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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1S0T. II - i 1 , j. ,-",T " ' " w .-"-w t 1 in. u-m." jggg umuii jszr rrr , ai e The Entire pought from the sheriff closed out at less than 30c on the dollar Symes Bros., Galesburg's largest department store, closes its doors and their $45,000 stock comes to us at a mere fraction of its value and on sale tomorrow while it lasts at unheard of prices. It's to be the greatest, most reckless and sensational slaughter , this city has ever known, for at the prices this stock goes it's bound to create the wildest excitement among all shrewd buyers. Ever since Saturday we've had an extra force of employes working night and day, unpacking, marking; placing the goods in stock and getting ready for the sale, which begins at 9 tomorrow morning. Cold type can't half do justice to the immensity of the bargains. Price cuts no figure at all, for everything has been marked to a figure that will sell it at sight. AH over the house a whirlwind of bargains to astonish and astound you money never went so far before. From end to end the world's greatest price-cutting will be in full force. Command see, and BUY BUY BUY. It's the most stupendous saving sale you ever attended ome. . Doors open at 9 tomorrow morning. Ladies' 15c HOSIERY . ldtM Fancy ' Hosiery; hundred of palm; colon. all a.. 11 . .at MM ' a. leas; bargains at. lie; if C all ' In . on let; pair ................ V 8c Figured Calico 1,000, yards to go; all ool-l ors: ' bow " dsstgns; sd trade made to sell 1 f iJ at Ic, To, le; bank- .w rupt price yi.,... hi. lOc Waih ; Laces 10,000' yards and mora to to; t groat niiM lot; various . kloda and vaJuea up to 10c; choice, yd.,.. Ic Laundry Soap lie 5,000 large bats, always ' C told it Ic Bankrupt ,! price; bar w. '. Parlor .Matches V The regular 5c kind, large r V Se boxes. For this tale, iH boa ..................... t. Womtn's Shoes Hundreds of pairs, all kinds and styles, worth up to $2 pair ............ ;i ,7.-v SUKolone Pull yard-wide 36-mch 1 Silkoline, ' worth 10c ' If Goes at. yard .. JJdK Flff d Calicoes 21c AH colors. " fancy, sat worth 6c, 7c and B? si, 7arq.,....K. terns. Table Covera 4-4 Tapestry Table Co. ' Toilet Ooap 5,000 bars to go, all In one ' lot Pick 'em out at, the . bar Oood site, always sell at ' g '-' two for 5c - Now cut to, yL tacb ...iv Symes Bankrupt LINENS 100 belts Union Toweling, aood ' heavy quality audi mad to Mil at c aenarupi price, yd-...3He 1,000 full-else Wash Ban you pay S (or lo everywhere. This tale, -choice ........ ...... ........H4 (0 bolts laat Color' Turkey Red Table Damask, mixed lota, tlo to lOo gradee. . Bankrupt price, ... Trd .i..... .......... ,.184- llxll-lneh Chaekar Damaak Nap. klna. bleaobed, worth 7c dosen. Bankrupt prtoe,' each.. .,.,. 8Hd 100 doa.' large ItaSO-tnch Huck Towels, flymes'. lOo and Uo kinds, bleached. In one lot at. choice.. 5 All IrBH ' 11.00 Colored Bed . Bpreada, ' In pink, ' blue and red, , rinsed all around. Choioe.i.. 984 iLtri ruu-eise wnite ilea faprtmOu, Bankrupt price...,. .08 Men's 5c (Q. 8c i'dk'c'fs In white and also red ban- danaaj all rood slse; 100 aos. in an to so and every one worth I to lo; choice ...... 2c 8c Toilet SOAP All large bis bars; atl the beat and ftnoat makes: all nlthly perfumed . soaps; made to sell at ta and Ic; bankrupt price 3c ; ; SYMES BROS.' SIL.(S ARID DRESS GOODS A sale that baffles description, an unheard of, mastodontic slaughter, in which real value is cast to the winds and loss runs riot. Over $8,000 worth of the newest and best silks and dress goods that Symes bought for this spring's trade, the most fashionable up-todate dress stuff that you pay 2 and S times these prices for elsewhere, all thrown out on the bargain counters at half wholesale cost. But come and see. If bargains ever brought crowds this store should be packed to suffocation tomorrow. 35cand 50c Dress Goods 1 8c 75c and $ 1 .00 Silks at 1 9c 5.000 yards to go. Plain and : Fancy. Silks silks for 7 V, waists, dresaes. linints, trimmings, etc Ail 18 to 24 II jf Inches wide. China, fancy checks, stripes, figured snd H. "IV novelties. There never was a greater bargain, for. these fV VI a are actually worth up to $1J)0 .Choice and ...,.,,..eJ Read Every Line Don't Miss a Single Word V of the Bargain News Thousands of yards bunched In two great lots. Fancy Plain and Check Novelties, Cashmeres, Henriettas, Alba. , tross, etc.. In all colors, full width. Full pieces snd mill . ends. - All grades worth 35c, 50c, snd even up to 7 Sc. uioice w ana . 5 O O Yard i Fancy Plaid Dress Novelties i Symes best 35c grade 4 16 'it Cut to yard....... IT' One lot of Figured Foulard Silks, mixed lots of odds and ends. ; Symes' prices were up to 50c. Choice ..r.. Full yerd-wide all pure silk Changeable OA Taffetas, fine quality, worth $1.75 and up to fSXMf $2 yard ..UW 19c ' e Thousands of yards of Fancy Silks in checks, black, moire, polka dots and drapery silks, worth 75c and 85c yard , . . . Ten pieces 18-inch Black Taffeta Silk; also fancy Novelty Check and Plaid Silks, up to SIO values. Yard -JSc 49 c 10,000 Yards Remnants and T.lill Ends Dress Goods Sc.&V::Just' Half Price Symes : Brothers Wool Goods Erery yart soes resrdless of eoat r ralue. or we're too blr e stock of oar own. All the newest of this season's styles. Other finest . and moat desirable of domeetlo and Im ported wash sode at a sosre frac tion of their worth. . I,ee yards Flsured Lawns, not the cheap, alasy kind, but sood onea; worth up te loe choice, 3J4C A"4Bymesi7-lnoh" MohaVr' Lusters; these are the newest of 26o n Soods, yard. ....-...... lot tine Imported Orssndles, all fancy flaured; worth up to JOc, the bandaoniest of patterns and Qr colors, yard. I.OOe yards IT-lneh fancy Flsured Batiste and Lawns.-mill ends; q worth np to t&o choice, yard....' .Special SOO yards of senulne Silk Organdies, larsw flowered effects. beauUful eolorinss; worth -every penny ot Mc A lOo, yard 17-lnch White Dotted Swiss. Oc cheap at 15o, yard.... Sheer white India , Llnona, Byrnes' best tHo and lo trades, ye Bankrupt price, yard LADIES' GLOVES All Sywies" . Snest II and 11.1 Kid Olores lumped In one ttq lot.-all kinds, all ytylea, 1 and 1-clsap; plenty of. the new spring colors: scores thst -Symes bousht to soil as his 41 nd 0 1MB leeder. Palr...Oyt NOTIONS Oollah Linen Thread In black - and - white, larce Te rpools ......41 Ic sun Bilk, all colors,. t spools for ,...6e) Safety Plna, ard...3) Besting Thread,, S pools for .If EmbroHsry Hoops, ell Lvlses . . . . ......... Tf to paper Pins Ma? e Pitted and Oxidised Hair Pine .Ut ile Shell Back Combs 6f Bilk Thread, all colors, spool .'. 34 Is Peart Buttons, doa. '4 lie Tracing Wheels.. Be t Eh rarnrs....,,.4f lo Cube Pins, black , . snd colors .... ; ....... .4 10c Hair Plna, I en ear4, eard .....10 tlo Side Combs.,,. ..IBs) toe Beck Combs, fancy mounted ........ , . . .3-44 lc Belt Buckles..... 16 loe Celluloid .Pressing -Comb ............. ....9e Belt Sale Lsdlee Pure Bilk BalU In black and white, tan. brown, blue and pink, pleated styles, all best tie belts '...7e Woman's White Wash Belts, new embroidered designs, v Byrnes 'best lis belts ' e Women's Bolld Leather Belts, plain kid or fancy leather etfeots, all colore end black, new spring styles and all toe and Tie values... .23e) Wemen'a Bilk Belts, taller made. .-.t..4 iiiuliul and . ahlrred f - fecta, plsnty of 11.44 enee In this lot, choice 23eV WANTED 100 Experienced Salesladies and Salesmen All departments. Apply at a tomorrow, morning-. Bankrupt Sal Men's Furn'tfns l.OOe Men's Turkey Red and White Handkerchlera. all good slse, Symes Ic and 4o ones... ...Xe Men's President Suspend ers; they sell the world erer at lie. Bankrupt price -f ............. -35 Men's lid Kxtra Heavy Work Suspenders, ay.S3v 19 dos. Boys' , Shirts and Drawers in sray and brew n.-all lie values cut to .......194 1.004 Men's Neckties; white snd ' colored 4-ln-hands, worth up to tie. Oo pick 'em out at, each ...... .4 Men's Finest Bilk Neck wear, all the moat exclu sive novelties and richest patterns, ell colore, worth up to 14a Choice. .. .174 MOO Men's Fancy Bosom Dress Bhlrts. negligee trie, all siiee snd all fsnry patterna, worth up te 11.11 .84 Worth 50c ' snd up to $1J0. Plain and fande. black and col-ijrtrejjJoodjivervjnd Serges, .Voiles, Cashmeres and plenty of the new fancy novel. ties. All on isle et just halt price 10 Pieces Pure Silk 36-In. Black Taffetas Best $1.75 grade CI 19 whUe it lasts, yd. tJX 7 At Less Than the Leather Cost Over 6,000 pairs in this stupendous sacrifice. Every pair Symes had in stock. All their most famous makes and the finest of trade-mark shoes that have never sold . anywhere at less than regular figures, all dumped put at prices that will pay you to lay 'in a, year's supply now.,,. , ...-.. -,i--;--.t . WOMEN'S High Shoes, mixed lots, odds and enda of Symes' stock, and all $150and$4 A values, go hUr at, pair INFANTS' Kid ' Moccasins, all colors, - none worth lees than 35 cents. All go at, the ' pair . . , , . . veuve. 12c CHILDREN'S And , Misses' Patent Leather Oxfords, sixes S'i to 2, worth Up to f 2. Oo at, ; pair 98c MEN'S Fine Satin Calf Lace Shoes, broken lines, worth up to $3.50, sli eliee, st, pair .- MEN'S $3 and $4 DRESS SHOES All the best and finest makes, made of best patent colt, vid kid and kangaroo calf, all the newest toes and most stylish lasts, all sixes, all widths. None worth less than $3.00 up to $4.00 : Pair... ,.. ,...... .. IBs else Walts Oaavaa Shoa O- Oleaaes goee at ...OW Batre tear Shoe tsoes, 1,000 pairs, f ge em, pals , .IV teff. 10a boxes aOuaela skoe r- JW $1.59 $j.98 ; JJL 5-1 I AO yaaee' St aad M1 SBfaats Saoea, aU atyUe aad aU slaeo. Bank- AJr rapt prloe .."v Woxasa'a tine Saoea aad Oxfords, has dieda of palre. every style aad even else Oxfords thai eyases eoUU ORr n a aaao. mi v,....70v Woman's Watte Oaavas Oxfords, new Sprlmg styles, aad all ragvlae sa CQr valaea, go at, pel. O7 atea'a viol kid Oxfords, flae eaae. gooda bomgM for this Sprue's trade aad IBs tea Skoe VoUsk, extra , large ' 500 Pairs of the Finest Men's Patent Colt &Vld Kid OXFORDS Genuine' English welt. Symes' best $3.50 and $4 values, and many stamped those prices on the sole, uut tney BANKRUPT Pries Per Pair..,.. $1.98 AS yaaee" Boys' Saoea, the fuest, saade e eaU at SS.SO s iQ aad S3, pair e? rwHi . . . CaUdsea'a aad ansaee Kid Oxford a, si see bh a, wertk Skee, t as 69c s ZrfMe aad Claehay Xld Ox. fords, flae ease aad aU keet f f 10 S3.M valaea, for -1)1.0 y Womea's ssO aad S3 Waits aad e)ray Oaavaa Oxfords, aay style. 1 AO Baakrapt prloe ..all.yO OhUdrea'S aad SKUsea flae kid Shoes, pateat laathoe tip, aiaes SH to ; Oft.' S, heat SS valaea, pale ;..Oyi ; House ; Brooms All 4 " sewed, full else, worth lie end He. All in ene lot at, . Qr choice .101 DRUGS He Woodbury'e Facial Soap ...174 Jergen's ; lOo Glycerine Soap 5 He Packere Tar Soap 17 4 tie Pears Scented Soap ...17e 1.000 bars Caatlla'Soap i Ho hot. riorlda Water 144 He hot. Bay Ram..,.14e II bet. Herplclde. ...S94 1-qU bot Park A Telford's Bay Rum .......... .691 00 Hinds Money aad Almond Cream . .... .334 10a La Blanche Face - Powder Z94 lOo Kpsey's rra grant Cream ,,-., . .34 Baatman's lio Crushed Taloum .............. .9e Ho Mermen's Talcum. 12d le Allen's Tale. Powder ............ ,4a Ho Jar Superior Cold Cream - , fla Ilo Camphor lae ...... ga) He Sanltal Tooth Wash or Paata ............ 19 ISo Lyoa Tooth ' Powder 14le lie Rublfoam .......17s) DOORS OPEN AT 9 A. M. Darijains Beyond Precedent In This Bankrupt Cloak Sale Cm,-. mmtWm atfwlr thrown eut at nricaa that must brine A veritable army of buyers. From end to end the great cloak room ia a wreck of prices snd -rslues. All the newest and best of this season s garments new. fashionable conceits. The fanciest snd most elab orate of Gowns, Suits, Waista, Skirts, Coats, etc, st prices that In most Instances hardly pay for the making alone. Every single garment to go there's not a solitary reservation. Go through the stock yourself snd choose at one third to one half Symes' prices. At 9 tomorrow mornlne this greatest of all sacrifices commences. Be on hand. s, aymes 39c Ladles' $1 WaitU Pine whits lawn, embroidery trimmed, all sises, Symes' best 91.00 waists. -, Choice Ladies $35.00 and $35.00 v ; Spring Suit, . ; All new, this spring's styles, snd every one made . of the .. moet fashionable materials. Voiles, Panamas, Fancy Mixtures, etc in Eton, Pony, Prince Chap, Cutaway and other models. All beautifully trimmed. Jackets silk snd satin lined. Black and all colors tans, browns, navy, ttc. None,; QC worth less than 120, and moats? . all $25 and $35 value. Tske. ft . your choice for. '...... .. . tlJS'BUck Ssteen Pettlcosts, go at, 7Q . choice ......li7U Women's $4 snd $4 JO new Spring tT flQ Skirts ., .,....ePI.U? LedNnr $5. $5 snd $7 fins Silk Indies' Pattern Suits, worth to Ladies $15 SaiU Newest spring style, fancy checks, also solid colors, all $12 and $15 suits. Choice ' st. Udles $5 j solid colors, all .$3.98 Ladles $7.50 Jackets Made of covert cloth, fancy Styles, strep trimmed, ell styles, snd all 17.50 coats. Choice and $6 Skirts $2.98 rsp trimmed, all ;83.98 In drees snd walking: styles. Made of checks. plaids, stripes and ranama lus ters. All fancy trimmed. Reg- Skirts. Tsks your ... ....... $0.98 ulsr $5 snd $0 pick for lOO Ladles Dresses Ladies' Wash Shirtwaist Suita, fancy styles. Stripes, checks snd dots, ell col ors. None wortn less than regularly. Pick tnern out at, cnotce ..v.. ......... a, lancy sryiea. 1 98c 5000 LADIXS WRAPPERS Well made, lirht and dark colors, figured and striped effects one greet ( mixed lot of them, end all'i'O valuea up to $1.23. Your choice fjijAj st, each v w Symes Brothers eries 1.000 rtugs, else llxll Inches, sold by Symes Bros, at 7le )0 Bankrupt price , 1 lot of odd Lace Curtains, aver) kind snd style; large, big elses; worth up to 11.11 pair each f.Q curtain. U7C Ruffled Swiss Curtains, full S yards long, fancy patterna; flyraes AO Broa. 1. hi ones at, pair O'C Yard wide Curtain Swiss, finest mm!. ny, an eise aots. nememoer. Symea sold pries, yard. . . . . . 12c that t He, just half yard wide, best 18o snide. d I lot of fancy Art Denims. Beautiful TaneHtry Table Covera. else Byrne, wold them at 7o " rt Bankrupt price ''C K-lnch Extension Braes Cur- 1 1 tain Rods, lOo kind 7-foot long Opaque Window Bhadee, all complete with fixtures; I rerular 60o value , yJ" 1.000 fancy Dreeeer Scarfs and Pil low Covera. fluted edses. sll irk- around; Byrnes' 4J values, for Stationery 1.000 reg. le Tablets, ell ruled.. Is) lfte Writing Tablets, ruled and unruled, choice 5e tlo Purs LJnen Tshlets. . . .'. .124 lOo bos ot Oregon View Stationery goea at .t&t lie Paney Box stationery , , , ,lle lie Deck Playing Cards. ....... Te llo Oregon View Postal Cardn 6d) Waist Sets I All Bymer Fancy Waist Bets, oxi dised and plated effects, dosens of fancy styles, worth tlo set.,.12e 39c to 50c Broken lines of Symes' 33c. 50c snd 75c kinds, plain and fancy, big line ot . colors, au in one choice ......... 19c V BanKrupt Domestics ' Prices lower than you've ever ' seen them before. Only a short list of Items here, but you'll And hun drede when you eoma: , 1.000 yards Figured Calico, Sll color, worth up to Ic Bankrupt plica, yd.,. Site) Shelf Oil Cloth, the kind you always pay I 1-le per yard 4? Wide It-Inch ' Shirting Madras, slso suitable for ladtea dresses, Byrnes' lis goods. Yard ........lie) It-Inch ' Bleached Muslin, soft snd One, worth it Ho, sll good lengths. While It laata, yard 7H4 All -Symes COLLARS For ladles, fancy embroid ered turnovers: all linen -white . and . colors; Byrnes hid thorn marked to aell at It He; this sale, choice ..i.3c Infants' Shoes Infants' Moccasins, sll g colors, regular 25c and I 35c ealue, for 1 ieW Shinola the pw - 10,000 ; boxes, sold the world over st 10c, Cut box 75c Rug Hundrede to go, ' good sises, Symes' best 75c Kugs 29c 25c Organdies All fancy-figured, newest f patterns, cheep at 25 cents r y Table Damask 18c Full 58 Inches wide, mixed lots of 35c snd 50c kinds. Yard.-....., 50cV 75c Tovvels The finest" all linen' and V f fringed, large, big 50c Si" and 75c values, st. AaftJW' 15c Towls5c Mixed lots of Symee 12c snd 15c kinds. Pick 'cm out at, choice...... ....... 5c Women's Belts 7c 25c and 50c Pleated Silk Belts, in black and white. Choice ; . , . Rugsand CarRets Full BlM ifxjl Inch rug-i hun dreds of them that Symes sold at Tic, bankrupt price. ...... .. .29 Extra heavy , Smyrna rnga; large tlx 4 Inch stxe; ever S feet long; fancy patterns; - best $3LT i rug for f 1.69 Hundreda of room elxe best Oran Ite rugs st half what the carpet trust ,stnres ssk ' yoi fcr thern. All heavy weight and fancy pat terns. Medallion and floral en ters and fancy borders; . slxe, ,lx feet; worth lt.10; bankrupt pries 92.75 Slse, Ixl feet; worth 11.10 for 914.21 Slse Ixlt feet; worth 11.00, for 5.75 WANTED 100 Experienced Salesladies and Salesmen All departments. Apply st 8 tomorrow morning. Clearing Symes HOSIERY Think of It. lo for todies' Fancy Hosiery, colors only, full seamlesa, Symes sold them at lie. - Our price 6e Ladles' Tsn Hosiery, fine gauss lisle finish snd full sesmless, 17o vslues. Pair -94 ladles' full-fashioned black llenu), . plain or ribbed, double soles, heels snd toes, best onaltty made. finest of llo grades. Pair ...22e) Children's lie tine rlbbwl black lloee, double heele and toes, all sixes. Pr. .90 Misses' tie One Hale flnloh black Iloes. Pair. ...17 Boys 1x1 ribbed black Hose, double knees, heele and to, seamless and all sixes, best toe vslues. Pslr 12 Women' $2.50 Hand Dags Hundreds to go, snd over 20 styles to pick from. All solid leather, all coU ore." worth up to $2.50. All to go at your ; choice for to JOiJ. 48c Danltrupt Groceries l,00 large regular le hrs Laundry 8op. . ... . lHd 1.000 reg. Ic sacks Salt. full slse sacks.... 2d 100 cans choloa Salmon. I cana for 25 7-lb. box Macaroni or Ki- Shettl 3D 10a bottle Blueing or Ammonia 5 1 Swifts Washing Pow-1r i prkm,i Iree' reg. Ic hoV Psrlor Mithes V In bar Fairy Noiip ;: Beet Prolin Rl'-e, lh. .-I 1 lbs bt Pitry Flour .IJC Ifeene. fink or whit. pound :V i tin een Pearhs. . . 1 2 , Hurrptr Iwmp't, n t rens orn vr ! . . I ., DOORS OPEN T V A. t'..