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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 11. 13 1 V Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page .14. NEW TODAY. wet "Rfardnprirp IOCS It A, OWNER MUST 8SLU , , '7 "-- Piedmont tOT TO, BLOCK II. ., Columbia Heights HALF BLOCK. $500. .., I Healy Investment Co.? 10-114 ABZHOTOir. 106 Vh tHU uTT. Will Sell 750 Acre Tract of Land Tii. tiwl. Love and Nane If. Lot donation Land Claim Bid will bo received by the anderalsned for aald land to March 10 1S07. The right to reject any and all bide reserved. The greater part of thla land la within the City limita or rorxinnu ana wwyw ally ealuable for platting purpooea. Call n or addreaatha undersigned, 160 Main treetclty. T. T. 8TRUBLE and PH1LO JIOLBROOK, Trustee of the Eatato-ef Lewi Lova, deceaaeo. . - eSS-lS ( lots and I taouaea. Ml aeon rl Are. and Beach. Thla la poaillvely the cheapeat buy on the market today. Part eaah. balance on time. Bee n at ono.- - v COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO. ITI AID MZZfT. WHEN AW AT FROM BOMB. Conic of The Jul Ml aa be obtained la The following eltiee n towns atsia t uregou. The JmihI weald iMMlili Ike receipt oi reports of failure to obtain copies ef the papa et any ef these pieces: COLFAX, WASHINUTON A. E. Ring. ' VALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Walla WB Stationery Ctomrmny : Kogere-Hoewell Compears Hottl bsrres News Stand; Cohan Clg Stand. '1114 South Fourth etreet, TACOMA. WASHINGTON Hotel Taeoma Rw Stand; Ceatral Nfin Company. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON Estate ' Orsad New Stand; . International New Arency Newspaper Wteon: Hotel Seattle New Stand. SOI.DFIELD, KkVADA Louis Peba. Neweuepe Wunii. SAN DlRfJO. CALIFORNIA Amos Mewe Oom- pany; New-ana per Waroa. . POKANR, WAaUINU'lvK Jobs W. Orahaa Co. . BOISE. t7AHO Joarr Ortt. - " MINNEAPOLIS. Minnesota K.,,.Cav- aarnk Co Third street, south. ST. LOOI. MlarJOCKI C. T. Jett, SOS OUT street; Georg I, A rk erma a. KANbaS CITY. MISftoUKl hex Mew Ceca- pany. Newspaper Wagoa. CHICAGO. ILUNOTS P. 0V Mews Cempaay. 17 Dearborn afreet DENVER, COLORADO Cnloa Depot Mew Ktand. , LOS ANOELBB. CALIFORNIA A o Raw Vm pane, Newspsner Wgo. OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Amos New Caea. peny Newspaper Wagoa; N. Vbsatley hews Cempeny, Newspaper Warn. AM FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA). Wbaetlay New Company. Newspspee Wsgoat Foster A : Ores. Ferry kalMlmr; Johyaea Ktwa Ceaiaaay. I 14M Fill mora atrart. ALT LAKE CITT. LTAB Mr. T-rlna, Raw. papar Waatoej O. L. Daalaa. Hotel Krayaei ' Barrow Proa.. 4ft Waat Scend atrtet, aoutfc. OGDEN. ITAB Gray Mew Goaipaay, Depot Nm Stand. Oaf AHA. fctUSASEA Miller Botal Raw Staad. . M MBW TORE CITT Artbor BeUMns. , Raw. paper waaeoa. WEATHER REPORT. A new low areaaare area baa ewde It ppr ence aorth of Montana, and tba kick preaanre erea yaatcrday ercr auatbora Orrfoa aaa ao Taaead eeatbeaat t Keradn. Tkea eoaHlltloa have cneaai Hrkt fal ta weatera W..Uitic1 m and ekly weatbar elaewkere la th nortk I'aclfl uta. r&lr waatbe eontlnnr ta Cali fornia, And llirnt frosta are tvnortrd bl that tat a far eovth a Loa Ancalr. Tba Dak of a kick praeaere are kae advaacad mtk t Xa m, and the eaater trowah of low proaaare '.ut rantrallead era Pannaylvaala. iWarr rain kar aval falltn In tke Obi rallry and llahtrr mosnta are rrportMl I tb mWlilla Atlantic and Kw Enirland atatr. It 1 trirmr alone tl aatra alopa of ta eorthera Horky moun. taloa. Mid Btnrk roldr la Triaa, Oklahoma and Irkiaua, la Trua artr "aortbar" prv ralla. , r Tii Indication are for abower tonlht and r1tay la Waaklnirtoa and aorrtaora Inabo, a ad lot ceatlnead (air vaaUiaf la aoaca ra Idabo. '-'' . "t :,- Taejp. ' -- " : , Ma. Jfln. Prerl. Raker City. Orta.. 42 . Htt . T. IMaa. Idaho 41 : 84 T. Iwtatoa. Idabo 4 , ,, . 3 ; . Knrth nd. Waabrnftoa.. 41 . 4 .10 rortlaad. Oiwia.. A, " ' t Roarborg, Oreroa 64 - 84 .0 anokan. Waahmrtoa, ... . , 40 : (M . ( T. Tacoaj. Wablnfon....... 4d , 40 j Trail Walla, Waahlnyto. . f 40 CratETERLES. "!.. . ew -ih.i. i e" '- RIT'iB TIEW Single gravee, 10 family lots. 10 to 11.000; the only cemetery la Port land which pecpetesily malnulae aad eeree ,T foe lota. Tor foil Information, apply to W. B. Maukoaate. Woreaeler block, alt., W. M. Ladd. preeldaot. ; It e. CITT Blade grave. 110: family lota, $J3 t ATlk. Sopertateadent at eeawtery. -- rnreer ef rremoat at. and Cnllv read. Phon Tabor f. Pur full Informatlo apply to Prank fthlerei. 0U1 ComnMrdal blk. Pheae Msl tx-A . UNDERTAKERS. Dnenlne. MrBntae A Oltbeeg. mdertakera and embalmers: ssodera la every oera'L Seveath aad I'lae . Mala 41m. Ledy aaelatant. prlckaaa radertakrng Co. and embalmhig. 40 , Alder at. Phen Mala 6183. Ledy eaalataaC I. P. Pin ley omwf Third aad Madtaoa eta. Office ef eanoty (ataasr. . Pheae Mela 0. A. R. llFMfcrOCTC Pnneral director. B. 18th and I mat Ilia. Pbone Scllwood 71. Ledy as'!. Edwsrd Holmae, oedertaker. 130 Third at.' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A. H. r.llla to J. H. Pmmert, lot 1, rinwt. Iever A I abbes eabdlvlslo ef blork P. Au!n Ilomestesd. ........ $ 1, M. U snd May W. Holltrook to Mary t. Lsiohert. lot M, blork II. St. Johns Park addition to )t. Johns ' ' E- f. and id M. Follett tr Tlmma J. Ta Aoknt, lot 13 and Id. block M. ' -Woodlaw tieorse V?. 11 row n In William Hansen i ' aed Charts Ktenbardt. hn 14 aad 1, bt.k A. lenreie-ood Park porti.nd Tru.t t on.panr ef Oreron te t -' R. Ilorioo, . V II sod - 14, bhv-k ?t. Coiirh's Bdril'lon. .......... , Alrt S. sad llsry A. l ulle to . E. - . 1.1'io.k. wrne la townahlp 1 n-fit, r.nae I east t K...U lure lnd eorepaar to Oiarle - r ii.r. kta It and 18. blork 10. . inn Pa-k ', vl , li a't to fct.rv PI. Jrre. lot 14,., 00 ra io 10 BOO BM B04 1. Wilts Siibdirlaio ef lot . ' v' ' aaaaAea.AaA.naaaae For';' $800 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary . kfara t al, to Soriety vtt the . Bedrptoriat Patuar f Oratoa, t-CUM i acre balimln l Iroa pl ea Ilea , niealae a.t and treat thrvuirh esntar ' : ef srcUoa U. luarasale 1 aorta, raaae 1 oaat IS.WJ Uaale Couch to at. C. Oencb. lot f, blork li. St. iobm Park podltlua to Bl. ' Joina to 0rruu Land InTeatment aonpany to . . M. Ply, - lot . block M, WaoA, - Wwa , a Merle . iKnfor to AVa Plcldbeoaa, ' a.U6t ecre bclaBlD( 24 faet treat of , , aouihwoat coraar of aoatkweet H of Borthweat H ef eactloa t, towaaaip I aoutb, fur S Met....... Waltar ad Cora B. Cotty to Le Ry ael.1, kt 17 ta Mbdltlaloa 9t block 2. oailtb a aaMlrlalaa DaaMacoa Omatary aaaorlatloa to aVth X. Otaua. blork 140. aald caewtery Job t. and Jalta Arautrent to Mary Anal Taylor, lot Id, block - 1. WU- Ham Araeo addltloa No. I TOO a.wo William a. and Petronelle Waal to . Sarab 0. Kanru. lot a. block 11. Lkt- ' -cant Park lim,vin.r... . 40 . . i eed loVaUa Ckaae to WUlvaai . Raiting, lot 13, block kO, S.nWOod.... 4M Leta a I'llklnatoe et L to nllUaa end . ABmrt Waraweller, lot SI to S. la- : ' - cliuUr,block II. Pealaaolar addltloa Ke. S .T.T.". i.;...--r,wJJjB Job a U. Wanner to W. A. aad Rrkk ' ' Trite, waet ef lot T a4 A. atocfc " IS, Lhtcola Park Annas..... (,00 WUlard II. aad Lett A. Moore to Loelaa BUtr. lot o. block 10, and ' aoutb S4 feat ef lot 4. block 10. Gleo- . Co Park' 1.000 W. II. and Bertha Smith to Joaa Kaat. . In, lot 14. black Orlclaal Towa- alia of Albma 1.700 Pelnt View- Krai Eatata -. company to . , Ptrpken Bambo, lota US aad Xo,: block . ' IS. Point Vlow SSS Oaorte Bcbeenus to W. B. Lacy, lot 13. block . Sanayald addition... 4J5 rrank and Mlnal May to W. B. Lacy. lota U end IS, block , Paradlae u Pprlna tract S00 Daniel R. and Kate U. Bawktn to n.ln- . rich Blum, lot 4. buck . U, . Llncoia Park WaltacB. and klaybclle Wbtt to Jamea Uwreace. lot 6, block lb. City View ' Park Arthax T. and Or May Workman ta C. H. Willtama, lot 11, block 13. Cook' addltloa and Mary A. Collin to A. B. S8S 1.000 Eaatland. lot 14, block 1, anbdrrialoa I Pro.uat.l a addltloa to Alblna.. ... Ion aad Aurnsta Palmar to Job W. booth, lot 11, block ISO. Lniwralty Park Claronc H. and Jeeale B. Browumf to Wlllfrd JL.Tfcoaa. let Is, block 1,. tranho ......... .V. William aad Anna Peteraea to Bwedlah Lntnerea Karon cKarrb, 1 ecre la ace tic 11, townahtp 1 anafa. ra I teat. Lee Poo to Victor Lead company, Vt 1. a S. and S. block S. Oaroaa Park. Prcdrrlck and Caroline Coarna to N. Coulao Sonl nd Ell M. Bottle, eaat H et lot fc block r.t, Alken'a add. tk Ktbel Shipley Lenedal at aL to Sidney M. Bmltk Extate company, ooulheaat U ef block 014, Carter' addltloa.... 00 US 1.100 ! It Part land Realty A Tniat company to . -. r, , Alma I. Rankin. Iota and 10, block, . Irt. Lrlwood Park SOO I. J. and Laura Relmm to John PowaD.' . eaat Vi at lot A block a. Oak Park .y. . addition to St. Johna 1.150 fi. B. Tecki to T. Brltrtor, Iota ST and - 88. block , Oellexe Plaea SOO ElUahatb Ancncer to B. B. Bye, lot M, blork SO. Klns'a Second addltloa 11,000 Portland Treat Company of Oreeo to. VT. narrow, lot 13. block i, Tr. ' tout Place 0. H. lrr te Gnfcwpol Cordaae, lot t, Mock 77. Eaat Portland 1M00 T. M. Word, aharlff. to T. W. Tomlt ' na. aat H of othiat H of cttoa . Ad, towusbin 1 aoutk.. ranf 1 eeat., wltb excplloo . ...... WW Beal Batat. InTeatment aaaoclatloa to Ada K. Hammond, lot 10, block ST. ' " , ! - BIO and Hannah Nlcolal to Kate h. Mcppech. lot 1 to 11, IS to IK, l.kvk IU1 rVntral Albma: alae. kta 1 and I. block 43. Piedmont 4,000 t. W. aad Battle B. Atlmer to Mary a ima. tola t aaa n. aieca . l. araioa addltloa , SSO for abrtracte. rttle wisoraac or mart race Wane, call on Pacific Title A Treat eempaay, We-S-fVT Fallln bolldtng. , Get rotor leeormce- end -ebetrect to reel aetata from the Title Gnarsntee A Treat com paay. B40 Waabhtataa street. .NOTICES.. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP TUB UNITED States for the district ef Oregon. In the matter of the estate ef the Eats cads Wood 'Mannfaetneing company, baa k runts. - The uudrrabjned will recelea eealed bid p to 11 o'clock noe of March ZS, 1UT, for all ef the following deecrlbed reel estate, together with the Improvements thereon, be fencing to aald aetata, to-wlt: Lots , 1, 4. A. e. T, ft, p. jo. 11 aad IS ef block i, Eetscsda, Clacksma cooate. Or. con. nd also all Implementa and tool waed In and a toon t aald plant according ta Inventory thereof bow oa file. - A eherk for 10 per cent must accompany reek after end the aale I (abject to onv ftrmatloe by the court. , Inventory atay be area at ray offlc and property may be Inapected at Estacada. Dated, at Portland, Oreron, March 9. 1P0T. R. L, SA BIN. Trait m, , ' " - kie, 1 riret St.. room B. . THB SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO. haa r aieve from ins rvet et. to gaoH Third ex. HEETINO NOTICES. WHIST ARD DANCING. Webfoot Camp No. 63, company Cnlform Bank. - Invitee all fries do of . the order to attead the ; 4 wblst and dance, glvee - V ) .. . 1 . by the com pa ay, FrV A V ; night. March IB, to W. k' st Full nrebeetra and refreahments. O. A. ELLIOTT. Captain COLUMBIA LODGB NO. 114. A. F. . A A. M."oertal emnmanlcatloa this (Thnrsdart evening; 7:3ft clock. Maaonle temple. Third and Aider ate. Work la E. A. deirree. AU B. A. Masna la Tiled. B. S. PAGCB, Bee'y. M. W. A. ETEROREBN Camp. .4W. meets Wsdneaday evening, Allsky bldg Third and , Murraisa sts. .. ...... M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp. Ne. fT, Moa- eara. i7ta eeo Maranaiii vi alloc IrOST AND TOPNP. FOUND A place te have batr matt rasa a rewe . ratrd and retarned eame day. 12ft Ft eat at. Main 474 . Pertlaed Carled-BeJr geetory. U. Metcger, proprietor.- J ' LfiXT lAdy'a gold watch, picture I ceee. gen. fleman'e fob. between Alder. Selama and Peeond; (ultabm reward; Initial I 0., care - Journal. LOUT A bin cTiatalsln watch with locket. Reward. Betorn to Jearaal efflea. HELP WANTED MALE. MONET! ' MONEY t Advanced every week "to our srents; a full line. Incladlng ap-teate - sir1altpra. Writ for free canvaealLg outfit. Capital City Nareary Oe., Saktm, Or. WANTED Teener men to (tndy telegraphy; p. , altlone when qnallfled. Oregoa CeUege, SOS Commoaereelth bldg. . i OREGON CONTRACT CO ; grading f .all kind. Phoa Mala 4828. , " WANTED A bey to work end kern drag beat- neee. O 14U, care JouraaL- WANTED Solicitor for bealth aad (ccideet . Insurance; bl money; eaay work. Amertcsa Mntual Benefit aaaoclatloa, 40 ' Oregoalaa WAVTFT Reliable boy, with wheel. Book ktorn, 3UI Alder st. , , . WANTED Plrst-clae porter.. Apply at oar. Brass, first aad Aider at. " ITRftTLAP, eaatmsker, by th week. Cherle . Cooney go,i tallort. Third aad Stark (ta, epetsirs. ... , YOU can leer to operate mot loa pictures fa . snort time; term reaaoaable; abort hour, ea.y work: salary ' Parllrulsra, rail Rewmaa'a Motion Picture Co, 14fil Sixth at. WANTED Cabt act -make. 106 North Uth st ' WANTED Illgh-ela aalesma for ebolr fee. . rltorles; highest eommlsaloa paid: everything 1 farnlsbed: cash adraneed for expenses. A rare opp,wtunlty. Address, dOlck. Oregon Rnresry, Hsiem, Or. ' MEN wlabtng to become draurktemen. It will i Ey frm to hiveatlf ate. , pheoe Mara 101, . 14 McKay Mdg. . FIRrrLABR enrriag nam tar, atxipag gad fla lauas, UguUp JJU jrliat aj. HELP WANTED MALE. OOVEBXMRNT POSITIONS M.a between ft. a . eeea 1 aad 40, te prepare for railway mall clark. A poag ataa te prepare fo poatal Clark. Me freer M to prepare for enarom In. - nctur. Portland and rlrktitys InstracUoa by Biatl. - "' Can or arrtt at once, PAnrtO STATES SCIIUOLS, MrKay bUlf PortUad. Oe. . WAWTWfk AT din eta ea borl i 1.00 ear oord; ataady wark. Apply Waatere . Ceoparac Ce Ktearae bU.' Pertlaad. er Boeltua, Or. WANTltk BaUamanr1 many make (10 a OIM . par ajootbt aee eeaa aanrei etock ekMia Mma ea raaai letbm. far rroaa eld arebarja; raab adraneed weekly i choice ef teerlrory, Adilreaa Waahlnetoa Nereery eoeaaaay. Tue. pialab. Waabinctoa. MRN and boya wanted to learn plembln. plae tatinff. brlcklarln. electrical rradeo; free . ratal. e; position - oa cared. Cnyae Trade Scboula. New Tork and Baa Preaclee. WANTFn rrery crank -te cell er Beed Tea Co., so Plrat St., for "Ardteora Offae"! S n. $1; we like Too: yoa kow wkea aad why to kick. WB set work for oar aaemhere: epedal ajeea. . bera. i. X. M. C A. Peartb and Tamklll. , PACIFIC STATIONEBI at PRINTING CO. fr7 Beennd at Pneee main OTi We deeirn and loa tan tba moat mod. re and improved ornce ayataaati oaplt uae leaf flllac derlcce. v , . 1.0 A MONTH PROTECTS TOO . Acalnat aeddeot. atrkneae eed death. Write or call aad Inreatlcete.' -Rorthweatere Realtk A ac Ideal Aaaoctarlon. Boom 81, 26S Stark at. Aat Wanted. MEN AND WOMEN to leer -the barber trade In elaht werka: pradeatae earn from 1H te I2S weekly t expert leatroctora: eatamoe free. Molar Srstani ef Cull. aaa. M North Eoartk ' L. Portlaad. - .... WANTEIH-Mea for mill end wood. Apply at mill; come el Clarement Uear er Bae? tea. Cnloa Loarln Lamker Co. Ma to take entree ef eetabllebed efflc In . Waahlnrtoa. aalary 1 100 per aaontb a 4 , eomnilaaloa; meat lneeat o00. and fsralafc referencee. Addraaa Q 14S Journal. YOrTNO me deatrln( to better tbelr eoadltlo call ea amplormeat department. X. M. 0. A. WANTED for eawmlll. 1 re-aawrar. 1 plaaer - feeder, also 1 prader. Orepoa A Waabinctoa Lumber Co. Addrea B KM, car Journal. SMALL boy to answer phone end make ahnaaU netful. 2S0 Lauber Exchange. WANTED A watchmaker: do tinker need ap ply. Staple, the jeweler, 1SS Pint at. WB can nee ae.ef ! me ever SO. ef ability. prepare for V. eetoae-noue aerrtoa: 1900 to atari; life positions. Writ Pacific Bute cnooia, aicn.ay oiu.. city. . WANTED Eioerlenosd clothe cleaner at East Portland A Dye Workjllfl, flrand ai ween; pay i or ruut party. ,. v WANTED Phwt-claa mm wit andaratand fin . lehlOE and cabinet week, for retail a tor ka city. Addrea n J. car Journal. B6 Y8 wanted. 1 t 18 rear of f. Apply ta Old.. Wortmea King. - - ' WxtD-CUOPPER. 19 Idaho at. Pbone Mala WANTED CaothlniTi ' men's fenrhrhlnra. a boa and bat aaleamen; flrat-claa eellera; pood . pay; bring refsteaen. 8a Wage Co., eoraet . l Ulrd and war la. -l an p. nt. BARBER wanted, Saturday and extra tire. 3T TT - MadlsoB at, .. . - HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Ttft-c!se enamberraatd, eae not afraid of work; Swedish or Germs preferred: will pay good wage. Phon Pacific 1211, or .- call at 8061 Burnald ... room 10.. GIRI.ft. yoa can make Sne to tW after school selling small household necessities. .Com aad are Bt.yH tlantenbcln ave . WANTED A good girl for general housework, two la family, good wage. . Call ap Wood- wwa Ml. 1 . , - , WANTED Yoans iady tenographer to assist In office (liquor store); state aalary expected and pnvlou - xpcrlcnc. , . Adores . A , 147, JournsL GIRL to sea tat hi housework; good heme. Onr - ner BleraoU aad Scbayiar. , Take Broadway ear. " WANTED A good aura girl, ale bom. In - ejair SuO Park at. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work ea ahirt aad overs I la. I.eaeone gtvea te tosroeiteetad. Apply et Standard fectary Ms. t. Grand are, - and East Taylor at,. . . - . CIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. t, Urssd . aad East Taylor at. BANHRN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S43V6 Weak. ' lagtoa at, . cor. seventh, spare ire. Msla SBBS. - Female help wsstsd. WANTED Toesg Isdle to etady telearraphy; position when qnallfled. Orepoa College, 601 Conimeawealth bldg. WANTED A competent (rtrl for general banal . work; good waaaa. I BIB Beet Morrison at, er BIT Commercial bldg. tJ0Oiycehf"r pfltet famtly:" good wtges. (tl Bsst 14 rn f ., aorxn. . corner ncnuyaw. Phone East S27. " . WANTED Maker aad apprentlcee. Frakes. 833 Morrlsoa et." QIRLB FxTrtenced paper box makers. North Front (t. ,-i EXPERIENCED ladles to ores ment at East Portlaad CI raiUes ear- Cleaning A Dre Works. 148 Grand a vs. . Good wags for right part lee. . ( - ... GIRL for general Hon ea work la small family. Apply 441 Sixth C . . .. M1DDT.E-AGRD ladv ' for housekeeping work; small family. Call at .800 Montaomsry st. Phon Psclfle 1700. . - WANTED Girl , for i general h. uoiiege at. , WANTED Glri to esalat with souse work and cere for malt child; ne waablng; references reoalre. 6Wi Esst Burnald, corner Both. WANTED Chocolate dipper. . Apply candy factory, 104 North Fifth at. WANTED Women to work fn country; child no objection. Mrs. De Laahmutt, Illtlsboro, Or. I B. F. P. No. 1, box lia MATURE woman, refined, of good addram, to glv part tlm for errenlslag wsrk with Aid eocletle. Call 105 Tllford bldg. WANTED Experienced - wartrea, . Addrea K . 148. car Journal, WANTED A rtrl to assist In light housework, 128 North ISth t. WANTED A first -class eook and 23 Kssreey st. , ... ad, girl. GIRL for housework, part dy aleep at hoawi wage pis. ai a Carney au SALESLADY wanted at enc. A ifi'p ' Balvag Co., earner Third and Iavts. , va Do Yon Want to , Sell Your Business? . . .. . - x . . ... .. ; Many people want to sell thlr bualnesa and yet do not wan, th Attending publicity, v ,1 , ' Tou can dVrtl roar bualness ' for sal under - Cosiness Clianccj .. . In tha cUaatfled columns of Tba Journal and bav answer com In ear of Th Journal and no on will know who th AdvertlMr Is. ' For further Information The Jonrnal Want ad- man st Tha Journal Want Ad window. - MALK AND FEMALE HELP. WANTRD A - few eood aollcltore. male xael fauala; beet proiHiattloo la f.etlaud; oud mao.r to ttie right parties. Phone Bellwosd Tl. Lorner aaat iita at. aaa Amanita ere. BKLP wanted and eopplted, male er female. R. . G. Drake, SuAs Wa.blntoe at, Pactrle 117 SITUATION WANTED MALE. wniMJ rewin. wj s mm keeper er easlatant boukkaapari referencee. WANTED Poattlon as nbrht watchmaai aet able to do. masaaj labor. B IU oea. eiiy. IPER1NCF.1 proeery clerk waat aoaltloB. Addreaa O 141, car Journal. BITtrATIONS WANTED- FEMALE. WIDOW with child want posltloa ea keeper for widower. Eaat SuCO. BXPBRIENCBD a era wlaliea work by the day er week; alee ale ace aalt batba and Biaseaa, te iBTallde. Phone Mala 11. - EMPLOTMENT AGENCIES. BHD CROSS BMPLOTMBNT CO. t.(n. eeeie and farm belo a specialty 'SO North Second et. I'aou Mala Saw. W pay all telearapa cbargea. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OrriCB , FOB MEN. ..--tt North Second at. Pbone Mala Uft W". Tr tun tupiAryKNT orrfcB ; lOBH Morrlaca t I' bone Pact f I 17 North Second et .......Phone PaclfM ISuO , WANTEDAGENTS. ONE' hastier la each towa e locality 'to handle , atedlclaee er oap; wrne quicai ' money. B. M. I' rummer. ao miro. as. RXPERIENCED ancceaefal eaaeeaslnk as lea man. aewlnc machine man prelarred. Auareaa B ISA, care Journal. WANTED Al aewtng macbrn aaleamaal al ary and oommissiou. m jet, ouraai. , , WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Howeee. eottayee, flata, : atoree. ef flee, reemln- beoeee. eta, Urn ' W,t. will da well to rail on . PORTI.AND TRUST COMPANY OP ORBOOM Phon Ex. IX a. B. oo. ad and Oak. WANTED TO RBNT Hooaee. eottaraa, flat. tore, loonUnf-aoaaaa. oXflos. Sb4 Mohawk WW. . ; ..... ... WANTED Boomlng-aooaa, brick bonding; , terms; as agent. Addrea n, Taaceaver, W ash. , - ' WANTEDREAL ESTATE. IF roe wast to sal! enlck.' list with I. fweba. Blti morriaoa t. WANTED From owner who'll sail, good city home, vacant bite and Improved farms. Mom Lad Co, 148 H First st. WANTED Te buy a euburban earner lot front , lng S-eent electric line. . what hive yoa for bout (400? Address E 130. car Journal. WANTED Oomer lot oa er near rmoa or Hawthorn v.; essh. Phon East 623. I .WANT from owner H blork ta Stephana' .addition. Income property: no a rent m apply. . 142 Madleoa at. Mala 2na. WANTED-UnSCELLANEOTJS. - MAnt sens. . . .s- . . CASH AND LOTS OF IT . . f '. - FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, .' ( " 111 Flrat Bt. MAIN edOS. MAIB Mad. CAftH for nuoaebold roorta. .are A Pan nail. . I4B-347 Flrat at. Phon Pacific SOU. WB WILL BUT. PRIX OR TRADE ANY OI.B THING. WESTERN RALVAGB CO 27 . 83 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TP. WANTED Fnrnttur and hooeshold good f vary deecrlntlo bonrbt, sold and exchanged. The $. 131 First it. Msla 6874. HlOHEfT cssh i price Phen irtc paid for all klad ascend head a xi ii. ea n. inira. WE haul dead borss and cattle free. . Oretna Fertiliser Works, er notify Carney' vVtert aary. rourtj and Glhwa at. . Mala 1P66. WANTRD Bide for building barn near Greah. am; material farnlsbed. Dr. Darling. .East 623. . .- - ' . WANTED Te boy young baa.. laqnlr at US porta Bixtn at. tr WANTED Recond-h and baraeea, all klad. Eal- - ler Harnesa Co, 4u NorU Sixth st. J. W. T0CN0 A CO Excavstors, wrackera and graders; eettmate gives, Phon Eaat 1172. WANT LOAN 81.000 from private party en bom I am building. L ISO, car Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THB RICHELIEU. SSH North Sixth st Ele gaatlr famished; steam beat aad bathe. . THE GRAND. 4n4 North Third et. Banana far gentlemen. tl.SB per week aad pp. . . i THE YAMHILL, 81 West Park Rooms by day er week; steam beat, bath, Rhode; traa alent. . THB STEWART Uonsekeeplng and transient room. aiciy raraisaea. Joost wssaingto. NEWLY farnlehed rooms on tree tear Una. 846 Kaat 87th aad Boyt. - 600 HAWTHORNE ATB.. roreer East loth.. (uroune rooms; gas, pain, poone. WELL farnlahed room with board tor two. 109 14th. . una itua. .. . . . . . , ELEGANTLY- fnrnlsbed apartments at Tha woodman, elxta ax. . . 118 ISTH 8T. Nice furnhwed room; phone, bath, gas; . torn os beat; centrally located; reaaonable.- v THE ABCADE. 14A First .. near Morrtaoa, lurnisne rooms to (i ; transtsnt. . - NICB laxre fnrnlsbed rooms, eultaMs for twe. uome eooaingi pnvat xamuy. U .A4B. ear Journal. FOR RENT HOLSEKEEPTNa FTJRNIHHED or anfumlabed hoe ..keeping and steeping rooms;- fi.xa wsex; ais - an 6-room enttagea, furnished or nfnrnlshed, oa went side. 84 North Mth. W ear to 18th, turn left half block, 11.80 WEEK DP. Urge, clean, famished bones- el'.MB rwni, -WJ vmimt . . I I ma a south, Portland. tl 25 WEEK UP. clean. farabAed heaeekeep. vig morns, narmr, bath. . laoodry, tares ce beet, yard. PUSH Stanton. D ear. THB MITCHELL Housekeeping and trasalsat rooms, reseoeabl. Beveath aad Flaadere. TUB JEFFERftON. 614 Jeffersoa t Com pletely rurnisbed S- and 8-room (ult, all eonvenrancee. Phon Mala 6431. HOUHEKEEPING mom; lowest rstes. slectrl ligbt snd pbone included. P01H Weter st FINELY -. furnished - for housekeeping Parte rionr, aniteoi tor medium family; ewe In; plion fr. 810 Mala st , NICELY fnrnlahed room for honaekecplng, I siille of (wo, I per (nit. 681 llood (t, Pkooe Psclfle Ul. TWO dean fnrnlahed bonaekeeplng-ronrns; gas, Kth, closets: ws Iking dlsUnce. 616 East oe at,-earner 11th. - 110 EACH for 8-room fnrnlahed flsra, elos In. fln tw. , Phon Mala 16V7. 083 Bay nth at . . ,. 171 MONTGOMERY ST Twe nicely farnlehed front room f.r hossakeepln; gas, bath. --Phoe Pacific a78T ...... . V. .. . .i ... LARGE Lght honaekeeptng-room. wall furnished. 176 14tb at. Phone Msla 6020. . UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT I anfurnlshed housekeeping rnornsi light, airy: walking distance from postofftcc "tuqulr in Sixth street. - j FOUR fine unfurnished rooms la a swell Betgb i v horhood. west aid. L 148, cars Journal. ; 4-ROOM flat, bath, gaa. (14; lngK ,. 6340, 1W14 Market at, , , ROOMS AND BOARD. TH 8 MOKKIHON. formerlr the llesnerls Lsrrs co' rotrms. alnxle and ee aulte. newly furui.hed: beet table price moderate, Morrlaua et., corner ITth. BOKKDAI.H fthe Burrell estatel, 404 cores iota and sl.'lleon, just ensued: everyuileg riraciaae. Aewiy rutuisbsa uironguoui. MINNEgllA INN. 87 Yamhill at Nlc rooms, -stesm heat, eulendld me. Is, day. week. bhwihi aew msnasemeet; reasonable retee. FOR RENT HOUSES. GUARANTEED aa advertised. We eaa rent er eell your bouse, rooms, flat, office. , stores, farms: screage. Iota; Hat now for eestsra advertlalng. 804 Mohawk bid. FOR BENT P-coom modera bom la first clsse condition. HOB kaat (let at.. K.nll- worth. Key at 804 Bid et Phon East ton. 8-ROOM cottars ea St. John car lln. cloa to - car line; cblrkso-bons; mull fruit. rV was, 11014 Fowth at phone Pacific X2vl. WB rent A Co. - ad Mil plan Sharmaa. Clay MODERN 6-roea cottage, Sunuyelde (aewer nutriot) ; f luu down balance Ilka roat A. P. tnltn, owner, ig commercial hlk FOR RENT Hones In eond reoslr. S rooms. floe location. Call or - addrea TBI, East Couck at. Phon Bast 6660. FURNISHED HOUSES. f ROOMS, bath, 4 tottete, ens apstslr,. on dowa; new boose, double floors, full beae- aieut, eomblnatloa gaa and electric fixtures . 80 aer month for six month only. - Haw , tnome Realty Co., 1x3 Maranerlte are, cor aar el Hawuoroe. Phone labor 01. FURNISHED cottage, 6 loom, or 6 for rent for light housekeeping) a as ana weed atove, porcelain bath, autteiaxy tuba, baeement: ' modern; quiet place; phone aad water. 856 UVCWI St. FOR BENT e-rema modera furnished hou Pbone Wood law a 618. - - - FOR RENT FLATS. 810 BACH tor S-reem fnrnlsbed flata. elos la. fine Tlew. Pbeao East 16BT. 831 8ev- elh st FOR RENT FARMS. FOB Is ess. for tana of rears. 10 school; 64 ecre ta cultivation; will glv chance and mag leas te right party. Phone recin uii. or can after a p. as. at awm ttarneiae it, ream io. Tt RENT Small farm seer Oreehnm; essh . er anaree. tr. xmrting. swsx . -.- HOUSES FOR RENT FURNXTURH ; FOR BALK. FUR MTU RR f S room and high-grade fiano: wlU sell at berrala If take at eac. dip CnloB av- worth. - - ITRNITURB ef 1x room aad kt token, oore pleta, xcellnt condition: rent 820; your est price; will accept say reasonable offer. 104 uraad avc, aorts. Hliatlll Mlfer. T Cniwlalved i-aue fdl green) bow. boat at k bsrgala. Foot of Clay - at, west aid. Blga "For 81" over door. BOOMS, new fnraltnr. rent 830. antral. heap -for cash. I 148, care Jonrnal. FTTRNITCBB ef 6-room boos for aale cheap , If taken at once; rent rsonabl; Cloa II Phen Mala loll. . WB a eed raraltnre at any prto. Portland A ac tion pnnms 811 First et, Man aaoa. A 6-ROOM cottage for rent gad furaltor for sic; rvni Ja- ssi .o-.s. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. , OFFICE-ROOMS. nnfurnUbe roam snd anas- pis-room tot rest teeodaeagh Btdg. . Appip elevator. . - - . FOR RBNT Htoeeroom fitted ap 'for Honor ftM.,1 . fn.-,l. I .M .k. . , , 4 dreae O 147. care JouraaL IP TOO are tntereated la aa ap-to-date graend floor offlc or desk' room. Can at 84 Third at, opposite the Chamber of commerce. PLATE-FRONT, ateam-beated axon, low rent; fro location: lone lesee. Apply on premises. 6u3 Washington at, next to Wolf a Jewelry tOT. ' BUSINESS . CHANCES. OFT IN NOW DON'T WAIT. ' The Potlcl Gold Mining Co. of Ooewr "Aleo, Idaho, haa placed oa the -mrkt 100.0)10 share of It treasury stock) price ; as followa: . 857 .R0 bays BOO shires; pay dowa 137.80 and ra per month isr a montne. 113 buys l.ono ahares: pay dowa foe and S3 per month for 10 mouths. ; 8171.80 bay 1.600 shares; pay dowa 1 71 JO ana siv per montn ror iv monrn. 6280 buys 1,000 shsrss; psy dowa (130 aad ' flO per month for 10 months, -. P. L. ALrariN, PretdeBt,- 'i 12S Abloptoa bldg. HOTEL FOR SALB. 10R eemn. ' most modern la all details. never vacant room or suit, beet kcstlonl that hotel will stssd a moat thorough lavesri gstlon; dlamg-room espadly 100. For par. ucaiare, cau oa . T AUSTIN A 00, ' '' Salt 123 to 126 Ablngtoa bldg. , GOOD INYE8TMENTS1. . ' , Mini ANO HM ALL. v Partner wanted la eawmlll aad genera! merchsndls (toe, en good harbor, elos te large body ef timber; Urge return fa capital er aiu.uou or more. . Farms and timber land fn aale. . '. TMmhee elalras for location. 1 For Information rend stamped envelop to box 148. Waldport, Oregon, - Grccery and Meat Market .Will sell at a discount If sold before . March 2ath, or wui sail grocery eeparate, bar a party tor -aval market; cheap rent, long lease;' Al location. Al fixture; terms .If desired ; owner leaving city; a Slants. "Address 41 147, Journal. . Look Here If pea . wish to sail or exchange poor roomtng-bonse for reel estate, aee Dement A . King. They have borers and property for exchange. Call 141 Madtaoa at Mala 6203. SALOON for sel. Call at Braaa A C, lint and Alder ats. . , ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE. 11 nicely furnished room, new building, fall at a toady roomere aad boarder; Tine fee. tloar cheap rent. Thla to (nap and must b old this week. Price 11.000. THB VETERAN LAND CO., , ' .. . 160 It Third t, room A. PROSPECTING A prpector bavin t claim na cannot Dannie aoore, wiu inreie yoa vary cheep, nd win guarantee you 610 rock per tea er money retnrned. Cell to eea (am ple. Address J 148, car Journal. OLD eatabllabed grocery for sal; beat location est aid, elos in, doing !j aay Business; (lock at Invoice and good fixture rhe.pi Invoie shout l,600i beet of reason for sell ing; agent need not apply. F 140, Jonrnal. FOB BALE Transfer bosmeae; 1 good young veem ana ssrneee, sr.. .us nets . auroiters wsgoa. Phone Psclfle 1411. . FOR SALE Fixture small fruit store; cen tral; rent paid to April i: price (too. rrta clpel only. Owner, 88 North Sixth St. FOR SALE 86-eow dairy, good delivery ant- fit, eeat rll rout l city, . rasa amsi 6688. 0BUB PTAKB wanted by aa A la eke proa pec tor; only parties tntereated in copper seed apply. Addrea B 149, ear Jearaal. RESTAURANT for aale or rent; excellent bl- neee; nei asooinir p. . . tww, a v. v. aws ois Vaaenarer, Waahlngtoa, HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. If your hotel Id for Bale, la or out at the rlty, bring It to and w will procure a perchaaer without publicity. Reference, Ho tel Men' aaaoclatloa. P. L. AUSTEN A CO., Oflrtnil Hotel Broker. Suit 121 to 13, Ablngtoa bldg. - Phon Mala S48. , , ' HAVE th beat opening ea ths ansst la wall. estshllshad enterprlMi; imiQ capital re en I red; write for particular. F. 1 Sckett eo40 test Morrkwa (t, . , ECSIXLF3 CHANCi:.?. 8AVR IIK.NEV Anythttig la printing as Ma, dan. Odd FeUowa' laiusla, Flrat ud Alilut sts. t ttpstslrs. , F0H SALB OR TRADE Hotel Halae.v. 100 - ml lee from Portland on Southern Pacific; a modern up-to-dnia hou.. newly furulahed; haa good commercial trade. Address Uolal llalaey, llslsey. Or. SMALL grooery store I auburbs; good loca tion. Ikon Pacific eta). FOR SALE Jim a II (took of giucerlea and Dx. lures, compullug scale, ahew caaea, loo .' cheat, coffee mill snd other fixture be. longing to th grocery bualnesa; rcasuft for selling, going eaat by the first of April; cheap; prlue 2u. O 148. JouraaL LEAftB aad furnlahlnga of 70-coom hotel for . sale ny owner; aew brlrx with every moa er convenience; paying 8.VJ0 or hatter per month; best ocatrsl lucstlon. best prospects ad best hotel buy tu PsHlsud. sure; only buyere aeed epply. N 148, Journal. 6030 TARES alway paying cssh grocery store , ea business at., worth 8I.00O. Thla la genuine bargain, 4X1 las klorrleoa et. PROFITS from I0 to 1100 per evening; fin ehanc fit maa with (mall smouut of money. For partlcluar call at 140 Vk Sixth ' at. room 8. EHTARUhHklD- bualneee; eacterUaiuUT. ire -cream, soda, quick hin.h. clgare; aeason Jilat epenlug; low rent; 61, KM, ruuat he cash; fliltirre worth aiure; eo nUddleDjen. Butler, 814 Dakum. . SEVEN new fnrnlslied roorof. 8ie, Pine at., SM0; rent .io. CsU and trad wltk owner. Q ISO, car Journal. . . I4M BUYS 8-rooms. well fnrnlsbed la good lo cality; west side; low rent, Uagsaiaue A ' Blsarbard. 81 lift st CONTRACTOR with work waats partner with om .capltaL Addrea W 1B0. car Journal. RESTAURANT for eats. 64001 doing good baa luaas; fin fecstloa. E 148, Journal. . STBIKB OS NO fVTRIKR, PEOPLE HAVE TO EAT. Restaurant, on of the best money-makers la Portland, with 8 years' less and low real; this plscs will stand year closest uv- Testlgatlon, showing yoa that it paya fi Itself very alx moatha. price 12.000, 8I.B0O eaah. If you waat te accumulate a Utile . for tun do not tnlee this ehanc. , F. rUCHS, 221V Morrlsoa at. ' GOOD RESTAURANT. r " 44 chairs aad counter, fine location, near Mri theatre and rooming-house district; Mesa at 600 per mouth; will sell at a bar gal, laqnlr at 80S CHAMBER OF C0&MEBCB. FURNITURE ef 10-ronr residence, close In: rent 627.60; price 1173 If takes at one. S4l Madtaoa t. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOMESEEKBRfl, TAKE NOTICE. ' ' SO acre. sxceUent soil, 0 ml ma from river towa; 20 scree under fine at sts of cultiva tion, 20 seres . slashed and seeded, balance pastor; fin orchard of snorted fruits; a-rosta iH-story boos, neerly sew: bera -Uxluttr-eMekeat-kmae.-weoVlebed, -etc. I place well watered by living inrhm and atreauia A mil from school and church. Thla la a fin home, la good ebjrhborhood. and la cheep at th "pries, 63,000: owner aaa lv terms; good reeeoa for selling. 40 acne, 8 scree lered, Badsr fin stats ef cnltlvatloa, 10 acre fine saw timber, lie wlthla H mil of sswmUL, bs lance ef tend eery easily cleared; place alb- feared and cross-fenced. He oa mala county road, H antl from good country towa. church, graded , school, atoree, ate.; 10 aitlea from Vancouver; living water; fine netrhborbood; telephone line by place.: Price with timber, 81,oo, or win Mil tend and tea aria timber for 1.200i term If desired. ' 6 seres. 11 mile from thla city, an nder fine stst of cultivation but about f4 of a acre; fair 4-room bouse, barn, ehlcken-boase snd yards, woodshed, etc.; hone, buggy, one horse wagoa, plow, about T6 chickens; ale orchard ef assorted fruits, Thla 1 aa Al chlckea and berry ranch, excellent soli and good wsll of par water. I'rtc 61,100; part ash. 100 acre, beet ef land, 83 acre cleared, mora easily cleared, balance of lend seeded to pea tore; place fenced aad eroee-fenced, large 1-story a-morn hops, nicely painted; ' Mrs bars, woodshed' aad 1 large cbleken bonae; chlckea yard baa living spring, good well at bouse; 8H acres la ercbard,' foil bearing, assorted fruits, strawberry bed, etc, etc; fin trout, stream throoyh land: living water oa every 40: i mil from erhool. 1 rmHe from railroad station and country (tore. creamery, etc., ate. and IX miles from Van couver, oa good county readt la aeod locality . and on of th cheapest farm la th eonaty; IS.600; part cash. - CsU and tnveetlgar or brgab( before buying, ws eaa v yoa moosy, Landa - (howa free. - ' , THOMPSON A SWAT. ' Cltlxrns' Bank bldg, Vanoourar. Wash. foOO 4-ROOM boa, furnished, Beaxtde; rent piuo a , SaDwood, IH blacks 14.800 Lot 18x100. Portlaad Height, cor ner Elm aad 30th, eta. - ' Deak spec for teat. '. - : ' V '"' TR0MBERG A CO.; ': . 237 Vs Waehlagtoa t. , Arbcr Loflfe Snaps - ' - Choice houaea and vacant lota, nice large cor u cia near boulevard and car, mountain , clew, ctty water, electric, also lot OOxluO with good tent; hooi Terr cheap; aave rant; term. See W. B. Boat. 203 Portland bonle. , rerd. Arbor Lodge. Phon WoodUwa U10. St. John csr. - ' - 111.000 hOilOO. THREE 6-room enttagea, ren ts La .-, corner Tntrn ana rue. si utut v. Phon East 6087. JUST THINK Let 130 each at II per mouth. near aeiem car noe, apply to owner, w, Bsldt room IS. Waahlngtoa bldg. ACREAGE ef ell Uses, sy terme. near os ism nn. w, Biot. wasningtoa aidg. I HAVE 1ft lots ta Mflwsnkl and meet sell: I'll sell you an aow for 826 eaah, next month Mother, one every mouth; msny a yoa wsnt and all aajotauig. Be Irwin, MU wankl. Or. . 1 QUARTER block at 17tb and Eaat Clinton ats. , one a-roam ana one e-raom eottsge, fnll bassment; thea ar modem; -nothing nicer In East Portland. Price J.1.000; rsn give terme. Se O, W. Bevsr. owner, 800 Esst Morrlsoa t. City. . - . BUILDING LOT OUB SPECIALTY. LOTS FROM 1 250 and upward. Com and Be us. W will give you Information about any part of th city or stats. Term oa oar property If yon wnt It. ( . ROOM 6. .109 SECOXD T.. Home-Buyers Attentifln, , ,W bars some elegant modera home, (om wltMo walking dlatsoc. price 2.ono to - 88.000; also suburban property at tXK to 13,000; term eg ush. . Call oa a be for buying tlsewhere. .... DIAMOND REALTY CO., Phone Pacific 101, 108 Alder St.. Room 10. 2f0 DOWN, 113 monthly, buy nest 4-roorh cottar on ouxiou corner, one Dioex or car, en river ridge, just beyond Brooklyn school; young fruit tree, berries, garden; lot rained at IM00: pric 1.200. Horn Lend Oo, 14SV First t. Bl Snap In Houses ' - Ron, S rooms, lot inotinrl feet, for 61.100; bona, room. 81.300; bona, 4 room, 130. Call om owner, Ira kllborn, Lasts, Or. - - . - 6750 BUILD yonr horn oa th "Blttillthle Boulevard to Mt Tanor t tore win-ooubl In vain hi la months; few left on rssy terms. V. Pigs Harris, Btlmont and Eaat loth (hi. A NICE 8-room bona. 007 East 10th at., north; terms. . oow. am par raonuv. ; par seat; trade with owner ta boa, , TWO 6-room ttage for sals la S.llwood, 81.80Q apisce. invjun-o ex owner, eau sill ier a vs. - i BARGAIN 1 lot. IIOxlM feet. In Midway. I . block from car nne, city water, tor gvwi eaah and insrsitmenre. Be ewtter, 648 Esst 3 2d t.; Richmond ear. ONE T-roora pleat. red ban, well finished, for leee tkea cost tk flora; j t room, i B-eonm house, close In. chesn: 1 business snd T other, property; ell In St. Johns, Or.; buy Uircca fnnu vao-i, re. i,,a lu.u ov.u no. spply. For further particular address box 7nd. St.. Johns, Or. t ACRES on Be car lln, 280 a sere. 204 Mohawi Ding. I HAVE' loft lot la Mllwsiikl and mnat a. lit 1 11 su Jon on now ror eaaa, next month another, on every month) aa many von, want aad all adjoining. Be Ixwl. MU waukl. Or. a. earn. IBS0 1-rooa boaaa to car Km. FOIt SALE F.EAL ESTATE. TH'O -id Inveatinenta In 81- Johns property ,t;'0. ft-n.-vd an. I Improved: lodilu nn; n.-Nf Willamette boulevard. Dod Boa llroa., 4lb Cliamher of Commsrcs. FINKS'f apsrtment alts la city. cUsa In. louijo; price reaBoaubla. . Address .0 141, Jouruat A BAHUAIN Half bUick with three bouses, stl rvuled. only 6H.000, Corner Water, and lurry. Also timber laud. Owiwr, ISA Cuiry St. ; FOR SALE, cheap, good modern 6-rooa bonsa, plastsred, belh, gas, sewer, bssement; Frs Luout sod luiuu.. iiodeoa Briai., 418 Cham ber of Couiuierce. FINS anbdlvlalon pronoaltloa on O. W. P, close In. 21 scree; level, no gravel; bargain for quick aale. Vaoduy A Walton, 613 Chamber Commerce. , STOP PAYING RENT. fftxlOA, on Be car line, email hone, ce ment baseiueut, garden, 373. S04 Mohawk bUlg. ... : "LOTS. 6UXP0. near Be car line, 0SO seed the money. 304 Muhswk bldg. 6-ROOM bouee, . alt modern, fireplace, three lota. Owner, . 1Z2 Sunth Jersey at. South St. John. two -finest .lots, - with -nsw- bouse not -Quits.. finished, 4 rooms: sacrifice; owner leavlnxi ' cbauce seldom offered: on Mount Scott car line; no a. P. Mclubold, ears Wabb addition, luts, Oregon. 8. Too TWO rood 7 room bomses. wast side. We have thla bargain tor only 13 dsye. Register A Co., lulls Third (t. - I2.O00 NEW modern 6-room ' eotuga, smsll lot. splendid fecstloa, -feat aide, walking distance; (300 dowa. M 160, Journal. FOR BAI.B Improved and an Improved land la ler or email tracta, cloa to good school., stores, etc.; IS miles from Portland: railroad , and atsambvat - transportation. Fuller tua, . Warre. Or. T-ROOM bona with H acre, 1 block from . Inta; also 10 acre 4 mil north of Ml. Scott car. Ry Jira. Beald, Gray' Crossing, at water tower. 100 FARMS, email tracta and lots; bargain oa 0. W. P. slectrle line, 0. R. Addltoa. Laata. Oragoa. Take Mooat Scott car. te. KBNIL WORTH Corner 100x100. worth 1 .000 In two month; tt sold la fw day. TU cash. U ISO, car Journal. MODERN 6-room cottage, Snnnyatde (sewer dlatrlctll 100 dowa, bslaece like rent - A. P. ' Smith, owner. 616 Commercial blk. K 6-ROOM bonse, modera. at a bargain, owner, 7P4 Cnloa are, north. YOU FIND A LOT. WB WILL BUY IT AND BUILD TOU A HOME. PAY US A SMALL AMOUNT DOWN. BALANCB INSTALL. MKNTft TO rll'IT. McOMHER A DEFFEN- . BAUUI1. 410 STEARNS BLDG. T-R0OM booae. barn, three fete, plentr fruit.. Be owner, Mr. WOUam Behind!, 1834 Bay rd at.. Peninsular. , t East Jlcrrlscn, - 100x100, Just across bridge, mast saO kt a low price, BOOM SOS COMMERCIAL BLK. I1.1W) IF Invested now will bey aew 6-rooa cottage oa Jersey st. St Johns. Dodsoa Brae.. 418 Chamber of Commerce. 67,000-0000 fun, at 107 acres, la good Mat et cultivation, ea good road Bear Vancou ver. Waah.; ha orchard aad good Improve- ;. BMBta, .- ....... , , , BEGISTER A CO., .1 107 Vs Third St, ' . j 11,000 BUYS a 6-acre bom, beet ef anil, t acrse planted to herrlee and trait trees. . situated oo a good graveled read Bear car Uae; baa a flrst-claae 6-room bone. This . , I s fln a home aa eaa be foaad near , Portland for the price. .1 siKwisirTH at ro., . , -. 107H Third Bt . - - 800 CORNER lot. 801 100, ra Going et. all paved and street! graded, smsll hous. fur. - Blahcd; com at once If yoa want thl map. . AlElllHir k a i d. . ' . 107H Third St . . - CRESTOM. 11.300 eaah 6-rootn modera boa, 1 block ' st ef Clark at, Mouat Scott car- Una; week only. M. Petsrsou. owner. FOR- SALE Good g nwnx-eonag erlth ge nd bsth. ' wslktng dlstinee. Beat Salason. bet lth and 17th (to, 62.484); terme If de- " aired. Addrea. owner, 881 Beet Morriaoa st; OT0 FC1-L lot. tooth Flrat aew Hamilton a vs. 1 street Improved, cement walks; this I a rasp. Vanduya A Walloa, 116 Chamber of Commerce. 63 000 BCYB a aew 7 -room boas aad lot lOOx 100, concrete beseasent, good bera and eh 1c he ' bouse, 8 blocks from 1 car line. Inquire at 034 Rodney are. FRACTIONAL lot, SOrlOO, Beat Taylor and Twenty-fifth sts, 8700. loanlr owner, A66 . Eaat Morriaoa at A 0-ROOM heoee aad lot aa Wllsoa, aeer Eld st r. Hansom, own. ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 acre. BMWtlr eleered. goad boas and kern, fin anil, meet go rbeap. Th entk. A Abstract Oa, reom 4 Malkey bldg. Second and Morrlsoa to. . -. 14.10 will buy 6-room modera bowse, rsn re end carnet: corner tot 100x100. 18 hooi In - fruit trues 1 East 84th st. Bear car Un; owner mnex sou. 1. law, car jearaaAj FOR SALE FARMS. A'TTENTION FARMBRec-ATTOtTTOlF. I eaa eell yoa Improved farm lead hi th Willamette ealley from 630 sp to $78. any sired tract; wheat tend la eastern Oregon - from 1S to 123, la tract ef 160 sera I 8.000 scree or more. Price ad term er right I eea tell from ectaal experience what you eaa d on a Oregoa farm. Ones la ' aad eee me. Turner, BUSH Waahlngtoa at Attention, Advertisers! - The large increase in the volume of The Journal's arj vertising during; the - past several months makes it nec essary to ask the cooperation ct all advertisers in the mat ter of favoring V : The Journal with early copy everyday In the week. -: -;; For The Sunday J ournal No display advertisements can be taken after ; six o'clock Saturday night and to insure insertion . copy should be handed in as much earlier than this hour as pos sible. ; ''' 1 , The earlier, the Copy reaches The Journal the bet ter will be the composition of tha ad and the better the position given it. L .L.lV- MORAL: Advertise in The Journal for quick re-' suits, the most results and "the best result. . ' . :.. Largest Paid Circula tion of Any Daily Paper in Oregon