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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
TI1IS OK1IUON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY , EVENING.; MARCH 14, , 1C37. ...!.-. . Jill FEAR SEIZES THE RAILROADS CUAWXTEED STO'IACH CE'lEDY W'Ui Refund Money If Ml-o-na Falls to Cora.' Lu L Tou may aak why It la that Ml-o-na stomach tablets are sold under a guar antee to refund the money unless they cure, when no other treatment for stomach troublea la aold In this plan Walls Are Coming oxvn-r-liebnading Has Commencsd People Must Be Taken Into Confidence of Railroads, Says Rock Island President. . ' ner. ' The answer la eimple and conclusive. Other medicines for stomaoh troublea merely dlgeet the food, while Ml-o-na strengthens the whole digestive system so that It soon becomes able to care i i i - i for all the food that la eaten. If you do not use your arm or leg 'for RETRENCHMENT POUCY : IS NOT RETALIATION Two-Ont IUt Bille Pat Fee Into ; Heart of Publlo Service Corpora tionsCannot Give Good Service la- West for Two Centev--" t-7 t j (Joaraal Special Rerrtce.) V Chlfcago, March 14 Kailroaa ; preet dents acre that the general disposition all over tba country to attack tae roads by means of hostile bills has reached a stars where soms decided action must b taken or the country will suffer severely. As a matter of fast, the roada have already suffered tremendous leasee, but eventually the heaviest bur den will fall upon the publlo In dlmln-. Ished and Inferior service, general re trenchment, cheaper equipment, and the abandonment of those extensions which would develop new country. Tha treat . est dancer, according- to aU authorities. Ilea la the great crop of two-cent rata bills, regardless of the conditions fn the states-adopting the bills, la the . east It Is possible to maintain good ser vice at this rata but In tha west tt Is .not.' ! ' ' , ,.' ' Benjamin X "Wlnchell. president of the , Bock Island system, probably best epit omises the sense of aJ tha replies re- - ' eelved to messages sent to all the preal dents asking for opinions on tha pres--; ent conditions and what la neceesary I to do In order to reduce the danger of poor service. Wlnchell says: ,;. - . . . ; , ' BaOroada Vat JseteOUtta-. ' "If the Interstate commerce commis sion does tha work wisely and sanely, ' as I believe It will do. the roada will " have nothing to fear. . They will get ' . even Justice, which la all we ask. . I ' am relying upon tha sound sense and - ' fairness of the American people to stop .... before the situation becomes acute fin- socially, i. r : "It U a mistake to say that tha rail : roada are retaliating by reducing their '. , service and abandoning great enter prises. It la simply prudence bowing to the storm.. We are forced to stop . building new lines, buying ears apd '- ether equipment untQ we know where the money la coming from. It la slm-;- pie bnatneaa sense, end not retaliation. -"I am heartily In accord with the plan ' for a railroad p real dents' conference '., with President Roosevelt We- must take the publlo mora Into onr eonfl- denoe and break down the distrust. Co operation with tha government la lau dable reforms la a good thing." i I,. i ; ' QUE GREAT FLEET WILL . ' ' DEFEND PACIFIC COIST charge. ' Booth's Mlona Company, But falo, N. T. ..,.',.. B2YAH SAYS RAILROADS - TRY TO SCARE PUBLIC " . w . ...'' Rotten Management Should Be Probed to the Bottom Da-.' "r. pite Talk of Panic. : vi ' Various Squadrons Will Be Con j.,. . solidated . Under- One t-uCit Commander. . 'a (Joeraal Special. Berries.) .. . Washington, March 14. Complete plans for the consolidation - Into one fleet of all American cruising vessels In the Paolfle ocean have been made pub llo by the navy department The order will go Into effect about the and of this month, when Rear Admiral Brown son will become commander-in-chief of all American naval veasels In the Pa- lflo. Rear Admiral Swinburne will be commander of the second squadron and Rear Admiral I. H. Dayton , will com' mand tha third squadron. ' ' . The first squadron of the Pacific fleet will bo made up of tba following ves sels: r ,' ; t First division West Virginia, Colo rado, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Second division Chattanooga, Galves ton and two others of .tha same class. . - The second squadron will consist of these vessels: . Third division Charleston. Mllwau kee, St Louis, Chicago. Fourth division Albany, v New Or leans, Cincinnati, Raleigh. , Tha third squadron will consist of: . Fifth division Rainbow, Concord, Helena, Wilmington. Sixth division Volcano, Qulros, VII lalobos, - CcJlao, . Paraguay, Pam pangs. Pa nay, Arayet - - . ' Tha coaat defense vessels Monterey and Monadnock and a number of subma rines will be In this division, also two torpedo flotlllae, Including the Barry, Data, Decatur, Chauocey, Balnbrldge, Paul Jones and Preble. ,.-..,,.. .-, 1 ' Moaraal Special ' Blnghampton. N. Y., March 14 Wil liam J. Bryan, la an Interview as to what effect tha Haniman and ether In vestigations would have on tha agita tion In favor of the government owner ship or management of railroads, re plied: The moat Interesting phase of the situation is tha refusal of tha people to lend money freely to the railroads. . Tha railroad managers say this la dua to hostile legislation, but this is a mis take. There lias been no hostile legis lation of sufficient severity to Impair the real value of railroad securities. If tha rallroaaa have been honestly con ducted upon an honest capitalisation, r "If- the -Investing; publlo la alarmed, it la because tha. railroad managers, la a vain effort to ' terrorise the legisla tures, have carried matters too far. If any other reason la needed for the besi haney on tha part of Investors, the In vestigations furnish It, for tha Inquiries have ahown to what extent' railroad stocks have been watered. ,; "But what la tha alternative t Muet tha government refuse to Investigate rotten management for' fear -the mis managed railroads no longer will be able to fool the publle- into buying inflated eocurltleoT- The ooouei tha ' railroads r put an an honest basts the more secure will the Investing publle feeL". ' i J Logger la Killed. Special Dispatch a Tee Joeraal.) ' Cottage Orove, Or., March 14 Albert Poland, marker in the Booth-Kelly log ging camp at tha Saginaw mill, waa accidentally killed yesterday by a tree. Tha body waa brought here and ahlpped to Newberg for : interment GOODCHILD FUNERAL X V). HELD AT CORVALLIS - . '1, . , . ' (Hperla) Dtapaiek to Tke neraal.) ' ' Corvallls, Or.. March 14. Tha funeral of John Qoodohild, who died at his home - nesr this olty Tuesday, occurred this ' forenoon at 19 o'clock from the Chris . tlsn church la this city. The services wer ' conducted by Rev. T." -8. Hand- eaker and interment waa in I. O. O. F. ' cemetery The funeral was under the eauiPicaa of the O. A. R. and W. R. C tTle two organisations attended In a body.. .' . ' ' Deceaaed waa born In New Tork City . May It. 1 and served In tha civil war ' In company O and company M of the . First Ohio volunteer light artillery. - In ' Philadelphia. December 11. IMS. be waa united In marriage to Miss Sarah Coral- chart, who( with a son IS. O. Ooodchlld ' of Chicago, and daughter. Mrs. Lissle Axtenn of Canny, Oregon, survives. Mr. Ooodchlld and wife oama to Corvallls seven years ago. , . ... m i 1 1 -f TIr-Vp fltUl on In Botte. (Jeeraal aperiel Bervke.) .-.. -Butte, Mont., March 14. Last night the local members of the International Typographical union finally voted down the proposition of the Butte end Ana conda newspaper publishers that the compositors return to work - at last year's scale, which would mean a reduo- t tlon of 10 cents per man per day. This action lea vee the newspaper slto yatlon about where It was 10 days ago, . with no Immediate prospect for e re i eumntlnn nt dallv naoer service. ' Condon Estate la Small. rOpeHat Dpetrh te Tk JnereeL) ' University of Oregon. Eugene, March 14. The- entire estate of Dr. Condon, the famnns -' geologist, ' amounted to 13,000. While he made vsat collections of fossils snd rocks, worth Immensely more, these were bequeathed to tha Uni versity, or were given to others, leaving but little property In his estate. "1 Can Cure t)rf. Any Drunkard9' Sty Ctolden Bemedy for tha Whiskey vnre win aave you Has nana, aoa. . srouter or rataee it , Snakard'a erave. t wm Mall rree a AQ Who Write a ' Trial raokage In Vlala Wrapper. ' I am saving thousanda of drunkarda every year and restoring them to their loving wlvee and families. I will eava many more ss a result of this advertise ment ' To all who write me, X will aend enalpi Hla raise Oea, Wlilakey wife la Teats -Chlldrea ItylHW Kn reiyettea Life a LinteriBc &ta-Aa4 Prink DM It All. Wenahw Hla false M, Whteke; Chlldrea ' a Tke Srankwd Cut act teve Bii WM lull Be It rev Mim. free by mall. In plain wrapper, ao that ao one can know what it contains, a trial package of Qolden Remedy for the Li quor Habit . Though absolutely harm less. It never falls to cure tha worst cases of . drunkenneea, , no matter of. how long standing. ' It can be! administered without tha knowledre! of the subleot In coffee, tea, emip, milk. wv .. biiu iiw wiii H. vurvu in lew oayi and cured eo he will never drink again. Qolden Remedy contains no dangerous drugs or miners fa. It does not ruin tha dlareatlon or destrov the tlaauaa tit tha vital Organs and endanger life and health. It counteracts and expels from ths system all alcohollo nelsons and Futs en end to all craving or appetite or liquor. ." Under Ita Influence tha subject re gains his health, will-power and self-re-spent His eye becomes bright, bis brain clesr, bis step elastic, his Vigor returns, end he once more feels and looks like a man. If you have a beloved husband, eon, brother or father who le afflicted, send rnur name and address to me at once In he coupon below. rUE PACK AC COUPON ' If vim (HI et ttie klask Usee below with year turn iwl adlr, ent eat empee ead eend It to aw, I will aend yes abaohttrly free, by stall, la plain w ranter, a trtel Krkaee of sty Golden Reimdy. Toe will thankfal aa Ions yon He ttiat yes 414 It. Adrtra rr. . t". Ha Inn. eoei Oleaa Bk1(., Cine tan all. Ohto. . , fteaeeeaeeeeeaeeeoeaseeeeeana a . month, the musclss become flabby and weak and you have to. resort to artificial help. It is ths same way with the stomach muecles. If they are not used, they became so weak that It Is necessary to continue using a digestive With the food you eat un tne other nana, when you ase i Ml-o-na, your stomach soon stows so strong that, you can give up tha use of medicine. , " Ml-o-na eosteTio a"box" and doea mora real good than a dozen boxes of ordinary digestive tableta. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a too box of Ml-o-na stomach tablets snd not be aatlsflsd, with the results. Mt-o-na la sold by drngglstg everywhere, or will vm bciii .vy mui on receipt ok price, avo. , Write today for a free sample pack- f age, ana aisa give us your symptoms. and one of the best known stomach I specialists will give your case bla care ful, and personal attention without The workers are here, there and everywKereust and dirt is flying. JiMready half, the Yamhill street front is being demolished and there's still-moretf be tern ou boon the wails will be coming down and everytmng'must go before then. It s, either sell the goods or have them ' i ii .' "... l'iv j .i . t ' Li m luiireu uictc s iiu uuici aiiciuauvc. ,vu prices biui ucepcr. u uic urucr. vut uicui tu piitcs uiai wui make the goods sell themselves. . : . ' - . .; v r:,-r-:::: C: ' Eveithing Goes to Sa . No loss too great to make a quick clean sweep. Tomorrow the buying, excitement will be at xever neax. ,)me. . uoors open at v a.m. ANY PRICE TO. CLEAR TOE STOCK si Doors Open at 9 a.m. ;gi4Tn:g clock cn yahki lx, rRcji 2kd to vux YOOJIR SmAKE OF TGHESE Was There Ever Such Price Cutting Anywhere Before ? GET Yard for 20c and fx2.'For larro 5c Aiy ForSe ltrrt For .. larc Se Uf 25c finest Lin- I C best latin- 7 roll, ToUat packaga of 25 S in fa. . ; lfalWdry Soap. aWaVPaper. ;. aWV Envalopaa. f ' For child 35c Caka for WO- Urrt 5e boa I Forv Jr-eent . XrO colored loath- C liamr - 5c - 8haT. J fT, n Woo1 Tooth- lawfW cr Handban. UV tag Soap. i fJV Parlor Matches. IV picks. O Fc UdiaV 20c For 10c . box -g For ; 25c can t 'For ' Ladles 74 f Fancy seamless Shlnola -.i Shoo I fC Mennen's TaJ- J f Wrappers UV Hoie. . UV: Polish.- e'aVV. cum. Powder. rth up to fliXJ, Save TSism From Bust' and MH Builders demand the room thafs the reason for the sacrifice. Prices dropped to a point where they can't' go lower All Our Ladies 35c Faiicy Vests 17c Sprlnr weight, high neck and . long aleevea, pearl buttons and silk front; all best 35c values. 13c for Finest 25c and I35c Doxc$;Statibnery AU the finest and highest grade; !" all colors; finest of society ata- -tionerjr, worth 30c and 35c, bos... All Our Dett 39c and 50c : CbrcctCo ver5l , lsco' snd "ribbbn , ff worth less than TSC 0c . C3ioicu.' sWUV 5000 Large Full Size 8cand lOcSkems Embroidery Skelo All Colors. 7- Yard for mill ends, 30-lnch a v India Linens, worth 15c Il Yard for T5c 7c and 8c fancr L2t figured Cballies; all colors. 70-' Each for large 10-4 fleeced Lyj gray Blankets; cheap at 69c ir Each for Ific fancy embrold 4t ered DoUies, eUe 12x12 In. ti OJl Each for large 9x12 ft and 180. Granite Rugs, worth $8 New AH fancy styles, lsco snd ribbon trimmed; none 39c and up to 50c 5000 of Our Finest 25CeCWndsQi AU pure silk, checks, plaids. stripes and solid colors; best of I f 25c ones at-4.Xor,25je, oj tach. JL J W All Sacrificed Regardless of Real Value v . v.. 1 i .! t ' New goods 'bought for the spring trade aO to go at less than cost of material alone. Room must be made. .Builders need the space snd the .most desperate of price cutting is now the rule. Come and see. You 11 really nerer know how great tha sacrifice Is unless you investigate. Here's but few of ths thousands of bar gain a; Women's $15 and $18 New Spring Suits $7.50 V AH the latest and newest styles, all colors; Jsckets silk lined and fancy trimmed. Women's $8. $9 and $10 New Dress Skirts $4.99 ? Voiles, Panamas and fancy Novelties, strap, button and fancy trimmed; all colors. LADIES SILK LINED Covert Coats Latest styles, worth un to 10.00 tfVOd Choice a . . ... . . .eP0.V3 Ladies' Wrappers,' worth. Ladles' 50c and 75c Kim. rr.!!.;:;;..- ,;:.19c Ladies' 75c and 98c Waists, i?..:...;.U-:..J9c LADIES' FINE SILK Petticoats Worth up ' to $12.00; all S5.00 and t8.00 SHk Waiats iss ..$1.98 Ladles' $2.00 embroidery- trimmed Waists, -Udles' $25.00 Sprini'shirt- Suits ..... LADIES'. FINEST SILK Raincoats . ... AH colors, our best $20.00 no:..;;..;:....$9.98 Ladies $15.00 and $1150 Raincoats. . -ttC Oft now ; u7U Ladies' $12.00 and $15.00 Silk Petticoats, . Ladies' ISM and $8.00 Whit Lawn : t7 Oft Waists ........... aPeV.VO 500 FUIX SIZE BEST BRISTLE; Brnslies a Go at Each...... ClvL O Yard for mill ends 15c Indian "C Head, fun 34 Inches wide. For men's $1.50 snd $2.00 f y W 1 , laundered . Shirts; '. new' spring Styles.-. ;. wl I0. pir for SZOO and $Z25 Pie 17 Nottingham Lace Cur tains; all fancy styles. . - ' Cr Pair for men's 15c carrras wt Gloves; pick 'em out, 5c pair. 7Q Each for men's 50c and 75o Lj Shirts and . Drawers; moat aU sixes. ' ALL OUR 39c LADIES' COLLARS Fancy ribbon effect stocks, in al qolora, each stocks, in all Oft .... NOW FOR A CLEAN SWEEP OF THE ENTIRE SllA OTOCIl ca, full dresses, trim- . ssx choice, 3 9?i Tomorrow the last and greatest day of tha slaughter; plain silk and fancy iflka, full dresses, trim mings, uncy work, etc u.very imaginable color; every style; full pieces,' remnants i mill ends; all $1 up to $1 JO values, bunched here in one great lot. There's no reserve ALL OUR 50c i BACK COMBS Jewel set " snd fancy Sac'.ri?..-..25c Grand Millinery Display Tomorrow s? si'ixpt. aurMJ - V1"VI w in order to dispose of hundreds before the builders reach this deoartmenL nL - -i; ------ -- 1 'T your chance to get your Easter Hat at about half what you expected to pay . . ; Ivtadles' 25c to 50c :'.', i; FAN CY GARTERS Our entire stock In one great lot Women's finest silk elastic fancy Carters, plain and ruffled; att colors; every pair our best 25c to 50c kinds. ' Choice GJpr ;'."'. LARGE FIVE CENT " Y MITKG TABLETS lc Each Ladlee Beat 94 '-. ; ' Long Kid Gloves Made of fine selected lambskin, fun 10-button length, black, white and aU colors; our beat $4.00 Gloves, and every pair fitted and guaranteed 39c Rurs. Each, for choice of one lot of good sixe $1.00 ' fancy . w a . oi. r or targe, neavy nuci aow O3W els,' hemmed ends; cheap st C? 00 For Ladies' $4.00 long VL.yy kid Gloves, 16-button, black and colors. 19c Ysrd for 52-inch turkey red Table Damask; worth 50c A 1 - Yard for heavy twilled Tow letC ellng. full width; worth S.l-3c 77r Pair for Ladies' 39c and LLL S0c fancy silk embroidered black Hose. , i THOUSANDS TO BE DUMPED OUT TOMORROW Ladies' 25c M&lM Coma and see them.. Be here at 0 when tha doors open and get first pick." Thousands to go, and" it's a bargain so great that cold, inanimate type can't half do justice to the Immensity of this bargain, j mine: 01 11 oc ana jjc aiues, if, ana res every wora true, too.' uaas ana enae, seconas sna mixed lots, Swiss embroidered, sll linen and lace trimmed. - None worth less than . 25c up to 35c All in one lot snd not over to a customer, so aU can share in the bargain. Choice, 4 for 25c, or ea. am - DRUGS, SOAPS AND PERFUMES Savon Calais Royal Toilet A Soap, 50c box for ,IVt 35c box Buttermilk Soap .....10 25c medicated Pine Tar 1Qn Shampoo ..IOL 35c box Una O0 Soap.,..'..:. 10 25c bottle Bsy Rum 14a) 20c bonis Florida Water 14 25c sisa Espcy's Cream ...... 16 50c size Ongaline 33 25c Witch Hard Cream ...... 25c Rosaline for 10 25c Derma Beauty Goths ...12 25o Sanitol for 1 $1.50 Lubin'g l. ot t : f 1- Each, for odd ' and ssmple Napkins; worth up to $1.00 dosen. CI OQ 'or extra large sise f 13.25. Comforts; made to sell A- .Yard for choice of the fin ssC est Wssh Ooods; 39c and 50c kinds. , - , 59c Yard for mill ends ' finest . Silk Velvets; worth up to Each, for 40c and ;.c s i linen Damask Towt'i; I 22c i- Yard for wije tl. iOW cover Enr.rr"