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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 13. 1CC7. WOMEN WHO; GH ARM Health Is tho First Essential Toward Mailing a -Woman Attractive.' - sums FOR a ri . -n . ' r PLENTIFUL NOW Local Dealers Declare Import Pile-Drfver and Logging Outfit Company Will Find Establish ment Here Difficult. v Also Purchased From Portland Firm... y At one third the price of pure grain alcohol and just as good for heating chafing -dishes and use in alcohol stoves Without odor or smojee. ; ; . - . MEANS COMPETITION 1 EASTERN CAPITALISTS " l: 7- : TO UNITED COMPANY 7.. FEEL CONFIDENT t - . ..... . -. ';'? CIGAR STORES New ALASKA ROAD Akd ol ':' ''v." -4 . v Park Tilfordf New York Back of Company - Which : ITopoes to X . Opra Chela f, Stores in Cities of the Coast. ' '," i' -.-V '' 1 Little consternation Is felt among the majority of th cigar dea'ers In the city . ! regarding the anhounoement ' that the i Import Clear company wm open btio stores , in Portland and othsr : coast ' point In th very tiaar future. It la - realised that Park and Tllford Is, a large firm and control sufficient eapl .. tal that such a project would be p-sl-' ? bia. But from the tlma consumed by N; tha United Cigar store In getting ta - the ooaat It looka aa If It will be at ."; least two or three yeare before the TU- - ford concern will pa active in toe .ocai : ; field. ' : i-. 1 . ' There are. between First and Park street and Washing-ton only 41 Places "where cigar may be bought, and be tween First and Seventh there are Juat il( 'regular cigar stores. Carl Jones and Emanuel fllchet of Slg Rlchel Co. are ' 'pretty well convinced from this condl- tlon that It la not likely there la a very attractive field In Portland for addi- Uonal cigar atorea. Since the ruling out ;of the slot machines many of the cigar ' atorea have not been able to pay ex. senses from returns of the retail eusl- nee. - " The United cigar atorea are very well established la Portland. In connection with the cigar business It ta a realty de ',' partment managed from New York, and In Portland aa In most cities, the com- pany has leaeea - on large t buildings which are bringing in a profit over ' rentals. In thla city the United stores ' have leasee on th- Dekum building. . " Allaky building and Washington build ing. While the addition of the Til ford eon ' earn would detract some from all the ' cigar dealers It la tha opinion of the Independent that the United stores ' , would suffer most. - Ths Independent .' dealer who have long been established , In the city expect to hibld the bulk of their trade, while It la stfll true that smokers generally patronise the- store ' ' nearest at hand when ihe desire for a smoke come on. , S : A. M. Brown of the Schiller firm states the attitude of the dealer when . ; he says: "We will not cross tha bridge until we get ta It." Tha local manager . of tha United atorea know nothing , about tha invasion of the rival firm and feels no Immediate alarm. .' According to Carl P. Jonee the only way by which the Import company could 1 be established la thla city would be ta X; the purchase. of .tha. atorea already .es- v tabUabed. alnoe good locations ara at ;' - premlam. : ' L ' i ' .!. "L . c.-fc- Hantleyr member of "the legts- latur from Clackamas county, accora- panted by Mrs. Huntley, ara visiting . Portland friends, and are at tha Ore- ' gon for a few days. BIUGHT'S DISEASE CURED Those Pains in the Small of the Back Are Really Pains in the Kidneys and Ought to Warn All Who Have Them to Attend to Their Kidneys at Once by Taking ; WARNER'S SAFE CURE Which is a srm eras rom all roKMa or mmex. LmtF, blapdeh akd hloot - , , DiREtSE".. rr has erjRicn thousand, it will ci r too. a trial bottui ASSOLL'TKLX TO CTIEI RBADIE Or THC JOliBMAL. , ' O terse Beagkart, tor toanr years a hlfMy respected awtnran ea the Sea Mot nee, , h, street lallwar. aa eeagant et kUniy 41mm, wklek foe twelve yeare had trooblea klm. fare ea kls sssltloa tar yean. Be was eared kr Waraer's Sale Cure sad is back at work agate. '.'e--- - . - , aTa. eiOMS aUVOaAST. ','-"(. 'After eefferlnc twelve yean fena kMeey esd Ma4oe treble f was taflaeea to try a bat. tie M Wereer-e (U Owe sna ee't kely kt write yea tU yes et tke wooderfnl telle It Cave m. It ta eertalnlr the sretteat maeer for Biiskt's dleeaae that I have arar tried. aa I aae tri4 tlwm all. The doctor tola ma that aiy sue wts bopaleaa aa4 thmi(h frlrad I aa Brantei ta trr S kettle ef Waraer's Rat Care, tad I aa aew ta eoadlUasi as taat I est ai vara erarr umj. -uan e"a"m w , u., way u, ivua. CURES KIDNEY DISEASE. Wkea the tMners sre Slaeaead the srle aeld Is Set earned eff sad this eanaes fleet, I amhaite, Reaeeaattaa et tke Joist, Rataaietlna ef the Muselaa, Bbeeaatlaai ef te Btart. baeaiaatlaai everrarkere. . " la Krlttit-e 4laM the bowels sre eftae eansthnrM and the Iraar torpid. ' Warser'e Sara M'la ouhlf relieve thie eaoitlUoa, end ao IU after efteet la iparleaord. WARXIS'B SAFS rmw ta pat "P la twa aine ib4 Is aald kr all lre(rlata, er r-t. et CSXr ANU 1.0C A aotTLB, Raniae sabslltatas esotalaltif aaraiful araas l tea UJara the arawau TftlAI lrt1n IT VH9W" Te eeselaes every settew feast dlaeaaee ef the kM- 1 iUVl- tVJ I 1 aUJEU f,, Kra. irvar, kuddar and kload that WABNI R i Bars t i ns will ears than. I trial bottle will be sent AHHOLllkXY rRKS. eoatpald. la any a.., atka will arrlta WARM H HATS CI RB ;(., Herheater, N. T .. and aneetloa kavln ...a tkia liliaral afrer In He Joaraal. Tke seaelaeaeaa el this (( Is saaraetaed; Otir . tnre IU aed SMdiral booklet roataiBlos dearrlptlnea ef ayaptona aad tnataiaat ef ee .,e ead Busy eseviacing tat tlmoeial. tree, ta eraiy see. Promoters of the Alaska "Pacific Ea- pect to Shift JJusiness of Carrying , Goods Into Interior to the Katalla Route.' '; Cargoes Of machinery for tha Alaska Paclfla railroad are being purchased In Portland. On March ti a steamer leav ing Seattle will carry four complete sawmills' bought of Averlll at Co and a number - of . plledrlver outfits. The next boat will carry three logging out fits bought from Portland houses. The railroad company haa 100 men at work on Ita terminals at Martin Island, In Katalla bay, and la preparing to push construction of the road to the Yukon river. - . William H Hampton, chief engineer of the company, haa been la Portland for the laat week, buying materlala and machinery. He la associated with Dr. W. M. Bruner. who was tha promoter of the railroad and la on of tne prin cipals In the terminal and railroad proj ect J. W. Cook of Penneylvanla Is tha nrealdent. J. M. Barnaley .' Ptttaburg, a well-known mining. Iron and steel and oil operatorHa Interested, together with B. A. D. Morrison or . isast israaiey. Pennsylvania. All are capitalists with ample meana to carry out tha under taking they have entered upon, staking their money on Dr. Bruner'a Judgment of conditions n tha copper river coun try. Chief Engineer Hampton aald: Bridge Copper SUver, . "We have about (00 mile f rail way surveyed,' and much of the rights of way W have a charter from the government to bridge tha Copper river at tha only point where a grade can be cured through from Katalla bay to tha interior. Our Surveys ara n flla, and right of way over certain tide lands and tidal lake are secured from tha government. We will build through tha Conner river region and over the divide to tha Yukon, and then branches tn the cooper mine and to Fairbanks. Our plan include about TOO mile of railroad." ' Tha company has secured tha only harbor site on Katalla bay. and la build ing a long wharf connecting the Mar tin Inland with the main shore. The crossing Is above water when the ''e la out. ao that mere ia - not a great amount of filling to make the' abor line continuous to ths Islands. Tha company now haa two sawmills running, and will Install fenr mora. - It la estimated that 10.000.000 feet of lum ber, which will be sawed on the ground. will build tha first 10 mile of the roads Including tha Martin Island terminals. The Alaska Paclfla railway will Up the- Katalla bay-aeal field, the copper flelda of tha Copper river and tha upper Tukon country, and will haul an im mense amount cf supplies and machin ery into the country. It Is said that tha bulk of the traffic now going In via Valdea will shift to the Katalla route aa coon aa the railroad la built tc tu Copper river. ..;'....:::.::. w MISS MULDA KUGHLER . There Is a beauty and attractlve Baa in healta which is far greater than mere reg-ularity of feature .- , f A sickly, irritable,' and eomplalnbg woman always carriea a cloud of deDreaslon with hert she ia not only nnbappy herself but Is a damper to all joy and happlneas when with her family aad friends.. : : It is the bright, tealthyr rlradons woman who always charms and carries sunshine wherever she foea. , -' . , if a woman finds that her energies are flagginf and that everything fares her; if her feminine system fails to perform its allotted duties, there U Bervonanesa, sleeplassneas, faintness. backache, -headache, bearing down pains, and irreg-nlarities, canal n g 'constant misery and melancholia, he should remember that Lydla E. Plnkkam'c Vegetable Cotnpoaad made from native rooU and herbs will dlapel all these troubles. By correcting- the cause of the trouble It cures where other treatment may have failed. -, . -. . ' - Miss Elisabeth Wyan, of Ko. 05 th Avenue, Hew York City, writes s Dear Mrs. Flnkhamk i "For months I suffered with dreadful headaches, pain in the back and severe hemorrhages. I was weak and out of sorts all the time. Lydi H. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound helped me when all other medi cine had failed. I seemed to be fust whaj lasadad aad anickly restored my healta. HEAVY SENTENCE FOR ' SMUGGLER OF CHINESE ' - - - , . Four Years at Hard Labor and Heavy Fine Imposed on Wil- , - v Ham Gerald. ' .' (Joarnal Speetal Berviee.) : Xjo -Angelss, March-11 The longest eentenoe x ever Imposed by a United fttatea court in a smuggling case fell to William Gerald yesterday. He was convicted of bringing el gut Chinese Into the country. Judge Wellborn sentenced him to four years at hard labor In Baa Quentln and fined him $4,900. . Aa ap peal will be taken and a stay cf exe cution asksd. Gerald was captured with the launch Kaptun at Ban Plego by customs offi cials. Tha . Mongollana were found aboard. Gerald claimed that ha bad found them shipwrecked and rescued them. - The Chinese . told conflicting stories and admitted paying an agent of Gerald considerable money for smug gling them into tha United States. . BLOOD LUST (Continued from Pag One.) Several detectives and patrolmen bad been hurried tc tha scene and drone s removed to the Good Samaritan. noapltal In an amoulance wniie mgley was conveyed tc the same Institution la tho patrol wagon. The search for Gar rats waa then started, but . the police eould find absolutely no trace, cf the criminal. In the meantime Garrets wended his way to Wagner's saloon at Tenth and GUsan streets. Stepping into tha resort he . suddenly drew two revolvers from his hip pockets and flourishing tbs weapons. In a threatening manner ex claimed: "I Juat got three guya with theee so I guess there'll ba I1.00S re ward for ma before morning.. Bo you had better look out." : , ' , Bribed tc Keep Quiet. ' . Wagner, terrified by the action ef the young fellow, but unaware of ths wounding of Grohs. Hlgley and Gavin, In a desire to placate Garrets presented tha youth with a naak of whiskey. The boy then left the place and the fright ened aaloonraaa hastened tc notify th police. - . . . .-I '-" , In tha meantime, enter ontsmacner upon ' Information received that . the would-be murderer might go to Seattle, detailed Detectives ' Price and Baty to board a train for Kalama to head off tha fugitive. While riding on a Third street car bound, for the Union depot Price noticed a man near Ankeny atreeu who answered tha description ' of the ma a wanted. Tha two officers alighted from tha car and followed the auspeot into Blaster saloon. Satisfying thamselvea that ha waa not Garrets tbey started on foot for th depot. When near the' corner Cf Flanders and Third streets and engaged In discussing tha case they suddenly cam acroes a man standing In tha ahadow of a build ing. Tha man, who proved to be Gar rets, attracted tha attention of the of ficers by putting his hand to his hip Docket and attempting to draw a revol ver. Instantly tha deteotlvea clinched with him. Baty lost no time la reliev ing the prisoner ef two loaded revolvers and It waa the work of a moment tc slip th bracelets on Ms wrist. ( -Oarets Will oi "Talk, L ' 1 don't care how many I kill, I'd Just ss soon get both of you," said Garreta aa he reached the station and the manner in which ha made the re mark Indicated thit he was In earnest The priaoner refused to make any atate- ment and was locked up in a ecu in mo city prison. . . . : At the hospital this morning ine sur geon hold out Utile hope far Groh's recovery and Hlgley Is la a precarious condition. The bullet pessed directly through Groh's. stomach, while Hlgley austalnsd elsht perforations of the email and two of tha large intestine. Oavln's wound, although painful, is not rerarded aa serioua ' Garrets absolutely re fuses ' tc make anr statement and Is undoubtedly simu lating Insanity. When arrested Isst night be shewed the effects cf liquor MISS ELIZABETH WYNN Miss Hulda Kughler, of No," 25, West 15th Street, Ksw YorkCityi writes I '..,... r-. :.':.. . Sear Mrs, Katham- , ' . " "For months I was III 'with an internal trouble. I suffered terrible agony, - waa nervous, irritable, and sick all the time. I took different medicines without benefit, Lydla K. Finkham's Vegetable Compound waa recommended and within srx months I was completely restored So health and I want to recommend it ka every- uSerlng woman." ., Women who are troubled with painful or Irregular fnnetions, backi ache, bloating (or flatulence), displace ments, inflammation or ulceration, that bearing-down feeling, dlazineas, indigestion, or nervous prostration may be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Flak ham's Vegetable Compound, fin. nnWam's InrlUtloa t Weaea. Women suffering from any form of female weakness ara invited to promptly communicate ' with Mrs. Plnkham. at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the qulokeat and surest way of recovery advised. Out of her vast volume of experience In treating female ills Mr. Plnkham probably has tha very .knowledge that will help your ease. Her advice is free and always helpful, ; ' ' but waa not In any sense drunk. He Is a stocklly built fellow of the degenerate type and exceedingly crafty. Although thla Is the flrat serious difficulty In which ho has been Implicated, yet he ta known to be cf a quarrelsome nature and when a lad was placed In charge of the Boys' and Girls Aid society for Incorrigibility. ' . . Olrl Is Involved. -V." Detective Price Is authority' for the statement that information has been received that a young woman purchased a bos of eartrldgea at. a store near Second and Yamhill etreeta laat night and aha may ba Implicated In th af fair. : It Is understood that Garrets haj been keeping - omperry with Flora Marks, daughter lof a First street sec ond-hand dealer, and waa with her last night prior to tbs shooting. . Th prisoner sdmlts that he was with th girl but refuses tc state where ha secured the revolvers cr the (0 cart rid res found In bis pockets. John Gavin, cne of the wounded men, so it la aald bv Detective Price, stated last night that he and the Marks girl were In the rear cf Groh's saloon before the ahoottng. This latter feature oi tha ease la' being Investigated and may throw some light on the motive for the crime, Garrets resided . wun nis sieprainer. Paul Venstrsken, at 710 Water street Tenatraken .called at th Jail thla morn ing and hi a son. In extenuation of bis conduct, pleaded that he did not know what he wae 'doing. - Tha prisoner was formerly employed In a local iron works and is a native ef Oswego, Oregon. tapper With sjarret. :.; When, seen this morning Flora Marks said; "About 1 o'clock last night Pets Garrets and I went Into Harry Hill- in's restaurant, next doer tc Oronsr saloon and ordered sapper. While wait ing for cur order Grohs came in and demanded that Pete pay his bar but The n. ra -got to talking pretty loua aad ran cut and want tc my mothers store on Jefferson street. I was not In the saloon at any lime last eight with Pete, nor with any cne else." .. '-' The statement of Oronr barkeeper and several others around the saloon corroborates the Marks girl's state ment that she waa not in tne saiocn during the evening. , , . PERSONALS JL T. polk ef Detroit, president of the Polk Directory company. Is at the Port land for a short business visit In th city.- -- . .' ''.'" ' i" Dr. and Mr. W. a. tiarnoia cr new Tork Br at th Portland for a short visit. Dr. Harbold ts a wall-known phy sician snd sura-eon of th metropolis. Miss Kitty Harbard of Balera, a mem ber cf the State Board of Pharmacist, Is at th Oregon for a hort visit, cn Official bJalneaa. a . Mr. and Mrs. a. j. irswiora ex ner- mlaton. who arc visiting Portland friends, sre at the Oregon. " ' - E. D. Horgon, an attorney or saiem. is at the Imperial for . a short visit la the city. , . - J. c Olds of Olds, wortmea King has Just returned from sn extensive Columbia Plionouraph Company flllt , )s:n'jiiii'j:iit;i-. March Records Alcohol Stoves . . . . ..... . . .25c Alcohol Stoves . . .... ..50c Whisk Brooms . . . . ... . .... 1 5c Whisk Brooms i. .25c Cloth Brushes v.,.,... .....75c ' .Chamois Vests .'..$2.50 Chamois Skins Chamois Skins . a'a-aaV.'.'.. Sponges, large . .. Sponges best, wool , . . ' . Sponges' fine quality. . Bath s Brushes X '-,-' .... - TIt- h p!1 Trsvn 151 THIRD ST Near Morrison V ' MAIL ORDER LIQUOR HOUSE X v OUR SPECIALTY. :.. Straight Doubfc . Stamp Whiskies and Pure Califor nia Wines. ' ' '.,'"'' Straight WhUUes and Wines Ouranted to Be Atwhitely Pure and . " Pood. Uanor and Drug Act of June 30, ., V-.--.-.---. Gallon Old McBrayer Bourbon Double Stamp Wlitskey.f3.00 Old Woodruff Bourbon Double Stamp Whlsksy. 3.00 ' Old Tea Kettle Bourbon Double Btamp Whlakey. ' Old Belmont Bourbon Double Stamp Whlakey. , Old Mlllvlets Bourbon Double Btamp Whiskey... Old Finches Rye Double Stamp Whlsksy.....'.., Old Crow Bourbon JJouble . Stamp. Whlakssv,, Old Hermltas Rye Double SJamp Whlakey..,. Old Canton Rye Double Stamp Whiskey....,., r Old Thompson Rye Double Stamp- Whiskey, , Old Darllns Bourbon Double Stamp Whiskey... Old Vina Double Stamp California Orap Brandy Old Black Tulip Double Stamp Gin... , Old Pure Blaokberry Cordial Old Onaaenhelmer Rye Double Stamp Whlsksy. Old Georgia Double Stamp Cora v These goods are the best distilled Whiskeys made fn th United States, are absolutely pure and conform with the new pure food law. . Our prlcea for such blah class coeds are extremely low. We furnish containers and packages. Ths freight and czpraaa charge YOTT loXST PAT. We do net charge for cartage, and when ordering state whether tc ship by AH mall orders must be accompanied by money cr espress orders. ' We bank In Oregon or Washington. - '. - -: '' ' 'J' '.' '..."'" We also open accounts with reliable merchants or farmers. Bills payable every 1st of the month. , We chip cur gbods In plain cases, and refund money tf not'ee represented by ua , , ' ' 4 - ' ' Our offer on such high-grade good and prices cannot be beaten. Mall us a trial order. ... .. - - LAKE ERIE WINE &i LIQUOR CO. 334 FIRST STRBQT. COR. MAIN ? u... HORTlaAND. OREQOIN buying trip In New Tork, the New Eng land state aad Ohio. . Harrlaoa R.-Kincald Of "Eugene, former secretary of state, is at the Im perial for a Short vieu - ia i-omaim. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rlgby, pioneers of Pendleton, ere visiting friends in tne city for a few days, making their head quarters at the Hotel Oregon. ' J. B. Putnam cf Salem is at the Im perial. ' ' ' V A. N. Moore,' a well-known business man of Salem, 1 at the Imperial on a buelnee visit,' . J. S. McLeod. a retired ebeepowner and capitalist cf Umatilla county, is transacting business In the city. , . Charle H. Carter, a prominent at torney cf Pendleton, la attending legal business In Portland for a few days. - RACE SUICIDE A GOOD . ;thing, SAYS PROFESSOR , 1 ' (Jnoraal Special Serrlca.1 Chicago, March IS.Ths spectre of overpopulation ia held up tc the peo ple of this country lr Bdward Ross, professor of sociology at the Unlver clty of Wisconsin, In an article la the American Journal of Sociology. Issued yesterday afternoon by the University 2 -i WASHINGTON W - 3, 1 ; STRZXT .3 JL EASY PAYMENTS The Machine That ,:v- Talks The Sijn That Tells The Records That Win Now on Sale Reg. Special 17c 33c 10 c 17c 55c $1.25 17c ' :10c '18c , 37c 28c 73c Baby Talcum ........ . . . . . 10c ' Powder Puffs .... ....... .15c Powder Puffs . .......25c ' Powder Boxes . ,v. , . , f ; ,50c Almond Cream ..,..."...'., ',25c-' Cold Cream, half Jb .1 . . .V . . . 25c Buffers, new style. .T, ,25c' Buffers, new style . . . . V . . 50c ! Nail ; Files, flexible. . . ..... .25c j Nail Files, flexible, ; .50c Toilet ' Chamois V.Y. . ;.' .. 10c ' V.25c a . ,15C ... .25c . . ... 50c ,. ,40c' ..$1.15 t Emery Boards:',..: I .... -UOc . . . '.,.) ...... ' - oTr 234 First Street., Cor, Main PHONE MAIT-J 70. .Per Old California Port ' Wine. , ; ,.'.; .. ...... Old California Sherry Wine......... 3.SO Old California Muacatet Wine................. 4.00 Old California Angelica Wine......, 4.00 Old California. Madeira Wine 4.KO ( -Old California Malaga Wine S.OO Old Callforalsk Sweet Catawba, Wine 5.00 - Old Banduaky Ohio. Port Wine 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 8.SO S.OO Old Sandusky Ohio " We bave a guarantee front the California had Eastr. ; era wlnsgrcwcr that these good are absolutely pura . and conform with the new pure, food law cf ?unc to, .: t0. ' r--.- .-' r's,- Laka Erie Rye Whiskey, four full quarts. .... .fn.OO ' Laka Brio Bourbon Whlakey, four full quart. . 3.00 taut Erie Malt Whlakey. four full quart..,... 8.00 - tLake Erie White Bye, four full quarts......... 3.00 tiak Erie Jamaica Rum, four full quart . . S.OO Lake Erie New England Rum, four full quart e. 3.00 - Lake Eli Blackberry Cordial, four full quarta. 3,50 ' McBrayer Whiskey, bottled n bend, per dosen fuU Is ..4 ..,..... ...-10.OO Vtll view ' Whisker, bottled In bond, per dosen a 4.0O Whiskey.. a.. 8.0O express cr freight. full IS . of Chicago pre. Professor Rocs ad vocate race-eulcide to a certain extent, aesertlng that in email .families tha in creased percentage of survivals more than eounterbalanees ths decreased birth rata - He says else that children In small families live longer than those cf families where there are many births.. . : v.-,-,. ,' - -'; .... . ,. .;: Who Is MetsgerT Re flu your eyes for t.0. Ill Siatb street I fcMAMt ON SVSMV f10 1 1 chocolate Bonbons! I I ' Absaya Delicious Pure I I I Wbolssotne Dlgsstible I I Oat Box will make 1 j A Nappy tioma t Every Scaled Packsge guaranteed rresh an4 Full WjjtjM , , Pmmcy Bases aas Bsaaer Ac asotsars , aM(U-aUAl . :'.' K . ' ' " ; tr wALTta u. loVnxt CO. . ' Makers ef Ceceeasd Chocolates . , BOSTON, MASS. ,j ru. ;:::J:::Ml'll,'.v'mll.l 1 , Reg. Specials y6c : 10c 17c ,33c : 17c 19c l9c. 38c , : i7c 33c " ' 6c 6c. Ralph Cryslcr, Prop. All liquors guaranteed by us tl" conform with the , new Pure Food and Drug Act of June 80. 1906. . . ' 1 ' to Conform with the New Pure 1906. . - ' ,. Gallon a. , iv , l-ftOCfl 1.50 1.50 1.50 ri.50 1.50. 2.00 Sweet Catawba Wine. . it.OO 1U.UU will also accept personal checks cn sny Who Lowered Ihe Price Of Groceries and Meats on the East Side? ' , ;:; ..'.; A Few of Our ' Rejgfular Prices 22 lbs. pure, Cane Sugar, ' I ; for r;..;. . V.... .....9I.OOJ 100 lbs. pure Cane Sugar, ' I - e a avP . iui ...... ...... . .-.u IC. P.' Flour thJ best in the city, reg. ; $1.20. , .l.lO Corvallis Pat. ' Flour, reg- ' ular price $L10. . . . . , . .$T.0(i Tomatoes, 8 cans for 25i Swcjtt Corn, 2 cans for.,...15 bweet Worn, per cot cans. . .oor 10-lb. sack Corn Meal, , . . . .23 10-lb. sack W; W. Flour. ...25(4 M. J. B. Tree ,Tea35c - -. Cocoa, i-lb.'can, reg. 25c. 20c Chocolate, 1-lb. can, regu- v I . 30c. pkg , 25( C & B. Lucca Oil..."...v,.65d ' . 1- , --. '; '- J & Grocery ; The Big Store at 477-79 WilliaraJ .- Avenue. ' 'PHONES-EAST 4C0.