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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, : MARCH 13, -1007, KEDIUCKY FEUD CASES OH TRIAL On Charges of Murder Ken tucky . Feud Leaders Are , Brought Before Juries. ' RESULT OF TRIALS IS - AWAITED WITH INTEREST XJreathJtt County Judge mmd Alleged . Accomplice Are on Trial for Their Lives, Charged With Kltt tog Two Men In Deadly Feud.' (Journal SdmUI Service.) Lexlng-ton. Ky., March II. That por tion of Kentucky ' lonr known aa the teud dlstrict'hae been the scene during me past . week .or ao or two trlala ths reaulu of which are awaited with a - lively Interact. In the little courthouse "" at Jackeoa, Judge James Hargla, noto . rloua aa the Breathitt county feud lead er, la belnfc tried for the alloyed aaaaaalr I nation of pr. B. t. Cox. At Beattyville, -Lee county, John Smith, B. Fulton French and John Abner are on trial for " - the aaaaaalnatlon of Jamea B. Marcum, at Jackson. " ' - Dr. B. D, Cox waa aaaaeslnated It ; April, 1S02. aa he waa paaalng the Har gla residence In Jackaoa, to vlalt hla child, who waa UL The fatal ahota were fired from a ahed belonging to Judge ; Jamea Hargla. Judge Hargla and Sheriff fid Callahan were charged with the . . aaaaaalnatlon. Laat June Aabury Spto- , er, a noted feudist, made a confession In which he awore'.that Judge Hargla - and Ed aallaban had employed John J3mlth, John Abner and himself to mur der Vf. Cost He said that after waiting ' every algbt for a week for Coz to psaa the shed, Elbert Hargla, a brother of ' the Judge,' one night signaled to Smith, , Abner . and hlmealf that Cox waa com ; Ing. Splcer swore that be dosed, and ' was awakened by the- crack of a gun. He looked up and saw that Smith had Just fired, and Abner waa in the act of shooting Coz, wh lay on the ground groaning. When Coz was dead. Splcer, Smith and Abner went Into Judge HP , gls yard, where Judge James and Sena tor Alex Hargla and Kd Callahan awalt - ed - them. -- - Judge- Hargla - commended . these for killing Cox.; Spicer's confess ,' alon was corroborated In full laat Janu ary, when John Smith also made a eon Session, telling the same story as that ...of Splcer, saying, however, that he had . not fired at Coz. ' ?& The aaaaaalnatlon of James B. Mar cum occurred Mar . It- He was ' killed as ba-stood In the courthouse door at Jackson. Judge Hargla and "Sheriff , Callahan were accused of employing Curt Jett and Ton White to do the kill : lng. Jett-was sentenced to hang and White given a life term In the penlten tlary. ' Laat June Jett confessed, saying V mat be bad amea Marcum at ue miiai Vaf Hargla and Callahan. He said White had nothing to do with It. , Later, now ; ever, Jett waa placed on the witness stand, and be then repudiated In full him eonfeealon. aaylng he -bad beea - forced to make It by attorneys for the jproaeootlon. Judge Hargla and Callahan (-were aoqultted. .while Mrs. ,. Marcum, i widow of the murdered man, swore ven 5 geanee.- Later Curt Jett: waa- given a 'life sentence for the assassination of 1 Jamas CockrilL and upon a reversal of 'his death sentence for killing Marcum ' was given a life sentence for that tnur Tder also. Jett Is now In the penlten ' tlarr with two lite, sentences" hanging Invar him. ' ' ""' Fnlton, French, Smith and Abner were '.charged with complicity In the aaaaaat . nation of Marcum, aad tried at Beatty ' villa, on' a change of venue from Breat- i hltf county. 1M jury iiuw iui I .haneina and fou? for acquittal, iney jTcould Aot agree and were discharged. French Is the former leaner 01 aim o ion in the Frenoh-Eversols feud war In Ferry county.. In. which , nearly 109 '"men were killed.' Simply Swallow Many Eat aa Though They Were ! Mind and Their Tongues Cat Out Dyspepsia is built on confidence too much confidence In the ability of your atomach to digest anything and every thing you put into it s In -this age we have developed speed in every line of action, end we have also developed epeed in mastication. We don't take tlmo to eat right, and sometimes we do not eat the right kind of food. Sometimes we carry our bust cees to our meals and aa a result eat mechanically. We eat as though we were blind and our tongues out out. We simply swallow.' The reault is that the food we eat is half chewed, and Ilea like a lump of leadT on the stomacn. .. Tou may deny to yourself that you abuse your stomach, but when you get a bloaty feeling, you can't deny . you've got it. .... When you get brash, . eructations. burning sensations, -bloating, aversion to food, loas of appetite, belching and other kindred ailments, there is not much use ssklng yourself, for ths time being, why yon suffer. The fact la yon've got these aliments and the question of the hour la how to get rid of them at once, so that at your neat meal you may 'be able to sit down and look at your meal straight In the face with a keen appetite and smile, and enjoy thoroughly everything you eat. .- - .- Just one or Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta will dlgeat an ordinary meal, without the help of the stomach. One ingredient of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 1.900 grains of food. The strong-eat stomach couldn't do the work any bet ter than one of these wonderful little tablets earf do It. A Each tablet contains the strongest di gestive agents It Is possible to obtain. Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets are not a patent medicine. We ceme out and any Juat what la in them Hydrastis,- golden seal, lactose and aseptie pepsin. They are recommended by 40,000 - licensed physiclsns In the United States and Canada. ' ' - And thsy are recommended by every one who uses them they can't help it, for they immediately - invigorate the stomach by letting it take a. rest; they strengthen the gaatrla Juice and cause the appetite to become keen and regu lar. . ,.-....'...: .... . '! . Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will surely destroy dyspepsia, brash, belching, that Tunis of lead" feeling, burning sensa tions, indigestion, loss of appetite, and aversion to food. . v. Have Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets handy -where you can take one or-two after each tneaL Then , you will know what a bleaalng it is to have A good appetite and to get all the good possi ble out of everything you eat. Ton'Il feel rosy and sweet. StBart's Dyspepsia Tablets at any drag store on earth, iOc Bend us your name-ana address today and we will at onoe send you by mall a sample package, free. Addrees F. A. Stuart Co., It Stuart Bid, Marshall. Mich. -' - .. . . : LTU W A .(C). ARJBD BOTJM miMWE .MGES-THE HI CE DESERT CLAIMS TO "PUT BACK" n'EufeirrOre Have Been as Busy as '."Z Elsewhere. ; AGED ARD VENERABLE -PIOHEER PASSES AWAY Tunis Swick Came to Oregon In ' Fifty-Three -r Dies at; . Seventy-Four. - fipeH.t Dwpetek te Tke JeeraaL) , The DaUes. Or . March II. Tunis Swlck died yesterday at the residence Of hla brother-in-law, Robert Ollmore, near Grand Dalles, across the river In Washington. He was born in New Totk 74 years ago. He crossed the plains to Oregon in IStS and settled in Yamhill county. In 1110 he was mar ried to Miss Margaret Ollmore and to them were born four children, three of whom survive Lyman D. of Mon mouth. William M. of Heppner and Mrs. Myrtle Gentry of Hamilton. There are alao 10 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Three brothers also sur vive him Dr. B. F. Swlck pf Dayton. Oregon Minor 8. of Corvallls, and Ly man of Hamilton. In 18T1 be came to The Dalles and from here, removed to Klickitat county, where he remained few years ana tnen semoa ra unm 7&sBty, where he lived for over 10 -years. For some yeara ne nau -fllcted with Brlght's disease, and laat November, came to the Ollmore farm, near Orand Dalles, to be close to this city 'for medical treatment ' Mr. Swlck was well known in this and Grant counties, where he wsa highly respected for many sterling qualities. For mild, easy action of the bowels, a single doae of Doan's RwlU enough. Treatment curee habitual con stipation.' 21 cents a box. Ask your druggist for them. ' v ; f UNCLE SAM WANTS A ' TAILOR FOR INDIANS .' " '(Joanul gpeelal Berrle. ' Waahington. Mar:h 18. Unci Sam needs a tailor In the Indian service st Fort Shaw, Montana, and has advertised for sppllcants to take the civil service examination today for the place. The MCdvertlsements fall to state whether, a tailor is. wanted who may be able to Introduce the latest French . cut of clothes to Indian swells, or whether plain Indian blankets, with feather sdornments, shall ba the styles ex-, plolted by the tailor. The applicants, however, must be of the male sx, "un married or without family." and must, not expect a salary of more than 1600 a year to begin with. If his work is minfactory to ths government' and likewise to the In.llnns it Is poaslbls tht h may receive mors money la the future, i DESERT LAND ACT HAS A. BEEN CROSSLY ABUSED Government Investigation la Pro gress Discloses All the "Old Fa miliar Games Many Patent . Held Up, Pending Inspection. (Special Dispatch te The JeersaU Bums, Or., March II. There has kbeen considerable investigating of land titles la ths Burns land dlstriot by gov ernment agents,", who . have found out while the timber land of western Ore gon has been fraudulently Acquired by eastern capitalists, people - of eastern Oregon have been grabbing; land under the desert land act Thousands of acres of aa nne grain land aa la in the state have been taken under this law by peo ple who hare proved up and got titles from the government without making any effort- to bring water" on the land to produce crops, while others have taken places on running creeks, where, by turning the water over tbe land, a first-class, crop of .wild hay has been produced. There la land claimed by stockmen who have hired their men to take the claims under the desert and homestead laws and then bought them out for a mall price. Moet of the land held this way, it has' beea found on investigation,- has not .been cultivated at alL. In several cases no ihouaes have been built ' to show- that a aettlsr ever lived on his claim. ' The government has been holding up patents on - desert and homestead s tries until tbe special agents can make Investigation and report to the govern' ment There is a good prospect of sev eral desert land entries being canceled. MORE HELP WANTED IN "THE CONSULAR SERVICE " rioeraal gaeelaJ nenlre.i Washington, March 1. The first' of the examinations for the coneular serv ice under the new rules laid down by Secretary Root are to be held tomorrow, and the result is awaited with a good deal .of anxiety by persons Interested in the development, of the consular service on civil servicer lines. . It was expected that there would be a large number of apptloants, but such has not proven the case. From present indica tions there will not be a sufficient num ber to flu all , the vaoanelea that now exist In the consular servloe or will eilat In the near future. The apparent difficulty la in finding applicants prop erly equipped technically with the neces sary knowledge x of two lsnguages or more, and at the sama time possessing an acquaintance with worldly affairs and business methods likely to make them good conauls. 7 smooth drive V frost dowa , town te Soao City Fark. -See page 1U ' D-d D )Y r'TTi - - The- ' '"Smfm. TiW to Earnest- Wreckers Ready for Work--Kow Ihe Tearing Down Denins -Entire Yamhill Street Front to Be Torn Out been let, the building material ordered and in a few short days the entire store will The laborers, carpenters and bricklayers here, there and everywhere and dust and be on every hand. The time has come for decisive action, for the most desperate reckless price-slashing of the entire sale. No time for delay now-r-the last few days to be one never-ending bargain revel, replete with staggering price cuts and. :-,!-'- the most sensational selling ever witnessed on the coast. : 11 : - i : ; You Buy at Almost Your Own Price Now Cost less than cost even half cost cuts no figure goods must go and they will, for we've made prices so low as to bring the greatest jam of buyers that ever packed a store anywhere. The prices tell the 'tale. . Doors open at 9 o'clock tomorrow. Get in line. ' ' ' . - - ; . 1 CHTra BLOCK CM YAMHILL FROM 2K3 TO 3RD. A Quick, Clean Sweep In the 3I1K Doors Open : at' 9 a.m. Stock PLAIN AND FANCY mm Worth Up to $2.00 .Thousands, upon thousands of yards to go, to get them out of he Vay of the builders.-Plain silks arid fancyr3ilks,taffetasi; peau de cygneslouisines, niessalines, figured, striped and novelty silks and silks of every kind for waists, full dresses, trim- ' mings; fancy t work, etc. iLvery unagmable color, every style, full pieces, remnants and null ends, ZO to Z7 IfTrT7 inches wide. ' All $1 and up to $1.50 values. Bunched in one great lot. There's no reserve..,... ........ .vUUlvij 1 ISN'T TGilS PRBCE CUTTING Did you everseejthe.likejJefoKlLJClearing stock before the walls-come downThat'eV-the reason. " lie . For larce Sc ; -bar Best Laundry Soap. " : For 5c large rolls Toilet Paper. 2c For large 5c ' packageg of 25 Envelopes. 7 .Vardor MiU Ends 30-inch India Linons, worth 15c ;V , 6 covered cloth Pin Cushions, fancy shape 29c 69c. Each for large 10-4 fleeced ' gray 1 Blankets, cheap at $9! 00 For; " Ladies' , $4 long Kid Gloves, 16-button length, black and colors. " m kinds. Yard for choice of ; the , finest Wash Goods, 39c and 50c I2c For Child's 35c Colored Lesth er Handbsg;s. 3c Cake for Wil liams' 5c Shaving- Soap. Yard for 6c, 7c, 8c fancy figured Chal lies, all colors. 4 t- t J J 1 - Cestui ior uuu anu sam nle Nankins, worth nn mt-" - 1 ' f to $1 dozen. v (? flQ Each for large Vll0l7 gxIZ-foot, granite , : Rugs, worth $8 and $8.50. lf,Yard for wide $1 4f) Corset Cover Eirt : broidery, elegant patterns. ' " Each- for 40c and 50c all linen Dam ask Towels, all largest size. 22 3c For large 5o Box Parlor Matches. Ic For 5c box Wood , Toothpicks. 4c Each for. I5c fancy embroidered Doilies, size 12x12 Inches. FAa Yard for mill ends J) Jit finest Silk .Velvets, v worth up to $3. 8! 15c For large heavy Huck Towels, hem med ends, cheap at OOl P1"" for Ladies' 39c and 50c fancy . silk embroidered black Hose. 79c styles. For Men's $1.50 and $2 laundered Shirts, new spring 8c For Ladies' 20c Fancy Seam less Hose. 5c For 10c box Shinola Shoe Polish. 39 c Each for choice of one lot of good size fancy Rugs.' - 9 C Yard for mill ends 15c Indian Head, full 34' inches wide. 50c Yard for 52-inch turkey red Table Damask, worth A a For odds and ends of Ladies 20c and 25c ' embroidered and lace trimmed Handkerchiefs. MQPair for $2 and V I v $2.25 Nottingham Mm. Lace Curtains, all fancy styles. 2c For 25c can Mermen's Tal cum Powder. 29c For Ladies' ' Wrappers worth up to f 1 1 Each for large 5c size good Writing Tablets, . now lc ": :,-:v:;:-; 5 Tir a C trail iur xvicn a ioc Canvas Gloves, 'nick 'em out, 5c pair. --. 4! Yard for heavy a. : 1 . T 1J 2 inititu tuwcuug, full width, worth 81-3c : vi.98 $35. For extra large size Comforts, made to sell at Each for Men's 50c and 75c Shirts and Drawers, most all sizes. ' 29c ROOM EXCITING BARGAINS in the GEO AK The most sensational offers ever made. Clearing stocks regardless of cost "or loss to save them from the dust and dirt that's why- th newest and swellest of the season s garments go at less than cost of cloth alone. ; - ; 7; . .50 ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES' $8, 19 AND $10 SPRING SKIRTS We mean it Every one of onr $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 Skirts now. f 4.98; handsome Voiles, Panamas, Novelties, Checks, "Hairlines, etc. All colors and black and combinations, and plenty of the stylish grays; strap, button and fancy trimmed, bleated and other styles. Pick ths best, choose any of these $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 Skirts at, choice, 4.98 each. . LADIES' SILK LINED -Covert Coats Latest styles, worth op to z $io.oa . Choice .?0.yO Ladies' Wrappers, worth tip 90 to $1.00, each fa7t Ladies'. 50c and 75c Klmo- ; . , . Qp BOS, CUt tO ......... I"v Ladles' 75c and 98c Waists. ' LADIES' FINE SILK Petticoats ; Worth up to $12)0, fH col- $5.00 and $6.00 Silk Waists, ff AO Odd lots ......-..'.. .9ley0 Ladles' $2.00 Embroidery- . 70l Trimmed Waists, now .......... I 7 V, ....$14.50 Ladles' $25.00 Spring; Shirtwaist Suits . n. CLEARING OUT LADIES' FINEST $15 ATiD OR r-iTY , rwhrlr all Out they ro, and at- this price every one ' should be sold to- ao, aits bargain. All in one lot. LADIES' FINEST SILK , VV' Raincoats ?. ,$9.98 .$5.98 Ladies' $5.00 and $8.00 White QO Lawn Waists ...i.....i0 $9.98 morrow. Newest and most elegant of this season's creations. Etons, Ponys, Prince Chap, Box Coats and other effects; plain and fancies elegantly trimmed. All Suits that at 915.00 and 818.00 are the birgest kind of a rick out 818.00 Salts now for f 7.60. LADIES' $10.00 AND $1ZOOSILK Eton Jaclieto Latest style,' all fancy braid ' , (ET AO trimmed... . ; J.VO Ladles $5.00 and $5.00 New DO Springy Skirts f . . .... ... . iCVO Ladles' $5.00 Whit China' A( SUk Waists ...j.... ....e).0y Ladies' $1.00 and $2.00 Fancy Wrappers, 69 and ........ All colors, our bast $20.00 ones i. ...... Ladies' $15.00 and $1240 Raincoats, now ......... Ladles' $12.00 and $15.00 Silk Petticoats, now A9c Mill. Bnds 75c and $1 Dress Goods 29 5,000 ysrds to go, goods ws bought to create a sensa tion at 49c, and at 49c they were the biggest kind of a bargain, all now slashed to 29 a yard. . All mill ends, and all full 36 inches' wide. Serges, Henriettas. Albatross, Nun's VelllnY. Cashmere and NOVELTIES In all colors and black and white, every yard strleily aa wool; positive fnnuateed ase, TSs X VVI aad as to tlJXi grades. All go at, eaotee .. Jmr 10 Tomorrow at 9 a Never (o be Forgotten Sale ScMflcEmbroM'rySl 10,000 skeins and more, the best snd finest of Embroidery f , Silks that sell all ever at 8c and 10c -here If a skein; fine, I and coarse, snd Including Silks for fancy work of every kind; i I silks for filling in, silks for outlining, regular embroidery I silks, silk cords for pillow tops and other kinds; all 10 to 14 - yards in each skein; all colors. Regular 8c and 10c -valur all bunched in one huge lot and dumped out regardless c-f cost Choice, skein, lev . Women's Finest $1.75 and $2 lonn Sillt Gloves 51.2-2 One thousand pairs only, snd all the bt Cives rr, the long lenirths that everybody wir'i, with double linger tipe, an J a sold under $1.75 and J-' C -'; r PULL HLKOVi' I.' ' r I "v tt o Tf r" ' . I i J i . 1 .... 1 si r 1 1 r -