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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1907)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' MONDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 25. 1907. UKla reoaliwl, 104 Horlb Foarth. . j. Paul. Ft ret t. Rngin, . ..Ulml ro-re cbl.ry. - , H? H.-t O. ALBBB CO. Second-bead -as. eaisery. ""'' m r..r. JIt'SICAIi. "tiwi Wte t llllnoie College of Mule. Mi iliearos Meg., Sixth and MorrhMia. J, THB V.BBBSR STUDIO MamlollB. "J t. InatrwMioei ttlpKie BiaWtofc . Abate '''Washington. ' PI A SO, violin, mnViII. trombone, 'tar!t ' ProfeW K. A. Smith. f''",?,y- I MONEY TO LOAN. 1 ' MONET TO LOAR 'Ll O tmprerad elty property or lor aetfdns , purpose, ft from 8 to 10 years. le. "l' ' to repay 11 or Pfrt ef la after two year. Loaa approved from plane en ' money advanced bulMlns W aws (jam take op and replaced. . , FRED H. STRONfl. Financial At- - , ' H . . 34 Stark et ' ' CONFIDENTIAL LOANS en s:arle. atraareiie poltcle. planed, furniture, warehoua rlpte. etc.; any dervlng- pereo may eeenr e us xL. advance, rertaejng br ar jrjg fKW Elt iOAV ft TRTTST COMPART, , " " JOS Ablngtoa bldg. , . ' MONEY, LOANED TO . SALARIED PEOPLrS- Jnet an your awn mm-no other occurim don't borrow on til yon at m: my V"'" i tli beat for railroad men. clerk. bookfra. , treetcar men and all other employee: bnl Vwi atrtctly mn fld Ha. .-. KwtP. vn T"Ablnatoa bid. . - ' MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLBand ' . tKr antai tbalr ova Mm without 7 , Ity; rkrapnt ratra. aajHit paymMta: fnora A i .iiu.. mwo vonraalf nOOy by trlni onr forma flrat. .', i TOLUAN. 223 Ablnitoa bld.. KWIH Tblrd at. ' ' . ' i . i iiiircu ' ' j i i . . i i - m sawi don't borrow nnt II yon mj m ayaram la tha boat for railroad moo, 'Hrrka.' booropora. atrrotrar in and all olbor mpoaa: hnafnoa atrlrrl ofldtUl. T. A. BJOWtOO; CB DiniIOB oiua. , WANTF.rk "Jot, mortaairea " or eontrarta '' any kind f roal oatal la Ororon and Waah fnatoai oraiid mortaoa poThaaad I'"" I . aeard. H. B. Nobl. 81 CommrrrfAI bl. EMPI.fTFr -LOAM COMPAMT . Loana to aalarird BoopK Ftnalnraa ttlrtl roBddonrlal. E paymrat pl. Main 24. 7l PFknm bM. , FboM -HONBt to ton tn en ma to unit. I nd 8 yM. .. lo it a per eentrtwrtmproTed rtty prop . erty. Monlton 8coby. bui Oolombta bldcv 8W Waabtnatna at. - -i. DON'T borrow tnoory oa aalary wnttl w v Huttca Credit Co. ;" r. " ' , an Dekm vug. . -y- rW8. WARB.-lawyeT. Altaky Mdf Probata nd Bwrtaaa boaln olletted; moderate ; fee: loana money oa Bortgagea Oast 1200 apt aaay term. MONET loaned aa rnmlror. pianoa and otbt ' aeenrltlea. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Waab " tngtoa bldg. Pboo Partfle 1832. ' MONET to loaa: lanr loan rrialty a la bnlMHg nana; leweat rata! fire Inaaraoca. William O. Beck. SIS Falling bldg. CRESCBMT LOAM CO.,. 42- Mobawk bldg.- Money t lend oa aey-paymeet plan ta wag arnera: atrletly eonflaeatlaL PRIVATE money to na on elty and aoborb; property at and. T per cent lntrt. 811 Commercial bklg. ' ' - MONET to Inaa aa all ktnd ef eoeartty. William Boll, room Waahlngtoa bldg. TO LOAN "oma to an It oa battel aacorttr'. B. A. Pram. Old tb Manraam. A LOAM tot tb aaklng aalary at chattel. Tb lmiv i-Xk.. -aid letms oiu. MONET to loaa on city property. . O. A. Joba- aon, sis commercial Die, - Ql'ICK loan onT aH ecnHtlr. 8. . W.J Klag. ir..Li ui. w.i. aino . - . WILL Anaa 15.0(10 or. lea on. ml eatat, 9 pat cent. Parrhigton. 13 renioa mng. OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIAN9. ' tn. LILLEBHLLB PATTERSOM. apertallat on '. Hereon, acuta and chronic dlaeaeee. OffM . 217 Pentoa bldg. Pboo Paclfl 1180. DRS. AD1X MOBTHRrP. 418-ld tT Deknm . bl".. Third nd Waablngtoa ata. Posaa Mam Batf. Kxaminauoa i" PRINTING. MmM ( wn'f-NfrittWAeMatf nelnrlnaT. M Rnaael bldg. Fourth aod Marrlaoa. Pboa raclBc 1C2B. - . rmtTTHIKO IM PHINTINO From circular to eatalogne nd newppi M.tropolltaa Printing Co.. 147 Front at. OGILBEB BROS., prlntara Crd. blllbaada, at. Pbon Mala 1M. 1H Flrat at. PAINTINO AND PAPERING. p. A. POAMB. V Yamhin at., oppoatt Joor al efflc. wall paper, painting and demrar la;. Pboo a for actimate. Paelfle 2238. FOB reltuM work, raaaaaabl pel re. Sbeehy Broa . 2X2 V4 Yamhill, aear 4th. Mala 807. : PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. r, F. B. BEACH ' window rlai . 1 phone, I8S4. . CO. Tb Ploaeer Paint 0. i and glaalug. . 13S Flrat at. ' PLUMBERS. FOX A CO Sanitary plombera. Bl Second, bet. Mala and Salmon. Oregoa pboo Mla 00L ; DONNERBERO RADEMACBEB.- rmod ta Ho, .80S Bnrmld at. , REAL ESTATE. C. U PABBISH A CO., -Sll Marqaam Bldg. Fon Mala 8223, . ; , ' Real aetata, city and country. . . - red and mortgage prepared at 11 ring 1 rate. Notary public alnce 1888. I Expert accoOBtanU. Beet reference. fABRISH. W ATKINS A CO., 6r. ALDER ST. Real eetate, rental, loan and lnanrane. Vim mak a apeelalty of handling rental ' and property for reldnt and non-real. deata. Katabltohed 1872. l'hone Mala 1844. OEO. J. SCHARFKB. real eetate aad rlra taaaraaca. 817 Ctiamher of Comroarc. V " . "COOS BAY MBIT." ' ' ' " hi'' 1 W. OOrr.BEB. real erat and loan; est. nbed IMA. 145H Flrat t, room 11. i A. B. RirrtARDSON, REAL ESTATE AND MORTOAOR TI4M8. Phoa Mala 6898. Ait Chamber of Commerce. SPHINX AOENCY, dealer ta real eatat aad . rental. 808 Stark at Mala 8184. FOR FARMS OF ETERT DBSCRIPTtOM. W. W. ESPEY. 818 Commercial bldg. RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKS. 2 Alder at., pbon U.I. tin- m)W Mfamna aeala atenrllB' h... gag, tra'd ebecka: bra jgm) d plate. ROOFING. : TIM ROOF! NO. gntteetng, -repairing nd aBper towtslng I. Ixwll. 213 Jofferaoa at.. Pac. 1484 SIGN PAINTERS. POUTER A KLR18ER SIOMS. W bar bnllt p the largeat elan tmetneat fn tb elty by Srnt-elaae work aod keerlng oar pcooilae. - Our price are right. Ftlii aod Beeaatt t. Pbon Excbang 88. SI'INS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Slga Cas, EXT Stark L I'boM Pa cine lows. W. P. BEHflES) A SON. 4 TaioMll at. Big r of M kino. f'Bii rartne Kia. smnNO MACHINES. 'HB-WH1TSJ SFWINf MACHINB 4ieKCY. . BftV Tamil III ft., Crtr.t Fotwfb. Pboo Mala 8101; Batrati ta ll kliwla - af aew d awmdi aad wing BMchlneai few, lirbtly dam. geo. gnri a pew, i , I IIONB Pacific 73 ad I peraoaally will call cd rpir tonr ewng rnacMoe: work gaac '. atato, , aSJiMtatveot Third at, SKOWCASES AXD FIXTrRES. HOWCASK9 of ory doacrlpttoa) bank, bat aod ator flaturra auad to ordf., Tb Link Uaoufacturlua Oo,, fortland. , ' B. H. BIBr'SAIL, doalrnor; a root U. Wlnte Lamoor Co., T Bamlllo bid. Mai AMU. STREET PAVING. WARREN Coaatraorloa Co.. trat aorlnf . aid, walk aod maalut. 14 Lambar Kicbana. TUB Barbor Aaobalt Paln C. at Portiaa. Of (lea A Worroator blk. SAFES. PORTLAND 8AM CO., oi aavata tor liarrinr-Hall-Maryla lafr and Manonoaa 8tl Kara Co. bank aafra: 30 aoeonJ-hood ftrepraot afrt and bank aaf; r cheap; o Uwa of writ u. Jtb at. DlKlldLD ManaraiHia and Ota onanod: metal tx nd foa-proot aafra: look, nitoroa; vault and lall la. M Id. Mala ifoi. work; Jacka. 1. S. Da 'to. M BIGHT aroond band "ra-pnoof aafra and twa aooondbaod bank aafra for aala ckaap, afld 8lth at.. Portland. Orrnxw. stexogrAphers. EXPLUT atoaocraphar and typawrlt. Main 1271. 614 lrkam bUlg. ' PbOM TTPEWRTTERS. BRAPQIIARTRRS for aod rcballt typo writer of all makl u ear window; It yon a r ( tint to buy a now typwrltr HBla. . Air boring; w ran aar yoa mooryi w hay part for rrpalrlnf all marbloea: atata aaanta for tb Vl.lhl Fox; w boy all kind of trpawrltar. Tb Typawrltar Bicbanf. Inc., B. i. Klllaon. manaxar. 4 Tlilrd a. PLIOKENHDERFEB Typrwrlter Arryi -pltoa; repair. rUleljk bldf., filJtb - ul . n'aablniiton. . . l'L'BLIO STENOGBAPITER. WB aell Ramlnrtooa. Bmlth-Premler, Dn ate., lower than any otbar company: Inraatlmt. Underwood Typewriter Op.. 6d dth. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWEU PAILT Comb, braab. aoap, . tl per monib. Pia-tland Laondry Towl Supply Co.. Nlntb and Coach. Pboo 410. : TRANSFER AND HAULING, i TUB BA00A0B A 0MN1BTJB TRANSFER CO.. cor. SUtb and Oak ata-1 aaggag cheeked from botel or real dene direct ta oeatlnatlont paaacnger therefore an Id roeh and annoy oc at depot. Prtrata Earbaag 88. SAFER. DlaDo and rornltar ameed, packet) ready Tor ahlppinf n aaippeo; an won guaranteed; large t-atory brick Bre-proof warebooa fur toraga. Oftle Sia) 0a at. Olaea Bo. Phou Mala 64T. 0. 0. PICK. ff)o 88 Flrat at., between Btark ad Oak ata.. phone ovs; piano and rarnirar ' bioeed and packed for pblpplng;. commodlona brick warennna wiiaaapajaLa .iroa-awnaa. Front and Clay ata. ROSB CITY ' TAM CO., ofc 14t Flrat at,. pbon Mala 8228. Faroltur n piano monng a apectalty; we gvrnta anr work.- NAT10NAL TBANRFER BTORAOB CO, 808 Oak at. TelephoM Jdala eo. Trananrnng and atoring. 0RRG0M TRANSFER CO.. 1M North Blxth. Pbon Mala 0B, Heary banung ana aroraga, IN TtE PENDENT BAOOAOB A TRANBFEB CO, atarag. . bz Btark c maia out. - PORT SPECIAL DELIVERY. M. 200 Vi Wah- ingtoa at. paan mib boi. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. - . A. flUNRT at CO., ' DISTRIBI'TOBH OF FINE C10ABS. . "fORTLAWD, OREOOM. BHRRK. OAEB GRAHAM Oeo. Commlaalo merchant, jobber ot rrnit. pronnca. t.f eonalanmenta aolklted. 12B Front at. EVCRMtNa A timr.l.L mwtiw. and ailaaloa marcbanta.. 140 Front at,. Portland, Or. Pboa Mala ITS. OREOOM FUPN1TURB MANUFACTURING CO. Manafactnrer et fornltar tor tb trada, Portlaad. Oregoa. WADMAMS CO., wholeml grocera, mina faetarer and ootamUaloa BMRbaaU. Feartb aad Oak ata. FUBNITTBH matmfactnrlna' and eneetal ardera. L. Baranaky' fornltar factory. 307 Front at. ALLEM A LEWIS, commlaaloa and pradaea mar rnanta, rroet aaa imiii ata,, fort land. or. WHOLESALE erookerr aad glaaawar. PracL Heaal Co., PortU tlana. Oregoa. WHOLESALE crockery and rraaawar. PraeV. Hegel t Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Btark at. 0. W. SIMP80M 201 Waahlngtoa at, wbol aal dealer In grain and bay. OFFICE DIRECTORY Raleigh Banding. . ll.Gl'ST BkInhov Talkirlag for partlcniaf aopi. uoom lea, uiign, aixth and wh. DR. B. LEB CARTE R Dent let. , Salt 8. 82 .watningtoa at., corner Bixta. J. 0. SCHAKFER A CO, eoreeeenra to Arm- - trang tb riiior. Booma 10 and II. MEW YORK Surgical Medical Inatltnt. - Boom ib, i, bu, bi. so, bo waittng-rooa, no, yi. BALL A LEE Farm aod city proporty rental Boom XS. ' r-e-v DR. E. AUSPLAMD, DENTIST. . - Ooodnooeh Buildlnfr. V. E. COX. FIFTH AMD TAaTKTXL. THE OREGON EMORAVINa CO. Offlc pbon Mala ozi;i, work promptly attend ta. THE INTERNATIONAL POSTCARD CO. Pnb- - iianera, importer ana jonnera. . uoom znz. i FLORENCE TINOLEY Dreeamaklng. Boom 221 GEO. LAUTRNSCHLAEOEB Tailor. Salta, f IS op ; ironaera, eu ap. mob mm. Commonwfklth BaUfllnff. 8. W. COR. SIXTH AMD BURMSIDK. DX. W. I. HOWARD Chronic die; cImv tnrity ana iecin ngbl treataxat. Booma S15-31, CHAPMAN ADVEBTISINO COc Room BOS. Swetland BnHdlnir. - I. X. COR. FIFTH AND WASKTMOTOV. SWETI.AND WIHl, Firth and WaehlngtoB Dealral.l office. A few left. . - Mohawk BnHdin((. ' I. X. COX. THIRD AMD M0KXTS0W. B. Wolearton, Inrmtmeat. Pae. 841. Room AOS. Stoarns Building-. V. X. COX. SIXTH AMD M0XXTS0V. MR H. E. JACKSON Art millinery dealgntng. Room 400 Stesxn bldg., cor. 7th and Morruma, ' Iifayrtfo Bnildinf-. X. X. COR.' SIXTH AMD WASHDTOTOV. LAFAVKTTB REALTY CO Vacant property a apaclalty. TOTTSLEY A WEATER-Bl;tate. Inearanc. Room II .and 12. Tel. Mala O061. BOYS KILLED' SEVEN ROBINS Linnton . Youngsters Fined Justice. Court for Breaking Song Bird Law. in Two of tVio first arrests mail for tht Ullng of 8mr bird In manY years wwt - made by Deputy Onm Warden Ftcals this tnornln;. The culprits were Krcd BhuJtl and W. D. Thomaa, a about 17 years old and residents of LI nn ton. . . Whan faught Sevan robins and nna meatiowlark ' were found In their pos neBslon. They wer arraigned before Justice of the Peace Held, and pleaded Ignorance ot tha law as an excuse. The boys were fined IS each: and releaad with-a reprinland. , The ftemtH-ratk) party of Ortfon lsnt mucB to bUuua, anywaTa . . .. TODAY wW. WELLS TO LUX IH HOP TRADING Special Representative of - E. Clement Kcst Is Looking Up Situation. WAR OF BROTHERS IS - BECOMING QUITE SERIOUS Quit) Number of Orders Not Here, THjTMost of Them Are for ve? Low Prlces--Eggs Tumble Below 20o With Heavier Receipts. Principal market feltur today: Egg go below -oc. t Hop ton 1 ateadler. Flour adranca draw emeer. Chicken market holding ateady. , ; Onion aetling dowa In aoutb. , ' . . Potatoes 'are eery qolet. - Bomathlns te Happoa la Hp. ' So ereat la the atraln la th hop market that the moat powerful In'tereala la the trad re helne beoneht her to carry on the Bght. The difference of eplntoa between tb Uortl h rot here continue and ch .1 parrying oa hi warfare la bl owe apeclal way. Xrnet Well, fiirmerly Portland repreottiT ai Clement HorM. but now la charge .of tb en Mr Pacific . Cot boataeaa with headijnar tera la Saa Franclaco, ta la th city. Mr. WIU" appernc la this city at tbla tlm baa complicated the hop eltnatlon coBalder. ahly. It ta nnderetood that be I bo'J tr k a eloa f th local Mtaatkm- with the oblejct-at-iaporUiiS-Jo--Borat thx act altiiation and tho allow him to carry oa th war that baa beea raging betwee the member of th family. Paul Horrt, th r,ew York member of th family, U ld to b aa bnlllah aa eeet oa th hop altuatma. and nrf ..ooeta aro that ha ha by no mean glrea ap th Sght to carry tl blgbe. on th other nana ni ncoiner, . . Horat, 1 reported belleelng tb mrkt will go lower than It ha been at any tlao thl aeaann. Juat what tb xaet lew of B. Clement Horat are th trad her doe not know, bnt nothing bnt baarlah tlk la glees ant by -hi reprcaentatlrea. ; ' Among th nop iraoa me opinion iwa will be aome bnalnee la th mar ket durtfTg th preeent weak. There r flult a number ef order la th elty at th preaent tlm. but theM are mainly at low price. O rower hare held their bop o long that they do not eeera to bo onlt o anxion io let go for the market 1 already at ach s point that they do not bclltr It will go lower. - . Onloa Market ta Breaking. . Tame In th aoothern ooloa market ar breaking. The trad I eery much worriea oyer th preeent altoatlon. for eeea tb mor beartaa of tb dealer 'hoia eonaioerani t pliea. A. apeclal meeeage to an of th deal er thl morning announced that th onion market waa top at fl and that ralnea aeem to be working lower arery day. Loeally there 1 bat Uttl doing In onion ana ne general trad 1 not nuking mor than fl la a Job bing way. Bnt- a few mall aale ar re ported higher than that ' - . .,.-.- . Potato ar ry alow en account et th her annnlle la th Math. Th trad want tb market to Uke a ret for a few da and allow th heTy aorplaa to eleaa aoi The California ateamer brouaht th aaaal applies of f resb preen. Apragu getting nxir plentlral, with prices eotuewnat lower. , , Tlotrr Adeane Draws Mr. As wa prqdlcted by The Journal last Frl- dae. tha Sour market 1 eery firm nd ad- Tinred price for local brand ar anticipated daring th preeent week. .The altoatlon la growing armeredally. owing to th Inability of miller to get their wheat mpplle t tide water. Lark or ears tn cane ox mta. u nnrt demand 1 Srmer and thee may be a Mill further adeaac la that line. It la gen. erally bettered that the aifranr In (oral brands will be about 10c a barrel. Wheat market I Srm, bot Unchanged. Oats firmer and nnchanged. - ' - Beat bay Srm, but ordinary staff Is dnlL Brief Motet of the Trade. ' Chicken market Is holding luet eteedyy bnt If reeelnra ar heayy th present week, th trad doe not kok for th maintenance of preeent Tame. Egg are growing weaker dally with receipts tnereaalng. Demand 1 quit good, bnt aot atrong enoogh to take an all arrieala at la at week' 1. Along the tret today eggs were sold roond IB (St 20c. with ealea at both Sgnrea. Only In en or two ease was s higher price obtained. Ih-eaeed meat market la good far beat email rof, bnt oa account of. th mild weather larger sixes ar aot finning auca good aemand. Trad pay the following price to Front afreet. Prices paid ihlppers srs lees regular commlMion: , ' wrala. Fleer aad Teed, OR AIM RAC.N Calcutta. 8H baying price: eellinc. Sai. - WHEAT New elnb. SSiSjTOe: red Rnealan, tAirtmnr hlncatcm. 71t"2: enlley. 8iRn9e. CORN Whole, $23 00; cracked. -$26.00 per R A ML Y Mew Peed, tSinoaTWOOs rolled. 2S.OO24.00: brewing, 22.0O 23.00. BYE $168 per cwt . '. O ATa New Prod neeeaf nrlee No. I white, t20fMSt'J.S0: gray, 2.OOQ2V10. FIXH'R Enatrrn Oregon patent. 84.08; straight. 2.B0; export, AS.SO; Tillry $3.m; graham. M. SS-oO: whole wheat. .t8; rye, L,. s on: belea, 8J.78. - MILLSTTTFFH Braa, 117.00 per ton . mid dling. I2S.00; hort. country. 20.fj0 city, i : chop, Il.W0a.OO. . - HAY I'rodocera' price Timothy. Willamette ealley, fancy, 113.00(914.00; ordinary. I OOo) 10 00V eaatem Oregon.. l.on; .mixed, J10.004110.W; chrrsr, SD.OOt grain. I8.00Q104IO; (beet, 8.00. Batter, Eggs aad roaltry. ' BUTTER FAT I. a. b. PortUnd Sweet cream. HaUje; amir, 81H. BUTTKR City creamery, S8o , odtald fncy. 8iVc: torg. 2W0c: store. ITl7Hc, y,(;ns Extra fancy, candled. Ift20c. CHKKHE New Full cream, flat, ItftQlSe; Tonnt America. I518e. POULTRY Lire Mixed chicken, 18H lb I fncy ben, 14 lb.; ronatcr. eld, in per lb: old tag. 11 per Ih! fryers. 14c per 4h broilers, 14H lb; old duck. 13He Ib; aprin aoa. ISUe oer Ib: gee, saide per lb: tnr- key 17 per lb for okl: dreaaed. faacy, ttfnj . OA art Dm. riMM. a, . -i OOP mi p.ii.r-.. . - - ...... . i , . n PM doe. Dreaaed poultry IQIHe per Ib blgkar. Hep, Wool sad Hid. nors 1SOS crop, choice. Mmai1 prtme to rbolc. -10c; medium te prim. SajlM:: nxdlam 8c; contract. 1907 crop, 12c. WtMC-l08 llp VsUey, B0t.2Sci eastere Oregon, . MOHAIR Mew, BOmtnaL SHEEPSKINS Sheering, 18020 ec abort wooL 2.F,40r; medlsm wool, 0Q7B aeli long wool. 75C41I1.00 each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, fH4ci No. S aad greaae. 24T2H0. CHITTIM BASK SMOTe for ear lots; small SMALL WOOL CONTRACTS -WRITTEN THIS SEASON . (Special Diapatch te The Journal. ) d Pendleton, Or,, i'eb. 25. Ac- d cording to wool men who are sN ' ready arrlvln to buy wool for d the aeaaon. tha prices will range ' 4 a few cents lower than at' the ' d correapondlng time last season. In western; Idsho there has not been over 800,000 pounds onn- tracted so far, whereas by this -Urn last year 'fully J.SOO.000 d pounds had been sold. Tha prU-r-s , In Idaho Jiave ransed from llH4. It cents, while last year the d openlns; price was SO cents, d) From all indications the prices 4 here this eoason will range from- d 12H to H cents. jf- , 'S MARKETS WHAT DEALERS SAY. OF. LOCAL MARKETS , By W. B. Ulafke Co.- Continued heavy receipts has caused the egg market to so be- low the 20-tent mark. Uurinx the past wek, no matter how lew the price went, the demand was not sufficient at art times to - ckiu up. There waa aome out- - aid dumand at ..the low price. out even this did not. Stop the downward alumpr It now looks as If tha tug market wJU touch the low point tor the preeent year-on thla movement. The poultry market la weaker. With ,a fractional decline from the high point.' Demand Is still eood. however, but not so atrong as the previous week. 4 The loss In the price la due to the heavy consumption of eastern birds. "Weather conditions have been t UnfavSral contlnuanoe of the great firm ness In dressed meats. Demand up to this . time has been good, however, especially for the smaller sixes of tooth, .veal and hoga? - - ;" lota. atee. HI If S Dry, No. 1, IS Ib and ap. 18U TVo per Ib; dry kip. No. 1. 8 to IB lbs, 14; dry calf. No. 1, nmter 8 lb. 18c, aelted hide, .terra, aonorf. AO Ihe mmA am. infill.. "StuHHc; atm and ball. ound. tf7c; kip, .w ... w 11m, ire; can. aoaoa-anaer i in, lie; green, anaalted, te lea; cull. 1c per lb !; nor bklea, aalted. each. 81.2Ma)l.7S) dry. rb, i.00til.60: colt hiile. 26.vie; goat skint, common, each, 104l8e; Aagora. aca.,S9(I. Fraita aad Vacetablea. , POTATOES Baying price, eastern ' Mattao mah aad Clackamas aelect, ll.0,tl SO, aelllng. fancy, ltou 1.781 ordinary, baying, 1.2Cu) l.nO cwt; sweeta, 8M(t4c lb. ONIONS dohhlng price No. 1 Oregon. 81 9 1.15: No. 2. 7O'ixW0c. huTtne nrlce. AiUWki I " nli"S point; garlic, ettfc per lb. , .rv.-, aancy nooa niter Mmaeutier ana Yellow Newtowna, (2.60: fancy Willamette eel ley and aooti, n.-. . ai o.,i t. .1 . ock. tl.OUl.25. t KKon uriTS Orange, new sarel, $2.80 03.00; tangurlne. 1.T5; beoanaa. Be per U: lemon. H i 4.60 box; lime. Mexican. 11.23 eer 1K: ptneapiilra. 4.00jtS.t per dosea; grapes. Malasa. 87 .AO . nee kee- wmrm 1 TK1 pineapple., $5 per doaen; grape fruit. 4.TS. VKi.khhi KMTnrnipa. new.-suet I .ack; earrote. 7vt1.00 per ack; beet a, $1.28 per Ckl radlahe. Tllo nee nna - 12.50; - ben pepper. ' ( ) per lb: torn. toe. Mexican, 12.30; paranlp, Stinltll; atrlng beana, 13c per lb: cauliflower. (2 &0 per doa; oeaa, 13c; boraeradhin. SHJlOc per lb.: artichoke A. 00 Oer doaea; aona.h T!b.t1 OA mm kail celery, California. f3.253.60 pet-era ta; eran- ,.iu,.w per oarri; apron ta, stive per lb 1 kapaeagne. Stjp n. '- : vnia.Lf 1 Bi.iia apple. eporatd. es" ,r lt' sprlcot. i8H20o per lbi pMcbes, 12alBH Lee Ih . - l. . u. ih tu. . nnn 30 to 40, tJSc; xt,e drop oa each 1-10 email! S: "m, California black. 808V, per lb; California while. 88He per lb: date, golden, " W par botj fanla. 1.40ta1.50 per IS-lb bog. Orooarlas, Mate, B. SntlAR Call rami. A R.w.llaorleKa. 5.07V: powdered. 84.82H; herryi f4-2H: dry itranuUled, 84.72U; Htar, (4..2r; conf. A, 14.72V; extra B. e4.22; golden 0. $4.10; P. yellow. 14.02V; beet granulated. $4.42i. Wtm Cuh. I505W; powdered. J4.82H; dry granuUted, I4.B2V,; P. C., 4.52V: St. rraocn, ea.iw; coniectioaera- A, B4.72M: extra C, 34.2UV; goluea O. 4.12; I), yellow, 84.02Vk; beet granulated; 84.42Vk. bbls, - 10c; y, now, boc; noxe. ooe aayanc on- sack Mai 1 a oora price are aO day a net cash u HOVEY 83.80 nor ereta. : COFFER i'ackax brands, Sl8.S81Jlfl.8S. ' SALT Coerae Half ground, 100, $10.00 per ton; 50a, $10.50: tab). dlry. 80s, $14.00; 100a, $13.75; bale, $1.&; Imported UTrpooL Boa, II SOU; loua, $17.00; 224a. 818.00: extra tin. bbla, 2a. oa. 10a, 8.Bt)t8.BO; Urerpool lamp $10 00 rock, fio.ooj luu. A bore prices spply te Bale ef less ' tbas rv lota. Car lota at Special price eabject as ..fluctuations.) - - . RICE 1 pipe rial Japaa. Me. i. Set Me. S. fVe; Mew Orleans, head, 7c 1 AJax. Be; Crwl, Jitc- , . BEANS Small whit. $3.S; large white, $35; pink. $2.80, bayoa. $8.78) Lxmaa, Vte; Mexican jrd. 4c. NUTS Peanute. Jumba, Svie per tb Irgtala, f He per lb; maxted. 10a per lb: Japan. B (Vke; roated7M7V4 per Ih; cocoanuu, MXtt tee dim; walnuta, California. fn par lb; reach, IB per lb; plaenats. 1401BC per lb; hickory not, 10c per ifc: cheataut. eastern. . lstglne per lb; Braxll nuts, 18e per lb; fllbarts, 16c per tt; fancy necaa. 18020; almond, 10Q21),. . 1 . Meata, Fish aad Frtrrtolona ' FRRSH M BATS Front Street Hoaa. faacy. Be per lb; veal, sstra, Se per lb: - ordinary, 7Va14e per lb; poof. So per lbi mutton, taeey, 8'tfVic par lb. UAMS. BACOM. ETC. Portland pack (Meat) hanu. 10 to IS Iba, 18U.9 lb: 14 to 1 Iba, 16c lh: 18 to SO Iba. 18c lb: break feat name it il22c Ib; plcn lea, 12e lb; cottage roll, 12c in; regular anorx cieara. nnamoaeti. iike Ib; amoked. 12Ve Ib; clear back a, anamoked, llHci Imoked, 12 We lb; Union butt. 10 to 18 Iba. na amoked, Se lb: aaioked. Se lb; dear kelllea, an amoked. 13c lb; amoked, 14a lb; ahouUlera, 12 lb; pickled tonguea, COe each. LOCAL LABI Kettle leaf, 10s, - 181 lbi Se. l3Vc lb; DO-lb tlna, 13 He lb; steam ren dered. 10. 12 lb; 6s, 12' lb compound, lu. SVc lb. CANNED SALM0M Colombia rtrar. .k tall. $1.S0; l ib tall. $2.7A: fancy. 1-lb nts, 1.90; H-'b fancy flat a. $1.18: f.acy lib ore la, 2.7B; Alaeka talla. nlnk. SC00c; red. $1.80; aomlnel. 2a. tall. $2.00. - FISH Rock cod, 7e per Ib: floanders. Be per Ih: ballbot. Be per lb; crab. $121.80 per dox; atrlped baaa. 12'4c perdb; eatflab, 10c lb; salmon, freah Columbia rleer ateelheada, 11c; Chinook, 12Vc lb; frozca aalmnn, tlllc; her ring, oc lb soles, 8c Ih; shrimna. 10c Ih; perch, Sc lb; black cod, 7c per Ib; tomcod, 7c par lb; alWer smelt. 8c per Ib; lobsters. Ide per Ih; freah mackerel. He pa.- lb; crawflah. 2ie per doxen: stnrgeon, 10c per lb; bark baas, 20c pel lb; Colnmbl rirer amelt, 8c per lb. OYSTERS Sboalwater bay, per gallon, $1.80; per loo-lb sack. , $4-80; Olympta. per gallon, $2.25; per ltB-Ib. sack. $S.60O8.2S; Eagle canned, floe can, $T dosen.- CLAMS Hardahell, per box, fXTBJ rssor rima, $2.28 pet. box. v Paint. Coal OIL Eta, v. IfOPB rur Manila,- 181 atasdard, Ui; alaal. He. COAL. OIL Pearl or Aetral Caeee, ItH per gallon; water white, Iroa bbl. 14e per galloa; wooden. 17 per galloai hsadllgbt, l70-deg caaea. 21Vjc per gallon. OAKOL1N E sd-deg caaea, S4H pet galloa, Iroa bbla.. ISc per galloa. BBNHINK 68 deg. caaea. S8e per gsDost Iron hhla. -INVc per gallon. TURPENTINE In. . 88 per gal; weode .bbla. sae per galloa. 1 WHITE LEAD Ton Jots, 1t per Ib; 100-Ik lot. Ac per. 1st leae lota. Sid per Ib. W IRE X All 8 I'reeent baala at $2 So. LINMBEIi OIL Pa- raw, la 8-bbl lots. Snc l-bbl Wt, 83c; caeca, 88 per gal; genu In ket tle boiled, caaea, 80 per gal; 8-bbl lota, 84e l-bbl lot. 88e per gal; ground cake, ear lata, $20. per teal leas tbas car lota. $30 per tea. tmiTXD STATES flOVIRMMEMT 10MDS, Kew York, Febi 28. rfoeernment bonds: ' Pate. Rid. . Aak. Two regiatered 1) liVi Ms no rouDOa ...... 11'tO Km KM It - ... tfMMa 1 no - .... " IDnrn. ...... , ,v- a wo do coupon .,. .......lie"! liv4 Fnar regiateren ...iui'i iii irj Threes, small bond..., .... Kl?li Knnrs reglatrred I2S 1211V4 ' 13Q A ..n IS'2S I'M 1 no Tw,r.- Panams canal ...infiXi" " ... do coupon lMOTa ... Platrlct Colomhla 8-80 ........ 1U ' . ... Four Phllipplnd ... t, ..... f, ... IOB ' ... ' MEW tOXX C0TT0M MA1XET. Open. ,.1018 . 622 ,. P'.!l ,. :13 .. itrA ,. .- ,'. 2 .. l .. v nignf-row. 1018 , IMS 2S 'saai ii.w urai ' 038 0R3 P47 8.10 pno"'. ViTA PH0 pf.7 OtlS IWI Wl2 ' 9T 9V t OiSJ Fb.2rI."Fb.21. annary February March .. April ., May .... Jiin ... K'lT 1012 B21 HI8 8i0 HYX S.17 Sir, PM PA2 ii.7 S4 2 .-" 04.1 SMI ', . , 07 (lit July .... Anifiiat . KepL ... Oct: .... Dec r P0RT1AMD BASK STATXMIMT. Cleaflnki '"today .T, , , , Clearings year ago.....,.,.. . .11,70' ntM 03 ., I.1S0.730.03 clals-todae ....'..'..,..,.,.......$ "e27 (4oj n.l.eee 1 r -. ... .... 179 9 1 fl hi balaac yaf Mu,.wi""m I&O.IiAM CONDITIONS. LEAH TO THE BULLS Wheat Market Helped to Make a Cain After, an Early .Lose in Price. - V . CHICAGO CLOSE QUARTER , CENT OVER SATURDAY Buying Supposed to Be for Russian o4 count F6rceTT.5 SlSom t Cover Coarse Grains Show a LoweF Tendency. RELATIVE WHEAT TALDBS. tb.2S. Feb 23. Gain. 1S08. May ....$ .7K1I S ,7NB S .00 . $ .M'W July .78B ,7HR .00U .81V4 ocpu.. .la-) .isaaB ,w) ,") - Chlcasn. Feb. SB. What waa suooosed to b haying fur Uaaalaa cuad shorts to coyer tn wheat today, and helped te out SB the Prloa after an early decline. Th Record Herald raaya Of th altuattoa tn a apeclal article: It look ss If ws will haes th gplcleat market that w hare bad for many years The condition are rarely and etrongly working toward a ball mark at la tb gralna. Europe la etrongly th buying power aa for examnle of oa hundred load of wheat equal to 1.820.000 buahele being tak en from Aoierlc the la at few daye. Ruaalaa demand for America wheat la eery Urge. In fact th grvateat eo far. Crop report now coming In show serious damage in the middle writ - and also In Texaa. Th European ex port for the next lx month will all prob abilities break sll records, aleo their crop con dition are far from, being healthy. Critical dltkin eilet la America la regard to the wheat court! tfcma. -alao tb aa m - eo ndi ttons -x at In Oemuny, Frasc. England aad la parts ef Ruaaia. World's shipments laat week war ll.81t.ono buabel. Ruael ahlpped 804,000 ba and th Danube 1,084,000 ba. oraclal quoutlons by Orrberk, Starr r-t ,; , WHEAT. . High ' 7 rov T8a : CORN. ... 47 -.,.4714-, .... OATS. ' Low 1 T8? 78 V 4fla 8iJ Cloee. TUB 78i-'yi ,. tsv,.;J Vk r, . 42V4B 87. A 82VkA 18.88 18.78 .s.TS S.TT f.ST .1 0.18 May . July . Sept. .. T8U4 TS .. TH .-. 47 May . July Sept. , May , July Sept May . ... 4J ' 42 ... M 'v.t 88 . ...11 88 ' MBSS PORK. ..18 80 18.80 1S.SO ..18.80 18.82 18.88 - ' LARD. . .. 8.80 8.80 S.TS .. 8.82 M 8.73 .. S.U S.S2 8.TT SHORT BIBS. ...SO S.SO $.12 .. S-ST S.8T 8. S3 July May July . sent. May . July . sept. XXTKBPOOt 0RATM MAR KIT. LreerpooJ, Feb. asOfflcUl prtoas " - 1 WHEAT. ... ' Open: - Cm. - Feb 28. Oata. .8 4id Ss 8Hd 66Ud .Sad ,8 BSd 8s SVkd 8 64d H'l ii a 3V44 oa 2i i CORN 8d As BVtd ds SUd H I 6ljd 4 Bd a $Cd Vd PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Break In Blue tone Mining Feature of Trading Today. Th severe lose la Blneaton a Mining was the feature ef today's tradlns eo th Portlan atocw .market. On Saturday It wae held at BH. but today It waa offend dowa to lVtC, with a mrniwt m iimi prac. Todr' aale: 10 AaanclatoA on aas an- 16,000 Lee Creek Gold et X2Vtc; $.800 Potlcl i a. me, na a.uov uiuestone St 11AC. Official quotations: . BAMK ffroCKg. -. Bank ef California ...ASoJl'nb Hanker aod lumbermen fm.M ' inr. no Merchant's National.., ITS. 00 188.00 Oregoa Tenet A Ratings. 123.00 I. . w xau.uv unites tBatea ballon al 300.00 ... L.STEO SECURITIES (BONDS), American Biscuit Oo. ds..... inano City A Suburban 4 " m m Columbia Soutbara Irra as nu (K) Moms Tel. oa ST.OO J. C. Lee Co. 8s u.i ia O. R. A N. Ry. 4s so 00 101.00 0. W. P. A By. 8s 100.00 lns.00 Pacific Coast RhKalt Ss 86.80 1O0.00 rorusna Ky. B..... 100 00 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Assoelsted OU 43 00 44.00 noro leiCDUOn XJk INI J. C. I-ee Co eg.ruj Pacific State Tel 100.00 ',110.00 Puget Sound Tel 0.00 , MIM1M0 STOCKS. Rrltlah Yukon Hl... .94 on lienny Dolla :,.. .0H .23 Oatewood JiO .113 Lakerlew ... ,M iea creeg woie ........ nil. , il Manhattan Crown rotpt. ....... ,1414 . AH Potlcle Mining Oo. . ,1 1114 .2Uj ..iwu,.i naiwaiwn ,....... .Bey S UNITED STOCKS. Oregon City Mill Lam her.... 4 25 . 0.2S Ye.iuln Bay Tel. ...... ........ 4.00 8.00 Alaaka Petroleum . lovi .1214 Blneaton , , , .00', 1 .03 British Columbia Anal. .or,u . .(iv. I..M.HI, .... .a... , .ZA , .28 Goliltleld Trotter .18 " " .24 Great Northers .0214 .03 Mammoth .10 .18 Morning .............. .nnsi ' iil Standard Con........ .08 ,ji Tacoma Steel ................. ,14 .10V4 COUEX D-ALXNB DISTRICT. ' Pnllion .07 ,nau Copper King .13 ,1K Happy Day .04 .03 Park Copper .08 - .-.07 Snowahoa ,7X ... '-".80 .H3 Snowstorm...... S.SO O. K. Coo. . .03 V4 .04 1 ' 1 WU1 Bala - Hay. ''- v ;' Athena, Or.. Feb. 28. Dr. ' J. D. Pls- mondon, who hss luat pnrrhaard 18S acre of lane known aa the Britten place, for which he paid $28 aa acre, at th Umatilla' earner a I, will change th production of th land from , wheat to timothy, aa mountain land produce better when cropped ta timothy than to wheat. Mountain farmer ess aafely .count on a roa and a half -to th area and when baled ther I a atrong demand for tbs bay t any price, which ta aald to be more nmdt able than wheat produced from Ilk eoll. Tber I not the labor nor xpna la handling th crop f hay that la fonnd In hareeatlng a worai crop, proancea xrom lis sou. Liverpool Oettoa Market. Liverpool. Feb. IB. aTottoa futures . closed study, 4 to ft points higher. PUT SHEEP ON RANGE fitockmen of Union County Driving . Stock to Pasture. ' (Special Dlepatch to Tb JonrnaL La Grand. Or., Feb. SR. Sheep have heed turned on tb range, la Union county. Thl ba been a most remarkable winter alt over tha section eaat of the Bias Mount. Ina. While the winter ha been open, yet a lock ha net done eo wall they would hare don had tha gronnd been frosen. By March 1 all the stock ,of Unloa and Baker eovntlee will hare beea tnrned on tb rank. Th graa tartea wen net tan ana bow vary good. Tntmm Stock Oaaae, Ooeda.1 w- Allen J-ewls' Best Brand. March . May ... July ... March May Loaa. fur Is Expected to Fly Soon In Hop Market, as Horst Brothers Are Determined In Their Course Representative Wells Takes Charge nARKET HURT BY President of Union Pacific or the Grill la Hard on Values in , NewYork Today. LOUISVILLE &. NASHVILLE GREAT NORTHERN BUMPED Each Drops Four and a Half Points .nder fistnrdnyaaAiiB?tndgjIj Eleven and a Quarter rolnts Big Lis, Meets Disaster. -MBTLOWtKa l Anaconda Amalgamated Atchlaoa Sugar ... 8 rue Iter .. Locoinotlra , Brook ly ... Haltlmor 11 Iilatillers Brio ... ... Til. Central 1 1 .... 1 ' ... I ' Loularllle Northern Pae. tireat North. Katy .. ..... Mlaaourl Pae. Norfolk ... . N. Y. Central People's Oas Par tic Mall . ::: 15 2H .... ' Colo. Foal ... it: ft. Paul , ( heaapeak Cancdlan Sk Proa Steel Car.. IV Souther Ry. Reading ... .... 4 Southern Pae: Rep. Steel 1. Union Pac.i .., do pref. A, V. a. Steel ,., nock laiand JHI do pre... . -NET GAi.f. . Car and Foaadry ....... V Th goesrament' reaumptloa of th Inquiry Into tb railroad slfuaUon caused a bad break In values oa tb New York market today. E. H. Harrlmaa being wit oeaa. added to th bearlaa feeling. Hentng ot Union Paclsc all Srousd the ruooi cauaed the tsLttf lhjrir et to breek. There waa alo a report that Baltimore A , Ohio waa about t iaen sons nw note. Tb largett Indteldnal break 'today waa la LouUrlll a NaebTill and Urent Northern. Bach loat 44 point. Anaconda broke 11 J nsrter potnta. Reading waa weak aad loat Va.--po4ote oa the beary London aeltirg. Official quotation t,y, utrerbec.. btarr Cook Co. CESCBIPTIOM. Amalgamated Copper Co a. var m ray., com law. Sugar., com Am. - Smelter, com. Anaconda Mining Ce.. .. Atchison, com B. A O., com' ,.,.,';... Brooklyn B. T Canadian Pae. mm. - 0., M. Bt. P. Che. Ic Ohio ........... Erw, common L. Naah IHatlUera Great Northara ......... Mo. Pacific ...'...,,... N. Y. Central M. Y Ont. W Penn. Railway .,: Peo. O., L. A C. Co Press., Steel Car ...... Rep. Iron A Steel, com. Rock laiand, corn....... So. Pacific, com. ... .. . , So. Railway, com ...... Unloa Pacific, com .... U. B. Steel, cox. . do preferred ......... Wabash, preferred LOW POINT OF HOGS 25 ' CENTS. HIGHER v. . . - - i;'.. Lack of Arrivals Puts Price at Seven Seventy-Five Straight ' for Best Grades. ' Portland Union Stockyards, Feb, to. L tre at ock receipts: - . ' Hogs. OsttVs. Sheep. rxxlay .. . : , 420 630 Week sgo .,.....,,, 878 ' Ysar sgo 84 80 ' 11T Hogs srs 2Ae np from th low point today oa sceount of the lack of arrival. - Cattle are firm at $0 tar beet, with good re ceipt today. - . Sheep rry firm, with bettor arrlvsas. Price esme. - A year sgo: Rngs, SSe Bp; eattls gad sheep firm, bnt unchanged. Official livestock price: Uogs Best eaatem Orgna, fT.TB; stockers Sd feedera. $8.7B(7.00; Chins fata. 88.78. Cattle Beat eaatera Ore eon .tear. AR bo bcat cows and heifers, $3.lwi4fS.TB; stockers and feeders. $.1.75; bulla, $2.80. Rneep Mixed, $i48V4e: wethers, SQ8H1 "i wqv), , tainiia, oc. ... HOGS ARE FIVE CENTS OFF Heavier Arrivals Put Down Price In ; East Others Steady. - Chicago, Feb. 28. Lire stock receipt a: lloga. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago ...... .........BO.ihiO - 2.im0 Xi.omt Kanaa City ...........10.000 ll.B0 lB.OtiO Omaha 8. BOO 4.500 13,000 lloga are S cent lower, with S.Ono left over. Prices: Mixed and hatcher, $d.73VT.10; good snd beary. $.sei.l0; roagh, ,M.T88.S0; Tight $d.7Be7.02Vs, . ' - Cattle steady. i ' ' -.- - 8hap --asteady. .!-.:. EXPENSElsVERY HEAVY Holders of Livestock Lose 3f oney Millie Awaiting Shipment.' - Heppner, Or.. Feb. 4fi. V. B. McTVimh, who ha beea holding' 300 head of cattle hers swatting ilk, shipment from Or ma .valley th paet few weeka, on account of the bed road on the Rhanlko line, I atlll holding tbe Hock. waiting repair to th road. 'His etpena ha already been $2,000, aad yet b eaunot tell when It la going to stop. RICHARDSON STABBED- . BY FELLOW AFRICAN - ' BBaaaBBBaaaawBBBBBMSk Pendleton, Or.,"" Feb.' IS. Alchardaon, the colored boot black at the Hotel Mt. Oeorge was badly slashed With a knife by. Benny Hickman, a fellow African and would haver been killed if bystand er had not interfered. , ' The trouble waa over a trivial affair, but bad feeling Sad been brewing for several days. Warrsnte are out : for Hickman and another colored ' man, Lloyd lilckmen'a .preliminary examina tion will be held this afternoon. His bail was flxerV at 17S0, which he could not raise. Richardson will live. .- Many Workmen Killed. An estimate furnished by a statis tician gives the number of men killed in the dally pursuit of their Callings, largely skilled and unskilled laborers, for tha past four years, at 80,000' men, Or 20,000 annually. ''. , m - t ' j Fine Labor Temple. California's capital, is soon to have a handsome and commodious labor tem ple, to be erected by the Sacramento Labor Temple association,, composed of resvresantatlves of the various labor or ganisations of Us oity, , .. . 4 . 0 s r 1 o 1 5 I f! : . : : ! -ij I ' :" -5 112 tU2 102 1K in h- i-.i-t-.m ;1M 1S.II 131 i: -IW3V4 143? 14.1 141 VI 24 l(2l!102(, WO", 100- Ulttlllll, Krai,, inj 72 I 72 70t, 70V, 1JH lnVl,ri82l4 18214 14AV KHI, 14.11 14.1 il Vk BV 4 4 33 83 3.1V, 33 ' 132 12S, 12 7Bi ..... Til 10s I.... ,imvi MHI 83 81H 82 lWllirtt, 1341, 1x4 43 a) 43 4.1V 4314 12SI12lvi!2SV4 12N14 3il 83Vk WV 24 .131 4 84 83 1 23Hh24Si 34li 24K . S'-il 3V,, Sl 81 . 2tlT..... .....! SSW. 1714.1172V. lHOH'ltWi 44St 44 H 48 43 H KXlAlOi 108 V 103 J rn ..... t 804 S. CCiiD IS RIB Hi . TOLD TO CLOSE UP Tonv Anaud. ; a North , Ender ., Himself, Testifies He Wa " Robbed There. ' By the declaloivof Judge Cameron : this aftcrnoot;, the death knell of the no- , torioua reaort conducted by Mrs. John Conrad, alius Essie Watklns, st Bev , entb and Pavla atreeta haa been Sounded. The woman waa found guilty of conduct, ing a house of Ill-fame and fined $100. A feature of the -trial waa tha fade that Rev. John Glenn of the Eaat Side Free Methodist church had been sub poenaed sa a witness for tha defense, . but. waa not called to tha stand. The reaaon for calling a mlnlater of the go, pel to testify in behalf of an immoral woman was n it made clear by Attorney Maklln, counsel for the defendant : Hex cently the preucher tgok occaalon to re buke Judge Cameron In a sermon for acquitting John Conradhusband of tha DltJriHW orderly house. DIRECT PRIMARY BILL I RECOMMENDED IN IDAHO TMpccr DlaiiaHh tu-Tbo-J ' Boise, Idaho, Feb. 16. A bill waa in trodured In the house today for a wagon -t ridge across trro Bnake river at Lewis ton. The direct primary bill waa rec ommended for paaaage. ' The sonata joint memorial to congress asking for further' eranta of lands to be used for tha construction of a state capltol passed the house. ' . -The house also passed the new fish and game bill and a bill exempting from taxation property of soldiers of the civil ' war to the amouot of $1,000. ,. A bill was Introduced In the senate to) prevent the giving of free transporta tion and franks by common earrtara. A memorial to congress asking that a bu reau of mining be established was in troduced in the aenata. , "" BECAME ILLiN- ' CHICAGO, DIES HERE Mrs. James A. Bell, wife "of the com. mission msn-hsnt, died at her home yes terday morning of pneumonia. Mrs. Bell was taken 111 while lo Chicago with her-r hnsband and continued to grow worse. Tha end came st 4 o'clock yesterday: ' morning. - - - Mrs. Bell was well known tn the elty, for a number of years she, taught In the Harrison street school beforeher marriage to Mr. Bell.' Bhe waa. hen Mrs. Anne J. White. The funeral will be held tomorrow , afternoon at 1 o'clock from the .family; realdence, 2ft Twelfth street LACHNER TO BE NAMED ' BAKER'S POSTMASTER 1 I'.-'; - (Special Dbmatch ta The Joarsal.t Baker City, Or., Feb. Si Word Was received from Senator Fnltott this morn ing to the effect that William J. La eh ner, recent candidate for congress and, a member of the state, tax commission, has been recommended to succeed Post master Moomaw, recently: removed. The appointment is 'something of surprise here, as there were many can didates In the field, prominent among whom was W. M. Patterson, who waa believed would succeed. The reason given for the recommendation of Lach ner la that ha was the moat numerously; indorsed of all the candidates.. - ' NEVADA MINING STOCKS. Prices Current on San Francisco . -v Exchange During Day,"..'' ; v Saa Franclaco, Feb. 23. Nevada stocks hid) prices: Sandstorm, 88c; Red Top. $4.10; Mohawk, v.oo: Columbia si., si.izt: jumnt. Vernal. 23c; Pennaylranla, 8c;. OoW field M. H Co.. $1.8t; Kendall. 47c; Booth. 7c; Bl Bull, B2c: Adam, 2nc; Silver Pick, $1.88; May -Queen. 23c: Ncv. Boy, 21e; B. B. Kit, 13c Blue Bell, 32c; Dixie, 14c: O. Colnmbl. $1.06; lllbernla, lnV-; Bt. Ire. ,$1.M; Conqueror, 80 ak; Blk. Rock, 10c: -ton Star, 33c; O. Won der. Be, aak: Potlach. Sftc; Oro, B3c; Kendall Kit.. So, ak; Sandat. Ext. Be; Mayne, 17ei Atlanta. SSc; Oreat Bend. $1.17V,; Slmaroo. . c; F.mplr. 17c; Red Top Bit.. 6dc; Flor. ence, 82c j Dlam f B. B. Con., flic: O, Delay, 32c; Lagnna, $1.80; Commonewalth, Sec Comb, -Frsct, B3c; )c. Besd Kit., 88c; ' Or. Bend . Abx She; Mllletorm,. 80c, sak; B. B. Bo- ' nanaa, 12c: Krwanos. $1.10; E.meralde. 8nc Portland. 80c; Cracker Jack, lc: Francts Mo hawk. Kdc: Bed Hill, Stir; Mohawk Ext, 2fic Ia Dillon. 20c; Tiger. lAc; Orandma, 2nct S. Pick Kit.. 14c; V. Rose. 14c; CoL Mt Kit. 7c; G.ililf. Coo... 10ic; ntam'f. Triangle, 84c; Old tiold. Sc. aak; Ooldfleld Con., 18 sak. i .... Uonwtock District Ophlr, $2.13; ' Mexican. , 2c; tiould ft Carry, arte; Con. Virginia, $! : Hale ft Norcroa. S3c; Yellow Jacket, $1,001 Rilcher, 40c; Uonfldence. $1.00; Sierra Kev ' $7c: Fxckequer. 0c; I nion, TK& Bullfrog Katrlct Original. Joe; Bnllf . M. C, 0c; Nat. Bank, Bier L. HSrrla. Be; Amethyat, 81c; Gold Bar, $1.20; Btelnwsy, 21c; Denver Bnf. Am,, 27c; Bonnie Clare, 47c sak; MayS. Cons., 50c; Monty. Ohio Kit.. 21c; (j. g,eo. fer.'3flc; Monty. Mt., SBc; B. Daley. Be, aak; Yankee Girl, IKc aak; Nngget. 13c; Tramp Cons., $1.48; Victor. Sue, sak: Banner, 70c, aak: North- Star, 14c aak: Mldae, 80s aakl Sunaet, 1 te. Totiopah IHatHitTnflr Kev., $18.00; Mont ' Ton.. I-'I.V): lo. Fit J $4 80, aak; MarNam. era, 81c; Midway, $2.OV4 Toa. Bolmont. $3.00: Ton. tin. Star, 38c; Ohio T'. Irtc; West Fad Cnn $1.6B; Reacna, lo Ton. ft Calif., IBci . Oolden Amhnr. Sflcr. Jim Butler. $1.06; Ton, Caah Boy. Be; Ton. Home, lfie; Boat. Ton., 14c; Monarch Pitt.. F.x., 23c; Mont Mid. Hi., lhc; linMen Crown, 18e; X. Ton. Con.. 10c, ek. - ' , Manhattan District Manh. Cons.. Sac! M.W M. Co., 13c; 0. Wedge. IBe: Seyler Hnmp, sc( .f Dexter; H4c; L. Joe, 5c; Crescent. 10c; Cojn mention, ic; uranny. aas; -.-.-.-rj Little Orey. Bfie aak; Cowboy, Te; Orlg. Manh. - zxi-; rironrno. ine aas; inmp jack. lo; Pine, nut, 24c; Buffalo, Ac; B. Dog, Sec, y. Hora, ' Tc. , , 'And now some" mors Thaw stuff. V TRANSPORTATION. Astoria & Columbia 1 River Railroad Co. Union Depot , ' L.. Arrtr, For Mayrer. Rainier. Clara- - , kanl. Weatport,- Clirton, A orl, Warrenton, Flavel, -. " Hammond. Fort Steven, Oear- kart Park. Seaald 8:00 aot 11:8$ Sal Aatorla and Sasshore, exprass dally ...'..,.. 7:00 am $50 pal All train dally. - I. C. MAYO. (J r. and P. A., Astoria, Or. . C. A. STEWART, Commercial Agent, 24$ ' Alder atrMt. Pbn Main 908. North Pacific S. S Co.,$i Steamship v ROANOKE 6a II A fof Eureka, flan Franclaco trie ( "i ' - Los Angeles. , . Tuesday,' Feb. 26 at 8 p.m. ' Tloket Offiee, 138 Third: neat AUai, kon$ Stain Ul- ' at TOTJira, Aft, 7 : -7.-: -- ..' 'V-V V'.. i 5 .