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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. IX LAND, ! MONDAY EVENING. MARCH 13, 1907. 10 NEW TODAY. Lots in '.HAVELOCK On Pattoii avenue and Jar-rwtt atreet, R.irn ud. on IngtaJlmenta: streets graded, water plpea laid, cement aide- walks and curb ana croiiwun B. M. LOMBARD ' boom u, won mu rr. or? miiiuim ' Kew houss T" rooms, wWier Eittlltt ndBojlWT'-Tfrma atreCBuII Rata watar, f urn act and all modern con venience. . v B. M. LOMBARD oo Xaaaoek St op Borfhaaa Omw ., TUrt e4 Xorrlsoa. . Will Sell 750 Acre Tract - Tho tawlg tore -and Nancy W. Lowa Demotion Land Claim Btda will ba received by the undersigned for aald land to March to. 1(07. The ricbt to reject an? ard all blda reserved. The greater part of thla land la within tha city limit of Portland and la aspect ally valuable for platting purposes. Call on or artdreas tha undersigned, 260 Wain street, city. T. T. 8TRUBLK and PHILO HOLBROOK. Trustees of tha Estate of lcwla Love, deceaseda WHEX AWAY FROM HOME. Osles sf The Joaraal esa be obtained ta the folwwlog cities sad towns eststde st Oregon. Ik Joerssl wosld spnrectate the receipt of reoorta of f altar to obtain septs of the paps st any of tbeea plaeee: 3 COLTIX. WAIHI.NtTOl A. B. King. WALLA WALLA. W A8HINOTON Walls Walls atattonery Coispany; Roera-Howll Omnasys Hot! Dscres News Stsnd: TJotoa Clf Btaad, II 4 Itoatb ronrth atreet. I TAOOMA. WARHINOTON lotet Tseoaas Hews Stand: Central New Cnmoaar. RATTLK. WASHINOTON-Balster News gtnd: International --News Grand Areocy ad. OOI.DHKLD. MCVAX)A Loala Pvha, Mssrsasnsf an'IKOO. CALIFOKNtA Asmb Hew Osa pany, Newapaeer Wire. . v . SPOKANE. , WABHINUTOW OohB W. Orakam C ' POISK. rrtAfTO Joseph rnntsa. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNrsOTA 1L I. Cars- Bassk. tu Thtrd afreet, sosta. BT. UXi;.. MISSOURI-B. T. Jtt, BOO Oltva street: Oeorse L. Ackermsa. KANSAS CITY. MISWHJBI Xoais Hews Osa pany. Hra'epaper Tt scoa. cttiiino, ilunoib r, 17 Dearborn street. O. BrwB Coops ay. DEMTy.H, COLOhVA DO TJaloa Ospst ' Beers StSBd. VOn ANfJir.ef). CAUr-OBNlA Ajbos Mows Oojnpanr. Newspaper Warna. OAKLAND. CALIKORNIA Amos News Com . psnr Nswapaper Wagons N. fheetley Mews fVimpsnr. Netrapsper Warns. BAN BANCISCO, CAUrokNIA . Whestlsv Nsevs Compsny. Newspapac Wagoat Poster A Orear, Perry bnlldlnr; Johusoa Nsws Company. ItAl rill more street. BALT LA KB CITTJI'TAB Mrs. Lerlna. Rewa. paper War"; O. L. Daeiea, Botel Keayon; f)irmw Pros.. SS West Second street, south. OGDEN, tTAH 3ray News Compasy, iMpot New Btand. OMAHA.. kEBBABKA MlUard . Hot Hws Stand. ' "XE TOBK CITY Arthur BotaMog. Hew. paper Wagons. WEATJTKR RETORT. A dmtarbsacs of decided chsrartsr made Its sppsranc ye tarda y off the Ore eon coast, and It la now central ever Washington, , ea eral rains bars fallen en tb Pacific slops sa far aosth ss San PTsneleeo, and snow turning to rsla bss scenrred In ' Montana and the Itakotaa. The following aaaklmsni wind eeloeitlea are reported la on sect ton with this dtstnrbenre: Bono, Nersds, td miles, eootbi Wlnsemueca. N era da. 44 ml lea, southwest: I'ocs telle. Idaho, Sa miles, soath. ssd North Bead. WsshlnftoB. 40 miles, soathesat. A Mrb preasurs srea orerlles tbs great ' lsks regloa. and fair weather prevhlle In the east era state sreept tu tb mtddls Atlantic atates, where light rala has fallaa. The tern. S re fare generally throughout tbs United tatea are a bora norma1, and It Is decidedly warms than aeaal Is Wyoming, Colorado, Montana snd the Dafeotas. Tbs Indications are for ahoweis la this die. trtrt tonight ssd Tuesday. Temp.- ' ax. sn, rreeia, Faker Cilr. Ores on ....... tv 41 .is .14 Rilav, Idaho , ' 1 ' M North Bead. Washington. . . ad ' 4 Portland. Oregon 43 " ,, 80 Roseburg, Oregoa 44 ' 40 Spokane, Waabisgtoa ..... M '' - SO Taroma. Waahlngtoa ..... 4S SS Walls Walla. Waahlngtoa., M ' ' S3 ,2H 1M .2l .23 MARRIAGE LICENSES. $3800 Jeeae i. Jungar, 208 East Seventh atreet, 23: TI11I Wiiaoa, 20. ' Y. D. Crashy, Catakanls, Oregoa, 84- Atloa DaagBeoger, 33. Weddinc Cards. W. O. Sratrb A Co.. Wsh tngtoa bldg.. cor Pourtb end Washtngtaa sis. T0N8BTH A CO., aVLORISTS. pflR PLOWBBS OP ALL KINDS. 133 B1ITH BT. , , . Clarke Brsa, florist Phse ftowara aad flisl aVatgae. 288 Morrtsoa st. - ' Pall dress suits for teat all ataaa. Oahias Tallortag Os.. ao gtartt at. f ' 1 DEATHS. - v - - - - B A TLBS la this sity, at bar lata raaldeaee, ftl Dsvts atreet, at B:4S Snaday anorslng. - . March 17, Jeeale Badley Say lea. Bora April II. 17, beloved wlfs of 0. 0. Bsytoa, of this city. Mrs. Bs7iea left, beside her hus band, as infaat bob 4 days eld. Psasrsl notice later. 0 ( ALLAOHAN-s this city, March 18, 1S0T, Mrs. Mary There O'CallarbsB. a red 43 years aad B BMastha. , PbbstsI aaaeaaosment ' later. HEWETT At residence. Ml Wetdler st, eor aer Eaat Third, Joha Hewetf. Bged 48 psarg snd 0 sssaths. Panersl aottce later. USDERTAKKIUS. Daantng, McEotee A ailBsugh. sndertakera aad nnblara; smdera la svsry detail.. Brath sad Plas. Mala 40. Lady saslstsat. P.rtchsoa t'aderfaktng Co, aad embalming. 408 Alder st, Pboae Mala 41U. Lady aasUlaat. t. P. Plntoy A Bona, Third aad Med teas ats. Office f esaaty osruoar. Phsae Mate B. . $ A. B. BEM STOCK Poneral director. B. 18th . and tJmatilla. . Pheae Bsllwoed TL Lady at Edward ftolmaa. aodavtakar. 230 Ttrlrd at. CEMETERIES. BITEB YIBW Blnrts graves, 210 family brts, turn to BtvOtu: the nly cemetery In Pert land which perpetually aaalntalne snd caret for hits. Pa full Information, apply ta W, R. Mackesale. Werceetsr block, city. W. M. Lsdd, preside t. CITY Blsrl graves. 810; family lots, f JS S TPI. . Superintendent at eeuaetery, craer of rrvnaont at. snd Cully roaa. Pbon Tihnr Pel. Per full Infnrautioa apple t Prank SchleeaL Bus Commercial hlk, Psa Main 1UA REAL ESTATE TRAKSFERS. Title t.'Ua rente A Trast eoenpaaf ta Union Asler, tot 8 and eaet H of i..t 10, block 01, Hanayetd Third addl " ....I - Bit F nra A. Baker to Warren J. Burden, i t !, block 13. Mount Tahn Villa Aenex , 108 I ..reraity Land coan pair to Edward I.. Ilawlef. lot 12. block 143, L'alVsr ' Park , 878 1 rerstty land company t Berths L. ' t'awlay, lot 18, block 143, I'alvorstty isfk . ' 2TI RKAL laTATKjrilAySFKRa. Edward A. Iu tor ta Andrew aad Br- hara ki ,ul I., li. nl lot. IS . tA lu, block 15, Alblna Ilocneeteed....... 1.900 Herman Metsgec, trustee, ' t O. B. end al.y IWlu, lot J. block 2. Baser Tutr I'ark Osatt Inveatmeat company to Conrad ftchMb-, lot to, block 4, Bar los s , aduitaua te Bt. Johns U. aad Hilda LlndSU te W. W. Be tore W a kUwfr as. Alhiaa Home. at4 T. P. Hlgglaa ta George W. McOoy, lota k . rd in hUwtt l: lata It Bad L an. blocs at m no. black s: Vxa 11 ssd is, black s, rrunsass aauitioa.... aw University Land company te Andrew J. Joeee- lets VII. Mil sbJ L hWk 144. University Park 000 University Land company te Andrew J. Jones. Iota 82. 8 Bad 24, block 144,, University Park '. .000 Real Batata Investment aeeoclettoa te . Mary L. May. tola sad 0, block 100, ; Sell wood ' 19 iah aad L. J. r si-low t S. U Greens, , eoutu (est ec tot a, bums so, ecu-, wood - an a M. aad Msr ' Martla to B. A. J r Eaatiaod,. lot 1 block la, Bottoek - ' addltloa ' - 10 Cor and A Ibis tins Beugstsk te Orena - Wattalagioa Realty company, las ' , beginning at anrtkweat eoraer or Joha " ' lii'lle.'t auoetiua Jaml .rlalm.i la asa Hob 6, township 1 startli, range 1 eaat;. alao land commencing at a point la . aortk boundary of Joha Wlsdle'a doaa ttoa land claim, S.7S chains east of v weat boundary of aald claim; also blocks 171 and 178. ' ralreraltr Park.. M.BS0 B. U aad Caroline W. Woodward te o. R. M. Co.. a tract la aad ion a and 10. towaabln 1 aorts. ranae 1 eaat WO Ambmae . Oasteobala to tllmbeth . fipenrer, north Vt of lot d. bsock 14, (kwck'a addltloa 14.000 Adam W. Moody to Ell P. D Bord, lots a aad 3, block T, Montlcello . 000 W. H. and Iialay Keraranca te Wllllaa A.- Iladdea. lot S3 and east. H of tot - 114, -Wck--lr Roaelawn &mnttv.-rr;Tlr.-;?13 Mary and William. Illska to Katella JUd- den, 0ila0 (oat beslnnlng st s point , , 100 feet Borth of a point In soetb line .of block N, M. Pattoo's tract, whk la ton feet eaat of snuthwaat ams of aald block N 000 Bacnriiy Barlncs aj Trust eompssy te Albloa L. UUe et sL, tot 1 la nortk v of doabl block I, city - Arbioa L. till st al. to B. J. Daly. tot 1 la north tb sf dosbls Mock 1, city .'. BT.OOO B. i. Daly te Blbsrnla Sartnr bank. lot 1 la Berth H at doabl block I. ' . city ' .10 If. B. Thorn neon st sL to ism A, Clark, lata -and 8. Mock 1, aohdlrt- . a loo of nortbeset H ef , tract D, . la M. Patten's tract J....'. TB0 John T. and Maggie' 0. Baler to Wil liam Andaracb, V acre of ssctloa 14, townslilB 1 south, ranirs I saat... TTI Bf. at. snd Mary Delebant to B. D. Power t aL, sontb 0 feet of lot 4. the east H sf tots B and B, and all of tots T sad a, Btoek a. Railroad Shops sddttloa 12.300 Joha P. Wilson et aL te Waltee Web ster et si., tots IT snd 1. block SB, . Original Townslta sf AIMna. - 10 Blanche A. and B. M. Blumaosf ta Caleb M. ssd Mary J. Martin, tots B aad B, block' 0, Wllana's addltloa 1.800 Columbia Talley Treat company to Bl bert N. and Bfsry J. Bsrsey, lots d snd B, Tim's soMlrMoa of block 4, Bnittbsoa Lssd aompany's addltloa.... 10 Bonhlo and P. W. Tubbeslns to James - , l anleon. lots 10, II and 13, block 20. ' WllUmefta 4,000 A. B. snd J. W. Orllhe to 0. B. Shafer, lot 1, block S. TlDbtft-s Bomeetead... , BOO T. a. aad OUre A. Bobiaoa t Pete i. Yaeirar. lot 12, block IS, Uaesla Psrk . addltloa M t. O. snd Ollro A. Bobhisna te Peter . Miller, lot 12. block IS, Llncola Psrk ddltloa ......f 2S0 Plord ssd Carrie Jam Its Charley . , Swaamas. tot II. block s. Highland . M-t . S UW nrDSiniDnMj Bud 1 1 ....,.., S,WV Coller Endowment sasoclstloB te C. J. wuiisms. tots.ll snd 14, block la. College Plies BB0 B. and Delay Bare to Arthur L. snd Minnie Petri, saat M 1-B feet of lot 1. block IS. William Arena addition. 1.SS0 Title Onaraate A Trnst company te ' I Percy Pop Dabney st sL. 4.110 feet ' beginning st a point ta eertb exten sion of west line of 0. P. Lent's ' , trsct, Bt) feet north ot Borthwast cor- ' ner ... ...,,.,.... , . , L. 0. sad Lena Phuholm te John" Lla- dahL tot 7. block 2, Geo era 1 Ander- nn'e ad.tltlos 7 Arleta Land company to P, R. Edlafata. lot 12. block 4. Ina Park. i'oU."iai'', J.. M. rlnn to H. C. Wolfe, block so, wood laws . Bunnyalde T end A Improvement Company to R. end Katharine Powers, tot 13, block B0. Snnnralde Second sddttloa... Oonrsd snd Csthsrlne Green to M. Kebrlt, wet FO feet of lota IS and 14. block IS. Bannyalde Lsnrs M. snd 0. Q. Osmmsns te Kmma Munbnvea. lot 14, Mnenla Park....... it. L. ssd Msy W. Bolhrook to Carotin Bstseoa. lot 1, block 16: lots 1, S, S, 4 snd S. biodg 2. Eaat St. Johns B. Iveraoa et al. to Lata Mav Lane, lot B and , block 11. Portsmouth Villa Eltenelon C. J. sud Clara Jones to Beery PnlL lots 18 snd 14. block 10. Llncola Psrk. W. B. snd Daley Hererance to B. B. Battln. west 4 of tot 24, block 1. Boaelawn Annex addition. Oeorge and Hanns Miller to William B. MeltOB, lot 4, block la, rursr's addi tion , Wsrrea 1. sad Ids B. Burdea to R. L. Ilenlnrer, lot 4 snd north H of tot R, block 2. Miriam Joseph B. and Ids P. Per ner to t. O. Schmeder,' acrs of the Ellas B. , , DsTldSoa donatloa mod Claim.. BOO t.soo boo 8.190 100 1.850 1.080 1.254 630 Par sbrtracts. title loans, call ss Pacific Title A Trast somas, 1U4-6-0-T Falling balldlaa. Oet year rnsnraaes ssd sbstrsets ta real eatat from th Title Guaraate A Trast eeas pany. 240 Waahlngtoa street. NOTICES. REDEMPTION OP BONDS OP TUB OBEO0j CONSISTORY NO. 1, OP PORTLAND, OR. -Dated April 1. 1002. ' The following aanibrrsd bonds of th above Isene hav been draws la conformity with article X of the mortgage exeented te tb undersigned. dated April I, IS03. aacartng aald bonds, ssd will be pall By tbs Security Savings A Trust Oo, of Portland, Oregon', ea April 1, 1007, upon eurrender of the bond. Interest Will te accrue ea and .after e 21 . 104 ens 812 401 24 los 2nd , AtS 424 41 108. SM SSg . 43 144 261 841 . 4IS ' - V Wl '. ." 148 2 850 467 SO ,- 1S2 ' 3T8 SS4 44 TO 161 28 82 . fill SS , 11 . 24 87 BIS ' 0 101 27 Ml ' Ml p lot ran sua mi 101 Sll 200 400 MO SECURITY BAYINOB TRUST CO., Treat. IB TBB COT! NTT COURT OP TB BTATB OP Oregoa, for Multnomah County. Is th matter ef the estate ef Hyppoltt , Dutard, deceaeed, . State of Oregoa, County ef ' Multnomah, as. The naderalgned. sdmlnlstrstor wtth fha will sanexed of the estate ef said deceased, situate within the state of Oregon, he a Bled ' In this eoart bis Anal account ss such adtnls tatratnr, and notice Is berby rleeu that Thnrsday. tb 18th day of April, 10OT, at 0.-80 o'clock a. a.. baa, by thla court, bees set as th time, snd the county courtroom, la Mult ' Bomab county, as the place for the settle ment of ssld Bnsl account, ssd th bearing and determining of objection thereto. Dated March Bth. 10U7. , J. 0. FLANDERS. ' Administrator with the will snasxed of the , eatat ef said eosseeed, altaate wlthts the stats ef Oregoa. IH TUB DI8TRICT COUBT OP TBB UWITEt BUte for the district of Oregon. ' In the axatter of th eatat f th EstaradS . Wood Manufactarlng company, bankrupts. The undrralgned will receive eesled bids Bp to 12 o'clock Bona of March 28. 100T, for sll of the following described rest estate, together with tbs Improvements tberaoa, ba lancing te aald sststs, to-wlt: Iota 2. 8. 4, B. B. T, S. B. 10. 11 and 11 sf block B. Eatacada, Clackamas eoesty, Oregon, snd also all Implement snd tools seed Is and shout said plant seoordlog tt Inventory thereof bow oa fll. A check for 11 per rent most accompany each offer snd tb sale Is subject t ea firm t ton by th eoart. . Inventory Buy be sees at Sir office Ssd ' property may be Inspected st Bstscsda. Dated, at Portland. Oregon. March 8. MOT. - B. L, SABIN, True tea, '' t No, T Pint St., room A TBB annual moetttar of th stockholder of th 'Oregon Parslturs Masafacturlng company Vlll he held st the office of the company, 1214- , 1344 Macadam mad. Portland, Oregoa, oa Wedneedar. Mirch 87. I07, at B . m.. f.a? tbs pnrpoas ot electing tb hoard of dlrerturs for th ensuing pear snd transacting noa other bnsl nee ss may properly com before the stockholders meeting. PLtrrcUER UN ft, Prldt. BEMOYAL NOTICB J. Bsttsela, Ultor, hag removsd frem Hotel Seett, 6M Bar aald et, . serosa atreet to 881 Bsrastad. KOTICES, tl Ttm eoesty caart of te state of Orasws. for the eoaaly ox Mnltawenab la th aatee of the eatat of B. V. later Mxrrhv deceaeadi Notice ta becaey gteva that It ease a K.laer Mnrrla, saex-ntrls of the Mlata of BV B btst Morrla, deceaeed. baa tlM ta the eeansy eoert st tb atats of Owgs -r Maltassasll county, has final acres, aad t'ratt ss sack eiecutrli. and aaM eoert be by eritoe dely mad and entered bereta..ass4Bd Twiaaay. the lth of March, liar?, at the boar vi no o'clock a. si., snd tks mtiuis of aald eoart la the city of Partlaad. aald ceaaty and ibi, as ins tiBM and piac ryr aeerias .objections te said acsosat aod far the settle- aimt of the aaM. tetd rrhraary IK laOT. U1NN1R BonVBT MORBtB. Bxeeatrlx of the Laat Will and Testa saeat of B, WlaUr Morris. Pocaaaad. MKETDTO KOTICKS. mwrnntKi lodob ho. lit A. P. A. M Stated eeeaaml- catloa this (Meadayl eesalag at T-SO o'clock. Barkbard bids. Work ta the P. C decree. Tlalt- tng brathrea o-elcoroe. C. B. MILLBB. Bseretsry, WILRRI.M TELL LODflB NO. fl, O. D. R. B. attend the mnaral of oar late brother. A a too Oniee, Tuesday. March 19, 10T. Members will meet at Carles' baO st 10 o'clock sharp, fwelcee at St. Josenh's chnrch. 10:W a. nv, l&th and Conch ats. Interment Bitot cemetery. w. WAIXRR. Bacratsry - AMJRBAS BIN MO. Prealdaak . AyBVRROBBRN CaaiB. ' ., eaeees 'dneaday seoalag. Allaky bids.. Third sad rrleoa at. r . M. W. A. Oreroo Ore pa Cam a. Be. .ST1, Moa days. ITth ssd MarabaUi rial tor wslsoaae. LOST AXpfOUKDs. BFTWABD fVw present address of the roUowfns: xtr. rieuis Lareoa, . 14 Urend sea., aortni Ultas Orara Daelar 91 CrnA see.! Kdlth 1 Keys, IA2M Pas Lin Madt Mrs. I. 'BtorL a ABB) SI.: Mrs. Koy O. WBIpBlS, BBS ttOO- scy are. ISO Yamhill at. v . POUND A place ta have hair BMtmasa raaa. rated and returned seas dev. S3S Prsat sL K Mais 474. ' Portland CwmaVBskr Isctory. U. Metagec, proprietor. POUltn A bald-faced sorrel horse, weight BOO so Bad. M. Murphy. Pseifle 2200, BOMERODT left a esas st tbs kastness effloa of tb Oregon Dally JoumsL . . LOST Oh 23d sad Wsahlnrtoa. gold watch snd fob; Initial an case. II. A. hLl return . or phone to A, Bwsnaon, TleoU Oardena, 23d and Wsshlngtea. Reward. LOST lady's gold watch. Dasher. Piamdeu mnvcaxnt; Ban ea esse, Berths L. Bal tock. Finder notify 347 Broad St.. Meats- ' vllls. Ubarsl reward. LOST March IT, oa a C car or postofflrs. a bunch of kays with asms "J. H. Mason." Retnra te A, B. Mason, first National bask. Reward. T HELP WANTED MALE. MOKKTI MOltBTf Advanced every week t our sgenta; a full line. Including up-to-date Bpedaltlee. Writs for free csavsesiiig outfit. Capital City Nursery Co., Bales, Or. TOO cms Issra h epsrste mot to pteturas In short tlm; terms reaaouable: short hears, eaay work: salary . Particular, aall Newmss's Motion rtcture C 1454 Sixth St. WASTED Cabinet-maker. 10S North 11th at. WANTED Blgh-elass aalesmss for choice ter rltorlea; blgbast commission psldt sverything furnished ; raah advanced for expense. - A rare opportunity. Addrasa, aulck, Orsgoa Nursery, Sslem, Or. ME3t wlahmg to beenma dranghtsawB. tt will ray yoa t Invastlgata. Pbnaa Mala 1026. 14 McKay bldg. WANTED AT ONCE st are-bo It enrtsra, wares 81.60 par cord: steady work. Apply Wasters Coopersgg Co, ' Ilea mo bldg, Portland, vf Uonltoa. Or. WANTED Sslesmeat maay make 8100 te 01M per montn: om ma mors: stock eleana grows oa reaervstina. far from eld orchard! . raah advanced weekly : choice sf territory. Addrees Washington KBfsory eoaipaay. Tog. penuiu, w asningioa. - v MEN and boys wsntsd te learn Btambmg, piss taring, bricklaying, electrical trad; fre cataloges; noatttons secured. Coyaa Trade acnooi, new xors sna saa rrsaciao. . WANTED Every crank to call at Bord Te Co., 80 Pint at., for "Ardmore Coffee"; 8 oa, w uss yoai yoa snow warn ana way o sua. - WB get work for mi members; special aneea- sa. . x . at. m. a, rearth aad xasthiu. PAClPfO STATIONERY A PBINTIN0) CO. 806-207 Second st. Pboae Bala 83t Wa deaiars and Inatatl the aaoat aaodero ael ' Imnroved office systsmsi eetaptota llo to teac niing aevica. .i 81.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOO Against accident, sickneas and death. . Writ or call and Investigate. Northwestern Bealtk A A evident Aasortattoa. Room 81, 208 Stark at. - Agents Wanted. MEN AND WOMBtt te leera the barber trad In lrht waeka; gradnate ssra from 816 te i sa wsesiyi expert instructors; catalogue fre. Afsler SrtaB of College. 88 forth Poarth SL. Poetised. WANTED Mrs for mill snd woods. Apply st mill; corns vis Clarsmont tavsra or Psi too. Union Logging A Lumber Co. ... Y0UNO men desiring to better their coBdtttoa sail aa emptoymeat department. X. M. C. A, J WB caa ass several ones ever 30, of ability, to pre para for D- 8. cuton-bons rvtce; 8000 . to atar. life positions. Writs Pacific States - ncnoow, aicftay oiag., city. WANTED Young mea to ouallfv as railroad telegraph opera tore : wage 378 te 880 per anooin. sppiy immeuisieiy, any or eveaiag, Oregoa College. 803 Commonwealth bldg. WBY work for salary Be yens ewa boas. Sara from 100 ta 8200 a week; very little mover , required. For particulars address R 148, car JoarasL WANTED Male stenographer , in Taw office) salary ta start, 828. 618 Psatoa bldg. WANTED Olasers sad glass wwkr to meet Monday Bight, Draw kail, 162 Second at, ta xorm orgsnisstioB. . e WANTED Painters to Jots Pa tat ere nlcm; charter eloaee Wadneeday, March 30f fe fL, ai ee tings irew nau. lux ' Wedncsdsy night. SALESMEN Biak big Btoosy worVIng tar aa experience nnneceeaary. rrscine Aid Aaeo elatloa. 234 Lumber Bxchasg bldg, Port land, Oregon. BOYS wanted te wrap soap. - LgarkaL Klsg A Cake Co, 4S Boyt St. . WANTED Good aboemaker. 883 Williams ave. REPRESENTATIVES la every dtp and town; annsusl opportunity . ' Addr, actoa1ng stamp, for Dili particular, Bronka-Bennstt Novelty Co., 880 Sixth st, Portlaad. Or. . WANTED A No. 1 fire escape maa snd helper. ininmnia wire a iron works, 808-870 East Washington at. WANTED Strong hoy to leera trade. Coturn, bi wire Iroa works, 808-870 Bast Wash, tugtoa at. ,... WANTED Twe boys tor drtvsrs, light delivery wire, awsani voai eciauuei f vo BOY wanted. Apply Lovejop A Llncola, book binders, 134 Plrat st. TAILOB wanted to ores paata. Union Tailor. lag l., suos stars at. WANTED Person to travel la bobm territory) salary o.ou s-r nay anu expenaes. Andreas J. A. AlsztDder, 128 Plymouth riaca, Chl- iii. ... STABLEMAN wanted. Habtrt A HslL tOB Poarth at. Bear Madison, SEWBB DIOOBRS, 12.80, 0 Bonrs. 18tb ana iBnpoa ats. .., WANTED Three mea (married) to work la brick and sewer pips rectory ; also five Inrl men; permanent cmploysiest. Call at office ef Diamond llrlck Co., Ankeny at. dock. WANTED Partner with 8300 for efflra bnal- ssisry .o weekly, guaranteed: expeg). ry, nooni a, 10 nixtB st GOOSE WANTEB I will psy well for well. ens pea sons tn a ss a' bmoi for bill board Work. Bring goose te Portland Cnsa merelal elnb. Sixth St. entrance, gronnd floor, Tuesday svsalng at t 'tock. Ira Pewara. HELP V A XTEIV 4TM ALE. WANTEI Ladlea to prspar for commercial telegraph poeltlona; wages 876 to 10 per ' nionrh. Day and evening sees too. Apply Immediately. Oregon Culleg, Aug OoaawaM waatiiai mug. , BANSRN'B LADIES AOBNCT, "A Waab isgtoa et, cor. Berenth, apwtalrs. Pboa Mala BS0A Faanala help wanted. filRLa WANTED Operator to work ea ahlrts nd averalla. Isssons given t leer aerie aeeo. Apply at Btasdard factory 8. Oraad ave. ana ataaa jayaor ex. OIRLB WANTKD Apply Btasdard PacSory Me, . s. wrana . ssd Ksst lay hoc as. WANTED A competent girl for general baa work : good wage. 1318 Beat Marrleoa st. r 41 7 Commercial Bldg. . . MATUBB woman, refined, of aned adjiaa. glee part tlm for orgaalslag vrorfe with Aid aocmties. CU wo Tilford bldg. WANTED Otrm to work double- tltch I chines. Isaulrs lits-Wsll factory, TB First. WANTED Compete at girl fa work; good wages. B23 Montgomery. BOUSEKEBPER wanted for email faanilyi ae chlldres; good boms. Call Boo BSST ma St. WA jrTV.D Two good chambermaids st tha Ar- Bllniu Bote I. .jib sna Morrison WANTED flood girl for general house work r o assisx. sal aixta ac, coraar viar. ' WANTED Olrl to wart tat baata bkry. Apply 164 Grand are. , WANTED Olrls for choeolst roost. M odors Confectionery Oa. WANTED A Blrl lor 804 College at. OIBLB wanted to work ea panha. Untoa Tsll. rlng Blaca v . W ANTED Apprentice; on that sea ssw Say wbll learning, azs xnrrn ax. WANTED Smart yotmg gtrls to wrap chewing goni. Americas Chicle Co, 81 north rroax ai, MALE AND FEMALE HELP. SEVERAL ladles aad gentlemen! to take part in kxlre drsmasi give phone. Addrsss Y 164, care Joaraal. WANTED A law good sstlcttora, stela aad female; Best propeeirTow tm rwi. w moae to the right pert toe. Pbone Selleroad 71. Coraa Bast 18th st. aad Umatilla ave. . HPLP wasted sad supplied, mat sr fmala 8L , MA.,, SB ' ' - Sarl. ISTA. u. uraa. fm , - If AN and wife te take charge ef chicken reach; experiences Irermau prsiaa-tsu. ; ai Joaraal. ' 8TTTJATIOX WANTED MALE. A BOY. IB years old. wanted ta work ea aairy. 888 water at rorusne, vr. . - WANTED Employ ment by young sua psrt of sfteraonns and venlngs pay aot much ab ject. R 187, journal. STTTJATTONS" WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCE T) Burse wish work by the day or week: also gtvs sea as it nsina Baa masssx te Invalid. Pbon Main 1B2S. BBaRaaBeRestBsaerwsssfasearswsasBaacaaasaSam ' EMPLOTMENT . AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT OO Legging ssmp sud farm help a epeclslty. 10 North Second at. Phoaa Mala B20B. We pay all telegraph charges, i . HANSEN'S BMPIJYMRBT OPPICB . ( 'FOB MEN. 20 North stocosd at. . Pboo Msta IBS. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPPTCTI tfiBU Morrtsoa st.t Ihoo Pectri 2S1 rf rforth Second at '...... rJ-fg .P , WANTED -AGENTS. ' a . AGENTS if yoa are tooting tor a aaeney. maker It will I nee MB to call M I OB. . W - hav what ya hav been tooting for.- Coa- aumers' Snpply Co., all commercial nia. AMI hnertee to - aaeb Snwa or locality ' BanQls memcinea or op; write ia , w.e R. M. f rammer, ztm Tniro n. RELIABLE a rant a for ear dlatnfacttng ma chine, floor oilers, -dar polish, fir axttn- : gulsber, etc. ; big eommlaaloos; sseelal stsrt big offer. Badger Coeaiioal Mfg. Co., MU- wansee, wte.- WANTED TO RENT., WANTED TO RENT Rosses, cottages, fiats, atora. afflcsa, rssmlng boaasav ate. , Lead. ; lords srlTI do well to call ea PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP ORBOOK 1. 72. S. B Cor. 3d aad Oak. WANTED T rent furnished 8 room ajodera house, good location, good yard; twe children. Address r izz, car journal. WANTED TO RENT Hoseee, eottagaei, fists. stores, roomlng-booaas. of f los. . 804 Mohawk ' bldg. ... WANTED Bmailng-boeae. terme; no agents, . Addr Waah. brick building; B, vsncoaver. WANTED To rent furnished d sr 6-room ent- tag. modera: froni vwnera only: Be chlldrea; rsfermc. jl ion, ears Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF til wsnt te sell quick, list with P. Pacha, WANTED Lets ar bouses sad lots ea east aod west side. Room 4. 16TH Pint aL WANTED Corner Has Bear Unloa Hawtbora svs.t cash. rbeM Bast 628. CASH for vacant -or tra proved real dene prop ecty f price Is right. Wlnka, 404 Lumber . Exchange. ' WANT saveral aear In nburbaa lota at raa- eonabl price, 0 1A8, Journal. I e. WANTED Lot and amsll boas, fax ubrb. - Address B ISO, JearniL - WANTED MIS CELLAN KOt'S. MAIB 3m. CASH AND LOTS OP IT FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, -811 First SL MAIN BOSS. MAIN BOSS. W A NTE IV Ron-ntne-howee. brick building) B.. ti terms; ne agent. - Addreaa A. 1 Oraad ave.. City. ' CASH for household good. 846-841 First at. Phsaa Savage A Pa Pseifle 800. WB WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN HALVAGB CO, 82T--028 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TBB. e. WANTED Pnrnttare snd boaeebold god ef every aeemntlon oouglit. Bold and egcbangse. The B 233 First st. Msla 687A 3 - H ion EST re - hand gooda. 1 ptica paid for Q kinds d rboas mib iii. 82 B. Third, WB haul dead horses and cattle free. Fertiliser Works, or notify Carney's Prtert sary, Fourlk sad Oils a at. Msla 1000. CAN a 88.000 worth fnraltor this week) highest price paid 10 city. , w eaters sal vage Co. I' bone 783. t WANTED One sr twe good eeensd-band tog ging trucks: awe som email eanie, Blocks and tools necessary in logging; give partlaa, tare. R 160, JouraaL WANT to trap to head horse. Bast Sid Laundry Co., Baat Aab and Sixth. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. NEWLY furnished rooms In private bom, be tween two car lines, walking distance) will pie board to one gentleman; hot bsth, gss, telephone; lovely borne for fight people, 838 Bortkerlck. Phone Bast 0080. , TBB BICBELIEU, 88H Borth Sixth et-Ble. gantlr farnmbd aieem beat and baths. TBB ORAND, 4(1-4 North Third at: geatiemea. 81.ZB per week ana as. V TBB YKMBH-L, 881 West Psrk Rooms by day or) -week ; stesm beat, balb, phone tran sient. ELEGANTLY rumtahsd spsrtmsnt at ' Tb Woodland, 266 Blxth st. THE ARCADE. 148X4 First Bt, near Marrleoa. furslabad tmoma 23c to 111 trsnaleaL SINOLB reom. near Hotel Portlaad. rath at. .Mala 4008. " : 188 Bar- FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, NICELY farnlabad outeld rooms; slsctrl tight and rhooe; 81.18 per week ssd up- Call ssd se. Pbon Paclfl 318. 868 WASHINGTON ST. Large, well fu room ssd tabls board. Pbooe Matnf BitAl. NICBLY furnished,, for sua ar twot privsta ismuyi raaaooahl. zo 11th St. ' PINBLY furnished for housekeeping. 8 lower floor cottage, close Is; pboae free. siw main b FOR RENT On furnished st. Pboae Kaad 6506. 874 MargU NICB rooms. BOB Madlaoa at. Phone Paetfie B1L TO BENT Newly furnished rooms (3), walking Distance, oou nsst ismblll St. FOBRENT-r-HOCSEKEEPINO. PURNISBED sr wfurnlabed Boasekssplng and sleeping rowan, gi.xn wcs, aaae a anu 6-room cottngas. turnwhed or acfurnalhed. on west side. . 864 North 38th.) W car to join, turn left half block. 81.M WE ICE UP, large. lsaa. furnished heuse kepUg rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Bb. mas outBfc A-nrttaaa. 11.28 WKKK sUP. cleaa. furnlabsd beasekeee- hg ' mat, parlor, bath, lasodry, fa mace - . ews oKaaitsa, u caur. THE MITCBBLL Uooaekeeplag and tree toot rooana, reeaooaDea. asveath sad f laaaars. NICELY furalabad ream for hooeekeentng. nlte of two, 2 per sulU. . 881 Hood Bt, itTrv rnoa racKie 14a. IO BACH tor S I room furnished fists, close in. Tins view. Pkoaa Mala 160T, 632 Sev enth, et. ,, , . LA RGB light boueekeeplnr-room, well furnished eio itia st. rnons Mala 0836, WANTED AT ONCE -Pour young ladles suauw Douaexeeping rooma. gos Foartb st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 448 Fifth at. SUITES of honsskeeptng rooms) gas. bath, fre . pnoa; . siao rooms by the week lor n only. 330 Columbia st, ' Pboae Mala 01BL TWO rooms for light houesksaplngr gas and bath. 4 SO Ksst Washing tos St., eor. Btht 810. S OR S houaakseptng-rosBas. beeement rooms. housekeeping, furnished or aufnmtsnad. 08 Bsventh st., near The Oregoa hotel. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TO LBT 1, S or 8 large unfurnished room. Intnlre at Port land Qua A Bicycle .Oa, 181 r lrai ax. POUB ftaa aafurptahad roome la a swell atga Borneso, wvs 1 aids, u isa, care aonraai. HBW 4-roora flat, bath, gas, 14 ibvb stsrksi St. ROOMS AND BOARD. TBB MORRISON, formerly the Hesperian Lsu-ge comrorrsnie rooms, rnngas una es suite. newly ruraiehed; best tsbia Basra; pi moderate. 638 Marrleoa st, earn 17th. COMTO&TABLB room for teea ar ttirse gen tlemen, with orestrBst aad e-etork dln r; private family; bom Booking; all con veniences. t02 North 19th St., aear Mar shall Pheae Pseifle 2417. . . BOSEDALB (tha Barrsll eststs). 404 10th and Madison, Just opancdt every th lug nrsi-cisss., piswiy rurniansa tureugnoux. FOR RENT HOUSES. MODERN 6-room cottage. Buna aside district) t 8100 down, be lanes like mat A. P. Smith, owner, 610 Oommarcial blk, . FOR RENT Boaas In good repair. B line eoenuoB. tjeu or snores lea Ooaeh st Phone East 60BO. S-ROOM bones for rent aad furniture tor salei a bargain. SOB Barriaoa at. 6UARANTBED a advertised. W caa rent or sell your souses, rooms, flats, eRIees, stores, farms, - acreage. Iota; Hat now for Meters advertising.. 204 Mohawk bldg. ONB aaodoTB 6-room boas, clean, scat. 816) env ui, ir wruowi aeeaew, itbb, nain, w a. u 11 n . t.. 830; Snaayslde. lnqulr MeOragor, 830 xambiii at, ar 331 glut sotk at. 4 AND 8-room cottages, ea wast side, furnished or aarnrnished. Key 804 North entB Bt, ' corner Barter; W csrs. Furnished houaskMp- ing-rooBM, l.xo wssa. - - BROOM houee. 88 ner month: 1068 Ohio at . near Hamilton ave., Soath Portlaad. Apply Blmoa Btelner, Bamlltsa are. aad west et. FOIl1 R elaaa RENT 0-roots moderfv home la flrst- oondltlon. SOS East flat St., Kenll- worth. Key at 804 S2d aL Phone Baat 738. WB rant A Co. aad sail piaaoa. Sbsrataa, .Clap MODERN a-roors $U& aer swath. 26T McMlllsa at.) teat FOR BENT 0 roam cottage. 822 Unloa ave. is. mono woooiawa 001. FOR RENT e-room bouss. t blocks from sat line, cheap.' Phone Wood la wa 684. S-ROOM cottage to let, only SIR ad DlvletoB eta. H. U Palmer. B4th FOR RENT 8-roora Pboae Pactfla 604. bouts, good condition. Call 488 Han St. MODERN T-oofB house, eoraer Mth aad Ash, 1 120. iaoulre at the earner etors. Bast 3o37, FOB RENT Twe new 6-room flats, appef gad owr lioor. inquir i 1 aixta at. FOR RENT 8 aatiBI bona, modern; 824 floV . get at., 1 Clock from Bellwooa sr I1B ictns iigBt aau water) le. FURNISHED HOUSES. NICELY furnlahed cottage. 4 rooms, pan try end bath, 616. Call at store, 28th aad Powell st. Tab Woodstock ear. FOR RENT ft-room modera furnished boo, Phone Woodlaws BIB. . B-ROOIf eMtags.'stanilsned BafnrnislMd. vast side, gloss in. - in. miTiibii m asiixij. , 1A Fourth SL '.-... HOUSES FOB RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. PTJRNrTTTRB ef B room and hlgh-grad niano; will sail st bargala If Uksa at aaea. BIB Unloa ave, Bortk. FUBNrTUBtBT of sir rooms and kitchen, asta plets, excellent condlttoai rent 820; roar ewa price: i will -accept any isasnaable after. 104 Grand ave, north. WB ased farattare at say price. Portlaad A Be . ties Beoass. 211 First st. Mala BOSS. reonnis rent; goou muoey-maaer; fuoo Uka ttii. BAOnfATt A BLANCIURD, vi rirta FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFPICB-BOOMS. enfarBt:hsd roome and aaac ple-room fog renL Uamlaoagh bldg. Apply IP YOU are latcreated la aa np-to-dat ground noor nrrice or fleas room, can at ft Third t, op posit the Chamber of Commerce. PLATE TRONT. ateam heated etors, low rent; rins locstion; long a. Appiy on premteea, MS Waahlngtoa st, next to Wolfs Jewelry store. . .. GOOD light offices snd sleeping' ,Tbe tnrve, sixit w asniagton at. FOR RENT FARMS. Pi VB acre aear MontvlIl. nttabl for chick en, gardening, , small dairy) son, barn, fruit, wall; near school, 10 months. - Motley, 804 North 26th at.) W cars. FOR BENT 10 acres, boos, bare, an fenced: 10 acres enltlvstsd. balance paaturei B mile from trolley line; cbeen If rented ooa.-Ownrr 831 Eaat Eighth St., N. Phone Eaat t10. FARM . with 30 Jersey cows, near Portlaad. , Particulars Kerma, 1Mb and Balaey ats. RUSINESS CHANCES. 8210 BUY8 a rsstsursnt with good esah trad) cheap rent; a nsp for man snd wife; clear 88 snd 80 aer dsy. Addr B 1A0, Journal. A BARGAIN Millinery s tore, la cna . A sdereos, country towa of 600. Address B, M, 174, Kales, Waah, BUSINESS CHANCES. Rooming-louse v- Bargaii! , . - Popular honss la heart sf city, furnishing . the bast; teaee; a great money-makeri argent rsasos for selltng; worth 3.6io. I will sail for 82.4110 cash. X It, ears Journal. AGENTS MEED NOT IM VKST10ATB. Grocery Snap Grocery store fa aoaasctina with meat atar set, ai location, ease tiae: s goou oo, 1 eew double wigon. I lie aet et hameeec, 1 el ogle; good alugle wgoa and barnaaa; all cSti an Itockl must b sold SI once; uia uie- nt; owner going te Europe. AO-arses r .aa. a Journal. 1 - GOOD INVESTMENTS! . . I., imm. A m h. mm a l.ti--1 - Partner wanted lu aawnilll and general merchandise atom, on .good harbor, aloes to large body of timber: large retnra for capital or f 10,1100 or mors. Farm snd timber land for sals. Timber .elatma fne locstion.. For Information send stamped jjjTalop .t bh j-m. naiuport, tjregoa. ... Loci Here '' If roa wish to sail or exchange J ' rooming-hones fog reel sstats. see Deanest A King. They hare buyers sad property few exenanga. csu Zeg Madlaoa St. aitia twra. Chance ct a Life-Time Aay rsspontlbls proa who commands first-class references snd has aot lees thaa 83.000 la cash Immediately available will find It to his or her sdvsntags to call oa N. Campbell, roome 214-216 Ooinmerclal blk, Portland. Oregon, at once. This Is a business propoatttoa and cpen ta aa proB only. j . - , FOR SALE A cbote rooming and boarding Boose, in nn Btgnnornooa on r.sst ijib at. ; rant sf bouse only 837.60 ner month 1 first lss furniture: owner tick aad must B1L For term, price, ate, sr , n - ai.tni cl, m- anna?, . . '-..862 But Msrrisoa L ' ' ALBERTA. CANADA. If yoa are thinking of going to Aluarta and tnvsatlna In land, call and sea J. A Poster sboot It. Hs caa put yen nest to something good. Call evenings. 808 Bast Blxth St., soath., Portlaad, Oregoa.v . FOR 8 ALB Cleofsetloaery, horn bakery, ata tloasry, cigsra, too ceo- not leua, see, ntcmn Ing etore and dwUlng;Bo opposition 1 splendid eheaee fog maa and wlf. - Lock Be 144, Cove, or. -',' ... AN laterest la a growing real estate bastnaes caa be bad far a small aaaounti experwue not aacaaaary. bat references will be reo, aired Call tomorrow. 40s uatar BxcDaaga, - A FEBD etore, well located, lew rest, far aalal tb Invoice price will annate it; tne owner is old aad wests te retlr; bo arokara, . Mala 4(102. BESTATTRAnT for aala er rent! excelleat bad. neas; net monthly pront geuo. re. tt. Beg aia Tsacoaver, wtantngton, . . - HOTELS OUB SPECIALTY. If pear botel la tor sale, la er eat ef the) city, bring It to a aad wa will paouai a parchsssr without publicity. - Batsrea, Be tel Mea' aaoclatloa. P. L. AUSTEN A CO., Orirlnal Hotel Brokers. . , Bait 123 to 136, Abingtoa wag. V Pbobb Msla 488- BATE tbs hast opening ea the toast la wn eetcbllahad enterniis: . smsu osmtsi re quired; writ for particalsra. r, la, Bcbett, 404V4 Baat Morrison st. BAYB MONEY Anything ta printing ses Mad. dee. Odd rellow r lamp as. rirex aao AHtf tta. ; apatalra, - FOR SALB OR TRADB Hotel Balaey. 100 miles from Portlaad oa Boomera pacifist a modern up-to-date boa, newly furnished 1 ha good commercial trad. Addreaa Hotel Ilslaey, Halssy, Or. FOR BALB 8mn stock et groceries and ftx tura. computing acalea, a now esse, tea chest, coffee ' mill - snd other fixture lonarlna to tb groeerr business selling, going east . by tbs first ef April cheep; price 8300. 0 148, JournaL PBOFITS from 210 t 8100 per eveutngi flae V chance for maa with small amount st , mosey. For nsrttclaara can at 14fiifc Sixth t, room a. , FOB SALB Shoe ehon, 16th aad Wsehlsgtoa tta. good trade aad pooe annas. FOR SALB Nicely furnlahed 4-eoom (dark green housebost st a barggia. root et ciay st., wsst sids. Biga Tor Bale" ever oo 81 UNFURNISHED room, eentrsl locattoa) rent retaouaoia. inquire is ubjob ave. SALOON One ef the very beet corners la this city for rent. Addrsst with reftrenoe. 1. ids, journal. - DRUG STORE LOCATION On f the best corners In the city for rent tot drag store. Auaresa u lost, jonrnsi. 12-ROOM bouss. well furnished, very central. 80S income, cheap rent, 8860. Hatfield A Bmitn, loo gonrta at. FOR SALE A (tock ef gluteiles. boree. wagoa ana Barn aad store nxtaraa, will Invoice bout 81.800; oa Roaaell Bt, Dn location; rood trade. Inautrs ef H. O. Rtttes A rv.. oxu vnew are., norm, aesr sxuseeu at. . PARTNER with 81.000 to Invest tn a Itvs proposition: good chance for a hastier. Ad dress x. ion, cars journal. WANTED Partner with 8200, fine office buel Bess; experience aaneeesasry: pays yoa 30 wsssiy. urn room a, xaok aixia et. LOOK Fine 18-room houee, good foraltnre, searty bsw; one of. th best locations in ths eity, near Oregon hotel; will go roc highest oner uiis wee a niy, m eiaaiaoo sr. DAILY milk routs sad cows for sl. nr. J. B. Foraaaa. 181 H Moirlaoa st. MEAT market for tale, fine tocstloa. Invoice or ramp pries; owner sirs, most ssu. naw tborn Realty O-, taft Mrgurlta ave,, cor ner n aw 1 noma, -jaeor sio. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. M.Bnn NEW 7-room modera aoaae) fnrnaes. n replace, cement sioewaiss, pa Tea streets, tiled bathroom and kitchen, gaa snd elec tric fixtures, wood fiber plsater, weathered oak. flnlah, BOxino lot) bungalow glad, on block from Bawtborn are. Buy sow and havs bona tinted to entt; 21.100 cash, bal ance 82S month. Including InteresL Owner, Tabor lot, .. .7" $800 fOT. 81st si, near Hawthorne ave.) graded atreeta, cement walks, restricted dis trict:, all fin honaea. . O. C. BHAT, lfsla 1041 804 Abtngtna Mdg. FOR SALB BY OW NER 6-room modern hens. . corner lot; fin location asat side: good car service; a Bargain, rnoa Eaat tooz, owner. P 184, car JournaL - JUST THINK Lots 830 ech at II per month. near naiem car nn. APPiy 10 OWBer, W. Rsldt. room is, Waahlngtoa bldg. ACREAGE of all aleea, easy . term, Bear Selem Una. W, Reldt, Waahlngtoa bldg. HAVE IS lot In Ml!wntt1 and nut sell; I'll 11 yoa on now, for 825 rath, next month another, one every month; tt many aa you want and all adjoining. - Bra , Irwin, Mil- waukls. Or. - - r- --,-- qtrgRTER Mock at 27th and Eaat Cllntoa ere., one n mora and one. e-room cottage, full basement; these ar modern; nothing nicer In Eaat Portland. Price $3,000) caa tlrr term. S-e O. W. Bvr, war. Sou aat Morrleha st. City. BI? Snap In Rouses Hon, 6 room, lot lyorlfld feat, for 1.100; bona, 4 room, 61.200: house, 4 room. $sso. Call on owner, Ira Kllborn, Lenta, Or. . . PORTAL) Pull lot. Mallory and Beech, '2700; tog a lew oaya, . snare t 17, care JournaL WB have a few good bargains In cross-In east a noaiee: tney win go quick. Terms. Room 4, 100 Second tt. Phone Paclfl H7. ASTORIA New Pacific coast eeaport. Northern rscuic railway. pot nergalna In acreag ddree bog 642, Aatorla, Ot. lavastnr only. FOR SALE Lot ea 20th and Beat Stark sfs. 1 t,'m e'-w op, terins. UWUSI, TOs ESSt Btsrk SL Phone Eaat I860. . COXY home, bargain; terme! might trade. Meitiejoha, Wilar Park statloa, 61. J oh as. FOR SALE KEAL sCSTATK. WB have Vt sals ths southeast corner of Unhn are. and East Mala at. at a price balow eu rounding pnierty; all sild ground atresia, sll solid grouud; cement sidewalk oa Luhm are.) le only one bl.wk from the location tt the eaat aide theatre and corners with tw lota Ihrye ot the beat posted men on real estate in the city lately tmreuaeed for double what ws can sell there lots for: Is tullaMs 'for any kind of a bite I nee or factory. Wa consider this tb beet buy en the eaat aids today. y W3o0'a Pjt Wsshlngrna tt. for $20,000; . bulldinis will rent fur f 100 per monia. If oa want proiwrtr ot thla kind sea as. -HI'CHtEL A KKttNS. ' , 8o3 Last Morris at. FOB SALB A aeet 8-room bouss near Wt ave. snd MoauvlUa sax Una; lot 100x100; price 61.600. . . Elegant 7 mom hoaee ea East Salmon st, gloss in : well worth eon1drlng; prlc $3,000. A beautiful bom on Eaat Mala St., Bsw, thorns Psrk: 6 rooms, big basement, furnace, tc.) nrlc ftl.OOO. A cliolc lot on Eaat 18th and Wt ah tag too tta.. Kill 00, handsomely altuated; or will dlrids te mlt buyer; Uroit, tc; prlc $8,600. A alee lot in Logan' addltloa, aear Eaet '. feth at. ear Hne; fa ore eouth. Is a good loca tion and a good buy for $tt50. - - Von ought to ses that elegant aew bens, . not gait completed, on East Waahlngtoa at. Bunny aide; fl rooma and fnil lot) prlc 83,600, BUCHTKL KERNS, , U3 Eaat Morrleoa St. I LOTS snd 4-ronia boose this stds ML Tabor st s bargain for a few days only) 61,100, Vanduyn A Walton, BIS Chamber at Oes- WHITE SALMON and Hoed River fruit landl W' ,1.7 -' -. w wj Willi Hmj ae .1111 cuwi'l Advance sure to follow soon. Vanduyn A Walton, B18 Chamber of Commerce. AN IBVINOTON HOUR. " A aew T-room modem house has fire, v place, - toilet and -iiets, - and- a- eornsr tot ' 60x100, full baaement, electricity and gast Erics 24.20O: terms. Call All SweUasd lag., cor. JMfth and Waahlagtoa ats. v PORTLAND HEIGHTS. , 800 feet frontage on rattoa road, 8 ' fine building sltss: altuated high above grade I large ihade trees; owner nust selly saa thla aad make aa offer,- , . . - - 0. O. SHAY, -- ' -- Mate 1843. 804 Abingtoa Mdg. WALKING DISTANCE. Bt.tSO Modsra 0-roota bones, haaatlPlTlf finished, large closeta snd batbl this Is etosa ta on East Blxth St., la a eholos raaidenea dletrtct: OxlOO lot. fin rows aad ahada , trees: good barn; twe blocks from S-mtnate car aarrloei bait eash, balaaoa per eaat. f , Q.C SHAY, Mats 1848. 804 Abingtoa bldg. B-ROOM sot tag, lot 80x100, eaa block frem car una, 10 minute' no ta rmaineee ssaur, $1,600. H.tfleld A Smith, 160th Paerta sU S-ROOM aew modern eottage, eeraer bat 100a 100, ea ear uav ge-Bue. uatxieid Smith. OSH . fourth aL . . MODE Bit T-reota boas, BB mlautss walk froia Third and Morrleoa ts, aat slda. aeasajra 471 East 12th at ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 acres, mostly shears a. gosa aooee snu nara, rat soil, Bee go cheap. Tha Title A Abstract Oa, reoaa A Mulhey bldg, Becond sad Morrlsoti sta. FOR SALB' BY OWNER 6-rooi hli I wttH bath, eornsr tot 00x100. ina wost ava, Mb. Tabor 1 MontavUla car. BXAYB twe btasts, will sell eaa ehosp aa oasp -Be S. YlaMBtsBB, 1444 Mrs) at Wood las FOB BALB Oa T-rseta Beeaae, na 6ntB bens, crass to steel Bridgei will gree atal, By tests, sax aes a. FOB BALB 6-room bene, 18th aad Msartgoaa. try its.) lot 40x80. Ownsr, TOO Baat Stars t. Pbons Bast uoa. A T-BOOM cottage, modern, fun baasaesat. alee uwa, rose sua sea. an axauuoi a bibcsb . from ear Has, 4 blocks from aeboolt arte $1,000) half oaah. OsU 801 SwsUsad bldg. 88.OA0 B7JYS a new T-room honss aad tot lOOg 100, concrete basement, good bare and ehWkesj bouss, 2 blocks from 2 ear tlntt, lagslra at 83 Rodney ave. STRIKE ON $0X80 each far 24 total large fall BIOCB near aa t. Boots liawi yarn asa anaae cue nburbaa borne er cell sspsrste at feed praflti mast be sold al eae $1,600. Tlimi Leuad -Co, 14BH Plrst sL 88.000 EXCEPTIONALLY er 71-built I lull sg 8 rootna, with besatlfal grewad KsVslgO, awed elds, excellent aelgbbeghsodi Wttmaat. far. aaee, fire place, urgs. stry. roocast boas could aot ba built I Borne Land Oa, 1464 Plrat TWO B-roota asttages Bar aala ta Mereod, 81,800 apiece. uaavo g 11 aa, tas aau lr ave. ONB T-room slsartwrsd huuss. for toss thsa eost, M beech wsSObVoV sfw-Q feMBstMaaU I blechl 1 T-esMB, I cheap; 1 basiawB sad SL JeAaa, Or.) bap B-room bouea. eioBsJa, aheap other propertyt an la SL Jehus, Or. I bap direct from ewner) real state Been need ael apply. For fur tha particular aBtneg beg TsB. St Johns. Or. . , - FINEST apartment alts ha tty. tot ts, V. 100x00! prle reasoaabas, AddXaaa 0 141, journal, ....... BARGAIN Hslf btock with three Biaait, all reatsd. ealy $8,000. wiraat wsteg and Curry. Also tisiosr Curry Bt j - land. Owasr. 134 PINB rubdlTlalou I propoaltioa ea O, W. P, close in. 21 seres; level, aa grave 1 1 targe's for aulck sals. Yaaduya A Waltoa, 615 Chamber Cocnmere. .. STOP PAYING BsTNT. v TrrxtOO, ea 8 ear Una, sssaU baata, . meet baaement, gardes. $878. 204 Mahswh bldg. LOTS, 80x90. near Be ear Una, BSOOa aatsd th money. B04 Mohawk bldg, WHY net be rear ewa land toed 1 We wl assist yoa ts that snd. 720 Corn merce. f 85.700 TWO road T-room bosses, a ws have this bar rata ror tu IS Bays. Regietrr A Co., 107H Third Bt FOR SATIS Imnroved aad sn Improved land la larrs or smsu Tracts, ema to god aenooae, stores, ste.i 28 miles from Portlaad: railroad; snd - ateemboat traaaportatloa. 1 rnllartaa. Warren. Or. T-ROOM boase wtth H aere, 1 block fronj Ieats) also 10 acre mil Berth ef Mt. Scott car. By Mrs. Hssld, Orsjr'B Orosadsg, , at water tower. MODERN 6-room eottage, Sannytd district) I $100 down, balance like rant A. P. Smith, owner, 616 Commercial hlk. East Horriscn . 100x100, Jus(jKros brldga, Bast Ball Bt a " PROOJf BOB COMMERCIAL BLK. r . NEAR STEEL SRI DOB. -Large boas, choice omr( mast ba Bold by ApcU 1. OWNER, 884 ROSS ST. $3no DOWN and $18 8 month bora a home la : Bunnyalde, 1'boae Ksst 800 er Eaat TO&B. 1 b aw BEAUT1PUL B-rnom bona on Hawthorn ar.. 75 foot fmntar. $4,000. Young A Cook In vstment Co,. 404 Commercial blk. ACRES' cleared, sightly place, nesr Port land boulevard: has great future. 88.800. J. J. Oeder, cor. Orand ave. Bad BsttAjkeny. $3.000 NIC) cottars home en Seventh, near tjoiiegs) uon t isu to asa aosat tnia eooe. 84.000 Quarter block. Mat aid, sloe la a good buy. $2.2r0 Corner Int. Baat Aider) come boos. t2.nV',el loU, East 24th, Bast Tillamook; eaev erwe. . Ba.ftAO New 8-room bones. Beet Kith,. Beat Salmon; mast corns soon to get (his. 83.2ISO 73x1 BO, neat bona, fruit . god thrubbery. Curry ave.) fine tocstloa, I. 0. DAVIDSON. 40S Chamber of Commerce. - 4 $000 PtTLL lot la MultnenMb addition. . B7za Mce ant, Wasco at, near V4tB. $1,000 tuolce lot. Eaat Olleaa Bear 23d. ' LINDSAY A CO.. ' 80 Raleigh Bldg. 1 8ltt Waahlngtoa St BOtioocHoicr-si corner In Wehb'g addition, itnest residence section in Lenta, Mount Bco8 line, with new 4-roora hooeu -end lm- fioTVnent r cbeapeet offer for rash, P. lelnhold. Webb's addition, Lenta. A SNAP S lots on th car line, nesr Monet labor, ooiy final. vanouya 4t Walton, 610 Chamber of Commerce. KEN II.W011TF Comer 100x100, worth $!.oP0 In two moo 1 ha j If sold lu few days, $7; J esah. K lou, car Journal. 300 FARMS, small tracts and tots; bargstns na O. W.-S. electric line. O. R. Addltoa. Lsnts, Oregon. Tak Wt. Scott car, 6c CHOICp corner, 100t, Irsprnred street ret both aldea. only $1,600: eheapttproprty la thl district. Apply to wncr, W. M. Cook 1 lis. Bast 33tA L sad Hawthorn are. -