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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
i crunu -igcniG lor Lra virccguo vuiwiat r tciiui vm awt. mi yv,A evw - --r- 1 1 1 -" . 1 Th3 Meier D Frank Store's 094th Friday Surprise Sab Meier G Frank's 894th Friday Sarpriso Sale ;;; 35c o:50c;alues 17 c Pair : ' 1 ,, v : : V I Men's Fine Hosiery at a phenomenal low price for tomor row's 894th Friday Surprise Sale An immense purchase from the largest and best mill - in the land All hew and xrp-to-da tcd esi gns - and -colon n gs - ih- great-assortments The handsomest lot of high-grade Half Hose ever offered for, the money Plain colorings and fancies; black, tans, grays, browns and green Beautiful combinations; fancy embroidered dots, stripes and figured novelties ; plain black lisles in four weights. etcMen s Halt Hose to lease every one All sizes, 35c to ; 50c values Buy all you want of them tomotv row only at the exceedingly low price, pair w 1 7 See big Fifth street window display Mail and phone orders carefully , filled ...... l 1 . ". . - ' . . - : j e a. i l: Every man in town should look to his hosiery needs and profit by this big bargain. Meier Frank's 894th Friday! Surprise Sale 5000 Pisces English Ghiria IQc Ea. In the big Basement Store, for tomorrow 894th Friday Surprise Sale, we offer 5,000 pieces of English serai-porcelain Decorated China blue and old, in cups and saucers; 2 sue plate, fruit dishea, and -bowlaTvVery pretty pieeea, and phenonKnar.vaJuet at this special low price. Every house- 1 1 wife should buy liberally of this extraordinary bargain. On sale at. eachtake advantage . . . a J V :Mcicr& Frik's 894th Friday Sorprise Sale Tomorrow a great' Easter Surprise Sale of high-grade Veil ings. 5,000 yards A special purchase; from New York' great est specialty veiling house Tuxedo meshei, hair line veilings, chenille dotted veilings All new, perfect goods in the latest Smine shades, including black and white An . immense as sortment o styles to select from Values up to $2.00 a yard--Your choice tomorrow only, at the ridiculously low price of. tne yara l -inr-r I TT'rrrtn See 8th Street window display No mail or 'phone orders ..i mi i i i ii ' "a"- ""'--" "' '' ' i . . filled Come early if you want tne pest vatues. : Meier (D Frank's" 894th Friday Snrpriso Sale 50c: 60c Fancv Swiss at For tomorrow's 894th Friday Surprise Sate the Wash Goods Department tffers 2.S00. yards of white ryi iwuiu . i.: .l.HiH v4ritv hi hanrianmeat material for Sum- awus -oois ana ianty ucibu. tr -- I . s iner waists and , gowns. , Regular SOc - and 60c values, on sale at. this extremsly Jow W.TLff the yard.- On sale in the Mam Fifth-Street Aisle. I axe advantage Greatest-Values' Ever OfferedLook toYour: Needs ooobs smoxaxa. ; i Ic le-inch. Pe Pwl...-....t.-4f 4e S-lnch Pie Pan........ v.8 lOo Tea Steeper &t 4o 1-o.uart Jdllk Pea ............ 3a J Jo 4-quart .Pudding Pan. ......114 ISo Sieve ...J. ....12 Ontl Cooker .,. ..834 ll.SS Cereal Cooker T9 llo Colandera -...,... . . . . 1 5 200 Muffin PB .....,-........16 lOe Muffin. Pan V .. tic Corn Cake Pan 194 10c Trmya or i. ....... ..84 lie Milk 8trainr ....w i.l4 He Brrad Pan. No. I.i-.i4.'.:...104 lie haJt-srallon Oil Can.....;. ..124 20a l'cailon Oil Can. .......... 164 ISO lSauart PatI . . . ... .... ..... . 204 lOo.) 1-quart Pail .............. 24 4 So liuart trial Pn ........274 0e 17 -quart Broad Raiaar..... T2 tt.00 Waahlng; Macnina.. , 7c paa!Hatra .00 Out Blading- Lamp, complat . I1.4S 7-foot Step Ladder... SOc 4-foot Step ladder SOc Crumb Brueh and Tray. ISo.Gaa Mantlea . ..... ...a. Oe Fancy Lamps ..v...... 11.80 Fancy Lamp f l.ii Wringer, warranted I yaara Blop ar ............. tl.10 -.. Waali , Bowl and , .Pllchet- ... Oe Brash, Comb and Towel Rack . . . j .v. . .. S5o ppreolaln ' Bait Box .... 10c Scrub Bruab 16e Scrub Bruab .204 2.39 f 1.15 ...654 ...164 Ot ,..T24 fl.l 2.89 1.09 ...984 :.'.484 ...254 84 124 T94 124 k Smilhlt Iron. No. 4 ....... .20a ISo sensible Irotv. No. .40...... .284 "1. L . 1 Food cnoppnr. uniTaraai... loo inn niinw r inon tooBi sraozAxs. , set Potts' Sad Irona. ... . 1.09 I6e Coffee MiU ...............284 lie Mop Stick ...... ...... .124 lla;Twlne Mop Rag ..........284 lie Potato Rleer .............. 194 lie Towel Roller,.:;.. .'..114 tie Shaker Sifter ,...194 tie sec Table Mats ..194 so Oaa Taper t -4 lOo Oaa Tapers 84 lk Ou Llchtera ........124 Ic Mouse Trap ...44 10c Mouse Trap ....... ....... .84 10c Rat Trap. ................. .84 llo Rollins: Pin . .....124 tOc Butter Mold .....164 tie 7-arm Clotbes Rack ....... 204 10c Bake Shells, per dos 394 lOe Cake Turner ........... , . .84 10e Bastinar Spoon ....84 7o kitchen Fork ....... ....... .64 20e Kitchen Saw ...164 10c Clothes Line Pulleys ........84 lie l-lnch Screw Drtrer.......l24 le Electrle Egg Whip .....44 lOe Wire-8oap Holder ..........84 lie 10-cuart Qalr. Bucket.... 194 10c Nickel Poker ...84 So Diamond Egg Whip ....... . .24 tic .Picture Jlooka. per dos. ,...154 lo Iron Ash Holder ..44 4o Stove Lifter ............. ....34 Ic Fleeb Fork 44 lie Enamel Strainer ..........124 lie Jelly Strainer 124 lc OalT. Wash Tub.. 524 le Jap Pot Brushea 14 Clothea Pine, per dosen.........l4 JOe Nickel Match Safe ..........84 lie Wooded Match Safe... ......124 40e Oae Toaster . ..... 4124 10c Egg Baater ....... i. ........ 84 2 So Eartheaware "Teapot...... 194 lOe Earthenware ' Teapot. 1 54 lie Earthenware Teapot...... 274 ooss tnpaoxaxa. lie Wire Carpet Beater .....124 11.10 best Ironing Board... .81.29 I1.S5 Ironing Boards 81.14 40o Sleey and Bosom Boarda..824 iOc 1-foot Ironing Boards 394 10c Kneading Boards 894 20c Melt Boards .154 40e Wash Boards 324 lie Chop Bowl 124 10e Chop Bowl. 244 lie Wooden Salt Box ....124 40o Skillet ......824 20c Folding Tin Lunch Box.. ..124 40o 14-lnch Turkey Dusters... .324 15o Fry Pan 204 tl.10 Nickel Lamp ......... .81.19 103 Extension Duater T4 lo Butter Paddle .44 10c Wire'Dlsh Mop ............ .84 10c Pot' Scrapers . ... , .84 21c Lindsay Mantles .. ........ .224 So Vegetable Maeher . ,....... .44 10c Rapid Pouto Maaber 84 4o Dish Mop .64 lie Chop Knife 124 lo Juice Extractor .. ....44 lOe Juice-Extractor ..v..,.. ......84 So Can Opener T4 400 Lantern ...494 llo BottU Furniture Polish. ...194 lie Bottle Furniture Polish.... 274 lie Tea Canister ..............124 lie Spice Box 274 20e Bplce Box ....... 4 ..164 lOo Folding Lunch Box ........84 20c Crumb Bruah and Tray. ;.. 124 Ic Candle Stick ........... ...i4 lOe -Towel Back .....i .84 le Wire Potato Maaber . .,.... .44 lie Clothe Line 114 lie Shoo Dauber .......-......124 lOe Wooden- Spoon .......... ...84 lets- Wire Strainer .......84 llo Hatohet .......104 lOo Nickeled Hammer ..........84 llo Tack Hammer ....124 Elegu!lar For TorridrT6wVi94thFr4dayurprise: Sa of "2000 pairs of "Perrins" Celebrated Gloves at a price within reach of all A rare op-; portilnity to supply your Easter needs at a saving of $1.05 on every pair pur chasedOur intimate business relations with Messrs. Perrins, Freres & Cie. is alone responsible for our ability to offer time and time again grand special bargains in an article so much in demand as long kid glovesThey are help ing us build up the greatest glove business on the coastThe gloves are the best France produces Every pair guaranteed to give the wearer perfect sat isfactionThis lot of 2000 pairs came to hand Wednesday Full 16-button length, mousquetaire of selected stock Black white, tans, browns' and grays Ail Sizes ana every pur uucu w mc skxhij- n glove bargain every woman in the, community must Cl ! ' - . . 1 V...-. m mill . AM4-tMV4e W .1 pe inieresxea in-7cQnunMuu uuy vm mumj, j O eV!i rmAi fnr rrtonthsi to come $4 val tomorrow ir See Big Fifth Street Window Display Mail and phone orders will receive CiAetA kaAMeVJ W4k4f a siNai eyv1 tt c0 O 41'W1 our prompi ana careim atiaAuusijwic upma vwy kwy m w w , JJ mm 1 m Friday, 30c lUbbons for 18c Yard Oa sale Friday; 3,000 yards of beautiful quality all-silk Washable Taf ( fetay Ribbons, in all the very newest and prettiest ahades full 4yi inches wide just the ribbons "yon want for trimming the lQ0 new Summer gown. Reg. 30c value, on sale at, per yard. . .JOW Friday, Womcn'g 35c Hosiery 23c Dn sale Friday. 3.000 yards of beautiful quality all-silk Washable Taf Cotton IJose, full-fashioned, fast black; double soles; all new, fresh goods; Spring weights aues 834, 9, 9 and 10. . Regular . 35c values, on sale at thla phenomenally low price, the pair. .Wif C J ' ' ' ' i I Drug Sundry Spec'Is t Friday Superior Bsy Rum on sale at. Eastman's Talcum rowaer ai.-v New Idaline Face Powder at. 284 nr:ll... C.k in knttl. aril. .284 Violet Toilet Ammonia,, spl. J4 Whisk Brooms on sale at. a.- '"Nysa" Toilet Soap on sale at..Sf "Life Buoy Soap, special. at. .44 Castile-Soap, on sale at. cake.12 Emery Boards, special at, eacn Button Sale 1,000 dozen best quality Austrian fearl buttons; aainty ana pr, styles, for Summer Dresses; all the best sizes; regular 25c values, on sale, the card.. VV - C ,). Keintifnl , new .' Dress Trimmings and Braids. ,i Womeri's Knit Underwear Women's fine mereerired shaped Lisle Vests, high neck and long sleeves. Handsomely made and finished; sixes 4,' 5 and 6. Regular 75c ' Affc .values, on sale at this unusually low price, the garment ........... r Women's fine Swiss ribbed Cotton Vests low neck and n sleeves; lace yoke and edged with fine lace: all sires. Best 35c values, on sale at this phenomenally low price, the garment take advantage ....... ml Women's Swiss ribbed Lisle Pants, umbrella style, nicely trimmed AfC - with deep Point de Paria lace; sues 4, 5, 6; 75c values, on sale at,.. W - Two Great Rug Specials High-grade Axminster Rugs, magnificent designs and colorings, in .Oriental effecta. The handsomeat email rugs we ever purchased 30x60 inches; reg ular $4.50 values. Every housewife can make good use of one C Z A --or two of them.; Great value, on sale at .this, special price, each.; Ve4 Special lot of Fiber Rugs, room sizes, in new patterns and colorings. 'The most satisfactory and inexpensive rugs on the market 9x12 -' JQ fl't feet' Regular $12.50. values, for a few days at this low price... V Cross Bar Handkerchiefs 25cVals.l6c Another great special offering of women's all-linen cross-bar Initial Handkerchiefs, j4-inch hem, block initials, full resrular size. Beautiful style and quality; the best 1 fL 25c values, on sate, each.. A Uv Groceries Sold Herie at Saving Prices Meier ; & ' Frank ; Pmous Mocha and Java Coffee, the usual 40c grade, per lb. .23t Durkee Salad Dressing, small Iff 4 Durkee Salad Dressing. med.25e Durkee Salad Dressing, large.454 1-lb. can Griffin's Asparagua Tins. on. sale at, special . . . i . .'.20e Victor Olive. Oil, quarts ....T54 New California Navel Oranges, per dos., great special sale. 254 Keller's Marmalade, per jar.80e 10 lbs. Whole Wheat Flour.. 5f 10 lbs. Rolled Oata for 404 Puffed Rice at, package ...i..a04 1 pkg. 1-Minute Tapioca. 2yi lba. Griffin's . Extra Yellow Peaches, on sale at, each.. 804 2V, lbs. Nun-Better Yellow ' ' Peaches, on sale, special ea.154 3 cans Smith kipper'd herring. 504 1-lb. far Sheonard Marmalade.804 2 lbs. Sliced Pineapple for... 154 C St B. .Lucca Oil, quarts.... TOf 2 pkgs.t Grape-Nuts for " ...a5e 1-lb. jar Chipped Beef for ...5 Lea & Perrin'a Sauce, small.. 254 21 lbs. Granulated Sugar.. fl.OO H-lte can Lowney" Cocoa for.Oe 1-lb. can Baker's Ground Choco late, on sale at, each ......284 3 pkgt, Bromongelon for ...254 3 packages of Bon Ami for.. 254 Sapolio on sale at, bar ......T4 10-lb sack Pastry Flour for .'.SO 4 "Victor". Flour, "none '. better," treat value, the sack ...fl.10 1-gal. can Honeysuckle Syr'p.45e 10-lb. sack Yellow or White Corn . meal, on sale at this unusually low price ...... , 25s 1 lb. Postum or Figprune, lb..20e Table Lmehs Bleached Satin Damask " Table Linen, 72-inch; handsome designs; irreat special value, yard, on sale at ....fl.OB Bleached Satin Damask Table Lm n Kf niitfrni. in lam aaaort- , ment ' Regular $175 value, on sale at .....4 1.48 Bleached , Satin' Damask- Tabte Linen, fine quality; regular 12.50 value, at per yard .......fl.O Great special valine- in large Satin Damask Table Wapkins, best pat terns, at per dozen ...... $3.45 Grand special "values in hand .mKrnid.r.H . round 7. linen ' Tea Cloths, 36x36-bch; beautiful styles and qualities; phenomenal values, S3.00 values, each .....1..$ 2.8 $3.50 values, each ....... :.f2.98 $4.00 values, each ...,.... 3.40 $5.00 values, each ......... 3-98 $6.00 values, esch Easter'Safe Great fbedal ale of fine white Petticoats, Novelty Under- .. .-. ... . a . , J skirts of tne nignest grade tawns ana qamoncs, mauc wiw , rate dust ruffles, lace and embroidery-trimmed C9:Cfl ' Petticoats selling Regularly up to $12.50; choice. V 600 fine nainsook Gowns, made slip-over and French yoke ef feet trimmed in dainty embroidery, scroll effects of ;Vat " i laceWnsertion, lace and embroidery edgings, beadingv' rib bonj; long and short sleeves ; beautiful styles. (r . Values up to $10.60, at the low price of, each. : vyyf : Women's cambric and nainsook Drawers very wide flounces, . 1 ; . .1.. j.i.i- (. (flu' .'1.'.J' maaeoi line cmDroiacrics, aiso uamiy idwn luuira, uuuureu with dainty Valenciennes laces, beading and ItOO ribbon regular $3.50 values, at the pair. .. . . . . vsVef ir Women's fancy Skirt Chemise, made with fitted French backs and trimmed with dainty Val, laces, embroidery headings, ribbons and medallions; flounces are 'also trim- 09 med; values up to $4, at the low price, each . . . . vsWeO y3mw ,kJt rVfoaaoa tnr Infanta and rhSMrenHall new. firettv atvlea for children of all SBTS . White Dresses for Eastef and Palm Sunday low priced. . Take advantage. , . . j LlATiY PRIZES OFFERED;. ; : FOS-STOCK AT FAI8 State1 Board Will Decida How . , to Spend Appropriation" for New Sheds. , ' . Htm. Or. Marh 14. Eneourajrlng )'ar are aJlr tMlav reeetvett by ee- ,: a, - t HI ' W retary fTank Welob. of the a tat board of acrloulture from . ttveatock aasoela Uona in the eastern atattra which are offering 'premium moner. for the ex hlblta to be" made at the comtnc staU fair. -. - -' - The Peroheron Bocletr ef Amerlo will ftffer els (old medals as premiums for etaJUona and snares of that breed. The Angora Ooat Breedarr associa tion ef Kansas City baa signified its Intention to-present a. handsome eup for the beat nock of Angora goats at the fair. ' The Red Polled Cattle club of America with headquarters af Cen tral City. Iowa, off ere flOe for prises. This aaaoclaUon has never' before! taken Interest In the state fair. . . ' The American Clydesdale association of Chicago also offara I10S for special prlsee to be awarded for the best stal lions and mares of that breed. Theoe additional prises together with- those already offered by the . board and other associations will have a tandoncy to accentuate competition among -the best breeders of the etata. The. announce ment was made yesterday that H. E. Woods of Norboma. Missouri. who served In the capacity of a tarter, last rear, bae again been eeoured. -The state board of agriculture will meet in a few daya , for the purpose of dacldlng on the plana and arrange ments of the now. sheds which are to be erected at the fair grounds and .the Improvements for which the legislature voted- an appropriation ef IIS.SOO. The election of the vtce-prealdent of. the board will alae be settled, at that time. The vlce-prealdency was held by Jas per ,Wtlklne Of Coburg, who has been succeeded by- ex-State Senator W. A. Howe ' ef Carlton, Tamhlll eounty. O. X. Peterson ef Clatsop eounty. a breeder ef Dutch Belted eattle, . has slgnlfiad bis Intention of having- a good herd on exhlblUen during the fair. . , 1 i .i ', ; Directors Are Appointed. , ' . (Soarlal DtapatcS ta Tha MraaL) Bolae, Idaho. March 14. Mayor 1. A. Pinney and Mrs. L F. Cartae ef Boise were appointed dlrectore of the new state historical soclaty by Governor Oooding today. Another member re mains to be appointed from northern Idaho.' The offlce of the historical so ciety , will , be In the capltol building. EDUCATIONAL BANQUET T0 BE HELD AT SALEM (Spatial Otopatdr e The Journal.) -' ' Balam, Or.. March 4. Probably the largest and moat significant educational banquet to be held In thle city will be that to which prominent rnpresontatlvee of the Methodist church sad. friend of Willamette nniveralty will gather en the evening ef April I. The purpose 6f the mealing will be to arouse in tereat In the affair a of the university of Christian education In the northweat - In the morning the truateee of the anlveralty will hold a meeting at which the1 plana for the growth of the ..uni versity will be dleouaaad. 'The donors of the conditional 4,000 gift for the new eollege of liberal arts wlU be pree ent and may divulge further plana to build up the work of the eollege. - The loyalty which has been demon strated by- the university srudente and faculty Is aew shown by the members of 'the alumni who have started a move ment to swell the endowment fund ef a quarter of a million. The ooramlttiJ eonatats of Dean John Reynolds, elanl or ISte, of the umveralty law aehon Miss LiLa Swafford. of the olaee ef lli and Miss Sophia Townsend of the of 1101. . The committee la meeting wl, much uoeesa. - Charles O. Foyer, a, retary ef the faculty, la confident thnj the movement for the endowment fun will reach llie.eoo before eommence ment week. -; t Cincinnati Street Flooded. . (Joaraal Spaalal Strrtce. I ( Cincinnati, March 14. A terrlflo raf atorm swept over the elty last nlal I The atreete ware noodea and au trafr wae euapended for a time.