quartet, Mr. Lai, "W. 43, Moy, George .Tom, Harry Ling. , - MARINEIHTELUCENCE I V ' ssls llaws Bus U Arrlv. ; ;' T. K. Kllbara, frnrn 8a rras. ssa way. April t AlHanoe. from Coos Bar... ....April XT Nlroswlla. fnMS erleat April 2 Coats Rlra.- inm 8a a rranetaeo.. April (4 O. W. Elder. -from fan Pwir. nt way. April t Calambla, rreis sas rranclaeo. . ,. ......Mar S BoSBoke. frost Sas Pedte end my....Mar S Kumaaiia. rtoai orient May IS Arabia, free) orient....... Jnu rm Aleaia, troa srWat. ..July IS . aarnlar liaeia te Depart Baasoke. for Sis tVdro and war . Am.ii m OolaatbU. tor Sas rraseiue ..April JH ?. KU?or,J. ,or " sod war. April IT AUIanee. fa Coo Bar ' tn on O. W. Eldar. for Sas Pedro aaS ll.rnjai Ooata Bles. fat Sas rranetsa Mar I Arasoala. for orient. ...,........ ....Mar 4 Kleoajedla. for ertoot. ................. .Mar IS Namaatla. for erleat............ jnnl m Arabia, from nrlat.........,......,,,.jona IS Aiaaia. far or lent :... ............Jalr 71 ... Tessala.te Pert . ColamMa, Aei. tr., at Alnawerth wharf. Aragoala, Oar. at Ala.ka docfe. Berwlrk, aaaolls aes., at Coocb atreet. . Coqullle Blrer, Am. atr.. at eoal buakera. ' ' Worne lea, Knr. atr., at Aatorla. ' . Irlab Monaerk, Br. atr., at B. A W. eiflla. 1 altrtioffar, Am. rtr at Wll. iros Workv - Tarj Vlkan, Nor. atr., at Rortb Partflo sal. Armee. Pr. bk.. at Meraer daek. . Beroeoa. Pr. a., at Mmtcoeerr dock Ne, i. - - vtanuaroj bob Soek, Kirk lee, Br. atr., a Oeenale dock. Wkbelet, Pr. pk at Colosibla Ho. 1. , , Tola. Br. ah. at PJevater dark.,, . Abbta. Aa. srli., at Aslorla. '. Aloes Beaaa. Am. bk, at O. W. P. dock. - Chaballn. Am. bkts., at Stella. JnrdinkUl. Br. bk, at Oraeswich. ' home;. Am. mrm at Stalla. Walaea Am. barge, at Aatorla. Lealtlana. Am. afe.. at StaUa. Allfl McDonald. Am. scb., at TaoemTr. Keleosa. Raaa. atr.. at O., B. A N Alblna. Narmaa lalea. Kor. atr., la stream. Roanoke, Am. atr., at Martin a dock. kra, Oer. atr, at aschor la stream.. . . lamker Carriers b Beets. , Aaiilj. Uraen, Aa. eck, Saa PraiKisee. "w iieaa, a. r. wt Krlipea, Kiw.ll. Am. aa, gas Pedro. .uwaonoo. Am. arh., Manila. , , . ' '. , ". Saa rraoeUea. 'v , ' tI?1.i.0J' A"' B Praeclaea. jIiiIIlU Am. bkts., eaa PraaHaee. i" "hBJ' - bktn.. .a Praaclaeo. 'EsP-a?-- : - t".rSrT' ." bklD- - 'raneiare. '' Waablnatos. Am. atr.. Baa iTaaclaoa. Colamlrfa Am. aes., Saa Praaelm. , ' ' maa Svolph, Am. sck., Saa Hedra. Js Smith. Am. bktn.. Kas r7 ' ; Thoanaa U.wans, Am. atr.. Has Praaeiaan. M.kak.U. 1 bkta.. ..,pr7ncJoe,,' .ta Aaa. Aaa. atr.. Has Praaclaea, - ' m Aleana, Aa. sen, Saa Pedre. . . .- ; . (a Beat With Oamest aa Oeaaral. Bnerkrarti, Br. ah , Uamoers. , ' Rrraa, Pr. bk, Hull. . , ' . : ' too war Caatla. Br. bk.. Antwerp. ! , alnaar. Br, ah., Bamnora. ; ; Pleuawra, Br. ah., Ihinklrk. . '. Piraee. Pr. bk.. Anlwern. ' ' Oevaelrre Meliaoa. Pr. bk., Loedea. ' Re Kerrilar. kf. ah.. Hamtmrr ' ' tennee. Pr. ah., Siraaeea. . . U Pill, P. kk. Loaav. -Martha Bmi, Pi. kk., Uaaaers. . , V . Mostablaue, Br. sk, KevcaaUe, t, Br. bk. Shields. ' Slam. Oar. shu. Loadoa. " Soma. Pr. ah.; Mawraatle, M. Telia. Gar. kk.. Lelth. Vlneaaaaa. Pr. kk.. Giaacew. Elnlta. Br. bk., Antwerp. : Mareebaal Tnrrono, Pr. bk., TTambarr. VIII da Mulnoaae. Pr. bk., Antwerp. . Ooetharr. Pr. bk., Aatwarp. .. , Plarrl Lati, ft. biu, Aatwarp. : - , Coal BUps Za Beat , RalM. Pr. bk- Kewcaatle. A. (ol. d VUlehols kiarenll. Pr. bk.,Kweaatls, A. t laTrrUoo, Br, aa, ftaweaaue. A. . St. Louia, ft. bk, Kewcaatle. A. ' r ', Trams Immm Xa Bat. Aaest, Br. atr.. Beanos Arret. ' . Hradrord. Br. atr.. Baa Praaclaea.. , ' Iroaea Mara, Jap atr., Japan. Africa a Monarch, br. atr. Saa rrmseteea. . Ilarroles. Nor. atr, Maroraa. . ,. Strathclr. Br. atr.. Saa Pranelace. Stratbre, Br. atr, Sas Frarwtaco.' ' Telia. Nor. atr, Sas Praaetaro. Tottaaoasi, Br. atr, Comox. B. C. . ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer Alliance walled for Coos bay last night. Tha.. steamer Roanoke sails for Saa Pedro and way points tonight J. H. Peterson, who floated tha Geo. W. Elder, returned from Ban Francisco last nighty where he went to negotiate for the purchase of the wreck of the steamer Corona. The deal la still pend Ing. Mr. Peterson is of the opinion that he can float the craft from tha reef at Humboldt. bar, ? . - . The D. P. A. N. company expects to etart the ' eteamer Telephone for The Da Ilea tomorrow morning. . " -."( i The Harrlman liner. Columbia. Canvl tain Doran, will 'arrive at Alnawerth wharf at o'clock this afternoon from San Francisco. - A boat and tww small casks of gaao- ime nave drifted ashore at' the mouth of the Columbia river and It ia believed that they came from the ' gasoline achooner Bessie K, which turned turtle In a storm several weeks ago. , . The British steamer Irish Monarch came p from Rainier last night and went , to .the Eaaterp aV Western tali Is to complete he; lumber cargo for ; the orient " - 1 ; . . y The old bark Alden Bease will shift to Wallace slough tomorrow morning to complete her lumber cargo for Cali fornia. ' . ' 1, :f . .-( V - , The Norwegian ateamar Slldra sailed for Hongkong last night with 192,881 bushels of wheat, valued at tm.DOO. She was only in the harbor nine days Tha anagboat Mathloma will be hauled out on the ways at Bupple's boat yard nexi weea ror. general repair. , 1 he , American ship John Jteed will some here from Ban Pedro to load lum bar for ,a return carga . . ! r nm- r., mr rraaeiaea. d Head, Am. bk, Saa Padre, , Bhltnar. Am. bk.. MakawelL , Am. eh, 8a Pere, , . ' , MARINE NOTES . Astorls, April ft. Arrived down dur ing the night Schooner Abble. Ar rived down at midnight and aalled at I: JO a. m. Norwegian steamer Slldra. ror Hongkong. Arrived at I a. m. Tug 8amson. from Graya Harbor. Ar rived at :i0 and left up at 19 a. m. Steamer Columbia, from San Francisco. Sailed at :li a. m. Steamer Alliance, ror coos Bay. t Redondo. April II. Sailed Ship Sin- tram, ror coiurahla river. San Pedro. April 23. Sailed Schoon er Alvena, for Columbia river. - - Aatorla, April liv Arrived at 1 and left up at 4:10 p. m. Qrman steamer Eva, from San Franclaoo, Arrived at 1:11 and left -P at p. m. Steamer Coastsr, from San Francisco. , 8an- Franoisoo. ..April ' II. Sailed Steamer Aurella, for Portland. - Aatorla, April J J. Condition of tha bar at I a. m.. smooth; wind north west; weather cjoudy. , , . i - i I, .. . ; Crowded All, Week.' V I- The great alteration aala Is In full blast Never In the history of Port land haa .auch. enthusiastic crowds of buyers been seen In any establishment aa have attended this sale. All day long from morning till night there la one continuous throng of . customers. It would not be ao If the bargains were not here. Every article Is cut and Slashed In order to clear out as much merchandise as possible before the al teratlons of the building are begun. Suits, hata, shoes, furnishings In fact, everything In the line of wearing ap parel for men can be bought at prices never before quoted, In thla city. It Is solely a matter of unloading a big Quan tity of merchandise with me. John Dollar. Firat and Yamhill, Drunken Indian ' Murders Squaw. ' fjowreal gpeelal Service. t Spokane, Wash.. April it. An Indian woman named Mary Ann Cashmere waa killed here Sunday by an Indian known as Saul Lewis. He Is supposed ta kin been living with the Indian woman and her death waa tne outcome or a quar- ' rel. Saul was drunk. Ha crushed the woman'a akrull and finished by throwing . her body Into the Kettle river, where i It waa found by the coroner. . ... f or the cure of woman's peculiar weak nesses. Irregularities and derangements. giving rise to frequent headaches, back ache, dragglng-down pain or dltre In lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied, oft times, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of weakness, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ! a moat efficient remedy. It Is equally effective In curing painful periods. In giving strength to nursing mothers and in preparing in system oi the eipectint mother for baby's coming thus rendering childbirth safe and com paratively painless. Tha "Favorite Pre scription la a most potent, strengthening ton 10 to tne general system ana to tru fr'ans distinctly leminin in particular t la also a soothing and lnvlgoratlnj nervine ana cures nervous exhaustion nsrvous prostration, neuralgia, hrttertn spasms, chorea or St Vltus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms at tendant upon iuncuonai ana organio aia eases of the distinctly feminine oraans. ' A host of medical authorities of all th several schools of practice, recomment each of the several fngredlenta of whirl Favorlt Prescription la mads for tm cursor meaisensesiorwnicD it isciaimrf to be a cure. You ntav read what thf-v say for yonrttlf by sending a postal can request for a res booklet of extract from the leading authorities, to Dr. K. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In stltote, Buffalo. N. Y, rou by return post. and It wUfconvs w ELKTOfl'S HEALTH TO BE IMPROVED Sanitary Conditions tn Mountain Hamlet Are Very Bad v ,j at Present. . ' WATER HAS BECOME BADLY CONTAMINATED Typhoid Fever Haa Several Victims in Little Douglas County. Town Stage Stable Held Largely Re sponsible for Present Conditions. Aa epidemic of typhoid fever is rag ing in the little tqwa.of , Elkton. Ore gon. In Douglas oounty,. A. recent In vestigation mid by Cmmty Health" Of ficer A. C Seeley of Roeeburg reveals conditions much more aerloua than did the first aocounts. ' Tha trip had to be made - by Dr. - Seeley on-' horseback through the mountains 50 : milea from Roseburg to Elkton. When he arrived he found one. person dead and four down with the fever, while ' three had already had if and ba recovered. Following were the victims of the dread disease: James O. . Lyons, seed 47. dead; Marshall Lyons, aged S year, afflicted with a - mild attack; Harold Lyona. aged t. convaleacenlng; Maurice Lyons, aged 14, average attack; Rose Lyona, aged 11, severe attack; Loula Lyona, aged I, recovered; Claytia Gray, aged II, recovered, and Mrs. J, D. Coch ran, recovered. . - Water Xa Contaminated, - , Samples of water taken from Ahe Walla in Elkton were found to be con taminated. The sanitary conditions of the town were found to be very bed and there was no sewerage at all. At very little expense the health officer aald that the aewerage could be made effi cient. . " ' ' Dr. 8 Lamm, who had been aent to the vicinity by the construction company that ia building the Coos Bay railroad, la blamed by the atate board of health for the conditions in Elkton and la liable to proaecutlon for falling to re port the cases to the atate board at once. It la the opinion of the state board that the local physicians were very careleas and an Investigation will be made, - , .... ;, . . ... , . tag Stables Xargel meaponalbla. ' Dr. Seeley thlnka that the epidemlo came with the railroad camps. ' How ever, he holds the Gardiner ataga stables t at Elkton most responsible. "The stage atablea owned by Gardiner Mllla ia a disgrace to its owners and a menace to tha community," are the word regarding this feature that Dr. Seeley uses. Dr. Seeley requested 1 ra ni "1 late Improvement. Dr. R. C Tenney, secretary of the state : board of health, aaya that the atate board will also take up the matter with the Gardiner Mllla and the. physl- You wear it while pajring for same. In this way our liberal credit system enables the poor the same luxury of life, as well, as the rich. V WE SELL CHEAPER ON " ";:M:.;.';f. CREDIT . . THAN OTHERS DO FOR CASH J.BLUM, . . Mgr. Jewelry Dept ; GEVURTZ BLOCK . V. Cornei First and , Yamhill . Corner Second and Yamhill clana at Elkton, 't fap Agent Returns Home. . San Francisco, April 13. M. Tsksshl, the Japanese financial agent, will aall . of the " S E CRET SERVICE" '- To call telephone number "A 4039," first remove tha receiver from the hook; place the index finsrer ia dial hole below "A," then pull the dial around until the finger touches the stop; remove AT ONCE the finger front the dial permitting the dial itself to rotate until it stops. Do not FORCE it back. Ia the same manner operate the dial at each of the figures "4," "0," "3," and "9.", Now yon are connected with telephone number "A 4039." ". . - - - - . . - ' !; . Place the receiver. to your ear and press the button, which rings the bell of the telephone wanted. If you hear the "Busy Buzz," it indicates that the telephone desired is busy. This being the ease, hang up the receiver and operate the dial again within a reasonable time. If you do not hear tha Busy Burs wait until the subscriber answers. , ": t , When through with the conversation, hang the receiver on the hook, SMALL end up. V ? -l ' IMPORTANT X i, FEMOVE RECEIVER from the hook before ; operating tha dial. C ; "f., t ;j -... ... i at DO NOT, FORCE the dial back .. ; , r . 3. Always hang up the receiver to DISCONNECT and before making a SECOND call or a CORREC TION. ' :rt,. .'. . ; . - ; 4. BUSY BUZZ always Indicates that tha Ulv phona you call la busye XS. Answer YOUR telephona PROMPTLY. 6. Place your Hps ne ar transmitter and ipeai; DISTINCTLY , la a low t9na f rolca. ; i v 'The first Bulletin.' giving tha names and addressee Of tha subscribers of tha Home Telephone Company ' ' having tnatrumenta In operation, haa been lasued. Other Bulletins will be Issued from time to time aa the telephones ara Inatalled and put In operation. The company la completing' the necessary details ' - for operation and tha aubaorlbere are aaked to "Home- Phone-It" aa best tbey can under the clrcumetances. The automatic Instrument Is Intended to be a faith ful, uncomplaining, obedient, telephone servant and ' tlie management la f paring no means to provide every - expedient known to give Portland , ' people modern up-to-date telephone aervloe. . , , - - Subscribers ara especially warned - against ' tae pastors claiming to represent the company In tha collection of rent. No rental should bo paid axoept ta persona authorised by the company, aa the manage-' ment eapecta to make no . rental charge until after due notice to lta patrons. . The company desires toaak the co-operation of lta patrons In the Installation and protection of tha new aervloe and tha telephone will be put In eommlsslea Just as fast aa sua can be accomplished. v For Information Call "A 4039" nil vi i r : i u: ji MHcim ir r-.cini u a ri y ; i V PARK AMD BURNSIDE STREETS - .V" t tomorrow oa his way horns from Europe. He recently arranged a big loan In London and Paris for the purpose of refunding the outstanding I per cent Japaneee bonda. ,. Oonldrabl traaM Is twins soaatrd sy the abeeamea at America easres ia pratecUae their flock (slat the ecrdtloa X tan botsmo cafl, whlck hr etryd sear of laiab aader the every era of tb herder. A aaaa employ ea Ui p. Lyneh raseti, aear Cordelia, wltneaeed two t tb bird kill tear lamb before h was rtra aa oppertaaitr f proeartng a ahorio. Tb theepasea save prac tlrally eiteralnatrd ra eorot, bat will psse ab)v find mere fmpiaeahla foe In th ri. hsve a torpid liver when Herblne, tha only liver regulator, - will . help you? There la no reason why you should suf fer from Dyspepsia, Constipation. Chills and Fsver or any liver complaints, when Herblne will cure you. F. C Walte, Westvllle, Fia.. writes: "1 wss sick for a month with chills and fever, and after taking two bottles of Harbin am well and healthy." - Sold by all drug gist ,," S0Z0D0NT CLEANSES AND BEAUTIFIES TEETH h 7 T I " -TTilllLr"" . r .1 qir 1' i Johnny Has the Best of Jimmy! v ' "Ah, Jimmy, don't cry! Just get your ma : " to buy Royal Bakery Doughnuts, 'n you can , cat all you want without gettdn' aickl" V: " , ...... .But Jimmy's mother Isn't 'particular: v ahe ' takes whatever the grocer offers her, or does br own baking . between , sweeping, cleaning and mending: ao nat. . urally poor little Jimmy's stomach euf ' fera, and he'a a very unhappy child. , See the Dreadful Result Next Week I - Airr&roceri-- HioHUiCuuntnuo, "EVERY MAN IS ODD" r but wo can fit him FIFTY STYLES THIRTY SHADES AND COLORS THE FULLWORTH i TB .' Shapes are mighty different from one another That's because faces are, too." V " : i - Sold Exclusively by - v: ' E CHICAGO CLOTi WGCO. 69-71 Third St., Bet. Oak and Pine Sts. ClarKe.Voodvard Drug Co. importing Knoiesaiers & aianuractuTlng. Cor. 9th and Hoyt Sti 0,000 snnsre fet ef nopr epeee. I equipped Wholesale drua house a. i 70.000 ei A complete analytical Laboratory. A rrlvats switching trsck from tha terminal yard a. J be largeat and most perfaetJy equipped Wholesale drug house oa the t,"Uf K !, ' I Buyers end hsndlere of beesw srd Oreson drua produets. caecera bark, g; ape root, ete "