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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
Till: 0II1:G0!J. DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, 1SC7. - ( RAILROADS DESIRE GERMAN BUYS STEVENCON'S HOME IN SAMOA GRAllD DUKE CYRIL Is tar House Wired? F HAPPY III EXILE 1 1 A L BLLIOll r r Fortune Needed to Carry Out Ex. tensions and Improvements Now Under Way. WALL STREET INDIGNANT AT MUCK-RAKERS' ATTACKS Loud Walling Or - Attacks Upon ' Vetted Interests - Which Cause rublle to Shy t Railroad Invest- (Journal Special hrrinl' ,i Chicago, Feb. 1, A conservative -tlraiu of th amount required to carry out the railroad extensions and improve- menu now begun, or' urgently needed, I - fixes the sura at not leu than f SOO.ouo,- 'TOO. And it I aaid that the expenditure or ima money cunoi am puv vn than Beat year. Where It la to come from. Is the question now. bothering railroad financiers, In view ;of the ln dTsposllion of capitalists toTnvesT funds la railroad securities. Among Items which go to make up the total needed. Is one from SS0.009.00u to IS9.000.000 to complete the Milwaukee , ". Bt. Paul extension to the Pacltfo coast The Pennsylvania will have to raise 170.000,000 to take care of obliga tions already outstanding. The Norfolk ee Western had advertised plans for the expenditure of 114.000,000 In needed Im provements. . . Arrangements appear to " have been completed by -J. J. Hill for raising the amount necessary to con . rtruct 1.000 miles of new extensions.- ' Somas Drug- oa Market. The Wall street bond-buyers are ap '". parently ultre-eonaervatlv just now, and .numerous powerful railway corpo rations are resorting' to the expedient V" of negotiating short-term notes at rather high rates of Interest, because they have found their bonds were some what of a drug on the market. The Great Northern has been engl . peering suoh a deal during the past few days, and certain bankers are aaid - to - have offered to acoonamodat Mr. Hill, provided-fag will pay on His short Jims notea i per cent interest .Mr. Hill attempted to float $.000.0OO of "TstoclT for th" OrcarTforUiern. but the T Minnesota courts declared that he timet , first go to the state railroad eommls . elon and procure from It authority for "the desired flotation. i The stock tssu . was thus suddenly . stopped.' and the ---short, time-notee expedient was aubatU ' tuted. - - . .. . . Wall aWree Indignant. '' In this, Mr. HU1 was following the example set by the financiers of other . roads, notably the Pennsylvania, which has $50,009,000 of them to pay next No vember; Quebec. Montreal at Northern r l. 000,000. guaranteed by the Dela ware at Hudson, is another Instance of recent flotation of that character. ' Coinctdentiy with these-transactions," Wall street Is fairly with In dignation at that to which . the. stock Jobbers refer as tha-attack en -rested interests. Allegations are made that the recent campaigns against tha rall I . - - ' OB. V. J. rBXTO, aTatuopatk. If tk Zfftslaaac were to rasa tew as :.-'.' : -' ABOLISH DRUG STORES " And another most stringent act to Compel an Hegira . of Doctors , Ftotti the Stat of Oregon, people would stand aghast-and declare Its members craxy or Idiotic. Vet this very thing might very profit ably be done. Omit from the ex pulsion the beneficial quinine, Epsom salts and one or two of th tested astringents, then . - - AW AT WOT AX.T. TX BBS Oi txj roisoaroua acsga or ran siooonosra Andv" Oregonlsns, after being taught the vslue of the sweat bath and th Naturopatio aystem of treating diseases, would be txb nAZiTKixsT noru o , THIS tkUI BABTK. Oh, that all sick people were en dowed with thoughtful brains. ' Half of them do not know enough , about alcknana to last them through a spell of heartache. If they did they would not so heart- . lesely drench their poor stomachs with any kind of alop that an ex perimenting "physician" may pre scribe .for them. Instead, they would com at once to ona who give ' . .v ' bo xniorn at iu, . . Tet' cure more 'sickness than any half doxen of the "regulars" that ever lived. We wish w could afford a whole-pa ga adver timment in which to publish our testimonials. But our charges are too low for anything Ilk that. Dr. N. J. Fulton , ' WATTTBOr ATX. , - 315 TWEinn STREET Corner Clay, ob bloak front X. O). ear, a front lltfe street eatv t from J ft man ear. Telepboa, - --- Main 9183. ' aTaaMeaaTMHaslaMBaaMaMaVMaaaaBBBMBBlaBBBM 1 J '' " ' ' ' . '' ' ''' ": -T-- X X - Photo shows tha house in Samoa, once Inhabited by Robert Lonla.Stavenson, which baa been bought by ' tha German governor, Dr. Solf, who intend to make It hla official residence, a fact which has greatly an gered many people In England, who cannot forget the famous author's implacable hatred of everything ' German. '-.; ..t ; ... . ; ' " ,i ' y- .. ' ', - . ' . . , . ',.,.;...;-.. road abuses have frightened capital, so that it Is impossible to induce inves tors to place their money In rail securi ties. . ' " .; . ; I ' '' ' - ' .- . I '' ' Boastlag Kooserelt. ' ' The Wall irT"jourratlgSF"prlrrnng dally columns of "roasts" on President Roosevelt and other trust-busters, and which they aver will be. the inevitable outcome of a continuation of the pres ent policy. , . Experienced observers regard these Incidents aa part of the coming political campaign, tha Intention being to Influ ence the public to accept aa a. Republi can candidate a man of the conservative type. Those same observers believe that succesa of such a plan will mean that the long-tiro Incumbency qf power by the Republican party will and with March 4, 10. PITCHFORK JABBED INTO JAPASESE QUESTI03 Tillman ' Militant in Midst of iMembersiWho;. WouldPIayi Smooth Game. Iewaai SperUI gerTlea.i Washington. Feb. It. In the course of the senate debate on the Japanese xclusion question Senator Tillman yes terday characterised the Japane as "undesirable Mongolians." ,i Lodg announced that further discus sion of that phase of the question would necessitate- the closing of tha door. ' Fllpt of California opposed th drag ging of th San Francisco situation Into the debate. He aaid th Pacific slope waa trying to adjust a trying situation In a dlplomatio manner and deprecated Its connection with th conditions In th south.. -- j- - ' Tillman with great 'warmth declared he objected to th pending amendment being rushed through . "under, orders from tha Whit Hduaa." He regretted the conference of th president and tha Callfornlana and protested against the "attempt to make him kowtow and tip to about the senate while discussing the desirability of excluding th Japa nese." -Ha aaid he resented the "ten dency of the man at the Whit House ' to meddle with everything In th United I States. H- declared th present waa j a grav situation, .but there would hav ; been non nut tor in president. , I Bacon of Georgia declared it was pro- posed to deprive th south of th right I to secure needed alien labor. Lodge denied this. Bacon reaented th Insinu Hnn that hla attitude waa not a sumed In good faith.. H declared h waa not in absolute sympathy with tha Japanese coolie provision but said u could pass without his opposition If It stood alone. H exclaimed: .-'. 'There is no disposition here to add to the tension on th Psclflo coast but It would b wrong to combine xnat ieai in. with an ohleotlonable bllL" He declared th till could not pass under other circumstances and chsrged that many senators had been placed In an embarrassing position by th admin istration.- . . - RAILWAY WILL HELP PAY FOR IMPROVEMENT For th flrt tlm In" th history of th city -council a railway corporation has offered to pay a portlon of th coat of th Improvement of a street -noon which It has no - abutting, property. Through Curtis O. Sutherland, aonflden tlal agent of th Harrlman lines, tha Southern Paclfla yesterday proposed to tha eannell' eommitte on streets that Rut Twentv-f lrat street be Improved from Bush street to It oaf hops. The improvement would call for 160 feet of street work, and Mr. Sutherland said his company waa willing-1 pay 1400 of th eoat. ' - . ' ' Th company ha no proporty along th etreet. but It deaire th Improve ment mad so that th fir angina may be abl to reach th shops In cas of a fire. -' Th eommitte recommended that tha- strt be Improved wlth ma cadam. Th eoat will be about SO. TOMORROW AFTERNOON ' V AT Ye M: C. A; ROOMS - Aa't interesting program . ha been nlannad for th T. W. C. Af "at horn1 to ha held . tomorrow afternoon from 4 to at th headquarters of th aaeocla tlon. Sixth and Oak street. Th musical program will eonatst of a vocal solo by Mrs. sua H. Soul ana von! aolo Toy Mrs. Hal Dixon and Mis Delta Watson. Bar. D. H. Hare will give the addres. Mm Jamae MacKen- la will have charg of th "drop .In' Bible class, Mrs. B. M. Bile of th little Journey" room, end Miss Day of th story room. Mr. David Dalglatah will be th boat of th afternoon. A cordial invitation la given to all young women. . u ',.-..... ' February Atonea for Jannary. . ' (Sneelal Dlaeeteh The Jnaraat.) . McMlnnvltle, . Or., ' Feb, 1(. For', the paat 1 day Yamhill ha been enjoying eome fin weather. The sky 1 bright and clear and tha lr balmy as spring. This 1 th longest ' stretch of clear weather so. far In February sine not, when February had th record of if clear days. A stxtob: nr Will save nine. So will a bottle of Ballard' Horehdund Syrup always kept on hand save many a spell of alckneaa A atire iur for Coughe. Colds, Bron chitis snd Whooping Cough. ' Mrs. S ., Hot Springs. Ark., writes: "I keep a bottle of Ballard's Horehennd Hymp la- my martlolne oheetr-and - thankv my forethought .many . times. ... It has pre vented many severe spell of lokoeaa." Sold by alb druggist, i ' y. --j " ' 1 . ' " ' . '. ' -i ; . t. MACKAY TO BUILD CABLE TO CUBA Announcement .Mads of .Direct " v Wire Under Sea From New :l York to Havana. also own control of Bell telephone system Proeperotia Condltloa ' of Telegraph and Cable Oompaates Shown at Annual Meeting . in Boeton Ho . Debta Ontotandlng. - - r wimr-Spdtr"Serrle.rrr Boston, Feb. ,1- At th annual meet ing - of - th shareholders of v th Mackay companies th number of trustees waa Increased from . fir to aeven. Th present flv- trus teec, Clarence H. . Mackay, William W. Cook, George O. Ward, Dumont Clark and- Edward C Piatt, were re elected. The two new trustees elected are Mr. Pliny Flak, who I at th head of banking houaea of Harvey Flak Bona. New York, and R. A. Smith, who la a member of tha banking house of Os ier A Hammond, Toronto, Canada. - - The annual report of tha trustees of th Mackay companies waa Issued today. Its essential features are a follows: The Mackay companies own th whole or part of tha capital atock of 101 pros perous cable, telephone and telegraph companies In th United State, Can ada and Europe Including the entire capital atock of the Commercial' Cable company and '-the- varloua - companies constituting th land line system known aa the Postal Telegraph. The purpoee la to make thtf basis of th Mackay companies so broad and diversified as to reader Impossible any fundamental Impairment of th value of th preferred or common share a. accordingly th in vestments Include stocks In submarine cable companlea in the Atlantlo and Pacific oceans and In th Postal Tele graph land Una aystem and In dividend paying stocks In the best telephons companies.. Control Bell Talepbxm,' '"' Th Mackay company la by. far th largest stockholder In th American Telegraph. aV Telegraph company, com monly . known aa the Bell Telephone company. Ita holding being more than four time those of any other stockhold ers In that company. The, report add that th present friendly relations should be cemented In. th Interest of shareholder of both companies and l also of tha public at large. They trust and state that notwlth standing these dsys of money borrow ing and mortgage giving they ar again able to announce that the Mackay com' panlea have no debta Tha outstanding shares are $50,000,000 preferred and M1.I80.40O common. During the past year I9.S54.40 preferred -shares have been Issued In exchange for stocks of corporation which In addition . to strengthening the poaltlon of th Mack- ay companies pay-th4s much or -mora dividends than the corresponding divi dends paid on the Mackay companlea preferred shares. . - -. v - v ""- "Hw Oabl to Onbe. Th land line system, th Postal Tele graph.. 1 being constantly extended, and also shows substantial Increased gross receipt and net profits ever the pre vious year. On December . 10, th 40-year monopoly of all ' telegraphlo and cable business between Cuba and th United State, granted by tha Span ish government in ISM, to th Interna tional Ocean Telegraph company and later I acquired by . th Western Union Telegraph company, cam to an and by th expiration of th 40 year. Th trustee applied to th American governor in charg of th provisional government of Cuba for th usual- per mit for . tn landing - and operation of a ' submarine cable between th two countries and Such permit haa lust been granted. The first plan wss to pursue the same route aa that of tha Western Union Telegraph company, namely a land line system from New Tork CUy to Florida and a submarine cable sys tem from .Florida te Havana, but th trustee decided to lay a aubtnarln ca ble direct from New Tork to Havana, thereby . giving a three-minute service aa against . an average thtrty-mlnut service. The entire coat of thle Import' ant extension to Cuba will b paid out ox current profits. ... Stock Sold to Bmploy. . Attention 1 called to tha fact that on January 1, lt07, all free passes were abolished on th Postal Telegraph sys tem and that during the psst year there tin been Inaugurated and put Into successful operation a plan whereby th employes of th organisation ar given an opportunity to purchase pre ferred ehare- in the Mackay oomnanle and to make payment therefor by In stallment A large number f th em ploye hav availed themaelve of thl opportunity and th plan ha been ao tuoeeasful that arrangement have been mad to contlnn It. . - BISHOP SCADDING TO , v ,y GIVE CHURCH LECTURES Right Rev. Charles' Bcaddlng, D. D., bishop of Oregon, will deliver during th LsnteiT Season flv Ulustrsted lnc- tnres. on rtinrch -history,- at- St" David' church. East Twelfth and , Belmont etreeta. Th lectures wllll be delivered on flv Wednesday evenlnga, beginning jrenruary go, at I o'clock. Th flrat lectur will embrace that period of church hlatory from' tha Ro man oonTraaat-to-thTnlssr6n6f"8CAu-guatln. 3. C 55, to A. D. 117. Others In order : "The Conversion of Eng land to th Roman Conquest," . A, D. 107 te A. D.10; "Papal Aggression and the Reformation. A. D. 10V0 to A. D. 156S; The Reformation to th Land ing of th Prince of Orange," A. D. 1561 to A, D. 1411; Th Church in Modern Day.- Bishop Bcaddlng will Illustrate hi lec ture with lantern slide. 40. Interesting pictures being used with each leoture. ' t.000 western grocer return dissatis fied customers' money for coffee and tea achming Best. - lUR'S LIFE A F,!0DEl FOR EVERY BDY Rabbi Jonah Wise Calls Martyred PrewdentTirst -ancT Noblest 4 , : : VI Sort of Liberty, H -"Abraham Lincoln?, waa the subject of a lectur delivered last night by Rabbi Jonah B. Wlsa before a congregation at Tempi Beth Israel. Rabbi Wise re viewed th biography of th great eman cipator and held him up aa- ehlnlng example for the children of the land. Closing, h said: H was of th truly great He cam prepared 'and none knew htm. Ha cam armed and they thought that those about him must bear tha burden. But hla mind and soul were greater than theirs and led them all. They, were not en vious, for they had learned to admire hla keen and unerring Judgment, which solved great problems as If by intuition. His death-bed eulogy was from Btanton'S lips: ' H " belongs to-history. 7- So--In deed he does, to history and to u Hla Ufa, his character ar American; his memory should itlr ua to better things. Near us should be his monument, hla picture should be before us, his Ufa a model for boy and man, .- H knew great happiness tn that he had high ambitions, but h knew th greatest sorrows, for h wa true to hi people and hi trust. Th man child of Democracy, the first and noblest son of liberty, th leader of men. the man of sorrows peace be on him . and hi memory,' subleasing to the thousandth generation oi inose insi iovs mm. uoa grant we shall always know him and In time- of our country's need may our common father rals ap another Ilk nn. to Abraham Lincoln." . . , . WILL HANDLE FREIGHT FOR THE EAST SIDE Freight traffic of th Southern Paclflo and the O. R. St N. eomieanle- In Kast Portland, heretofore under Joint euper- vlslon of William Merrlman and J. B. Glover," local freight agents of the re apectlve systems, haa been aegregated and will be placed In charge of George r. Egan. Hla office will be that of freight agent for allied Harrlman lines on th east aid. He waa formerly O. R. A N. agent at Huntington, and th new poaltlon 1 a decided promotion. - East Portland freight - traffic, which la absolutely controlled by th Harrlman linee, haa grown very heavy, and Is said to be almoet equal t. that -of the-west aide. Aa both roads enter East Port land before reaching th west side of th river, a large amount of freight re main there, since it costs the shipper a ts switching charg te ' bring a car over th steal bridge. BROKE LAW BY GETTING . . OFF ON WRONG SIDE Holding that Mis Emma Shaman was herself responsible fo being knocked down and dragged by a Montgomery street "car, . Circuit Judge Oantenbeln granted a nonsuit In Miss Shaman's 15.000 damage suit against the company yesterday afternoon. By getting off the wrong- aide- of - the- ear-aha - waa- guilty of contributory negligence, th court held. Inasmuch aa there la a city or dinance requiring that passengers . be prevented by a metal gat from alight ing In thl manner, Mlns Sheman will try to bring her suit again, basing it on pleading specifying this phase of th question. JUDGE M'BRIDE ILL -CLELANO TO PRESIDE (Special Dispatch te The JoarnaL) Astoria,. .Or, Feb. 14. Judg T. A. MoBrld - haa - Informed County Clerk Clinton that on account of hla Illness ha will b7 unable to com to Astoria Monday to open court. Judge Clelnnd of Portland baa consented to open court and preside until J'Jdge MoBrlda I abl j to attend." OSTEOPATHY OB A L34TTTD Tm ' 912.00 Per Month ! Klrkavflle Infirma ry of Osteopathy, room 11 Orand The atre building, Wash ington and, Park. Dr. Sommer, grad uate . in . medicine and oataopathy and formerly . professor . CM. f II 4 1 1 ni1'- -of -Osteopathy, man ager. aT. f Daughter Is Bom to Czar's Kins rnan and Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg. . WORLD WELL LOST FOR WOMAN HE LOVED Marriage Resulted In Forfeiture of Rank, Title and Honor In Roasla - bat He Does - Not Car Living - Quiet at Ctoburg. - , (Journal Special Service.) Berlin, Feb. X. Stripped of . rank, titles and honora by hla cousin, the ciax, and marked for death by the Rus sian' revolutionaries, there I ao happier or mora contented man in all Europe today than th Orand Duka Cyril Vlad-Imlrovltch- of Russia. Living a secluded but contented life at Coburg, happy tn the love-of tha woman whom he man led in defiance of the wtahe of hi Imperial relatives, th grand duke haa thla week had hla cup of bliaa filled to overflow ing by th birth of a daughter, . - It will be remembered that the mar riage a year ago of. tha Orand Duke Cyril to tha divorced wife of the Orand Duka of Heaae terminated a love match of many years' duration. Th two were boy and girl lovera at a period whan both of them war In their teens. Thar war unfortunate political objection to their marriage and tha Prince Victoria of Saxe-Coburg, as aha then waa, be came th wife of Orand Duk Ernaat Louis of Hesse. The marriage turned oat -extremely unhappy and ended in divorce. - a soon aa the divorce had been announced Orand Duk Cyril Im mediately appeared at Coburg and re newed hi ardent declarations of love. Th grand duchess hesitated to marry again because thl step would hav made It lmpoaslble for her, under the terms ef her divorce, ever to ee her only child, the little Prince Elisabeth. to whom ahe waa passionately attacbed. Princes Elisabeth, however, who lived wlth--hcr father, was poisoned whlle visiting tha emperor and empress of Russia. Her tragic death removed the eornples of the grand duchess regarding mar riage, and 'ah consented to become Cyrtl'a ..wife. The csar prohibited the marriage for varloua reasons, but Orand Duke Cyril Ignored the wlahee ef hla Imperial relative and he and the grand duchess were married at Munich. The csar retaliated by expelling him from the Russian army and navy and by ordering him never again- to appear at the Russian court. The couple . paid llttl attention to the csar displeasure and ever sine their marriage have been living a happy, retired llf at th royal palace in Coburg. M'MINNVILLE COLLEGE GLEE CLUB'S CONCERTS ("metal ttlaeateh to The JoareaD McMlnvllle College, Feb. !. Th two glee club r now pnttlng on the fin- lahlng touches' preparatory to giving their home eoneerta The glrla' club will lng February 11. Thl la the first regular girls' club the college haa ever put one Mis Urace Henderson is man agar. ' 1 Th boys' club haa set th data for Ita oonoert aa March IS. Thar ar IT In th boy' and 10 in th girls' gle club. Professor F. O. Boughton I man ager of th boy' club. Both are under the dlreotlon of Mr. GL C Potter, KLYVER LOSES FINGERS AND POSSIBLY THE HAND (Sptctal Dlsnatefe te-Te fearraL McMlnnvlUe, Or Feb. Carl Kly ver, engineer at Butter ones xaotory, had hla left hand frightfully mangled in tha gearing of the machinery.' He is oiling the gearing that rune the brick machine, and the cog caught th finger of hi glov and drew his hand into th machine. Th accident will cause the loss of all hla finger and poa-' slbly the entire hand. - What Doctblr'aS - Prescription Ever wonder what kind ef dope too vour doctor rives you a prescription T crlptioi he will not give you a aatisfactory reply, yoweom of the thing Inf tn prescription. of them. There'a a good reason why. wouldn't take his dope, and of course te tell you the truth. When a doctor glvea a preacrlption some rhronlo trouble ha alwaya put to deaden or etupefy - th nerve. That'a killing pain, nerve. Of course, if your , ailment Is of a chronic nature, the pain will come : back and you muat keep on taking' the aame drug or for break! . oua you The used the coca and are nerves for fiends ' thro contain! relief of entna chronic die- - i - aae. Nature may cur the dlseaae, but th drug . hnblt stay with you al ' vrsys. Th last three poison . mercury, arntnlo and pot- ' ash are used in treating nearly all dlsordera and diaeeses of the blood. , : atomaclt and digestive or gana. You know mercury Is qiitckntlver, and when it a short, time, but It la JT--. '' ifttf-.H-' ,f f-1 trouble and reatoreri mv Ing down your nerv- ;. -. Vi.. tt ' ,VSJ V S'AsV ' ' atrength after I had tried aystem and, -ruining -.-. .fs"W-!&Ete'fa.k J.v-S-''V?I; 2 ' many other methoda with- r atomach. , ' . '..-.. r-.- '-t VV,r...r:-i.i td---'i4 , out benefit. polaona that are V '' Ji'tf, ttV1!: THOa KEL8AT. Smith, Or. moat frequently by .v..r 'ig'..iivltdi Y l t . ift'ttWA.: :'ffj .see doctora ar morphine, rv-. v-it il";-? -'.fyhUJjkf.i:- V4 . ' After two months annll. tine, mrcury, arsehlo l ' W-fV '.'. cation of Electro-Vigor t potash. The flrst twe . '?, V" ." T,vSA VAX: no lonaer auffer from i-ln. uaed to etupefy the &,.:KSLXbfi'$ '-V h' ,n bc" kidneys, vea and are rejanonslhle- Tf-s. f my food dlgaata propavlV thouaanda of drug , ..-i'Vf Ativrf-V t .Ytliilfi ,f . . and n ih. ivi.m. "h,LL,hrb,t XX 'V gtty . ' wknee. and mlcocl. ugh th us of drug , JPi . "VT-i'7' . ' cnr.,1 ng dona fr th V.l 7. ' jRqw ',..: ..,. ' cuill Xirir inn gcta Into the body It atava there, it deatroya tha digestive juice and eat out the lining of the atomach. Arsenic -wenkena tha digestive organs, makes the eyes weak, causes nervousness and Inflame the stom ach. Potash destroys th wall of th atomach. produces terrible headaches, mskeethe blood thin and Irritates the eyes nose and throat. The life of the nervea and organ of your body 1 electricity. If you are elck or ailing In any way It la because of the failure or breaking down of eome vital organ. The reason any organ falls to. do Its work Is because It larka electricity. When It la doing Its work right the atomach generatea electricity for the support of th body and Itself. When It la not able to generate this nevid force It must have artificial aid. Tlila la electricity, artificial electricity, aa applied by Electro Vigor. , . , My method of curing dtaease t to go down to th. "vary foundation of tha trouble and remove th can. When I hav removed th cause. Nature will do the . reaL. ' " If not don't .delay, bat get it wired ' at once . The wires put you in touch with a world of comfort that the v dweller in a wireless houst can never appreciate. Good light alone is a suf ficient reason for haying it wired but there are many other- reasons When " you have-electric connection you will find a dozen uses for the current all contributing so much to the pleasure of living that you'll wonder how you ever did without them ' Some day you will grow firedof " . shaving ; with lukewarm water and will want to try an electric shaving mug Your wires arc in so all you'll have to do is to make the attachment , You'll find it too good to be without , At odd times you'll pick up little electric devices, rendering one service or another economically and quickly, and presently you'll be living in an elec-. trie home, amid greater comforts and wfivenienlliMypu ever dreamed of Oct Your House Call Ph on Main 6688 fr Information Portland Railway Light 6 Power Co. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS M You Q et ar getting whan Paint Protection V e TfUectro-Vigor Is a relief front the eld eyatem et drugging. It doea by natural meane what you ea-pee drug to do by unnatural meana It la Nature's way ef curing disease, for It glvea back to the nerve and or If you ask him '. He i i might tMl but not all If you knew you he couldn't afford gans me power Electro-Vigor 1 to relieve pain or In a little poison -v - cells. It Is easily, during the night tnat strengin 0? -irv '-V- t.v 1.'V vVVv is- t -. . . . r. .r j. - : s.-r. x-z ' thla book in plain wrapper, prepaid, free. If you will Inclose this ocvpon. I want to convince every an fferer that he can get benefit from my treatment. Nolwwly should he without It for It Is chosp enough, far chewper than a cont eev of doctoring, snd 1 want everytxxly to try It. Cutout th coupon and send for my book now.. S. A HALL. M. D. 1439 Fillmore St., Sai Vrc-. TleAe send me, I rated book. NAME XrrRK.S3 B M 11 II II M ii i! M M M Wired at Once M The Palate w proffer the tmbllo hereabout have a bulldog grip on X the situation. That 1 they hold X fast, hang on, ' endure, last long; X vona wnua considering, . oeoau nma palnta look pretty for awhile then fade, lose color, bllatar, fall oft Right paint at right prloea hero mi- TOE BIG PAT-H ST0HE Fisher, Thorscn & Co. . nowr awd xojuubo I n T he tney nave lost, wbich is their Ufa, a body battery mad of sees rate drr com fortably worn neat to th body and glvea out a continuous stream of ouiiaing, nerve-feeding force whlcn I tn basis ef all health. Klectro-Vigor Is not aa . electrlo beltthere la no charging to do no vines legar Jther or acia solution to Dot . with. e e There I nothlne to sonal Electro-Vigor aa a cur It Joseph, Or. FREE TO YOU Oet my 1oo-Pge book describing Klectrw Vigor arid with llluatrutloha ? fully developed men and women ahowing how It la -applied. This bonk tells In pIhIii language many things yoo want to know and gtvea a lot of good, wholaaome advice for men. I'll aeml prepaid. , your free l