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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND. MONDAY 'V EVENING, FEBRUARY 25, 1807. . 11 FOR RENT -STORES-OFFICES. CIGAR or bootblack etand, 8x10, near . Waeolngion. Apply 10T fourth ot JJGHT, attreetlre etoreroome. anil ,"" cement haeement: reaeonable rantala. Murlark I lln. ZU1 and Washington sts. inquire (io. H. Parsons. OFFICB-BOOMS. anfarnlihed noma ead ssm-ple-roouia lot rant. Uoodaough bldg. Apply - etevstur. ... . , A FEW Sret-elass ofSee-eoenas lad at aortheeet eoraer Third sad Madlaoa ata. Apply room i ' No. 8. . . , LA RGB office ma lm tha Abtngtoa bldg.t will furnish 1f desired. Apply room 40s. Pbous Mala 2028. . ... i DBSKBOOM. with or without fuMltoro, mod . ora. 414 Swetland bldg. . BOUSES FOR RENT -FXTRJflTUTIB FOR SALE. 1 SPEAK quick. $70 tear furniture af cottage aa Mount Scott ear. kouse csu be routed for - S3 r Booth. Wm. Lendfear, lid First ' . aw., Lsats. WB aeed furmltsre at aay price. Portland Asa 11 First at. Mats SOW. - T-ROOM boas (or rant, furniture (or eels, all tlrst-claae. or exchange for tail estate. .171 - Beat Taylor at. Bast 467. . rritNITlRB nine-room flat at bargain. 12314., ror. Washington at - . E-RNITTRSi flt 3 modern flat on Mill at. irlll 1 be aacrlfl.-ed (ur $400 If take at ear.'' In- suit 01 uagemann Blanchard, 81 Fifth at BUSINESS CHAJfCES. ATI MONRT Aartblar la prtntrof aa Mad. dsn. Odd yellows' Temple, First aad Alder ' fM HUTS a-rooma, van tnTatabad ta rood k ' """f Mt ,,a" low 'B(' Uacaaiaaa A aaorsiro, ai rtiui as. !LA0CB fold Blln. partner wanted a aria ' - hiw m i uuu, suiwu u 1 . nsasi " JO sid dl(iaxa. W. M Rable, oVldaa, F1NB PROPOSITION. 7ohaa car Una, to tha part wh bar tba v I round and new bnlldlnc la which It hi lo cated; great apportanit; aria 7,000; !( vaan aanoiea ji. , M. W. LEUOCR COMPANT. - llitk aad Waablactoa ata. tn-ROOM lodelna'.hanaa for a.U- all im , '.. fjent; acw carpets; rooaa all ranted. Addraaa M ise. car journal. VKW batcher shop to lat aad a tor bolldlng ior aaie; also noaa tor sale. H. T. ralaiar, owner, 4g &4th at aaat. ' rott 8ALB-i-T0 aba raa la a tS.ono coraorattoa , wiium mi par ceal ana f 00a wafea. i its, KCWHPAI'KU Won Id eH or trada half lnter- aat 1 'BBtiaractorr partner (or lthr chanlcal or editorial department ;jplendld ",llrr lowpi gcoa iieta; compieta power t"1'whi e too, ear journal. NURHKRlf BU8INE8S FOR 8ALB. A MO.NEX-MAKErtmnbooae and room sous and alx lotr"eaeh BOslOOt tba wsoie misiaca (or n.500; awnar com palled aaennew mia. FKR , U. W. I,EM hB COMPANY, Sixth and Wasblnrtoa ata. f."no REfT partni grocarr aad renoral aior- ' cnenaiee in fort la na; sronld trada lor raaca. Addraaa T 13a, care Journal. ' . . a.000 ROOMINO-HOl'BB or trad (or bona . worth the raonar. Bos ST. clt j. IP VOU waat to bar a rood 40-roa apartamt boo, coma and aee me at nc. Tbla la a aeat plaoa and wont b for aala long, as anen. . on win nr rt. areata. - L r. uarea. ms Hnaaall at. aV GOOD BC8IME8S OPPORTUNITT Well hv eated rrocrrj and feed a tore on B. Btark at.. Ilk tba atora bolldtor. all for aala at really k-es than same caa ka duplicated (or. If wlakhif t enter lata bualnea eene ta aee aa ea tbla at aoea. . Bcglater ft Oo 107H rd at ir you want to rbi.u IP YOU WANT TO BUT - - - ANY KIND. OP BC'SINESS, CALL AT Z LEWIS BUILDING. aUOOO cleaa) arork af rrarerla for aala at a oisoount. . inquire oz owner. 0234 jtomana. aV OOOD OPENING Real estate Aaeraeaa, afflc atablasbad rears ; snail amooat or aaooej . roqairM; atcaaaaa cans or aaiiiac. Kooas a, luw SeaoDd au rort BALB Yeameer aad Ice plaat la beat . dairy aecnoa or urroa, r or partieaiara an , aulr 3. W. Leaera, Coqallle. Or. FOB BALE Clrar atora dotnr rood btasteeaai kwit lease, reasonable rent aad axcelktot loca- thm. - H 123, -care Joaroal. FOR RALR Will aell part Interest la a fenera! merchandise store la best towa la the seller; reasoa (or eelllnr, interested la other b,l Jaeea; barer to tab charge ( bastoeaa. B 133, ea ear Journal. L'lOAft atora. rend trad, rood Inratloa; ainst aell en account ( ether boalnraa J. B. - Poreataa, 133 Ursnd are. . -TORT bnlkltne. krlrk base meet. 15 fnrnleked. for rent or aala. ' KlwaU, real aetata. Taacoaeer, Wash. (TOR f ALE Th only plnmhtnf abea la ale .. eallcj town. Addraaa 0 140, car Journal. BUB!8HED bonae of IS raoata. aaar anln depot, road moner aakar price reduced. Call IZSM North With at. 14 BOOMS, faraltnr srortk tl.000; raosaa all i fall; cell ebeap. Kaa a. 108 Second at. . BAVB the beat opentnr a tbe enaat la well atabllabed enterprise for pert with capltnl: write for partieaiara. P. L, Bcbott, 404 Vt East atorrlaon. B BOCK BY partner wanted wttk S300 Cash, whnlesal trade) eplenri Id opnortanltr t an lari th kualaeaa. X 138, car JoarBeL roR 8AIJ5 Tklrd Interest In eetsWIahcd caak . wholesale. comaBsiloa) and retail Eforerr hnel- aeaaj party to act aa aJarnaa; anaranteed Al. Pn to kaatlfatloa. T 14V car Jonr. aal. 1(1 A R AND Cnafeeetloaar' aroe for aala. Lrr stock, rood trade. Lodtin boaaa la -.- connection. Law rent Phone Padad 1M. ' M Third Bt FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. wBhn)senasnsss- ' FOR 8AM. N JtrW S-ronn houae, East Waahtsftoa- rt-l flaa kajr; AWIOO. Zlnraat home. Bast Mala St., flaa kelfa. aorhood. Bee It, IS.000. 100x100 feet na Bemad at., soatk of Ball rt, a about it. , Over T (In lot and rood feonaa, Klnr'a aeV ' ditto I rare fla location , - lOOxinO feet oa Becead at, anark of Rail at.. ; Wssr aid; Income over find per awntb. all ' for aala for 114.000; 0,0u0 caak, balance ? tarai to nilt - . ' .' ; t bradaeBj lots Bear ackoothona. Werfk , Alblna; price. I1.2.V). ' , BI 8INEH8 PBOrERTT. 100x100, Unloa are., near now rbeatr att ; prlos, f 10,000 net to owaer. ' Base aerersl food barf OR Best Merrlroa at. aad Crnnd sea. v Oi0 at cheap. aat Oak and First at. Desirable .water front at foot Of Bast 'Btark at . Ala tens a rrrcr front aesr Keek's kot tat. " .. 1 ... t'.'rres sear Uotrnt Tahnr reereolr for 3,100 tertna; eery (in lead, , BQCbtel & Kerns y. .. 8d3 East Mornaoa Bt. ROOM cottars, lot ddxlOO, larre fralt trees; . . . i .,1-1 a. oi.u llf-SJIIBOie car mi imuiih w viui.m, 'jf IdSK Pnartb at. ' tRB 0WIPR aiost bar aioaeri will aell bis 7 -monk modern boas at Rt John, m block t froni pdstofflca, araded streets and sidewalk) ' terms en part. Beoat 4, H Second at, the - owner. CIRCUMSTANCED compel ns to sell air new S-raom eotfare, Inoxiop corner, not far frnta , car' line; ahade trees; toed plac (or chick, enet sacrificed (or Sl,o0. Boom a, 109 See- - ead at, .... ... .. - tVTH IltRIDB lot a r.sst Wsshlnrtoa. aesr H near hlek sch,I, csa be bmirht for II.4O0 ' for s few d) onlj, liasamana ft Bleach . .it, l ruth It. . . .. . . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $808 ONB ef tha swelleet knmea la nolle day i'erk. 0 roome, strictly ntodrru; tar ma. . $ii,20 Very chol.-e plscs ea Kaat 16th. near Plue; lot 57xluO; aa elegant 10-room bouee. fft.500 This la a etrletlr modern 8-room houe. heautlfnl corner I t loOxioo, wiutb and -et front, cloaa la ou Weldlrr at., all street Iniproveineuts, ceineot eldewelke. everything flr.i-elnss; nothing Ilka It (or tha am;. $-V2oo tor a very awall, close In bom In eddltloe; thla la a special price. $4,750 (ur two food bouses on kit loonOO. ana fly rom thether all. la (laa alias and not fr out; flm Incoma property. $4 300 Beautiful strictly modern, T-room louse on Uultuomtk at., swell locality; easy term.. m . 31,750 New S-room boaaa is "very choice esst aide loesllty. ont (ar out, all cannl enci'a; fin cvwr Ivti amall eaah payawnt and 173 pvr nicntb. Good -man hoaaa la ' HoUadaf Park; thla la a b.rr.ln: tarm. 4S.S00 Ueautlful -ronn eotufa. atrlctl loth-m. do In on hodnar ara. W,0 r Ina B-room euttai oa Kaat BaJ Blon and 24th at. It'a.a huut,: nvwlrn. $2.(jr--A (Ina B-roura eott, baurlfnl mrnn mi, larra atuc, mil ermrat Baaaoiaut. It'a a barcaln-. aaar worth 13 .000. I2.2B0 tiuod 8-tooni bona on block from nawtburn ara; lot ItWiluo, aarrtan, frolt irara. (uoo DarntJUa pUc la Worth 2,7M; awnar niuat aJI. - j fii.000 Ao alrirant Bootn cottar, aaoarra, full mnt baarmrnt. Boar Wllllama ar. ' Car. a cbolca localltr:. aaav tormi. (2.500 A vrrj rood t-room bouse la Bnn- nraiua; cvracnt DaaruMnt, aawar conacctrd, Imruored atrcat, (Ina cornar. lot, aaat front; A00 cab. kaUiwa 2S par oiontk; thla la l.4ut.i 04 ata j .filler aee.; aoo ensh, bslsnce sea? 1 these bouses y fUat-cUsa condition and cannot be built for kws than fl.dOO; will sell sen rately. Three ' ar only few, w bare . Musi., vvuie in an aee oar net. B. H. COOK ft CO, ' 361 Alder St . finctn wriva Sd.TM htm this elersnt new tma ssnder residence, with fall cement basement; sleo new eior Daiiains, a ueint-room abora, on TftxlOO corner lot. Beer Union ara.l this will rn 13 per coat ea inreetmcnt; this week S3.B0O knee this teim ntulMff -vUmm fall cement basement, with llTlnr-rooms; leas tliaa S mlnntea wslk from Bvrnslde brldre, set side; will earn 13 per cent ea investment. 3.330 for aa elerant T-rooa aiodara bona, cement basement lot 10x130, within welkin wj.iaiN-v on aboaney eee.t nair csaa. tl.SSO S-roora cottarn, beantirul lot 75x100, fruit, roses, alee lawn; good ktcatloal term a. . ei.iou o-rnont cottars, strictly mods . i gaa, cemeut ba semen t, cement wans. iswn;. near union are. 31.4001 acre and new (Urmia blasts red honas. 3 blocks to esr line; good soil. 31,000 s ecres, good d-room boose, plenty fruit, rood well water, eloae to achanL . 37SO sere, 4-room boons; halt cask, baV sun siw per rnonia. 31.000-Two 3-room cottage, oa lot 80x100; rente (or $14) ea Esat Eighth st. . - i00 J room bonae. 1st 40x100; fifiO cash. viaaunu aEUll KAJ., 3SS Aider at, room 10. Phone Pacific 101 Rose .City Realty Co. 100 acre-farm oa plank read, 30 seres In enitiratloa; aonse, bare, an fenced; 33,300. . 14 seres. hnproTed, 3 horses, wagon, sow, 71 hens: dirt eheno: 32.H50: doe In. . - T-room houae. modern In eeerw teaneet. fall concrete basement, close ta onlck ear nerrics; owner xoost sen; i,ooq aown. ni la Tears. S seres near car Una; Beoao. fenced, spring, oaltlrated. flne noil. 25 acre land, all In ewlHeaHnn. afeamee landing and 00 feet of car Una, One aoU; ut sws ncrs. . SO MOHAWK BLDO. . ' 1, 000 FINE cottage, , In laanyelde, good neisnmu-nooo, wwu mor. 3700WResldenc lot on East Yamkm. win ssu so iirat one rnst sees it. A few bar rains left la Tlltoa addltloa. V. PAOB HARRIS, . BOO Belmont Cor. East SSth. SELLWOOD bone for aal ty 0. H. JTallberf , eM umauim new. i-nuaie naaz evil. 33,400 7-roont bouse, t lota, all awdera. a besatlfnl borne. 1423 Mllwaakle it. , 33,000 T-room, btb. basement 3 lots. Ta. . Bin st., between 81st and 83d ata. 31,600 d-room bonae. 1 lot. Rberretf ST.; srooa Tinee pissier. new. , 3t2r0 6-room honas, 3 lota; a bargain. '. I. WW ft-reom cottar, new. 1 lot -' Il.OoO 4-room eottsr. 3 lots. w 1 lot wilb smell bonae. lot, email boos. 3000 Bay ta lot 50x100 an Rodney aee. and Oolng st Hewers la stw imnrored. Register ua., am st. SNAP East aide. B modem boosea. Vt 100x138. will pay 10 per cent on tnTeetment; nn pioc for borne; price 14.400. Young- Cook In- Tcstmenl mo., ot unmmerciai nix. A T-ROOM boas, en Wbltter at. South Port land; a alee Borne, close ta; price, 3,000. State Lead Co., 8S First at fiOsdS CORNBRV, oa Bert Washington, mar pew high scbool! caa be nongnt tor ( for a few daya only. Bagemana 4k Bachard, SI Fifth at. . IAR0AIN. BAST BIDS 110MB. IV 000 will boy an 3-room modem home and a fall corner lot on East Ankeny neer 13ib St.; this Is a choice location and tbe koaaa Is supplied wltk ap-to-date coneenlences; con crete basement good furnace, fireplaces, bath room, sts. This la truly snap,, corn early Sod seen re a darrein. JAMES J. FLYNN, -B13 Chamber of Commerce, Sellwood Moreboase ft French. 1T0 B. 13 th. 1 Phoae Bellwood T4. City View Park lota, $373 sn apt Bnaa Addition lot. $100 ssd np: $S down aad S a month. Hems from $.V)0 to 35.00a Lou 100 and Bp, In all parte of Bellwood. Ust your property with aa; we will aell It COOS BAY OPTION Want party to take nn expiring option) Dig profits: acreage; larsstl gsts. W. W. Grarss, 813 Dekam bldg. ALPINB HEAL 7C8TATB CO., 30SM Morrteo. room g; pnono Msia iit h oioce wits I3-roem bouss, close In, $11,500. S seres, t-mom keass; aaay terms; $3,360. $1,0003 ACRES, with ntc S-room bonae. barn aad chicken bouse an crock running through piece, on ear line, close In. Beghv tar ft Co., 107 Third at JUST think. 1.300 lota near Salem ear line. no rartner man st jonne, at sis per let st $1 per month; level and good soil, wltk houses already there; yea can't buy aereere oat there for same amount; these lots will he raised to $25 per lot on ths first ef the month. Apply to owner, W. Retdt, ma 15, Washington bldg., 870M Washington st ST. JOHNS SNAP. Ta raise money at once I will aeTI my tract ef lota la Bt Johns, constating ef oeer an acre la eae body at a sacrifice; lota are ea ear line, chwe to baalnesa renter and erbeoL Owaer. Mllwsukl, SC. P. D bog 153; 3-STORY building, SOxOO, IB rooms famished. rnr saie or rent. siwaii, inira ana stain ata., Vancoerer, Wash. PINB alfalfa and etock ranch la tbe famous John Usy TBlley; also B-room neuaa, neat; fall lot; pile $000. 5-mom kous. fall bass meat and bath, fall lot; price $1,350. (Bee us. Boom 3, 112H Oread are. FOR BALE A d-room kuagalow en East 83d, between Hawthorn ae. aad Main at; rsasoa able term. Owner oa the ground sny day. BAROAIN t lots. ltk and East Stark ate.. froaoo earn, roraer, $1,150,. maids, $1,000. Phono Bast 3408. BAROAIN for easb. beaattful Ineatlea for I cottages, aoutb eunnysMet comer. Inonlre East Uncola at., near 33d at. WEST BIDB INVESTMRNT. 30.000 buys a awry deslrsble boat sees earner en 81st St., earning $55 per month at prcasat get psrttcnlsrs at once. HAQEMANN ft BtANCBABO, 81 Fifth St. FOR SALP t lets,- t blocks from Unlreralty rsrk stsimn; line soli, maee snl nerrres act out; on Ryraeuse, alJolnlng fish St. Ad drees O ISA, eare Jonr as 1. I&vestcrs, Attention! $1.300 50x100, bcsoflfnHot, IrTlngtna dis trict. Hsaoock at. I'O feet from rer line; fine ahade trees;-snlteM- foe bnnrslow; term. . $135 per lot 8 lots, blocks Boat a of 'Kaallwortk station, W-W carl $28 easb sad $5 per month. $475 M. sere 100 feet front ear track at Anabel elation. Mt. Scott line; $75 cash, ' OWNER, 413 McKay bMg. $2,700 W1I.1. ret a good houae end lot Mi inn, isrgf nesrinx rruit trees: 0 minors ear sere. Ic. HsUleld Baltn, 10$ M fauxtk St, 1 ' . . " ' I ' FOR SALE REAL STATE. I1..W0 FTI.I, lot. room saw konaa. Ior Alblna; ainnll paynirnt, balanc aam aa rant. (ornr hOklOtt. laraa anxicra 5-roont boaaa. But and Uat Ullaani antall paTCuant. balanc mm aa rant. $4.3m) N.w T-mom bona, aiodara cam ant aralk; struct Improved; 10 mtnulea walk from acw dcttot. Qnaricr block. T-room bona. East 18th and .IfNiKaon ata.; thla la a barf sin. Nuiod. 7-roosB houa. scar In. waat alda. Two kta na 4tth at . between Hawthorn are. and Hectlon I. In road; Inatallmente. mil kit on Ho.rt at., a-room bouaaj thla ti harca In; between SCfd and 23d. W bar oler Rood barf a Ina la bouses, a ad alao baalnesa propertr. WII.LlAilH ft rARMRR. Room SO Waahlncton bhlf. ' WPT SlfiB BAROAIN. RRH1UENCE PROPERTY. ' $4,500 buys a full lot oa Sherman St.. Beer Fifth, hb twe houses, one 3 moms, the el her 8 moms; monthly rents! $41: this la a bargsla and mnet be eold thin wsek. v JAMK J. ri-YNN. . .1 $13 Chamber of Commaroa, 30 ACREH. half In euIttrarloB, la one of tbe best nrlghhorboods, near graded' school and ear line, dosn In, $300 per acre. Regis ter ft Co., 10TU 3rd st 3-ROOM modern cottar. Isrg room, cement basement, modem plamhtnr; 3 fall lots; oa lb cut Hue, $2,100. Hatfield ft BmltaTIoTS , Fourth St. RNAP $i.350. Modern S-rootn bonae, walkmr dlstaaeei all honroTsmenta atade. Call eoS , Second at Owner. ' MODERN S-room bouse, foil lot 30 feet from esr line. $2,000 net; no commission. C B. Long, 503 East 32d st, corner Clinton. T-ROOM hens, bsrn. thrs lots, sleety fruit Be owaer, Mr. William Schlndel, M24 Bay ard at. Peninsular. . "v PIVB lota with d-room hooae, - outbulldlnge and bearing fruit trees. 383 MePaersan at, . Peninsular- station. Portland. Or. 30 Billets no anil, plenty room- for 80x138. fine atriL plenty room- for chicken yard or garden; two block from 10-room eehool, close to ear. Call ea Ira kUIborn, Lents, Or. v- POR 8 A LB 4 Iota, small bnuee, bam. chicken, boose; woodshed; good well, 34 bsertng fruit trees; two blocks from depot; price $3S0. . P. W. Brampton. DIUey, Oregon. ANOTHER- BAROAIN 11 acres, mostly .cleared, good bouse end barn, (In soil, mast go cheap. The Title ft Abstract Co., room d Mulkey bldg. Second and Morrison sts. -BOOM modern bonae. $3 .500; $900 caak, $2$ monthly. Phone Bast 875. MODERN 6-mnm boos, $3,000; $500 eaah, $28 monthly. Phone East '75. t-ROOy. - bouse., street well Imnrored. gas ka houae, $750 eaah. balaace Installments. Pbeue - East W7. 83 East Coach at. S-ROOM bouse with fall basement, ea Willam ette Heights; eaay term. Inquire Ml Weak Ingtoa at, or phone Woodlasrn 815. T-BOOM boose end barn, t lota, aell or trade (or Kaat Portland property; Mt. Aagsl, ur. Call 62l. North Sixth at. $1,300 A S-ROOM bonae' lu Bellwood; terma to suit; But UM lo., 13SH sirs I st $2.250 MODERN s-eoooi bouso n Punnysldc, lot ooxiou, halt case. . Hegister st Co., lOTVfc 3rd at -ROOM cottage and large lot, $1,400: 8, T end 8-ronm hoossa, asle or exchange. Contractor, SJI rsnai at., alontavllla. -BOOM hsrd-flnUbed cottage, mt 4THxTl, rruit ireea, riower, eta.; a narraia at fi.wn. CaU at No. 0 Pear st, MooUrllU. . MODERN S-room bonae, lot 50x100, eariety of frulta and flowers; close In; bargain. 388 Grand are, north. 100x100 ON WILIJAMS are. A great bargain. xo-toot alley, inia wiu aat last at Hsu Boom 4, lea) tnd at'. EXTRA larr S-room house on East Bum aide at., modern and complete, larre hall,- attic, cement bssameBt cement washtabe; near East Sid Hlirh achool, puhlle schools, stores end streetcsra; alee lawn. Owner, 7H3 Eaat Born, aide St., between Kaat22d aad East 24tk. - OWNER will ecll 4-room bonae, bath, gas, lOOx IUU ettv'bero, rrott trees, bernee, etcj pa-t casn, nan nee easy xerma. . Address JL ijs, care Journal. FOR SAI.B Real estate, aa acre la St Johns, closs tn. tltt Aortb BlxtB st. POR SALE Small chicken ranch. $400; may terms. r. J. . jasnaoit, owner, rroouDurn, ur. POR SALE Fins cottar, rooms, barn, big lot mil ireea ana improrea street,- 42. DUO. B 138. care Journal. A S-BOOM kouee in Montsrllls, a large lot ana Bern; price i,auu. state uh vo 1.13H Flnt at. $1.000 A 8-ROOM bouse, right ea Mount Scott car one, a lou; terms to suit but Land Co.. 183H Flrat St- $3,000 BUYS s new T-room bouae and lot lOOx lou, concrete naaemeot 8ood barn and chicken bouse, 3 blocks from 3 ear lines, Inaalrs st 334 Bodney ar. $1,000 Ml'ST be eold thla week, fine, well-lm- proTee tract 01 a a seres, 1 mile (rem Oregon City ear line; all kinds ef fruits and berrwe, T-room bouse, good ehlekea house, barn, etc., fine water, close to etoree snd good school; s J'lne home. Home Land Co, 140 H Flrat st. ' $8 DOWN TBE MONT PLACE $5 PER - MONTH. Lots to this beautiful rurmrban addition only $90 to $100; fete 40x130 feet 30-faot si leys, only 8 blocks from proposed new csr llne; will double In rslne la a few weeks: you mast bay Immediately to vet la oa thai snap; $8 down and $3 per month. J. FRANK SORTER. . 222 Washington.- er. First C pa 'a Ira. IXrTS, fenced, 1 In atrswbenies, 3 tn pota toes, b rrnit tree, none 14x30, It, blocks from eerllne; $500 only; terms, from owner. 407 Hawthorn. . $1.-00 BUYS a new 8-mnm bouae aad lot 7bxin, one oioea nr nt. jobos car una. Beglster ft Co., 107V 3rd at $3,000- CASH BUYS THB CRSAM of Sell wood nomes; larre s-room moaerst nonee; Tery (Ine lots, 60x100 each (3 ere eornere), la gsrden, lawn and choice Tarletiee vine and tree-hearing frnlte, 1 block from double-track car line; a bargain; aee It and be eonrtneed; price, $4,700. Home Land Co., 1454 First at. FOR SALE FARMS. BIGGEST SNAP EVER OFFERED IN ORB v CON. 123 acres, 40 acres la eult1rat1oo, floe tim ber oa balance, a tree m ef running water, H mile from railroad, 14 miles from Port Is nd; loins finest rsncb In the stats; every foot tillable; must cell before Bnndayt. esn't buy sn sere ef land adjoining thla for leas than ?40 per' 'acre ead op: will aell thla quick or $5,000. Inquire- of P. T. Berry. No. 4 Sixth st. Phone Padfk) 2082. . FARM for. tele sr rent) also fins new T-rnem bouss for sale. For particulars apply st 300 Eaat 18th at. north. 30 ACRES ander caltteatlon, running water through piece all year; good bouse, here, chicken bonae. rootbnuee Snd other outbulld lnge; 12 mllee ef Portlaad. Owner. L. O. Vane It. Mllwaakle, Or.; B,.P. D. No. 3, box 54, $3,300 POR 10-sers frnlt rsnek sear dry; sebooi sod store, goo s-room ooiugs, on Beat ef road; thla .property le sure to sell for doable this amount within 3 years. P. J. Stelometa ft Co., the somaeellera, 103 Morri son at. 23 ACRES, 14 en Iters ted; t eows. teem, chirk- ens, docks; crop: tenia; creek, orchard) kous. Darns, sua uoeqsmitn, aiomu. BARGAINS In acreage, farme end city property. farmers- lsna uo., 1 s Maaisna ac WB hare two ISO-acre farms In Dooglaa eonaty; both Mg bargains. Joung st coos iSTSstneent Co., 4o4 Commercial blk. FOR SAI.B 12 acres rolling tend H inllna from Portlaad eonrthnuse, s-maea Bouse, bsrn, ontbulldlBXS. nell with windmill aad tank. .11 aeree In cultlTstlon. 1 acre alsehed, 3 scree of strewherrWe, all other fruits except grapes; price $.0; helf caahi C. H. Johnson, MU waagle. Or.. B. 1. , 71 ACRES nf land at "Needy.' mllee east of Hnhherd. Oeer halt ander culllTstlon; ret In peat are. running water, k -acres In hop and orchard: fair bunding. 1 block ueat of alorasi $dO per nere If tsken st once, ror particulars sftdtsss ""Oassr," B. Mess, 14d 1st SI. , FOR SALE FARMS. JO LOTS, 8 blocke o( Mt. Scott car; fair build. lr; choice for girileo and poultry; on -county road; only $,000. TIMBER. TIMBER RIVERS. We can eare you money and time In making roar nurchaaes of timber lan.le In this state and Wit all 1 11 Eton. We Inrlte In-p.-cllon of onr timber department, which la the aoiet thorenrhly oiulvprd on the Pa cific cesat. Mi itli Inrestors and ' owners only. ; . fiORTH WF.ffTKRX 01'ARANTEB ft ." Tursr co., Lsmber Exchange hblg.. 8. E. Corner Second and Bisrk sts. ' TO OWN ens of timber rlarma and timber Ws will bay tor cssh any rood timber trlbatary to Kebalem- riser; will deal with wner snlr; bo ethers Bred, snswer. Writs, string full particulars, to Bos 3, C. P. Station. Portland. Orsgon. Schuyleman & Co. Per lorrtng propositions, on rlrer sr rs It reed, rellnqulahments, Uobsr claims, large tracts (or InTeatment. 2274 WASHINGTON ST. CERTIFIED scrip, a T airs, lowest prices. W. a. Howell. 5H3 Chamber ef Commerce. AM etlll In timber land business. W. W. Cheedle, agent. South Bend. Washlngtea. - 100 TO 135 acres of timber, soli rich, near rail road and Portland. Owner, M 143. Journal. HOMESTEAD and timber lands, scrip, money to loan. 30 Commercial bldg. T1MBBR 0WNBHS. We are making purchases of timber ta all parte of thla state and Waahlnxtoa for cllenta of aura, and will buy any good piece, ef timber from 100 acres np. Call o write us snd submit what ynu hare. . MUUTHWE.NTEKN (irABAATEB ' TRT-KT CO.. Lumher Exekshge bldg., 8. B. Corner Second and Stark ata. YELLOW PINB, 2,000.000 to the claim. All claims cruised; location fee $150. Place money In bank until eatlafled. We start soon. Party partly mad ap. Come In snd sign up. We know whst ww ar doing. Not a man that baa gone out with our locators bss returned without a claim. Per- feet satisfaction gnd ample -time glean to select roar claim. Alexander Land Co., 83 ft Sixth St, near Pine. W A NTED Timber lands - en good logging stream la large or email tracts. N lJ, care - JoaruaL - WB HAVB Inrestors looking tor lorgtng snd milling propositions, csn also handle sereral lares tracts ef timber; would like to bear . from owners. Yeang ft Cook , lareetmeat company, 404 Commercial blk. MTSICALr INSTRUMENTS. WB BOUOHT the piano atora, 850 Alder at, near Park; It Inelndes many ef f I neat makee; your choice, 80 cents oa the Roller; Inetall- - meats II ks rent; latest plsno-pl.yers for $105; ear mmpsny Is owned by eastern piano fac- tnrlca; . ears yon ths retsller'a preiit. Reed-Presck Plaae Mfg. Co Blxtb aad Burn. - aide sts. VICTOR talking machine and records; Stein way (and ether) piano. - Shermaa. Clay ft Co., Sixth end Morrison, opposite post office. FOB SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE Trash cow, and good second -hand wagon. J. M. Evans, Lents, Or, BARTER ASP EXCHANGE. PURNITCRB ef S-room bouse for sale or ex change for real acute. 772 East Taylor at. . Bast 4078. WILL trade Al faraitur of 8 room for lot 773 Eaat Taylor at. East 4S7B. OOOD hoary work team for aala or trade for lota or a create, rbone Main 227 1, or-call 32tVj Morrleoo at, room 3. TO EXCHANGE Pecond-hand top dellTary wa gon lor Bjers. su ueimont. . ONR block, Imnrored, at Portsmouth, to ex change tor rsnn or isnos. voinmnian Beany Co.. 82Vi Third St.. room 87. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. HORSES and bugrlea for -mat by day week and mourn; snecisi ratea ro Bnaiaeas-B 81xth snd Hswthorne. Eaat 73. hU C. SHELDON. 183 BlxtH St. Fine drlrlng msre, 0 years, os j, ror saie, periecuy aounu, fine style. WB bar. sell rewt- erehemrs ' horsei eeddlee. harness. Hubert A Hell. 308 tth st Ws glT 28 per coat off on stable -blankets, Keller Harness Co., 48 North Blxtb at. FOR SALE Two young mare with foals, ebeap. J. D. Konlng. Third aad Pacific WANTED Horse, 7 to years eld, weighing 1.100 to 1.200 pounds. 388 Burnslde at FOR 8ALB CHEAP Psnel top dellTSry wagon, good aa new. 420 Belmont HORSES FOR SALE 80. head. 1.100 to l.OOO pounds. Orerton, -between. 13th and 14th; Uke S ear. Freedmaa Brae. POR 8AUB rPereheron coach stallion. 7 years old, dapple bay. Inquire 181 3rd. ' MINES AND INVESTMENTS. COUER D'ALENB and Nevada mining stocks. I am always la the market to buy or sell any first-class stocks or bonds. List your stocks wltk me; get my prices before buy ing or erlllng. Lose a made on Mated aecnrl tles. T. P. Brown. 10 Washington blk. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. DEUTSCHE EEITUNO, the big German paper. Snbscrlr. ?lon price $1 per yesr: sample euplee . free. A. B. Kern ft Co., pabllshsre, corner 8 scone) and Salmon ata. . POMERANIAN Spits puppies," sg weeks, Call or address 238 Clay st 50 SLIGHTLY damaged seurtng-sjacklnee at very low prices: singer. Wheeler ft Wilson. DoBieatle, - White, Household, Da tie and ethers; to make mom for new stork Wheeler ft WUeoa aad Singer, a 8. Slget 335 Mor rison st. Msrqnsm bldg. SEt.F-CBANOEMAKINa sash register for sale cheep. 811 First st SCHOOL- TtOOKS bought sold snd exchanged. 823 Yamblll at POR SALE Steamboat 14 feet beam. 48 feet Inns, eapeclty 14 tone, new; -will cell cheap Joe cash. D. D. Wood, 813 Oswego St., st okaa, Orerou. FOB SALE Dairy. SO eoere, horse wsgou. good mute) 80 minutes dries from doe locs tle n; part cash, rbon Msln 5SH8. POR SALE Chatham tnewbatore and brooder, 84 days' free trial. Geo. W. Poott 321 Eaat . hiorrlsoa at, Portland. WB nrlnt swan aim. am Ml estlln cards, neoner - else and atyle, 35c; SnO'bualneea cards, $lM : a. w. aenrnsM vo., xz rnat roniaaa. ur. ECONB-HAND ksr (It tores, pnottable. safes. 1 tsbles, chairs. Weatera Salvage Co., 2T Washington at SHOWCASES and flrrnree. new and second- band. Carlson A.Kalhrtmm. XX Couch et new. Addreea j 128, care Journal. FOR SALE Small gasoline engine, 1-8 bora. power, aew. Address S 140, care Journal. - POR SALE. CHEAP 4-Inch Keystone water meter, practically new Inquire H. Sietager. 228 Front at.. SEWING MACHINES . bonght, sold end eg- etianred. 15 and np. T. cetera Barrage Co.. 82T Washington at . -. HOWCASES. oounteru. fixtures, boarht sold or et etianred. Western SatTSge C. 827 washrngtoa at. t aelfw - 703. PslEN POR EVErboDY Ring ap Main 4290 ... II w - . ae. i. ..J mmlt Cm. tare, clothing ar any eld thing. HOt.PEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure sure for rheumatlam. - Sold by ell drogglita. BILLIARD AND POOL table for net or for eale on eaay payments. THB BRUNSWICK-BALK COLtENDEB CO. 48 Jhlrd st, Portlaad. WANTED 100 mencto Wear onr eelebested 830 - m.1s-to-order salts. Union Tailoring Co., 8O0V, Stark St. Satisfaction gnaranteed. FOB RM p Bartrarns la Whltee. Slneers, Ts tla. Wkeeler ft WINone, Houeeholda and ether slightly damaged maehtreo. The White Sew. Ing Machine office, U. o. Joass, 830 XamhlU Mu wrnag ronrta. ; ' 1 . : FOR SALE nSCELLANEOl'S. FOR RALE A Nrleon madrart aa good as sew, Iihaeton front dellrery wagoa, elegant Eng lah trap and other relilclca. 154 L'nlon are. 8MKET-IRON atirrea of all kinds st re neon able prices st atm First st. Pboae Pacific 315. MOTION picture machines, (lime, song slides, eas outfits, etc., houKht. sold, . renied snd CTchsnirel. Newmsn's Motion Picture Co, Mih. neer Alder, yiuwi Pacific 2526. AT A BAROAIN Arctic soda fountain, fural . tare, store; lnetallmeata sr cash. 17 Ernnt. ClIKKItr TREKS of the only origlaal parent tree, th new cherry, the Giant; flrat-claaa trees. Julius Kslllch, Wnodlawa, Oregua. LirE-81.R artificial horss for.dlaolay la hnr aeea or Implement atore; wilt sell Tery ebeep. Adilrsas Aoies-Harr1a-'erllu Co., Fifth anI liar la sts.. Portland. Or. TWO good host bouses, one 3 ronme, one 3 rooma; a bargain. See owner, J. H. Ales andrr, foot of Kaat Salmon at , , WKflBER aprlght piano 8105, DecksrOO, set an $20; leaonar free. 241 Vk Pint et, corner Main, apstslre. FOR A I. K Houseboat, enjtable for small fam ily, partly finished, $05. Mason, foot ef hast Taylor st KHODR ISLAND Reds, err for hatching: also . 8 pullets - snd 3 cockerels. H. Weiaenborn. 1144 Kankakee et, near McCaatck at.; Uks Woodlswa esr. WB HAVB seeersl scattering da I ma that are bare-ulna and make splendid small larrsji BICTiTK j We bare some large bodies or timber that 'may Interest yoa If yoa are a buyer. - Do yon waut a fine mill, beat location to he hndr . . - ' Sl'DINX AGENCY, 805H Btark st 30 STA'NDS of bee tn good order; fine stnpip puller; printing press snd type; good yodng do rue, prose, iiuiij ier ofOT 8. R. HAMBURG'S cgra $1 for IS; $4 per loo: enckersls for aal. 871 East 12th st, north." PERSONAL. YOtTNQ scientific masseuse glees electrical, al-' coholle and Wdlcated treatments) also tub hatha. 41 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Wash ington. ' a SUPPOSITfJRlfl for married women: perfectly ratlafaetorr. Call or sddrses Mr. B. C... Wilbur. 408 Third et, neer Harrison, Port kind, Oregon. . SEXINFt PIL1JI cure a'l forme of nereons w mnscelar weakness. For men ' sr women. Fries $1 n box. boxes 35, with fall guar, ante. Address or call J. O. Clemensoa. drag gist 8secnd snd Yamhill sta., Portlaad. Or. !P YOU are not feeling well, take a tub bath and alcohol rub, $1. Oxford hotel, rorrer Sixth and Oak sta., room 17. Phone Main 88. RUSSIAN BATH. 307 Third et. ketwen Taylor . end Balmomrtjwlmmlnr pool, atsam aad bot . air bath. Hoars Led lee, from 8 a. m. to 1p.m.; genu, (ram 8 a. as. to 13 p. at HERMAN hooka, marailnee, botshi. etc..) Ger man. English. French. Snenlsb. Swedhm end Italian dictionaries) foreign books ef ell kinds. Bcbmale Oa, 32 First at MOI.ES. wrinkle, superfluous fealr re mo red. N rhsrre to talk It oyer. Mr. M. D. Hill. Boom 830 Fltedoec Bldg. Phone Pacific 133. DR. BIKU CHOONfJ, Importer Chtnsse mot " Bredlclriesr aelle Chinese tes. certs In cor for sU diseases, 1W1 Id, bet YamblU and Taylor. MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nere Olobnlee. One month's treatment, $2) 8 months, $3; sent securely sealed by mall. Agent. Woodard. Clarke A Co- Portlaad. Or. DR. O. V. KRTCHL'M curea promptly prrrete dlaeases, kMney. Berrous, akin and special ' femsle troubles. Cull or Write. Office jtol, Third et, cor. YsmhU. Phone Paclfl 2220. SELECTIONS made, Intmdnrtlone g!en: hooor- snie taaies snd gtjitirmen. Afiareas. wita starcp. lira. H. C. Wilbur, 408 Third St. S-, near llsrrlson. TURKI81T BATHS. 300 Orerontsn bMg.j ladles days, gentlemen nlghU. Msta IMS. DISEASES OF WOMEN; unfortunate girnl and . bablee cared for; private hospital. Dr. Atwood, . room A SGOyj Mor. st - Tsl. Peri Be 1753. LEST magsxlna elnla ever offered; Send for prices: sgenta wanted. Jw,es' Book Store, 301 Alder et. Portland. Or. BALM OP FIGS for all female dtssaaoa. S Beat Belmont Pboae Best 4034. - MRS. DR. MARY KRAMER, midwife; nice oiiartcre for patients. 881 Mississippi see. MRS. POTTER Msaseuse, scalp, facial sias aage, chiropody. 3244 Waablngtoa at SCHOOL BOOKS bought mid. exchanged. Jones' Bookstore, 201 Alder St. t CORRESPOND with tbe opposite sex for matri mony. Aoareee box zj rortisna, Oregon. OBNITO-URINARY snd chronic disease of men quickly and permanently cored: electric treat meat for diseases of the pmstste. Consult, tlon free. Dr. W. I. Hpward, Commonwealth bldg. Sixth st. 0WT. RESTAURANT. 28 Past Morrison et Heale ine and ap: short orders, fresh oysters. t. L. Totals ff. proprietor. SUITS pressed while yoa wait. 80a. Ladleo1 sairts preseeu, sue. Gilbert, imta sixth st. next to Quell. Phone Mala-3088. -- HOLD ON There te en tlirn fhat win cum rheumatlam. Ask your druggist for bark ton 10 or sddrese or call J. 0. ClemSL scs. druggist Portlsnd. Or. RADAM'S MICR0MB KILLER, the greatest germ aeerroyer, tar sale py a. O. Winters, nVlVi Grand are, north. GENTI.EMAN. 34, recently from th eeet. good pusineen anility, emeu capital, w lanes to meet lady of suitable axe end com means: object, business and matrimony. Address B 118, earn Journal. SWEDISH trained name, Rrbrlngfnre (radnste. cures rbeumstlsm. stomach trouniee, nereone dlaordcra and apralna by hand-rubbing, steam, sweet and tub hatha. No. 7 East 11th at Take East Aneny car. Phone Eset 200. MISS flIRBSON gives acalp treatment Room 82. 2tH hiorrlsoa at MANICURING parlors .for ladles snd gentle- 308 y, Morrison st, room 1. HOLDEN'S BBEUMATIO CURB-Surs tors for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. RECENTLY opened mentcurlng parlors: ladles and gentlemen. 851 Morrison St.. room 13. THE SN0WDEN face and scalp measure, 503 '4 Weahlngton, room 8, Fifth street eld. MVfl. VAKH-Tl Msaaage. manicuring and chiropody. 201 H Third at - MAMRY PRANCRS, the wonderful heeler, ta here a few daya only; curea rheomatlsm and all nervous dlseasse Oxford hotel, corner Sixth aad Oak. am., room 17, Phone Mala M. IP YOU are not feeling well, take a tub hath and alcohol rub, $1. Oxford hotel, corner Sixth and Oak ata., room 17. Phone Mala 8. A REPINED elderly widow would like the sc anslntsuc of an elderly gentleman nf means. Address H 133, care Journal. ,. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment, berk and massage. 110V4 fourth St.. cor. Wash. .MANICURING parlors for ladles and 1 atletnen. ipiKit Morrison at., room 14. 1 BUSINESS PERSONALS. INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Filed nee kid. Mala Jsoi. POLIER ft 81 HI.K1AL lock.mlths. mschtnlsts and general repairers. 210 Second at. ASSATERS. GARVIN CTAN1DN EXTRACTION CO.. sad Montana A aaay Offlee. lad Morrison et ATTORNEYS. c. n Pinoorr and J. a. pinch Attornere-ef-Iaw. Practice la all eourta. d Mnlkey bldg.. corner Seeoad and Morrises. ART. PRER LESSONS IN . Emhml.lery f.eery Dee. ' TBB NFRllLECRAFT SHOP, 3A3 Wsahlngton st B. H. MOORE1IOU8R ft CO. Artlats matertsls. picture molding, pletnrr framing, etsreopth eons, Isntera slides, 813 Aider st PROFESSOR R. MAX METER, 3l-Aider st I'et trait and Isadacap ax tie! aad loaches. BANKS. I 1 r HTTZO STATES VATT0VAL BANK OP f ' ADD ft ritTOB. BANKERS fEatahllahad SJ - riortbwet turner Toira anl o. ntreers Trsassera a General Banking Business. nKtrrg ikmi rn, Me Tn an r-i" et the raited Btatee and Pump. and Mnii. coiUxilon Ma-le on f a"e'e T-rea. Pres1(lM.t ,J. c. AISSWOUTH I Ca.hi.. H. W .'lMr Vlce-Prseldest..... R. LEA BARNES I Awl.tant Ca.M-r. W. A. UVLt .. . Aaatatant raeblcr. ...-.C A. M Ui SIOTIT I r Transsste a Beneral Beehlnri Bualaeea.Tcii.cto mede et a") rotnt aa faeoe. able terma. Letters of credit Issued seallihle In Purine and sl cilnra In the United States. Sight Exrfcsnre snd Telerrsnblc Trenafere anld en New V,ek. Waahlneloa. Oileaaw. St. Louis. Ileneer. Omaha. Sn Franclsce snd Montana and Br1tlh Cr.lurct.ta. Exehante ao'd on London, parte. Berlin Frankfort. Honrkong. Yokohama. Manila and H-nolnhi. MXBCXANTS' NATION AT. BANK. PORTLAND ORvooir. J. PRAWN WATSON.. PreaMent.l R. L DrttHAW B. W. HOTT Caahler I f:EOR0R W. noTT ., . - . S. C. CATCHING. .....iecood Aaeiitaat Caahler .,, .-, Traneacto a Geaerat Banklnr Bnlnee. ftrerts snd Tetter- of rv-'nt leased AesMahte ta All Parts of tbe WeH. rolleetlowe s Snectaltr. , . Tl ANKERS' ft LUMBERMEN'S BANK Portland. Oregon. Comee Secoad snd Statk st Cote meed. I and eevlnre d'nertment. letters m mmi UmJ .hIUM. .11 . JJ- f. PEI.TON PreoVnt I rj?JTD H- RTHCTtTLD...rirat Vtee-freaMent I OHN A, KEATING.... Second Tlee-Preeldent 1 THE BAhTt OP CALrrOENIA Z.tehllehed HMTrTead pfSef-Tau Pranclsos. Osllfemls. Csoltal nald en It nor) nnn Snelne snd nWeldew preSt., . 4inr 423 Cenee-t Benklnr eed Preha nge Ruetneee Transscled. Inteeeet eu Time Deposits. -AATTNtiS PEPARTVrNT Accounts bit be ebencd of " snd apwsrd. ' r Portlind Bren.-h Chamber ef Cmmerce Building. r.JMACB A T. Manerer I .T T. RfWTCTTAPf f ..AeTr,ee br.naree FE$T NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon 0Me"t Natlnnsl Bank ou th racMo Coeat CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,800,000.00. DEPOSITS $14,000,000 00. , i .' A. TV TTT.f.S.... ................. ...present I W. C. A rvOPTt., ........ -..AntanraehW JW. NEWKIRK, ..... ..... Cssbler I R P. rntVEXS. . Second Ardsjsut CsjMe VRUST COMPANIES. P"PTtAWT TRUST CoarWANT Of 0RW ON The Oldest Trnct Com pan ta .weaawa. RESOtRCFS ".SR 31.S0o.noff'. fieneret Ranklnc. Two per cent rnfereat on ehech a counts .n knndredat on dalle halaneea ef 3100 or oee. letters ef ciedlt and eecbaare oasij parts f the world. Saetnrs accounts. Tims eet18cnte. 3 to 4 pee eeef ah"et c11 special certlRcetea. $noo oe ,..r. 2U to 4 per cent Call for Bonk of "ILLUSTRATIONS. nvMitHM r.u c.i- m-A a. k l. LEW PAOET,, Secretary SECURITY BAVTNG8 ft TRUST COstPANT MS hTerrlaew Stet. Portland. Orseen. Trsosscts s Genersl Banking Rnelneee. SA VINOS rtrPART'ENT. Interest All"Wjd en Time and Seringa Account. Acts as Trustee for relates Drafta and Lettera ef Credit ' A rallable or All Varta of the World. ? T Ar..1'-" t-.JiPrealdeiit T.. A. Trwtu......i......P1ret Vic Wreathe nt A. L. MILLS Second Vlce.Preeldent I R. 0. JUBITE Secretary GEO. R. RUSPEIJ, At"ent Secretary NORTHWESTERN OffARAsTTVZ ft TRUST CC'MP tNY Peetlsnd. Oregon. Lnmber Kxchrnre. S. p. Cnenee Second -end Stark Street (second Soar). FISCAL AGENT TOR CORPORATIONS. - . . State. - Ooaaty, Mnplelpsl Cor no ration Bonds Bought and Sold. New Enterprises Orgsuleed !- and financed. Stoeha and Bonda Gnaranteed. . - TITLE 0TJAS ANTES ft TRUST COMPANY 840 WASHINGTON STREET. MOBTOAGB LOANS ea Portlaad Res! Eatate at Lowest Rataa. Titles Insured. Ahatrsets Fnmlatied.- J. THORRURN BOSS.,,., ...President INO E AITrmsoN t "eeretsry OEORGB H. HILL VIce-PreaMer.t I T. T. RUHR HART Treesnrer BONDS ANT ORKIj" B10THIR3 Ct'aaiser ef Commerce M MnnlelpaL Rsflmed snd Puhlle Serele fViendesrlna Bonds. D OWsTnrO-HOPXTNS COMPANY Eatahllahed It 98 BROKERS. , - . STOCK B, BONDS. GRAIN Bonght snd Sold for Cub. and ea Margin. Priests Wires. ROOM 4 CBAMBE R of COMM ERCE. Phone Mats ST. 1- OUIA J. WILDE sioktX TELEPHONE BONlrB BANK STOCKS. - t' - " Member Portland Stock Exchange. '. " Corner txtb end Washington Streets, port l.nd Oregon. pverteck Starr & Ccoke Co. I0J Z7X'. ' SBAIN PROVISIONS. COTTON. STOCKS ANT BOKSB. - WE DO A 8TRICT1Y COMMISSION BUSINESS, CtmtJnooue MsrketJ fhf- Prieste Wire.- Qulek SecerBirwERENCirw-iLadd ft Tlltou. Bans rT" 1 mn. and Ualted Statee National Bank of Pnrtlsnd. ACTOMODILES. PULLMAN AUTO CAB CO.. Buriders, deelgnera and rape Iters of ell makes ef entomnblleo. Bodies, tons, feeders, daaheo, . lamp brsrksta. running hoards snd glsss fronts. Gears and all parts ot auto mobiles msde to order. 60-70-72-74 North Sixth at., corner Krerett. H. L. VK EATS AUTO CO.. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. North wee tern distributors for. Pope Hsrt rocds. Pope Trihonss. Pop Ws rer Irs. Pone Toledo. Thomes. Oldsmohlles. rrsnkllns. Bulcko. S0-83 Seventh at. Portland. Oregon, HOWARD M. COVEY, I Agent Pierce Great Arrow, l-conmohflee. Cad illac had Kaox. Temporary loeattoa Clnb Osrsgs. 15th and Alder ata. HAVB YOU SEEN- RAKER ' ELECTRICS! Capital Supply Co.. 405 Alder et. Phono Pe- BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES a BlrkoBwald Co.. 304 808 Rwratt st; largest batcher aapply kous oa ..the coast, write tor catalogue. BITTCRRRSV SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekem. 131-133 First et., carries a full tin aad eoea. plst assortment at low sat marasi srsw. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. Row. DAVIS A KILHAM. 108-111 Second at, Blank books menu factored: egents for Joas Improved Lonae-Lrar ledgers; see ue new Eureka leaf, th beot.oa tbe market MAGAZINES, lew hook, etc., cheap for limited time. A. J. Dygert, 82 Vs Front St.. cor. Osk. ' BATHS MASSAGE. RUSSIAN baths, swimming pool, steam and hot -air. Hours; Ladles. 8 a. m. to 1 p. m.; genta, 8 a. Ba. to 12 p. m. Price. 26. 2uT Third St., bet. Taylor and Satmon. MRS. 0BROCK. graduate mt aaewse j cabinet bath, ealt glow, alcohol rnh,ereera meeasge; rererence. imv r-veoin eu ataio ewi. CIVAIRVOrANTS AND PALMISTS. Alarae Conealt the Beet. PROP. E. KHIMO. Greatest living estrsl desd-trenee emir snysnt of the ego: sdvlser en business and all affair of life: tells your full asms snd whst you called for. whom you will merry, how 9 control the one von love, even though ' miles awsy; reunites tha aepsrsted: glees secret powers to control; no long ueisys in , welting. Hours 10 to 8, dally snd Sunday. Permanent It located la Ms tea borne. 238 Fifth et., corner Msdleoa at MADAM E1NGA Eryptlan medtnm. palmtat and payrhle clairvoyant. Readlnga CO rente and upward. 1K4 Uadleoo st CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned end pressed 81 per month. . Unique Tailoring Co., 80S Stark at. PI. W. TURNER, professions! dyer snd elesser. 605 Jefferson et Pboae Main 2513. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Prlng Works, 211 Fourth st' Phrns Pacific SOT. CLOTHES 'cleaned snd pressed; price reason able. Portland Tailoring Co., 220 Madlaoa. COAL AND WOOD. Smithing Coal aad '(- f- - Coal for Ship -r . . a specialty. f The STOREY A BRtMiRES - PCEta CO. 1 ( Incorporated. ) 4 EtclualTe erente for KKMMEREK COAL, . ' COAL. COKE. CHAKCOAte Offlee and Yard Kraat aad Kearney sts. PORTLAND SAWDUST ft SLABW0OD CO., 355 Prnot. siicceesors to Pulton Wood Co.) fir, osk, slsbwsod. coal. Tel. Main load. TOR prompt delivery o( alabwond call Malu 4D75. . Oak. sabw fir and . coat. Portlaad Wood ft Coal Co., I th aad he tier ate. OREGON FUEL CO. le now selling Welsh an thracite, beet coal aa the market. 334 Alder et Main 85. ALBINA Fb'fcL CO Dealera tn coritwood. enrl and greea snd dry slshwood. R.- R. snd Albfns see.. 3 blocks east el ferry. Eeet 874. STEEL BRIDOB TUEt CO. Dealera tn enal. . eardwoud and dry si s wood. Pheaa Bast 424. WESTERN FEED blsckamttb mekt. b Ft'ff. CO. House aad Phone Mala 1018. J f , CARPET CI.EANING. STAN'OARD CARPET CLEANING CO largest plant oa the eoet. Lor in g end Harding ata.t telephone Eaat 2- Carpels cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; both ateera and leteet eom preaaed sir proreaa; renoreting matlresaea and fee there a apeclalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, snetloa ssd me preeeed air enmblaed: cerpete cleaned est (Vuef without temevsi. Mala 5W4. Mala KiuQ, POBTXAlfTJ. ORFOOV. hTjtsa.) ..... .1cePeeate.t ..Aaatalaat Ceabler ' fntereat nald en metngs aecnunta Iwafu aad . ... r the Mpll P. C. WFR ... n T STOItrir... Pf.ATT A Pt.ATT .v, CeehSas .,A.ataat r.M . , .General Cena.t sitre.ts. r-e rrlTsts r-xensnge I ft. T, .PT-rrva;.. Vlee-Wresldent I J. O. tlill.TRA-: , AaetatenS-Baesatar INVEST5IENTS. Bnfldmg. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Pedicuring, airs. tf. T. Hill. -Room 8:10 Fielduer Bldg. Pboae Paclfl 138. CAFES. THE 0PTTCE S3 Waablngtoa et phone klaln T71'. Ssuiael Vlgneux. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, the eerpenter." 2nd Poartk .eet7 Store and offlc woeb. Msln 178T. DANCINO. DANCING lesson. 35c; cfssse or private; era it s Ing. two-atep, three-step, etc.; stsxe dsaclnr. bock and wing, clog, reel, skirt. Spanish, Hlcklend fling, etc. Prof. Wsl WUeoa. old est recognised teacher, Allaky bldg., Third and Morrison ata. WOODWARO DANCINO SCHOOL Clam Man.. There, end Sat ere.: social, fancy aad step - , dancing taaxht: 8 asst. teachers: elssa and pries re-lessons dsily. Western Academe kali, Seeoad- and Morrison ata. Pselfle 1830. PROP. BIN'OLER. Miss Bnckenmeyar. leadtng .school, dally. 303 Aldet st. Msln 1851. DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS, plain sewing, altering and ro- naini'g. 2i Marxet st.. Beiwcea anira ana Fourth. Pacific 053. TRY Angeles Dreeeaiaktnc Parlors. 242 Filth aad alals. . racirie nto. MRS. V A UGH AN. experienced dresemaker. East Burnslde et Pliooe East 4&t2. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. I. WALSH CO.. 'Sit Btark st - - Kleetrlc and Gae Fixture and Supplies. Mantels. Tiling. OVstea and lmglrae. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, eon tree- tors, repairers, eleetrw wiring, euppllsa. P4 First, cor. Btark. Mats 8S3. B. H. Tate. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 31 Blxtk nt Contractors, electric snppiiea. motoro and ay Samoa: we lneull light and poorer plant. MORRlfON- ELECTRIC CO., Ml Bust el orders St. tlx teres, wiring, repairing. Bsst 8128. BARRETT'S. 408 Morrison st. Phono Mais 123. Eeerytblng In electric wiring snd lighting. EDUCATIONAL. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLPGB. Wssblnxton snd 10th sts., Flledner bldg, ' Bookkeeping. Rliorthsnd, Typswrltlng aad all English branches Uoght both day aad Bight B EH NKE-WALKER Bt'frtNFSS COIXBUB. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Bpeclsl Clasaea In German. French. Spanish. Elks' bldg.. Seventh and Stark ate. ROSE 'hiXY BUSINESS COLLEGE, Pltmaa Shorthand by Ormrt Reporter. BuaV neea Cii" ree. spe.-lal Schelarsnlps; lone Secured- Commonweelth bldg., stb and Anksny. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND W1RB ft IRON WORK snd Evsrett ets. t'booe Mala n. GASOLINE ENGINES. ' OASOLINP) sngtnea. -all sire sr.4 styles, 'et lowest prices. : uelrsou Morhinery veTC 13-4 Morrison st - . ? 81'EKflELD marine engines, Any pmpelhrre. rsirnanks,' Morse ft Co., First and Disrl sis. HOTELS. HOTEL Portlsnd, American plan. 13. S pee 4.. BELVEDBRB; European plan) 4th andAlder sts. HARDWARE. PORTI.ANIV HARDWARE Co. eellelt ernoete. 1ty to quote prleee. 74 Sixth st. racirie 45. .INSURANCE. IBAA0 U WBITB. Are Insaran 344 thee. luck bldg. W. I "PAGE, rnsnranee! empVters Habmiv, Surety hon-IB, burglar srel aeelilcet Inaurauce. : 1-hooe Mala 2a. J4 tailing b-lc. JAS hfclj. WOOD, emploTevV Mablltty ss4 f dlrlSiial aeciovnt eeenrity n-ule et ell biua I'hene 47. M2 MeK.y bklg land srr.ii' WANTED snd fo eels. All ke-ts. t.. '1- spprneeq rofeet reeerve e-np for ,,,. 1 . snrreyed. Iln-l-ee and prel'ie i u. H. M. Hamilton. ' TSe t'.-rl i.nd " . I - MOMMK.NH. I prif si 1 r. e e- -, Madias siailue ssd gi... s J