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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 18, 1907: 11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' A FcW Bargains : ' $f,oo 6i100, mode re I noM bona, aa Hoyt t.. Mar 22d.' - 1A.5O0 Corner, ft block. modem T room houss and plasty of fin - frail, 18th aad Kt Madlsoa sts. - . $3.0ie it 83x60. t celts fas, M.I ul en 0 tooma; rant $27. Kfi large lota, 1 block fraga oar Hoe. in Center odd. $.260--Ourner. BO 1 100, fla Mts boeas, I8th and Kaat Main. $4.260 Lot 6xl00, T-rooa boajaa, on B and al, near In, woat aid. . 12.600 Lot Mi 100. ft-room eottags, a last Main, war 18tb at. WILLIAMS FARMER. i - ' Boom 80 Washington Old. .' A NEW 6-room modern bonao, fall baooniont. cement walka, hardwood finish fbroaghont; t kloeka from car Una; price, eaah. I2.OH0. 801 bwstlasd blu, -Fifth and Waablngton, A KNAP 0 Ufa oa tbo ear Una. aoar Mt. ', Tabor, eoly $00. Tan Dura Walton, 615 ' Chamber of Comaveroe. LOTH IN IRVINCTON AND HOLLADAY. 63 ft foot on East 15th at. batman Hal aey and Weldlsr ale., at II. WW. which la .10 per cant less than nearby property. - Nortbwsst crusrtsr of Eaat 12th aad Han cock it, at $2,660; tataa paid, bat not Han cork at Improvements; BI.06O will kaadla It. balaaoo at 6 par cent interest. - . . 8ft lota, eornar of Eaat lTtb and Weld lr ata., with ahada trees; will divide prop erty to aalt customer. CI L. Bos. - Phoa Raat 82. 828 Eaat Morrlaoa at. y l-ROOM cottage, lot 40x100. at Mjrtla atatloa; prlca $760; $300 eaab. balanea BKWtbly Pay mania. Ml Madlsoa at. , GOOD tarsal lot, 100 fact fro tag aa Dswsoa at., right wbara things ara moving, at . bargain, by owaer, 867 Sixth at. SOMBTHINO DP TO DATR. . Arenas borne. axdrn hi every way, ta flna locality, near atoal bridges owner leavlnar, WUI sacrifice for $4,800. , ,. ' HAOEMANN A RLANCHABD, '. i rirtu at. 110,000 ft block, aew 6oom bona, atrlctly modern, full beeemrnt. furnace; paw barn with eament floor tbla la a fin bona, oa oaat alda. near to. By owner, room 10 Willi Inf too bldf. , , BLOCK with two rood boaaaa. aralktng 41a tanca; Improved streeta and sswsrsgs; 14,600. Hatflald A Smith. 166ft Poartb at 'IV Of iO Lot 42x100, bonaa of rooms, abed, barn, eblekeu-houses fruit! acar Prsttymaa tatino. Addrsss V 180. care Journal. ' MODERN 6-room plastered bona la Albtaa, -mar . William are.! 60x100 lot wltb alley; good vslne, and In food location: only $1,100! Ural. . Horas Land Co., 146ft Pint at. 'TAKB look over Madrana Bill today from car ride: aa excellent rlsw; Bt. John ear. Greeley . '' atatloa.'. MANUFACTURING BITB. T00. I lola, corner of county road and Batacada 'car llaat future bualneaa property; tba froosd ran be leaaed now for woodyard (or IS per cent per annum. BELLWOOD TOWN8ITB CO., H. P. Palmar, birr. Pbona Mala 66S1. 122 Palling bid. A NEW modern T-room bona oa blfb alshtly lot. 80x100; Glee lawn, full baaemeot,' 1 - hlncka to car lino; price 12.000) balf raab. 101 Swetlaod bldf., . cor. fifth and Waah. WABEHOl'SE CORNER. 100 feet oa 14th at., elpoe to Ollaaa; oar ' preeent contract la for $10,000. Tata la for a abort time. P. O. KORTHRCP A 00, 211 Commercial blk. CHOICE CORNER, lot SftTlOO. cement walka, all baprere meata, Hulladar Park. II. .150. , i. J. OKDEH. Cor. Grand are. and Eaat Ankany at. ROSE CITT PARK. -V Look Double ymtr money; rholc tract of 20 acre la heart f the Park. Inquire today. 11 a. m. to I p. m. 241 8tark at. 100 DOWN-. $1S month, cottar of 5 room, bath, pantry, full bit, half block car lino; mnat be en Id at once. Aylaworth Eptoa. Pbona Tabor 670. y' , rOR RALK Pornlabed or anfnrnlened. mod era T-rwm bona. I.rxe lot. fruit, 2 bkxka to car; terma. 002 Kaat 19tb at. $2S0 EACH 4 luta. "Ixbtly ylcw. on WaTerly - WewUturk oar line;. 110 feet from track; - Inmtltatloa aollclted. Tel. Eaat 4137. ' V AM la arad of eome money and will eaertfle 12 lola worth $6,000 for $1,800; 60x100. Im proved, aad In. one of tba beat loeatlona be tween the rlvere: mnat be caah and taken at Room 4, 109 Second at. $1,0002 ACRES, with creek rannlnr throoall aam. and a neat 6-room hotme, barn, chick en -bonaa and waodbnoaa. all painted to match; rtcht on rood car Una, etoae la. REGISTER A COv 107H Third at - $46 PER ACRE la the price wa bae oa a fhi farm of 175 acre, with rood balldtnra. rear, etc.. and aa fine aoll aa aeer tared ent of doora: 123 aerea cleared: altuated 1 mil north of Jeffweon, Or., and w will aril a part of thla elerant farm to anlt; balf caah, rema-nder at 0 per cent. REGISTER A CO, 107 H Third at. l.O0l NEW and aeat 4-room eottaf. t lota, on EaM 23d at.: atrret Improved aad alde walka: Iota act to fruit;- ponltry-bona In the .rear. RBfllSTER A CO.. 107H Third at. II.SW-tlOOI) S-room- bonaa, lot 83 13x100. Exat Ptark at., near 21it. BEOISTER A CO, 107 V. Third at. WHY pay $wa for lota 4 mile ent wbea Ton can hoy a 60x100 lot cine In oa Rodney eve., a 'I Improvement In and paid, for tba earn prlca I REOI8TER A CO, 107 H Third at. Y'tt.l. aell mr 6400 Boa City Park lot for I.Vrfl eaab If taken today; aa golnf eaat. ' Call 801 8 wet land bid. NO automonnbblera, no ana pa. no bnmbne. twit many honaea, ktta and farma for aah at very low pricee; a aample well-boUt 10 room booea, lot 50x100, tree. Tinea, at able, oa car. $1,600. The J. R. Paremaa Co.. 181ft Mortlaoo at., near tba hrldre. FOR SALE FARMS. 2T0 ACRES near railroad, eoarh of Portland; fla potato land: la fin condition for a bl crop tble aaaaoa: 180 acre under plow, 100 mora eaay to pot under cultivation: food mom bonaa, barn OOtl 10 feat, with Vement fleora; aenara tor-mom 12x12. cement floor; water piped to eepar tor-room and barn ao atnek can be watered In the barn; poultry bonae and other ootbulldlnra; warona. plowa, potato planter, potato dirror, binder, mower, bar rake aad email toola; 4 borate worth 11.000. s cow, bay, aeed potato: all for $16,600. W ara eaaured thla la a rreat buy, and lie convenience to railroad and acboola conelncaa oa lt.muat ba very cheap, . 220 aerea, 20 mile from Portland. 2H mile from Newberc amal bona aad barn; place moatly fenced wltb new 8 wire and I board; 26 aerea In cultivation, balanea la Tina tint ' ber; ronntnf water oa each 40 acre exceof ne; team, warn and all toe la re with place; on farm adjolnln la a pruna ordurd that heara full every year: price $0,000; wnotd take a building and lota anltabw for lodclnc-hou fn part payment BPCHTKL KERNS, ; SOS Kaat Montana at. enormous PRorrra l! Hood Rlrer Apple Land Thla land hi all In tree aad will be arid la 8. 10 and 90-1 ere tracta for tVA and $.wiO per acre, an tba payment of $A0 and 100 dewa aa4 tba nalanna hi 80 monthly pay. meata until paid. The owner para all taxea, rbaraea no Intereat and care for tba tree at bia axpenee nntll the bind la paid for. ' EPPINO BARKER, . Biclnalr Ayenta, . , 82 Vb Third at. ,. CHICKB.. ranch tor aala Tea aerea, S ka eal - 1 1 vi t loo, balance paatara; beartof orchard; a . $.V)0 0-ronm dwalllnf, (ond bara. chicken bona. good achool. rural mall; free local pbona eervlce; aoma ealnable timber; $160 caah. hat ' aac km time. Writ a for full part leu lara. W. E. Allan, tlaoby. Or.. -: , ! ii i i j - pF.T email farm bar In Oragnn no acre, moatly cleared and etfltleated. adjoining town ' - alia af live valley ' town; fin fruit, aprlna, .' creek, wood, acboola, ehnrchee, railroad: f ' Mr aawmllla near; batkline worth $2,000) - only $2,600, InqiUr S4S Stark at. riVR-ACRB tracta, mile aonth of Port- Mad. flna anil, water piped to eerb B-acre tract: thl la ad ta ma tnlle weat af Claeka maa ttatlon and railmad and aa the' Port- l.nd and 0ri City wagoa road. PHe . from lino to $20 per aera; oa eaay rorme. Par rnrtber particniara aee u. w, atanr. FOR SALE F ARSIS. ' POR 8AI-B at a barf ata. 117 aerea rich bop land; 6ft acre nailer cultivation, fair Im pravemeata; alao 104 aerea adjoining, 40 acre ander cultivation, rood bunae and barn, new feneea, aa county road; will aell both tract, conahitlng of 22S acre, for $d.N00. a will aell arparate. For further particniara call oa a addraaa I. D. Winn. Bueua Vial. Oregoa. r PARM8 POR EAIB.v Wa alwaya bare the largo! Hat and baat barf alne from 8 acre ta 1O0.0U0 aeraa, oa good terma: everything la guaranteed aa ad eertteed. Oall ar writ. WASHINOTOrt A OR ROOT BEALTT CO., loo Second at., Peel land. Or., and , . 100 Main at.. Vapoonver, Waah. . Pbona Mala 2404. POR BALE-Parm. 40 aerea. good bnlldlage. - small orchard, 25 acre cleared, good black aoll; near school, near Rldgefleld; a enap; $VM eaah handle thla, balance long time at low rat of Intereat. , Call 811 Marquaai bldg. J. B. Taylor. 20 ACRE", within 12 mile of Portland, fine rich aoll, all ander cultivation, n rocket new houee. barn, efalrkea-beue and ether bnlld Inra: aitra fine plae for chicken and dorka; running water tli liroogh pi lac; price 12.IK10: terma. Addraaa L. C. aaetta. Mllwaokla, Or. ' Roate 2, box 84. $2.roo BCIS 82 acre 2H ml lea from Oregoa . City. a good road and B. P. ft. route: part In cultivation, part timber: bonaa. bar aad fruit: garden aad bouae fenced with woven wtrei flna - well and running water; crop, . team and toola all gr. Addreaa I. N. Mania, ' B. :'. D. 1. hot 68. Oregoa City, Or. BAROAINS la acreage, farma and city property. Parmera' Land Co, 178 Madlaoa at. . ATTENTION PARMERS ATTENTJOW. I caa aell yon Improved term land hi tba Willamette valley from $30 ap ta $78. any aired tract! wheat land la eaatera Oregon . from $16 to $26. 1a tracta af 160 acre to 2.000 aera or mora. Price and terma ara right. I can tell from actual experience what yon caa da oa aa Oreroa farm. Coma la aad aee aw. Tamer, 80S ft Waehlngtoa at. FRUIT FARM $4,008. Oa Willamette river, 22ft aeraa. aB m fruit and berrlea; modern S-room bonaa, por celain bath and toilet: barn, windmill, gran ary, ate. bora, wagon, Jereey cow, farm Implements; boat landing on place: flna view, . beautiful eurroundlnra; Income from fruit alone over $1,000 par year. . ' C. 0. SHAY. r "VaU-m.iJ 804 Ablagtoa bldg. la ear extenetv Hat of farm property w bare tba cream of tba Willamette Teller. If yoa want a small farm or a mrg farm - we ean anlt you. We bara dairy farms, grala farma aad alack farma. Prices range from $17.60 ta $106 per aera. Wa caa al- " waya make term to plea. Sea aa before yoa buy. Ball A Lee. Raleigh bldg., Sixth and Waablngtoa ata., Portland, Oregoa. FOR BALE 100 aerea, aear Baae Line madt fine water oa It. Apply ba Hotel Portland barber abop. PARM for aala ar exchange for Portland property ; near railroad atatloa and electric line; gooo Dimamg. tine orcnara. w acre la cultivation; 2 boura' drive from Pert- land. Addraaa K 100, car Journal. , t RAVB got tboea I ran chea at $10 par acre; 1. Write now. W 168, care Journal. TIMBER. Wa can locate yoa oa a good timber claim; a party will leave hi a few days;, only a few left, rhone Mala 4602. 401 LUMBER EXCHANGE. TO OWNERS af timber claim and timber We will boy for eaah aay rood timber tributary NeaaJem river: will neat wita owner eaiy; a other aeed aoawer. Write, giving inn particular, w box a, ' Portia ad. Oregoa. 0. P. Button. BUT THI Clackamaa county. 160 aerea, cedar and yellow fir, cruised 4.000.000 feet; nearly ' level farm land If cleared: In Una of railroad - bra nek t caah 83.000: would trade for modem city or ruber baa home. Home Lead Co., 146ft - riret at. POR RALE Timber, 10n.OO0.O00 feet, near Aa rorla; $1 atumpagatakea thai If takra eooa. Oct a more oa you.. rrioclpsjs. Addreaa S 100, Journal. CERTIFIED' scrip, a ala. low arleea. O. Howell. 6M Chamber af Commarea. liDMESTBAT) and timber landa. scrip, asoasy Is loan. 80S Commercial bldg. POR SALE 100 aerea timber land ta Skamania coast. 1 mile - from Columbia rivr: will rut 1,000.000 feat. 200 Eaat 13d at Pbona Tabor 441. TIMBER claim for sale; 100 aerea. two mile from Columbia rleer, Skamania county. Wasb i Ington. Owner. F. J. McHenry, 880 Secoad. A PEW dealrable timber claim left yet. ' For i Informatloa pbona Union 2763. HOMESTEADS la the wheat belt of eaatera Oregoa. If yoa want one call at 424 Black laton at, betweea 21at and 22d, between Vaugba and Wilson ata. WB CAN handle your timber lead, large or emU ir,'i wwiw.w ytri T0UNO A COOK INVEST. CO., . 404 Commercial Blk. TWO good timber claim fertlmmedlate loca tion, one mile from tidewater; quick return. B 100, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. POR SALE S-year-old mare, baggy and bar nee: good driver. Call Portland Livestock Exchange, Pourta and. Ankany ata.. Portlaad. BORRFS and bncvlea for rent by day week and moot a special rate to boalaeea-beaeee. Blitb end Hawthorne. Eaat T2. BORSES POR 8 A LB 80 bead. 1.100 to 1.800 poanda. Overton, between 13th sad 14th; take 8, ear. rreedmea Broa. POR SALE Fin Belgium Percheroa atallloo, 8 years old. weight 1.800. Inqlre at th Hi t borne atablca. 420 Hawthorne are. POR HALE Cheap, panel-top delivery wagon, good aa new. 420 Belmont, WANT ta boy 10 bead horse. Eat Sid Laundry Co.,, Eaat Ash and Blxth. HORMB for sale, cheap: eiiltable for farm; will work alrarl or double. Pbona Mala 804. 00 Qiilmhy at. FOR SALE LIESTOCK, FOB SALE A beautiful registered Jersey row; alao fine heifer calf, part Jersey, 2 Booths old; cheap. Apply 801 Holladay ar. FOR SALE A milch cow, cheap. Edefla at. ,T02 North MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. A $430 UPRIGHT plana, aaed only about 12 months, tor ssi rneap no oa eaay terma. Call - or addraaa Mlee Battle Miller, 135ft Market at.. Portland. PICTOR talking msehlae aad records; Stela way land alber) piano. Sherman, Clay A Co., Sixth aad Morrison, oppoalta poatoffle. cntCKERINO alarm. 150: ansa. 126: v 60c; piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vlolta. 241ft Ftret at. ORGAN. 126. Call- Bt Sll Water at., ar phone Main 6767. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. WHAT hav yoa to trad for dealrable lots aa penlnaola, jtwt where something hi do ing? W bars something dealrable. HAOEMANN A BI.ANCUARO, . 1 Plftb St. v " EXCHANSE Fin cabarbaa borne. S neat, all modern Imlrovsments wltb windmill, barn aad three-f "rirrrie acre of groond art ta fine ehruhberyi $8,600) will exchange for Inelde realdear ar baalnee property or aqnlty la same. Apply ba owner, Edward P. Canaoa. i Archer Place, Monut Scott motor Una ar 108 McKay hM(., Third aad Stark at. POR RALB or exrbanga for cord wood, city rroperty, on S-eoreepower atattnnary, an 8-horaepower portable engine. Call phone Eaat 424. ar at 48 Alblaa are. WILL txehanga well paying llttl caah gro cery star for clear lot or equity la bouae aad lot. 2Bft Morrison at. LA ROB young bona for Bghter borsa. K 16th nd ilslsey ata. $400 tJOT In Cblcaaa to exchange for young driving borne and open rnnahont; have ab etract to hitr a tasvabraacai laraaUgata. . SU TUr aw . . . BARTER AND EXCHANGB. FtiR ENTHANOB New and asodera B-reoea lioaae and 2 full lota, within I block af ear Hue, al k'lrland. Talue $2.o0, , .- -. KKcllSTKB A CO, 107 ft Tbbd at. ' . ' 12.waait)OD T-room bona, earner Int. Rest 21th St.; will errbanre 'or a mall rarm. KElllHTKR A CO, v ' ; . 107ft Third at. SALE OR EX CHANGS Timber relin quishment fa Llna county: hetweea l.OOO.tXnJ and 4.000.0110 feet of yellow fir; only mllee from railroad. . . BSniSTER A CO, i "w 107ft Third at. - . OROCERT, aell ar axehange oa farml good bualneaa sstabllafaed: in vole $100. at. 148. Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. $2T CHARTER aak eeok atora, $10; mantel .bed. $oftO; No. S eooketove. $4 60; near higb-paca aiung cnairs, ai.iu, vi from $1.60 np to T.6fl; hlgheat caah nrlca Fatd for eecond band furniture Th Orand uraltnre Co, 411 Hawthorn ara. , Phoa Eaat 800. BOn onn PERT of second hand pip, all stses. Simoa aV Broa., s4ft rroat at. DErrnrTTIB EEITTJNO, the big Oaraun paper. Subscription price $1 per year; aample copies - free. A. B. Kern A Co., pubUebers, aaraar Secoad aad Salmon ata. POR SALE Chatham rncabators and brooder. 84 days' free trial. Geo, W. PootC 821 East Morrlaoa sL. Portlaad. - WB print year nam aa 60 caTHnat cards, proper also aad sty Is, 86a; too baalaeea aarda. 81. A. W. Schmala Co., 228 Plrat, Portlaad. Or. SHOWCASES aad Sxtnrea. aew aad aaronS band- Carlsoa A Kallstrom. 208 Coach ex.- POR RALB. CHEAP 4-bjeb Kaystoa water meter, practically aew. laqair H. Matager. - 220 Front at. - - - SEWING MACHINES bougbt. aoM and aa chanred. $6 and op. Weat era Barrage Oa., 827 Waehlngtoa at, . SHOWCASES, eoanters. flxfnrea. boarbt, anld or exchanged. Weetera Sarrag Co, 831 Waablactua st. Psctfte TPS. PREB POR ETERTBODT Brag ap Mara 4SM or can 218ft Front. - We buy and aaU far tar, clothing or aay aid three. . BOLDBN'S BBEnMATIO CTTR1 rbaamatlsm. . Sold by aB ax agitata. BILLIARD AND POOL tablea tor raat at for . eale on eeav paTmeata. TUB BBUNSWTCK-RALrTB rOLLBNDBB 00. 48 Third st, Portlaad. FOB SALE Bara-etna fa Whites, Stingers. Da Tla. Wheeler A Wllaona, Hoasenolda sad other - allgbtly daaiaged machmea. The White Sew- tag Machine office. U. D. Jones, 280 Yamhill at, encasr Poartb. POR SALE Para Barred Plymouth Book aad Buff Orpington agga. $1 per aettlng. Baat 18th St., north, aad Kniunwortk ar. CHERRY TREES of tba only original parent , tree, the new cherry, th Giant; flrst-elsaa tree, inline Kalllch, Woodlawa. Oregoa. SHEETIRON itore af aB kinds at reasons bis prices at 80S First at. Phooe Padfla 815. OLD BOOK STORE removed ta 108 Fifth aad . 211 Second ata. ( ao. Stout. T48 Raleigh at. Phone Mala 2868. T2 YARDS Aimloater carpet: a bargila. Best Clsy St. ONB 4 foot abowcsBS. - 43 Ralelfh bldf. Sixth and Waablngtoa eta. OFFICB rural tore for .eale and two offieaa for rent, reasonable. Inquire T12 Marqnam bldg. ENGLISH aetter pupptea, S months aid. Wlngurt grocery atora, MoataTllla. Can REMINGTON typewriter, la good oodltloo; ' 129 Uke It. Call 211 Lloeola ara, Laurel ' wood. Mt. Scott Una. LAST WEEK OP 8ALB Of groceriea at 114 Burnsld: w ar forced to sell aa we must vacate before April 1; bow . m your chance to buy groceries at cast or below; fixture for sale. GODFREY BAB CO. FURNITURE ot 4 rooma for aala at a bergs In. $30. Call 248 Pag at.. Upper Alblrm. GOOD 1-bora power electric motor. Daa bam Printing- Co., 08ft Plrat at., cheap. BEAUTIFUL Spits pu pole. Writ to th Troutdal Spit la, Troatdala, Or. POR SALaT Scotcb colli pappy. North Ninth at. aheap, 27 POR SALE Furniture of T-coom bouae; first - elaaa; party leavlDg town. Addreaa S 160, Journal. POR SALE, CHEAP Thoroofbbrad fog terrier pup. 467 Eaat Taylor at. POR SALE Two cameras, BIT tele-photo Poco. Baosch A Lamb lens, Unlearn shutter, all . v. n., i.aL miidhi x. e. ... r m .nu shutter. CaU 808ft photo man. Ftrat St. and ask for PERSONAL. HOTICB OP BBMOTAL. A Reiner, the furrier, will Lewfi bide. March 1: looking for anltahle Inca'dOB: for preseat may be fnnnd at read dene, 262 North 18tb at Phoa Pacific 24ST. Will call and give eetlnutee aa usual. GERMAN books, msgaslaaa. navels. r, Oec msa. Bnglleh, Preach. Spanish, Swedish and Itellaa dlcttonsrlesi foretr hooka af all blade. Sehsxale Ca.. 220 lint . YOUNG arirntlfle maaatusa gteaa alectrkrel. alcoholic and medicated treatmenta. also tab hatha. 41 Balelgh bldf. Sixth aad Waab lngtoa ata. MOLES, wrtiklea. raperrraeae katr reuse ved. No charge to talk It mar. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Boom 830 Filed oar Bldg. Pboaa Padfla 118. DB. RlrTU CHOONG. Importer Chinese mot medicine: sella Chinese tee. eertsla ear for . all dlaeaaea. 101 Sd. bat, Tamblll aad Taylor. LADIES: Dr. Ketcnnm. gradoata and rerla tered, treats any and all your eomplalnta wltb aklll and success. 170ft Third at., cor ner TsmbllL Pacific 2229. DR. I-OUI8B ENGLISH, gradnsta msgnetle hosier, ecleatlfle treatment for rbeamattam and nervooe dlaeaaea, also chiropody. 145ft Sixth st, room 24. MANLY vigor restored by pr. Borarta Narva Globules. On month' revetment. B2t S Bientba. IB; aent seenrely sealed by malL Areata. Woodard, Clarke A Co, Partlaad. Or. OLD ON Thar fa en thing that will cere rheumatism. Ask year draggbrt for berk tonic or address ar can J. A. Clemaaaoa. druggist. Portland. Or. 8EXIKB PILIJI cars a!l farm af asi mas or mnsevlar wsakasaa. For an ar woatea. Price $1 box. boxes 88. wltb fall gaar. ante. Address or cell J. A. Clemeravm. drug. gist. Becca, aad Tsmbin ats.. Port hud. Or. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Omronfaa Mdg. Mdlee 4a ra, geatlamea aUbta. Mala 188A DISEASES OP WOMEN: unfortunate girts aad babies cared for; private hospital. Dr. Atwood. room A 830 ft Mor. at Tel. Pacta 1T6S. SUITS pre aeed while pott wait. 60. Ladles aklrta pressed. 60c. Gilbert. IfMft Sixth at, Bsxt to Quelle. Pboaa Mala 2088, BALM OP PIGS for aB female d Issassa. S28 . East BslmonC Pboaa Raat 4084. M'HOOL BOORS bonrht, sold, Sictaaaged. Joaaaf Rook atora, 281 A Mar at BADAM'S MICROBE KILLER, tba germ destroyer, for eal by H. D. 80ft Grasd ara, aorth. fist tatsra. SWEDISH rrstned anrai, Hrhrlnffore gradaars, rnree rbaamatlsm. stomach trouhlea, aermaa , dlsordajb and sprats by hsad-rahnlng, stsam, sweat and tnb baths. Nn. T Eaat 11th 'at. Take Baat Aakeay ear. Pboaa Baat 200. BUSMAN BATH. 2nT Third at., betweea Taylor and Salmon; swimming pool, steam and hot sir bath; gents, from 6 a. as. to 11 p. m. Prlca 88 sent. MANICURING parlors tor la diss aad gentlemen. 208ft Morrison ex., room 14. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sara par for rheamatlam. Sold by all draggbita. PACB aad aralp maasafa lirsa Bt 148ft rlsna St., salt 1-A Mor ula T magaslna craha vr offered : send for etree; sgenta wanted. Joaee Beak Star, I A lose st.. Portlaad. Or. , . MMR. PAsn-TT Massages, manlcnrlnx and chiropody. 201ft Third St. WANTED Men not cured of their aecret sil . msnts call on Dr. Ketehnm. Kg ft XtalrA Bl., oaraaf SasaMU. fssUM laa, - i . .. ' ' . I . , I . v ' PERSONAL. MAMRY FRANCES, th wonderful ' healer give magnatl treatment dally, eurea rheum tlam aad all aervou dlaeaaea. If yo are at foaling well take tub bath and memetle treatoieat, $1 to $1.60. No time for curiosity seeker. HOTRL OXFORD, 1 Car. Oek and Sixth ata. Room IT. CANCEB AND GOPTRB SPECIALIST Asth matle, aerToaaness. chronlo and private die ease permanently cured: auoaultatloa aad snrrMpandene fro. Dr. Voom, 181 ft Plrat. MRS. STEVENS, Portlands reading palmtet aad clairvoyant. S43ft Yamhill, cor. Seventh. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlor: ladles and gentlemen. 861 ft Morrlaoa st, room it. MRS. a CORNELIUS, teat medium: sittings dally. 848ft TambllL Pbona Paclfls IMVl. MltS POTTER Maaseoee, seslp. facial aiaa eage, cblropudy. U4ft Waablngtoa at. MISS GIBSON give scalp treatment) dandruff. 208ft Morrlaoa at, room' 62. ELDERLY widow wishes th seqoalntane of elderly yentlsmsa. Y 160, cere JoornsL BUSINESS PERSONALS. INVENTIONS nought and anld. Covenant Coa tract Co.. 427 filed ner bldg. Mala 2S01. ART. PREB LESSONS IN Bmhroldery Every Day. TBS NEEIILECBAFT SHOP, 882 Waehlagtoa at. B. H. MOOREHOUSR A CO. Art lets' materials, pletare asoldlng, picture framing, stereopti- uaiera anuaa. six arasr n. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER. 848 Alder St. Portrait and Uadacapa artlet aad teacher. AUTOMOBILES. PULLMAN AUTO CAB CO., Builders, designers snd repairer" af an ' make of automobile. Bodies, tops, fenders, daabsa, lamp brackets, running boarda and glaae fro ats. Gears sad all parte of aats Bkohllee made to order. 88-T0-72-T4 North Blxth St.. H. L. KEATS AUTO CO., - ArTOMOSlII.KB AND SUPPLIES. Northwestern distributors for Pope-HarW fords. Pope Tribunes. Pope waver Irs. rops Toledoa, Tbomaa. Oldamobllea, Frank Una, B sicks. 80-81 Seventh at, Portlaad. Oregoa. HOWARD M. COVET. Agent Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobiles, Cad illss aad Knox. Temporary locatloa Cleb Garage. IStb aad Aider eta. BATE TOO SEEN BAKRB BLECTBICSf Capital Supply Co.. 406 Alder at. Pboaa Ps ' elfle OTt. Demeaatrattoa by appetntmsat. ASSATERS. GARTIN CYAN1DR BXTR ACTION CO.. aad Moataaa Assay Office. 188 Morrlaoa St. ATTORNET8. C. H PIGOOTT AND t. A. FINCH Attorneinvat-Law. Practice la all snorts, d Malkey bldg.. career Second aad Mnrrlsoa. J. A. BTROWBBIDOB Attorney-at-Uw, 207 Commercial blk. Phone Pacific 678. BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OB ROCK, graduste masseuse I cabinet bath, aalt glow, alcohol rub, cream massage; ra fa ranees. 180 Sevsntb St.. Main 4B68. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment, barb and maaaage. 110ft Fajnrth St.. cor. wasn BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCH EB SUPPLIES S. Blrkmwald Oa.. 804 800 Everett at. I birgest botcher eupply house ea the coast. Write tor oat a log. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolnh A. Deknm, 131-188 First St.. carries a fall Hue and eom plate aasortmsat at low sat msraet petes. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. IOB-111 Seooad st, Blank books msnnfactnred; sgeeta for Jonsa Its proved Loos-Lsf ledgers; see ta aw Euraks leaf, th beat an th marks. - CLATRVOTANTS AND PALMISTS. - Always Osnanlt tbs Bsat, PROP. B. KBIMO. Ores test living astral deed-trance alalr- Toyant of tbs sga; dvtsr oa easiness and all affaire of Hfet tdle year full nam and what yoa celled for, whom yoa will marry, how ta control tba ana yoa lov. even though mile away; reunites th separated; gives secret powers to esotrol; no long delara In welting. Hoars 10 to 8. dslly snd Snndsy. Office No. I snd 4. Grand Theatre Bldg. 162ft Waah. near Park at. Pbona Mala 1267. GBANT CHESTERFIELD Par chic palmist, elstrroyant. medium. The Pleaaantoa, Third and Columbia ata. CAFES. THB OFFICE 186 Waehlngtoa at, pboaa Mala 771. Samael V lanes x. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, th carpenter. 204 Fourth at. Store aad office wok. Msla 1787. I. MELTON Office, store ftxturest general Jobbing. ST First at. Pboaa Mala IIBO. CARPENTER and builder: bona moving aad repairing. 1088 East Grant. Tabor 270. ' CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plsnt on tbs cosat. Lorlng and Harding ata.. telephone East 280. Carpets cleaned, refitted, owed and laid; both ateam and latest cem- ?reseed-alr process; ra Derating mattreaaea aad satbsrs a apectalty. JOYCB BROS., proprietor of to Electric Clean . lng works; carpet cleaned aad laid, both dry and compressed nlr cleaning; carpet refitting mr specialty: work rna ran teed. Pbona Mala 2072 and A 2672. 270 Grant at. SANITARY carpet c lea nine, ancrina and cmvc aressed air comMaed; carpets cleaned nn floor ' wltboat temoval. Mala 6534. Mala 1200. COAL AND WOOD. Telephone Msla 0008. Smithing Coal and Coal for Ship - a apectalty. The ' STOREY A ' BROOKES FUEL CO. ;" llBCurporated.) ' Evclnvlve scents for t KEMMFRER COAU COAU COKE. CHARCOAL, ' -' Office and Yard . Front and Kearney sts. PORTLAND SAWDUST A ST.ABWOOD CO.. 86B Front, successors to Fulton Wood Co-t fir, ash, slab wood. oL Tel. Met IMA POR prompt delivery of slsbwood sail Ma fa 475. Oak. aah, tr and coal. Portland Waod A Coal Co.. ISth aad Savior ata. ' OREGON FUEL CO. ta now sening Welsh an thraalte. best coal aa the market. 884 Aldsr at. Mala OS. ALRTNA PURL CO. Dealers fn eordwond, ent and green snd dry slsbwood. B. R. snd Alblaa a., 2 blocks east of ferry. Eaat 874. STEEL BRIDGE FUEJ CO. Dealers fa cool, - antdwoad aad dry alanwood. Pbona Bast 424. WESTEffS" FEED A FUEL CO. Hoaaa aad blsekamltb coals. Phone Hal 1018. CARRIAGE PAINTING. SPECIAL pricee oa llaht carriage painting, an. glee. 110 and Bp. Klchardo, Foortb and Aah. CHIROPRACTIC. BLMRR S. COX Chtronrsette expert: free treatments svery Wrdne.dnv; will call at homes aad give free treatment. Offlc hours, B a m. to 6 0. m. Phone Mala 800. Labbe Mdg., 227ft T. asningtonsr. CHIROPODISTS. WM.jPEVENY A ESTfl.l.B DBVENT. TRR only scientific chlropodlata. parlor tol Drsw bldg.. 162 2d at. Phoa Msln 1801. CHIROPODY ssd Psdlcnrtnd. Mr. M. D. HI'l. , Reoa m f laldaag Ud. Pboaa PaelXi UA. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES eleeaed aad 11 BSC Uaku Tailoring Co., B mark at. H. W. TURNER, arofesslunsl dyer snd alsaasa, 609 Jeftersoa sC Phuoa Msla 2611. PORTLAND Steam C leasing snd Urlog Works, XI 1 rourtn st. rneos fscine atnr. OOMJIISSION MERCHANTS. THE OREGON CHEESH CO. (1N0.1-CHEESE, BUTTKIt. EGGS, etc., dairy products nought or handled on eemmlealon. 120 FtftUt, (Swat land bldg.), Portland, Or. DANCING. DANCING Is 25c; classes ar private: wal te Ine. Iwastro. three-stsu. eto.1 stsss oaaeina, buck and wing, clog, reel, skirt. Spanish. Hlxhlaud fllnr. etc- Pro feasor Wal Wilson, oldest recoenlsed tsscber. AUaky bUlg.. Third and Morrison sts. WOODWARD DA NCI NO SCHOOt CUss Moa, Thurs. aad 8s t. v. I social, fancy aad etc dancing taaebtl 8 east teachers; etsae and private lessona dally. Westers Aesdemy as 11. Second and Morrisoa sts. Pacific lsxa PHOFF.SSOR RINGLER, MISS BUCKEN MEYER leading school, dallr; new hall, best In city. Grand are. and Baat Morrl- Esst 66TO. DRESSMAKING. MRS. VAUGHAN. experienced dressmaker. 888 ft East Burnsld St. . Phone Baat 4582. TRY Ansel Dreeemsklnf Parlors. 242 Fifth sad Msln. PsdfM P82. WANTED Bhlrtwslst ta make. 80 -j Baat Eighth at., north. Call afternoons. EDUCATIONAL. HOLMES BUSINESS COTT.EOS. Weahhteton and 10th sts.. Flledner bid Bonk keeping. Shorthand. Typewriting aad aO English branches Uugbt, both dsy and sight. . BBHNEE-WAI.KER BUSINESS COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Hal Classes In Germsn, French. Bosnlsh- Blka hldg.. Seventh sad Stark ata. ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGB. flfn, Bhorthand he Coart Reonrtsr. sees Course. Special Seholershlpei Positions 8. -eared ommoswalth bldg. Stb and Ankeny. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. t. WALSH CO.. 811 Stark at. Bbectri and Gss Flxtarea and SuppUsa, Mantels. Tiling. Orats aad Dif lrooa. sirtrio rt F.f-TRIO CO. Enainesrs. tors, repairers, electric wiring, eoprtlss. B4 First, aor. Sf.rk. Mata 650. R. IX Tate. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 01 Sixth St. Cootrsctors. electric supplies, ajotors aad dy aamoa) wa Install Ught aad power phut. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.. 1 Baat Morrisoa at. Flxtarea. wiring, repairing. Bsat 812. BAB RETT'S. 408 Morrlaoa at. Phone Msla US. Ervrvtblag in electric wtrlng snd lighting. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORT! AND WIRB A IRON WOR and Everett sts. Phone Mala 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES. OAHOLINR. englnee, all aires etd stylea, at lowest prices. Bslrsoa Macblnsry Oa, 188-4-4 Morrlaoa at. - SHEFFIELD marine engtne. Any propeller. Fairbanks. Mors A Co.. First and Stark ata. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. Americas plas, 88, $8 par day. BBLVEDEBB; Eoropssn pleat 4th aad Alder ata. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. ooltelta ftp to oaote pries. T4 Sixth st. Pselfl 46A aXXgapaaj. ji. riii - -ji I. i i -uac INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITB. are laaaraaca. lock bld W. L. PAGE, rnsorsncs: smptoyer liability, . rrrsty bonds, burglsr and accident In aura so. Phone Main 828. 204 Falling bldg. JAR Mr!. WOOD, emptoyeraf liability aad rs - dividual accident security bond af aB kind. - Pbon 4T. arn) McKay Mg. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES U MASTICK A CO., Front aad Oak ata., leather and aklna ot every description for sll purposes; sola and Up cutters; flndlogs. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for ssls An kinds, tnefoiltng approved forest re-errs scrip for sorrered. aa snrversd. timber and prairie government lend. - H. M. Hamilton. "The Pert la sd" Partlaad. MONET TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Imprbeed city property ar fur aw fid has; purpcMes, for from I t 10 ysar. time, wltb fiivtler ta repay all or part af loan sfter wo rears. Lnsn sppmvsd from plaa ssd money advanced aa naiidine progrsssssi gage taken ap snd replaced. FRED U. STRONG. Flnsoctal Agswt. . 242 Stark at. CONFFDENTT AL IIANS aa ss'.aHe. fnsarsnea policies, pianos, fnrnltar. wsrehonse receipts, etc.t sny deeervfna person msr ssenre a lib Orel advance, repsvtng by ssay weekly or monthly HatsTlment. NEW EBA LOAN A TRrST COMPANY. rua dbtngtoa niog. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE snd feers arm their own nsmee without eeenr tty: cheapest rstcs. esslest payments: sf flees fn 80 prlnetpal cities; ears ysarsslf Boasy bv retting onr terma ftret. - TOLMAN. 222 Ablngtoe bldg.. 108ft Third sf. MONEY learned to sslarled people Jnet ea yemr own asms; don't borrow on til yon as met mr system fs tba beet for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men snd sll . other emploves; hnelnee atrlcttT coofldenflal. P. A Newton. 4S2 Ahlngtnn bMg. WANTED Notes, irortrares or eonrrerrs oa nv kind of reel estst fa Oeeenn snd Wsah. Inrton; second mortxases peeebeaed If well ' secured. H. B. Noble. 819 Commercial blk. MONEY to lnsn fn soma to suit. B snd 8 year, aa low aa 0 per cent, on 1 reproved city prop erty. Mention A Sooner. 601 Colnmbtn bldg, 8f Waahlnrtoa at. DON'T boeeow nvmey n sster emtll Huttca Credit Co. ; 612 Orkum bldg. MONEY loaned oa fnraltnra, pianos and nth securities. W. A. Hstbswsy, room 10. Wssae Ingtoa bldg. Phone Pacific 1832. MONEY to loan! large Vrnns spectsftyt sum . bntlrtlng Inana; knreet rates; f're Issursscs. William O. Keek. 212 Falling hldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 4iS Mohawk bldg. Money t lend ne essr psvment plsa to wage earners; strictly confidential. MORTGAGE b'sna at current rates; no com mlsalca. Colnmhla Life A Truat Company, Lumber Exchange bldg. '" MONEY to Maa mt all bfnd ef security. William Roll, room B Waahlnrtoa bldg. TO LOAN Sum fa suit on chattel R. A. Frame, 614 th Marqnam. artty. A LOAN for the aaklng enlsry ar chattel. Tba Loan Co., 410 Dskum bldg. QUICK Inane e all securities. S. 46 Washington bldg. Msla CI 00, W. Ring. MONEY to lnsn ea city property, aoo. Ill Commercial blk. O. A. Joba- ON mnrtgags. $2nn to $3,000; cost papers only. Ward, lawyer, All'ky bldg. WILL anas 1.1.000 ar less on rest estate. 4 pef SIS hnlitt KM v MACUINKRy. B. TRKNKM AN A CO. Urate, sawmill, bag. alne machinery! hvdraull ptpea. caatlng; all kinds repaired. 104 North Foerth. A. J. PAUU 102 First st. Engines, hollers, sswmlll sud evoas-arm aiachlnery. THE H. C AI.SSB CO SeorHid-basd entasry, sswmUU, ata. 841 taraaA ara. BANRA. UNTTEB STATES RATIONAL BABX OP VOBTLABS. 0RPO0B. Northwest Corner Third snd Oak Streets. Trsnaecee d-m. . i R.-ki rii.tiii r h , r-r imnt. r r Svatlahts fn AN rsrt se tbs ffnttsd Statsa and Enron. Honskona and President j fi HMwniiTII I i. C. AINSWOltTH I B. LEA BARNES Plce-Piaaldent..:...: Aaalstsnt Caah lev. LADD A TTLTOW. BANKERS (EMabllabad fa lNt l . Traaaaeta a Seaaral Bsnklna . Busiesse. CollrcrVwie aisde st sf pofnts a Jfav ahls terms. Letters of credit lasaed avallihl In Enroc. snd all mints fa rh rnleea Statsa. Sleht v . - ..j r.i .La ar....e.M Tor w.shlnetoa. falcsg. St. Louts. Denver. Omsha. Saa Frsnrlsca . snd aold sa Iendon. Perls. Berlin. Frankfort. Honrkoug. Yokobams. Msnlls and Ho MTPCHAN' NATION At BANK. PORTLAND ORTflOW. ANTf WATSON President I BOYT ........ Caahler I B WW 1 TrMet H. c. CATCHING Beeoaf Aaalstsnt cashier Oeasral Bsnklna Bualneea. Drafts snd Letters ef Credit, tesaed ATaflsbla to All Pares ef th World. Colle-rlons a Bpedslty. ' . B ANKERsT A LUMBERMEN'S SANX Portland. Orsrsa. Comae Second aad Star at reel. Comawretsl and ssrlnas deoerVnent. Vfreca ef epil kuj 11. kL. . n Dnr fW'TON President TJfl? ""THCTTTLD. . .First Tlee-Peeelrtent JOHN A. KEATING .8ccnnd Viee.Pree1dnt 1 rfF BANK OP CALTTOKNTA Estsbllahsd I Caottal raid an 84.000 nnn General Rfinktn and wi,nr Rnelneea RATINGS DEPARTMENT Account msv he signed of 110 snd apward, Swt Smm. CliBmh,. Vmw-eees Pnlldtnal. WW B. . M ACBAB.-. .. .Manaeee I "TJIRIT NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregoa. CAPITAL ARB ana pt t at itoo A. L. J. W Ultra nsktrk!!'!!!"!""!" .President I ...Csablsr I VRUST COMPANIES. nssr.ivn sewwaaa eairatwe av eevnM aeh Ol J w s fiaieasinw fa REsJortpjwai ITER t son one. Osnerel Bsnkln. Two nsr cent tntersst on check 2 leveu kundredal on dalle balance of 1660 or over, letters of credit end cxebsnrs "aarj Parts of ,b, world. Savfar aceonnta. Time errt6cntea. 8 to 4 per cent: aV-eell apecui eertlflcatea. $soo nr over. 2ft to per cent. Call for rbv f "ILLUSTRATIONS. . Bouthesst Cesser Third and Oak Rtr-ets. row. Private Exchange 7- VVJL Prealderrt I H. L .PfTTOCK ' i J.ioCrvTv B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOT.TR A Aaalatsnt Beereravy STfTmrTW BIVTSO. ..wihm, e.eivv. Transact Oeneral Banking Business. Time aad Bartnge Aoeoanra. Acta as arallabl on An C. P. ADAMS President I A, L. MILLS...... Second Vic Pre.1 dent I GEO. B. BUSSELL N ORTBWZSTESB GTJARABTEI A TRUST Lamber Kxcbsnsrs. t, aj finraer Secnrtd snd Staek atreeta (eeeoo nose,. rinrif. xoent for corpor ATIONS. . - Stat. Coanty, IfaalHpsI Corporstloa Bonds and Financed. Stocks 'MTU BTAB ANTEE A TBTrsT COMTANT Hun.ieAuai mi - n r in Titles Inenred. . THOBBURN ROSS President GEORGB H. HILL Vice-Pre. Men t I BONDS AND M ORRIS BBOTnRS Cbambsr af aftmfHpal. Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bood. DOWsTTNIf-Tf OPKTNB COMPAsTY Estobllshsd BT0CK8, BONDS. GRAIN-Bought Priests Wire. BOOM d CHAMBBB OUIS t. WILDX HOME TELEPKONB BONDS BANK STOOKA. Member Portland Stock Exebsege. - 1 Corner Sixth snd WsshlosTtoa . - . m - . m 1 C . UTerDeCKe aiaiT $& leCii.C CU. RATN PBOTTStONS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BOTOB. WI 'DO A BIRICTLY C0MMI8M0M BUSINESS. .. u. . m Wlrs. Oulck Serrlca. REFERENCES Ladd CoatlBB ara. and Uaits MUSICAL. THB WEBBER STUDIO Msadnlla. . baajo, guitar tnatructkma. 40ft Washington at. MANDOLIN, guitar and banjo, la class or prl . Tat. Jess Parker,, virtuoso snd teacher, lets of Illinois College of Maalc. Chicago. 408-1 Stearns bldg. Sixth and Morrison ata. PIANO. Tlolla. msndoHa. trombone, clarinet, Profssaor B. A. Smith. 264 12th. Mala 4708. MONUMENTS. BETJ A KINGSLBY-. 268 Ptrat at.. PartlaaTa . leadlne marble aad granite work. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DB LTLLEBELLB PATTERSON, aseclallat aa nervooa, a cote aad chronic dlaesses. Office ' 217 Fen too bldg. Pbona Pacific 1100. DRS. ADIX A KORTnRUP, 4I8-10-1T Pekom hl.'g.. Third and Waehlngtoa ata. Pboaa Main 840. Eiamlaerlou tree. PAINTTNO AND PAPERING. A. DOANB. 2SS Ysmbm St.. sp posits Joar- ,.l f ft wall nsnee ', painting ana eseore- tag. pbeas as for estlmsts. nsein assa. - POR rellahl work, rseonabls prices, Sheeby Bros.. 2S2ft Yamhill, aesr 4th. Mala Birrs. PLUMBERS. POX A CO. Sanitary plumber, 2S1 Second, bot. maia ana awisava. urrrei e - DONNERBERO A BADEMACHER, No. AMI Bornslds at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Pslnt Oct window alssa aad glaeln. 188 First at. Phoa 1884. ' - 1 - PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTERY Arttefle printing. m mt . v . It W...-I Uftuuu ZM nHMI niu ewwrfte mmm " w , PsclBc 1620. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING presa clrculers to estaloguee and oeaepapera. Mstropslltaa Printing Co., 14T Prcat at. OGILBER BROS., prlntsra Csrda. blllhaada, ate. Pbon Mala 185. 146ft First ex. RESTAURANTS. THE MELROSE 142 First street. oslek. cleaa lunches at reaeonable prlrea. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, puttering, repairing and fewer! lobbing. J. Loall. Ill Jefferson si. Psc. 1424. RUBBER STAkFS. ar. c a I Ami- sunaa, ne eiow 1""". Msla Tin: rubber stamp, sesie. sieneiis; osg gags, trade checks: braes signs snd piste. REAL ESTATE. C. L. PARBISH A CO.. . Sli Usrqusm Bldg. Pnn Mala S221 . Reel estste. city snd country. . Deeds snd mortrsges prepsred at living rates. Notary public since 1888, Expsrt accountant. Bsat references. PARRISH. W ATKINS A CO.. 260 ALDER ST. Real estate, rentala, loans snd Insure nee, Wa make a aneelaltv of handling rentals and property for residents snd non-real-dent. Established 1872. Phone Msla 1044. GEO, t. 8CHAEFER. real estste Bad kuuranes, 817 Chamber of Commarea. "COOS BAY NEXT." firs J. W. OGM BEE. real estste sod leans! eatas Habed 188.1. 146 ft First st.. room 11. SPHINX AGENCY, dealers In real aetata sad rests!. SOCft Stark at. Mam 8184. POR FARMS OP RVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. ESPET. 818 Commercial bldg. I SEWING MACHINES. THB WHITB SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. ISO Yamhill St., Cor. Fourth. Phone Msla 0102 Bargain la all kloda af sew and aeroed hand sewing siecblnss; a fsw sllahtli dam aged, good aa aew. at grsstly reduced prices. PHONE Psetfle 27x8 aad I personally will call aad repair your sswlng-mschlne: work gnar anteed. S. nama. adjuater. 861 Third at. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFB CO., ante a rears for Herrlng Hall Marvls safes and Msnaseese Steel flafr Co.'a bank aafaa: 20 sect old h.od flrspeont safes and bank safest verj sbssp: asa tbsm sr write as. B2 7th St. DIKIIOLD Msngsnsse and Ore-proof safe: Iocs, ot epenedl metal PTfnres: vault and tall work; Jarka. J. E. iMvls. 80 Id. JJals l'ti EIGHT second hand Ore-pcnef aafe aad tw second ha ed bsnk sates for aala a Sea a, at 14 aUxlb al, Pertlead, Orsgom. Manila. Collections Made en tavorahl T-riea r,.hi a. W. BCrlvecs C.rtl'-V Aeslstant faaM-v A. mu-t A. M. V RIGHT Monfens snd BtiMeh ColnwMa . Earhaug orsfa. R T. DrSHAM GRORGR W. HOYT. . a,. W,1$S- BfvfrMaBaajS .Amtstsst Casble Interest nsld on savings aoraanta. Dcafta Bad . ... ,u IE. C. Menrt! V'-xI'il!! H. D STOPEY .....Aasfataat Csehlee I PL ATT A PI. ATT Geeeval feesel 18. Weed OfSe. a., Prasofsoa, Oalffeenfe. ; 110.168,87 Surplus and uedtvtded proflta Tr.os.cted. Interest so Tim Deposits. 1 ... T- R1B1JHAKLL -..AmdrHn Manager' Oldest "NaHoosl Bsnk aa th Pacts Oeaet. am nn. ' DEPOSITS W. O. ATTORD. B. P. STEVENS. .Asstofaat rm r Penod Aa.let.ot Caahjee see sr. t at..rt sM1ad. i SAVINO") DRPARTMENT. '"'rTJ. "T7Li"!T Truafee for Eatate. Drafts and Letter ef Croat! farta or fn worio. L. A. TEWia ....Ptrat Vice-President R. O. JURITB aortary ;....Awdtant Secvefary CtMPANT Portland. Oraa. Bonrht snd Sold. New Bates Bl Mat trramaiasa snd Bonds Onsrsnteca. : - wfa - WASrHNOTOB 8TB2XT. .. nmt, r. - - . - Abstracts Fnrnlehed. JNO. E. AITdHlsoN .Sees at sip' .Trsssnrea T. T. BURRnART.. INVESTsIENTS. aa Bafldtog. libs BR0KX1S. .,i'-T ' aad Bold for Cssb aad aa Mania. of COMMERCE. ' Pboaa Mata Streets. Portland, ,ljr.mhM rhleeM Tin a of Trade.) , ,lrd UcK,y BH, PertUsd. Orsgwa. m Tlltsa. Baab- atates Matloaal Bank at Fortlsad. STREET PAVING. WARREN Conatrnetloa Co.. afreet Psvlng, stds wslka and croaalnca. 114 Lumber Exchangs. THE Barber Asphalt Paving C. at PsrUaad. OfBcs a?A Worcester blk. RHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. -- SHOWCASES af svsry desert ptloa; bank, ba ana more nvrures Bane to arose. - see Manufacturing Co., Port Is n A c B. H. BIRDS ALL, designee; gnt M. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hsmlltoa bldg. Mala 8630. SIGN PAINTERS. - r POSTER A KLKrSEB SIGNS. ' Ws hsv built np the largest sign buwlnes to tbs city by Srst-clsss work and keeping ear promt see. Our nrkwa srs right, fifth aad Everett ata. Pbon Eicasnxs 66, GEORGB WEBER, MODERN Different Shop." 208 Foartu. SIGNS "Tba Pacific 2S11. Bine's THAT ATTRACT." Portlaad Sign Oa.. 287 Stark St. Pbona Pacific 1600. STENOGRAPHERS. - EXPERT ttsaograpber and typewriter. Msln 1271. 814 llekam bldg. Pbona TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for assr aad rebuilt type, writers of all makes; see ear window; If yoa are going to bay a aew typewriter se as be fore buying; we esn save yoa money: we have part a for repairing all machines; Mate areata for the Visible Foxt we bay all blnde ef typewriters. The Typswrltsr Eieusnge. Inc.. B. J. Ellison, msaager. 84 Third at. BLK'KENSDERFER Typewriter Agency; sap. plies; repairs. Rslelrh bldg.. Oth and Waah. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. . WB sell Bemlnsrfana. Smith-Premie, ate., lower thsa say other eomnsnTi Investigste. Underwood Trvtewrltee Oa.. 4 4th. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGtlAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. aor. Slith aad Oak sta. l baggage cheeked ' from hotel or residence direct to destination: - passengers therefor svotd rash and ansoy- ance at depute. Private Ex change 88, SAFES, please snd furniture moved, packed ready for shipping? snd ehlpped: TI worS s-na ran teed: Isrg S-storr brick 8 re-proof wsrehonse for storage. OfS" 208 Oak at. Ofsea A Roe. Pbon Mara 847. C O. PICK, afflee 88 First st.. bete sec, stark ssd Osk sts.. prions 604: pianos and fm-vtlrnr wired and packed for ehlentng; cos, mod loos ' brick wsrehonse with- separate troa rooma. Frost aad Clay ata. NATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. Srsf Oak st. Telepboas Msla 4400. Trsssfsrrmg ind stortng. OREGON TRANSFER CO.v 184 North Wrtb, Phone Msln 08. Ilssvy haaltng aad storsa-s. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE TRANSFER CO. Storage. . 824 Stark st, Msla 4oT. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Re. 200ft Wsjsx Inrfoe at. Pbon Mela 062 3 TOWEL SUPPLY. CI RAN TOWEIB DAILY Com h. braan. eeaa. 11 per month. Portland Laendry A Towel Soprlr Co.. Ninth snd Cooeh. Phone 4IA WHOLESALE JORD TRS. M. A. GUNST A CO., DISTRtPrerORN OF PINE r)aARS, PORTLAND. OREGON- SHERK AV.CRAHAM CO. Use.) CommlssV merchants. Jobbers of frnlts. prodnca, . sts. I consignments solicited. 128 Front at. EVERMNO A PARtfEIL. prod sea snd com mission sierchanta. 140 Frost st, Portland. : Or. Pbona Mam ITS. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. Msnnfsctnrses af faraltars for tba tr4a. - Port lend. WADIIAMS A CO.. who lees Is etas si a, mas, factnrees snd sammkaaloB merebaol. Poartb snd Osk sts. . i i ii' 'I FURNITURE mmvfaetnrfo snd sreell erdeea, L. Rurenekp's for n Use factory, aut Peent s. LI. FN A LEWIS, cnmmfaslo and peodoc er cbsata. Front and Davla sis., PortUsA Or. A'lloi.ESAI.R croekeer ssd alssswsr. Prs'l. Kegels A Co.. Portlsnd. Oregon. ii O. W. SIMPSON 20 WaaMnstoa at,, whole ,Ie deelere In sesla end hey. LJ ' "' IlcpimrP Wool Men's Offlrcpa. (Rneelal D(atea I The Josraal.l llappnor. Cr, MarcH 11. Al tne Ina- of tha lleppner WonlgrosrorB' a- clatlon the following; offlexrs wr ad for ha ensuing yar: l'ri Qcorga Terry: ylcer-prralilcftt, IV, H. I ratt: nx-rctry anil treasurer, y rlntiiccr; BtlvlHt.ry bond. f. A. tk-orgo I'urry," W. B. Harrstt, J . knuy, I O. JuatUB AM B. . . , .