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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
V. I -' .V...TXXB . OREGON ."DAILY : 'JOURNAL; PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL ' 3,-1807. N USE FAMOUS ICIM '" " ,. Jean de Reszke. ' "We nave concluded nfo purchase Kimball' : Pianos for our personal Emma Calve. "The Kimball is eu- " perb piano:' , , Sophia Scalchi. - "The Kimball Pianos "are" ideal" in tone and' perfect n action. ' Mina Schilling. ' ",The , following partial lilt of world - famed ce lebrities,. - consti . tuting the highest ' court of criticism that has ever pro nounced , uppn the relative' merit of modern pianos, not only use but indorse the Kim ball as the make of greatest artistic and mechanical excellence: .A "I think the Kimball -Fianff-ittaini practical -... perfection in every-ei-' : ' eential point of musical ' quality. - - v j( . V : T V: Johanna GadskL ''Ranks with the best instruments before the world.- - : Milka.Ternina. ; " The tone -of the Kimball Piano is' clear and singing- 'and suits my -voice exactly. ' Victor Maurel. Emma Eames. i "1 feel inspired br " J "I am charmed with the beautiful ton of " " the beautiful" tone of the Kimball Piano." the Kimball Piano." l( li Vjl THLGKZACT AMERICAN ; .' I T?1E LONGER I USE. V , X Louise Midder.-! Max 'Alnry.- '.': ' r -'Pyuy Lange. vjvA Minnie . Hauk.,: "The Kimball ia the 'The Kimball Piano ' "The Kimball Piano ,. i. - "The Kimball Piano inan f -the Trofej- : is tnanisttCTlnstrurrrli the best now befoteTrdered from yougive on. i meM." , . , . the musical world." ... me great satisfaction." V ii ,1 12L t Adelina PattJ. " " : I The Kimball Piano has, a wonderfully sweet and sympathetic tone." Wilhelm Gruning. '. "Excels in quality of tone and delicacy of ac 1 tion." . ' Emma Albani. Pol Plancon. ."The Kimball - Piano . "The Kimball ranks is an excellent, instru- with the best instru- ments. , ment ';. IN OUR CORNER WINDOW WE, DISPLAY TODAY k Several of the latest and finest styles of Kimballs the most popular piano in America today. The. high character, the. splendid value, will commend the Kimball to' your best judg ement. . From our immense regular stock and reserve whole : sale line we tan meet every desire as to style .and price. Inclusively Sold in Every Important City v ' : in the Pacific Northwest by v : Demeter Popovict- 11 "The" Kimball Piano, 1 is invalnable as an aid to - professional . prac- V' Mario'Ancona. Edouard de Reszke. : tice." C - "The Kimball ; "We ha concluded i t .satisfies me' in. every: . . to" purchase Kimball . particular.! c. ; , ; - . Pianos fo.' our personal - : .; : ', , ..v yV. . ' ....; . , ugc",: , ; , ' i9rs of The House: of! Highest Quality piaiiorcliabilitx 35Washington Stiect, .Corner Park ' G. Campanari. ' ;' "I recommend . the Kimball Piano." - - Jean Lassalle. "The great fame , ol the Kimball Piano ia justified by its excel- ' lence." , ' , V . , Francesco Tamagno. "I haTe 'newr used a . more satisfactory piano than the Kimball Biggest, Busiest and Best v rATTELL AND R08SOH ARE ' ' READY FOR THE J RAY Two Crsxk Rghters Will GoSix . 4 Rounds In Philadelphia , L - . Thi Evening? . nrml MHa fanln.l ' PhlUdelphla, April S. The arena of the National 'AthltUr dot fu to b tho con ot an tnternatlonal championship liht tonlcht and aa oonaequenoo tho lent followtra hero are on tbo tlptoa of expectation.. Ab Attall, reathcrwalsht champion of America, la to defend hta ... tltia against spina nonaon, im reatner t welch t champion of England. Attell, . whoa record during; the past .few years ' la an almost unbroken atrtnsr of vlcr . torlea, la naturally the favorite. Rob son la Something of an'unknown qiran ' tlty on thla aide, but thoae who have ' Been htm In action apeak tiifhly ot hla ' i r The flirht Is limited to sis rounds with no decision. - If bcth flKhterai are on --their 'fet and tn fair condition at the end or the go the result' naturally will1 i i be nnmtlafactorjr ' ao far aa decldlnc - 'the International chAmplonahlp.' ' Both of ' the little flshters nave 'been tralnlnc '. faithfully alnoe the articles were slaiied ' anectlve training- quarters la to the ef f feet (that each la In-the pink of conrtl j tlon. At noon today, aooordlns; to the ' articles or asreament. thev welah in at II pound. The club expecta a larf crowd on hand- to see the mill, Inelud Ins deleratlona - from New- York 'and other out-of-town points. ahow ia one of the larceat If not the lare-eai arialr of tta ktnd arer 1en In tho south. -The entries com from all parte of Georgia and aelrhbotinf states and from aeveral points la - the north and weetw The exhibition la under the aenerui management of George H. WU klna ct tho Chicago Horn Show aaao clatlou. . Th. Judging began thla after noon and will continue UU the elope. of the exhibition tomorrow. . . , ) Anffasta Horse Show. j '' (Jooraal Spwtal Sf .!.. ' i Augusta, Qa.. April S. Qolf Ilnka and tennla courta were deserted today while northern aojournera and local society flocked to the Country club for the opening of the annual horee ahow. The :,-' . v; .vj'V TEA . " ' Fine tea. is so dafntilv tine that a man (or even a ; woman m x v cnhhle it dovn without Suspecting A Sciilliof It Company Sia Francltc ,H. Da Volt. O. A. C.'s , Crack . ;roaa uountry: Runner... . t bits of. sporting :;, ': The Seattle Times eaa In exDlana- tlon for Vance - loamg ma -wrestling boot " In Newark. - Now Jersey, In the recent tournament:. . , : , . . . ... "Vance must have been rauaht nao- plng. to bo thrown In 41 seconda, for there la no amateur of hla weight who can turn the trick In that time after vane gets going- good." . And to thla everybody will aay, "Tea, verily." ... . . e e .. i ... .The following are the big atakes aet for th Seattle racing aeaaon: - , , June It, opening handicap., alx fur Inngs. 1.000; June It, ,)allea' plate, 4 44 furlouga, tl, 000) June tl, Taroma handicap, one mile, $1.(09; July 4, Cel ebration handicap. ii mtlea, $M0: July King oounty selling atake, alx furlonga, ll.OflO: July ' IS, Woodland handicap.' Ave furlouga, 11.150; Jnly 20, Seattle Derby, l mllea, $1,000; I July 17, Interurban handicap, six fur- ionss. li.Z5o; August S. Meadows sell. Ing stake, on rail. 11J00; Aagust 10, "ISO" handicap, 144 miles, 15.000; Au gust 17, Washington aelllna atakea. H furlongs, I1.000; August 14, Club jaemDera handicap. miles, $1,600; August II, Puret Sound handlcar.. six furlonrs, $1,000; September J. Labor Day handicap, 1 1-14 mllaa, $1,600; Sep tember 7. Alaska handicap, 1 1-10 miles, ft, II. V . . . I 1 . .. 4i". jumr4a win cioa on jkpril u, -Now that th Coast leagu haa no Bold on Beattle, Dugdal and hie friends win rest ( easier o nights. MOORE'S TEAM TAKES THREE STRAIGHT GAMES . Voore'a team won thru nnu ! evening In th bowling- tournament at in Muitnoman Amateur At hie tlo, club, Th scores: MOORSTS TBAM. ' ' ; - l) :.($) Total. Moor . 1!4 J5 IK 189 W. Healey HI 111 1( 44 r. Healey l!l 14S III III Barrett . ...146 ICS, 7 , 4i7 Harmar . ,,...,..100 loo 100 $00 , ToUls ;..T.......7I 711" $70 1,046 G SARIN'S TEAM. (1)- J) ($) Total. Oearln 100 100 100 $00 Benhanr , ,...'...,141- 144 ' 14K, 4tl Wlllett .' ..1IT ' It? : 111' ia Clark . 140 110 140 416 Clemaon ...lit u$ 11$ III ToUla ..........464 lit ISO 1.140 ' il ' PltUburg Dog Show. - ' i (Jimraal SpMhil Service.) . k ui.uui h ."Aiinioifa oy cnt offer of $1,000 In money- and many cupa and trophies, th leading kennela of the country hare Bent their high bred dogs to th snnual show of th Duqueana Kennel club. Th exhibition waa opened - In the Duquean garden thla morning and will continue till th end of th week. The antrta number well un toward 1.00 amf. n of th moat prominent ahow doga that hav been en on th national circuit this aeaaon. Prominent fanciers of New Tork, Philadelphia. Boston and Grand Rapids, Michigan, are doing th BASEBALL' CHATTER aoon intTsosnirT S" Is th essential charaeterlatlo of men and women. Invaluable to good buat neaa men and neceaaary tohnuaewtvea. A woman ahows good Judgment whan She buys White's Cream Vermifuge for her-baby.- Th beet worm medicine aver offered to mothers. Many, Indeed, are the aenalbl mother who write exnreaa Ina their jrratltude for the rood health of their children, which they owe to the ua of White Cream Vermifuge, Sold bv all drugalats. c Th salary of President Careen of th Central league haa bean Increased from a year to 11,600. e Marty Hogan, th man who landed three pennants for Toungstown. . will manage in new aaneevlll, Ohio, club in in r. u. s. learu. A Topeka paper aayg that th Cooley erowa, having- railed to got Into . th western league, muet play ball thla aea. son "with th rubes.- Topeka (Topeka, nanaaaj aaia inia. ,....,..',..,' : ' " '' This Is th way th minora are nlav Ing baseball thla spring; Macon 0, New York Americana 7; Macon 4. New York Americans I; Lof Angeles 0. New York Nationals J: . Dallas I, Philadelphia Americana (scallywaga) 1; New Orleans 1, Chicago Americana t. ' President Bill Rourke of th Omaha wsatarn i-eague ciuo is after m fran chise in tn American association, :,- ' '. e . ... .... i Catcher Petereon of th Boston Amer irsns hss been sold to Providence. "Pete" will make good In th Eaetern league without a ooubt. -W . Charlie Frits la on th frits. H haa been sold by snrevaport to th fiw Or leans club. -'. - ' It looks like an even chance foe all th clubs in in Trt-lat league thla aea son. Th time has paaaed when th moneyed Trt-Btatef" got - th rauod players ana tn "common' magnate got tn noox. .:' ... . Several of tho Tetaa league team were fortunate In having major learu clubs to train with this spring. Th minor can learn a few from their big brothers. . , . J ' Offering a money prise fir th bst schedule has been quite the thing among the minor leagues this spring. e - ' Contrary to expectations th new At lantic league, which la an outlaw organ isation, will not harbor contract Jump era ',- From Birmingham Itow would thla line-up look for the Southern league pennant rae Birmingham, " Atlanta, Memphia," New Orleana, . Nashville, Montgomery, Little Rock and Shreve port. . See how Little Rock la coming upT . .' South Atlantle lesgn faaa predict a great future for Nap Rocker, the new southpaw of the PhUadelphia Ameri cans. Rucker played In Augusta, last season. e e s - ' President Jackson of th Michigan leagu la oat for Class C He saya hla organisation ha sufficient population to back an application for the higher classification. '- Fan of Jackson and Tlckaburg, Mla slSBlppI, were glad to se Eddie Hahn of the champion -Whit Sox Eddl 1 an old Cotton States leaguer.. a e ' ; ,. Th Buffalo team, champions of th Eastern league, will hav the earn pitching ataff aa. last ysar, with th ex ception of Brocket!, ... v ; , Centerflelder Orth of th Oalveaten club la a brother of "Bmlllng Al" Orth of th New York Americana.- - President J. H. Farrell of the New York Btal league haa announced hla umolrea aa . followa: Den Shannon, Charlea Campau, Jo Burke, W. J. Ma honey and 8. S. Oallaher. - . The Maine State league will begin Its season May 14 In Portland. Bangor, Lewiaton. Wsterville and Augusta. HY EILERS GOING ABROAD mm Soon So Bxtealed Trip Bast aai to tre. . J My Ellers. president Of Elltr- Piano House, leaves this week for Ban Fran cisco, fromwlyh aolht Ti will leave a Uttl later fop-Tew .York, planning to sail on th Kron . Prtns Wilhelm, April II. Mr. Eller will be accompanied on his trio abroad. by his sister," Miss Helen Eller, and aunt. Ells Melners. AMtomobils Against Man. Aa "event which promise to" eclipse alt former exciting event at th Kijo- anion rink la th utomohlle-akatera rac which will occur on Friday even! ing. 0i x raai local eaaiera win iiiit a thr-rall relay rac axalnst s big tour ing rsr, which not only bids fair to be on of the moat spectacular twit one of the faateat eventa ever ekated at sny rink in the country. The ekatt-rs are training fruitfully and will le rnr"l fr thre-mlie streti-h tomorrow nit-it bv a motnr cycle rliic-n by ari rfit. fit :i COMMERCIAL v Is one of the prominent features of our Com pany. - We receive deposits subject to check, effect collections on all available points, sell ex change, buy and sell , substantial , issues of bonds, act as trustee in bond issues and in all , other relations requiring such services, , make - loans on ' improved city and farm properties and on approved collateral, etc . V .. J The accounts of Individuals, firms and cor porations are solicited. , V Merchants Savings arid -Trust Company 247 WASHINGTON STRLLT CapiUl fully paid $130,000.00. J. Frank Watson, Prest. R. L. Durliam,' Vior-rrc? t, W. II. Fear, Sccty. S. C. Catching, Asst. f !y. O. W. TMucHhaupt, Cashier. the rIl..ii A WiMifa 1-U Nfl alvan. In t. f r I f n 1 "4. v- 1