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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL C3. 1S07. DUERSUS o:!lUi T II E A H G ELS fl EXT :.:cCredi and Hi Warriors Will Invade Los Angeles for ' ' , ' a Series. ." POOR SHOWING MADE .. i SO FAR THIS SEASON J'ortland Oarsmen Will Report for , First Practice Wednesday. Mult nomah Clab Dnvetors to Consider Several Case of Professionalism. i Th Portland oall team, after a two weeks' session against Ban Francisco nd Oakland, will open up this afternoon t Los Ar.gele for a one week stand. The showing made by the Portlander has not been auchaa to warrant the local fens In going Into eotaaclea of prelaa neither have the fana been too severe In thel.' criticisms. All realise that the race la a lone one. and that baseball manager make poor calculation as well as other people In the directing of ti:c affairs. The principal trouble at present with the Portland club is Its lack of seasoned j. layers. Several star'playere that were expected to report failed to show up ana consequently the men who were ai nana had to be employed. That the team Is not quite strong enough to eope with the other teams is quite well known at this time, but ii -Manager McCredle's plans come through all right he will have : winning combination before long. ' Portland fans are a peculiar craft, and It Is dtmoult to understand i hem, but It Is to be hoped that they will stay their "roasts" until they are deserved more than when the team Is In the "dumps" and away from home, e e E. A Gloss of ths Portland Rowing club has lssned the first announcement of the year to his fellow oarsmen. All candidates for rowing honors are nuested to report to Mr. Gloss1 at the J'.owlng club Wednesday evening at t o'clock. This will be the first meeting of the oarsmen who will represent Port land this year In the north Pacinc row ing regatta, scheduled at Seattle for Jul - I and 4. The new boathouse of the Portland Rowing club baa been completed and training will begin t once tinder the direction of the famous single sculler, EL A. Gloss. On account of the national prorolnenoe gained last nrason by the Portland - Rowing club members i-i the national regatta at Lake (julnslgamond, Massachusetts, great things are expected this yesr from the same occasion.- President Ralph Wilbur predicts big doings this year for the club an . Portlanders will have an op portunity to witness one of the best crews in the country in action pn the Willamette river. ' t - e e , - y , . . At tonight's meeting of , the direc tors of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club action will probably be taken In regard to Aaher Houston, who has been piaying both amateur and professional baseball. The Multnomah club directors have gone on record as being opposed to everything that smacked of profes sionalism, and In the faos of such dec larations, which are the foundation of me club. It la difficult to see how they can afford to let such a flagrant violator of the amateur rules go annotlced or unpunished., No one baa any personal grlevanoe against young Houston. He is a . clever player and would be of service to the dub, but allowing: him to play with the club team would be unfair to thoce who have maintained their amateur standing and who wish to see the line: drawn between the pro fessional and the amateur. The ama teurs have no fight against the profes sionals at all; It Is simply an endeavor' to keep both sides In the provinces where they rightfully belong. In order that no deception may be practiced. All amateurs are anxious to see If the M. A. A. C wilt stand by their game, and from what several directors stated this morning there will be something dwftig .at the meeting. ' .-. .., within aa inch of the Pullman Inter- soholastlc record for the pots vault, going feet end t Inches. EAST SIDE INVISIBLES . DEFEAT NAGEL NINE In a-well contented game Sunday af ternoon the East Side Invincible won from Kegel's team by the close score of 10 to . The pitching of Watte for the Invincible was .commendable, t He waa accredited with II aulke-outa. .The fielding of Kntbbler for the Sluggers waa sensational. Teams -under II years of age wishing games with, the . Invincible call .. up Silly Oleason. K. 1912. 'The line-up: Invinclblee. . , . -Slugger. cevces ra fko:i u;e- OSIVEGO BALL FLAYERS Kiser, Formerly of .ths Maroons, . . Was Touched Along for Fourteen Hits. Gleaaan Waits Morris Brady , , Brown ... Norby , , Wascher Preoff ., Miller '. i.. ...0, ...... ... p. .. - . . ..-.. . 1 b . . . i i , ...,.. 2b. . . . . ..'.... ..8b.,,. 9 1 . ... .,,.. ... If .'.'.IV.'. ...rf V.V.Y. . Bears .Nagel O. Jassman K. Jaasman ...... ,Portb Strannahan . Spi Knlbble , White ' lively High School. .;' (ApecU! Dtepatca to The Journal.) Spokane, Wash.,' April' 22. The re cent high school track meet waa a complete success and 'Showed some rood material. Rouae, the well known football and track man. won first place with 22 points and was followed close ' by Borieske with it 1-2 polnta The best records were made by Rouse and Borleeka The former made the (, 0-yard dash In 5 2-5 seconds, only 1-1 of a second of the amateur American reoord for the dash. Borieske did the 120 hurdle m It second. Monroe came EASY BOWLING FOR-. MONSON'S TENPINNERS M on son's team made a -runaway race of it last night in the M. A. A. C bowl ing game with Brig ham aggregation. Her are the scores: - .: MONSON'S TEAM. Monsoa ........... 11 J2I Peebles IBS; lit Sherrey ........... 147 11 Lovejoy ........... 161111 Brigham, Jr.,..,.. Jll. Jil t 7SS 771 117 SIM " BRIGHAM S TEAM. . Brigham, Sr....... 114 11 171 Surma n 160 142 165 44S Hudson ........... 10 12 122 424 Routledge ........ J90 100 100 200 Plttock ........... 100 100 100 200 111 425 160 . 474 162 602 174 476 162 471 144 : (30 444 1222 NORTH CENTRALS WIN - .ANOTHER FROM, GIANTS ' U i i II i V " The Wood lawn team yesterday was again defeated by the North Central Giant by the score of 12 to 9. The feature of the game was Tim Turner home run, a three-base hit, ana a two bajraer. The Woodlawn nine has not vet won a gams. The line-up: Woodlawn. ...... , v ixonn central. Garvin ....;. Roth Lavagetto p....... Davis Fisher McAfee Bosel b... Stoop AHby Turner Morgon 4 ...s..., Brlggs Vosper' ........... If. ...w..... ' Meher Atterbury ....... .rf.. McNary Encharde cf .. a ....... : Scott - f ' : R, H, IS, N. Central. 1 1110 114 111 10 4 Woodlawn. 1 0100102 12 12 Umpire Mr. Ringer. ':,',...,.:":,.;:. y ' The Devoea defeated Oewego last Sunday ' II to 4. Kiser, the Maroons' last year's pitcher, was touched UP for 14 hits. The , feature . wa " Jimmie Craigg' two throw from center field, getting his man at the plate both times, and also Gardner's pitching. He fanned It i of , Oswego' batters, apparently without much trouble. The ecore tell the story; ' -y . C t: devoes.--' " ' ' ' AB. R.H. PO. A.B. ft, Thomas. 2b. Wood, c. ...... Locke, sa.-2b. P Craigg lb. Taylor, ib.Tt Ryan, If , T. Craigg. cf. uaroner, p. Imvall, as. 'i nomas, rf. :::::: I , , . ......... e 1 I 2 .0 12 I ' ' 1 ' Total . .......... '.43 II 14 17 11 f , a.; "' ' 08WEQO. . . AB. R. H. PO. A, Bl .... 4 1 1 '11 0 Hainea, e. Chuck, ss. Tlpel. lb. .. Waldorf, lb. AUHtin, lib. , Rianken, If. Worthlngton, ("hurch, rf Kiser, p.' f. . T. FOX. Ct . R. Pox, Tf. A ........ I .....a 2' Cf. ' , . I 4 a,e a 1 - 1 16 I 2 0 1 I 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 If eated In the preparatory Indoor meet with the different high schools at the opening of the new Kahuna gymnasium at Kalama Saturday evening. Candi dates' are out la track suits dally now preparing for the standing and high lumps, pole vauKing, 100-yard dash, chinning pole and boxing contest.' Coach Crowe is eonfldent that Woodland will score highly, aa some of the boy are developing rapidly and as all are work ing bard to better their records some good work 1 assured. The contestants who will represent , Woodland blgb school, will be named Thursday, . COUCH NINE BEATEN H BY THE SHATTUCKS Bhattuck was easily defeated by, the Couch nine yesterday afternoon by the seore of 21 to 1 in a stx-lnnlng gam at West End. Young was the star for the Bhattuck team. The line-up: ' ; Couch. Bhattuck. i Peterson ...... .C. . Young C Peterson Levison ,. , . Bibee Thatcher ... Warren .... Day ....... Geer ....... Levy lb. 2b..., , . -i . ....... ss . . . ' ...... If,.,. ...... rf.... of . . Strin Predeaunc , , . Pflster . . Ashwaid . . . Calway Zlmplemen ..',.. Sell ,,.. Pearcy SCORE BT INNINGS. " " , ..-. .'" 4 :- . R. H, B. Couch ........... '0 0 0 1 0 0 1 I I Bhattuck ....... I I I 7 I 0 II 12 I Umpire Mr Myers. - , BRIEF ITEMS OF SPORT Ths Park will challenge any team in the city under 15 year of age to a game on Sunday. For gam writ the sporting editor of the Journal. r . . e . e ,. if . .. -v.' ' .- Rub Waddell has the largest hand of any ballplayer In either league.. He can make ths tip or bis middle linger and thumb meet around ' a baseball. A baseball in his hand In comparison la about the same aa a pool ball to the ordinary hand. ' That account largely for hi wonderful speed and curves. v , " t ',. ... e, e ,r ;.(. j j; The Ladd school 1 team ha . dropped out of th league. This leaves 1 teams In the league, which Include two in th west side section. Total .w..... .. .14 4 T 17 16 . SCORE BT INNINGS. : Devoea . 0 0 0 6 6 I I 0 211 Hit ... 0 1 1 2 1 I 1 i Oswego , .1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 Hits .2 01100011 7 SUMMARY. . Struck out By Gardner. 11: by Ki ser. I. Bases on balls Off Kiser. 2: off Gardner, 2. Two-base hits Locke, T. Craigg. Taylor, Waldorf. Three-base hit Jlmmle Craigg.- Double plays Ki ser to Waldorf; Austin to Chuck. Sac rifice hits Oswego, 2; Devoes, 2. Stolen bases - Thomas 2. Tarlor. J. Koi. Church, Kiser. Hit by pitched ball Ou vall. . Passed balls Wood. Hani i. First base on errors Oswego, 6; De voes, I. Wild pitch Oardner. Left on bases Oswego, 4. Time of game Two hour. ;, Umpire Worthlngton. NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago . . ............ New York . ........... f nuaaeipnia Boston . . . Cincinnati , ' Pittsburg . , St Louis , ' Brooklyn , . ;: v ' l i St Louts . . Pittsburg i . - Batteries Druhot McGlvnn and Mar- snan; vyiuis ana uibson. Urapl ; ' Won. Lost. ' P C I -1 .867 I ,1 ;.M2I aaaee.'4 ' S .671 4 4 .600 ........... I 4 V .42 ...16 , . .112 ............ 1 4 ; .200 I St. Jjonl. t . R. H. E. I s I in ' At Brooklyn. Brooklyn Philadelohla H.t.r a. U.I, wh UBtlVIID IVi.l.. . 1 .111 ter; Sparks and Jacklltseh. Rlgler end Kiem. , . At Chicago. R. H E. .0 4 1 .6 1 ig and Rib-Umpires Chicago Cincinnati . .' . ' Batteries -s- Ruelbach. Morna Hall ' and SchleL Johnstone and Carpenter. ML H.E. ......I I, 1 Ill Pfelffer ' and Umpire ' .' At Boston. . ' i'' ' ' ' .. - ...'- . ' R. H. B. Boston ................ ,i.,...0 7 4 New York .................... .1 11 Batterie Flaherty and Orndorff: Mathewson ana Bresnaban. . Umpli GRAMMAR LEAGUE ' Ball Game Tomorrow. . The east side high school will meet the Columbia university team at Mult nomah field tomorrow afternoon. Th game will be conducted under th aus pices of the lnterscholaatlo league.' EER If.--. ';'." ." Vv : i if. v V.i DID;VOU: 'SEE THE GREAT MELVILLE-CLARKE AROLLOi PLAYER-PIANO THE. ONLY PERFECT INSTRU MENT NOW ON THE MARKET ' " Operates all of the 88 notes of a modern upright p iano or 23 notes more than any other- "Interior ' Player-Piano.!. The only way you can fully appre- ' ciate these wonderful instruments is to come and see ' " them. l-:., 'v-'. 'V.V' ': - We also have on display a large assortment of ' standard make pianos in all the different styles and woods. We buy direct from eastern factories and can undersell any house on the coast, quality of oods considered. Can make terms of payment to ' suit your requirements. Open evenings. - , V HOVENDEN-SOULE PIANO CO. (Successors to Soule Bros. 'Piano Co.) ; "' ) !iTri-nn Strrt-t Corner Morrison and West Park EAST, BIDS SECTION. , ; '. a Played. Won. Lost.' PP. Hawthorn I . I - 0 1.000 North Central ... I I . 1 , .647 Wootllawn . ...... I -0 I. .000 WB8T BIX)B SECTION. '? ' :'; Couch . 11 .. . 0 . 1.00 Bhattuck . ....... I ; , 1 l ; .too Ladd, 1-0 t .000 MOUNT TABOR SECTION. - ' Played. Won. Lost P C. Mount Tabor .... 1 ' 1 - 1.000 Montavllla . ..... 1 I' .1 .M South Mt. Tabor.-. 1 0 1 ' .000 n j i WOODSTOCK SECTION'. ; V:' Played. Won. Lost' PC. Arleta , ......... 11 0 . 1.000 Woodstock . ..... 1 . .1 " .000 Today games South Mount Tabor va Mount xaoor at forty-eighth and Hawthorn. 1 ; . ; , Tomorrow game Arleta va. Wood' stock: Ladd v. Couch at west end grounds. '.. ' . " YESTERDAY'S RACING AT . : NEW;yORK AND OAKLAND " ' (Jooraal Special Sernee.) ' New Tork, April II. Aqueduct rac results::, f Pour ' and - on balf furlong Kerry won. Slumberland second, Albla third; tima 0:14 l-l. ." - - ...- . V- Steeplechase, ' about .two miles Pul clan won, Tom Cogan second, Dick Shaw third; time, 4:14. Seven furlongs Athlete won. Orphan Lad second. Dr. Gardner third; time, l:l 1-6. Seven furlongs Berkeley won, 1 Tlle Ing second, Campaigner third; time, 1:37. . .,.' Seven furlongs Cinna won, Clolatreaa second. Trenton Blue third; time, 1:S. Four and one-half furlongs Berry Maid won, Bagot second. Hands Around third; tlm.. 0:6. . .. At Oakland. "'. San Franclaco, April II. Result of race at Oakland; ' Four" furlongs Jack Pain won. Irish Mike second. Qea-e third: time, i 0:44. ' Futurity course Corns won, Talento- sa second, . Sycamore ' third; - time. l:ll-'l-l. - Seven furlongs Hugh McOowan won. Silver Su second. Head Dano third time, 1:17. ' 81z furlongs Royal Rogue won. Nap- pa second. King. Col third; time, 1:14. Mil and ; one-slateenth Corrlgan won, Daniel -C. ' second, - Nabonaacar third: time, 1:47 l-l. , One- mile Maasa won.. Bedford sec ond. Sir BrilUr third; time, 1:41. ALBINA VICTORS ADD ONE MORE GAME TO LIST The Alblna Victor defeated the Multnomah lads to th tun of 11 to yesterday. Th feature of th ' game waa the pitching of Ferguson, who struck cut 1 1 men. The Victor wtU play any team, in th city, under th age of II. - For game call up East 4. The line-up: , Vlotora, ' -v ' '. Multnomah. Sheen .......... ,.0. Leary Ferguson - .p. ...... Dent Duncan;.. Phllop Manning ....... Jamea Muller lb.... Howard Hlscoa ........... IWl ........ t Coatella Colvln ....rf., H. Howard Muller. ,...lf..i..... Hoffman . .cf .Wlckalaen Hogan .. EAST PORTLAND TOO MUCH FOR LENTS TEAM Th Lent fcaU team waa-defeated by the East Portlands yesterday by th acore of 14 te Th line-up: East Portland - '- -Lent. HornbeU ... .a. ....m,,. Raybury Holme ......... .p......... ... Flower Lavegetto .lb Dixon Hornbrock .lb. . Lent Struak lb,','. Webb Holy ........., UcCooUen Taylor If.......... Rayborn Wilson ,.rf i Webb Smith ...i....t.. .of. ....i.... Morgon WOODLAWN SECONDS ; 'KNOW HOW TO PLAY (speela Ptopateh te Tbe JearsaLI ' Woodland. Wash., April Jl. The Ridgefleld first, team went down to de feat Sunday when they . crossed bats on the horn field with th Woodland second team, by th eoore of 14 to It, Th score: . .. " ' ' ; " , : Woodland ...... 00401010 4 14 Ridgefleld . ......II 1 0 4 0 0 1 011 AMERICAN LEAGUE - ' . . Won. ' New Tork . i Chicago . ., f Philadelphia , , ........ I Cleveland ............ 4 Detroit . , ...... ,-4 Boston.. .............. t Washington , St. Louis Lost. ;p I -' 4 4 : I I P.C .714 .f .48 .171 .600 .42 .284 .160 At Detroit. ' J': Detroit Cleveland Batteries Kllllcn Rhodes and Clark. and ' R. H. E. ...I 11 I ...4 10 I Schmlts; At ew Terk. , R. H. E. ..........I 11 7 1 11 B Keefe nad Now Tork . ...... Boston . . . ; . . .'. Batterie Hughes, Thomas; . Winter, Harris and Armbrus- ter. . . . .... . j.. .. i ''': At rhtladalphla. ' ''-' R. JT V. Philadelphia ', v , ... ". . '.. '. ;...V, . u . Washington . ................ 7 11 I Batteries Frank, Dygert and Schreck; Smith, Graham, Heydon , nd Warner. . ' - ;-- y .. COACH CROWE WILL Va TURN OUT CRACK TEAM fftperUl Dlvpatcb The Jesrnal.1 ' Woodland. Wash., April II. Athletic are In the ascendancy in th high school at present. Great interest la being man- SHAKESPEARE ADMIRERS ' HONOR HIS MEMORY 1 (7enraa1 SpeeUI Strvlfe. London. April Jl. Th three hundred and forty-third anniversary of th natal day of Bhakeapear waa Joyously ob served at Btratford-on-Avon today, and. althouph the oelebratlona were scarcely on o lavish a scale as in some former years, they war eminently successful. Th old-world town wa gaily decorated. Th charming ceremony of 'decorating the poet' grave was participated in by several hundred, devoteeav 'The mayor, th trustees of ' Shakespeare' birth place, member of th Shakespear club and a number of deputations marched In procession from Holy Trinity church to th 'grave. The vicar received each wreath separately from the donor and set them in place while th organ played The Legion of : the Avon and th Light of Lot, the traditional melody aid to have been Shakespeare's favor ite song. . r . . , XI Pear 014 Mother. - "My dear old mother, who I now eighty-three years old, thrives On Elec tric Bitters," writes W. B. Brunson, of Dublin. Oa. "She has taken them for about two yeara and enjoys an excellent appetite, feels strong and sleeps well." That's the way Klectrio Bitter affect the aged, and the same happy results follow In all caws of femal weakn and general debility. Weak, puny chil dren, too, are ratly strengthened by them. . Oiiarente"11! elao for stomach, liver end kldn-r trouble, by Red Cross I'UarmayBy. - ettcL Free for the Boys and Girls. Find th "Jimmy and Johnny" Royal Bakery company advertisement In thl paper; cut It out and . keep It also those that follow; there' on every Tuesday.- W will give a prise of de licious Royal cake to every boy and girl who prove eight week hence that they have been reading th "Jimmy and Johnny" ad.- Royal Bakery Co., mak er of "Tabl Queen", bread, - . v .; OIL' TRUST CASES COME BEFORE MISSOURI COURT (Joernel Special' Service.) Jefferson City, Mo, April 11. The Missouri supreme court en banc will begin a hearing of the ouster suit brought by Attorney-Oeneral Hartley against ' th . Standard, Republic and Waters-Pierce Oil companies tomorrow. Th case ha been . pending for ' two yesr and testimony ha been taken In New Tork, St Louie, Texaa and other part of th country, Th evidence adduced tended to show that th Weters-Plerc and Republic companies were owned and ' controlled by th Standard..' Th Suit brought by th at torney-general to dissolve th merger of th Missouri Pacific and Iron Moun tain roads, th Pacinc Express company and other Gould interests 1 also et for a . hearing ' tomorrow ; before th tat auprem court. - TEACHERS SAIL FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS San Francisco, - April It. Th first party of the 110 American school teach er who will he eent to the Philippine In the next few week sailed today on the Korea - for Manila. Other parties will eall early next month. Most of the new teachers are men end were selected by the civil service bureen. Owing to the hardship Incident to' life tn the ' '- .'ir Slicrriei, Clay & Company's Vizzzi lzzi Uo fciliviiadlzina ..m nr . ' 1 A VIS sfsi mt .at ' el Tha fact that "THE HOUSE tF QUALITY" it undergoing a thorough aiegs of refurbUhinc 'from top to bottom should not deter you from making It, a riait Parts of ths establishment arc now in order, and you will b perfectly accommodated.- CO TO TCZ SIXTH STREET EM21CE . 1 , If St 'were not a good instrument, we would not carry It. . If it wore not the very best of its kind, you would not find it at "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY." . . JTbe fact that it'lg -oo Our list ii oufficient eyidence thit it U worthy a place mvour election of high-grade;tntrument. , ,-v ; . '-' ". ; -. ' J v' I " ,.' ' ' ; ,- Our Pianoi, Player-Pianos, Victor Talking Machines everything in etock represent the ou- ; preme, expression of worth and honeety. ;' .'."'.' These names mean stability and rlghtness to every music-lover: Steinway, Knabe, Mason & ; Hamlin, A. B. Chase, Everett, Packard, Fischer, Conover, Eatey, Kingsbury, Emerson, Ludwig, 'Sterling, Wellington, Huntington,' Mendelssohn. As for Pipe Organs, we have the Est ey, Packard -t ':and Chicago Cottage.'- "'. " -' '' These names mean the modern inventive genius applied to the world's grandest art music: v Knabe-, . Angelus, Emerson-Angelus, the A. B. Chase, Kingsbury, Ludwig and Harrington players. All these names, each-representing a tower of strength in the great world of music and long. .are permanently interlocked with that pi Sherman, Clay & Co., Pacific coast distributors of musical . instruments. ..-. ..' .,..)'. -- ' " : " - ;"i'."?:' ' "' ,. 'V:'V S ' : : lYE CASST IT. TCEREFC2E IT'S CCOD r , v k' .: ' . irS CCCD. TCEREFCaE eVE CASST IT 'V: )::fii: Portlasd, Seattls, Tseoma KTsrctt, Belllngham, Spokane Portland, Oregon mmM: Sixth and Morrison ' - Op p. Postofflcs 1 ifllff s Poyrocnt 'I System ill I' II I FASlly nabl any on to secure th boat Watch Wa . till Hi ' - there 1 by elmply paying a email amount when Ul mill lit - ' making purchase (you get possession when maa v Mill III ' Ing flrat paynjant) th balano .. . . ,. - III I ' M $ 1 ,a Wcqt v ; ; II 1 11 11 II W earry all th highest grade ' Elgin, WaJ- II lijj HM 11 ' ' tbant and Hampden works Bo, Fahy', Due- ; f I I fl VlU 11 ' oer and Crescent cases, solid gold - and gold ' I f r i; I l 11 ' ",,ed ,n nUes variety and alses, from fSJw to".'-, I I I1! I NOV ' M Third Street , TEa Portland - PORTLAND, ORSOOM. ' KUROPEAN PLAN ONLY BXAOQTT A RTXR S FORTOUJIHTS . . AJiD OOOTMr RCIAi . ' nUVaOJLHS. ... Dverrthlng to eat an4 drtnS. It eoeti a mora la th "- PortUn4 Hotel KafWkatUr than elsewher ra th eftyv weekday Bight from SiSS Mil. u na and CGecVo CIIIHESE .v . . . . ' Best sad JDam - - . '" ' J DOCTOR a 111 atad af la that stedV rtl.i niM.a a lm mkm le t weria kls weaoarral riiadiie. , to smcmT. rorsoirg oa Ktiros tit. wiTHogi xaa Alb of Tkia'sV . He narantaae a fVM. i rfc tang, Thraet. SkeaaMnsai .Hafveuainas. Hemes Dbulty, Stnnaeh, Itnr. Eloeay TreebUet else test Maaaeea, VeSMU Week MB as an Private Wwaaia. A SURE CANCER CURE From ; Your -Liver Ever feel that drowsiness after a noonday meal which make you feel as if you could enjoy an hour's sleep mora than anything els In the world T Who ha not felt that tired, lasy feeling, that lack of de sire for. mental or physical exer tion com on him without appar ent causer Dven big, strong men are afflicted eo, and wonder why they should have these at tacks, of debility. - i - , ...... That' tha way - your liver aena out It message of distress. It's a warning of . fu ture trouble for you unleee help Is glvsn , 1L By "help" la' meant strength, new vi tality, new en ergy for Us work, not drug to purge th bowel and five tempor ary ettmulatlon to th weak liver. It want . and muat hav new power. . Just like any en gine which I running alow for want of steam. ' ' A Sluggish Of torpid liver causes- poor- elr. culatlon and & lowering of vital-. lty and energy. Help the liver now by restoring'; It " strength or you will soon flnj yourself chroni cally tired and sleepy, with bulging, watery ayes, dull, stupid and unam bitious. Tour liver can make yon pretty sick when It refuses . to work, and unleea yon- help it, th ickness may be serious. , Pour a constant stream of elec tricity Into the liver every night while you sleep. Th liver Is like a sponge; It drinks up this electrlo fluid and as quickly converts It Into the blood, producing animation and building up tb entire system. My Electro-Vigor does thl while you sleep. It saturates the nerves with Its glowing power, and these conduct the force to every organ and tissue of your body, restoring health and giving strength to every part that I weak. , i . Electro-Vigor 1 a relief from th old svetem of drugging;. It does by natural meana what you expect drugs to do by unnatural meana. It remove th cause of dleease. and after th cause ha bean removed JJature will do th rest. . Electro-vigor has mad a new man of m. . No more weak back, no kidney trouble, and remarkable relief from what waa a vary trouM- om weakness. I B. HOHENSTOIJU . Madison, Cat Free to You i Oee mr I0o-pag book, describing Eleotro - V 1 g or, and with Illustra tions of fully de veloped men - and women, - showing how It I applied. Thl book tell In plain languag many things you want to know and gives a lot of good, wholesome , ad no for men. I'll vend thl book, prepaid, fre. If you will mall me thl ooupon. Don't wait a minute; cut out th ooupon now. ;, S. A. Hall, M. D. 143 pnimor Street, rmAwoxsoo. Plea send me, prepaid, your 4-21-7 fre 100-page, Illustrated book. Name .......................... Address retlee, C aeuaela. n wm in 'AFixtcTro; nowr ' . DBLATSAbS DASOBAOCS. If ye eaaset call, write for sjnitei sad eirealar. Iseloee 4 easts la ecasaj CONSULTATION FRED xxx o, qtm wo cam iss frxDionrs oo . rrt si Oae. si im lias IUVL Tirrt St.. Oae. , Portias. Orafsa, rieaee ataettea Thin fasea, h - tit tit ,' Evcr7cn::n aansifl ana mnea laeai MmtihlTJloJ The sew VaatHl iiaj. Mfm. M ott cenraBiant, esHii ae a. mnnotautftlvtl mw k Bourn, ma OUMr. but Mnd I Lamp for nil psnlonUrt and 1ir valuable to Ixlixe. MHvai, rX m. sa ST.. haw vorkv tat Bala b WOODAnD. OtAAKE CO. awn LATK-DAVIS Tau oo sioaii. f w , a .v 1 If b flannotautnly tn a? ' It : SCClt'S S2Hl2l-PJS!.l CSJSCl-S A POSITIVE CURE yorTnflammeHea erOatarrfeof tha himAAir and !! AJ id. mti. secuaisorai. Cirraa quickly en Baroiaaaath' tbe vorat raaM of ejeaierafceaei ana wt,MBtilwMbii SolS hy THE SAXTAL-PETSIH CI DellneMitaiae, Oat. I Drerrtete. ' . - Wbea eroerlag. sleaaa rater te flTertlaen an I la The iom. a B-aB!--SHS-SS Island, no women are sent unless they hav a husband or other near male relative In th Philippine service. The educator will bealif their taak of teach ing th young Filipino idea on June -1, when th new school year open. Corn SfinlaU-r Asaalnat?d. . '!' liasrsal gpertal brvlea. Toklo, April II. Pakyongwha, former Korean minister to Toklo, was assassin ated today,' ..-' : .', - t - 0 CUSemtttf. -.. AvAnw axwovrg vw raib Tamat'a Ssweet el Oebee and Geyaibeta I OAPIULI8. I ThaawiiiiffctaadUaiaataaajftfn, gooorrbaa. (ImI, wbltae, aa Kmf . ta take, alatt te earvy. In i saawe aa tat eaa ariaaSl.a latna II fmai Yae Terk. t., peruana, orrennt er by Tarraat to.. 44 IIikIwis at.. K c