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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENINO, MARCH 13, 1ZZ7. GIANTS RESULF S. AG. PREPARES FOR BIG MEETinG JOE WALCOTT TO PLAY III1CLE TDfil Barbadoes v Champion Insists Upon Adorning the Amer-; . ,.' loan Stage. .. .'"'-' '-,,' AFTER severe illness after severe physical ' or mental : strain use Scott's Emulsion, It buflda a e e ' .1 . .1 ' . . . . THEIR IRAIOKIG A tip And bold up tne srxenyui or man q and woman, , ghi and boy. . It is the moat ; 0 wonderful food-tonic'' in the world, i , O After a Rest of Nearly a Week Northwest Boxing and Wrestling Portlandera Begin v to Championships Will Be Meld Next Week. ' ' Work Out aii. nsunrorrm sw. and HJ)OJ . . 1 v- ( , ' 1 - ' 1 :. ; ip you want.: "v -.;:r v:; Si MULTNOMAH WILL BE - '. V ; f WELL REPRESENTED Affair Ttwmtowi Om of tha t Blggt Event of It Klad Brer Pulled Oft'la'Thla Section Many . Athlete t Compete. . . .. tvt mMtlnv of , j x n rvfuiar ... , w tlx director, of the BP?ta Amatr atnlatls elub t be held tomorrow night, committee wM bo ppolnted oa handicapping, entertainment, P" awards and other phases of the worK v in-. i tit northwaat aham- . pionshlp boalng and wrestling meet LkiK the mh holda In Bposane March r. .7 - .... , RnskMBlU-Ri- pJt II auu t " - "lew. " "' " " ' Tha club director Intend to put every effort Into making- tha coming tourna ment one of tha biggest auooaaaaa of . Its nature that haa aver bean attempted In the northwaat. - Tremendoua Intereat baa been manifested tn the box In and wrestling entertainments that tha ama teurs of the three larger eluba of the northwest. Multnomah. Seattle and Bpo- kui. haro been putting up. Be far) the Seattle ethietae hare been moat fortunate. They made a elean aweep front Spokane In the ft rat meet . . . . . aM,l WM. WA tkt the fear eventa, making the eoore agalnat Spokane to . and with Mult nomah they won two out of three event at Seattle, tha fourth being a draw, and aecured an even break at Multnomah, making the ecore to S agalnat Multao man. Multnomah baa tha better of .Bpokane tn tha percentage flgurea of : matehee won and loot, having won five out of II. However, Portland la com pelled to make a trip to Spokane with her team and me local, ouncn nu vn more chance to climb higher In the per-, centage column. - , ' " ' Xmportaat Voaraoy, . The Importance of the coming tourna ment la hardly fully appreciated by the old-time fight fana who are la tha habit r.t natrnnfn, tha varloua athletlo en- terprlaea at the S. A. A. C. The winner la theae various weight elaaaea will be .entitled to. wear a "northwestern cham pionship badge and the tournament la bald under tha auaplce of the American Amateur union, ao that there can be no question as to tha right of the winner te his title and all It means. Tha : or It athlete that will enter must meet the various classifications In weight, IIS, 116. lit. 146 and 16S pounda and heavyweight la wrestling, and tha same In boxing with the excep tion of the 116-pound class. . There will be preliminaries, semi-final and finale In tha different classes a there hap pen to be entries and the better matches win aH he deferred "ttf-tbrtaat aight. - " aa athlete Doming. '.. Seattle promises to send at least foul and Multnomah five athletes, but Man ager Ed Wralght bopea to be able to yierauade these eluba to . send few more each. So far as is bow known there will be a dosen or 16 to represent epoaanew xnvra our vm sv nv iiumi t ached athlete aooeptad a entries If they oaa prove their amateur status. ' Among this number will be Ray Stansberry, 116; Jock Wade, lllj Eddie 146; Earnest McPhee, 161; J. Adams, 166, all wrestlers, and Frank Carabin, 116; Johnny Parson, 116; Everett Ounn, 166; H. E. Orr, 166; Joe Btlngle, 146; B. Johnson. 116. and a few others for tha boxing medal. The medal won by Jo Sttngle and . Frank Kahn, the Bpokane athletes, at the Multnomah Athletlo elub meet held In Portland laat week are on exhibition In the cigar caae at tha 8. A. A. C office. They are beautifully designed pieces of . jewelry, tastefully engraved with the weight alas, the winner's name and the data. The emblems of the Multno mah and Spokane club are also shown. TWO TRACTS FOR HOME V FOR FEEBLE MINDED ' 8peelel Dtepatefe t The Joeraal.) -. Salem, Maych II. Two tract are be ing considered as sites for the Institu tion for the feeble-minded, for which tha sum of . 1110,00 was appropriated by the laat legislature. One of theae tract la tha George home and tha ether la the Miller aetata Either will cost from Ytl.eo to 140.000. Both are about fur ml lea from Salem. SOME ODD STUNTS DONE IN TRAINING Handler Alway Had Sever Time In Getting the Colored Boxer to Perform . In Proper Faahlon In Preparation for m Big Match. Ml' ; v March has twenty-six working days and here's a new advertisement each day to keep'' you posted on where to find just what you want in clothing from head to foot. Here are ,100 samples of the advance spring fashions in Shirts for the early birds. Price $1.00. LION CiottiinqCo CuSKuhnPiup Men's and Boys' Outfitters, 1C3 and 16S Third Street. Mohawk Building. Demon Joe Waleott Insist he Is going to be Uncle Tom In an "Uncle .Tom' Cabin" ahow. ;. ..-..) "There's trouble due ' omewhera. Somebody' going to get It, aaya a writer tn the Detroit Mew. . What would happen If . Simon tegre happened to wallop Uncle Sam with that bull whip? Tha lust for blood that made him one of the mighty marvels of the ring and woa him tha title of Black Demon might come oaca, an awful flood. He would unhook that rlaht and maka Simon simple. ho would put the ahow on tha bum and bite the bloodhound. The only war to work each a gag would be to make Jim Jeffrie take the role of Blmon Lerrea. . . The sar that Terry MoOovern, when he was on tha road, once licked the vil lain of tha ahow in back of the scene. The man such a clever actor that Terry thought he meant what he said and handed him on t the first oppor tunity. . i , When Waloott was scheduled to tight Willie Lewla two year ago, and had that chase all ever tha neck of the woods, he did a atunt characteristic of hi being. On tha way hack from Mount Clem en, after he bad refused to fight, he took a bottle of gin from hi pocket and eat deliberately In tb lap of a pas senger. The paeenger kicked, cut waa neip- leaa. Joe kept Jolting him in the rib and aaklng what ha meant by yelling like that tn a "gemman'a eara." All the way in oe maaa a oosy cvraer of the stranger anatomy. Joe Waleott waa always a hard fight er to handle. The Barbados Demon bated to work. When he waa ent eut on the road ha would jog away from the training quartera. kicking up no end of dust and pawing through the turf like a man out ror is muea. But a oon aa he got out of Bight Joa would lump tha fence, curl up under a tree and go to aleep. After a refresh ing nap ha would arise, pour water over himself to give the appearance of pro fuse perspiration, throw duat over the damp clothe ana pun up in ironi 01 the training quarter like a stranded whale. .' .' - It took W -trainer a long time t tumble to Joee eystem. but when they did they fixed hlra plenty. They tied him behind a dogcart and drove mile mnil tnileS. " . The only way they could "get any .work out of blm we to' coax him Into a whist game, stack tha deck and give him 11 trumtjs. (Joe leada trumps with a full-arm motion, atarttng from hla hip something after the action of a woodchopper.) nut wnen joe insiswa en a aid bet with each gam tha train er ran eut on him. , t BOWLING RECORD IS, 4 -BROKEN AT DENVER , Jeemel Special Berries.) ' ' n.Mw itaj-nh it. Evarhart and Voght of Kansas City brok the world' bowling record for two-men teams at tha Western oongres tournament yes terday, pinning tH Her are tha two- Hilton and Dibllke. Kansas Oty.....l.0d Hllland and Buxton, eaiue. ........ sou Creaemaa and Hod res, Seattle 1.00 Bhumann and Davis, Seattle.. ....... 1,064 Sinclair and Banum, Denver... 1.077 Allen and Bradshaw. Seattle LORl Johnson and Pattlaon. Denver M7 Taylor and Klrkpatrlck. Butt..7....St Market and McKlnlay, Butte... 1004 Roberta and Norton, Ore yt own, ' Or..l.0 Hamilton and Keating, Portland.. ..10S7 vui. -nf ahaliaji nutta 1.111 Turner and Makeplec. Kaasa City.. 1.171 indlviauajs: " ' I Allen, Seattle -.-,,.r. Ml Haneau Salt Lake C01 Belden, Denver S4t Meyer, Denver 471 Wllmot, Denver ................ 407 ti--us n,,.! ant Morris, Seattle ... 471 Mjcurew, uanver en Dee, Ogdea 476 roster. Denver (44 Wood. SeatUa KS ' Other scores: J. F. Morrl. STt Gard ner, Seattle, III; Hamilton, Portland, 411; Ellis, Seattle, 101; McMorrU, Port land, 481; Klrkpatrlck. Butte, S01; Bur. ton, Butte, 414; Hunter, Kansas City, 411; Nelson, Seattle, 438; Nodhaa, Seattle, 410; Voght, Kansas City, lilt Holland. Seattle, 4!l Shuman, Seattle, 141; Creasman, Seattle, 652; Pawlaaek, Taooma, 41; McKlnlay. Butte, tot; Tay lor. Butte, 47S: Davie, Seattle, 401; U.VU Hiitt K1A; RhiMhftn Rutttt. Kit! Eehrtng, Salt Lake, (tl; Broarn, Ogden, see; vay, viuan, m, STAR AMATEURS WILL MEET IN COMPETITION (Joarasl seeelal Seryles.) ' Chicago, March 11. The cream of the amateur athlete of half dose states will be Been at their beat la Tattareell's tonight on the occasion of the annual Indoor championship meet of the Central Association of tha A. A. U. While Chl eago and Milwaukee have the largest number of entries, tb contestants will Include representatives of athletlo elub and college throughout tb central tor rltory. . Tba usual events comprise the pro gramme. Including fa-yard dash, 440' yard. ISO-yard., mil and two-mil runs. 0-yard high and low hurdles, high Jump, pole vault, 11-pound ahoaawt, open mile relay, mile relay for high schools and academies, I0yard dash for high schools and academies, and 10 yards low hurdles for high schools gad acad emic a. Smooth and afJt7 wU - Peved A '-TZ - Mia all Mm k i ' w w - way to Mourn . W City rark. ea page 11. CITY PARK AND 0AKLAWN RACE TRACK RESULTS (Joe rail Special errle.) New Orleana. March , 11 City Park race results; Three and a half furlong Oenv won. Bonnie Have aeoond. Embay third; time 0:411-1. Steeplechase, - short course gather Joy won. Arabo aeoond, Ldght Out third; tlro !:. Five and a half furlongs Saga Panax won. Hyperbole second, Vohoom third; Urn l.-OTl-f. - Mile and an elxhrh Donna won, Tom Dolan aeoond. Tank Olrl third; Urn 1:111-1. . . Seven furlong St. Talentln won. Paaadena second, Mia Deed third; time 1:17. Six furlones ReUoent won. A. K. Barr second. Braail third; time 1:14. Mile and a alxteenth Warner one- wold won, - Delmor - aeoond. Double third; time 1:411-. ' , . At Hot Springs. . Hot Spring. Ark., March II. Oak- lawn race results: Four furlongs Albert M. won, Klfle Range second, Toro third, --time 1:I0H. Four furlongs Oreet PlraU won, Hollow second. Aunt Hal third time 0:41 !-. . rive and a half furlongs on J. won. Fleming second, Savabl third; time 1:011-1. . Six furlongs Th Bear won. Jdixe Sutton aeoond. Hannibal Ray third; time 1:114-1. ' .. . Mile and 10 yards Fran: lAiDnex won. Dr. Hart second, Uttl Olant third; time Jl:44. Mil and TO yard Tblatl Down won. Tern Rod aeoond, Harry' Soot third: tlm 1:4. , LARRY'M'LEAN WILL HAVE TO PAY ALTOONA ' Tha following atatament of the nation al commission regarding Larry McLean's debt to th Altpona olub will be read with Intereat In Portland, where Mc Lean was such a, popular player: . "In re. claim of the Altooaa club against Player McLean. The attanUon ot the commission was called o this caae by President Carpenter of the Tri- State league.- He contend mat tna ai toona club of that league advanced tkla player, John B. McLean. 1200 laat March;' that the player never reported to the Altoona elub, but signed a eon tract with the Portland club of tha Pa cific Coast league, from whloh club he waa purchased laat fall by the Cincin nati elub, the player now belonging to the latter club. - ' . I "The- money- advanced the player by the Altoona club haa never been paid back. - .... "Thla not being a dispute between two club relative to the services of a player, the entire commission will pass on the caae. A copy of tha claim was sent to the player. He admits that it Is correct,' but contends that he was unable to pay It back on account of some mlaforrun. - "The player will be required to reim burse the Altoona elub, the earn to be done by. the payment of the money. In four equal Installment after the play ing season opens. The. Cincinnati club haa guaranteed the payment of this money. ' r ' ' " . ' -AUOUST HKHIUIAflfl, "B. B. JOHNSON," - "H. C PULL1AM. . "Natkmal-Commllon." YESTERDAY'S RACING ; ON CALIFORNIA TRACKS (Joaraal gpeeurervtas.l San Francisco, March ll Result f race at Oakland: j Four, and half furlongs Jockey Mounc won, Oronogo aecond, Humere third; time 0:51 1-1. . Five and a half furlong Tea Tray II, won. Fursee second, Weatherford third; time 1:11 1. Mile and a quarter Daniel C won. Modicum second. Berry third time 1:114-1. , Six furious: Collector Jeesup won. Shotgun second. Princess Tltanla third; Ume 1:114-1. - , , . Mile and a alxteenth Watchful won. Vlnoentlo aeoond, Ira thlrdi , tlm 1:111-1. ; 1 . Seven furlong Cornbloaaom . won, Bryan second. Tarp third; time l:tl 4-1. : At Loa Angele. Loa Angela. Maroh lLAaeet raoe results: ' Mile and A sixteenth Dea Mage won, Joyner eecond, . Button third) tlm 1:4IH. . Four furlongs Ban ward won, Connie M. second. Dally third; tlm 0:4IH. On mile Bologna won. An tare sec ond. Oigstor third; tlm 14IU. Six furlongs Doa Domono won, Maaaa second, Pantoufle third; time 1:144.' ' Six furlonga Nun Veiling won. Netting second, Tender Crest third; Ume 1:11. Seven furlongs KTleaaader won. Judge Nelson second, Hlpotec third time 1:IT. , ; , .).' THREE GAMES PLAYED ; IN POOL TOURNAMENT In th pool tournament at the Mult nomah Amateur Athletlo club last night Moore beat Hughes, 10 to II; Knight beat Wennerberg, 45 to tl, and Walter won from Mulford, 41 te 4T. SPORTING GOSSIP KERRIGAN AND FRANK ' WILL TRAVEL TOGETHER Herbert Kerrigan, chairman of the Multnomah elub' outdoor athletlo com mittee, and on of th beat known ath lete on th coast, will accompany Ed gar Frank to New Tork on hi trip to th National Wrestling and Boxing tournament to be held la Newark. Mr. Kerrigan la making th trip In order to purchase a full line of furnishings for hi store that he will open here In Portland upon hi return. The fact that Kerrigan and Frank have been cloae friend sine th earliest day will make the Journey acroaa the continent pleasant one. . Frank, aa mentioned la yesterday a Journal, will stay at Tale college with hla friend. A. C Gilbert of this city, and will be looked after by Ed 0Connell, the head wrestling Instructor at Tale, until the contest take place. LONERGAN'S BOWLERS. . FAIL TO SHOW UP Lonergan's team of bowler bad an other hard time laat night, when th Jama aggregation waa encountered. two men being shy, which gave tha James team three easy victories. Th cor: . JAMES' TEAM. . James . . lot Keller 110 121 114 171 Jones Ill 141 140 414 Lombard , . ...... lit 101 141 111 BaUey . ltT 111 J14 880 Total . . ...... til 141 TXT toil . ' LONEB.QANS TEAM. . : ' v Lonergaa , its Carlson . 115 171 131 441 Wennerberg . , ... 1IT 101 154 400 Total . . ...... 411 40T 114 lilt BRIEF 8PORT ITEMS Z: At Omaha laat night Frank Ootch defeated Farmer Burns la two straight falls, catahfAS-eatch-oati. It required 10 minute to make each fall. . . e e . . " At New Tork elty laat night Edward Gardner defeated Dr. Nlal la the nation al amateur billiard tournament by the cor of 100 to 141. - . ' ' " I . Jack -Twla - SuUlvaa . andJack -Pal. mer have been matched to fight 11 round at Los Angele on March tl. Th two men have met before, fighting a ll-round draw la England. ', v Th T, M. C. A. lad are ready for th aquatle meet scheduled for tomorrow evening la the local gymnasium. The events should be th moat Interesting ever pulled off by th association. .. What I It to coin a word! Schilling's Bast oiaad money beck," ., , 1 Hughey Jennings may not pull 'down any pennant for Detroit, but unless all signs and portents f lisle he will give that town the beat ball elub la lta American league history. - Jennings Is a hustler and a natural leader, and on the aide he carries . quite a batch of gray matter under his scalp. There'll be no factions In Tiger ranks When he takes charge; and there'll be no loafing two details which have crimped De troit's outlook every year. After all. why shouldn't Detroit be a factor t With Schmidt. Payne and Archer on hand, the elub la atrong'enough to cope with most of" them so far ss th bac'x stoppers are concerned. With Mull In, Donovan, Kill lan . and Slayer on deck, he'll need only two others to beta out. and from his big list of yougstera he should nab this many at- least.- Ross- man, Bchaerer, crLeary and Coughlln may. not be the greatest quartet that ever played ball, but at leaat they are better than the average. Crawford, Cobb, Mclntyr and Jones could never be classed aa a punk outfield. It la 10 per cent better than Comlskey', but th latter were always In there, play ing the game, while the former spent tha greater part ot their time In club house brawls and arguments, which sasne they will either eut out from now on or get it In the Immediate vicinity or tne neexwear. The old Oriole 1 tak Ing no chance, at any rate, for he 1 already In the south with his debutant, and ao by th tlm most of th other are beginning he should have the "Jem ons" and the "nectarlnea" pretty well sortea out. Cleveland New. - ' " ' 7'"- The New Tork National' league elub haa received the signed contract of Danny Shay, the Inflelder aecured along with "Spike" Shannon last year from St. Loula In exchange for Mertea, Mar shall and a caah bonua Shay la In Loa Angeles and was Induced te sign by MoO raw. Th defection of Mike Don. lln, Frank Bowerman and Mullin. the, new secoiwi-Daseman secured Trom Bal timore, Is not worrying the New Tork club officiate, apparently. . Tn ease theae men do not fall Into line. Manager Mo. Oraw will be able. to fill their places with oompstent men. It Is believed. ' He haa Shannon, Seymour and Browne for the outfield, with Mike orad;s to help Rresnshan behind the bat. while Stran Corcoran. Shay and Hannifin are can didates for second base. It is believed In some quarters that Strang -will be th man to fill the vaeanoy left by th release or Biny Qiinert. . What Ootch says: "Every bold ha a counter, but not after th hold 1 ob tained." 1 ' "Every man Brunt be In his natural field. It I acwlth ail leader. "If I go In for fighting I shall take six months with a bright man like Tommy Ryan. . -. ' "la wrestling, the Idea 1 to get as long leverage a possible. "Roossvelt I th moat aggressive man I ever saw. Even after he' D tired out ha comes at vou. . . "Nothing to. llu llteu agalnat an athlete. Besides, it' better to bloody an opponent nose In anger than to break a limb or goug an eye out. "Oraeco-Roman 1 only half w tling. It bar half th holda. Might ss well pass a rule that on arm shall be tied.". Metxger lit your eye for tLIO. Ill Sixth street, near Washington. , Fire Destroys Me Uonse. (BeeeUl Dtatx'ch te Th jnaratll I . Astoria, Or., March II. Fire la the messhouae adjoining Booth's cannery In Upper Astoria almost totally destroyed It. The house waa run by Mr. Johan sen, a widow, ' The building belonged to th Columbia River Packers' associa tion. Th loag 1 about 11,000. Mr Johansen' loss will b 1210, Thar -4 no Insurance. ' . . . - A FOSITlia aTaORSSTTT, . ' Having to lay upon my bed for 14 day t rem a- - severely-bruised -leg, I only found relief ' when I used a bot tle of Ballard' Snow Liniment I can cheerfully recommend, It a the beet medlolne for brulaea ever sent to the afflicted. - Itbae new become a posi tive necessity upon myself. !, -.R. Byrnes, Merchant, Doversvllle, Texas, Its. toe and 11.00. Sold by all druggists. (IE CALIFF. AND GROOM . . ROUNDING INTO FORM Brief Bit of Sporting ' Information " From All Lino of the Strenuous Endeavor Kennel Club Will Set 'Date for Bench Show Soou Report from - th Portland Giants' training camp at Salinas. California, i lata that MoCredle'a player are getting as busy a the weather will permit la that usually aunny elty. Teaterday wag th 11 rat good day la nearly a week and tn oianta turned out and limbered up soma Calif! and Groom are doing good box work, each player ahowtng form at this early stage of. proceeding. Th Sallnaa diamond 1 not yet la condi tion to warrant fast and accurate work. but If the rata hold off fit will tV but : a few days befor It la la na hape.1 . -...:;.. , . Th' Portland Kennel elub has net yet decided upon the exact date for th holding of the annual bench ahow. but will do so at th meeting to be held next. Tuesday . evening. . , Mordeoal Brown of tha Chicago Cub will receive 14.800 for tbi aaaaoa'a work. . ." e;.e i v ' Th A. A. XT. basketball hamp1ev. ship are alaUd for the three days beginning today at Muscatine, The Waahington Amerioaa win play tha St Loula National at Oalvaetoa March 15, and at Houston Maroh tl. Th New Tork National will clash with tb St. Loula Americana at Saa Antonio ea th mum datea. a . a . . Tlm Murnane ay that Jimmy Bar. rett of th Boston Americans 1 oovsr lng aa much ground as a sprinkling cart. Jim must have found a atrap t pat around th lame shaft. . - . ,- - rrr "Bug" 1 Raymond ,.pf th Jackson (Mlsa) elub haa a new curve he call the "sassy wavy." When h winds up to pitch he throw hi arm ever . hi head and the ball shoots out Into cen ter Said. "Bug aaya It will "get their goat" all right. f e The first gam scheduled for th Terr Haute team" Is with the champion White Sox. Manager MoCoanell wanted th "Tot" to go agalnat sorosthlng easy th first tlm out - : The New England leagu magnate will meet ea or about April I te adopt a aobedule for th coming season. . . Th cluh mans gar -Of .the, reorgaa. lied Northwestern league are: Taooma, a. M. Shreeder; Seattle, ix B. iwgaaie: Butte, Rua Hall; Spokane, Edward Qulnn; Aberdeen, R. P, Brown; . Vaa- couver, 4. nr. aTwa. - -- e. . ; .1 . - It' about tlm for Ralph Rose ta bob up somewhere, lift a tralnload of pig Iron back on the track, and then pro claim that he's going into th fighting game. . . ' e e ; Jim Corbett say he baa qutt th Hag forever. Jim 1 a bit late with this an nouncement Moot everybody has known it for a long time. Cv" Ferrr 1 still , wearing that Russian vest, which suggests the idea that there must be soma rubber In a Russian weecot Only, those who are familiar with "Cy s" capacity for food caa appreciate thla. V , . . ( ' : e . ' There is an old story told la connec tion with a training trip taken to Call' fornla by tha Chicago National elub a few year ago that seems to fit the ease of Frank Bowerman, a New Tork hold out, on the aama Journey. The Chi cago player referred to, when being no tified to report for training, received la the envelope a contract: that called for a eut of 1500 fromhie salary of the season previous, and a typewritten let ter about -tha training trip. In which the beauties f the ride to California were deacanted en, the, coast climate was the subject for a rave or two, ind th player waa pleaded with to bring his wtfe with blm when he reported for theJaunt This player returned bis eon- it by the next mail. "I am willing to take about 110 worth ef scenery," he said, Tut I cannot uae 1500 worth." DOLLAR BANQUET BY . - MARION REPUBLICANS This the Festal Feature In Wel come at Salem to Sen ator Fulton." ; . , T ste riMUi Minetra ss Tka ImrrnVI Salem. Or, March 11. Balera Repub licans will give United States Senator C. W. Fulton a glad weleom on th oc casion of his visit to th capital elty next Thursday.' One of tha features of tha tribute paid tha distinguished A, torlaa will be a dollar banquet Sev eral hundred Republloaaa will gather round the festal board. Tha affair will be a sort of love feaat Th following prominent Republican will serv on the entertainment committed H. B. Thlelsen, E. M. La Fore J. J. Murphy, J. H. Scott A. M, La Folletta and T. T Tnnu BilMn. Tl 14 liumM Af .T. feraon, Ed Martin of Turner, J. H. Bat tlemeler and ' Hurley Moon ef Wood burn, M. Van Valkanburg of Sltverton, W. J. Clarke of Oervala, M. L. Jonea of Brook. H. A. Snyder of Aurora, W. H. Hobson ' of Stajrton, O. P. Terrell ef Mebama, Bruce Cunningham ef Liberty, L. M. Gilbert ef Roeedale and L. T. Reynolds and E. L, Cbaloraft ef Cha- mawa. ....- , SCHOOLS-TOJEACH -1- - : CURE OF TUBERCULOSIS ", (Jearsel gpeeisl Service.) ' Ottawa, Ont, March It. Physician. health ofAoera and other delegate from various parte of the Dominion gathered la Ottawa today for the seventh annual meeting of th Canadian Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forms of tuberculosis. The con gress alma at practical results and the two day' ' program hag besa arranged THE BEST $3 HAT ;., V V-' . ' IN THE ; WORLD X i ' ; , ' V : SEE THAT v IT 'HAS THIS LABEL 80,000 SOLD, NOT ONE RETURNED BEN. SELLING LEADING HATTER " MADE ENTIRELY OF I QBTO RICAN TOBACCO ; That's more than can be truthfully said about many dgars soid you as Porto Rican. : The recent Increase !n the cost of Porto Rican tobacco has brought forward many so-called . Porto Rican cigars which am made largely from tobacco grown in; the ' United States. That's why you should be more particular than ever to get "the genuine " ;ie:ilth Cigai5 Cento . EL TORO Brev-Fta (JLziut tiu aW Panrttla and JPtmttU Ftntu t This , ts . one cfoar you can ' be tore U Porto Rican In quality as well as In name,' made in Porto Rico, exclusively of Porto . Rican tobacco.-: yV:' : ' ::.' ' '"T El Toro cigars now being marketed are ; finer In quality than ever beforo because . of the superior excellence of this year's to bacco crop in Porto Rico, from only the choicest selections of which El Toro is made. - 't r. "' ' ; There's a band now placed on all genu ine El Torodgzxs. t El Toro is superior to any other.dgar sold at five cents. t Porto Rktuianericeui Tobacco Company' j . . ataaafaoTarea, gaa gaaa. Vorl Biaa ' KASOsT, nJUCAJf OO, Blstrtbato, VorUaad, Or. H Dr. Morrow's Anti Lean . aiArxa zjiajt nonm pat Through the aervoaa systeea. It la a purely vegetable aompoaad. ' - Contain no oil r fata or : any drug that la Injurious . or uaojs o proauo anaoiu IT IS THE CRXATMT . TONIC IN THK WOPU.D . Each bottle eontalna a month' treatment and oosts 11.11 at sny flrst-claas dri( store. ' Prepared by tb ANTI IEAIV UEDICHE CO. Oregoalaa ldg, Portland, Or. BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING ' 6'irbed Wirt, Wire and Lawn Fencing, . Poultry Netting, Etc. PORTLAND WIRE AND IRON WORKS - LjA1- 1 a V mm:- 'OUej - mm Phone Main 2000. SECOND AND EVERETT STS. with this end la view. The association I of th opinio that the best result can be attained by Increasing the public knowledge regarding the cause, -prevention and treatment of consumption. To thla and It will endeavor to have a chap ter dealing with the subject Inserted In th textbooks on hygiene to be used In th school throughout Canada, A.J.BRAULT Merchant Tailor Invites your inspection 'of " much Isrger sfock of fine woolen at Ms new location, N. ML COH. Ilii STAR Bra.