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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. MARCH 18. 1907. 13 OFFICE DIRECTORY Raleigh Building, y e a caw itt T-m Axtn WAftlnwaTOW. Al'OOHT BieNgoM Tailoring for particular people. Booi as, RiMlO. mm aaa wssa PR. . LBB CARTER Dee Mat. Salt g, S3 waeaingtaa e., wnti aiain. j. o. m ntrrrn oo nrmnn te ii etroog IM xsiiov. Booms io mm i i. prW 70RK Hrf Irml Medics I In.tttete. Beams . -IB. IS, SO. XI. XM. ev- WBiiins-cw. rte. n. BALL A I.B--4Tarm snd tlty imwli ratals. . Bases SB. - . DR. 1. ABSPLANn, DBNTIST. - Goodnoogfi Building, s. x. co. nrrir An TAmmx. g"rTB OBPOOM FWHRAVIKa t. urno. pi Mala 1212. Work promptly attended te. THB INTrBKATIOMAL POSTCABD OO Pas- takers. Importers aaa yoooers. aoora sua. FLOBEMCB TINaLXtrameamskiBg. Ml. CEO. IAUTKW8THI.AIW1BB TSllor. Baits. gis - api traeasrs, ap. Boom rzo. ' ' Commonwealth Building. PR. W. L aowtRD-Chronle dl a; else- trtclfv aa4 etsttrla tight treatment.,) Booaas V USAl. . CHAPMAN ADTERTIMrTO CO. Be OS. Swetirsnd Building. "" . x. com. TOTH a ho wAswmwro. BWKTLAND PI-DO, Plftk tod Wtthingtna -. Dsslrable offices. A taw Wft, Mohawk Building. . t. . COS. THIRD ajto omraow. B. Welvsrtoa. lavestaeeeta. Pse. Ml. Baaai dOg. Stearns Building. - .-; txx. gut i s Awtr btobxtbobv Vita. If. Jriliwin-"n Bnunet-j n i . Beam 40 taaraa bldg.. car. Tth a ad Morrim I-afayefte Building. V. x. cor. entTit Ain wignrsTOW. ..- LAPAYKTTB REALTY )-. ; -Taoaat pro party a specialty. TOrSLBY WBATEB Seel eetete. iuamaa It ami H. Tel Main ease. TRANSPORTATION. ALXVAJa Lin OCR AW TWAMimrrS. Ktw ataaatara TICTQAUUI aaa noii, tiipla-arraw tarbtna cnalaM. an4 TOM ISLAM, COKIIOAH a ad lOMIAaf. twla acrawa. Waaklr aallloaa UTarseol,. Olaafaw. Laaoaa. Harra irTanc). Raaaaaibar. aar aalttnaa ara trow HOVTRXAU Paaala aaara rha fltraraaaaa , Rt. Laai.iwa f1nr br aaallsht. Amaiewdattaaa aaaar BaaaaA. Katra: Salaoa fAo and onwards; a. ataamara, aO aad apwarda. AXLAJI A COM AJIT. 174 Jbuaaaa Xaal . Ckiaaca. North Pacific S. S. Co.'s S. S. Geo. V. Elder BaJla for Buraka, Baa ' Pranclao and .. , ! '.Angolas .., . Tncsday, March 19th . at m. : Tloket afaea lit THIRD ST, NEAR ALDER, Fhoaa K. , 111. .. i S. L. N. GILMAN Aoctiohccr u wAjEmzvoTov sr. wmxm 10TXL T Regular Sales r Tuesday, Thurs., and Friday win r tha faraltar of raatdaaeaa. Mala 84TS. , . .. . ' I. L I. OlXIXAaT, Aaetloaaar. YOUR GLASSES SO rSXT mi If OfT'r aot XX. AOTLX rliht. let at aiaka tbaai aa. VVbaa wa It yam, w tt fat EXACTLY. Loojj aapaiiaaea, arary aaeaaaarr arla tlSe aaparatoa aad tba raqiitraa kaaia. lada aaabllnc aa ta rarraetlr aaa tba aaoM, aar ova aaaiplata workaaap arltk arary facility -aaa ta tba (rlaoinf at apaeial laa.aa ara all at roar dis posal bars, asaurloa a aarrlca aot pop. slbls wllk atbars laaa (orraaataHr aqalpaad. Arm la. aa raa limi FIT, at aaatlr it I wonsell Optiail to. nuDorcj fytu so. portlw The Shine That WonTt Explode lalS. IVaHSLOW'S S30TEI.JQ SYHUP M Ymi Mwl br VHTWmM of NntWri for tWlr 1 1 uoiikfls tli abild. ofiM tb rum, aUkti 11 (Mia. fnrM wIb4 uUt tftod to fA tM-rl rem4f for diavrrtHev , r POSTMASTER IRWIN V OF BUTTE IS DEAD (Rpartal Dlapaark ta Tba Joaraal.) Ifalana, Mont, Jdarch 11. Oaorga Ir- in, pna(maatr At ftutte, lld thla n-irnlna; of baart dtaoaaa. II- ail a I inn-f r of tha atata, a fnlnlnc and realty1 inaanata and a protntnant Rapublicaa iniiticlan. Ha was about ft yrara old 1 rama ta Montana oa tha gtaoovary ( fold la tha arljr aUtUa, ' :. :. dUr 2J r AMrataPaatl. 1 " - -1 TODAY'S MARKETS POTATO MARKET FEELING BETTER Price In California Is Again Up ! to the High Mark of ' ' Present Season. DEALERS BELIEVE IT - . WILL NOT GO HIGHER Uu; Rumor of Hop Salt, bat Few Cu Be Conrtrmed, Except Around 10c n Found Eggs Are Higher, With EMter bat 18 Pay. Away. Principal market fee tares today: Stronger vooe tB eggs. n Mtxed tons in bop markst. nana aaa coma tn Rood shape. Potato market feeling better. Lower prices la rhubarb. Ka rklrkaaa ta Ml demand. Beerclty continued 1a chickens, v. No amalt la aurfcet again. Bat tar aappUaa ara aaora UharaL Vatata Xarkat laaltaa PWata arlcsa ta this city today ara Juil as fcl(h is tkay aaar wara dariaf -tka arraaot aatsoa. Xor faary staff aoyrra sra artUIni ta-pay tl.50 ear kandrad poaoda aad aaa tba ardlaary stork Is ahewlaa- a aXrldadlr kattat toaa. HowaTar, poor atuff la aoaawhat alow owlnf ta tha Ura aavaut af aaor aaaurs rajortad aa tba CaUfrcala asarkata. wktrk ara batn( aold at low ftcoraa. Aeeardtog to tba Binra Important potato ablppara af this city, tha outlook for tba araasat saasaa ta aolta food. Bays Baa Bmados: "Tba potato ajar kat la aow as hkjk aa It arar waa daring tha prasant aaasoa. . Tola waa pradlctad ky Tba Joarnai all a loaf aad ta jast tha asm tton I hara takaa. Tha koara fcara koaa aaa aalahad aad ara dowa and aot. Bowrrar, I do aot lank for any hlhar prteaa tbaa at prasant. bayond rhasa fUoraa than will ka assay ahlpmonts of aastara stork sfala." Ooqta Barrm aaya: "Wa kava tha kaara wklpp and tha pouta mark at tt srala at tha hlsb point. I haaa amr said that tba tarkat Jaatlflad Tory azorbltaat aalnaa aad I think that tha prtasat artra la sboat as klfl as tkay will so this aaaaoa." vicKlBlay afltrbtU asys: "Tha potato Btar kat ta ara la at tba blrh point for faactaa. bat far poor ataff tha local atorka arast eoaanata ltk tha caaap aaataraa. Tharafora. I baltara that tha praaaat prtea la sboat top." KHjhar Vrlss ta Xtrta. v Tba arr asarkat ta hlibar, with aappUaa aot acar as llbaral aa a faw daya aa. Prteaa ara raUaa batwsaa M aad We. wttk aaoat af tba aslaa at tha tottar flrara. Kastar la bat IS days away aad for thla raaana ah tp para ara aot aeadlnc ta aU tbetr supplies, bat ara holding for a higher value. Soma safkll cold atnrac eptratloas sra atlll reported. - Chirk ana ara alasoot too acarce ta eaota aad printed prices are nominally anckanfed. There Is a tract loeal lacraasa la aoppllra af crsaaMry batter, bat drmaad m better than aapply. Soma small shipments were reralTed froai tba aatslds this menial. City ereem artoa report etocks atlll too amaQ tor demand. Vbaad Xaaa t Hep Xarkat. - A rather mtzad taaa la ehewa la tha bop market. Darin- tha peat S hours there was some baying. Many ramora at ealea beard, bat only a fear af tbaa can ha firmed. Most af tha confirmed ealea aronad Hie. Pea sit a Usee renorta af activity. Bast of tha trade aaya aa orders are coming. " " Salsa Step Jtshatr Clip. The rains aad cool weather bare stopped ths dip af PMhalr and dealers report lack af arrtrals. No aew developments are report ed la tha wool altaattoa. altboab laet yeart clip It about cleaned dp In Boatoa, according to telaarsnhl report. Tka eleaa af tha Aastranaa wool aaloa for MOd enables Ooaaol-Geaeral John P. Bray of hfelhoarae ta present tba fUlewlng Ubla. ebawiag la balee tka total sales ta Australia July 1. laoa, as tha aaa er tne year, eampared with those at tf la prerloat year: laofl. lpnn. ne.8T 42S.T8T sas.zro lol.eno 4T.S1S Aoeiaiao .. U.ka4 0,127 Brtsbaae Total' ...... ..gezew 804.14S Tba decrease la tales la thee a boat 10,000 bales, as compared with tha sales ta tbs sad af IBOS. But thla decrease to only lea. porary. awing ta the lateness af the eeaeon. The folhrsrtng la aa estimate corn piled frata authentic aeorcea af tba anmber af balea like ly te be offered la the dlffereat marketa la January and Pabrasry: hfelboaraa, 1 00,000; Oeeloag. 22.000; gydoey. 282,000; Adelaide, 1.000. aad Brisbane, 11.000. Adding engstber tha soaatltiea already aold la Australia, and tha iio.OOO balea expert ad to be offered, the torsi hi 1.200.000 bales. This compares with 1.06,000 bales sold wp ta the end of Feb rosry. 1006, the probable Increase ta the sales for this ssssoa being than IOB.000 balea. The exports to the Tnitsd States, which al ready are nearly ) 0O0 balea amca tbaa la at year, premiss ta aaaatltate a record this Sea sea. Already there has been Invoiced at ths eonmlates at Melbourne. Branny aad Adelaide M.l1. ll.Onf) and l.oM balsa, rsspacttvely, isklng a total of ST.28S. As tt Is sntlct pstsd that fnUy snothw 1.1.000 balea will be boarht for the United Rtnrea, tba total ship ments for the eeaeon will amount ta aver kales, and will be far la excess af the shipments ef any pre t loos season. Ths trsds pays tba foUowtcg prleaa ta front street: VRAnt ItADH Cslcatta. 1V kaytag pries: ari"ee aHssia. . WHEAT Clnb. T0ITlet red Rasslaa, 07 O age; blnestem. T273c: valley. TOe. OOBM-Wbole. 128.00; cracked. 13d. Og per ARI.T-Bew-P Z?Jt ed. I2S 00t 24 O0; brewing, f22.00gJ2t.Oa, BY E 4)1 AS per ewt. OAT Hew Prodneees' artee Ra. I wktts. eo nocaano: arar. 12a on a? Z8.rm. PLOtT B Eaatcra Orefrm patents, atrakrhta. ll.SO: saport. 1S.; vslley. ""i .T1; rra rraham. s. 11.80: whole wheat. . en Aft. h,lM. 11.71. MILUTTirr Brsa. glT.Ol per toa mM dimes. t2 00; - 0010,07. IW.W; ally, tiMv chop, fis.ooeti.go. vslleV."faocr. 111-OOelM.aO) ordtnsry. la 00 r) to 00- ee.tern unra, e'e.v; miaea, 110000100! . 100; grain. 11.00leo; ebsst. taOO. -.- Better, Xgga sad aVatw. BTJTTBB PAT . a. a. Prtlsng gjweet cream. MHcl aoor. 11 Ha ' BUTTKa y, i , ,-..- , weraioo fsnVi: Wt atoraaa. 2J30c; atora. ITlT)ke. gOOS Brtra fancy, esaaiea. issjiwe. enrnt New Full cream, late, lfltllHUe! Tonna America. 1TilTMe. POCI.TRY Mixed ehlekeas. IBe par' lb; fancy bene. lllf1SHe Ibi moatera, oM. uai2e lb: eld atara. 1Bl5He lb; fryers, laiHc lb; broilers, 11012c lb; eld docks. "He; spring aorta, .'mV..' 7" . T ,,r" keya. 17 pee for old; d reseat, faacy. 29r par lkt atnalav fl.oo per Aoa; ptaasna. gl.os Sir ioi Dromed poaltry lOlH par uTklaher. RosaWaal aad Xldaa. . BOPS l0d crop Choice, He; prime ta choice, 0110V,e; meainni as prime, 10c BM-dlnm, Sc: soairseia, iw crop, las. WOOL IMS alia Vauey. soggksi aaatara Bresoa. foe, ... MOHAIR Mew 1S8T 28t lb. BUBEHKglNg Kbearlng. ltj asrS abort weoi 2e40: medlam weal, aooiae sack: lent wool. 7AC01IXIO each. TALLOW Prima, par ah, IH04CI Ra. aad greeae. tlltHe. i CallTTlkt BABX 4H07e for aar ls aaag lata. 0an Hinva nry. aa. a. ia loe ana op, iguat TVt per lb; dry ktp. Re. 1. S ta II lbs. lee; try. call. Ho. I. andsr g foe, lie: aeits kldea. ateere. aaaat. SO lbs Sod ioollc; cowa. HU'V! M "'" soend. lejTt: kip, Is ta SO ins. nv; eau. aosna. anaer it ins, lie; li eon. ensalted. la Isssi calls. e see lh lees; (ores ktnee. aslted. tarn. l 2net.Ti, 4rf Mrk ll.anei.aoi celt hides, eflfj.We: mat ekine, maamsa. eark. :0Qlae; A score, saea. laeail. r raits aad Y areas ales. POT A TO El Rartst prtea. MsMan. AtA gad (ClKgiBiag , gelaet, HJCAi salt. WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS By W. B. Olafks Co. d . Cold atorage operations In d agga have cauacd conalderahla d withdrawals from tha market. d and tha conaaquenca la all avall- 4 ebla supplies ara much curtailed. d Thla resulted In a steadier tona, and prloca ara fractionally JUgh d ar. . With Easter but a short d tima away It la tha general opln 4 ion that tha market . will nils 4 steady. d Poultry receipts wars Just d about aa llpht as tha previous 4 week, and demand waa even more e active than then. There Is now d soma demand for best claas of 4 turkeys and ducks. Geese con- d tlnue on tba market. d Dressed meats ara still scares ' d with prices up a trifle from last d , week. d Creamery butter, while sllarht- d ly Increased In volume of ar- d rivals. Is still under tha demand, da Country stora 1 Us wise. - V d ' hut. faacr tl.BO: ordlnarr. bnrlnc. tl.OOa 11.33 rwt: sweeta, Te lb. osionb jonninr nrira no. 1 oraenn. a $1.25; No. , S0t(H.V; baying price. eOrlAe f. a. b. ariinrjiiia rmt; garlic, law per lb. rHkaiyr? Hm Hleee Xnlraeohera and Tellow Kewtowna, I3S; fancy Willamette vsl. lea and eomhetn Orecea. ll.SOttl.ta: ardlaair trwk. 1 001 ffl. FRItoH R I ' I To Oranres. new aaveL SI.M ftS.00; tancerlnea, $1 25; bananas, 8c per Ibi letnoas. HO-t BO bos: llmea. Meiiean. 11. 28 oer 100: pmeapplaav. ta.OOttOO pee dneen pine apple. per dot: irrapa fnilt. f.XtftS.tO. VKOETAHI raTarolno. aew. auerti eaeat carrots. 7V1 0O per sark: beets, 11. T! per - sarkj pa rani pa, 11.00fJ12l'. eah nara. Se: tomatoes, kftilesn. 1240 M: riorlda, gd: pa ran) pa. SOriftlt; atrlng keens, tic per lb: ceo II flower. g'j.&0 pee dot; praa. lie: koraeradlah. SulSe per lh: artk-kokee. 90f par dnaea; sqiiaah. Torfltt.00 per box', celery, California. 13.2AOS.nO per erata; rrae- oemea, a.vitvw.w per barrel: tproeve. Hrte pee lb; s.paratna. Wltr; rhnbarb. ttte lh; rreen salons, lde dua; HorlSa bell peppers, tOe lb DRIET rRrflTS Applea. svaporated. i'm Appiea. avanoraTea. e1 ptieats, l(44kOe per Ibi paarkaa. lb( eacks, H par lb wee: prase. Ie: He drop oa earn 1-10 aaisllet re per lb: anrteata. izajiisyje per in ai ta 40. ibm: Ma Srna on alte; fin, California black. flOV,e par lb; t aurora la white. SQHe per R: dates. eoMva, M M par aaa:- tarda. I1.40A11 M pee It-lb as, durai lea. Xata. Xta. RTTOAB California Hawaiian Cake, I3.17HI powdered, a.Iim berry. drv rrannlsted. 14.MH: Star, M72H; eonf. A. M WHl axtrs B, It.dSH: golden 0. 14.33l D yellrw. S4.2; beet rraanlated. 1-4.T2H. W eater a Cuba, g4.74; powdered. l.ltH; dry aranolated. P. C. gt.TSi St. rraaels, 4.I2Vk: con feci loners' A. ft.MM'.eitra C, le.43; goldea C. S4.82H: D. . yellow, M.33m beat rranalstsd. 14.T2HI bbla, 10c; H bbls. Sac; boxes, gOe sdrsaca oa sark baata. - lAbove prleaa ara SO days aa cash aata tJoae I. lONRT per crate. 1 COrrEB Park a re brands, t11MfM.aa. SALT Ooeree H.lf (roand. 100a. 110 00 per tnnr 0a. glOJW: table, dairy. Ma. IM.OOi 100a. I11.TS; balea, 12.00; Imported Liverpool, 60s, 1100: 100a, 117.00: 224a. lld.OO: extra fine, bbla. a. da. 10s. $4.K( Lreeraonl lanip rork. 120.10. per ton; eO-lb. reck, flO.fiOi 100a, tlo.OO. 4Abova prleaa apply ta sales of bias tbaa rev lots. Car art at special prleaa aabject ta flaetnatloas.) RICH Imperial Japan. Ka I. get Re. S. '! Msw Orleans, bead. To Ax. gel Crsoio. le. B RANK aceall white. fS.tO: rarro white, W-2S: pink. 12.S0; bayoa, r.76 Ltmsa. 1)4; Mexican reaa. ac NUTS Peaaala. Jareho. Sue oae n Wtrelnla. 7 We per lb: roseted. 10a nor lbt Jenaneae. IH; roaated7j7He per lh; coconuts, eoejWK per dost walaota, California.' I as per lb; Prearb, lie per lb; plaonats. 140t5e aer lb: blckorv nnm. Me nee lbt ebeatnota. eastern. Isolde per lb; Bratll anta, IMe per in; niDeta. iec per p; laacy pscsaa, ISQIUc; aianaaas, iseyilHC. e Iteats. Pish sad Prevtaloaa. ' PRSJSJH MBATS Proat Street Hon. fa ace. 09H lb; Teal, artra, POIM per lb; ordinary. iHtase par u; poor, aa per w; muitaa. uacy, stive per lb. BAM8. BAOO!. BTO Portia ad pack flora r) heme. 10 to 12 lbs. 1V8 lb; 14 to Id lbs. lac R; IS ta 20 lbs. Ida lb; breakfast bacon. HHct 21He lh; picnics, I2e lb cot taaa roll. 12e lb: regular abort cleara, akameked, 12a rb; smoked, 18a lb.; clear harks, ansmoked, 12c; smoked, lie lb; Cnkm botts. It to 18 Ihe. aa amoked, Sc lb; amoked, Pc lb: clear bellies, aa emoked. 12He lb; araoked. ISHc lb; ahoaldere, 12c lb; pickled toncnea. &0c each. LOCAL LABD Kettle leaf, 10a, I Ik; 5s. ltTta lb: eo-lk Una. Hue lb: steers raa dered. 10s, lgfct B as. 12 1, a lb; eompoaad, loa. sue tb. CAM NED SALMON vrombla rtvar. I Ik tails. 11 SO; t-lb talla. 1J.7S: fanev. 1-lk flats. 1.0: H-lb faacy flats, 11. IS; fancy Mb arsis, IZ7!t: Alsaks tails, pink. SSOSOet red. 11X0; nominal. 2s, tall. 12-00. PISH Rnrk cad. 7c per Ibi floamflees. Sc per lbt ballbat, to per lb; crabs. H41.n0 per dos; striped bsas. I2HC per lb; eafft.b. 10c lb; salmoB, freab Columbia rlrer steelhends, lie; cblaook. 12m lbt frosea salmon, IfHle:. her ring. 6c Tb; soles, de lb; shrimps. 10c lbt perch, e lb; blsrk cod. Te per lb; tomcod, Te par lb; allver erne It, te per lb; lobsters. Ida per lb; trash mackerel. Se per Tb; crawflak. foe per sturcaoa. 10c aer lb: beck baas, soe aot lb; Commote river emeit, ac par in. OYSTERg gkostwster bay, pet gatloa, gl BO; per 100-lb eark. gd.ROt Olrmnls. per gallon, M2R: per 111-Ib. ssrk. tA.6o0t.2Si Bsgls canned. OOc can. IT doe-a. CLAMS Rsrdebell. per dJms, 12.78: raaor (lams. 12.29 per box. Xatat, Osal Ofl. Xta. ROPE Para Maalla, lte( auadard. Ue: ttosl. lie. COAL Orl Pearl or Aetrsl Cease, HUa par ealloa: water whits, troa bbla, lac par gslloa; woodea, lie per rtnoai headlight. 17tt-deg., esses, 21Hc per gslloa, GASOLINE art-dec eases, Mfte par gattoa. troa bllsn lie per gsDoa. BEN SIN a 1 dag. caasa, (ta par galwai bon bbla. lHe per gslloa. TUBIENTINB la cases, tea per (al; wosdsa able. c per galloa. WBITB LEA1 Toa mta. 19 per Ik; SOO-lk lets, as per lb: leas lots, IMe per Tb. a IRS NAILtV Prsasat baa la at I2.SS. , LINHXED OIL Para raw. la t-bbl Iota, BOe; l-bbl lot. 13c; eaaea. Me per gsl; rsnnlne ket tle boiled, casss. SOe par call l-bbl lota, tee; l-bbl lota, Ue par sal: groaad cake, aar Ism, 120 per tea; lass taaa ear lots. 130 per tea- j tbttkd stars ooYTXjrHirr aoxDs. Raw Terk, starch IS.-e-Ot Date. Bid., Auk. lino lot 106 loan hkh4 lot Vk 10OS 1031V KM long ion ; ioa IftiiT Kionj 101 1907, 10l 101 .... 12 1025 12 ISO 1921 12 180 .... 114V .... I00n ..... .... : 104V 10B4 .... 104 V 10S Twos, reglatarsd do eounoa ., Threes, realstersd .... do couptis .............. rears, registered .......... do coapoa Threes, small bonda....... roars, reiriatarea da coupon District of Colombia t-5s. . Poors. PhlllDDlnes Twos, Panama , aa coapoa MOHAIR WOOL P06LS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE In order that buyers will ba 4 able at a glance to see how d much stock Is to ba sold bp each 4 organization, Tha Journal anks ' that tha secretaries of the varl- , 4 ous wool and mohair pools of d ths northwest send this paper d . tha dates for ths proposed sales 4 gnd ths probable amount which will bo offered. This Informa tion to be sent to ths commercial editor, Oregon Dally Journal. LABOR FAMINE HAMPERS RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION (Journal Special Berries. 1 ! Winnipeg, Marcb 11. -Scarcity Of la bor threatens the completion this year ef 1.000 miles nf railroad between here and the mountains. The contractors are desperate as all their contracts were made with bonuses and proMtles. The Canadian Pacific, , Great Northern and Grand Trunk lines mad buU contract. FIFTY PER CENT TO BE RESOWfi At Least That Amount of Wheat Said to Have Been Frozen . Out This Season. . ' JUNIPER COUNTRY IS THE CHIEF SUFFERER Around nelix Only One Per Cent Waa Damaged by Cold Snap Too Wet for General Sowing of Spring Wheat. v. (flpecUl Dlapntcb ta The JoormaLi Pendleton. Or.. U arch IB It ta reported that It baa been necessary ta rssead nearly 50 par cant af tha grata la the Juniper coun try and la other wheat sections northwest af Pendleton, where the fall sows grain wss frosea out. Other portions of tha county did not suffer, sad It b osthnsted that In tbs Hallx country only 1 par cant will be reeewa. ANTICIPATE GOOD CROP Plenty of Molntur) In the Ground Aronnd Garfield. (Special Dli patch ta Tba Journal.) ' Garfield. Waah.. kfaeeh . Rn tmie Kwlng has aa yst been dona around Osrflsld, t In about 10 days every farmer sad his men win a sawing aow a the raioasa fields tv wheat, oate and barley. . The farmers af the Pa loose coanrrv. oo ee- eoant of se much molatare la tba groaad, ara looking forward to the btcseat croos this araaoa In tba oonntxy's history. Bomsssskers are coming la nod ths demand for the fer tile Pawnee fields la sow active among these ee.tern people. The Parnate .hills were covered with sboat two Inches of snow Retard ay morning, bat eoon uisapueexva wnsn me son cams an. Winter wheat In looking splendid snd proa pacts for a bumper crop were never better. . - WHEAT' SHOWINGS A LOSS Chicago Market Weak, With Lower Prlceg at Closing. BXLATTTS WHBAT TAXUXd). atarcn it. Mas, larm. hit a vksl a ths. . a -m a . Jnly ....... .TT .TT, .0oi2 .7SZ Sept -ia . .w .71 Chicago, Mire la Wheat was weak frata the atart today arSj at times tka pries of tlsy wss carried below Trie. , Tba close waa Kc off for May and Ue.for Joly. . . ., Official enotattoaa by Ovarbeck. SUrr A Cooke company: WHEAT. V " ' : Open. Hlirk. Low, Close. H TR4 TS , T5 CORN. M,,T H d4A sBS Ju'P 46H , 40 J 54 OATS. ' ,'.,.- ! - i4 it m ggj ebno ri'Bt. X ,..-lMIT 1H0T 1IKIT 1MW Jul 1MT 1610 1MT7 looo STRIKES $5 AGAIN " FOR FANCY STEERS Portland tJnloa UtockysrtJs, March llV-Uve- . axons. vanie. aaaee. ie7 dl SOT It jreen sse lflO 200 i. " si - ted . . Previous vaae aA ' iiT,Tw e very firm tous an tb'raagb the "III . . - "'rere, except tn cattle, were nominal and prices held weU. Tka letter erket Is firmer wltk the price agsia rating " 'i" e wc inr neei sxsert. Boeep are al most toe eraree te quote. President Danghtrey. who baa returned from eastern Oregon, asys proa poets are good for , Tr tao today aS marketa ware ftna W..M viiurw-j vm aqnaoj. . Today 58 horses arrived la. nrr-ifi-i 1 1 . t- . . ys Best esstern Oreroa, 17.TB: stnekert -. -. , inn. ibis. so.loeaT.oo, . f ,"e Bt esstern Orsgna steers, 14.TBA 8.00; beat cowa and heifers, 12.00; ttocktra and feeders, 13.7(1; bulla. 12.60. A BIG HORSE DEMAND m tasammasmamsanaaBsi ( Ererythhia; - That Can Pull It Eg. : gerly Snapped Up In Valley. . fNpeclsl Dispatch te The JoarnaL) Corvallhv Or, March 41. There la geeertl tpscn ration here aa te where prices ara golnc to stop la their upward flight. Krery week horse aayers are aconring the eoantry here tkonts. picking ap everything ta the way ef boras flesh tbst bsa life enough m It te pull a few pounds, snd at prices that mske lbs farmer smils and seriously consider engaging In ths breed In of horses aa a business. V. P. Hfsrr Ibis week sold a ansa of korees to Peter Whltesker for 1271, for which be paid only 11TR five years ago, Aad thla waa a chess boy. Hneep ara able bringing tin-top prices, bnyert betnc on ths lookout la thla county for ewea. offering tt hlrh aa IT per head, according ta reports from southern Benton county. HOGS AT HIGH POINT Seven Centa Paid for Irlrestock at Garfield. (Snecial Dtspttrh ta Tba Jmrraal.) Oarfmld. Wssh.. kfsrrh IS Hon are bring ing ths farmere Te a pound an foot, and to be the Mshest price paid for porkers for two years. Tba price ef cattle la tonkins ap and prima beef stesrs sra te good demsnd at fab? prices. Horses never were higher In the Pa loose counter then at nreaent. Moat anv kted of a fslr-slied animal will command 1200 se BUT. . Potatoes are ta pond demand and tha farmers sra eelllnt them delivered on board earn bare at Tile per 100 pounds. The PsraisiV store re cently shipped seven rsra loaded with eaeaUeat innert to wettcra points. - , WILL SOON- OPEN SEASON Wool Growers Ask High Prices and Will Hold for Salea. - ' (Spedal Dltpstcb ta Tba Joornsl) " Pendleton. Or.. March IS. Tits wool sesana In taatcrn Oreroa Is bealnnlns to open. A few buyers are now tn tha field. According to elieepmen, there will be very little eolllnc dons tnis year until arter shesnng. bscsusa ths rrowers are sxpeetlna ton hlrh prices te Derm It of contracting. Most of ths wool will probably ne neia loe toe sates asys, wucs will Boos be est. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Serere Liquidation Cansea Prices to - Drop Paring Day. , few Tork. hferrk M. The stork market suffered badly -from spirited liquidation snd at ins awte pavers lease a;ert US generai role, ' ' I '' s. While Potatoes Are Again at the High Point It Is the General Opinion of the Trade That Prices Will Not Likely Go Higher'at Present. filllllflG SI HUES RAU6E HIGHER ,i . Potlcle Goes to Thirteen and Five-Eighths Cents on Local Market During Day.' WASHOUGAL EXTENSION 4 HAS FURTHER ADVANCE Ten Banker and Irunberman'g Bank Bhareg Go at $102.75 Leo Brok ' era Bow Lees Creek Gold for Fu ture Delivery. -! Oa tba local slock aurket mtntns aharaa showed aa advance. . Potlcle 'Mining advanced e sag aalee ef Lee s Creek Gold wore mad to Lea brokers at dQdHa, bayara' to aad 0 daya. respectively. . Bankers' Laoiber men's shares advanced Ttc over the bid ef Saturday with a sale ef 10 sharts -at 1102.71. - Alaska Petroleum advaaced e te 1IV and Waabougal Bxtsosloa want ap e ta 2Jc. . , Today's salea: . Ten Bsakars' Lambee. mean bank at 1102.71. 1 Assnelsted Oil at 144. 10 J. C. Lee Co. at . 4.SO0 Denny Dnlta at loe. 2.100 Lee'e Creek Oold at er, boxers' go days: 10.000 Leo's Creek Oold at 4 He, buyers' 60 days: t.ono Pot tela kilning at lltAe, 6.000 Weabousal Eiterjalon at 29 Ue, 1.000 Alssks Petroleam at lSUe. 1.000 Brltisk Coinmbla Amalgamated at 10c, buy era go 1 day. uinciai prices: BARK STOCKS. - Big. Ask. Bank ef California..... 13A5.M 1.... Bankara Lumbermen 102.00 . 110.00 aterensats National ........... 1X4.00 Oreroa Trust A tavtnaa 120.00 1M.00 Portland Treat Oo 120.00 unites atatee national auu.ue UBTTO BBCtTBITIXS (BONDS. 1 A merles a Biscuit Ca. da 11.00 ' 100 00 City a Suburban da MOO Columbia Hon there Irrlgatloa ok gn.00 Home Talcnhono He Wk.oo J.' a Lee Co. de 00.00 100.00 o. K. . By. da M.oo 100.2S O. W. P. By. da 101.00 103.50 Pacific Cosat Biscuit a B6.&0 loo.OO Portland Hallway se . M OO MISCELLANEOUS BTOCKR. Ured oil 42.T1 ' 44 00 noma Tslcphoaa ......... . tO.OO 4A.O0 ST. 60 . ..... loa.oo .' 10.00 J. C. Lee Co.... racire Btatea Teieeeoea... Paget Bound Telephone ... MINIMS STOCKa Denny Delta ,ta)tt .10 Lakerlew .20 Leas Creek OoM.... 02Vt . .OS North Pslrvtew ...,.. v.... .Ofl Manhattan Crows Point g ' .20 ' Potlcle Mlalns nvt waaeongu Kxtanatoa .., 2 '.20 UNLISTED VTOCKB. Tannine Bay Telepooae... 4,50 AJ7H Alaska Petroleum .124 Blue 8 tone is Brlttah Colambla Amalasmatsd. .04 U .00 Cascsxlla , .10 ,20 Ooldfleld Trotter ,1T4 Oreet Northern ................ ,01 .04 Mammoth na .in Morning .04 . 06 Mount . Pitt - T j Q ' Stsndsrd Consolidated . .ii Tacoma Steel 1214 ,19 COEUB D-ALtNB DI8TBICT. . Bullion , .OT44 - .nfltt Copper King 14 .16 0. K. ConaoUdatad ., 0.11. ' " .OS Happy Osy .0.1 .06 Park Copper .OS .m Snowsbos .40 .no aaowtcurai 2.70 AuO WHETHER OR NOT TO IRRIGATE THE ORCHARD e- ' " V. Hood River Horticultural Society Holds Spirited Meeting as , 1 to Proper Course. (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) -Hood River, Merck .IS. The Road River Horticultural society held a wsU attended meeting bare Saturday afternoon at the opera house te discuss horticultural matters before starting ta oa tha eprlng cultivation and spray ing. About lftO members were present and tha ateetina waa a lively aaa'. O. H. gpraat. presi dent ef the soctaty, waa te the chair. The qneettoa of Inigsttag er aot Irrigating fruit prec-tpltsted a warm disease too. Women as trail as mea took part ta It and fee lint raa high. B. L. Smith asld that la hut eulntoa Hood Hirer orchards required little If any water te grow fine fruit. H. P. Davidson, who ewaa eeveral bandied acres ef orchard, took the opposite view snd ssld that after IS years ef experience aa a grower and shipper he waa eonvtaeed that tha best fruit wss grown by the judldoaa sppllcstloa of water. A. I. Mason, whose apples took first prise et the Hood River fruit fslr test fsll, aad who also captured prises at the meetlnc -of the Btate Horticultural society at Portland, aald ha did aot believe It. Hla orchard, be aald, was nlns years old and had never had a drop af trruta ties oa It, aad what waa more, aniens he chanted Ms opinion mlthttly. It never would have anr. Ha thought almost anyone would concede that bis apples were aa good as any fa the valley. At to the flavor of Irritated and aoa-lrrbtated fruit ba wtt guite ears bs was ss good a Jodte an anyone else. He bad astsa both aoa-lrrigsted and Irrigated fruit at nee tings all ever the Pacific northwest, ant la his opinion the Boa Irrlgated frnjt had -the beat ef It. J. Porter, ef the firm of Basra A, Porter. awning tba Isrgsst commercial orchard ta tha vauey, aaia mat ta maay years- experience ne bad found that when trees reached the ace of 10 te 14 years water waa absolutely neces sary. assa water at Tnaea. B. P. Tocher, a success rnl erowtr. - who baa takea many prince for kit fruit, clslroed that 11 growers would csrerniiy wstca their ee they could tell whether or aot they needed water by the condition of the foliage. When It looked wilted they ebon Id ba Irri gated. This occurred tn tome seasons bop ones tad In ethers se often as three times.. Some one naked If It waa a toed thlna to irrigate atrswbenies why wasn't It a good thing for apples. Mrs. L. X. Kerr responded decidedly thet It Wss pot necessary to irrt gats strawberries. She had eatea strawberries In Michigan which for flavor ware finer than any that aver grew at Hood Elver snd thsy bad never hsd a drop ef water oa tbrm, and ennclnded by remarking thst Hood Rlveritea did aot know what tins strawberries were. Her remarks crested considerable . mem meat and bind applanse. president B proat lain that Mr. Mason t statement that bs would sever sat water oa his trees wat a wild one aad that whea they got to be It er IS years old ba thought ba would bsva a change ef mind. Others wko tslked oa tha aneatloa were J. A. Wilson. Professor 7. U Csrtar. A. -C. Staten, manager of the Parmere' Irrigating Hitch, aad Murray nay. the naroeatee of Ir rigation oataamberlng those la favor ef aoa Irrlgatloa. oth-r topics 01 sen as ! were. "OvercultJvs- tloa of Orchards." ea which B. L. Smith de livered tn iddreas. the gist being that toe Btacb roltlvatlna extracted tba bamot from the anil, rendering It neeeeeery te nee artifi cial fertilisers or plant vetch er some other crop that would restore the natural 'plsnt food. uacy nirrerea snta nr. smita 10 Bis views as the ennieft. K. H. Wallace res ponded to "Problems for Novice. Fruitgrowers. Connty Fruit Inspector Castner told of the results ef snrarlna ex perlmentt and tdvnetted the moderate use ef lime to Improve ths arrlL B. F. Tnckar ad dressed the meeting oa "How k Keep aa Sternal High Price for Applea." POXTLAXD BAXX STATKaTXXT. Clearings today fl.M2.ariT.ftt de year age - 1,121.023.00 nam ted .V ...g tu Mi M Balances today ae yetf utyuvutwx'ut 1- ' MPJKMBXII -ABeteTi are the aekrtaal sad , ptaattn- er n v them lie . - ' akw Cmtiiatitm, AHajaauaMaa, Bdtchf, DUsi-tt, Jkjftttim, eat, fame Brandreth's Pills 'A Laxatlv anal Blood ' Bach pill eeataiaa one grain el solid extract ef tarts pa rtita, which, with other valsable vegetable products, make It a blood ponnar ol sjrccJ lent character. ' - . AT THE THEATRES 8 ilo Tomorrow for Boaello Knott. The advance esat aale will open tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 10 o'clock for the charm ing actress. Boaelle Knott, who eomea te the Helllg theatre fur as engagement ef three Bights, beginning seat Thursday, March 21, la J. H. Ba trie's beautiful comedy drama, 'AUce-ait-by-tbe-Ptre." A tnectsl-prlca asatV aee will be glvea Batarday afternoon. Dustln Farn-m In The Virginian." The ahaorblag etoryi nf "The Virginian." the leva ef sweet Molly Wood, bar yea looey ef the setting hen, Emily, and tha traced lea of Steve aad Tram pea, will be realistically presented by Saatia Pars am and tha Ktrke La Skelle company et the Helllg theatre. Fourteen rh aad a' a. fa lng ton streets, Btoalght. for four per formances, wttb a special-price matinee ea Wednesdsy figuring ta the eagagemaat. Thla fascinating Idyl of the pioneer west will un doubted ty be cordially welcomed. See ta are aew selling at the theatre for the entire en gagement. Baker'B Mflltarj- Plar. . thsnnsa ef the Sixth" scored heavily at the Baksr yesterday and promisee te at something af a record area ta thla seai ef record-breaking crowds. It ta a military play, dealing with incidents la tba Sepoy rebellloe against tba Brltsk troorev la 1WT. It n bseattfuUy stagsd and arroratsly cos tumed. It Is the first time the plsy bss ever been produced ea the Pad fie coast and there Is cartalaly not a hatter company ea this eoast te present It. ; . New Vaudeville at Grand. ' Thla. week the Grand offers g vtudevlUs en- tertalBmenl each ea si rarely equaled. The bill la bssded by Mr. end Mrs. Walter Desvee with their merry manikins. This Is aa act which never grows old and It Is ene of tlie beat ef Its kind In thla eoantry. Smith O'Briea, a tinging aaoaologtst. aaa a prominent place ana tha added at traction la 'Our Hoaeymson, a one-set comedy. . . Star's New Play. " "Deserted at tbs Altar" will he pr totals! tha weak by the Allea stock company at the Star theatre. The plsy will receive its premier la Portland thla evening. It la a pastoral play set ta the pletaresqae Adirondack mountains. ahowlng them In tammer aad winter. Aa act also occurs ta New Terk city, where the wed ding Ukes plsaa aad where the fcere la cap- tn red aad bald s prtaaner ky t gang ef counter feiters. . , . - V ----- Strength of Character. - There m depleted la "Mtckasl - gtracoff the bill .at the Lyric theatre thla week, great strength ef character. This famous drama ef Roaslsa life and adventure teaebee tba supreme tests of true manhood and loyalty, its reseat ara dramatic and the stars pictures and ef fects ara startling aad charming. Matinee every day, i Good 'Show at Empire. If yea want a laogh. teal, guanine, hearty evening ef enjoyment, go te the Empire thit weak and aee "The King ef Trampa." The plsy was presented to two packed boosts yes terday and those who were there were im mensely pleased. It e jest the kind ef show that Bmplre perrons enjoy and Is the kind thst most -anybody weald enjoy. It has mora tbaa the average Bum bee ef really clever tptetaltisa. . BATTLESHIP GEORGIA ON HER FINAL TRIAL TRIP f Jeeraal Baerlal Berries.) ' ' Washington, March II. Tha new bat tleship Georgia has her final trip today prior to her acceptance by tha govern ment. Naval experts who bay watched her performance In ths preliminary trials express oonnaenoe in asr amiity to meet If not axoeed all tha require ments of her contract Tbs Gsorgla will bs a notable addition to tha nary. 8ba Is of lt.141 tons and of ths same general type and measurements aa ths Rhode Island, Nsw Jersey, Virginia and Nebraska. ' a MONTANA TOWN IN ARMS AGAINST PHONE ABUSES (special Dispatch te The Journal.) 's, Helena, Mont, March II. Cltlsena of Great Falls held a mass meeting last night and adopted resolutions condemn ing ths Bell Telephone company for In efficient service, high rates charged its patrons, and nnfalr wages paid tele phone operators, who are now on strike. It was ths ssnss of tha meeting that if J-A-FolrjiraC'1 J. A. Tb best treatment b to cot an AUcock't Plaster size and shape required xnd apply to part affected. There's nofliin that wCl five audi complete relief as aa ' For Sprains or to take the Stiffness or Soreness out of orer worked muscles and nuke them stron and supple, nothinj equalt ) tne genuine Aitccch'gPUsUr, rrt fAe Slmndm SMbnsI ATeawa Made el sssaMsry arast aad heat amtsriaU, aad Oaeawatiid amaW tka IW aaa Proaa AM, Jmae 24), IPOs. Utmi Ha. SSS. Tonlo staMlaried tyaa for $I.OO ' x With a $1.90 Grocery order. 14 lbs. Pure Cane Sugar for., ...1.00 xart.k ee ae t tin ee.vv vmwr viu.i, 100-lb. sack Cans Sugar.'. ...... .94. 5tV K. P. Flour, tha bast on tha market. Try It. Special ......... .....Sl.lO Corvallls Flour ....fl-OO 7 lbs. Washington Beans... S5d I cans Table Peaches ,...25t Tomatoes, cans for 25t - Sugar Corn, 1 cans for .IStt Jt. de H. Baking Soda. pkg. ......... 6 ' WASH TUBS. We liAva too many and they must go. lOo Wash Tuba, large also.... 75d) ea. ,1 . w o-..w i .. 1 . mz , wi) - ( . uuo, iu 1 11 ill Bm..,,tODy 15o Wash Tuba, small stss. ...... .55 If you haven't been trading with this 26 ibaS. PureCane Dig store, wny nor ravor us witn your next order. We have a full Una of freah . Meatg. and Poultry and the prices ara right. . ".' 1 ' . " ". . ' Special prices to boarding-house a. . and Grocery The Big- Store at dTT-4T WUllamg are. Psoas Baat 40. COAL COAL COAL. On and after this data the Storey dk Brookea Fuel Co. will self Washington nut and lump coal at 11.00 per ton, de livered within the regular hauling limit. Thla company has Juet received another largo ahlpment from their mines In Washington at a reduction of 11.00 per ton to them, and they are glad to offer the benefits nf thla reduction to the consumera Their yards are located at Front and Kearney streets, where . tha telephone nuavber Is Their head office ta at Room II, ground floor. Chamber of Commerce building. Telephone aCAIXT 150. We ars prepared to deliver thla coal In smau or large quantities on short notice. Also carry In stock that well- known, high-grade coal, tha Kemmerer, from Wyoming, for which we ara ex- , elusive ag-enta In this territory. Large stock: or charcoal always on nana imow Is ths time to get your orders In, while tne price is ngnr- , The Storey Fuel & Brookes Co. the committee appointed to negotiate a settlement failed, tha company ehould be ordered to remove Its Instruments within tt hours, and If this were not done, the patrons should throw ihera out bodily. , . HEAVY RAINS DELAY THE FARMING IN LINN New York Market - (SpeefaU D taps tab te The Journal.) ' Albany, Or, March II. One ef tha ,- most serere rain storms of ths season . rlttted Albany yestsrday. Rain , fell Incessantly for It hours and ths out- lands are again becoming flooded. This x has interfered with ' the work of tha farmers, who have been actively at . work preparing for ths spring crop. Ths nights generally nave been very cold. . with heavy frost a - Absolutely Pure ..NO ADULTERATION Pure Cream Tartar ' atttd? 'Pure Biearlonate SoJa ' 01, : ' SOLD oo MERIT e: Fqlger & Co.'s Fr-xi.