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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. APRIL' 3, KZ7. ; ' u , .... MIAMI 00( lil COAST LEAGUE Danny Long; Write His Opinion of .the- Four Teams on r ' ; ths Circuit" HAS HIGH HOPES OF : 1 A SUCCESSFUL SEASON ''vV'1 ' .V' J-'V-Portland. Ulli JIars) tbet Mot Diffi culty la Filling the PUce Vacated by Smith, SWeea'ey Henderson, Donahue, Lister and Mitchell. On account of ths approach of,tb oeaeball season In the Paclfta Cot league, v. hlch will, open Sunday next, J lie Portland (ana will be Interested .to know what view such , a well-known tin 11 devotee aa Danny Lone; takea of the aituatlon, Mr. Long has the following - to -nay- 1n th -San' Tranelaetrcnrontcler Every ardent supporter of the same )as It figured out who will carry the banner the coming- year. Prognoet test ing a pennant raoe la Indeed a hasard oua undertaking. Time and time again iiia a learn that appealed to a majority of the critics as a winner turned out to be a sore disappointment. , Lajole's rreat hitting Cleveland club was looked upon by the majority of the eastern 1 n-rlbes aa the winner of the American league race' last year, but could finish no l.rttrr than third, la the most gruel in race the. American league haa fur Mhhed. 'John: McOrsw's New Tort ''iiantsi that were " Wiled -to play at' -Recreation 'park two weeks age, -but were prevented' by weather conditions, were conceded as too strong a combina tion for any, other National lea rue club to overcome, trat "Vajtbewson's spring mcKness and upniins, injury msae toes easy ' opponents ' for" : Frank Chance's huetHng Cobs. -4 k-A-i - : ," There Is In every' championship race an element that cannof-be figured the diance of Injury to valuable players, beside, tha luck of the gam must not be Overlooked. J V v. , ; . Ttifl. Paclfle Coast- league the present mason should present the beat baseball wen on the coast In-three .years. The dropping out of Seattle and Fresno baa enabled the clubs to fill in bora and tiiere with tried players. t - Vortlaad's CThsaaea, - The personnel of last .season's pen nant winners baa bean greatly changed. Portland wlU not present-Mitchell, Ks elck, McLean, Smith, Sweeney or Lis ter. .No doubt the tatter's place will be acceptably filled by Newman, whom McCredle- secured 'from tha Houaton club of the South Tease league. But has McCredle secured In Lovett,-Qroom,' Kchlrm, Matthews,- Shlnn - and Pearl I'aeey the necessary strength, particu larly at the bat, to' offset tha loaa of the playera above named T Wa all know what Casey ban do, and that tha aeoond bag will he" taken cars of better this season than' last year. However.- the' loss ,"bf 7 Jud " Smith, whom' McCredle was forced to part with for the reason that .the player. In elsted that he 'would quit the trams en tlrely if tmt- fermUted- to- play In Los Angeles, where be. could., keep, an .aye on his . dental business,, and the draft ing of JBfll Sweeney. cy Chicago, leaves two i very Important position for- Mo- Oreflle-to fllr with h1ghclasaimen. Whether 'Kane, - who .played second for-Portland, taat year.) oan. fill tha bill at .thH-e), is an open--proposition,: but McCredle- can hardly expect, this season at least.- to find a 'Short fielder who can play the' position In the finished style that Sweeney did. besldea McCredle will l ave a -hard time securing a player sf hwecneys even temperament and gin Iter. . Pitchers 'Are trans;..?' "'' Portland's batteries look strong, and If Donahue reports, as bs undoubtedly will. Portland's bsckstopplng will . be ably looked after, as Matthsws Is an experienced, steady catcher, who Cap tained tha ' pennant-winning Blrmlng ham club of ths Southern league last year, and he should get good work out of the Portland pitchers, even should Donahue make ths ml a take of placing his future in tha bands of a ooe-day-a-. .week league." Catcher Carson b showed that he Is a fair backstop. 4 , . ' : Wtti tha Aagala, - - - r -Henry errys'Los Angeles 'chiB win present a solid -front thla season, with Ciray. Braahear,', Ross and Smith again In the lineup, and Delmas acquisition should assist ths team materially. Los Angeles will .show, plenty of speed on the bases, snd If Dillon' eaa keep the old guard at top-' tenatoa during, ths warm weather Los Angeles pennant as pirations wtTl rest "with ths batteries, aa ths team haa a shifty makeup out side, the latter department. Carlisle will Uo-Wn the time to make,. your 'pocket save your feet and your feet will save' your ' head (Wet feet mean a cold ' In the head.) This sloppy weather you will appreciate water-tight " shoes at $3.50.'. - The new, spring lasts are ' . here. . ' ' ..' ' ' v ' 1C3 aa4 1C3 Third St. : - FOUR IfALlS BOWL IH . V THE CUT LEAGUE Good Matches Were ths Order of C Last Evening on the Ore- ; '.,' gon Alleys. ' Four1 teams of tha City league-lined up lasr night on ths Oregon alley a The Parka tosk three straight games from ths Nonpareils, who were a man short One hundred pins a gams were allowed the .team. The .other match - waa be tween ths Chlnooks snd Columblas, tha latter 'team takinr two-out of three games, Tha highest ecors for a single game, was made hy , Withers, tf.' New stead had. the beet average, 1ST. Gil lespie waa a close second, with 188, Tonight-two special matches will : be palled off. R- Fleken plays I J. Ambs tsven games, total pins to count and Pr. Madden plays A. A. Data, whom he defeated last Sunday, a 10-game match. total plna to count. Special -prises are given ths winners. Qames WlU start at o'clock.' -.-' -r Following ara. ths t,acorcs, of last night's games: . PARKS. w: i - '' t-.-i""--'l '-Av. Hague Ill 144 141 144 AnspacH ..;;.... ,M : 1 1 Pale , 117 lfT 114 119 Withers .....l..s.t 114 15S Amba ......... 161 165 427 111 X 140 ' 850 ' Av.. 100100 - 17111 144111 154-J44 144155 Totali " 4 m NONPAREILS. t, - 1 . s . Ogden 100 100 Hlnnenkamp ...... 100 144 Head 140 170 Tonalng i.. Ill ,111 Kallr .............. 174 '444- Totals 71.. I. 141 IH Tit '.' aV. ies ii 140151 157151 111113 211171 t . "V Av. I5t 170 17115 161 11 201117 COLUMBIA. i . 1 ; Gillespie i!. lft ; o .' Boland ............ m m Hill ...J 151 140 Kees 1 Sumption ..t. ...... ll ,171 174 151 Totals .......... 141 111 . CHINOOkS.'. " .... i . .. Boulanger Chrlrtlan aaillard 'J . ...., 171 i4i M1J 153 171 151 117, 111 114 Moser ' , 147 171 147155 Totals 107 ' 111 150 hardly add any hitting strength to the team as heretofore made up. though ha may make up In other departments for his. seeming lack. of hitting ability. Dillon. Delmas. Smith - and Braahear make a strong fielding, hard hitting Infield. , ' v . . V " ' Oakland's Prospects. t Oakland will present many new faces tha coming aeason. Blgbie, who is slated to play first, comes highly rec ommended as a first baseman, and his work with the bat In tha New England lesgua waa. creditable. Bowcock of ths Fall River team, who' is -billed, to atop bass , hits atund' sec ond, haa- shown class in hla minor league engagements, , and has always been' a consistent hitter. Willie Dover aux, the young man with ths sunburnt locks and without whom an Oakland club :. would ''not. be complete. 4 will, ' no doubt, eat top base, hits around third and regale the grandstand and bleacher patrons with a netr Hne of Jargon.- Sir William will feel much' at horns with his, old side- partner. Truck Egan, playing-alongside him at short. , '.-7 ;' And 014 Track ga.'r.ii' " ' Egaa should prove a tower of strength to hla team as he replaces a vary light hitter; . Oakland looms up -formidably in ths pitcher's box. with Reldy, Ran dolph, Wright and Iberg to depend upon with ths , possibility of developing an-, other consistent performer from ths remainder of the bunch. Van Haltren will sorely miss Kruger's all around work, but ths team Is so much strongsr in ths pitching department and haa been braced In the infield to such an extant that the team looks to bs a formidable opponent throughout ths race If team work Is not lost sight of. This team has ths earns pair of baokatopa in Blisa and Hackett that worked so consistent-' ly last season; and Blisa should become mors value oie mis aeaaon. ; , I Tas Prlaky Seals. - The San Francisco club will present a 'somewhat chsnged appearance this season..... Street, Esole -and -Moore will do the baekstopplng. Street Is ths best backstop In the minor league ranks to day, and a better catcher than many- ta ths majors. Hs Is anxious to go back to tha majors In 1901. and It can ea- sonaoiy .' ds . expected that this hard working, peppery player-will be of In valuable - assistance to ' ths team and the pitching ataff. Eaola needs only experience and op portunity to develop to show claaa. and his trusty stick will hel win ..many games the coming season. Moore has shown that he Is no novice behind the bat and that - hs slso knows how to handls the stick. . - -Nick Williams should bs more valu able at first thla season, after a year's experience. - Mohler can always be counted on to take cars of an acre of ground around second. -while Irwin, is playing ths asms steady, sura gams at third that has earned him a national reputation. . At short William Morlarlty. who was secursd from the Topeka chtb. snows mat ns is a around oovorer and that hs knows what to do at critical stages. Last year Mortality had mors chanoea per gams than any shortstop m any league in the country, and his ability aa a base rnnner and run getter ta tinqnesttoned. Hildebrand. Spencer and Bhaughnessy or Goldahach ahnnM make aa outfield - that In aU-around work will compare favorably with that of any other team. . i , , - ereral Star Twirl.'-' The local Pttchina- staff la ,rnimul of Jones. Henley. Willi. 1 Wh..i.. Quick, Joy Hoag. Clafln, Ashley, Htckey nd Herrod, and -five or six good boa tnea should be secured from among the number. , The many changes in the different teams, ths - riddling of last season's pennant winners, ths- withdrawal of Fresno and Seattle, present so many problems to the admirers of the re. speetlve clubs that it (sadmpoaslbla to! b iru una on we merits of the respective clubs. .. . Strateglo play of a high order, com monly known as teamwork, the ability to go the distance, coupled with good luck in valuable playera not being In jured for any length of "time, will- be found in the winner of tha race that is now on. and all indications point to a high-class article of ball and a hard, bruising campaign. . . - ' Directors Hold Session. '- ' Ths Multnomah Club directors held a meeting last evening and listened to the reports from-, the different chairmen. No special business was transacted. Tan active members, eight) life mem bers and IS Juniors wer voted into ths ClUb. . , ., ' . , v-'" '. Preferred Stock Cans ad CrOOda. Allen A Lewis' Beet Brand. , - . ' ' ' ' ' '. ,-' TRI-CITY TEAMS AWAIT OPENING Local Magnates Hold Meeting . .. Last. Night and Transact Considerable Business, a mir 1 a mi a . " . : ' INTO THE LEAGUE Season Will IVgln Next Sunday .With. Scheduled Games at , Wood- born and Taugho Street Grounds Articles of Incorporation Filed. The regular monthly meeting of ths board of directors, .Trt .City Baseball league held last 'evening, was ons In which a big pile of business was tran sacted, and it was a lata hour before adjournment waa taken. One of ths chief matters disposed of was ths ap-p!icatioa.ofAtorla..for-a-lacaJn the league, secretary smith made a special trip to "Canneryvllle" last Sunday to look the ground over and his report waa listened to wltn Interest. Not a dissent ing vote was registered- on ths ballot Astoria haa a good team alreadyorga ntsed and have grounds at Seaalde aa well aa Astoria. Tha team will draw well when league ball la started. They will eome In on ths May schedule. Treasurer partlow reported a snug balance In the league treasury. - The St. Johns- delegates noUfled ths board that It .would bs an Imposalbillty to open ths new park at that place on ths 7th of April aa scheduled, owing to the Inability of the park owner to put the grounds In shape by that time. They promised to have it v ready by April 14. - - v ; - v Several Beleaaee Kkde. ' " , . : Manager Smith reported ths release of W. C. Kelt from tha "Cube" and Mana ges partlow that of W. T, Concannon from tha ' "Trunkmakers." The man agers were banded their franchises last evening at thla meeting. President Whltemore, n his report, called the attention of managers to the matter of conducting the championship games on a business basis and eliminating aU semblance sf rowdyism or -lack of dis cipline aa shown in ths majority of games played out of organised baseball. The league will stand behind the umpires and the promoters of "good, clean sport, players were also firmly warned that tha terms, rules and con ditions of their contracts snd ths by lawa of the league would . bo strictly adhered to. ' - '. Ths new admission ' ticket, report blanks snd other forms, got up for ths league were turned over to the proper authorities for distribution, ' Ths managers drew, to see whloh ons would have tha pleasure of opening the new ball park at Astoria In May. "The lot ' fell to Manager Helssr . of , the Brewers." : .... . ,-. - Everybody now : anxiously awaits April . 7,' " when ths Woodbnrn and Vaughn-street grounds will be opened by ths...Trl-Clty lsagu. , -. ' NEW INSTRUCTOR IS V ' CIDOT fl ACC ATUI TTC u.iV7,.i 1 1 1 w i wwtwvn,! iiuui a. m IRoerlai Dlaeatek t The JoarnaU' ' Corvallls. April 1. B. & Hartson, ths newly arrived assistant physical direc tor at' ths-Oregon Agricultural collage at .Corvallls, is from ths University , or Mlnneeota, and ons of ths, bast men in ''' V, Professor B. 8. Hartson, Assistant - Physical Director at O. A. C. tha middle west, his specialty . being the weights and Indoor gymnasium work. Hs ha organised classes In wrestling at O, A. C.. and Is proving of treat assistance to Professor "Dad Trine, - much Interest being shown hy the students In the various events. A splendid track team should and doubtless-wilt be. turned out this spring by Dad" Trine and Professor Hartson, both being men especially successful in this field. " . , j- ; y 1 L . SW-sasBataaaaB-SBSM, PORTLAND CRICKETERS ;; J ORGANIZE FOR SEASON Ths annual meeting of ths Portland Cricket club waa held Monday evening. ,t which time the following officers were sleeted for the coming season of 107 Paul Henderson, president; A. M. Crock and S. L. N. Oilman, vlee-presl-dents; J. C Cummlng. secretary; Arthur Slsley, treasurer; W..O. Smith, captain; and E. T, Fenwlck and . D. N. -Warren, directors.' . . . It is anticipated that a most success ful season will be enjoyed, as tha new grounds snd club house will bs rsady for us sbout Juns 1. . . , . OREGON ATHLETES TO J HOLD FIRST TRYOUT (ftpeMat Dlapatrh Is The Jaraa,) University of Oregon, Eugene, Or, April I. Th first tryouts of ths sea son . for the 'varsity track team will come nevt Saturday for -the Columbia meet in Portland on April . Th meet Is of great Interest for there are a number o( men who seem equally good. PT7-J iA i i f V - .'r- !7 - , ' S V f:'-cV''V,Kv:";;, ? fered to range buyers on the above easy-payment terms and What is practically a thirty day's' free .trial.." We have placed hundreds of ranges in Portland ' - and suburban' homes on these liberal terms, and each is today a standing testimonial of their unexcelled- .. v qualities in baking, cooking and economy of fueL The Malleable" is made of malleable iron and Besse- mer steel in combination riveted together like a boiler making it practically airtight and insuring the 1 :! best results. Intending range purchasers will profit by an Inspection of "The Malleable" of its many .? .', 'tefatifaitzXQxei. and its 'splendid construction. - We offer to take in exchange your old Wove or'range" r and. give liberal 'allowance for. same.1 -.C jv ' :7-j:':v:-;v;i: ( , ""y;."'''-" New Process ; " Gas " ' Ranges . $1 Down $1 Week rouRCKEoir It MOD Active street work going on in BELLE iKtM. of the, most: picturesque streets in : the whole-tract, will be ready; to - show, tomorrow. , :;; '.i jYoU; have first choice of lots here, j prices same as tef ore, $400, I easy ; payments. i& ,: ; : i ;.' V Marina, Avenue is the central avenue of Belle Crttt, It is what you might call the main entrance to the "Crest".- It is a little higher than most of the tract and much higher Jhan the surroundings country. - - Without extrava- gantly saving so,' Marina Avenue is the finest of aU the north. and south streets in Belle Crest. . . 7 '"7 Heretofore the street-work in Belle Crest has been done oft.' Coleman Aventie and The Alameda,' but now grading ' operation has been transferred to Marina Avenue. , Dozens of, teams and men with plows, scrapers, stump . pullers and alisorts of devices for street work are busy as . Trojans clearing and grading this street. ' , " ' , What we are getting at is this the lots have all been ;( sold on Coleman Avenue and on The Alameda up to the point " where it intersects Marina Avenue, and the reason is people could select their lots from their auto seats. . t . . ;; ' ' We haven't said anything 'in. the papers about Belli". Crest for a couple of days for we wanted to give the graders a chance to catch up with the 'sales force. Investors "have actually bought faster than we could clear streets for . " them. '. ; ; ' . I '. f -' .'' i ' Marina Avenue open for your. inspection tom6r row. .You ha vf first choice here several beautiful ter- ; raced lots may oe bad at the Prices, as before, $400,.JPaid on easyjnstallments. ;Tiy-to jee.MarinaAyenue,BeIle Crest, tomorrow.- The Spanton Co. gTO Stark Opp. Ohambet of xau Baas. In th 100-yard ' oash ' Rally, Moores, Moore, Kilts, Kuykandall and Huston will bs ths aspirants; In ths HO Jhe same with ths exception of Kuyken dall who will drop out, ahd of Reed who wlU go in. Ths quarter of mils will bs contested by Mclntyre, Oeorge flutUvsa, Obertauffer, Reed, Dodson, Hlxson, fltelwer; ' ths half by Reed, Woods, Dodson, Obertauffer, HLzon snd Btelwer; ths high hurdles by Moores. KuykendaJl. Warner and Huston; 120 hurdles, Moorss,-Kuykendall and IIss ton; ths mils, Talhert, MoEwen, Nlcho las, Jamlaon, Frank 8ulllvan and Platts; tha broad lump, Kelly, Kuykendall, Hus ton and Lewis; tha high Jump, Hender son, Stephenson. Kuykendall. Mclntyre and Lewis; the pols vault Moullen, Rob Inaon, Bean and Kuykendall i the shot put. Moulen, Zaohariaa, Hug. McKln-ney.-Ollles, Pinkhara and Molntyre. The hammer and dls us will not be triad out as in the Columbia meet no entries are i mads in those events. The relsy team will be made up of ths 210 men. Good tea snd coffee, s nicer pair twlna Schilling's Beet. . . of COI,TPLETE-H005E-FymiI5HER5 Manna Avenue: one same price. The Jacobs-Stine Co. wetland Building-, e m aTkrsot. . . ICaU SBS, BEHNKE-WALKER LADS "WERE REAL VICTORS ' In" reporting ths Behnke-Walker-Holmes eollegs gams on Saturday last It was stated that ths latter had won, but ths official soors gives the victory to ths Behnks nins by ths soors of II to 7.. Ths correction is cheerfully mads. Hers- wss ths llne-sp: Behnks-Walker. Holmes Cobum e ...Martin Rhea' P ..idnd London .. -ee .........Shaw Kelly lb, ....Bnshong Prssler ,,...,fb.-. ,,,..' ,8ettlem Hedrlcka Ib. ........... .'t-Pay Judy, Roblnsoa. . .rf ...... .j. . ..Qhegen Batty Struck Watson If..... Bhean Peel languid, weak, run-downT Head arheT Hlomarh "on ' T Juet a plain rase t lasy liver. Bnrdorlr Blood Bit ters tones liver and stomafh, promotes digestion, -purines the blood - . ONE, DOLLAR IN THIRTY "DAYS ONE DOLLAR PE,RyWEXK THERE,- i ; t j , ON THESE LIBERAL TERMS ' j WE OFFER TO INSTALL IN YOUR HOME Ah offer that In itself Is a guarantee of the sterling qualities 'and superior construction of "The Malle- .. able, for no range of inferior quality would be of- v. VI Beautiful Literature of BELLE CREST is , being mailed onequest, , f It tells all abdut;tfie':tfact:and 1 giyes full information on every point a home seeker of an investor might wish to know. . : We wisli you had ' We. are taking from the of the different clubs of the cit be interested In BELLE CR! -we can a beautiful folder containincr a ohotoeravure of the . tract and the surrounding country: it also contabs a num- , ber of smaller photos snowing the wooded entrance; the " street work, the speedway and the plana for a $20,000 home to be erected by a well known merchant of this city right If you haven't received one of these booklets call at either office or phone or write us. We certainly want you to have one. - The Spanton Co. 70 ataisrk sT OpTX Clhsmkss of ?TxYAJII,u.; School Open the Year Round; B ii t Y o ii r Ti Th mak who iprocraitinatea is lost; becauie school Is open tht year around, day and sveninf sessions, is no reason for your post ponins; your, enrollment , Your intcntat is wrapped up . in THE ; NOW the immediatt present. - The future years hold. the oppor tunities of others; yours is facing you at this moment. . - The BEHNKE-WALKfiR SCHOOL is completely and xpn- ' sively equipped to teach you every principle of modern business; the Instructors are all experienced business men of notsble success; ths students are the very flower of the Northwest young; men and young women of ambition and determination the kind that you will be glad to associate with, and in later life proud to point to as old classmates. If there is any other 'matter upon which you wish def inite information, call or -write. A handsome catalogue on,' . , We- Will Place You In a Good Position When ' Competent. ; , Bargains" in Lxdunge ment one either call, cit The Jacobs-Stine Co. wsan4 XxJUtag, ? on mm tlss's. :f 1 1 .-C ( . i I , ( el t. m e l s .' ... . r I MAKE YOUl ( OWN TIMS y directory and the rosters y the names of people likely to EST and are' mailine as fast