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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1907)
Tim 0I.EG01, DAILY -JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 25. 1.07. 13 DICAKMRD PLAYERS ARE LIVELY j. In. Practice Came the Cubi Put '. It All Over Columbia ' " Performers. YOUNG MEN PUT UP . GOOD ARTICLE OF BALL worn Coachra Tried Out Their Strings of Men and All Gar From- i iso of Doing Good AVork WU llama Wu Unsteady.' In a full nin Inning practice gam r.',y.q upon the varsity Held tha l-ralnard Cubs, defeated the Columbia lads by a scor of S to I. Till la the Iret defeat for, the collage team this aeaaon and they nut ud the harden! kind of fight before the contest cam to a close. Coach Charlie Moor has hammered hie bunch f youngster Into a last anf. clever antrreaaUou. Tuexhow bet tar form than previously. Manager Hmlth of the "Cuba,' tried But ajaunch of .new men and ia well aatlsfled that' be ha the making of a fin team, a good representation in the City .league. Th boys war- a little tiff from lack of practice, but when one accustomed to th handling ' of hits and bunts,' they will be able . to s o . TF you want a brand of cigarettes that you can stick to in perfect assurance that . every single cigarette will smoke as per fectly as the last one, tie up .to TaVr" " " If there is any one thing for which they are noted it is for their absolute certainty of pleasing " the most exacting taste all tht time every one r o them! That's due solely to what .they're made of, and how they're made. I -.. "Sultan Cigarettes are made of the mellowest blend of "DubeC" tobacco. (The choicest leaves set aside from the -final sorting of a picked crop are known as "Dubecs" by the Turkish, experts). And this 'Dubec" is rolled in thiri, jcrimped ' , paper-ryour choice of white rice, or that brown ; maiswith an individual mouthpiece on. each. Sultan. The at of the story Is told in the tmck ing of them I . 20 for 25c WIIY PAY MORE Gubs and Good Tobacconists Everywhere. THE JOHN DOLLMAN CO., Mfri, Sa FranHaco ee. ':. The -3 In $3 Hat3Wofld BEN SELLING The J line up: . SHAINARO CUBB. AB. , R.H.PO. A.T-. MrElwaln, . Jay Wllliflnia. Ib.-lb. Tauaher, tt. ........ Mnil, 1.4, ........ Krufinr, lb. ....... W. Morrow. Jb. ..... Kennedy, lb. ....... Kelt, c. ,,...,. Hhea, c. -,..... C. Morrow, cf. ...... Wv William, p. t a i j e a Total ' S IT COLUMBIA. AB.R. H. PO. A.K. 3b. ...... fc 0 1 S 1 1 Portsrflold. Moor, c. . . rxmley, rf. Barry, a. . Dorkatatrr, McKay, 2b. Davie, of. . O'Brien, If. Icke, p. . Welsgerbar. Total v , I . . . . a ...... .4 4 Z IX lb. ... 4 B 8 I 1 t 1 IT ( SCORE BT INNINGS. Bralnsrds . MMMi Hits . . ... 2110 1 K Columbia ..ial Hit 12 10 0 11 07 SUMMARY. Karned runs Cuba. ! PnlnmM. 1 Two-baa hits J. Wllllama. TauHher, lvu. stolen basesCubs, 2; Colura- oia, n. -is Hues on oat la off wele-rber. 4: off Locke. 8; off Williams. . iAt by pitched ball Tauaher. Btruok out By Welagerher, IS: by Ivk, T: by Wll- iiii mil, ii. who pitc-nee welagerher. Wllllamsr Passed balls Moore. Kelt, mien, innings pucnen Weiagerber. 8 ImcX: . Hit Off Welagerher, 8; off 1JU,J"' -imv i irniii t wo Dour and-aO-minufaUjanlrenach rhVT moor, i FIGHTER MAKES DOUBLE MATCH FOR HIS LIFE Means Speelal OerTlca.) Chicago. Feb. It. Herman Landfleld attar known aa Kid Herman. Ilghtwelaht ana bus aiainilda draff -mra married Saturday evening. Hwrman and brid ar to leave . Tueadav nn ineir noneymoon. ,. They trill go to Florida and spend, sometlma in airht seeing. ' From Florida they will go to Havana for a etay of several week They will b at noma to hcad friends make the other fallows go wmt, CIGARETTES Leading Hatter -t I'll FIGHT FC3 LIGHTIVEIGHT TITLE British Sports Are Interested ii Boxing Contest Tonight for Big Honors. (Jeanal ineetal Birrif.) New Tork. Feb.'2i-A dlapatchfrom London says that much in tar at la mani fested In English sporting circle In tonight's fight between Ounnar Molr and Tiger Braith for the heavyweight championship of , England. Th eon test Is to be 20-rounds, before th Na tional Sporting club of London, and ia for a purs of $1,760 and a aid bat of 12. BOO. Molr, who bolda th champion ship title, la naturally the favorit. Smith, who comet from Wale. 1 of th light weight order, and whil h has cleared up with all others, baa never shown real championship form. ' accord ing to good Judges. His moat notable victory was over Seaman Kelly, one of .tha-jneat-naarywelghta in th service. at the National Sporting club last Nov mbar. NEW YORK GIANTS ARE HEADING WESTWARD (Jearaal geectal Bentee.) . m.i Chicago Feb. 26. Member Of th New YorltKlatiohai league team ar rounding up- in Chicago preparatory to starting for th "land of th setting sun." to get Into condition for th pen nant rue of 180. According to sched ule th work of training wUl begin In Los -Angelas bafor th first , of next week. vThre weeks will be spent In CaJ lfornla and than th Quuita will traval homeward by asy stages, lingering In Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and other parta of the south to meet ' various lagu team befor th opening of th playing season. " ABERDEEN MAY TRAIN . 0N PENDLETON DIAMOND aeelal Dwae Ta lonaat) Pendlaton. Or., Feb. 25. Pendleton baseball players are now in correspond ence with R. P. Brown, now of Aber deen, who waa formerly manager of th Pendlaton baseball organisation regard ing what Pendleton will do toward grant ing th Aberdeen ball team permission to nae tb ground for training pur. nosea. .-. I Spokane's team baa made arrafigements to train at walla walla tnta year, maa lng It probable that If th Aberdeen team, which 1 a member of th north west fasagu. contract to use th Pen dlaton grounds, ther will be some good game pulled off on th local field. WRESTLING TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD AT NANAIMO (fleecta! Dispatch te The Josreal.) Vancouver, B. C, Fb. 26. A wreat- tournament will be held In Nan- alma th latter part of next month. Ther will b event In 11 v clauses, from lit pound to th haarywsfght division. ntrie ar expected from Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle, Portland and other citiea aero th border. Nan alma 1 th horn, of Dan McLeod, former world' champion, and Tom Da. vies, who for many year waa an of th best aaat artist oa th ooaat. , PARKE WILSON TO HANDLE. VANCOUVER BALL CLUB ' (gaada Owpatek t The JearaaL) Vancouver, B. Feb. 25. Park Wil son of Bant Fraadaco, th -veteran ball player and manager, has been engaged to manage the Vancouver team la th Northwestern league thl aeaaoa. It it reported that he will receive 11.00 for the aeaaon worlc. Wilson I' now In Ban Francisco and will algn tip all of hi player befor coming north. SCHEDULE OF SPORTS ; Monday Reconvened annual meeting f th National League la New Tork City. Opening of tournament at Nas sau, th first of th annual eerlea of Florida East Oolf championship. Open ing of aecond annual automobile and power boat abow at Portland, Maine, Uak ' Kuasell vs. Tommy ' Qulna. - It rounda, at Thornton. Rhode Island. Gun ner Molr va Tlgar Smith, It rounds, before National Sporting stub of Lon don for Engliah heavyweight ohara- plonship. . Tuesday Fifth annual bench ahow of Colorado Kennel club at Denver, to continue t day a Joe GaUlgaa va. Jack PurtelL It round, at Davanport. Iowa, Wednesday Freddie Cola Ta George William, It rounds, at Indianapolis. Friday Opening of 14th annual flportaman'a ahow In Madiaon Square Garden, New Tork. Saturday Entries cloa for tak event at spring meeting of Latonta Jock' tj club. Opening of second annual power boat show. Seventh Regiment Armory, Chicago, Opening of Automobile show, first regiment . arraonry, - Minneapolis. Race for aculllng championship of the world and ll.ttt a aid between George Towns, of Australia, and Edward Han Ian Durnan of Canada, to take place on the Nepean river. New South Wales. During th week, a number of the major league baseball elnba will start for th soea of ,thelr spring training, among them- those of New Tork, Cincinnati and Chicago, Kaat Want Logrollfr. fgpertel Ptanetck to The Jnernkl.V "Aberdeen, Waahj Feb. Zb! That the effete east Is looking eagerly te th young and vigorous west for It amuse ment Is evidenced by an advertisement appearing In a local paper, calling for expert log rollers to go to Coney Island next summer, to appear at one of the amusement resovl there. The parties advertising seem to be especially anx ious to obtain Indiana for thl purpose. From the number of expert In thl pastime, seen off the Fourth of July and other holiday, it would m that It should not be difficult to aecure th men wanted. - : IVndlrtoa Team Wing (oeelal Pweatr t Tke 3eal.) ' Pendleton. Or Feb. 16. In a gam ef basketball played at thl place Satur day evening between the Walla Walla High school and th Pendleton High chool teams, th local team won th gam by a scor of 20 to It. Th gam began with snap and vigor and waa so hotly contested that neither aid waa able to score for a number of miautea Lame It Vorlf Champion. (Jearnat aeecial Ferric. Pittsburgh Feb. SS. fcdward Lamer, katlag unr th eojor of the Saranaa Lake AthleUe club, proved th "dark horse". In th, flnal race for th world' championship events held at Duqneene Garden Saturday rilsht, capturing th on-mll and flv-tnll rat . . ' ATHLETIC ACTIVITY 111 THE EAST Columbia University Will Take Front Place In the Base ball World. COLLEGE NINES TURN OUT FOR PRACTICE Manhattan Bcrrlewg the Entire List of Sport for the Benefit of the nasty Reader Oarsmen Trr par ing for (he Annual Racr. ' By Manhattan. -., . - jJmirttkT SjiselaLgarvtos.l--.-. . New York. Fb. JS. Columbia may once more becnm a factor In. college aquatic; in fact, th young men of Mornlngaide heights ar quit certain that Columbia la going to be third or better- at Poughkeepsle. .Whether thl boast I to be mad good remain to b seen, but It may b set down as a fact that Jim (Uce, tn new professions; coach, , ha aroused an - enthusiasm among Columbia oarsmen such as ha not been aeen In many a day. He la an oarsman who knows the game from end to end and ha succeeded in gaining the confidence of the young men in hi charge, and they ar working a Colom bia oarsmen hav not worked since the daya when former Coach Jasper Good win and hi three boat mate mad that famou and successful trip to England. There are some tt candidate for th crew. - , It 1 a tough proposition for Rico to make any Impression on Cornell, Syra cuse or the UnlVersity of Pennsylvania hi first ysar at Columbia, but his friend believe that he will produce a orew capable of clipping ahead of on ef the three leader of laat aeaaon. Crew manager ar after football men to try for th varsity eights thi year both at ' Tale and Harvard. ""Sammy" Mora and Forbe are likely to make th attempt vat Tale, and "Jim" Mao Donald ia thinking of going into th rowing work at Harvard. Mora and Forbe ar In their last year -at Tale, and as they cannot play football '-next aeason under the eligi bility rule there will be no fearful foot, ball aaanagar to try to persuade them not to try for th crew. If en ef the three should make the Varsity eight, football men will expect him to hold his own with the sweep, aa all ef them aratrong physically and "thick -through th cheat." the kind John Kennedy, the Yale coach, like. Although th stewards of th Inter collegiate Rowing association may hav decided not to Introdnoe centipede row ing at the Poughkeepsle regatta thl year.'th stewarde of the American Rao Ing association will foater this sort of racing to th limit of their ability In the fifth annual regatta, which 1 to b hold n th Schuylkill river. May 20. On of the feature of the program I to bo the elght-ecull race, In which col lege and olub crew will compete against each other. e . . . . . . Amateur oarsmen ar awaiting with Interest the action taken en the case of Secretary Fortmeyer of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen, ac cused by Jamea B. West, th Phila delphia oaraman, of having written a Utter to th stewards of th Henley re gatta urging th rejection of weet last year en .the ground that ' he waa only of medium ability. . Mr. West, In speak ing of the mater, aaid: "It probably struck Secretary Fort meyer funny that a man should travel all the way to Henley and pay hi own expenses and row for th lov of th sport, Rowing with me la a diversion. To "be sure, I am not classed as a crack culler, although I hav won many rac es. But I don't see why I have not the right to compete wherever I please In amateur race without being Insulted by my bom governing body' eeore- frr-V- ... - . - If Mr. Fortmeyer wrote auch a letter the Impression among oarsmen ta that h should b called upon for a ex planation. There 1 reason to fear that Captain Douglas ef th Navy football team, and star baseball pltobar, will not be able to play, this ason. Th leg he broke la a football game with Prince ton two year ago has gone bad again, and he ha had to undergo tn operation. .-a . I have apoken before of the splendid work done by the Public School Ath letlo League. Here Is another Instance of what this organisation haa don for th rising generation. Th athletio badg " test, which ha Just been completed In ' the ' publlo schools, show a decided Improvement In the general physical ability ef th boy. Th fact la vary atrlklng on com parison with th results obtained last year, when 111 schools held those tests, with a total of l.14 qualifying for th badge. Thl year 122 school' held th tests, and 2.441 boys obtained badge. Approximately 10,000 boy took . th test this year, ....... . e e - .'-- Th Harvard baseball schedule, whlct ha lust been completed, consists of 2t games, the majority of whlrh will be played at Soldiers' Field. Pennsyl vania la not named among the team to be played, and th dat penally reserved for th . Quaker ha been given to Wesleyan, ' e -. Jack Johnson, the negro heavyweight, who bad t go to Australia to get a match, haa evidently struck tome easy money at laat, He missed BUI Squires, the Australism heavyweight, it la true but what he did to on Fell, announc ed aa the negro champion of Australia, was a plenty. - It may be that Johnson will be able to gain enough In Australia to keep him going until the color line grown dim here, e e . . When. Bill Squires, th heavyweight champion of Australia, arrive la San Francisco nn March 12 from th antipo des, he will receive more challenge to fight than any other foreign pugilist that over ram to this country. All of our big heavyweight ar anxious to get the firat crack at'Squtrea. aa they consider him th easiest kind of a tnark. Matchmaker McCarey, ef the Tajjlfia A. C, of Los Aengelee, California, haa announced that be will bang up a big pun for Squire and on of th big fellow to battle for. Th result la that M -Carer haa o far received word from Philadelphia Jack O'Brien. Tommy Buma, Jim Flynn, Jack "Twin" Sullivan Mike Schrerk and Jim Jeffrie that they will take Squire on. ,. "-- e . ' ' Boxing has been resumed In ChOlsea 4a th old quarter ef the Lincoln Ath letio club, ' the bout bald onfler th supervision of th New Wtaalaatmt- A, C. . .' - ' ' : ' Shewing th remarks hi growth of the aatomobllt Industry la lb Vol ted State, a atatement Issued yesterday by the Bureau of Cenaua. hi Washing ton, is of unusual Interest, ,In thla the manufacturing figures of 1)01 for the first time, are correctly -given. The total production of automobiles In 1-06 waa 22.(10, valued at I2,4t.i, aa against only ,71 In JIOO. with a value of 4.T4.,irthua ahowtng an Increase tn value of 4(1.1 per cent Of the 21. (-2 ear, turned out by automo bile factories, ll.ttt or It,! per eeot, were propelled by gasoline: Lilt,-or 7.1 par cent, by steam; and 1,4 li r I.I per cent by electricity. SPORTING GOSSIP -MM---' An - Atchison, Kane, athlete broke all record by. standing oa his head for 20 minutes. He accomplished some thing wonderful, but be' dead. e e The Portland Kennel elub direct ors wlll hold a meeting tomorrow to dta cuss th eomlng bench show. ' Frank X. Watkin haa sent hta cham pion Edgeoot Peer and hla new terrier, Iris, to th Denver bench ahow, which will open tomorrow. Manager MeCredl will leave next Saturday for- Saline, - California, the training quartere this year for th Port land Giants. Th player ar ordered to report on March I. - i The Coaat league official hav not yet definitely dtalded what elub will constitute the circuit thl -year. A a oonsecuence th manager of th differ ent team ar omewht worried. RANCH VALUE DOUBLED IN A LITTLE WHILE (pedal PUpattB te The Jearaal.) Garflqjd, Wash., Feb. 21 One of the tilggest land deals made ' here thta eea. eon wis recently consummated by the Garfield Land company, when W.- ft Southwood, a capitalist of Spokane, and C. B. Alrrlll of that place Bold part of Whitman county, with It stock, for $23,000. They had owned the farm but a short tint and had purchased it, with th stock and machinery, for 111,000. OUR In Any Uncomplicated Case NO PAY UNLESS CURED .Licensed to Practice Medlcina ta Ortgon 8PGCIAU INOTICB .feupture and Piles Cured. No Knife, no Chloroform, no Anaesthetic, no deten- , tion from business.' f In spite of th unreasonable promise of m any, let It not be the latest and best method known to medical science BLOOD POISON, NERVO-' VITAL DEBILITY. VEINS, PILES, FISTULA snd all ataociate disee with FOR MANY YEARS our cures have been along the line of rationalism. Our reputation for success and honesty has been carefully built, and the confidence of our patients is not frit-' tered away by questionable transactions. We do not accept incurable cases. Satisfactory results guaranteed. - . HOURS 8 TO 5; 7 TO 8:30 DAILY; SUNDAYS, 9 TO It. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CORNER SECOND M IF M VU LL. Il I NEVER GUESS E-oarlment or 'tak chance of any ort I attempt to cure only thoa dlaeaee that I hav been curing for the past sixteen yeara, and I believe I am Justified In saying that I have learned all about then. Were I lack ing In knowledge pertaining to -my specialty I would never have attained my present success, nor would I to day be recognised a th leading pe clxllst treating', men' diseases. If afflicted, yon .an depend upon It that the aervlce I offer you is th ervlce you need, snd Is service such eaa be rendered by no other phystclaa. My practice Is th largest becana 1 Invariably fulfill my promise. ' Varicocele T7nderfry- treatment the most ag gravated case of vsrloocel r cured In a few days time. There la no pain, and It I oeldor neceeeary that the patient be 'detained from hi occupation. Norml circulation laat one restored throughout all th or gana, and th natural processes ef waate snd repair ar a rain estab lished, tf you are afflicted with va ricocele, coneult me at once. De lay can but bring on aggravated conditions snd nervous complication that will Impair th -vital function and Involve th general health. Contracted Disorders Tn th treatment of disorder I of fer a service euch as no other phy sician can render. ' Th remedle I mploy hav a moat thorough and positive action In cleansing the meav brnnrs e all Infect Ina and subduing all Inflammation. My manner of ap plication in a urea absolute thorough ness, and removes every possibility of relapse or a ahronlo stage. Mr. cure sre not only thorough, but ere oomrllshed In the briefest tint poaalbl. " - '. IF - ChH, OR stop rare II LsTT, r "V . V I I I.I I V 1 U DQfiT HAC.r PUT ftSMKMBtw--AHetfi ate the erlgt-al sad teeeme potwas p lere th Stndr4 tc1n umi Ktmtdf. Made el abeekMely the mn " and eea materials, and Mraatee) eakaW the Pate reeaaaalLen A-t. J-M tO, ltO. Senalf4e.a, Pv Cmttitwlim. MiHmmm. Bmimki. IHnimtm. AHrtn. tU.. UU B'randreth's Pills A Laxative nl m fJlooel Saab Bin eeMalaa aae srala ef eeUs aatract at eamai tills, which, rkh etker valaakle v-evtabaj n a sieoa s-nser ot cscwhesk coaraoxer. Consultation Free Established 25 FEE rYOU ARE.WILUNGtoTiTe iipvlO or 15 minutes of your tinie by cslling; at our office -.. , or by writing a letter of faqulry, yoa will b convinced that propositions? and opportunities , worth much to you,afe being passed oyer in many cases because experience with imitators in our line of practice has prejudiced you. Seekers after truth are therefore requested to honestly investigate the . various current claims. It Is entirely within your ' power to obtain the truth, and when a man has been taken in by these impossible assertions it was because the promises were accepted without prob ing into; the real facts. " - URINARY COMPLAINTS. VARICOSE OR KNOTTED AND YAMHILL. STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON, .. BaV TATXfOB, Ta leaaaUaa; seeaal-Va, srr rsB sa omr D(D tsT aJTT VWXXrMTLXQAYXD CAB You Pay When CURED Consultitlon Frc JOB tn.,1, .U W M1, War: , TAYLOR co. Put u Xkock't Plaster fcjh up on the chest It wont ait you ta minute- tut keep It on a reasonable fenrth at thne Mdyoa via feel the) a aa . . Denial results. For tb$ icbini bach) aitotGjrtppyCbld,--ootbinr will benefit . you as much as an . AUcock's Plaiter. OH AN Toolo 4 Setablletieel 17aS seed acta, saak L-kiSt V.ewLCi'S c::n::.:a err.:? has ba eaad by wminas ef Wotav tir Shew BiMrMi wdiIs T"um for o-r I ify Y- . It eaotaas m ekiut. euf-as the gama ti ell a-ia. same wind rnraiarm. rwiciiiTT-riva r?Tti A too ( i ix. BytheLctest and Best Methods Years In Porit--- 1 forgotten that we core by their reflew complication. I AM NEVER IN DOUBT I am never In doubt a to what th reenlt from my treatment will ae. Day aft, day for etatae yeara I have been curing ease after ease t the several disease peculiar to men. No eaa eomea ta rue now, the like of which I hay not treated eora f time In th past, and I eaa at way aay definitely whether I wtU be able to effect a permanent ear. I nver hold oat false hop r mak promise that 1 cannot fulfill, and yoa eea rely absolutely upon any encouragement I may b able to offer you. - If 1 prorate yoa a euro, a cure will follow. WEAKNESS" I ear functional weaknea In men. I know of no other physician ear ing thl ailment - Moot doetore treat wrongly. Tbey give stimulants and tonlca Thee thing eaa't cur. "Weakness" is a symptom ef pros tatlo disorder, and th treatment muet be local. This la a troth that 1 myself revealed. X have perfeeted the only system ef local treatment that cure "weaknea. A few doe tor over th country claim to aur by th earn method, bat their treat, ment I enlyaa Imitation ef th genuine Tayloe method. Th gen-'f nine I here aad I administered by Its original-. .Don't hop te tat II elsewhere. Specific Blood Poison No dsngerou minerals to drive th vtres to the Interior, but k"! blood cleansing remerllee t: .i r meve the last poisonous taint. 2315 n::,v Ccr.r- ' " Cf.